Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 27, 1897, p. 2

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j'ji'iM.I.\v :.'. ilV , Vi|,'-.^.'-.r,.JV",! ty !?^^^ra^W^&^ ftPb tfc Mr4^a*#^*r** Mi ^ ^ otW& tmto b*r lote* thm, ' ' 'X they plighted their tooth * d*y. vt'^V'-:-- On gleamed wnl Wfc#>^ jfca a knight rod* i .____T i whit* on a eorMlet bright, - knight rode away li\tae moratnf light * Vl attar drooped lti snowy head fc\,';t ttjttjllttwr wd tr|f lti mietreee tor. %{ # vV. ' flfce Uesed lti petals and monnared low, I tore him eo." fin* aaw fair atunmer with haated oraetb Die la the flush of a heetlo daath. She heard the wild goeeo Has and cry .Adown the glaring southern iky. - Yet nerer homo her loyer came Slowly died her hope's brlghk flame. : In a dietant, vordant valley. : By,a lazy, Hmpod itream. Blooms a rosa nbuvo a grave, One whlt roe, in the sunlights gleam. (Cornell Era. m 1-vV &:: JJV}*.' . A PATRIOT'S WIFE. On warm morninjy in the spring of 1780 Mrs, Slooumb waa sitting on the broad piazza about her homo on a large 'plantation in South Carolina. Her hua-" band and many of bin neighbors were with Snmter. fighting for tho strag gling colouioa, but on this beautiful . morning there wero almost no aigna of War to be aeon. As yot. his plantation , had not been moleatod, and oh Mrs, 8Io- tounb glanced at hor litfcl** obild playing . near her or spoko to *aor Kistor, who wae 'hor companion, or addressed a word to the servants there was no alarm monl- -feat Bat in a moment tbo entire econo vwan ohrfng-ed. : "There come some eoldlors," said hor tiatfr, pointing toward on oflloor and 20 troopers who tnrnod out of tho highway juid ttutured the yard. Mrs. Slooumb made no reply, *]- - thongh her face booaino pale and there ; was a tigbtening: of tho lips as alie wutclitid the men. Her fears were not allayed when nho became satitdled that I the leader was none other than the bat- - ed Colonel Tarloton. That short, thick- get body, dressed iu a gorgeouw soorlet 'uniform, the florid face and ornol ox- prt'ssion. proclaimed the appronohing. (Officer only too.well. But tho raisfcreus gave no sign of fear as aho aroHo to li- ~"ten to the words of the leader; who r goon drow his horse to a halt beforo her. Baling his cap and bowing to his horse's nook, ho Raid, "Havo I the ploiiBure of addressing tho mistruss of this plantation?" . "It is my husband's." * , "And is ho hero?" ' ... * ., . "Hois not.*? " "Ho isuo rebel, is ho?" "No, air. Ho is a soldier in the army d* his country aad fighting her invad ers." "He rauBt bo a robel and no friend of . his country if be fights against his king.". .'"Only glafov have masters hero," ro- '/ .pliod tho nudanntod woman, Tarlofcon'a face flushed, but he made .no reply, and, turning to ono of his companions, gavo orders for a camp to be made in the orchard uoar by. Soon the 1,100 men in his command had .pitched their tents, and tho, peaceful plantation took On the garb of war. Returning to tho piazza and again bowing low tho British colonol Haid: " Necessity compels nis majesty's troops to occupy yoar plnco for a timo, and X will have to maker-ray quarters In your house; that is, if it will not bo too -great an inconvenience to you." , "My family consists at prosont of only myself, my child and Histor, bo- sidos tho servants, and wo must oboy your.ordors." In Icbs than an hour tho ontiro plttoe - was transformed. The white touts cov ered the lawn, horses wore tied to tho high rail fonces, uoldiers in bright uni forms were moving hero and thoro. Bq- lforo entering the house the British colo nel called some of bis officers and gavo sharp orders for scouring tho country within tho neighborhood of 10 or 15 milos. '.;'.' This Hharp command was not lost up on .Mrs.Slocumb, nor was she slow to act upon it horsolf, as we soon shall soo* jfty.-'iBnt for tho present, trying to stifii hot w. ""fears, who determined to mako tho best &\> ri. .<. ti* of the situation mid avert all tho danger ^y I possible by providing for tho comfort 1^;'of Tarletonimd his mon, ond aooording- "S. .ly she had a dinner soon ready fit for a te;';king, and sorely far too good for such |j?:;v.'