Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 3, 1897, p. 1

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tea ? $0$ Ui^fv'.'-Vv'.r'.-K" .iV," ' " IW*: | .J.'/';-' 'A'lfl? ;si No. 36. ESSEX, ONT., FBIBA?,;^SEPTEMBER 8, 1897. WHOLE Nbll Bpff. WOttSVTHE, Srv,1, - r, ,, ANDERSON & Co. J. T. SOMERVILLE, AID., CM., n.c.p. & S. Ont, GRADUATE OF T^INmr tJNIVURSITT, Fklt,ow op TBXNITx|MBDIOAn Coi/LEGB, ToBONTO, ONT, Offiob and Bkstdhnce. House lately occupied by the late Dr. George MoEenzJe. Talbot Btbbbt. Essbx, Oht. MI8B V OABRIB DINGWALL, of the Hn- mer Softool of Mailo and Jjattguagov Do- trott. Mich., Toaohor of Voice Culture and the Art of togixig. Siaex, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning of eaoh woek. We invite inspec tion of our stock of Siammer Dry G-oods. We challenge com- ^ parison in quality and ^ price. Our assortment of Wash Fabrics for -. w NOTICE. AIJIj parties Indebted to tha estate of John T. Brown, late of Cot tarn, merchant, de ceased, are hereby notified to call and settle with the undersigned on or bfore the 80th day of September, 1897, after which, date unpaid accounts will bo plaoed In eonre for rait, JAMBB H. BEOWK, Oott&rn, Onfc. Datod AtttfUBt Mill, 1807. Voters' List, 1897. Municipality ol Colchester North, County ol Essex- N V*arm Weather wasts, An d Costums Includs Figured Ohallies at 6c a yard. Handsome Oolored Orepoua at 10c a yard. White and Oolorod Muslins at 10c. a yard. Beautiful Dimities at l2Jo $ yord. Checked and Striped Linens at 13Jo a yard. Oolored Striped Crinkles at 30c" a yard. Prints ami [.-^Ginghama from 5o up.&o. w IvC\v'< Blouse Waists Blade in the latest style, with add without detachable oollarH and cull's, In Prints, Sateens, Linens, &c, from 50c each. E Ladies' Whitewear -'S3 IT;, $f>2iA WJ2JZ& Mo and Ujywards. V, SKXBT8 Mo and Upward*. MQJBT GO WNS Mo and Up. These aro well made garments, full aieod and nicely Jluishod. A Special Lino of . . . Gloria 5ilk ParasoIs^> Assorted handles, 28-inch, framo, strong, and handsomo, oxtra valuo . at $1 ouch. OTrOK IB ITBUEBY GIVEN THAT I HAVE trauauiltted or delivered to the person! montlonod In sootlons 5 and 0, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1686, and amendments t bore to, the oopl> required by aald Sec tions to be transmitted or delivered, of tho list made pursuant to said aofc of all parties appearing by the lait revlBed aueasment roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote In the said municipality at elections for mem bers of the Legiflliitive Assembly and at "jannt- olpul eleccfone and that laid list was flr' post- od up bt my office on the 1st day of September, 1897, and remains there for tnapeotloo- Klootors are oalled npon to examine the said list) and if any omlselona or any ether error* are found therein to take Immediate proceed ings to have the erroiH corraateil according to law. . A, 0. ATKINSON, Clerk of Uoloh08tor North. Bated this 1st day of Sopt^mber, 1607. Notice to Creditors^ In the J&iatd of John ihompnon Mroivn, Deoeaned, "KfOttCM Is hereby ulven puiauant to chapter 14 Ud, eeotion S6, of the Kevisod Statutes of Cutarlo,18e7, that all poreons liaviotf any olaimo against tho estate of John Thompson Brown, lata of tha Township of Goafleld North, in tho County of Essex, merchant, deooased, who died on or about tho ISth day of Ancuat, A.D, 1B07, at tlie said Township of Gosfleld North, are re quired to send-to the uudersUjned, ono of tho oKOoutore, on or boforo tho 3t)tu day of Septem ber, 3B97, bhelr