Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 27, 1897, p. 3

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iC'.-H-J Teachers. yon want io make $IM daring Jnjy, ana ui; in a S^tt'.you_________.... - ... . ^Atuparti In a good came, writ* or wire me Sfev T. H. IiIHBOOTT 6"MWN*. . ' " Toronto, Out it f7"T.' V-"." X *.^ ents ,:< Beoond Edition -Qaesn VtotprU',' ei&wstfld. r!'. ' Jablle ftdltlon on pnu. Beit blifcory of the HMO and Viotori*tx Era published. The only Ua& work&aoeotedby-Her MnJafltyvSales Ofdttttalf'-fcnook tho, bottom *>ut of. ejl li GonritMra ooopIngln money. Evan bOyi and girls aoU it fait. Bl ooftnuaslon or 2$-'/ straight Weekly'salary after trial trip. M-:'4 p *& Ef B'ft'ADCBTf-QA'nfttDTBiON C0:, Ittd,, Toronto, Ont. iro. Cook's Cotton Root Compbuhil tyv{? m0Is the, only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladles can defend In the hour and time of need. It prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases 'p:\." It bj. far the best dollar medicine known "fi'ii': -^WrtdltJy druggists, one Dollar per box. 3fO. 2 for special cases io degrees sold by druggists. One box, ThseVDollara; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. x, or No. a, mailed' on receipt of yrics and two 3-cent stamps. The Coqk Company, Windsor, OoUrlo.' ' Bold In EbsoX and everywhere la Canada bvsJI rBPonalbln Druaalat. w -Wine -^a(*e frm c G-rapes Grown In Esex County. Rich, Sweet and Wholesome ! .........Per Cofio of TwoWo l)ottlotf...v..... .80c, per Gallon-.. Delivered Froo at iullwny station or ttxprofln in Ebaox. The Amherstburg Vintage Co., Tallow Wanted. &:' ...0..O... . . ..Rough and rendered ......Delivered at tho Essex Imperial Soap Works A By-tiA-W to provide for retnibaralnK the Municipal Corporation ot Sandwich Bouth the earn ot 8846, or as muoh thereof as will be neoooaary to pay Maid- Bt'ono'a portion of the coat of ropairlnft the Pike Creek and Weal Townlino Drain. Provisionally adopted tho 14th day of Augunt, 1807. WiiwnEAB.tlift Municipal Corporation of Hand- wlon Sonth bae undertaken tbo work of repair ing the Plko Creek and Wont Townllne Drain. ' And WnBBKAB, tho roport of A.. J. Halford, FJj.B., the engineer appointed by ths said Mnnloipal Corporation of Sandwich Bouth to make enrvey.' plane and estimates of the coat of repairing the said drain abowetb that tbo whole oot of oonetruotlnB the laid drain and works la *3tfi70, and that of this sum tho Muni oipal Corporation of Habdwloh Bouth spall contribute the sum of S3.120, and tho Munioipal Corporation of the Township of MaldBtone shall contribute the anm ot 8i6. And Whebbas, for providing funds for the payment by b&ou.o( tho above named Munici palities of their respective portions ot tbo oost. of tba.sald drain and works* the sia <*)**Ino*r1. baa made assessments In the manner directed by statute on the lands and roads in tho said Townships which, in bis opinion, will In any way bo benefitted by the repairing of the Bold drains. And WnaiuBAsi a copy of said roport^ plana, Bpcolfloatlonaandassessment80 made by the Bo<donfilnoerwaB,on the 20nd day of Novem ber, 1698, served by tho Munioipal Corporation of Hiwdwlcb Bouth on the head of tho Munioi pal Corporation of tho Township of Maidstone. And WnasKia, tho assessments on lands and roads In tho Township of MaldBtone as oontaluod In tho said report of tho said englnoor are embodied heroin and form a por