.'a cruel and bloodthirsty man as Tarlo- y^v'.'tbb soon was known to ho. ,%v,;,: When tho colonol and his staff wore gammoned to the dining room, thoy Hat !i?i art- $$}:'- } ,'dowa to n table which fairly groaned bahoatb tho good things heaped upon i.:';, it. It was such a dinner as only the South Carolina matrons know how to h'-" prepare, and tho men soon became jo- Kf f^Tial under Ite influences, "We shall have fe. * fewilobet men by morning," said a oap- fe1-;. tain, "if this ia tho way wo are to be W$.i)'treated.' I suppose when this little wur l^'i'iig over all this country will be divided ^; J axnoiig the soldiers. Kb, colonol?" " '*!. "TTndoubtedJy the officers will ooou- ?u\t- Vf Urge portions of the country," re- ^^"" a^;..:.i-v:/^lre,iI:.know/jng6 how much thoy %' )"f'JWiH.each boonpy," said Mrs. Slocuiub, |5 nnable to maintain ailon'oa longer* Wi'i'i ""And .'.how mnoh Will that be, mad- W^ ram?1*; inquired Tarleton, bowing low. fer^Siifoettwci;""' .- ?ii;^'^-?Chw:polonel*8 food again flushed with J$'f janger as.'he replied^ ^Kxcueo me, bat I Jf|'if;aball endeavor to have this very pi ant a- >K -tion mado over to me as a ducal seat" "I have husband, whom you seem W^At^'fox'^G^'and.I;OKa ajsgare you he is'not mi; Mxq;m'an' to allow even the king himself pj:V<<ij'iia'te a quiet seat on hia gTound;" p.^|f-,Bni"the/ conversation" suddenly vro ^l^toierrnpted by the aounds of firing.", , lf|^:">^me},/;gttaBgliqg,. '...running 1 iVKy/V9oid'dne:o(;l'tlie.DieDy notqulte ^^ling^JftarotbetaWe. ' " rifles there, and ft i iT..*l .ii..j || ;iHi|)i i IMfifrliYi ! ^M|inn|i ,i n jl.TMI jm ?x^.;; ":'^' :j^:)naey^ rising quickly gnd rushing to tfam piaaaa; an example wbioh all, indludlng Wm. Sloonmb; r at one* followed: She was trombUng noV* for she felt assured that she could explain the eauae of the com motion. "May I ask, madam/' eald Tar let on, turning to her as aoon as ho had given his orders for the action of the troops, "whother any of Washington's forces are in this neighborhood or not?" " You must know that ' fcuoral Green and the marquis are in South Carolina, and I havo no doubt you would bo pleased to see Lee once more. He shook your hand very warmly tho last time he mot yon, I am told." An oath escaped the angry colonel's lips, and he glanced for a moment at the scar which tho wound Lee had made had left ou his hand, but he turned abruptly and ordered tho troops to form on the right, and ho dashed down the lawn. A shout and tho tiound of firearms drow tho attention of Mrs. Slooumb to tho long avenue that led to the houso. A cry escaped hor at the sight, for thore was her husband, followed by two of hur neighbors, pursuing on horsobaak a band of five Tories whom Turloton had sent to scour the conn try. On and od they oauin, und it was evi- 'dent that tho pursuers wero too busy to have noticed tho army of Tnrletou. Broadswords'and various kinds of wea pons were flashing in tho air/and it waa plain that tho enraged Slooumb saw nothing but theTorlosiie Was pursuing. Could nothing be done? Would thoy ran into tho vory heart of tho oaiup? Mrs. Slooumb tried to scream and warn hur hnnband, but not a sound could she make. One of tho Torino had juat f allou, .when she saw hor husband's horso sud denly stop and swerve to one side. What Was tho cause? Sambo, tho slave whom Mrs. Slo onmb had dispatched, as kcou as TarUi'-" ton hud come, to warn her bunbuild, bad started promptly on his errand, but the bright coats of tho Brititm had so charmed him that he had lingered about the place*, and when the sound of the guns was heard Bam bo had Rone only as far as the hedgerow that lined the avouuo. Discretion bocame tho bettor part of valor then, and tho negro in his fear had crawled beneath it for shelter, but when his frightened face beheld his master approaching ho had mustered oonrago enough to crawl forth fr6uT~li!fi~ biding place and startle the horses as thoy passed. "Hoi on, massal Hoi on!" he shout ed. Hooognizing tho volco, Slocumb and bis followers for the first time stopped and glanced about them. Off to their left were. 1,000 men