obristf&n names and surnames, addreosefl and dsflorlptlong, and full partlanlarfl of tholr claims and statements of their acoounts dnly verified/and the nature of any security held by them. And notice is hereby further given that after tho said 00th day of Beptember, 1807, the oxooutorfl will prooeed to distribute the ussota of the said deoeased amontf the parties oij^tlod thereto, having regard to tnoso claims only of Whloh they shall havo notibd. And that tho Bald oxooutorfl will not bo liable for the said assets, or any part thereof so dis tributed, to any person or porsons of whoeo claim or claims notice bos not boon reoelved by the executors at tho tlma of such distri bution. JAMBBH nKOWN. Oottam.Ont. Datod AauuBt 2fith, 1807, >" Pure Linen Oranh TowolIinK, extra valuo in a heavy X7-iuoh fltripod hordor, regu lar prico lOo, for yc, a yard. m K 60-inch Loom Damask Table Tjinon, flowor tern, Hpoeinl at 35c. a yard. Men's Fine : Oolorod Oamhrio Shirtis" with lar'aud Onil'a, uaual 75o. lino, 60c. oaoli: pat- Ool- for |In Millinery B- Departnxonfc for the remaindor of the HoiiHon, Got Phtohs prevail, as we- never carry Millinery Gooda over from one hoiikou to another. Everything nuiftt OO 1 Star-Cole, Red and White, Star Lines. Fast "Passenger Steamers G-roy* hound, City of Toledo, Darlue Oole aiid Idlowdld. Kunalng twloo daily botwoon Dotrolb, Port Huron and way portu, daily botwoon Detroit and Tolodo,aua thrao trips doilv botwoon De troit, tho famous Bt. Cliilr Flats and Ht Clair. lioavo foot of Grlnwold Bfc., Dotrolt, for Port Huron aud way ports, a..10 a,m, and 2.B0; Sundays. 0 n.m. aud 2,30p.m.; roturdlui; nrrlvo Dotvoltll a.m. and 8,110 p.m.: Bundays, 12 a.m. andB.UOw.ui. Leave Detroit for Tolodo, daily, illtup.m,; RtmdaynO a,m. mid 1H0 w-m.; roturu- ihcatrlvowookuays, 12.30 p.m.; Buudays 1.30 and 9 v.m. Xoavd Dotroltfor tho Flats, St, Clair and way ports, wook days, 8,30 it.iU., U.fiO and 4 p.m.; rotuming arrive B 25 a.m and 8,30 p.m. . I?aro, Dotroit to Port Huron or Toledo, 711 omits, fllnclo; 81-25 unlimited return. Excur sions, Dotroifc to Tort Huron riiid return, ovory woolt day, SI, oyory, Bunday,7Goohts ; to Toledo and return ovory Sunday morning, B0 oents round trip. Bpooial rutou to soolotloa. Wharf, foot of OrUwoM (1 trout. Tolophono J,1C0, O.P.BIEIJMAN, TruUlo Manager. Detroit, Mich. *# ^;Qther Debt's. JiOQT& ANZ> 1SUIOH&. GKOCfittlES, JIA3S AND GAPS, wf$- W$-A ;:: Additional Local, Bzbds are flooking a sign of Autumn, Db. Gi^fobd and family spent yeBtor- doyCThuradayC at Bello Isle. Q. A. Shkriun leaves for the Indus trial Fair at Toronto on Monday. Mns. D. J. Whitnbt is in Toronto this week attending tho Industrial. Star Pointer made a-milo at Road- villo, Mass., on Saturday in 1.50^. W. CnATTEitTOH, and S. and O. Nay- wheeled out to Harrow on Sunday last. Miss Jennie Wiley, of Tilsonburg, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Btimere. Essex fall assizes will open before Justice Foloonbridge at Sandwich on Tuesday next. Mns. A. J. Rbyohapt, of Fostoria, O., spent from Friday to Wednesday at W. D. Boamnu's. . fiJouooti holidays ate a thing of the' past and as ever, distance lends en chantment to the view. We are pleased to report that little Agnea Jonnei" is progressing favorably after her recent severe affliction. Miss Carrie Edgar was in Wiudnor on Wednesday attending tho wedding of her cousin, Mien Ella Oliver. Xiv& Financial mooting of the Metho dist ohuroh for Windsor district was held in Walkervillo on Monday lost. W. Ouattkiiton