Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 27, 1897, p. 1

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%;* VOL XIIL No. 34. ESSEX, ONT., FEIDAY. AUGUST 27, 1897. ( w -WHOLE No, itORSYTHE, iiNDERSON&Co. flv'y" .: ; If frv SfcW- I We invite inspec tion of our stock of Summer Dry Goods, We challenge com- fcarison. in quality and price* Our assortment of Wash Fabrics for., "^ ^^r m>. 5**1- HI',' '. . w- .' - f^(%^' W arm Weather wasts; And Costumes Includes Figured-Ghallios at Oc a yard. Handsome Colo rod Cropons at lOo a .'yard: White and Colored Muslins at 10c, a yard. Boautiful Dimities at 12Jo ft yard. Ohooked and , Striped Linens at 12Jo a yard. Colored Striped Crinkles at 90c a yard. Prints aud Ginghams from 5o tip, &o.' Blouse Waists J. T. SOMERVILLE, M.p.)c.M., rvc.p.&s. Ont. Gbaduate oy Trinity Univbiwity, FeLLOW op XuinityJMk digal Com/bob, Toronto, Ont. Office and Rbsjdhnob. Houbg lately oooufcied by tbe late Br.' George MoKenziOi Talbot (Wieet, - - Essex/Ont. notice. ALL parties Indebted to the ostate of John T Brown, lata of, merchant, d#- oeasad, ar* hereby notified to call and sottle with the underalaned on or before tho 80th day of September, 1807, aftor wbioh date unpaid accounts will bo placed in court for rait, JAMES II. BHOWN,, Ont Dated Aagunt Sfltb,1807. Notice to Creditors. In tho Estate of John Ifmmpson Jirownt J)coaaacdt NOTICE! is hereby ulven pursuant to chapter 110. eeotion 80, of the Beviaod Statutes of Ontarlo,1887, that all portions having any olalnm BRainBttho estato of John ThorauooQ Brown, late of tlis TowoBblp of Qosflold North, in tho Ooanty of Kbboj:, tnerohant. deaetsad. who died on or about tho 15th day of Anoint, A.D. 1807, at the said Townililp of OosAeld North, are re- qulrod to send to the undersigned, one of the oxeoutora, on or before the 30th day of Heptem- bor, 1697, tbolr christian bames and Burn am eB, addresses and duBorlptlous, and full particulars of their olalniB and statements of tholr i uatu ce, of aeoounU any Beourity held by tliom And notloe itt lioroby further1 glvou tbat after tbe Bald ilfltb day of Senlembcf. 1B07, tbe exooutord will proved to distribute tho assets of the Bald doceasod union* the parties entitled thereto, having regard to those oUlma only of which thoy shall buvo notioo. And that tho said exooutord will not bo liable for the said assets, or Any part thereof so dis tributed, to any person or portions of whoso claim or claims notloe titia not boon reooived by the executors at tho tlmo of buoU distri bution, JAXtEHU imOWK. Uottam.Ont. ' Datod August 80th, 1807. ALMA COLLEGE For Young Women. A residential school Collegiate and Pre- Made ill the latest .fltylo, with aud without dotnohahlo collars aud otiffs, in Prints, Sateens, Xanana, &o-r- from 50c each. & Ladies' Whitewear JOIiA WMH& 25o and Upwards. SKIRTS Mo and Upwards. JSlIGJIT QOWJSfS 60o and Up, Thesoaro well made garments, full sized and nicely flnishod. A Special Line of . . . Gloria Silk Parasols_^ Assorted handles, 23-inoh frame, ' strong and hftudsomc, oxtrn valuo afc$ oaoh. nraiory Studies, Mimic, Fin- Klocu(it>ii,Hii*int9s, 'lualc, Vino Art, i.Husln Moral nud Ai*\\\ctlc A(!vuntni;efl. Afftll- __________ __^^^____ tttd with Victoria Univcrvlty. College tlanda in nu eight QCru park. Low tatefl. Forllluitratedcatalogueandpartlcularii^address: ft*v. B, Wirnr, M. A., Prlnalpsl, St. Thorns*, OnL Essex To.wn Council. ......assssair..... Music ^Siore, I v Pure Linen 1 &. Oranh Towelling, extra value in a hoavy 17-inoh utripod bordor, regu lar prico lOo, for 7c. a yard. I? ; 60-inch Loom Bamaak Tahiti Linou, ilowor torn, npoolnl at 35c. a yard. Men's Fine OoloroflOamhrio ShhtH with . lar and OuH'k, UHiial 75o. lino, 60c, eaoh, pat- xr a T>Tcr 5 Jfiano and j^ljxin j Organs* .. ^ R. S. Williams1 Pianos. . Evans Bros. Pianos- ^ Singer Sewing Maohinefl. .........Havu Jtiat rocolvod a......... iSfevr Nupply oi Vlolinw, Autolmri**, iViirmoulvnu; OiiliufH, Sic. Violin HtrXiMiu iibovo iDiitrumonti Ool- for /. 