within pistol shot As thoy wheeled thoir horses they saw a body of horsemen leaping the hedge -aiid_alrondy in their roar. Quickly wheeling again they started directly for 'tho house, near which tho guard had been stationed. On thoy swept, and, leaping the fenbo of lath about tho gar- don patch amid a shower of bnllots they acartfld .through the open lots. Another shower of bullets fell uboufc them as thoir horses 'leaped the broad bro'oW, or canal, as it wan called, and then almost beforo tho guard had cleared the foneos thoy bad gained tho uholtor of tho woods.boyond and woro safe Tho chagrin of tho British Tarloton was as great an tho roliof of Mrs. Slo cumb, and when on the following day tho troops moved on the cordial adiou of tho hostess led tho colonel to say: "Tho British uro not robbers, madum. Wo shall pay you for all we havo taken.h "I am ho rejoiced at what you htivo not takou that I shall not complain if I do not hoar from you again," she re plied. And she nolthor hoard nor complain ed. JjOuiHvillo Courier-Journal. ^tywMitwwt w/hiMW^^W^'^M SICK HEADACHE Positively crirod by these Little Pills. ' Thoy also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, fiad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongmj Pain in tho Side, TORPID UVER. They Regulate the Bowels* Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose* Small Price. Substitution tho fraud of tbo day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter s, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. THE SHREW MOUSE. Hmrm- ftacrod Xhroadu, ami Cords. . The auorod thread of tho Brahmans Is woll known. It is a casto distinction assumed ufc an early ago and novcr part ed with. It must bo mado .by a Brah man and should consist of throo strands, each of u difforont color, 48 yards in length, doublod and twisted together twice, tho ends tied in knots. It must bo worn. next tbo skin, ovor tho loft shouldor, hanging down to tho thigh on tho right side. Tho throo castes of the Hindoos are distinguished by tho matorl- al of theso threads cotton for tho Brah mans, hemp for tho warriors and wool for the artisans. The Parsees also wear tho sacred thread, and boys of 7 or 9 uro iuvostod with it, tho threads used boing made ulways of fibers of tho sura troo. Monior Williams describes tho s- crod girdle of the Parsoos as mado of V3 woolen threads, forming a .flat baud, which is twined throo times around tho body and tied in two peculiar knots, the socrot of which is known only to the Poraocs. The uso of "medioino cords" is com mon among North Amorican Indians- Mr. Bourko doscribos those worn by the Apaches. Theso oonsist of one, two, three and four strands, to which ara at tached shells, foathors, beads, rook orys- talt sacred groon stonos and othor arti- oloa, doubtless omployod symbolically. - Chambers'Journal. Whor iVLuona Ave UntonanUd* The inhabitants of Iceland are com-, weeded as the. most honest people out Oases of theft are almost unknown to thorn, and a murder does not happen in a generation. There is only one police man on the. island, who spends bIx months of the year in the north and the rest of the time in Reykjavik, where the only jail is located. According to the Islanders, this prison is a mugn ill cent 'building, In that it lflbuiltof stone, and they think it Is a direct Invitation to wrongdoing, as an inmate of the prison lives in a nice room, enjoys. the, privi lege of^ reposing on a real bed and oat; ing breadj at meals, luxuries wbioh an ordipary Ioelander scarcely ever has the opportunity of'Indulging in. In spite o? all thoi^e temptations the Reykjavik: prison is, nearly alwaya empV. l^rUwna ,8K?Jbf,0M^..v' v.