wheeled to Harrow on Sunday last, but got rain bound and had to hire a rig to get baok home. Whig at, which wns soiling at 00 oents about ten day ago has taken a drop and the market price is now from 75 to 80. Mrs. N. T. Jones, who ha& boon visiting at Harvey Allon's for some dayfl, left on Wodneaday for Cleve land, O. Miss BbijI*h Harms', who has boon spending somo weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Olver, left on Tuesday for her home in Amhorstburg. , Skftkmbhk, the herald of,-mellow autumnal days, maple forests all a- flame and long evenings spontby the cheerful fireside, is hero, Tna District Meeting of tho Metho dist church for tbis district was held in Walkorville on Monday. C, E, Naylor Was tho delegate from Essex. Miss Katm BionAiiDsoN, who has been spending n month with her broth er, Br. Bichardson retnrned to hor home in Watford, last week. Huon MoBwhem and children, of Loamington, spent Saturday last at Alex. Laing's. Mr. McSweon was also looking up business for tho Peninsular Gold Mining Oo. Tire High Bohool opened for tho Fall torm on Wednesday afternoon. The attendance is in advance of last year's and the prospects aro excellent' for a largo number attending. Tho old staff Messrs. Orasswollor, Gushing, Moran and MiBH Kent nro all in their placos. Tiim gross receipts of tho Essex County Registrar for 1800 amounted to $0,020.00, in 1805 they wore &7,2fl8,A0; in t8M,$7,28. His not rocoipts for tho year 1800 woro $3,882.08; for 180/i, $11,048.84, and for 1804, WI14.48. Those figures aro from tho roport of tho Pro vincial Inspector;- ~~ Tub following shipments wore made lioro this wook: A. J. Groon, four cars of whoat for oxport throo via Mon treal, oho via Now York; Diebal<&. Briolcor, thrdo oarfl of whoafc for export viaHMontroaI; W.M. DoOow, throo oars stavoB to Preston? A, W* Snider, two jjots of aslies, and G. V. Belong, Oot- tam, ono oar of dhoose to Ingorsoll. At rsm annual paootingof tho W. 0. T. U. hold at tho homo of Mrs. J. Wj Brion, on Monday lant, tho officers for noxt year wore elected as follows : Prosidont, Mrs. W. Church ; iirsfc vico- Prosidont, MrK. (Dr.) Jns. Brion ; second vico-Prcsidcnt Mra. Hatch; Becording Seorotary, Mrs. G-. E. Wightman ; Corresponding Hooretnry, Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Brion ; Treasurer, Mrs. Stone. Mrs. M.'CAJdRii! Bingwami will ro- Bumo hor'music'class in Essex on Wednesday next, Soptomber' 8th, and any portion, wishing vocal culture oaii soo her at hor studio any Wednesday afternoon or evening or ThurHduy morning, Mir. Dingwall has hail olassos here for somo years and has been very successful. . She' has charge of tho vocal department of tho Haumor school of muflio and languages, in De troit, one of tho. largest schools in tho state of Michigan, and 'is .a first class toaohor, Sirthb Mary, of the Faith, accompan ied by Sister Lament, of Montreal, spent a few days' with her father, Jos. 'Jacques* of Pike Greek. On their re turn last week they were accompanied by live young ladies who are going to begin their studios at the convent Si Vincent do Paul, Montreal. These young ladies were Misses Annie and Alphonsine, daughters' .of Raymond Jacques, of Teonmseh; ,MuW Oeceilo, daughter of Xavier LaOhance, of the the young niece of Emanuel Deemarais of Btoney Point, aud the two young daughters of Dr. Lorn ire, of the same place; Miss Nina Perkins and Mrs. Mc-. Galium, of Chicago, HI., spent a few days this week at E. B. Coleman's. Mns. (Bbv.) E. Gregg, of Chatham, late returned missionary from Burmah, India, will deliver an address ou ** Missions " in the Baptist Church, on the 16th inst,, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Tirana was full ,.meeting of the Executive and Superintendents of the Great Sfmffc-ityJHftm^ W. D. Boaman's office We^neiday afternoon. Judges wero appointed in every class and a conyuitteo k> ^ange for giving dinner to visitors. It was also decided to.number the staBa. 