.' i*v.Jiif.J*ftfc i$k&:wmj. 4 aulo, rnopilKTon; T:i'T*^ = hY/BBraBMBBB 8;; 1997. P$ Jlow^Hn xo&between GoefleJd il^i(CoiohetDr North is in a ^bftd condition being fall of pitch g^#-T*flf little wouldputthe road Shape and the two township ioilfl should loojc after it. The por- of the road -within the corporation ite of the Town of Essex is also in r condition and the Board oi Works lohja repair it. An extra effort should ijgfyide to Wo oil roads leading- into i0 town in good condition for tho fair and as this road ia mnoh there should be as little delay possible. __________' |5i^pB Directors of the Great Western Exhibition are preparing for their an- nil fair to be held at the Exhibition bunda, Town of Essex, on the last ee 'days of September. Secretary man is sending out prize lists to es in all parts of the country, aters announcing the dates are being '$iap and an effort is being made to aye some prominent man open the <Bxbibition.' There will be trials of jjsj&ed on the second and third days of thefair, besides a -bicycle race. The itbwn council should see thai the roads jino* streets of the town are put in good ^Condition and that the eidewaldfl ore al &'a;good Btato of repair. As all kinds Of farm produce arc yielding gOod crops this year and everything is in a Sflonrshing oondition, there is no on why this year's exhibition jphould not excell that of any former Wh it their convention in Win dsor last Saturday, the Conservatives of North ' ssex selected G. A Wintemuto, of atone, as their standard-boaror to bjatest the riding at the approach iug Srovinoial elections. Dr. J.O. Eonume, esident of the convention, called the Meeting to order and it was found that nf pf-flrtotal representation of 154 there ire 144 delegates preaont. There ere 'several nominations but at the al vote Mr. Wintemnte was so far in me lead that his nomination wan made amnions. Mr. Wintemute, the con nate selected, is a prosperous farmer Stfaidstone township. He is about i;years old and bus been prominently Spntifled with county affairs for the 115 years. For 11 years ho has ^presented his township in the County buncil!and baa served a term as war- of the Countv. Ho is also tho bminee of tho Patrons of Industry. iiAst Saturday's Gazette appeared ^announcements that N. A. Bartlott, UVindsor, had been appointed Major he 21st Battalion, Essex Fusiliers, [;tbat liiout. Herbert Kommis Butty been promoted to bo Adjutant of jfe'Siet battalion, and that Sergt. Gor* Howard Gartner had boon pro- (sionfllly appointed second lieutenant pN6. 5 company, Provisional Second rent. Pointing boing permitted to ro- ?e. Mr.. Betty lived for aomoyears |.teamington,whoreho praotisod with lex, Baird, O. Xj. S. Ho has boon at led to tho Essex company and for te last year has been sponding his i in acquiring a military education j&wpen the Jjondon school and Kings- Jn-military college. At tho latter in- itntion he togk a very fino oourso, |ttingan avernge of 88/ Mr. Botfcy ies of good military Btocl,his father Jyjng been a colonel of artillery iti \i Imperial service Ho has two fhers also in tho British unvy, ' Ho ll.make a good ofllcor. Mr. Botty is |$loye& at present in the service of Fam Walker. & Sons. i'V -i ______________. Western Fair, London. (jJthe Oth of September tho Great ^tookand Agricultural Show at ,on will open its gatos, and from tj^iiy to' the 18th many thousands of S will pass in and out of thoiri. 8^'Secretary persists in calling it ""Tji'fl Favorite Live Stock and Agri- al Pair on account of tho largo $>er.' brooders* herdsmen and jjpjjf who make thoir appearance an- }jjj& with and in search of tho cream ^droves, herds and flooks of this JjiyV The word Agrioulturo is H:in its moaning, including overy- ^growing from the soil. At tho J|ern it not only includes tho varied cts of the fields, gardons, or- disy greenhouses and conservatories jie best of each variety and shows thjfli country js capable of raiding, ^.pirectors are doing their best to the people in this advanced "and flitio exhibition a great pictorial from nearly every branch of 93J learning, dition to tho complete (exhibits .ye provided a full list of. special $sjjpf the very best to amuse, . in-, '^pd educate theiri visitors: Pro-: 'Mif^B, of