--/; ..; . Horn* Queer Snperatltlons About leu X.lttlo Auliual. The shrew, or shrew mouso, as it is oommonly called, is found in nearly nil parts of tho world. It ia distinguished by an elongated, pointed muzzle, era nil eyes, plontiRrado, six toed feet ntid glands that secrote a musky fluid. Al together it closely resembles a mouso, but it is roally not related to the mouse family. When at home, it is cither undor u pile of rubbish or, in a hole which it bos burrowed iu the oarth. It ia noctur nal In its habits, but perfectly-harm less, yet at ono time it wus much dia- liked and per snouted bcanuflo it was thought to be a dangerous, mischiovons "nnimul. Among tho Italians tho notion was prevalent that tho bite of a shrew was extromely poisonous. Tho French and the Kuglish believod that if a shrew ran over an animal's foot the nnimal felt groat pain and eventually became paralyzed. Hence if a horso,-a cow or a goat became a little stiff in its limbs tho foolish people at once declared it "shrow struck,". and tho poor shrews had to suffer in consequenco. Of courso tho "shrew struck" animal had to havo something to euro it, so an asb treo was selected and a doop hole was bored into its trunk. Then a shrow was captured, put ulivo into tho holo, tho holo wns securely plugged and tho innocont little nnimal was loft to die of starvation. Theiguorimtboliovod that, after Huch an net, tho ash tree hnd power to cure "shrew ntruok" animals, and wlienover an unimal beoamo inactive or u little numb iu its limbs its owner hurried to the "shrow ash," cut a switch from it and switched tho "shrew struck" boast. Tbo smarting caused- by .tho switching naturally made the helpless animal move about as much as it possibly could, and in a short timo it wuh pronounced ourod. Philadelphia Times. Some Odd \VI11. One of tho oddrst documents of tlv will, kindknmvn was thntoi: Q'uren Ans- trigildti, conHOVt of King Go'utrain ot Burgundy. The dying prlucofifl enjoined "upon her husband to slay and bmy in the same gvavo with hor the pbysicinuh who had attended her. Anothor. will was that of a hushnnd who fovluulc hi: wit'o's marrying on pain of his returning to bnunt her; This in quite different from thnt.ef a woman who 'instructed hor executors to sock out "nomo nice, good, pretty girl," who would mako an- uitoctioaate second wife to her Kpouso It: is a fact interesting in this connec tion that tho first Napoleon actually' be queathed 10,000 frnuos to u follow named Cantillon, who hnd been tried for attempting of the Duke of Wellington, Pittsburg Din- patch. Lady Dufforin, in hor amusing book, "Viccrogal Lifo In India," gives some gofid examples of "baboo" English, Ono of tho natives was told to'write on essay on tho horso in an examination, and this was tho result: "Tho horso is a very noblo animal, but whon irritated ceasos to do so." Tho n^4 and oggs of Pallas* gray shriko (Duuius major) are said to be till unknown to acionoe. Scott's Emulsion is Cod- liver Oil prepared as a food. At the same time, it is a blood maker, a nerve tonic and an up-builder. But principally it is a food for tired and weak digestions; for those who are not getting the fat they should from their ordinary food; for chil dren whom nothing seems tp nourish; for all who are fat-starved and thin. It"is. pleasant to take; at least, it is not unpleasant. Children like it and ask for more. -/'.'. . liSRtst* hVi m **Ju*t M good" kind. Itnt na m otheA try to vtii ' kuyr ' I'-l", '.'I'M ftHERlDAN^ FiRst mpei Soma driiggbt havi thi Wind tU otheft Uy to qul axl nouh for you * . 4. Jobn4>llpla Prfonana Whlah Bhm* Thfo^owlbg story was told by the Rev. J. T.Headley, historian and biog rapher ofjhony of the heroes of theHvar, In regaid to a boyhood experience of .QoaoJcWJSheridahr";;;, At five years of age he was playing obar his home when somo lads come along and amused themselves with the wido awako boy. A horse was feeding in an adjacent lot. "Phil, would you-like-a-rido?" they mid to him. "Yes. Give mo one." In a few moments the boy was on the iniznal's back. The sudden'and uncere monious mounting of the young ridor Iturtlcd the steed, and nwnv ho ran. "Whoal Whoal" Bhoated the lads,' but in vain. , Over the fence tho animal sprang, ind onoo on tho highway it was a John Gilpin performance. Phil clung to the mane,-while the soborcd authors of tbo turned pnlo with apprehension of a trngio end to it, expecting to see him dashed to the earth and killed. But nut of sight vanished both steed uud ridor, and miles soon intervened be tween thp two parties. Suddenly the horso turned into the bed