Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 27, 1897, p. 5

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IERSON & ByKwvnrr^V-w',',/r-,,,--i,",",,/,"';i; ' <> jp^?;:;;;/;';i,TKe:Qntt^Prti and |$'^V ^ .', iebortlniartnooOonipanla In the world jjwini*** a specialty of Imorlng Farm fro* J"""Kr."' >. aey to Loan fct 5 and 1% per oont. on Farm t ^_rVr.. ,,. , ^^fljnwrfw Insure tiotv in Crtd Reliable !';/.' ' B Essex Free Press. BRETT & AULD, PROPniETORS. B FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, ,1807. ^JTbwii and Vicinity. ^JjAaQB 3l>at, a week from Monday. B. JKxg'o, of Windsor, was in town on ^(Wednesday. IfeMBSl,' Wm. Habt spent Wednesday ^'Detroit ' P^Mbb. Joi $$!g at Wm. Hart's fiTOMbb. John Ouvb, of Alymer, is visit- K^Mihh Mat Jambs has returned after 8; ;X' fife ft;,*,: r ^^vjeiting in Kingsville. te-Jambs OumuNanAM loft on Wednes day for Lindsay on a month's visit. "'; Second hand buggy and cook stove ffor salo cheap, Geo. Iiickman. 82 4t IgjffrMabtbhs Lindsay and Forrin Kolly, g: of Detroit, are visiting at It. Wallace's. j#;- M, J. Wiom & Co want 10,000 lbs K'^flrst class butter, and 10,000 doison Mbs. W. Cnunoir and Mrs. J. Hop- good are spending a woek at Cedar Beach. MibsXoti Ghkavbh, who has boon ^-visiting frionds at Lake Erie, returnod fe ^Tuesday. fjrfV , Misses Lain and Annio Wiglo, of ^ 'Gosfield South, spent Tuesday .with .friends in town,- Wanted Twenty or twenty-iivo \ cords of stove wood in. exchange for : 'bioyelo.' W. Church.' J. S. Laibd has a froak in tho sbapo ;,\;of a orab apple tree in bloom tho second -, ', time this year. ir^lv you owe G. E Smith & Co., call on E., A, Wismer and settle at once. Jtt will save troublo and costs. fy-: : Miss HkijBK WiaijM, of Kingsvillo, is U spending a few weeks withher brothers, ?>;, :M. J, and N. P. Wide, of town. '; Miss NkWjW MoJamks, of Clafo, Mich., formerly of Essex, is visiting with her undo, Post Master Bush. ':. Wanted Boarders by day or wook. Good accommodation and board, Mrs. Mounteor, Laird Ave. 20-6t Judob MoHuon, and Lawyors O' Connor and Peters, of Windsor, attend ed Division Court here on' Tuesday. .Mbs. J* Vor-jjKT returned to hor .home in Stratford, after a throe weeks' visit with her cousin, Mrs. E. J. Doan. Miss Xjxzziu Bohbj^ of town, accom panied her cousins, the Misses Bortha and Millie Itoae, to Harrow \Vodncsday morning! Dn. and MrH; Culver, who had boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M, DoCow, loft for their homo in Waterford last Monday. Tub Executive Board, of tho Groat South Wostorn Fair, will moot noxt Wednesday at one o'clock to appoint judges, &c. J.S. IjAUiD, O.L.S.,wontto Whoatloy on Wednesday afternoon as a witness .forRomney on tho nssossmont of By Crook Drain, Mawc DjgCicw wont to Toronto on Wednesday on a business trip. Mrs. DeCow and child left for Watorford, Ont., at tho samo thno for a visit. Alii parties owing G. E. Smith & Oo. must call on E. A. Wismor and settle '-at once. After August 25th all ae- Sfv oountswill bo sued and costs added. Gbo. MtisTAitn, of Elford, was ar rested and locked up by Ohiof of Polico Sibbou and Mr. Johnson for being drunk on tho public 'streets, Tuesday. night He was brought up boforo P. M. Bcamnn Wednesday morning and fined 83 and costs. Tina Prize Lists for tho Grout South Western Exhibition to bo hold in Essex, on Soptombor 28th, 20th and ,20tli, aro in tlio hands of tho Socrotary and may bo had from him on applioaT bum. ,' Present indications point to this being the greatest fiuceoSB of any fair yet hold. Tiiib attention of tho publio is callod to tho tfamo laws whioh protoct kildaro and other kinds of plover until Sopfc. 