the special attractions will led free to any address. ' want and enjoyable time is in all who can make it corivemJ ^attend. Special train , arranger ^jiave been provided to enable ^o wish to stay over for the ".ilJilCfe ?Jnroteohniq display in S to do floj.ask your agent. ~ e greater suocesa the ex- cater benefit to the: peo- ^: : f5;fi - v mythlsBec^ man^uol labor P There;'U radically wrong.) In our opinion^ the whole tendency of the education of the present-day is to induce and Influence young people to enter the professions rather than some honest trade. Not that the formor is more remunerative than the latter, for there are lawyers, doctors and teachers in all otn*~ towns who are livings-God only knows how. Then why will young pepple rush, with out any seeming forethought on their part, into professions already over crowded and offering no prospect of riches or position? Statistics prove that there ia one practising physiolan in Ontario for every five hundred of the population, The other day the Orangeville Pnblio School Board ad vertised for two teachers for the re mainder of the year, the salary in con nection with each position being $125 for the term. How many applicants were there? Just 189, And still the number of these entering tbe teaching profession is yearly groWint? larger. We only take this profession for con venience: the othors are crowded just as badly. There aro enough duly quali fied teachers in tho Province to-day to fill every position now vacant or that will be vacant during the next ton years, provided not a single person moro should enter the ranks for that period of time. Interchangeable nileaze Tickets. A new form of Thousand-Mile Ticket, the result of careful consideration and discussion between the railroads and their principal patrons, will be placed on sale September 1st, at all important Michigan Central ticket offices. The ticket is sold for 8#0 with a rebate, to tho purchaser $10 when used up in compliance with its conditions and is accepted on all the lines in tho Central Passenger Asnooiation, forty-flve in number and covering a vast extent of country. No mileage book has yet been devis ed so acceptable to all parties concern ed and so advantageous to the holder. Every one who is likely to travel ~a thousand miles in a yonr should avail themselves of it, and should consult the nearest Michigan Central ticket agent. Essex. A. O. SriMHits, Agent. 86-4t Amherst burg. Miss Ira Bourk, of Windsor, is visit ing Miss Maud Ouellette, this week, Boy Haokott, of Detroit, spent Sun day in this vicinity. \V. Cloary, of Windsor, ih" the guest of I. G. Nicholson this week. C. A. Cuddy returned on Saturday from a visit to hia homo in Strathroy, Miss Auuio Jjivain, of Cleveland, is visiting with relatives in town. Dr. K. Sioklestoel and family moved to Stratford thiswook. Miss Annie Bailey ia quito ill this wook with hay fever. Miss Irene Whiting," of Dotroit, is visiting with Mrs, MoLood. Tho funoral of John Dornan was con ducted from the R, O. Churoh last Monday morning. Mrs. A. E. Gooderhnm and family who have boon summering at Amhorst- burg, loft for thoir homo in Toronto, i>n Monday. A-writ has boon issued against tho town of Amhorstburg by Simon Eraser asking for nn injunction to restrain the defendants from draining rofuse mattor through tho plaintiff's lot, south of Dalhousio street. Capt. Prank- H. Park, of the Mutual lino steamer Corona, who was stricken with paralysis, on Thursday died at his homo in Amhorstburg last Saturday morning at tho ogo of 84.' When ho was 20 years of ago ho beoamo master of tho stenm'or' Xt. A, Paokor, of tho Lehigh Velloy Transportation Co>1( Later ho commanded the tug Thompson and from her ho wont into one of tho Monominoo lino Htoainora, leaving her to-tako tho Corona, In. all his sailing as master ho uovor had nn aoaidont, and was woll thought of by both em ployers and associates. Tho funeral was hold at Amhorstburg Inst Monday morning. ^ 0 ^vdoaW^ < The CounoU raettr^snaifeto adjourn- tnent. .All tho members preaani'.;^tif&p minutes of the lait regular. 