'C, In Millinery , Department for tho romniiuW of t the HeaHon, Out ruioic jnovuil, aa wo novoroarry Millinery Goods :,' oyei* from one hoiibou to another. Everything rmiat OO !' and Hupplloii for all tho li hand. Tuning and Itopnlriuga RpnolaHy. Machiiio NooillOB uud Oil in Btook. H. M. FAUJL, 2nd poor No nil of ITi.c.H. Arnold At Mnidstonc, on Saturday Aiip, .iiist to Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold, n son. & Other Depts. JiQOT&.Atm S1TOJ3&. cMocjaffiY, . ".CZOTJONQ; HAiS AND CAPS'. Doatlw. LiVBRGOon In Maldun, on Monday 23rd inct., GL'orfjo-Liverjjood, aged fit) -years. Gkondin, In Anderdon, on Monday, 23rd inst , Louis Crondin, riged 74'years. IIvlk At "EsjKtix- on Sunday,. August 22nd. Margaret, infant daughter of Mr. nrwl Mss. S. Myltc nged 7 montlia. Essex Markots. Friday, August 2H, 1807. Whoat, rodj per buh...$ <g> Whoat, white............... Com................,.v..;,.v.. OatK............,.............. Timothy Hood............... 1 20 Oloyor seed....... ......... l) 0(1 Hay, per ton................ ti 00 Ahnko....................... 8 00 Beof, dreaRodi.............. 4^ Pork, livo weight......... Mutton...................... 4 00 HidoH........................ 75 Ohickonn, per lb.......... 01 Butter...........,..'..,...... 18 liard............................. 08 Eggfl, per don............... Oft Potatoes (now).............. 85 8C 27 20 25 00 00 00 05 5 00 4 fiO 4 00 07 14 08 00 50 NOTICE, 8PBOIAJ0 MEETING. Wednesday, Augnst 25th. , A epooial meeting of the Town Coun cil wafl called at 8 p. m. to consider the question of erecting the addition to the Waterworks building. There were present, Mayor Thomas, in tho phair, Heevo MoDougall, .Deputy Reeve Johnston, Councillors, Poreaythe, RoBe.Raines, Hicks, Itiddick and Fred Robinson. The Mayor stated tho object of. tho mooting. Mr. Hicks said tho Council was in structed to purchase two boilors which had been procured, and they wore also inn true, tod to put Up a building suitable for the. boilors. Tenders bad been re- (jeivod for the building as follows : Laing Bros, 3750; 0. M, Johnston, 8700; A. Parker, $0f>0 ; B. Cory, $603 ; but the last named tender wan with drawn. It was also intended to pnr- ohaso a pump, but wlien that was pro vided for thero would not be enough eft of the 93,000 to erect tho addition. Ho was not in favor of patching but be lieved in putting up a good substantial building. The committee did not care about taking the responsibility on thomnelves and aro thus leaving the matter with the wholo council. The Mayor stated that the bylaw provides only for $2,000 for improve ments to tho waterworks and.if tho building io put up at a cost of 8050 tho total cost so far would bo $1,050, so that thoro would ho nothing left for a pump. I |Mr_. Hiokn said at ilrst it was intend ed to build only a lonn-to, to the pro- aout building. The committee thor oughly examined the building and they could not hoo anything more ad- viHnblo than to build an addition. It seemed unfortunate that tho Council's' hands should bo tied, The Mayor thought tho tenders were high for tho work, Somo people woro satisfied that thoro was a combination in the matter of tho brick work for tho boilers. Mr. Foroaytho was sorry to bo op posed to tho majority of tho mombers of tho committee and would like, to have rt"nico building oh well as any 0110 but tho hands of tho Council aro tied. It would bo a shameful thing to expend the $2,000 provided and not bo any furthor