of o tavern,, where its owner had frequently stopped in his travels. Men oamo out. and, recognizing tho horfio, questioned tho boy. Ono of the carious uompnny, after socuring the foaming animal, which hnd neither saddle nor bridle, Inquired of tho nntorriflod Phil: "Who taught you to ridn?" "Nobody," answered tho boy. "Did no ono teach you how to sit on a horse?" asked another. "Oh, yes. Bill Seymour told me to and I did/' " Wasn't you frightened?" "Nary a bit. I. wanted to go farther, but tho horso wouldn't go/* "Ain't you sore?" "Kinder, but I'll bo bottor tomorrow, and then I'Uwrido back homo/' "That boy/* said the questioner, "has pluck enough to be an Indian hunter." Tho owner of the nag turned up not long afterward, in search of his proper ty. Ho said thut tho nnimal was vi cious and had thrown more than ono Dxperioucod horsoman. New" York Tribune. ___________ ABBREVIATIONS. Tim* having: That May Not B* Productive of Gooil HablU. ____.___ Our public school children, aro be yond doubt taught nowadays much that interests and holps them, all of which was unknown to thoir parents at the samo age. And this instruction is given in a manner to beguilo the Httlo pcoplo into the royal road to learning, so thut it is a common occurrence to have a child burst into tears at the fear of missing a day in school. Vet thore must always bo a yet are they learning refinement with tho roHt of tho desiccated knowl edge offered as their-pabulum? In the vory scientific algebra: taught throughout New York stato and com piled by an instructor in the Normal kohool, "to save time," tho highest common divisor is spoken of as the ' ' tt. O. D. /' and the least common mul tiple is the "L, O. M/' What time is saved, and why? And isn't such teach ing inculcating tho vulgarity, later on In lifo, which speaks of "photos" and "bikes" aud4,buses,"if not of "pants" nd "gents." If thitf system of abbreviating every thing Is taught in our schools, wo will simply have to stand tho jeorsof tho re fined foroignors at our boing in too grout a hurry to make money to even ipoak tho languago properly. . As groat ns wo are, our fault lies in this rushing frantically over everything, What thofarsocrs nro trying to .teach is repose a taking of timo for all tbo toflned things of lifo, and yet, if this principle of "chopping*.* tho lunguoge is taught at tho vory bane of our lifo, fcho public school, what can bo expected of these children when thoy} grow up? Philadelphia Press. / At and Thoir Umq*, During 13 months spent in tho Aus tralian colonies in the years 1870 1. I bad more opportunities than were pleas ant of studying tho habits of' tints. ' tboao insects, as is woll known, nro not only a uuiHanco, but nn absolute post in hot countries. Thoy march in myriads and destroy* everything in their road, tn justieo to tho ants, I am bound, how- Bver, to admit that I havo found them aseful iu moro ways than ono. Por in- utauoo, I bought an opossum skin rtig. from u native I soon beoume painfully, aware of tho fact that it literally iwarmod with flons and othor vermin. In vain did I exhaust my stook of pop- por. Even turpentine seemed to havo no off opt beyond increasing tho reckless activity of those irritating settlers. At last, in despair, X throw my rug Sown on un nnt hill. In less than half in hour, every fioa and objoctiouablo parasite was on ten, but tho rug wub full of unts. I therefore hung it on a mimosa kosh, and as soon ns thp ants found they were suspended they hastcuod to leuve the rug and, descended by tho bush as boat they could., Again, I had killed a snake in Tas mania and wished to clean and bleach the akeloton, which I intendod to have mounted as a necklace. I loft the body near an ants' nost. In a fow hours there was not a vestige of flesh on the bones, the eun soon did the rest, Gentleman's Magazine. , , Tbo XMXf9ft Book. Professor Max Mullor of Oxford, in a' recent lecture, called attention to the largest book in the world, the wondcr- ful Knth Daw. It consists, of 739 pares, In the ' shape ,of white marble plates Covered with inscriptions, each plate fruilt over with a temple of brick. It is !onnd near the old priest city of Man- ialoy, in Burma, and thia,temple oity '. ?f jncte ihfOk 700 pagoqaa tirttiftliy iiakea up this monster book. NlUNIOtPAt OIHKoTORr: TjTT Esy XoirW OouflcU rant* onih*Ait and. fird Vtiettdayr in aauh moclU M H p. m., at Town Ball, XaJMfc r. G.V. Thomas, Mayor j' John ^altenrOiirJi. ...... ObLoaaixaB North Towvsaxr ooonoil holci MgBUr,mlliigionino tlaqaatarday la aaoh month;at.tha town hall. Ouato. JohR.Thoajaii Uacve(a. C. Atkinson,Clerk,QwtoT,Ofo j,. GoBirrJ) Nobtp township council holds raT guiur meet k on tho laac Saturday in ouob mouth ab tho tuwn hull, Oottam. 