'A team from the fllst Essex Fusiliers is attending the D. K. A. matches at Ottawa this week. Jn the . Nursery match Pte. O. F. Smith won a $8 prize, in the Bankers' matoh Ptd. H. Warnock won a $4 prize, in the Dominion of Can ada match Pfce. W. J. Laird won an $8 prize, Pte. K. S. Sales a $0 prize/ Pie. S. Warnock a $4 prize; in the Minister of Militia match Pte. J.-W, Smith won a 94 and Pte. Sales a $4 prize. Tub County WomenB' Temperance Christian Union are sparing no efforts to make the county convention, to be held in Windsor on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week a success. This will be the first county convention hold in Windsor. Arrangements are made to entertain delegates and friends com-< ing from a distance. Tho day meetings will be held at the Gary home and a public meeting will ho hold on Tuesday evening at the Bmce-ave Baptist church. A good programme is in pre paration. Ollnda. Mrs. Beubon Brunor-baa been quite ill again. Mr. and Mrs. Webster, of Paquetto, were the guests of E. G. Corlett on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Scott Pulford, of Leamington, accompanied by Miss Tilly Sinasao and Mrs. A. Wigle, Buthvon, wheeled out horo on Tuesday and called on hor cousin. Miss Corlett. Belie River. The.Board oJ-Trat^ will bore for gas, Tho^Board of Trade met last Monday night. The hand boys talk of getting now uniforms. lilrs, MoAulitio has gono to Brantford for two wooks. Patrick Dolanoy is moving into tho Marontotto house, E. Manai-d, of Dotroit, is spending a few days with his father. Mrs, Lomiro, of Tilbury visited with hor sister, Mrs. C. A, Ouoletto. Mrs. Novoitx, of Wisconsin, is spend ing two months with friends hero. Diviflion Court was held horo on Monday with tho usual numhor of casos on trial. N. Paront, our hardware merchant, is making oxtonsivo improvomonts in his store. Mrs. J. MoAuliffo loft Tuesday to spend a week viaiting hor parents at Hamilton. It is likely that Dr. Gaboury will ro- turn to Bollo Bivor and resume his praoticohoro.. . Tho ladies of Bollo BiVor aud vicin ity are preparing to hold a picnic in tho grove shortly. Miss Blanche Dumouchollo has ro- turnod from spending several months at Sturgeon Palls. Mr. Millor, of tho Tooumsoh station on tho G. T. B. is now in ohnrgo of Bollo Bivor station., Tho 'first half of August mako of the Bollo Bivor chocso faotory has boon sold at 0^ couts per pound. Miss Blanche Dumouohollo, who has boon spondinghor holidays at Sturgeon Palls, roturnod Inst week. Mr. BohuoII, Brantfort, C. O. P. Orgauizor,is mooting with onoOitrag ing success in establishing a court in town. A tblegraph gang, composod of thir- toeu Prench-Oanadians, are .erecting a now lino on the north side of tho Grand Trunk and removing all wires from both sides to tho newpolos. The Bochestor and Maidstone Pair will bo hold at Bollo Bivor on Oct. 12th and 18th. Tho Directors met in the Town Hall here on Wednesday Sopt iBi and revised tho list of prines decided upon by.tho special pommiltoo- James Lafaiyo, who lives two miles up the Charon line in Boohester, drove on Thursday