tion of this by-law. Ani> WnunVas* tbo roport of tho said engi neer on tho said drain and works Is as follows-: To tho Munioipal Council! of tho Township ot Sandwich South i Ghntlbukn. In compliance with instruc tions received from you I have mado an ex amination of tbo"WoafcTownUue Drain" from tho Middle Tike Oroek, I flud this portion of the drain Is badly out of repair and is causing sorioua damaco to tbn road. If tbo drain Is uot at once repalrod tbo cost of re building tho road will bo very heavy. The work oan now be done* at a small expense, but Iflettlnlta present condition a now roadbed, will bo roqalrod within two years. Tho Moooey Creek and tho IMko Oreek, the outlet for this drain aro also badly in need of repair throughout tho ontlre lotigth, being froia-thoJCow-nlluo at No. ll, north, and woet to tho head of Pike Crook Drain constructed by tno Township of Maidstone. Portions of tho drain are entirely Ailed up resulting In serious damage to the adjoining lands. Por tions of tho drain aro vory orookod.1 The ened as shown in tho aocornpsnjlnff plan Bpeci0oatlODB. There aro four largo bridge this drain on the 12th concession road ridge road and vy flow Mi and spacl0qatlona. There aro four largo over ______ _.___ ___ These briiges are'entirely worn oat decayed ana will not stand' the .heiv .of' water that must'follow tbo repairing of the drain:' The- brldgo cvor the Bubo Line li In a very poor aonditlon. This bridge may be shortened np 10 foot at the west ond and ^Uo old timbers used in repairing tho bolanoo of'tho bridges.' I rooommond that the work of repairing this drain be done in ucoordanoe with the following npeclflontioun . and tbo annexed plan, owing to the nature of tho work on tho towultno, tt should not bo done boford next spring. My estimate of tbo oot of tho work (oxelusive of thB'brldgus) but uioludlng all Incidental oxponses to tho Town* ship Is ea.OTO. Of this amount I have oharged 8345 against tho lands and roads In the Town ship of MaldstoDo that will une thin drain OS an outlot. Tbo balance of' tbla ostlmiitn. :t 126, together with 8425, the estimated cont, of tho bridges amounting In all to SB,650 I havo charged ovalnst tho lands and rouds in Sand wich South that will bo benefitted by tho dntin or will use tho drain oa an outlot for their waters- Accompanying aro HiH'olBoa- tlons fully dosorlblng tbo work, enttioatoa. Riving the oost In detail n,nd a plan givlug tht' depth and bottom width at each sotV >n. All of.whlob la respeotfully submlttod, A. J. IlAliVOItD, O. .. Special prl^eis; 1 oo 2 00 2 00 sum ,<' AMD WnsnEis. the said oonnoll aro of oulnlan tuat the said reimbursement of the said of money is deslnble. Therefore, the said Mnnlolpal Counoll of the laid'Townabip of Maidstone, pursuant to tho StrovlBlons of tho Druluago Act, 1804, onaotu as ollows: 1st. The said report, plans, spoolfloations. as lessmonts and estimates are boroby a'lopUd and the draluago work as therein Indicated and sot forth shall bo m.< do and oonatruoted In ao- oordanoo therewith. 