Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 20, 1897, p. 7

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^fii Mr Brown and Hr ^$$im& f,.w. ^.^^.jRfovn^^WM' worthy and /^pnaowife, and though prond of tier ^itoally he got tired ol brownB wo T^^:bwoLo61bnu ~~"' ^ r/Mrt, Brown had a brown nab* ;<Ueia that ahfl had Conned on San- |i|^*Of|;filllr itarM yaara. Going to " lnann, tain, gleet and bdow for iK* length of timo had diflaolored and Mrs. Browu'e brown Areas. The . alfltill flood gave Mrs. Brown hope the brow a dress oanld be changed in aca amde to do servioe until times better and money more plentiful with Iiib. Peter Brown had heard of mar vol- PlamondFaat Black for Wool, and s(dod to experiment in the work of home jg, The dye was purchased from her __ it, and the operations conducted as ' directione on the envelope, and what a >nnation resulted 1 A deep; noh mreblaok, equal to the flues* blacks tpoed by French professional dyers a iwdrus at a 00at of about thirty cent's. 1, Peter Brown's experience is jnBt [perieuce of thousands of economic- ti^romenin Oanada today. They' find Auplan^OndByes so indisponsiblG that L W would be robbed of half its Jftsnrea it they could not prooure these great money, savers. ff^be British Admiralty has ordored Bixty i of ooal from the newly discovered %VeInson the wast ooaab of NewfoanJiani fy-iohQ used by the warBbip Buzzard as a &v(tet, If the Quality of the ooal ih Batiafao- ^'|tory St Johns will be created a dock yard &nd naval station. . fjl^.v.."- . ' . .---------- j$fe;;; Ovra Year. "VI have been troubled with Biok bead- [^(jabhe for oyer a year. Lately I have used ^.taia Liver PU1b, and find that they help jrae'more than any other modioine I have ft oyer taken. They are au excellent pill, qauBinfi no pain ir gnpiag, and leaving no falter iH effects.h *":""'"" MISS MARY ELLEN HI0K8, South Bay, Oat. P'lv ' ---------:---------- m;fy An exchange eays: Borne sort of a ' blight in troubling apple trees throughout ,jithe country. It seems to turn the leaves lithe leaves black as if bitten by bo mo insect, ^causing them to shrivel up and tall ofl. T't"The cause of the blight has not so far beea fcted. ' Much diflappoiutmeDtiH felt, too, W)$ the outlook for apples. There was >a ^ ijplendid bloom on the trees but app ]es aro ^xoeeedlngly searoe. K(Mrs. Garrison, of Oetrolt, who is proai- S'.'t.deut of a clubfor bringing about marriages l-eaya she finds willing widows and anxious jmaidonfl galore, bat that tho men are JiBbaroe. It has been customary to make '/the fee to the men a little larger than to the womoD, bat Q8 men are growing shy'ud have to pay the preacher and pat up ;lpr the marriage lionnsa, a drop will bo iade. Just bow this will effoot tho man ^market ifTmicortaiD, but the result will bo ., eagerly watched by hundreds of the afore- i:% ald willing widows and anxious, roatdonB. Ife^r'. It Cures 1 W'ft'. Dain Sins. F^rom my own oxporlouoe I ^'.oan confidently say that Dr. bowler's Kx- ,|'.'tract of Wild Strawberry poBaonaoa true r;; merit. It was tho means of saving my ^Klittle girl's life last summer. Bho was ;teetaing and took violent diarrbcoa. l)r. E :| Towler's Extraofc of Wild Sfcrawborry ourod pS her and I feel I oaunot say enouf(li iu its %$': favor.'. . 4:-".\ MRB. WILLIAM ARTHUR, Tottorvillo, Out. Wt ' One of the things whioh ueods attention at the present time is tho wo.tor nupply in the pastures. Animals, must have water |'5r;io drink or they will soon porlsh, Whoa i;Vthey are not totally deprived 6f it, but are i;'?; .given an insuffioietit quantity, they auffor &| greatly and their .owners do not obtain $'fxom-them us large a growth aw thoy should ^receive. But quantity is not tho only |Sothing to-be considered. Quality, also, is of fgreat iaaportanoo. And it is horo that ;-"trouble is most likely to occur. There aro 7 Very few farmers so tboaghtloBfl as to E,! confine their animals in pasturoa that aro, ^. . eveo in timos of severe