'loth. Meadow larks aro also protootod by tho Insectivorous Birds' Act, and cannot betaken at any timo without a special permit. Herons, cranes and bitterns ate also protected by tho same act. ' Tub Ladios* ,Aid of tho Baptist church did thomsolvos proud at thoir Lawn Social last Tuesday evening. Tho tables wero very prettily sot off with boqtuete and looked charming. li^jThe Wo6dsloo Brass Baud wero on " ' ' hand and rendered tt number of choice selections whioh sorved as a stimulus to the laugh, ohat and ploasai^t enjoy ment of those at the table. ^Shortly after nine the festivities were out short Jjy a sudden downpour of rain, but Mr. ffi.\'and'Mrs. Campbell kindly opened their fe-';ihousetbtheorowd and in music and B|;:ijpnversation*the time quickly* passed pi'i;-until the rain was over. The proceeds pifPPii * i.-*-^./: ' :i;'^iliiiiii^^ ',: ,' :^^m Abthcb Scab** left on Tuesday for b two week3' vaoBtion. Mns. H. W11.0HBB and ohildten hayo returned from Blenheim. Miss VioiiBT MoIndoo, of Arixer, ia the-K?WBt of her aunt, MIbb Gordon. Miss Annie Ciiobs, of Leamington, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. N. P. Wiglo. Db. Kiukkb, of Detroit, was the UueBt of Job.n Laing on Tuesday last. The tobflcco-orop"6r*South Essex is reported exceptionally fino this season. Misses Bertha and Millie Roae, of Harrow, visited in town Tuesday even ing. M. J. Wio^jE & Co. are offering special bargains in all lines of summer goods. - J. E, Stonk has purchased Mrs. Henry Hopgood,sfarm,Lot205,N.T,B., for $1,800. W. H. KioHAnnsoN'S family moved home from their cottage at the Lake on Monday. Pauties owing G. E. Smith & Oo, will call at E. A. Wismor's office at once to settle. Mils. (J>r.) J. G. Kirker and two Bona are vioiting John Laing and family this week. Misses Johnson and Pratt,, of Detroit, wore visiting with J. H, Allies and family last week. , Mn. Bobbht WaMjAOH loft on Tues day to spend a few days with relatives in Windsor and Detroit, Miss Gjsbtih Robinson, of Loamine:- ton.who has beon visiting friends herg^ roturned home last Friday. Tna special sets of Jubiloe stamps have arrivod at the office and aro being rapidly sold off to local philotolists. Bent. Slotic, our hustling soap manu facturer drives a handsome now wagon, manufactured oxprossly for him by John Bate. Mns. Wm. Laino and son left Mon day morning for a visit with relatives and frionds in WollandaudSt.Thamas. \V. M. DeCkw has sold out his busi noss here and will soil now his stock of lumber at a greatly roducod prico. Call and hoc his stock oarly, Mn. and Mrs. O. G. Janes, of Leam ington, with tho MisHcs Wannamaker, spent.Tuesday with Mr. and~Mrs".'^rohn $( "'."' &' ' If-":*!' E,v>0 '; pi'i,',"' I- % rur ... in.;-: m<; f!?:^;.'.;: which are in the interests of the Ladies' IfM^Ald Pnn(d ^jrere $18. 1. Laing. Miss Lottie Goiidon returned home on Saturday after a four wooks' visit with friends at, Olinda, Leamington and Arner. Peaiih JiOo. pic, cuoumbprs 80. doa., boots 25o. doa., turnips 40o, bush, corn fie. doss., radishes 26o, doa., pumpkins 80. oaoh, squash 7c. each, onions *1 por bush. MibsMagoie MaoKknkik, , sister of tho.lateDr. Maokonaio oallod on frionds in town on Monday last. Mlss/lrfap- Konzio is a teacher in one of tho Ladies' Colleges in Toxns hor forto boing painting. Bev. Fb. MoGee, of Maidstono, loft on Tuesday for a throe months' visit to Iroland. Ho hopes tho ohango of cli mate and surroundings will prove bouo- fioial to his hoalth, which has boon very poorly for somo months past. Mrs. Swinarton, who has boon vis iting hor brothor, W. H. Richardson, for tho pant two months, goos