'P borrow on the credit of tho corporation of tho Bald Township of MoMstono tbo sum of result is tlio flow of tho water In impeded <nd n deposit ot Bllt lodtfod at oaoli bond. I reo-imuiond that theuo bonds bo stralght- 2nd. The Beevo of tho nald town oh In may dlt of tho ooruoratlo Sof MoMstono tbo sui Forty Irlvo Dollars boing aa per onglnoor's estimato Maidstone's portion of the oost of repairing the said Wost Townlino Drain and may Ihruo debentures of the corporation to that amount in sums of not loss than $50 eaah, an! payaulo within five years from tho data thereof with Interest at the rato of six per oonturo per annum.. that is to say In five ejual instalments, such debentures to be pay able at the agonoy of tho Imperial IJahk, at the Town ot Essex, end to havo at tno bod td them coupons for the payment of lntorost Srdl for paying the sum of 9744 00, the amount charged against tho said 1andn abd road for outlot liability aart from thalandanml roads belonging to or controlled by tho muulol- Sallty, and for oovorlng lntoreajb thereon for vo years at tho rato of sit par con turn por ' annum ; tho total epoaiul rutd over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, lovlod and collected (in the same manner and at the en me time as oilier taxes are levied and oollocted), anon and from the undermentioned lot* and parlaof lots, and roods, and the amount of tho said total apodal rates and tuterest elinll bo dlvldod Into flyo equal partM and buo such pari ahall be asflOBBed, lovlod and oolleotod as afore said In oach year for Ave years after the niml Sussing of this by-law, during which the said ebentures havo to run. ...,.-rB.-^L0TE. Prop. )$/'. 4"V h.? SAMUEL DEAN, IS PUEPAEIEIJ TO UNDEttTAKB THE CLEANING OF CHIMNEYS And itMiiovb iJICia'r 801JU On SboHrNoTioM. FlrHfc Class, Clftu Work Quu.rantoo'i. A rl. I ran a Box 2G1, Ssuox. Ut CAIiIj AT W- May Schedule of Xjands and. Roads asaessed for the 3?iko Crook and Wost Townllne Drain. a 6 S3 r to > B. X. U. U-r. triii -FOR ALTj 1UNDB OI-- WINDOW. BLINDS away dowu. OaiNaWA-ms,- BUIC-A-BIIACB, :. FANCY GOODS, , NOVKLTIES, . BOOKS AND STATIONKBY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOYS OF ALL KINDS, . BERLIN WOOL - and FINGEUING YaftNS.' New Stock of Late Wall Paper 10th Con. N. T. R. Baker and Butchor. TXIKo^doufc buuiitbBB iu town. Katauilnlio' lflVH. V"ir(it-(!hi.Fut't)ft'0(| aii-I ciii.ltfl of nl kin'lc. WoiliVny nnkim n. upociiitliiy. uruu^nob>u.*,t:;otl, iiuIl at>l i'nfU. Confoo bionory, orockory,filaBiiwav>. OuunoiliruitBand vegotabloaof ul* Itinrtn. Oontl<i nri-raptly du I vorod toall pavts.oftho town. J. M. IllCKh WVNTHD SEVEltATi PAfTHFULMKN OR Wrjmtn fnh'ivV -m ^^viiifJbbi fltall- lishod licuuo in. *i.i.t\, v".rs", iki>il1)1o IB wo^kly ai'd nr""-K '^'mlMntj Porniit-liont. Uofortwico PlrmliiHu Hulf-iL'liliH^ bL^Llupmi on- velOi). Tho .\!\'.loulI ^"i.-r Knl-'lliiK, CJhloauo. l\i< The Coast Unc to MACWNAC " TAKK THK- MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attained In Qoat Construction Luxurious Equipment! Artistic PuraUhlnir, Decora* I on and Effic ient Service, lunurtii the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY Four Trips per Week Betwech Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE 600," MARQUETTE ' AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mncktriaoui' tteturn, IncludlngTIcala and Berths. Frore Cleveland, 5*8f from Toledo, $vgj iron> Detroit, $13.50. : DAV AND NIGHT SERVICE. f^ Between Detroit and Cleveland ^W.; Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest I;,1;, Trains for nil points Mast. South and Soutb- '<$" ( west and at Detroit for all points North and ?r;!'.>!" "Northwest . , )' ' Sunday Trips June* July. Augusl and Sep!. Onlr &" li* qeyelapd,Put-in-Bay4fToledo J,;;'; ;6<udforlUuBtrnt<d pamphlet Address , : vTt'-'. " *. f, *.'