drought, doatitata pv'ot water, but there aro a groab, many who K /are not nearly as careful as thoy should bo t\to provide wator that is pure. {'/ &'" :> A Double Cure. . Mra. Jas. E. Elwood, St. Thomas, Oat f,|i'flays : **ily huBbaDd and mynolf havo l^taken Boan'slCidney Pills. We ufled them. (fefpr Kidney and buck trouble fori which wo fl.f'nad spent a great deal' of mouoy without ge$tiutf relief, Doao's Pills ourod us both fiii a remarkably abort, time. I beliovo ^i.ihey will onro oven alter all other modi oines fail/ B.J-; The origin of tho word "Jack" in "TJuiou ||;'JaokV is unknown. Tho moaning, us nn (./i&eiBtqod to day, U ^aotneehin^ shown/'. and in this sense the apphoatlon of the word is uow limited to the tJuiou, flag. Borne have suppoRed it .to be dorived from 4he1 jack^ or jacqne, the tunio worn in early ^time by men-at-arms, thoSo of J^ugllshmeu feeing dseorated with the otoafl of St. ^eorge; which jackets, wheu not iu ueo, were bang in rows, side by Bide, thus dla- splaying the blood-rod oroBH, wliloh was at pas their banner and their ehleld. Others (ttgard the name as coming from that of 'iWso'erelgn, Jamas, Jaoabus or jfiioqusB, 'wbivfas.theflrat to hoist it aa a national JimDiem.;.-,\v" ' ". M^:fe'V;'^!' - .- >.-------T "' M&ftb\ri!trt0ve' ivorpts of all kinds from chih M^&jtfjfa frai^s}Vorm Syrup is a bakeries lot' Pompeii* tii;iiby burtlhg%bdq; ih; the floor of the oven itltunth tfie pro per temper^ure had b,een reaobed, then oleaniug out and introduolntc the loaveB. Nowadays; our large ' bakeries are 'fitted with'ovens heated with flues, gas or steam. . " * Dizziness and Weak Eyesight How to Cure Them, Mrs. J.' Dell, Chatham, Ont, says: "For two years Xoould never go to sleep before two or three o'olook iu the morning. I suffered much from vertigo and dim eye* sight. Milbura's Heart and Nerve Pills have removed the dizziness, restored my heart to healthy action, strengthened my eyesight, and I can truly say they are a blesBlng to anyono suffering as I did. There is an eminent physician In Lon don who takes the position that the health of the people would be, on an average, bet ter and tbedurationjof human life longer,if there were not apraotioing physician in tbe world. In other words, he favors the idea often tersely expressed in the words, "Phy siol ana kill more people than they on re." Burdock Blood Bitters. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the atomaab, liver, bowels and blood; curing dyspepsia, blliuusnese, siak headache, rheumatism, eorofula, and romoving all imparities of tbe blood, from a common pimple to tho worst scrofula sore. As an invlgoratOraud tonio B.B.B. is an un equalled medicine. .'1. It Is propoBod to pave London roads with aompreased graas blocks. The claim is made that the pavement of those blocks is noiseless and elaBtio, resists wear well and is impervious to heat and cold. Its mauufaoturors guarantee its life for five years. Queen Adelaide, widow of Dom Miguel, King of Portugal, baa taken the vows at the Convent of the Benedjotluos, at Sold om08, France after having paBsed through a novi tiate of ono year's duration. Queen Adelaide was born m Pranoouy ou the Brd of April, 1831, and was married In 1851 to Kiutf Miguel. She is the mother of soven children. Dommaii Canada* A Bummer Speelfie. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry oUroH cholera, oholera morbus, di- arrhcoa, dyaentry, cramps, aolio, summer complaint, canker of the mouth and all bowol oomplaibts of ohildreu or adults. It is a soothi ng, effectual and never failing medicine, which gives Immediate relief and speedily effeats a ouro, Iu tho statute books of Virginia a cen tury ago many laws may ho found de signed to silence idle touguea. Ono reads: "Whereas, oftontimes many babbling wo men often Blander and scandalize their uoighbors, for whioh their poor husbands are often brought into chargeable and vexatious suits and oast in great damages; therefore ho it en&otod that all