ahead than boforo. In getting through the Ordor-in-Counoil it was promised that a now. engine should bo purchased so that tho, town would bo in a position to furnish tho M. O. R. with wdtor and thus incroaso the ro- unptH by about Si.000 a year. Ho thought a brick addition could bo built. for about $00 so that would leave about $400, for a pump. Ho mo vod that now plans bo drawn for a building at a cottt not to oxcood 9300. Mr. Hides thought the majority.of tho oitizons would opposo tho putting up of a rookery at tho roar of the pre sent building. It would bo diftlonlt to obnnpet an addition and tho main build ing. Mr. Boho thought what tho town wanted was water not a building. Mr. Johnston' would favor just put ting up a tomporury building so as to protect tho boilors and wait for another year boforo doing any more. The. May or wanted to know how they would justify their actions if any of tho oitizoUH called tho council to account for exceeding-tho powers grantod by tho Ordor-iu-Oounoil. Mr. Hicks thought they might just an well hayp asked for 80,000 as $5,000. Mr. Forsytho thought the average ratepayers would look at 'the question more from increased receipts for water works than tho kind of buildingput up. A pump would cost 9400, A lengthy diKbussion followed at tho ond of which the following, resolution was offered : Moved by Mr. Forsytho^ socondod by Mr. Johnston, that now piano bo drawn and toudovd called for* for n h-amo addition to waterworks building sufficient to cover now boilers and well, cost not to oxcood iJUOO. Tho-members woro all in favor of putting uf> a good building, but as the pump, was of more importance than having a fine building and they were limited in tho amount to bo expended in tho improvements,.it was concluded that putting up a -nice building at a oont of over $000 wus out of the quefi- Hlgh School Examinations. * _____ Below will be found the results, as announced by the Education Depart ment, in the rooent examinations of tho Third and Fourth Forms of the High Schools in the County. Lists of the marks of the unsuccessful candidates in the various form examinations will be forwarded before September 1st, to tho Principals of the High School cen tres and the Public School Inspectors in'the poses of the other centres. Cer tificates will follow to the same ad dresses in about two weeks. Candi dates need not therefore apply to tho Education Department, for either marks or certificates. BBSKX. Junior Leaving, L. Griffith, H. Hare, I\ A. Jarmin, O. H. Olvor, A. D. Pottor, E. Richardson, C. Rodd. Senior Loaving, J. J. Beeman, L, C. Bird, W. Wightman. Spooial sub jects, H. 0. Arnold (phyHicS, chem istry and biology), O. Barnes (physics, chemistry and biology), B. M. Lypps (ohomistry and biology), G. W. MoKeo (physics, ehomistry and biology). LKAMINOTON. H. Coulson, N. Imeaon, WINTJHOIl, Junior Leaving, 0. Clemen, M. Crampton, 0. I'oster, iT. Northwood, M. Wightman, E, Pottit. Senior Leaving, C. Hi neks. Form ly. Partl.-K. Fethorstonaugh. ^ Additional Local. Taw new boilors for tho wntorwork's Bystoui have arrived. Gntrj wanted for general house work. Apply at tho Abordoen. Miss LuiJtr luwiw spent a few Jays this week with friends in Kingsville; Mrs. L\ Fkknan and her son, Jonn, spent Sunday last with friends in Do- troit. . Mish Emtia Raimhh gave a vory pretty party to a number of hor frionds on Wednesday evoning. The time was pleasantly passed in games and other amusements. Aitaiiin and Ethel Laing, who have boon visiting for Ave wooks past with relatives and frionds in Niagara Falls, Wolland, St. Thomas, London and other places east, returned homo yester day (Thursday). Thh wheat market has boon very nervous this week, Tho first part of tho wook it took