to Tor onto on Saturday, and will - leave for hor homo in Wnrdnor, Idaho, aftor tho Exhibition. Njnkteibn special excursion trains from tho west havo passed through hero carrying passengers to thoG.A.R. in Buffalo. Nearly all tho regular trains havo * attached to thorn two or more extra ears to nccommodato tho passongor traffic eastward. With wheat gradually approaching tho dollar mark, real estate on tho riso and ovorything in tho shape of cattlo boing bought up and shipped, who can say wo aro not on tho verge of a busi ness revival? If cattle keep on going as they have, beef will bo as scaroe hero next wintor as in thoKloudyko. Pou tho Wostorn Pair at London from Soptombor 0th to 18th, thoM.O.R. will offer a roto of onb first-class limit ed faro for round trip, good going from September 10th to 17th, good to return until Soptombor 20th and onSoptombor liJth and 15th special excursions will bo run good to return until Soptombor 20th at following rates: Woodflloo, &2.80; Maidstone, 32,40; Edgars, 63.50; McGregor, 2.00. . -tf The county Model School opens on the-2nd of Soptombor, at 10.80 a.m. Application {or admission should bo mado to tho P.S. Inspoctor not later than tho 25th inst. Any person who has Primary or highor standing and who Svill be oightoou years of ago be fore tho closo of tho torm, may bo ad mitted as n training. Tho tution fee Js five dollars payable in ad vance Poxc tho .Victorian Era Exposition and Industrial Pair at Toronto, August aoth to1 September 11th, a rato.'of one first-olaae .limited fare for tho round trip, Via St. Thomas and C. P. R. or via Waterford, 1\ H. f&B.,or Niagara and boat. Dates of sale, August 81st to September 10th inclusive, good to return until September I8tb. Special dates Septembor 0th and' 8th. Bates for special days as follows: Maidstone Cross; $4.00 ; Essex, $4.ffS; Woodalee, $4=145. Special dates will not apply via [tame birds for slaughter and sale will .; Gibl wanted to do general houie work. Apply to Bow. (Dr.) Jenner. Thb Fbee Pbbs will be sent to now Bubsoribers to January 1st 1808, for 25a Tiob family of O; E. Baylor came home from Oedar Beach on Saturday. Goon girl wanted for general house work. Apply to Mas, H. P, Mautin. ' Lbs. . Stotts and Jack Gourlay wheel ed to Utioa, Mich., lost Saturday morn ing. Jambs McLaben, of Higbgate, spent Sunday in town, the guest of J. E. Stone. WaijTeb SuAW,of Diebel ABrioker's, is spending his holidays in Bidgetown and Chatham, D.J. Whitney's hat and cap sale will continue until Saturday night. Don't miss it. Mbs. H. OnATTHntoN and children have returned from a few. weeks' visit at Ann Arbor, Mioh. Hbnbx Whj-jIAUh, oditor of the Utioa, Mich., Sentinel, is in town visiting friends and relatives, O. H. Bbiokeb and family moved in from tho Beach on Monday, after spending a few weeks there. Rbameb Wiona, Jr., of Blind River, Algoma, is spending his holidays with relatives and friends in town. ' Fob Sale Buggy and lumber wagon for sale at a bargain, nearly how. Apply to R. H. Millen, Essex. 8 4t. REronTS say that thero will be an enormous crop of nuts this year. This will delight the heart of tho small boy. Mb, and Mrs. S. B. Groon returned from Niiigara Palls on Wednesday. Thoy wore accompanied by Mrs.Groen's sister. Mbs. R. Sutuerija'nd and children, of Dplroit, are visiting at E, L. Park's, Mr. Sutherland returned to Detroit Monday. ' Mrs. PbebijAnd, who has been visit ing with J. E. Stono and family for a wook, left last Saturday for hor homo in St. Thomas. . Miss Lottie Iuwin has returned home from a four wooks' visit with friends and rolativos in and around Loamingtonl Mr. ano Mbs. W, R. Mannino, and