women found guilty bo sonteuood to ducking. Many of the fruits and vegetables now oaten in Englaud'wero almost unknown to our Forefathers, Not until Henry VIII."s timo were either raspberries or straw berries or cherries growu in England, and wo do not read of tho turnip, cauliflower- and quince being cultivated before the. sixtoenth century, or tbe oarrot before the Hovonteouth century. London Spare Mo ments. Tho hair, when not properly oared for, losen Its lustre, becomes crisp, harsh, and dry, and falls out frooly with every comb ing. To prevent this, tho best droaBing in tho ma rket is Ayor's Hair Vigor. It im parts that oilky gloss bo uasential to per- feot beauty. Tho Boers pay well for tboirguns, which Birmingham, Englaud, supplies; In fact, they have tho bust that money can buy. Thoy are oonuotHsoura soleoting their shooting Irona, promptly rojooling tho inferior articles. This, with their con stant prautioo, is tho seorob of thoir oxtra- ordinary^ukill as marksmon,. Alter a Severe Cold. , "Hood's .SarsapuriUa has ourod rno of scrofula, I wan weak and debilitated and. Hood's Saraupurilla built mo up and mado mo Htrong und woll. After a sovoro cold I bad catarrhal fover. 1 again resorted" to Hpod's SurtmpuriKa whioh accomplished a complete cure." Hawaii E. Duvay, Anna- poliii, Nova Boo tin. Hood's Pills are tho favorite family oa- .tlmrtic, easy to take, euny to oporate. A man who rooently dro^uoi himself at Riohmoud (Bug.) was. the sixth of bis family to oommit suicido, His grand mother hanged herself1, his grandfather ended his life by ashofc, one unole hanged himwolf iu Hyde Park, another threw him- aolf into a well at Hastings, and at the sums place au aunt jvJmpe.i over the olifffl. Tho family undoubtedly was au unhappy buo. A quest polyglot religious servioe was held at tho Boamati'a Bethel at Douglas on tho lalo of Man. Tho Gospel was read in Oaolto, u hymn sung in Manx, prayer offered in Welsh, and tho sermon delivered in tanglisb. On a'previous' SUnaajr'the Lord's Prayer was said iu Cornish, a lang uage tbe laafc Bpeafeer of wptoh diod in the early years of this century, .'flor-pay Pine Syrt/j> cures coughs, colds, and all throat and lung, trdubks. Price. 3$. andjoc. '/" We know the great durea by Hood's Sar- Baparilla are genuine because the people, themeeWos write about them, . : ': y :'-? Falne'e Oelerr Oompoond The Popu* .I^r :fiedloln*frUfe theSPeo- , pie and Che Iffedlcal Fro<slon. Ouly atculy'groat aud nffaotfve |remedy could continue as P.tine'a r Calory ,Oora- poundhas done, to hold its high plaoe in the estimation of the ablest phyBloian and of the tens of tiiounaitds of busy msn land women whose only means of judging is from the actual results in lueir own] homes or among their friends. No Jremody was ever so highly reoommended, |beoanae no other achieved so many grand, victories over disease and elcknoea. For feeding exhausted nerves, (.building up'thestrength ofJthebody, giving a na tural and healthy appetite, and as a pro moter of refreshing sleep, Palno's Oefory Compound stands to-day without an"eoal in the world. Mrs: Garland, C75 Crawford St., Toron to, gives her experience with the world's best medio!ne aa follows : "Your Paino's Oalery ^Compound # has most wonderfully improved my healths Before using it my appetite w*s poor al most gone; i was altfo weak and debilibat* ed, and suffered from pains In the head. Paiuo'e Celery Ojrupouad doaa all that I claimed for it. I have reoommended it to my friends,' and they all speak highly of tbe results received from it. I wish Paine's Celery Compound the auoaoas it so riohly deserves." KOWlNflTHE CAMiP. Break* up suddenly on (he Arrival at th* Little Ooaqaeror. Know what It menaB? A' row in the kidney oamp. A. dangerous blockade. Kidneys on a strike. Too maoh work to do. Then call on the conqueror of kidney ills. Aud the kidney strike will be over. Another victory for Doan's Kidney Pills. Nothing new, they always win. Backache ia quickly