an upward move, as high as 01c. being paid on Tuosday, but on Thursday it had gouo down to 75o. To say what way it will move noxt would bo idle speculation ;-but we can say this that Essex has paid a high- or prico s> for by 80. per bushol than has boon paid in Toronto, Our buyers always pay tho top notch pricos. Towns was quite a fire in town on Friday morning last about one o'o'ook whon tho rosidonco of Frod Hyatt on Hor ovonuG was destroyed. How tho /lro started is a mystery as, when tho occupants of tho house first notiood it, it had got quite a Htart and could not be extinguished. Mrs. Hyatt and child ren wore with difficulty got out of tho burning building. An alarm was sounded and tho fire brigade turned out and in a short time had an excellent stream of water pouring on the build ing and thus provontod thoilames from spreading to neighboring houses. A quantity of tho household goods was gob out. The building was insured for $800 and tho.contonts for $200 but this will not nearly cover the loss. Drvmuw Court sittings woio hold boforo Judge MoHugh- in the town hall on Tuosday, the legal fratornity boiug represented by E. A. Wismor and W. H. Kenuody, of Essex, J. Xi. Peters, R F. Sutherland and J. E. O'Connor, of Windsor, and D. R. Davis, of Am- horstburg. Tho docket was tho -heav iest for., several courts, thoro boiug two adjourned suits, 10 defended. Huita, 0 judgment summonses, and 0 summons after default. In Boatty vs.Wilcox,'the suit ovor a dog in which the plaintiff had received judgment hufi subsequent ly applied for a . new trial, judgmont was roservod. The case of Church vs. Ontario Permanent Loan, Society oooupied some time the plaintiff sued for 840.25, thp, value of his stock in the tho association,and obtained judgment for 845. In Travers vs. Gi.lkinson with tho Essex Thoroughbred Horse Assb-1 pound-keeper and sued for $27.60 drain age fees, on oattle belonging to James Hicks, wbioh had been impounded at his place. The cattle had got into an other man's field, defendant olaimod the fences wero out of repair and called In the fence viewers who condom mod tho fence. Judgmont was reserved. -----------------------: > ,^-------------------------- Our Schools. Editor Froe Press : Dbah Sib: Will you kindly allow mo to call the attention of the parents and guardians of the pupiln of Essex Public Schools to the small number of boys who passed tho last promotion ex amination ? division. ' aiitfiS. nova. Jun. Part I................. Sen. Parti................. Jun. Part II................ Sen. Part II....t............ Jun. Second............... 18 8 0 0 10 2 4 10 11 12 4 1 4 Sen. Second............... 18 Jun. Third................. 1 BonrThird.................. High School Entrance.. 0 There is about, an equal number of boys and girls in the school, but in tho lowest and highest tho most important classes only about one quarter the number promoted wOro boys; and, in noarly every case, tko boys wero the lowest in the classes. An all-wise creator has designed that men shall be tho homo-providers, and in this ago of science, education and competition, the above is a vory sorious condition for this community. There aro three main causes: truancy, running tho streets at night, and the hse of that nerve-ruining narcotic, tobacco,, by boys and their fathors. You have ouo of tho very bout High Schools in tho country at your door, but tho boys of the town, if thoy con- ijnup as thoy have been doing, will never got tho advantago of Its business course, of tho reasoning developed' by its algebra-and yuomotry,. of tho power of observation cultivated by its soionco or of tho -refinement of its drawing, literature and languages. Itia an'awful mistake to only professional mon nood an educa