. DBTHOIT, MI0M. v tub Detroit s Cleveiaaa steam na. Co- 292f u 0 pb 201 n pt u w qr 20111 0 qr 2i)0 nwqc 200 w pt n 0 qt 200 o pfc n 0 qr 200 e hf 289 u w qr 280 n 0 qr 280 a w qr 280 a 0 qr 286 n M 288 nhl 287 280 h ii ht 28G 0 hf 285 27 28 20 29 , 28 208 n 0 pfc 292 uopttH Ht 292 n w qr 292 n 0 qr 291 obf. 291 n w qr 291 u o qr 290 0 w qr 290 ttoqe 290 u w qr 290 >] 0 qr .289 h w.qr 289 a 0 qr 289 11 w qr 289aoqr 288 n w qr 2B8 11 0 qr 288 h hf 1 2 . 1 b hf ' 1 s hi h hi 1 a ht n ht 10 18 17 10 , M 0 hf Talbot at, Gravol Roud Mifllogan Conttal Railway S. M. B. N. M. B. 10th Con. . -1 9n 48 18 10 40 80 48 48 m CO 90 100 19ft 98 01 100 28 81 29 U 90 50 65 fiO C)Q 100. 60 CO GO K0 B0 fiO 50 50 CO CO CO BO 100 70 ion 100 50 CO us no no B0 !10 15 22 33 8 100 0 25 IS 00 12 00 2 50 10 00 20 00 18 00 12 00 12 CO 12 CO 21 00 25 00 49 00 24 50 23 50 25 00 7 00 21 00 0 SO IB 00 22 60 .12 60 12 60 .12 60 12 fO 25 00 12 60 12 50 12 50 12 60 12 60 12 fO 12 50 12 50 12 60 12. 50 12 50 12 0 12 60 . 17 CO 25 00 25 00 12 50 12 50 8 25 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 11 00 10 00 2 c- 0} to a 3 J Li > L, 8 19 1 18 2 28 2 28 48 1 90 S 80 2 28 2 28 2 38 2 38 4 50 4 75 0 91 4 06 4 45 4 75 1 33 3 09 1 23 B 01 4 28 2 38 2 38 2 88 2 38 4 75 2 38 2 118 2 38 2 38 2 38 2 38 2 38 2 38 2 Sft 2 38 2 39 2 38 2 38 3 33 4 75 4 75 2 38 2 38 1 57 05 05 05 96 38 2 00 3 01 o 0 "3 o at W I8- a tf v ti-cci The folloviu'g- ore the Speoial Prizes Riven by friends of Tho Great BoatU*Western TJnion Fair, to be held in Eseex, September 28th, 39th and BOlh. ' CliABS 58 SMIOIAXS. 1 *W. H. Biehardflon Best single carriage horse (not stallion) in harness, pair clippers..................i.......................... $ 8 00 2 M. ftoohford Beet carriage foal, 1807................................... 1 00 8 S. Smith Best carriage team, Bet steel shoes....................... 1 25 4 James May 1807, -whip.................. 1 00 5 J. E. Stone Best foal,, 1807, roadster class, plough repairs... 6 J. A. Bose-rBest Shetland foal, 1807.....................f............. 7 John McDongaH Best foal of 1807 sired by that noted Coach Stallion, the property of the Essex German Ooaoh Horse Association................-'..... ..............-............ 8 J* A. Rose, treasurer For the best colt sired by Sir Martin the celebrated thoroughbred stallion, the property of tho Eshox Thoroughbred Horse Association, the privi lege of breeding one maro in 1898, free........................ 12 00 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 9 Walkor'B Specials, Sections 0, 10,11 and 12 Best male and four females of cattle, any of tho boef breeds............................................... $10 00 $0 00 $4 00 10 Bent pair, one year old steers^ beef breeds........... 0 00 4 00 11 Best-pair two year old steers, beef breeds........... 0 00 4 00 12 Best pair three year old steers, beef bred............ 0 00 4 00 13 Frank E. Marcon Best Durham bull any ago....................... 5 00 14 J. Wallace Askin Beat milch cow, to be tested on ground, during the days of the fair............*................................ 2 00 15 8. F. Francis Beat .broOd bow and not less than 0 sucking pigs 3 00 IB Henry Morand Best pair pigs under 7 months (no boars)..... 2 00 17 ,W. Shoemaker Befly Poland China sow............................... 1 00 " 18 JameH Olivor Bent brood sow and not loss than fisuckinp: pigs 2 00 19 0. H. Fuller Bent collection chicken*................................. 