children, roturned on Tuesday even ing, aftor spending thoir holidays vis-, iting with friends and acquaintances at Strathroy and London. A North Rinoa man was tolling us the other day that the farmers around there are complaining of being^copi awako nights by tho croaking of thoir corn in jointing on account of its grow ing so fast. James S, Laird, O.L.S., has boon instructed by tho Ontario'Government to lay out a road between lots 0 and 7, oast of tho River Ruscom, and will oommonce tho suryoy of the samo at 10 o-olook on Monday, Soptombor 0th. The M.O.R. will run thoir annual excursion oast to Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal and Quoboc, at one first-class faro for tho round trip t good going Aucust27th, 28th 29fch and 80th, good to roturn until Septembor 20th. A. O. SmiEits, Agent, Eshox. Tins crisp, cool air of tho evenings, and thesnortoning days, tell us that autumn is in tho nonr future and will soon don hor many huetl and boautiful garmouts, old, but over now-fashioned by tho Great Artist, who paints tho loaf and tho ilowor, that both tho rich and tho poor may onjoy thorn. R. B. MoMuiiijiN, of Morsa, who was tho fortunate finder of tho tooth now on exhibition in G, A. Shorrin's win dow, has secured Somo moro bonos of tho samo animal to whioh the tooth bo- longod, a forearm, hip and ribs having boon found in tho same locality. Tho Dominion Govornmout is negotiating for their purchase and will likely pay a fair prico to Mr. McMulIin. * Tiik annual Harvest Thanksgiving Festival of tho Salvation Army is to bo celebrated on. Saturday, Sunday and Monday; August 28th, 20th and 0th. Captain Nevorgivcns, the onorgotio officer in chargo, and tho Salvationists of tho local corps aro evidently bontup on and seem sanguine of making this tho most successful of nil efforts of tlio kind and aro arranging a programme of of special meetings suitablo for tho oc casion. In 1808 tho Ontario Govornmont pass- od an aot prohibiting tho sale of partri dge and quail until'Sept. ICth, 1807. Tho regulation was adopted: with tho object in view of putting an end to the merciless pot-hunting which had dool- mated.the Ontario game birds to such an extent as to rondor it but a short timo before the valuable species would be completely exterminated. The law was most successful in accomplishing this end and pot-hunting has to a great extent ceased.1 The poriod mentioned m tho enactment of'03 has about ex pired, and a well-known local sports man wrote to tho Provincial Game war den to ascertain if anything further had been done in the matter of an ex tension of the close peirioaV Tho war den replied, stating. that three years had been added to the period, snaking the close season until Sept. 16th^l0OO, Pot-hunters who had marked coveys ,of Rings, J^ings. . Engagement and Wedding Rings . Reduced Paces for 30 Days.......... * E3i Hj* I**,bnor of Marriago Licenses. Niagara Agent. and Boat, A. O. Stimebs, tf do well to make a special point. no(e of this Fbank Green returnod from Mon treal last Wednesday. Misses Cora and Lulu Irwin spent Sunday in Leamington. Miss Clara Bush is spending a few days with frionds in Cottam. Mb. ANi> Mrs. Orlando Arner and family, of Arner, spentSundayintown. Kum 1, Kum all, an gifc ur fazes took; 8 fur a -J, at Krioghoffs' gallery. WEJCAHTmakofacosbutwekantakemdo ntmatterowansomthaisthrefurtwentyfiv ecentsatkrioghoffsgallery. Miss Lulu Irwin, of Milwaukee, Wis., is home on a three months' visit to hor paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irwin. Mrs. E. Moore, who has boon visit ing relatives and -frio"ndu~in"Windsor for a few weeks, returnod