tion. Tho mechanic and businessman nood it, and tho f armor needs it most of all. At the present day ovory girl and boy Hhonld have at loust two yoars of %)ik luontal training of a good High School. . " A number of boys could do as-well as Ellis Beaman, who, although he had been out of aohool for some timo passed the High School Entranco Examination last summer one of tho best in this dis trict. AH should bo at aohool noxt Wednes day as the success or failure of a pupil often depends on tho work of tho first day of tho term and more ofton on tho spirit towards the .teacher and tho school, which parents give to tho child ren at homo. I write this in a critioal spirit, but on account of ray intorost in tho pupils future, success. Yours- Rcspootfully, W. R. Mannino, * Belle River."'.; ^";^$| A party of seven with Messrs.' iHWrf1 andean and MoCartny are camping Oil, the lake shore in Stover's grove. ' O. McOIoskey has purchased a lbV| from A. Cloutior Main street. ; /^ Woodslee. The little 7-year,old son of Auguatul;.- Vickers died suddenly of malignant-, diphtheria Sunday last. He appeared 1 to bo in no danger until about noon, v; The family physician requested a con-;'^ sulfation and Dr. Jenner, of Eqaex,^ was sent for but tho little fellow died; before the doctor arrived. Doj;^ billfl^ of thel forljMf Windsor. Those in charge of the Labor celebration at Windsor complain some parties aro destroying their posted around town. ;;:<itj , John S. Askow, bailiff, died at his'-! rooms, in tho Curry Block last Satur-1^ day morning. Ho had been ill for two. two yoars and Friday took a bad turn'5,vji whioh quickly carried hun off. He vast born at Amherstburg and was 01 years $ of age at. his death. The County treasurer has discovered'^ that the Government's share* County gaol has not been paid . . -^,.AJ years, and now amounts to more than .^ four thousand dollars. Warden Coste^l and Olork MoKeo will leave for Toronto '!& next wook to personally present the '. 'l$ county's claims to the Government ,--^ Tuesday morning, Michael Kirsoh- iaor, who is alleged to have brutally;^ whipped n child, was remanded till August JJlst. Mrs. Perry, Kirshner^1 mother-in-law, was present to see whajj.;'A would bo done to tho accused. SheasV' sertod that tho child was not hurt ond-'; was at prosont in Pontiao. ,.':-,:,('Sj . A petition is. to be circulated among iy} the friends of Ohas, Reid, at Windsor,-fS praying for his pardon. Reitf was cour^ viotod in Juno, 181)5, of embezzling $fy$' 000 of tho city's funds,. and was sefe^ tonoed to four years' imprisonment a$ Kingston,. Tho petition will contend think thatLthaJ Reid bos boon sufiicontly punished^ Tho Conservatives of North Es'sexl^ will mock at tho opora house on -Satur^ 4 'day aftoruoon, to soloot a candidate.' .tojg oppose W. J..MoKeo at tho next ele< tion, for tho Legislature. The oittr mon will support Dr. Reaume, while, the farmers are almost a unit in f of Gcor'go A. Wintoiunto. Mr. Winj(^^ mute has been ..offered the PatroiJ^ nomination. m oiation, as garnishees, judgment was tion. . The motion carried and Council ad journed. j .. ........ We are now buying corn at Walkervillc arid paying 25 cents per bushel for No. I." V: Hiram WAtKRRift. Sons, (Lid.) Labor Day. An excursion rate of one, first-class fare for the round trip will be made fbr: the above occasion between all stations on Michigan Central and to points on |T,H. &B .and S.A O, and N*0. R'y^ DateB.ofssJa'B^':^ Limited t'o.