cured. Urinary troubles disappear. Diabetes, kidney rheumatism and oven that dread destroyer, Bright's Disease, are removed. Plenty of proof that this is so, Mr. J. K. Millar, with for ay tho <fe An derson, the woll-known dry goods houne of Essex, Ont,, states, "For some time I have had kidney and back troubles, but am glad to say that I have been ourod by Doan's Kidney Pills. "1 got a box of thorn at Sherrln's drug store and the result was remarkable. It ia not saying too mnah to state that the. cure Is complete, anil I feel it all the morn romarkable as I had taken many other modioinoft before I had tried Doan's Kid ney Pilla, but reooiyed -no boo oil t from them, VI recommend Doan/s Kiduey Pills heartily to anyoua troubled with back ache or kidnoy trouble of any kind." Hero is another, Mr. Fred Gilboe baa this to'say, MFor several years I have had a painful Btiffnoua m my back caused I think by taking oold whioh affooted my kidneys. ,fI also suffered from urinary troubles, and felt tired and weary nearly all tho time. Two months ago I got a box of Doan's Kiduey Pills at Sharriu'a drag- store, and they havo cured mo. I recora- moud them highly to auy person suffering from larao hack or kidney troublos of any kind, as thoy provod a porfeob spoaiflo in my own case, and I havo oyory coaiidouoo in thorn." In Rpito of the fact that tho monaoou ia now well establishei ovorywhero oxeopfc in tho Punjaub, the prices of food grains havo not bogun to fall. On tho contrary, they show a tendency to rise, particularly in the ooutral provinces, where, in the Bo- tul diatvlot, wheat ia aolling at Htx eoers por rupee, Wo shall hnvo apparently to wait some woeka yet before auy geuoral fall takoa place. Oood News from South Dakota. South Dakota has thousands of sores of ohoioo farmiug and ranch land lying oast of the Missouri River, and within 1 daya rido from Chicago to Mllwuukee whioh can be bought reasonably ahoap, hut which bo- foro tho and of auothor yoar may bo ad- vanned in price. Tho stoak-raising industry in South Da kota is profitable, aud oautoru capital ia now boing invested in oattlo and aboop growing iu that stato. Diverafiod farming, the crowing of live stock, aud the produats of tho dairy, are placing South Dakota formost in the ranks of the suooesfiful Westorn Statos. Those desiring full information on tho Bubjoot, and particularly thoao who wish to seek a uew home or purchase laud, aro requested to correspond with A. >S. Taylor, Canadian Passenger A gout, 2 King etroot East, Toronto, Out. Mr. Natarnael MortonHon, a well-known oitinon of Ishpomintf, Miah., and editor of tho Superior Poaten, who, for a longr timo, suffered from tho most excruciating pains of rheumatism, was cured, eight years ago, by taking Ayer's Sarsapanlla, haying nover felt a twinge of It sinoe. Bve'fl G-rave. Tho supposed grave is visited by oyer 40,000 pilgrims in each year. It is to be, at .7eddah, in a aemetery outside tho city walls. The tomb in 50 cubits long and 13 wide. . The Arabs entertain the belief that Eve wasthe tallest woman that ever lived.; . Thieves entered Garland's goueral store at Portage la Prairie,' and Mr., Or maud ( th-5 oarotaber, fired on them. One of them returned the Are, wounding tbe pare- taker in the lefa shoulder. The ibtst cough cure, is Halyard's Pectoral Balsam- It heals the lungs and cures toughs, treasD, iriantj feat laegide^ ^i! ^Hey^. ports along' tntf nahadiu^n bofde*-ma^ admit porsoufll household effeota of persons coming to that, country from Canada*\upbir a declaration xeoutod before a Canadian jnatioe of the peace,1 and without requiring the formality of the justioe'a Jseal, as it is underatood that all suoh oiuoere are not provided with that adjaoot of office, Thq.neW regalatioa is intonded to do (away with a restriction upon incoming travellers, who desire to bring with them simply personal and household goods. General* Tho Vatican, inolnding the Pope him self , ia actively engaged in a campaign to