1 00 20 J. M. Hicks Best pair Duroo Jersey pigs tinder months, two ..lbs tea.................................................................... 50 21 J. S. Laird Best samplo gruin in straw....................,......... 1 00 22 Johnston Bros. Best samples of grain in qnartoans, value..' 2 60 211 Imperial Bank Best two bush'ela white wheat.................... 2 00 24 Tho tiaing, Bitohie Oo. of Essox, Ijimitcd Bent bushel red wheat, wagon jack................................-................. 1 00 25 Ijiling Brow. Bent variety grain in Btraw, value.................. $2 60 20 T. H. McEliigott BoHt 2 bushel* corn in oar, making pants and vest......................... .............* ............................ 27 W. H. Kennedy Best osHay on stock raising... 1st. 2nd. 3 00 1 00 3rd. 5 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 8 00 3 00 2 00 8 1 19 7 4.t 14 28 14 28 2 08 11 HO 23 80 14 28 T4 28 14 88 14 88 28 60 29 75 58 31 20 16 27 95 20 75 8 33 24 09 7 73 10 04 20 78 14 88 14 8R 14 88 14 88 20 75 14 88 14 Bfl 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88- 14 88 14 88 14 88 14 88 ' 14 88 14 88 14 88 20 8B 29 75 29 75 14 88 14 88 9 82 5 95 6 95 6 95 5 95 2 38 13 00 19 04 24 1 49 2 80 2 80 00 2 38 4 7(1 2 8(1 2 80 2 98 2 08 5 71 5 05 11 00 5 83 5 59 5 95 1 07 6 01 1 65 81 6 gfl 2 08 2 08 2 08 2 08. 6 06 2 98 3 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 flH 2 98 2 98 2 08 2 98 2 98 4 17 5 06 5 9C 2 98 3 98 1 9(1 1 19 -1.10 1 111 1 1ft 48 2 0!> 3 81 28 Walker's Spooials, Sections 28,29, 30 and 31 Beat display of corn in the stalk, quality of stalk, number and quality of ears considered........ $10 00 SO 00 $4 00 28 Best display and greatest variety of corn in the ear in bushel baskets, one bushel each variety...................................................... 00 4 OC 2 00 80 Best display of grain in straw, not less than a double handful each variety..................... 31 Best display of tobacco, in leaf, not less than 5 pounds in each variety............................... 82 M. K. Oowan, M, B. Best crock of butter, not less than. 10 pounds.................................... 83 J. A. Auld, M. P. P, Best factory mado chooflo CO to 75 ------- pounds, made in Ehhox County.................................... 84 S. 'Wilkinson Best 5 pounds of roll butter, 1 pound tea.......^ 85 J. H. AllisH Beat 20 lb. orock of butter, special ontry, lamp. '80 A. O. Stimors BoHt squash to beeomo property of donor...... 87 Mrs, JaH, May Best samplo of Mewing by girl-under 14 years, work box.................................................................... 89 J. A. Francis Most tastofully decorated 5 pounds of butter, a felt hat..................................................................... 80 Brett & Auld Four largest .poaches, Eshox Froo rofls to onclof 1898..................:...-...^T7Tn7;.;.............................. 40 A. H. Soartfft Oo. Tho most prottily decoratod butter, six prints, glaas sot, 6 piecos.............................................. 41 I). J, Whitney For fastost bicycle rider, a sweater.............,. 43 Diobol tic Bricker Best lady bicyclist, a ladys hat...............' 48 W. H. Biohardaon ....... 