-Sapt. /Tthij- A^ O.STiMBBfl,1, 'Xliaraa; ^OTJa ,:3piij8B7 ^^^'^^^^v'l^^^ given as against primary debtors for full amount, $52.C8 and agaipst ga>- nishee-for 888.15. Xino, MoI)ouald'& Co., suedB. Q.: Evans with imperial Bank aiid others as garnishees fclie amount involved beijig $53 the value of cigars fornislied by', plaintiff,' the evi dence was quite lengthy , and interest-! ing jiidgment;'finally;Jbeing given; in favor of plaintiff forfullamount, -The rest of the oases were over aco^intfl and notes and judgment was m,most', 0^ given in" favor Amherstburg. A number, of Amherstburg boys at tended tho "hop" on Sugar Island, on Saturday ovoniug. On Labor Day tho Harrow base ball club will contest tho championship of this vicinity, with the 'burg hoys. Tho hip joint and a number'of teeth, one of which woighod five pottnds.have boon dug up about five milos from the lake shore in Morsoa. They aro. sup posed to bo a portion of the remains of a mammoth, and are in the posBonsIou of P. B. Loighton. Mr. Loighton, Amhorstburg, who is engaged in diggiug up curios, loasod the laud in Lobo crook whore some of the remains of the mastodon woro found, and after digging two days suc ceeded in 'unearthing tho hip joint, part of tho fore leg and one tooth. The bitter is perfect and weighs 3} lbs. Kingsville. A little girl arrived last Saturday to bless the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Thorn ton. Mrs, Wm. Chalk has returned"from her.two.weeks' visit with friends in Detroit. Miss Nettie Hethorhigton and father and Miss Renwiok, 61 Romney, spent Sunday with friends ill town. , - . Dr. Morgan, the Indian Salvationist, J with his'Swede'wife' hold an. open air meeting at the Mettawas last Sunday, The guests responded with. a.$15 collec tion. ; : > At KingsvillcIaBt Friday a buggy in which were, seated Mrs. Wm. Breemnn and her daughter; Mrs. Albert Wigle; was overturned andboth ^vom^n thrown jpnt.' "daughter: of. Mrs. :\yigle"; wh'o; was 'AlMji^j^^'^cii^;;. ^o^ipied" 'WitabWi^ifrj.-'jT wboxenis^",MrW,'^;!be^v:^tl5iK^. Mrs, 'Wigle.atWmptffloV;^toi)U^a,;J Maidstone, Kenneth Wilson was in Walkerville^J on Monday. Mrs. J. Dawson spout a few days IaB#$ij wook with hor sistor, Mrs. Bunh. Miss Josio L'win, of Detroit, is'visitr^ ing hor cousin, Miss Aggie .Wigle. - $ Mihb Grace Millor, of Detroit, visUedd'^ hor oousiu, Mrs. H. G. Wigle/Jasi* wook. A. W. Keano -roturuod on Mondajgl after spending his holidays at his hozn'ei in Gosto. '"^ Mr. and Mrs. G. Stevens, of ,Wiin8S| sor, spent Sunday with.Mr. and MrsC O. H. Churchill, y,^ Ignatius Halford has purchasebVVj iirio now fnvnaoo for his store MoMurray, Essox. ,vml W. McGregor M. P., North Ess^ paidafiying visit to. this town We nesday afternoon. Miss Mamie Sheridan loft on day for Chatham, whore she will somo time visiting friends. Tho farmers in this vioinity ftnd'i^ vory hard plowing for fall wheat j\~1% at present. Rain is much heeded.. f ,j- Fr. McGoo's appointments will /-JjiSji supplied* by a priewt from L^spmrJit^oS College during his absonco in Irelaa'cp Joseph Fourth has not been abje:|$ teach school this week on aoconni/ii sickness. Ho is boitig attended by .!Uj J. W- Brion. Tho Conservativos of Sandwich Soutfi ,r< t "' JP"! old a mooting Tuesday night t6lap towusbij*^* hoi point delegates for the attend the Conservative Convention^ ------- - "- .i'^-K :U1p Wiudsor on Saturday next. Mrs. R. Jones anddaughtefSi.MW| Viva and Pearl, Ada AVilsonj ^iit, Pottor, Vora Forsoh, of Win^b>i:3| Forest Wilson attended the ^ldnj^ Paradise Grove, on Thursday.; {?Mk ' Tha Methodist Pionio.'h6ltf^i;^jf Kane's grove.9M WeoTneflday-oft^S was a decided success in every; w*ay^ is estimated that over bix huncli people took dinner,' an'<ir-i'te'ai"^{JEJT were two games of fpptbajtlfc n^lv" two, teams from.'1^4A^^;J!f^;fr tween^Maidstpii:abd;^o$|^j^ In the-first ^ame/ttei^ip.^i^Vp the. second game restiti^f&^ 2 to'l iniay^ 6^00:^9^"-*^ _ .'_' '."_ ft ".1.". 1. -V-i

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