'ses'sJoA. ot July Blflt and of the apeoial sessions* of Ang7th arin jlth;wereiread and adopt ed. Herbert Smith again addressed the Council in reference to hie claim for Compensation for damages said tp be received by the overflow of T.D. 64. Laid over for the Council to inspect the locality. Mr, Smith asked for the repair and improvement of T.D. 04 by deepening the outlet into Belle River on the 11th con road to take all the water from the 11th con road Instead of sending it north to the north town line. No notion taken,on the above request. Mr Newman-was commissioned to. at" tend to repair of bridge on town line with Mr Dewhirst from the Council of Rochester. Mr Barlow was appointed com. in the place of tbe late John T. Brown for the commutation of Alfred Cummifbrd's Statute Labor on the South Bear Road. Moved by J T Mil ieu, seconded by H Barlow, that the Olork publish Drainage By-law No 08 for tbe repair of the 7th con and w. town- line Drains in tho Esbex Fbeb Fuess as soon as he receives notice that the Engineer's Report is accepted by G0S7 field South, the Court of- Revision to be held on tbe Monday following the last publication of tbe By-law. Carried, The estimates for tho current year were disoussed and it was decided to levy a a rate of 1} mills on the dollar for our- rent expenses of the township, the township's share of theDrainage deben tures maturing in 1808, and that' por tion of the school rates to be paid but of the genoral funds under tho authori ty of section 00 of the Publio Schools Act 18&4.' By-law No 08 to lovy the County Bate, Township Rate and School Rates was then read the necess ary number of times and passed. The following orders on the Treasurer wero passed Brett and Auld, printing, etc $40,36; Jas Bain, costs of sohool orbitra- tion&27.40; Geo Gammon.rep of bridge "over T D 71 on n Bear Road $2.75; Jos -Haggins, grading on 8th con road (from gtmorol funds), $10; Jas Haggins, grad ing on the 8th con road (from general funds), $0;WBKellett for G Cowan, rent of houso for Campbell to Sep't 1st $3; W Brinacombe, wood for Campbell $1; Jas Campbell, charity for Sop't $8; R Stevenson, cutting thistles in D|ivjl n townline 88; VV Lee, ropairing bridge ovor Puce Drain and notifying parties to remove house from the highway $3; Charles Murray, rebuilding bridge over Upcott Drain on the 8th con road $11; Alvin Crton, equalization of school sections 5, 7 and 13 $4.60; Jas S Laird, survoy and report for ropair of tho 7th con and w s Bd Drain $39. Tho Coun cil then adjourned to Saturday, Sep't 35th at ono o'olook p m. ., u'l ""'" Jli ...... -.v-.-xJa ' dfi .. . Until further notice we will offer all Lines of strictly Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced pricea *s In this sale will be included the balance of our Dongola Foxed Rnssian Canvues Shoee, for Men, Women and Children^ Straw Hats for Men Children. and Boy0 ; Sailors for Women and Summer Coats for Men and Boye. Ladies* Vests, Parasols, Fans, Fine All-Wool Challies, &o WW Come Early and Secure the Choice of these Gen uine Bargains. .. , '. 1 1 1 4S=*We Want 10,000 dozen 'fresh Eggs, and 10,000 lbs. First-olass Butter in exchange for goods, VCJT* Our Premium Goods are the finest to be. had. Yours For Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & CO. DUXTSTAIT BX-003S. ESSBZ. t Ai) I'In M * - I'.'rfrt SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CfiPS, BOOTS, SHOES AHD GROCERIES. Ml Special Liiics of Dress Qoods. Dress Goods/Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wool. Black Lustres as low as 25c per. yard. Fancy Black Soleil at yery low prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. franco and Busaia havo signed a troaty for ofTonsivo uud defonsivo pur poses. A. M. McCrae was sentenced to four yoara in the penitentiary for for^ory at St. Oatharinos. Tho ooal strike in Chio xh ^onsidorod sotfcled. The plan is to resume at 0i ceuta and work pending arbitration. Tho Dominion Bank at Napaheo was robbed of $119,000 some timo on Friday night, $1.0,000 of tho amount being in bills not countersigned by the Mana* ger. The burglars wore exports,; and after opening1 tho safe they changodthe combination, So that it was twelvo houra before the Safe could be opened again and the robbery discovered. Great Britain is having trouble ' in India, The Afridcs and other native tribes have risen in rebellion and at tacked different British posts, some of the attacks being auoceasf ml so much so that the natives have been in possession of the Khyber Pass. They also took Kobat Pass* bat; were forced later to leave it. While the latest newa is more encouraging it looks aa though the British Government might have a ser ious time in quelling the rebellions natives*.