of last week to the lake for a load of water, permitting two small children to ride with him. After crossing the O. P. B. his little four- year-old boy foil off the wagon and was run oVor before the team was stopped. The poor little fellow only survived till next morning-. It was a terrible bloy; to the family; who have the sympathy At Our Smoke and Water Sale Still On ..... . Lots of Good Goods Left yet but all prices are badly d COME * m And see for yourself. If you can?ir find a bargain don't buy. || JO. Peck, '"-3 "M Windsor's Leading Outfitted COB. OUELLETTE AVE. AND SANDWICH ST. Colchester South. William Bondy died on Wednesday, of last week, and was buried in the B. C. cemetery, at McGregor, on Friday, He was 25 years of ago, and leaves a 8-year-old child. Ho was a member of Court Harrow, I, O. P., and loaves $2,000 to the child. KIngsvllle. Milford Wiglo, now in business in Merlin, was married to Miss Laura Green on Wodneaday, Bev. B. D. Hamilton officiating. A largo number of friends woro present. Tho young couplo havo gono cast on a wedding trip. Vw m Colchester North. Wm. White, of Camp Palmer, is hav ing a rosidenoe oreoteu on his farm ou tho Colchester and Goh field North Townline. Tho buildhig-is_to bo of frame 18x20 ft. and 10 ft- high with tho addition 14x20x14 ft. Sam. Cory, of Essex, is doing tho work and Johnston Bros, aro supplying tho lumber. Tho building will bo ready for occupancy this fall. - Sandwich. Goorgo Hondrie's barn at Sandwich waH burned early Saturday morning. Tho loss is OHtimntod' at $800. Thore is an insuranco of $1100. Mr. Ernest Girardot, Mayor of Sandwich, who resigned his offioe'afow wooks ago, heoauso of a difficulty bo twoon himsolf and some of tho mem bers of his council, has at tho urgont -request of his frionds withdrawn his resignation and is again acting as tho town's Chief Magistrate. Mrs, Joseph Truskoy, tho widow of tho man who was hangod at Sandwich, Doo. 14, 1804, for tho murder of Con stable Lindsay, was married the other day to Jos. Bichardson, A somewhat poculiar inaidont of the union is that Bichardson was tho death watch for Truskey af tor his trial. Since.the hang ing of Truskey his widow and young son havo worked tho Farm, and havo succeeded in paying off somo of the inr dobtodnosH which was .occurred during tho trial. bogun of all the neighborhood* Leamington. Point Peloo nahormon have their fall fishing. Tho stores of Goo. Jackson and A, J, Batchelor arc being painted. W. A, Pord is pushing along tho ex tension of the water main on Erio-Ht south. Miss Crane, who has boon tho giiost of hor aunt, Mrs. MaryBiiHSoll, return ed to hor home in Eaat Saginaw on Saturday. / t Gardner Bros, are building a thirty- foot square addition to thoir handle faotory. Tho new building will bo occupied by tho baBket works. MisH Lulu Doming, who has boon holidaying for two months in Guolph and Toronto, returned on Wednesday accompanied by hor cousin, Miss .Toslo Orr. The sacrament of tho Lord's supper will be disponsed to members of Knox church on Soptembor lath. The service will begin at 10.80 a.m., half an hour curlier than usual. Bev, W, Patterson having to perform a like duty, tho aaino day, at Kiugsville and Harrow. Labor Day.' ',. '. An excursion rate : of one firstrolass fare for the round trip will be made for the above occasion between all stations on Michigan Central and to; points on T.H. &B. and S,A 0. and N.O. iB'yi Dates of sale Sopt. 4fch, 6th and 0th. Limited to Sept/.'