01lM,-HlkU; Moovo; Uftuo Jaomiou, UlexU, Cottam, A*. O. Uaxditomu townihlu aounoil holds regular meetings uti tha last aatturday in each month at tbo towniblp hall In the Sin. cod. Jfetor Cor- boll. Hoove; M. MoHugh. Olork. Woodtloe, F.O Bandwxcb Boutu townihlp coanoll holds ro* gultur luootinsB on tho lM Bfttarday iu Ottou month Attho-townshlp hall, oldoaiitl*. Kdwaru O'N^ii, ltoovo; Johu Moynihan, Olork, M&ld- BtoneP.O. CHURCH DIRECTORY lUjcTaoDUr. Dr. Gi(lord. i'Mur. Hotvioc jvory bunday at li a. m. and 7 y. m., Uapbuu. dohoolafil};aup.m. C. K. Waylor, Huporiutend >iis ot Hbhool. Kpvrorth Liauaau pntyurineoUu, i.uoday ovoningtitb o'clock. iona-al pi*y| mottUuiiOuTnuiBdfty.evouiiJK. OBOMoa or Enuland liov. s. JU bevorly in diuubouti UV. i*uui'tt, blaoux. l>iymoorvuit) dVtiry uunday Ektiiu.iu-,7 o'oio.'k u .mauuotty Bohool at 10 .. ni. i'rmiiy OnurcJa.^orth Hia^t bun dfcy Hchool at Lib p. ui 'Xuo publio urtr cox- ditUly Invited. faaHBXTKUiAN, W.M.Hlemlng, Putor.Sor' vlooaonBahbatbatlla.m.and 7.80 p.m.Uab' jatli deboolat42:uep. oj. Vra^or mtotinganil r'astor'a biblo olttui on Tuesday at 7.^1 p. in. UuaialUniouon p, m, naPTibT OnuaoH, itovJVl. F. Campbell. Pti< tor- U^ivlcos ottoli buL.bu.tU at 11 a., ui. aud i p iu. 4?ryor uiuoclns ou Wouuubday ovumui ktu o'aloau. B X.l'. (J. uooang ou Frldu> ovuiiluyat Bo'cloub. Buau iroo. All aru oor- UitUly wuJoouiud. iiouiu Oatuolio. Vr. O. E. MoGoe, Cantor. beir/iOw uvory uLuuk-Uuuduy hbU-UUp. m. bunday Johbolat dp. tu. - MaidbtOmu. High wutiBB and eurinou at 1U.HU tx. ni., oatoohlsin p.m..baptism. utU p. ill., vuMpoirtf uua oouodlotiou at 7 p. m. O. U, Mu- Uue.iM*. BaLvationAumv. OtLpt. Ottway and Llout. Coo in uoimuauu. Uulvatlou luooUoks Wtd- uosduy.Tliurscluy und bunday vouingB;.b'rHi and ibiisy,biit.uiUay ovoulns uudUp.m.buuuay;Koh nuni> uiootipKb tor uijriutlmus i> riuay ovtuiug aud XI a.w. tiuLtmy; Hixinj UrUl 1 a.m. uvory Uuuday. Allatre woloouifi. . LEOAL. If A. WIBMBlt, llaUlbtor, Solicitor, Wotu*i Vubliu &o. Mouuy to louu, utan Ulook, up-utalru, Kuuet. 4-lV O iXjAUKK, COWAN, liAlilXHT & ii/HTi.E*J, Wiuaui-r. ^rlvutoiundM co loan. A. H.\}Li\iUiL, h. Xj. H. M. K. Cowan, M. 1'. a. Jn. a. iuuixtii, A. AC. itAillXlii'. li. A. I.Jj ION it i V. VVAJjTiji.L., AltoiU5 au.. XX C'ouuaolor ut iuw, Bouoitor xu unuuuori, j.*rootor lu Admiralty, iuiuut bolloltor. Vtium, CUu.inbor oi Coiniuortiu UaimiuH, uution, Atiuu. (Cauadlau olalmu again at povbouu m tbo UulUiU beams ooliuun.<i.j Uoforouceai lmpariib)Hunk, .Ebhox. Out, J. L. I'titerb, Kan., liarrlsUir, etc, Wludaor, Out. K.A. Wlfltnor, K^fj. iliu-riHtor. oto.,Kaayi, Out v.' CDICAL. D KH.'BHIKN <fc liltl^N. JttH.Urlon.M. t> . lt,fO. P. S., sraduato ol (JUOltll'ti UulVtMBU>, JiiUgBtOU, IUi3Uib0r ot Col- lugu oC Piivuiuiunu uud burueoau,Ontario. Grad uate of isuw lork i.Jobt Uruuuuto Mudjoul (Joi- 1UKU. ~-------' J. W. Brian, M. U 0. U., V. 1\ M. 0. Houoi Sruduato ot Trinity Alodioal Colloir^, Hoiioi urauuato ot Trinity Cmvursity. Mbmbor oi tbo iJolliiKoof.VnyEiioltLnB aua buiyooua, out. Oitui- uatu of -Now i'urk I'odt Uruduato Medioal uuiiodo. Oulaa ovor Ehbox Modioal Hall 'Irug Btoro. L,ounultiulou mama, ootliou grouuutlour uuu Urt ilut ubovu, Toltjpnoiiu in botu oUxue ami ruaiduiiou. All a all a attoudou to now ouicw, uruff uiuio, or roBiuouoou. iUaiduutjoa. Talbot ucr*i*}t, near fair Krouudu and adJoitilutt niiu% yuH&a Ouiuo. Dlt. J. "hi. JJUNNLllt, AsBooiuto Oorouor foi tho Oouuty ot iiibdux. J.JEarld Jouuor.M. ii.O. M., Trinity Uulvor- uityjil. 