-. ' /.'> \v Home Comfort Range Company's Testimonials. TIu'h in to aortify tlint 1 have beeu using & Homo Comfort Ran^a nearly nvo yeaw, and find it junt ah roprcRontod. Xt doos nob uho qh much fuol nn our other Btovo did and is a porfoot baker. Mas. James BuoKTiAND, Kshox County, . Cot turn. . -----)o(------ This ia tooortlfy that I havo beou uslnft; ttHomo Comfort Ilaogo over four years and would not uho any other. It ia a per fool baker and heater, just an good as tho d*y we bought it, . FAKCIS Oauill, Ebhcx County. Oldoastle, -------)o(-------- , This is to certify that we liuvo been ua- in a Homo Comfort Hange more than four years and nud it a good baker and hoator und dooa nobueo ouo-thfrd the wood oar former atove did. Gii.o. Bniukas/ Ebhox County. North Kidge, )o(_ Thin is to cortity that. wo have beeu lining a Homo Comfort lUnqo over four yoara and would uot uso any other. Our Ban^e is just as good aq the day wo pur- oliaHod it, Mn, and Has. Alviw Oiitom, Keaox County. Cottam. WKOUGHT IBON BANGS COMBANY, TORONTO, ONT. Wo purcbaBod a Hotue ' Comfort -Bange, from yonr salesman and iiud it ovorything hereoommouded it to bo. It is tho beet buUot wa ovot uflod and takes very little fuel. Mu, and Mub. Jambs Duino, Ebbojc County. North Bidge. 35~tf CLOTHING. . . We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. m BOOTS and SHOES. Special Line Ladies' Oxfords for $1- Men's Brogans for $1. li: PALL PAIRS. Great South Western Exhibition, at "Essex Town, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, September 28th, 2oth and 30th. Tnilustrial Jfair at Toronto, Monday, Aug ust 30th, to SaturdaySeptember nth. Western Fair, at London, Thursday, Sep- tembcrpth, to Saturday, September iSth.: Peninsular Fair, at Chatham. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 2iBtf 22nd, 33rd and 24th.. Mersea and Leamington Agricultural So ciety, nt Leamington, on Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, October 6lh, 7th and 8th. ,. Pelec Agricultural Society, at Pelee Island, On Thursday and Friday.-Septerabcr 2ith and October 1st. THbury West and North AgriciiUurarSo- ciety, at Comber, on Monday and Tuesday, October 4th and 5thj Bbakb 80o. pk., cuenmberfl 8c. doz., beets S5o. do3.f tnrnipa 40o.- buah, corn 5o. doz., radish.es 25o. doz., So. each, squaah 7o. eaoh* Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices- GROCERIES We Lead the Trade in best G-oods at lowest prices. Try oxir 25c Tea and if not proven money refunded. J. A.'FRANCIS;,- '^Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, . <3!3j3S!02S>*..... I1W * The Shoe Business of this Store has been built tip on its Merit Price is a consideration in buying. THE FACT f Of having the newest and Selling on the Closest margin of Profit is all the argument that is needed for brisk Sales, The more you compare Goods and prices the more certain you will be to spend your noney here. We want your Trade and we offer you this oppor> tunity to secure Extra Value. :m ,t. 1 -^! tt A "DTvT > Jt^iano and J^i^xfclN l Organs- .. R. S. WilliamB' Pianos. - JBvans Bros. Pianos. ^ Singer Sewing Machines. .........Have just) rooolvod a.......... Now Supply o< Violin*, Atttoliarptf, llarmonlcu^t Guilar Ac. Violin S If I n ix above luetruiiiflnts and Puppllerf for nhand. all the Tuning aurt KepairJbg a Spoolalty. Mao bine NeoJIfa and Oil in Stuak. HrMrFAFI., 2nd Door Norili of flJ.CR. Cook's Cotton Root Compound la the only fc reliable, monthly medicine on which ltdieo can depend in the hour and Hme, of *eed. '- U prepmred in tiro degree* ofttcigth. , , ' No. 1 for ordinary ca*e is by far the heat dollar medicine known --soWby dmggita, one Dollar Tier box. Ko^ a for pecM ^r1^^? ThreeTPollari; two boxea, Fiye DoUartj, >No. :,iw^::pf ' \\\:\Titijfo All Lumber naust behold out thia;fyi:^\;M'^p the Proprietor has disposed o^f Wis,;.]tfiljr'*"',,?'J^? and is leaving towm ' "%jOT ^llillii^^^^^M