.' ?th. A%Q.', Stjimhk?. Essex Fr^e Pnsss from now until January 1st, 'ipW^io^/^cwiiT-,'/;': Windsor. The deputy wardens have been iiai-" struoted to look after all ilshermen, who ply their vocation on Sunday, andul have them punished. A party of A,flEhi$ ericans caught fishing in the Georg-;^ ian Bay on the 15th were fined 8100 and ' costs. Sir Charles Rivera-Wilson accom panied by Lady Wilson and Sir Ohas.',,,,,,.. Proomantlo wero at Windsor lastSatur*:':/i| day en route to Detroit. Sir Charles is on a tour of inspection of tho differ- ;^ ent railroad branches comprising ttie);'} Grand Trunk system both in Canada^ and tho United States. . ; l'}Jjp Complaints aro continually . made of. ^ Americana ooming over in boats an4;,^ robbing the nets of Canadian ttsh^/Jf men about Windsor, The pirates come :$' over in fast boats and shoot back oyflr^j tho line before tboy can be " at,'^ The ofllcors havo applied to the govern-,'^ ment for a stoam launch to catch themv'&f with- .,.^J Tho bicyclists here arc in a fever ofM excitement oyer the new bipyble reg^iSj^ latiou sprung on Canadian wheelmen;""1* by tho United States government. Ac-;^ cording to this no Canadian made-, wheels aro allowed to enter an' Amejci^M can port without paying duty. Thi&J'xj offoct of tbis by-law is to practically^ exclude Canadian wheels. A big kicki'^fj is being mado, but it seems as though '?3 nothing but a retaliatory measure will ^ bring tho Americans to soe the injustice j|S of tho Aot. va Prod Ham, a laboror employed at, the" .',"$ Windsor water works, mot with, a pain ful accidont Friday. Ho was assisting ^$: some mon in tho construction of one of )'M the now-wells at the works, and as the ^ curb was being loworod some of,the:'wj taoklo gavo way, and Ham was strucfc^lj on tho hoad with ono of tho beams. ,fl); took some,littlo time, to extricate him^iS from his perilous position, in the well.:;^ and ho was brought to tho surface in an j|f unconscious condition. Dr, Cruioicr;S shank does not foar any serious results:' ?! although it will bo somo time before,); Ham will bo able to resume work. ' .';' Mrs. Korohner was fined #20 and $7.50 costs or six wooks at hard labor.% at Windsor on Monday, for whippihgAj hor four-year-old stopdaughteF~on th J$ bare back with a strap. Michael Kor^i ohnor was lot go, as he had not been^r present when tho oft'onso was coin^ mittod, but the magistrate took th$i child out Of his custody, telling hini^g that ho was not a fit-person to take c'arfei^ of it with the assistance he had at prfit^fj sont, Tho child was entrusted for .the^g present to Mrs. Vermotte. It' prattled^! und laughed all through the trial," andj!r at tho elrtso insisted upon kiBBinjg;// Humane Officer MoEwan. Thisiflthjfe first timothat the new law authorizmja$;! the magislrate to remove a ohildfroiaa^ tho oustody of its parents has been .pt$$( in force. Kerohner is an Amerioaii/ii'^ but the offense having, been committed^ on Canadian soil; brings 'him yiihin the law.' ' .',7 100, gallons, atV W. ;ttm^ it' in': his ' w^etou|i|| e $q$ Tho minister of Customs has deeHod;^ that hereafter petroleum imp6rted.ij|^j htnuk oarB may be stored in '-'bond;::$jt^ bulk. Under the new system an-Viia^ porter cim bring 500, gallons, at'a1 by tank car, store and pay duty as he barrels* An exceedingly rich 'flud >f"^old^l^ reported from MicMp^ob^^O^^p^ mile's from;jQu> \Ttia.$TQ^$^ be nother'.Klon;di^:^^e^4i^' milling and'iiM^ayftoy^Si'^^^^ The" diBoioyelr^as; jnode; o^^.imipv ,agb'b^^wo;'feAia>r .".'t.-ii'T-J

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