Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 20, 1897, p. 5

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^y^^^^^^MMMM^^^^^^^^^' .^iil^ ^i^Jbio GuarcUanaad $!v: he Lancashire. itfbeitlusurftnoc OonTpanio in the world tankeoaiwoIiUty of Insuring Farm lro- to Loan at fi and 0J percent,on Form VW'trit Insure now in Good Reliable .' Companies, m Essex Free Press, _ J;.'v; '.' " *. . . , '" ." . , M BRETT 4 AULD. PROPRIETORS. m'SBXDXXt AUGtTST 20, 1807. :iib diJlorouoo 'own and Vicinity. $jjW6n best yalue in parasols go to M, MWigle&Oo. PJranrasDAY next will be KingBville'a Jo Holiday. jKCtf looks as thoagh -wheat will roach (e dollar mark yet. IiJW'h"are eorry to stato thatMiasNellio Jtraolmu is seriously ill. $Mits. Jasieb and family aro camping fcPedar Reaoh this week. ^booni> hand bu^gy and cook etoyo :>ale cheap, Geo. Liokman. 82 4f iji'-JVIiss Anhib T. HatjHV, of Milwaukee, Jfi&tne gnobt of Mrs. W* Jas. Johnson, ftWflsVeek. fe/;Mi8s Emma Wvman, of Veronn, N. Y. ?M. > guest of hor brother \V. G. JJjfVyinaa. fe Laoijcs ! If you wuut an oxtraiiioo f|tW*asol at an extra low price'.go to M jfiji Wigle& Co. [fe;HBS.BioKijii:,of Refcrolia,who)mH boon fejdjaitiag hor brother,-Tas. May, returned Sjyw-lier homo Tuesday. r^l"'1!ajBt fall assizes oponfl at Sandwich Mm Tuesday, September 7th, before Kjjustioe 3?,alconbridgo.," fei Mbb.AV. 0. Fi'iaauitAijD, of Loudon, t'is yiflitiug with hor hrotuor-m-law,. W. ||H'; Kennedy, this week. Miss Lou Ginsxvutf is apondiug a J&eek with Miss illhiRurdiok at "Tho pVilloW', Lake Bt. Clair. *jf:i:'.lF you owe G. E. Smith & Co.,- call P<>n E. A- Wismor and settle at oiico. fr/'It will save troublo.aud costs, Ki^BTAiiLHYSxoNM, wlio has boon yisit- $ar a month in St. Thomas and High- &te roturnod home Tueyday night. i' Mibh Olaua SiiOTia roturnod to Do- roit on Monday after Bpending a weok riBiting frionda and rolativos in town, /Misses ViciiMa and"TTtrmBio Burdiclc tare returned homo of tor sponding two reek's vaoatiou camping at Imlto St. parties owing G, E. Smith & Co, ill on E. A, WiHmor and sottlo After August 25th all ac- ,'ill bo. sued and costs added, between a journalist id a nowspapor man is that the first /^prints a lot more than ho knows and J'- the second knows a lot more than ho [/ .prints. Ox Friday ovouinp last about twouty- fivo pooplo gathered at tho roflidonco I'^oMboiio JJoo on Talbot Stroot, tho oc- ;,';'casion being tho 7fith birthday of hiH '.'mother. Tho month of July last was a record .';' breaker. It will bo famous, for tho ' hoaviost rainfall, tho intonse'st heat 'wave and tho groatoBt gold discovery | '; in tho history of Canada. W']'.'.': "Pn." J mm Fkanois Wamblkv, who [' has boon visiting.rolafcives and friends in Wollaud, Simcoo, Victoria, Ohip- pewa, Port Robinson,' Font Hill, AI- ' lansburg, Owon Sound and Windsor, , returned to town last Saturday and ia ".How calling on his many lady friondu, , Jbsbk WniTM,' Tom Burk, Oroft ;' June, Charlio Moore and Lydo Stono [;7left last Tuesday night via O.I\B. for the great North Went. They will work in the harvest Holds thoro, affcor which jf'epmoof thorn hope to flooiirb work on V the Crow's Nowt I^asn Railway and fol low that.up with a trip to tho Klondike in,tho spring. HiiitBMKT.ATCjijAN and Frank Adams :: had a closo shave lant Friday ovoning. Thoy'woio riding up.Talbot Street and [;.',- did not notice a freight train which wan < backing up noisolcsfily to couple up. 'iThoy throw : t^omsolvos. from their .wheels almost under the who old of tho |'|; moving train but. fortunately-'escaped 'without,in jury. :' '. This residonts.of BrienAvo complain of a public nuisaueo In tho sliapo of . throe calvoH which liavo boon loft in a Tapani lot there without food, slipltor or wator and couHogtiontly fill tho "hauntod olmmborfl of tho .night with bawls of distress. The owners of these L: young bovines should see that their p -wants are supplied so that the bawl will [ v be oyor earlier in tho oyening. Nearly every person in tho town is |,\ just now collecting jubilee stamps for .preservation. In some of tho oillces :.?;;hpt an envelope has been thrown away fc rfiinco the new stamps mako their ap- L;/^pearance without the used stamp hav- j^iing first been torn oft*. * We bolievo Kithis praotioe is ,universal throughout Hie Dominion; and very few of tho [(l^ufeilee issue wilVtberefore be. destroy- Lw^'J In;a feW years they will bb worth jy|i|piaetiiing, the ten cent used Oolum- ]'$$iflav,ptftmp' t>elng already.' wortb 80 Kfl^^ila^d'itiier.e were many wore of Kti^B^^iisucid 'than' o< the three cent 'MM. ,vt.".,>-"i"Ai,\k.