stimulate the revenue from Peter's pence. ' ; The London press is very outspoken in condemning the recent despatoh of Secretary Sherman on the Bohring Sea dispute sent in form of instructions to United States Ambassador Hay. The British steamer Scandinavian from Glasgow for Boston ran dowd and sank the Oauadiau barkentlue Blorenae twenty miles south of" Gaps Raoe ou Saturday. The oaptdtn's wife aud four of Jthe ortjw were lost. Bollo lalo is boing over-run with rats The caretakers estimate their number at'ilfpOO. Ah they multiply very fast, it is almost impossible to eradicate thorn. They devour the eggs of ducks and houfl, besides dostroyiug_ little swans, quail and ohiokeus. Chloride of potash has boon placed iu the bur rows of tho rodents and the oaretakors count on making them leave the part of the island where tho auimals and birds are kept The Plunger, a sub-marine torpedo boat, of ,the Holland type, dosigued for the United States navy, Was suooess- fully launched .at the yards of the. Columbia Iron Works, Baltimore, last Saturday. Tho Plunger looks like a great rod oigar, half submergod, as she lies on tho surface, ready for her ongines and armament, which it is thought will be in place and ready for trial early in the spring of uoxtyoar. * On Sunday, Augds't 8th, tho Spanish Premier, Lenor Oanovas dol Castillo, was shot by an anarchist at Lausta Aguoda. The murderer', fired three shots, one of whioh struck the premier in the forehead and another in the' ohost. Tho wounded man fell dying at tho fcot of his wife,1) who was with him, lingering for an hour in mortal agony and then passed away with the cry of *' Long live Spain." _JT*^ A Canadian "who has boon touring through ..Hovoral cities of the United States, .said in the majority of Ameri can cities a Onuadinu 55-cont piece is. only worth 18 cents, while in some cities thoy will not tako them at all. Bills aro almost worthless, ho said. Tho cashier in ono of the largo houses in Ohieago, ho said, refused a bill on the Bank of Montreal, because ho had never heard of the institution. Sprouting is almost universal in On tario, not only of wheat that has boon out and stocked; but of uncut wheat as woll. This is a grout calamity to the farmers. Wheat that has sprouted is of no uso to millers, and praotioally of no use whatovor. Everything wont to ] show that tho formers were likely to have a most successful* yoar, good prloes being promised for wheat, and tho damage stated is theroforo all the more to be rogrefctod. Tho L'iToa.t of tho 'proposal to aim-1* Cuba iasouti in the a ad don jmlomy whioh Nicaragua .has exhibited towards "the Unitod States. Tho imorioans have latterly GOt'So muoh in the habit of talking of tho half oonatruotod Nicaragua Canal h,h 'ouroaunr1 that tho Nionr.igquns havo taken a dlttiuito to it. .The fear ovfdoutly is that the Yankees- will, when the oanalis uniuhod. . practically appropriate tho aouutry'thruiifh whioh it runn, Pmeeti . Perfume. An American lady wont into a oh^miat's ahop in Nicu and asked for a hiitolo of tbe finest perfmmi. sold I hero, flho wim in formed that the price of the bo-tt aoErnt was S25 an ounce. . Kditor^ as a rule, are hiud-hoartol and liberal, ' An uxoliaiigo tolls of u, oorlain snb.scribor to a c^rtuin powspspftr who died and left four toon yours' nubVoriptiou iiupiid. Tim editor appeared at tho grave as the Ud w*h being sorewod down for the last timo, and.put in a linen dtimet, a. pulm lesf f6n utid a rceipt Uy makii g ice Social intercourse ia usually beniil- oont; solitary life,- and.even exoluBiye family life, ia unrrbwing and mpnoto nous. To go out of the, daily routine from timo to time to meet olhor people, to exchange pleasant. and friendly greetings, to discover different, views and to realize different standpoints, to give and to take, new ideas, and to Create "bonds of congeniality, returning, home . refreshed and invigorated in mind and body, is an undoubted ad vantage to all concerned, and one