44 Echo Printing Co. Best bushel yellow gourd seed corn, Echo one year........................................................... 45 George Bears, proprietor of Tho Aberdeen, offers n spooinl prize for faBtcst bioyelo rider In Eshox County, exclud ing cities....................-................ .......,..7r.................. 40 E. L. Park, jowollor, oft'ors 2nd prize, bicycle, 2 miles, value 47 Brott & Auld Boat collection and RroatCHt varioty of potatoes, Ehhox Froo Press to end of 1898.......................;............ 1 00 48 Brott & Auld Largest Pumpkin, Eesox Free Proas to end of 1898...;..................................... ....................... 40 Ech'> Printing Co. Best 25 lbs. crock of butter, Echo 1 year. 5 00 CO 2 OO 1 OO 1 50 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 60 5 OO 2 00 1 60 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 Total onlanda.,,........... Total / One-lipB o! South Town Line, 87-J4.00 $14.1 85. 8885 85 8177 07 on Raad, North Talbot Bead, Sooth Talbob Bond, Ellin Hido Road. ' 0th Conooasfon Road South, ^.MiddloRoad, 101 00 19 20 120 20 24 01 Total on Lands and Boads 8845 00 ftlflO 55 81,005 56 8201 11 , 4tLi. For iULyiiw; tho mim of $101, tboumnimt anscfiiiotl aRiilut-t tbo mild road a nml lands of tho municipality, tnui for oovorlng Intoroftt thereon for flvo 'yoarn at tbo ruto ni bI* nor oontum par milium, a oroolnl rnto on tho dollar, uufll- otonfc to Vroduoo tho required yearly amount tuorofor, eh all, over nml abovo nil oihorriitnn, ho lovlod and colloote I (In the eaino manlier audattho uan.o tlmo an taxon uro lovlod nnd collcletod), uiion'iiud from tho wholo ratable* proporfcy lu nald TowiiBblp' o[ Maldflinuo, In oaob year for flvo yoarn aftor the final piiBB- iudf of this hy-luw, during whloh tho aald dobon- turoBhaveto run. Ctb. Thlfi by-law fjhit.ll bo nubllBhod buofl hi uth dvovy woolt, for f tur couflooutlva wcolii), hi'tho KBBaX. Vroo Proan, nowsnaji' Town brKimox, and shall oomo Into fovco anon Notice. and attar tho flmilymBalug thereof, and may bo oltad tbo "WuBt Townllne Ito fairs By-law.' M.McHUGH, s Clark? tKTBB OORBETT, I berabv certify that tUo foretfoinc lt> a tmo copy of a by lew r>to V1 at ou ally adoptPd by the municipal oounoil of the aald 'Tpwnlmy of Maldetonu, on tho fourteenth day of August, A.D.1897. , .M.MoHUOff.: . . Clerkof tho Municipality of MaldetODo. NOTXOM lHboby glvon that a Court of Kb vision bold T'Urfliiixnt to tbo provlolotifl of tln> Draluago Act, 1804, for tbo hoarluu, umi trlnl cf appoala mQilo againet tbo abovo aa- BOfiamont. or auy part thereof, will.hold ltd Gti.1 alttintfa at tho Town null,' Maldatona, on Baturday. tho Ilth day of Soptonohor,lB't7 at tbo houvol li o'olook U tho eitfcrnoo",.' nv.t\ tliat ahy;.praou" intending to ap'-oal agaltiat' tho abovA tiBnoBBinont or auy part thereof, nitiat, netJutor than tun daya boforo tbo tnno nvnd for tbn holding of said Court, iorvo on tlf C)rk. of tbtfl munlofpultty a wrlttonnotloo,..f Buoti appnah or othorwiBO ho will ho too lafco to bo hoira (p that bohalf..' And furtnor uotlro ieberehy civon that any person ; intondlno to havo Buoh By-law, or any. t\thdreofMiuaahwi munt not Inter .than ten i. after tho, tu-al paRfiirg thereof, flirvd a -- FALL-FAIRS. In lu strial rair at Toronto, .Monday,..Aug ust 30th, to.yatu.tluy September nth. Western Fnir, nt London, Thursday, Sep tember odi, to S4urday, September l8ih. Pcnlnsulpr Fair, at Chatham. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September aist, a'ind, 23rd and 2(th. Merst-a and Leamington 'Agricultural So ciety, nt Lcaminton, on Wednesday. Thurs day and Friday,"October 6ih. 7th and 8ih.' Great South Western Inhibition, at Essex Town, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tliurc- day, Scp;embL'r 2rflh, 2ojh and 3^tb. Pelee ARricul'iiral Society, at Teles Island, on Thursday and Friday, September llolh and October lsa. Tilhurv West and North Ae/ So- cieiy, at Comber, on Monday nd Tuesday, October 4.h and Sib- 1-----------------------------. %. ,- ... . . ' Harrow. Mr. atorling, of Blonhoim, bought a carload ot young .eattlo last woek. Gill Morin wa homo for u fow daya but haa rotumod io bia dutiuB uh Btow- ard on tho Htoamor Glidclon. About 115 younp people attended the aurpriSo party givon at Dmiiol Rouaud's in honor oi Philomou Konaud, before tho lafctor loft for tbo North WoHfc. Western Faif. LONDON, Sept. 9th to 18th, '97 Cariada'a Favorite Live Steele and Agricultural Exhibition. part)\tli6reofMiuBaht"i muot noth dftvi after tho, tit al poBSirg the............ notlMo in writ in a, upon tho neova or Other hoad oulcer and nivuv the Clerk of tho Munici pality of Ufaldfltooe, of .his . intention to make applldatton for that purpoae, to the Hlffn Court at Toronto, daring tbei six wetiVe next ensuing thefluatpasaLago)! tbla By-law, ;> , . M.MOHUQH. . ,'..'!. ': , .'.OJork. Dated at Malde'oae; this lth. day olAuguit, *,-'fioi IBE'/.," ';';, J woyog*yc Klu^HVlUe. . /. Tho fviondH of Mrs. Jan. \Villoy of O-osUold Bouth will bo ^lad to know ubo ia improving:. !For somo time uot much hope was had of bcr recovery, She in under tbo euro of Br. White,' of. Kingvillo, Dr: .Tcnnof, of JEhbox, was Galled in conaultation Hovor'nl timo'H laHt wook. Horatio Scratch, Kiu^Hville, ha a novelty in'the Hhupo of a oherry tree which ban now over a buabel of ripe rod ohcrrieu on It. Thoy ahpuUl bnvo mutnvod tho lattor part of June; but after blossoming tho fruit apparently did not enlarge'any . until .recently when tho oherrioB commenced to fill out and in the last three days to ripen. Last Friday evening one of the fore men of the MetUwaii nearly killed Will Lougland, a town boy, -with a monkey wrench, for talking to one of the girls at the Mottavob, Ed. Oampeau oame to tiongland's aasiatance but, rooeive.d the dame treatment. Theman y/fiei, av- rested and tried befoi:9 Justioes'Grold- en and .Scratch Saturday afternoon. Thocaee waa diemiflaed,'each paying bia own coat.J ' ""' - .....- The mont eoraplotu Livo Stock Build- inu in Amorica. 'More iuiprovomotitfl and t'Xtunnivo additinnn thm year. Every Stockman, A^rinulturiHt, Manufacturer, Dnitviniin, Artiwfc und Tuvcutor, otc, etc., opcdially invitnl. . ^ . Entrioe otonn Hopteroboi Oth, in all Do- ptirtnifiitii. Sih'oahh afurod, Sie HasBD Ben^AU, The Arab Prince, Huh been noourt'd to fnruiah Etnd HUporin- - t^nd the Stue Attruotiona. Auction Bala of Boorhft and Frivilfgdn, \u^\]Ht 15tli, on thu GrouiidH at 2 p. m. For Vvitm liidlf, Proyrammo and Mapa. Apply to TBOS. U.BEOWNE, LT. COL. F. B. MYS. Socrotary. VroBidout. The Great Event of the Jubilee Year. Canada's VICTORIAN ERA EXPOSITION -AND- INDUSTRIAL * FAIR. TOKOWTO, Aug. 30th to Sept. nth Grand ."Attractions. New Features. Special Jubilee Novelties, The Latest In- ventiona in the Industrial and Amusement Field, Im provement and Advancement in all Departmentri* Excelling All;Previous Years. ,|. Oneap ExouraionH on all Line8 of