0. V. auu ti. Ontario; Jjio. Itoyal Collugu i'uyBLoiaub, i-oudun, iiiiiij.; iat bonoiuruuip una OoidMedaiidt, Trinity uoilojio, Ibbj; uppumtuu Aioubo i'byHiuiau ana dUtgouu, J.oroutououtjj'iu iiotpual and itubinout Aoubuonbur nurnoiuu byiuy-m Uuiiiilmi, Toronto, ibtii. biMcluiiy, uid uaubu of wornun uud ubnuion. iUHUitmou, nouun latoly occupied by Dr. Uuwar, Talbot bc, hBEui. Odlooju Iinporial Barik Block, ground door, opposito Tuuruo'ti drug Btoro. AioUluinuit diu- puiJUbti iu tho oliluii. luiwpuouu counuotion witu loUi olhcu inu rosiuuiioo. Piivutb tulu piiuiioimu butwouu Oyirii i'ufjuuttu'u tioutto auu jjuu liuuutiiiy'u liouBo uud oiboo. ut i'uquutto btatluu 011 tut) ii iu Ci U Ai It. iMjfut nailb attouuod to at ullluu or renLiiuiioo. DENTAL. HP. MAIITIH.D.D. 8., Ij. 1>. ti. lu Oontiatry, Itoyal 0'olloKe of Graduate Buutui jurgBoni), Ontario, una Uuivoraity ot Torobto. JnurgoB, modurutoj Oiuco, ovbr titbtix aluul- uai Bail, Talbot utroab, iiiuaox. . iU-Lv VETERINARY. WH. HICUAKO80N, VETK1UNAUY BUH- GKON. iiouurury (jraduato ot Ontario Vo tori nary Coll(iuo, Toronto; mom lor of On turltJ Votorluary Mcdloul UOdioty; i>ii>Ionjlnt lu Ooutiutry; troats ull dlaoaaoa oi douioaticutud aniuialu;oat(loduhovnt}d bv tholatoatitnpiovou Itouvltt olippor Ualla by Uilophotio or tulo- grupn 1,'Voxuptly attouded to, itoHldonoo,ibrbo aoorBOUBt ot grist mill; oifloo iu poet ollioo oulldiua; JuHRox luUrmary, uiroctly oppoaiio. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES 8. LA1HU, Provlnoml X.on.1 Burvoyoi uud County KUKluoor, Huz&x Out. unioo, A>unatauBlooU, up-atalra. AUCTIONEERS. HENltV HEDKlCK, Auotloneer.' Bolus promptly uttoudbd to. AddroBB, HoutL WoodBluu, Out. Pwraonfl dt)uirltig to Buuure mc may loavo word ut tbo ii'iiEH 1'aunn oUlau. tf > U, HKBIHOK DfllNOLAllt, LICENSED AUOTiONEEtt . for thu County of Ebsux. Bailiff of liliRhth Divluloii Court. All kin da of Farm and o tho i >uloa 0inducted promptly. Batoa roaJouablc and furulshud ou abplloatiou. J^uquirora may apply at \V. 1). Boauian.'d ollloo, or at the olUco oi Division Court Olork, Win. Luting, J~~OHN OOUMLtKY, ajIUKNBBU AUOTIONKBE for tbo County of Kbbux. All kiuda of farm utook ealoa, oto., oouduotnd promptly and on abort notloo. ltatos irodBouablo, Pornona doslrublo to arrange galea may do so by aalUne ut cbe Fbbh Pknuti onlao or by applying to JP. O. Box 155 ,J.QOJLW&Y, iuBBoX, Out, IftlANK UoCLOBKEY, Moidstoae, thirty' XI - Boveu year&'uxperionouaa anauotloneeriu tlte Oouuty of Bbbox. Balea conducted promptly, .aid on reasonable torma. VartloB doBtrlag to Axthodato for a solo oan aave themBelvei a drlfe by railing at tho Fbkh FuEeuothce. Wo have arrnafiod with Mr. MqOloskey and will fix tue dau>a fur aalaa by telegraph, entirely free ot all charge to the person holding- the salo. Ad dress Vrank Mo JloBUoy.MaldBtone Oroas,Ont /. ..- < " " i lAND AND LOAN AQENTS GEOBQK J. THOMAS, Oonveyanoor, Com* mlaBionir, in High COurt ox JuBtleei dealoi itt Heal Biatateand Hortgagei. Uopey to loan at the lowest rata, of interest. Fnrmi booght inttiold. JnBaranoetakenlntno moattollabU iompnnlea.,DrawiAUVtdqeda, mortgagei*jand Uaeea a apaolalty, ObargB* moderate and^aU MARRIACt LIOMMBS EL/PaaK I8BUER QV _ _ . oeiiMi, Elohardoon Bit., Baaax, M,^qg TTJriinor orMor**Age 14oaflW UiiliooerlrO.J.,eto. Oto, pnt; lW D.BBAMAN, ." Iaiper of Marriage Idcboae*. V Night office at DweUl: ' 'P4T.UA1I a ^ Inauranoe MHUf^ Dwelling. : 7* . -tfh TALBOT BTBOET, KBSB1X.1 -, UNDERTAKING. . __________.....'.* $ HPLTJMMBB.* DftdoTtftkot 4d Wpftltut*.; Dealer. Coffins, homo and factory from $81,|80. MoGregor., Onjt, yiBltlng mambavB vtoihwioAm^iUtl^ fratornal wolepme,:- ^KKp^GlXBOB. N, O;, dlally xooeiTod, Membera of inbordinate lodges %'"MM tr.^tlJ^ti1*"0^ *"*tod to Join.1pOl^w3 HANNAN.O.P., O. F, HILli, Boo. < UBBEX TIKE BBIQADE. HEXT8 FlBffB ,,r XJ Friday evenina in evory month for brl* W Bade meeting and third Friday for practice In 'm tho Fireman's room lu the fitono baildlng, ".' Ja. MoMurray, Onief: Bam, Smith, Captain; W Job. Bloto, Lieutopant; Warren Xoo. Boowtary;. 