home last Friday., She was accompanied by hor aunt, Mrs. S. P. Wiglo. CnAnE MoArthur, who has boon spending the summer hero, left for his home in Penelon Falls, last Monday. He will return Ootohor 1st and enter tho Dental Dop't of the Michigan School of Medicine, Detroit. A new idea for road-maps for cyclists consists in printing the outline of tho route on along strip of paper which is wound on two drums in front of tho ridor, and may bo oporatod by a thumb wheel on one of the drums. Avtku the * grand lodtro degree [I. O. O. P.] had boon exemplified, Grand Master White was astonished to boo a boy sitting wide-eyed and opon- mouthod in tho gallery. Ho had ap parently ontorod whilo tho opon moot ing was in progross and had suooeodod in romainiug until tho sooret work was takon up. Tho boys name has not beon aacortainod, but a committee was at once formed to inquire into tho cir cumstances. -Bollevillo Ontario. Tjie M.O.R. will issuo ohoap excur sion ratoa to tho Canadian Northwoafc on August 81st good to roturn until October 80th, and on Soptombor 14th good to roturn until Novomber 18th, at following rates. Binscarth,Dauphin, Doloraino, Estovan, Moosomin and Boston, at $28; Calgary and Princo Albert at $85; Moosojaw, Rogina and Yorktown at $80; Edmonton and Rod Door U0- tf The question is frequently asked if pupils who have passed tho examina tions for entrance to High Schools are barred from further instruction in the Publio Soliools. Sebtion l7*of the De partmental Regulations says: "Tho course of study for public schools shall bo takon up ill five forms as hereinafter sot forth, and pupils shall bo classified by tho teacher with rcspoot to thoir attainments in all tho subjpots of tho Form to whioh tliey to ho are' pro moted. Pupils who havo passed tho High Sohool ontranco examination and other suoh pupils as are considered qualified by the teacher "and inspector shall bo entitled in both rural and urban schools to rooeive instruction in tho subject of tho Fifth Form,, proyidod that in tho municipality having a High School if resident pupils of. the Frst Form are not charged foes it will not bo doomed obligatory for the Publio Bohool Board to havo a Fifth olass. Tho amount of time to bo given to any class is to be determined by the tenoher, who shall bo guided in this matter by the inspector," '..-.1! And with it a return of.'61$. time prosperity for the people of Essex and vicinity as D.J. * -J. Will a M In his old Stand, lately occupied by G. E. Smith & Co., on Aug. 28th, . 'j m His New Stock of ( DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS and GROCERIKS And would like to see ALL of his Old Customers and . as many new as can wend their way into his Store. They will find it to their ad- - vantage by doing so. .1 m i -T7 ^ 'rii I Will Offer ....* -For One "Week Only 4 Crowds Turned Away. The rush to J. 6. Peck's great amojee and water.,sule still continues. Not withstanding that Mr. Peok has em ployed all theavailable help in the city it is, still impossible to serve the oub- tomors as fast as they come. Again to day it was necessary to close the doors for a time and wait on those 6n the in-: aide before moro could be admitted. Therejnuat be something in Mr, Peek's claim mabnost giving goods ,away or the crowd would not continue as it nas. . I 22 Lbs. Granulated Sugar, for 51,00 ^ f p 25 Lbs. U?hi Brown Sugar, for $l;00 ff ;"; '.' :. : :>^^m JUST RECEIVED ill New Season's Japan Tea, "Excelsipl Brands-Second to none. Tbeihestvt|||' buy. . Try- it^'and enjoif money can Good Gnti of Tea. :.:^m ^^W WHMenBLQGK, Si'*"-' " ^^

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