Travel. . Ear Ijriza,, ^iatH,|O0ntxy .;Korrnai;; J?yo< grammos and all partioularB, AddrpBa "'""" '""' '"" ' TOi If i| a4v9rtl^enttvJiJcb;:^pJ|5 the1 (rutir about' Milbam'iiVHe** an^f AM PEOPLE WHO SUFrlE from. sleepleasneiv, dinlness. \i. of bj-Wth, smothering fcelinV, flU tion of the heart,-y fc pains through th& ^breast antf heart, anxious, morbid con dition of the mind, groundless fears of corniny. *dangef|S anaemia or impoverished blood, - aftef1^, effects of la grippe, general debility,:M etc.,should , ;, . ""*' of hmtti, -:i3 TRY THESE as they cure these complaints.' Every L--,^ is guaranteed to give satisfaction prfys money refunded'througb the party from ':Jl whom the pills were purchased^ a^d we ;ih authorize them to do so on the strength jM of the above statement This offer,! M limited to the first box used by/any on*'.-ft person. T, Milburn Sc Co., Toronto.;VM Wanted A- '\TA V-T'srTjLrANADAGRO^m4 , i-'l-'l 1. - Vinii bud Ot unciittiii -i :'rftgl*}]* flhruliH, kt>PM>, IiuliiW mul wu't.(-n*p I'lU'.it.Orupi ViU(*fi, HiuuU P-Ults, Ht'id !'t'*i"*fl, !**. W... ,k. untnlopiw only tli- lir'H<i<t.i,0(l mil |M> <<il4ir ' {'!$ vtiHuliot, ibutflticcmid hi tho eo'i'lo-t * >u*tS-c'i& NwoeMHOu uow ooinraenofnH; oimploto nnt0^"5? fruo.imtary nnd oxponbcn pnlil (roi*i iuri't(tt' full time, or Itbris) c*uinjlB8lon n-\ p^tt cImio' ,r Avi'iynnw, RdilrtieBiutf noaioot oulco, aii'l v'A anolcn ol territory. . LtKK imoTJiEits company; .;'M Intornatloniil KnriiurlrH. 'IS CniqAoo.IrJr4 or MonthBaIj, Ouk. . UfAMTrn^A"ltB inr "Qnaen Vlotorla,:S ft An I C|| HerUfllfin -nM Diamond Jubi- '^ ine." Ovartlowine with Ktost und rlatamt pJck^ turea. Contains tho i-ndorwi blotrrapby ot-Bot'/\M Majeity, withiutb-nfclo lliatory of her vom&ik-"M ublo rolgu. and tall ofcouut of the Diamond'^. Jultlloe. Only al BO. Dig t><>oit Tioin-inunt-'^JI (louiaiid. Bonanza for agoritfl. ('ommt^aion M >'**1,'| per nnt. Oradlt ifivon. Frolght puid, Ontflt'^{A rue, Dutyjiald. Wrlta iiulek'ior outn- nodVif'^l rflto ty. Tim Dominion Couiimny, Ii*,t, W&l 50 Doarborn 8t V fc You Can Get Ono Parlor Suite, One Bedroom Sv.ito, OiioJExtonmori Tablo Oao 6ideboard. Six Cbairs, One Rocker,' 'm :'rtS fill For -ALBO- Iron Beds, Baby Gdrr/'eges, Ficture Mouldings ari(M Everytlmig in tl.o Fr.rnitnro"Jjipo afc) Gloso PriceH th- Best CJoodBiiti'1 tbo Market tbo bulk. oi wbictf$j , is our own manufacture, i.bore^; fore wc will'guarantoo itt 'o'**4t" "^. in tbo Markot * * * * > -' Undertaking A SpectaS^i '% &? First-CTaBB Gity Hacks in attendurice;;^ vbon roqiiirod. '?\$ft All of tbo above to bo bad at Eflbox Furniture Wn i-.-rn.^na;?,^ J, a, HICKS & Coo ^sex./* New Bakery sic- 0k I bog to inform tbo citizen* of Essex and vicinity tbat I bavo Oponod a Bakery at my roaidenoe, Victoria St., wber-G can bo found a full lino of. '. ... . . . m BAKER'S GOODS. I Batce tho Detroit colebiatf-,, ed Homo-Made Bread, wbic)i is tbo latest ana moat ap|n- : ^ tiziug.' Patrons oan obtain/'.':;-1^"' tbis Bread by calling at V T?^ WILKINSON'S ^ ^if . GROCERY. ..' #;VtiS He is baudling tbo goods for, ,%i| ' mo. ).\/: '^Wjlp Please Give Me a Trla) ^ and be oonvinootl fcbnfc I can suit you. Goods will be i?rosh ub my wauon goes tb;'-J^|S all parts of tbo town ev^ry,; ,;^| morning. -, '.C'i'^^ k IS" Wedding Cakes a snecj- alty. V:';- 'WgUEY; BliRSHp 1.1- .'.j r^vT -#; ws fwmm ?*%S!f 15 6

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