'S Fred. Hyatt,Traaanrer . COURT ROYAL, NO. 2, I. O. F. Moptsaooond and fourth Taeadaya lnoaoh month in J. O. O. F, Hall at 8 o'olock p. m. ViaUlug bratheru will be nlyen n. tratornai wel* S?I130r,W,,J'J,tw,ir' " "- W.O.Bhaw, E.B., M. J-WIBle, O. D. H. C. II. A. Kaiu. Fib. 8oo.t and Troaaiirer. ' Tht Niagara FolU ItaftttS" ,^;rr aoiMo uiax Taking ofloot May, 1H07, Mall Exp, Detroit....... WindBor.... Pelton......... Uaidstouoo Eoaox......... Woodsluo,.. Kuiootnb . Comber...... Jtb1otow!i,. Itodney....... Bt. Thomua London....... "t. Thomas... liodnby......... ltidgatown..... Combo r.......... Huaconib....... Woodsleo....... Eboqx............ Maidatouo Cr foltou.......,..,, .WindBor......... Detroit........... a.m. B.20 5.B0 6,06 0.10 7fiO fi.20 B.40 0.MJ Exp, Ac com Mixed a.m. 0.00 U W) - a. m. 10.00- 10.3S 7.16 11.00 a.* I 8.47 10 rtoiNa WEBT. Exp. a.m. 8.40 19.00 1.26 p.m. 4.40 6.06 SJO 5.28 5J17 fi.fiO fi.W 6.0S 7 10 7.38 U.40 a. m. 4.00 4.18 430- 4.46 6.26 B.G1 B.IO* 10.M) 11JJ5' 2&> p.m. a.40 8.:ia 407 0.40 B.60 6.0:i CM H.24 UAH 7.10 448 6.43- a.m. 0.80 10,26 Mixed a.m. ajn. 6.1B 0.16 530 '7.11 '7-OT 7.H7 B.47 _8.67 12.40 0X9 1.10 o.os ii,as o.aa 7.06 12.06 13.40 0,10 0,83 0,43 0.S4 ic.ia. I0.5li 1.85 800 8.20 3.37 400 Amhoriibura; Local Tralim. WKBT ' i HAbT- ', a.m. a.jn. a.m, a.m. 11.40 7.S6 Ebb or. 0.00 0,26 tlJifl 7.34 Edgara 6.62 0.18 5.10 ia.00 7.40 D E&DU Xing 6.47 0,07 4JW 13.10 7.42 MoGrKor 6.45 0.05' 4M 12.36 B.OO Gordon 6.25 8 46 4.15 lli.40 BJW .Amboratburg 6.20 8.40 4.80 p.m. 0^}5 0.)4 0,21 023 5'40 0.46 Alltralua are run on control standard time, which la 'sixty mluutaa slower than Eases time. For information and ratoa .to oolon- Uta movlufi west a|>ply to John Q. Davon, Faa BDDRer Afcout, gt. Tuouiaa, O. W. Hugslos, Gen eral PaoBfliiger and Ticket Agent, Ghloago ,.*H1 orA.O.etlmorBt Anetit.Eases'. > r., pjn. 'VJ t -.'tM L-1. & D.R. Ry- TIME TABDE NO. 22, taking effect Monday. Bopt. 27,160G, TralnB mu by Eaatora Standi anlTime. Dally except Bunday 4 u A UlA M 0.36 19.00 o.tfjia.uo D.ll'J 12 40 0.4H 0.60 0.67 10.02 10 00 10.10 10.27 10 37 10,-16 10.65 11.11 11,20 11.25 11.33 11.43 11.60 11.B6 12,04 13.11 I2.1B 12.24 12.36 P M. O & 12,45 1.30 1.50 2.03 2 85 r u B;20 0.27 0.38 0.40 4.25 4 -it) 6.2H 6.4'i 5.CB 0.05 0 15 0.38 0.45 7.00 P.M. BTATIONfl. DepWalkcrv'loAr Walkorvlllo June. ......... Polton......... .....A Oldoastlo...... 12.6B 0 47 ......t Pflquotte...... UO fl.&i ......MoGregor .,..,. 1.19 660 ...1 Now Cana&n... 7.10 ... t Mambflold ... 7.17 ...... Harrow ...... 7,27 ... ...i Amer......... 7.37 ......Klngaville...... ,2;B0i7.44...... Itnthvon ...... 3.45i7.C4 ... Leamlngtoa ... 4,10i8.CO......Wboatrey...... 8.17 ......* Kenwlck...... 8.22......CnatHWorth ... 8.1(2......}Glonwood...... 8.-10 8.47 8.52 000 O-07 0.13 0 20 0.31 1*,M .........Merlin ......i Buxton......... ...... Bandiaon ...... ...{CedarBprirga.., Blobhelm Juuot'n ......Dlouuo'm...... ........tWULio......... Ar Hit) go town Dtp A < 0 10 It 03 8 67 8 03 8 47 8 42 8 30 t'2fl t) 23 8 11 Bt'I 7C1 7 40 7 21 7 15 7 10 7O0 0 RS 0 46 6 40 0 31 6 24 0 20 e 10 o oo A.M. I A U fi.60 Kjbti 6.27 5.17 6/8 COO 4^0 03 496 4.C0 3.40 0.16 40 1.54 1.88 1.15 12.30 12^1 12.1!-' 12.00 11.28 il.20 11.16 10.15 10.00 A.M. 0.43 6,80 6.1 6,00 6,61 6.46 C.80 528 521 618 0 07 . as' & ly when there , ^sj itlonB. Mixed,,,"^ \ Flag Stations. Tralua stop pnb are paoflonRorj at or for tbeae etat trains ave at al timoa aubjeot to be cancelled, WM WOOliDATT. General SupeHntenden , Do You To Drive anywhere, you "want a Good .......cud tho plaoe to get it ia at ', ::'Vd i.v;yi !toiyf';v,'1,,",':.'!i. ;V'.,,-'.\-'/ ' -" Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Good Hoatlers In attendance day>nd night';- ? . - S""'--'s^iJ0 "' .HbRSE-SHOEiNaSv^ tes In tbit branch of tiHx bQatqoM;!:1d:K olasi Workmen and wUl, guarantee aatiift in ShbolnK Horaaa tbot interfere. Over-1 or have Coras ox Contracted ffoet^Wai^, .Speoialty - of Bhoehig Hoad and tTjrMa^Bfi< isr W*tfW?$^ '.^.ii I ii.ii |l i I i ' ..... ,W"IMWIliM.tL'------ .A,oMT' JrM#of^Jpll^^^^fif-' JV tbiougb thelummerpauflod * aa -we have peweat KutUah yArioMB^ oc|t:nd.MWB^#iPo^^gr miwlon.^WrAt^nitttoncolorl 424100

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