Vfhioh is often realized. . , Sick headache and constipation, art ptowtly cured by Stirdoik n-1"- = > ^s^^?isa^^ 'it** 1 1 Vit .Y/>aiai iBi*t;(Bo'o,v-'iVrJr,s5:rt .v/ WGURE3 GUARANTEEO OR NO PAY! 3>iuuu in uuLU>AliifcJ/vr>^^ SELF-ABUSE, ^niS5JdNS, ' VARIC^ CQLBi C0NCBAtitt;tti^N5lsfftfet' parts; lost manhood; iMPWert* tStf NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAt- llRAL, DISCHARGES, ET<?, The New Method Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of the Age , ,^,r, FOR CUSING f HESE DJSEaWJ lands ot Tonne *S.ILP5P5>ft*wsfel K.AKL.Y INr "* WEAKNESS! gnro throusn EARLY INDI5CRBTIONS.BXCBSSBS. AND "BLOOD l>15BASBAi &you have any of the following- symptome oonaolt .us boJEora It la too lat*. r Are you ner-J Toiia and weak, despondent and gloomy, speaks before the eyu with dark circles under. tbem, weak book, kldnoys irritable, p&lpUatloa of the heart, bashful, dreams aad.1 ,l0MMf:Bdtrno]it In Urine, pimples on the face, eye* sunken, hollow cheek*, careworn, expression, poor inomory, lifeless, distrustful, laok energy and strengtb. Ured morn^ ings. restless nights, changeable moods, weak ma&hood, e tun ted organs and prema^J tore decay, bone pains, hair loose, tore throat etc " r "YOU HAVE SEMINAL OCR NBW METHOD THBATMBNT7 alone can oare you, and make a, man of you. Undsrlts innu endo the brain boaome* native, the blood purified' so that all pimploa, blotches and uloors'dlaappear; tho nerres beoon^e strong no atee), so that norrouo- 11000," bashfulness and despondenoy disappear: the eyes beoome bright, the facei full and clear, energy roturns to the body, and the moral, pbysloal and eexnal systemB are favlgoratod; all drain* cease no more rlUl wasto from tho system. The parlous organs become natural and manly. You fool yourself & man and know marrlago cannot bo a failure. We Invito all tho mulcted to consult us oonfldentlally and troo of uhargo. Don't lot quack a and fakirs rob you of your hard earnod dollars, W$ \oiit 0ur* you ernopay. HAS TOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED! AYPHILl* Is the triost prevalent and most serious BLOOD disease. It saps the vory llto blood of tho TloUxn and unless entlroiy oradlcatod from thosys* torn will affect tho offspring. Xlowaro of Mercury. It only Bupproaeoa tho symptoms ____.--,_____ VOUNO OR MIDDLE-AGED MAN-You'vo loda gay life, or Indulged In the femes' of youth. Bolf-ftbano or later, excesses have broken down your system. You fool the symptoms stealing ovor you. Mentally, phynlcally and sexually you are not tho man I you used to bo or should be. luatful w*fitio*i* reap rich liurvosts. Will you head the danger signals. DCflnCD I *r*iyoiia victim? Have you lost nopo? Ar* you contemplating marriage71 nLHULII I Ua your blood boon dlHfioBod? llnvoyou any woalinuasr Our Now Method Treatment will ouro you. What It hnn douo for othrrw it will do for you. Consatutlotf pr Ji No matter who has treated you, write for an Honest opinion Freoof Oharg Charges roasonablo.. Books! Free "ThoGoldou Monitor" (fllustratod), on Dlse&eea iSon. Incloao poatngo, 3 cents. Scaled. Book on "Dlsoasos of Womon" Free. 3-N0WAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No msdlcInsMnt C.0-D, No nM on boxes or envelopes, Everything confidential. Question list and coilef Tfsst- ,\',.il ^"'i> Yli . 'I (;-.r. irnm %, $ yri, Ml " if'Si 1,' m m DRS. KENNEDY aKERGAN,^^8"^^1 DETROIT, MICH. ^v7 m .. - ..Dealers In All Kinds of... -. .( Screen Doors and Wixtdomrs, Cisterns, $7 OO and Up. Bee-HiVeS (Standard Size) 50c. Each.' y-M NEWEST"-^ A.nd Latest Designs ^n Vernndah and Gable Ornamenta ' *ot . .-'v-'.,r&a '.','". ~-y-':.\^m BUT; a Stove "unciiyoi3;,fl^^ the new stock at '#Y;W;$$11 >Kli*'r.w........ . ' .','-.' " ~1i'/y-^^Wffl .'" X^jtM Seethe O^rd's Stoves, Best Ifl the WO^ by the G-uffiey Foundry Co,^ of Toronto, '(bott^$^ O^aHv We^bave Iheto'in'Stcbi^/^^ Geiierai^lh)mifiii^ Mprv-^.:^; : :, ra^{:Tb' ' 61 94

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