-.'i,'fJj,i , of WalkerrtlleV Good girl wanted for general' houflo wdxk. Apply to Itfna.. H. P, Mabtin. ; MastbbBb*ib OpNNoiiiiT(bfDetroit, is visiting with his uuole, Thos. Rush", : Miss GERTnupic Robikson, of Leam ington, is the guest of Miss Soars. ; . '; Mbs. Geo. Riohaiwsoh and ohildron, of London^ are visiting relativoe in town. Dn. OTTTiVEn and lady, of Watorford, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. DeOow. > R. AnKniiL, of Tho Imperial Bank loft laBt Monday for a holiday trip of two weeks. M. J. Wiflmn k Oo*b special shoe salo is boing well patronivod ; and why shouldn't it;, ttrcrouTB to tho G.P.R. say that har vesting is genoral thronghout Manito ba and tho Northwest. Wanted Boardors by day or wook. Good accommodation and board. Mrs. Mounteor, Laird Ave. 29-Ct Miss EwTfl Nayxjou has returuod homo from vjflitiug tho Missos Hare at Oldcaatlo for a month. "RtinAii schools ro-0]>onod on Monday last. Town schools will opon a wook from next Wednesday. WitjXi OjrATTiauTON roturnod from his holiday trip last Wednesday. Ho via- itod tho Thousand Islands while away. Mns. W. FiocrIjANI) and children, of St. Thomas, arovisitingat J.E, Stone's. Mr. Froelaud loft for homo last Satur day. Aiiout forty from liore took in tho Barnum and Bailey, greatest show on earth,.at Dotroifc, on Monday. Bicnx RroiiAnnHOtf, of Detroit, who has boon visiting John Laing wont to Woodsleo on Wodnosday to visit his grandfather thoro. Mas. ATivnisn B'j*onb and ohildron, who havo boon visiting J. E. Stono and family hero, loft for thoir homo in St. Thomas last Saturday morning. It in olaimod that ammonia will euro a mosquito UitoT^So will a hard slap, given just boforo tho mosquito gets his drill adjusted. Tnia Easy 'Stroofc Bachelor's Club have disbanded and will disport no moreon the sandy shores of Lake Erie until another soason rolls around. Mil ANt> Mrs. 0. E. Nay lor left for a trip on the Carmona lust Friday. Thoy wont as far as Soo by that steamer and roturnod via Maoklnno by the X>. & 0. lino. Two hundrod fruit growers of South Essox havo boon iuvitod by Greening Bros, to tako a trip on a steamer to vis it their nurseries at Monroo, Mich., on Aug. 25th. Miih, It. B. OoiiiSMAN, w\io has boon visiting hor daughtor in Potftluna Co., California, tho past six woekH.roturnod homo lftfit Saturday. Tin? ignorauoo of old country pooplo of Amorioan goograpby is well domon- stratod by tho addross on a lottor which Mayor Thompson, of Owen Sound, ro- ceivod last wook. , Hero is tho address. "Tho Lord Mayor of Ontario, Owon Sound. Canada, U.S.A." Mrs. W. Fjgbtiiau loft last Saturday morning to soo hor grandson, who was reported.dying. It Hooms tho little follow was knocked down by abioyblist and concussion of tho brain followed. When returning she will visit rolativos and friends in St. Thomas for somo timo. ^I'rrK Young Pooplo of tho Baptist ohuroh purpose holding a Honey Sooial on Rov. M. P. Campbell's lawn noxt Tuesday ovouing, August 2[>th. Tho South Woodsleo Brass Band aro ox- poctod to bo present to onlivph tho festivitiofi; also thoro will bo a good program of music, vocal and instru mental &c. Tho admission foo is.fifteon cents.. .Whims Miss Ella Burdick and somo frion'ds 'woro out flslnng on Lake si Olair, one evening last wook at sun down, a dark peculiar looking objoot was soon coming up tho lalto. Thoy rowed-vory oloso to. tho objoot and woro able to got a good look at it. It appoarod to havo a heart.somowhat like n dog, with huge eyes protruding and tusk, like .projections on'each side of tho hoad. Its body appoarod to . Ho so'ino seven or eight foot undor water. Somo flflhormon also Raw it and olaim od it was somo sort of sea serpent. It was.oortninly a vory dangerous and horrible ,lookiug objocfc and was swim ming at a yory rapid rato. Amusing things sometimes occur in churohoH as well, as olsowhoro. Tho pastor of a Clinton ohuroh was making tho oustomary announcement orm Sun day recently, when ono of tho most faithful members, noted for his hearty responses, caused a smilo to spread ovor many faces by a response that oame at a moment when no, ono oxpooted it. "Our quarterly service will be held two weeks from to-day/'< said the gpaatpr. "Praiao the Lord," reapbndocT^the good brother; "Instead of tho UHualjlove feast at ten o'clock," continued the preacher, '^our sorvioe will commence at 11 o'clock, and we'll not have any. sermon." "Praise the Lord" wad a- gaiu the hearty response, and it was a minute before the minister recovered himself. Bftir/-.'---- ; -iy-y^:.i De; Samson, of Windsor, passed through here lest Friday on his way to Opttam. ' Now is the time~"fio, got summor shoes cheap at M.' J. Wigle & OoV special Emma^shoeaalo. J. t>. MdDoNALn, of Gosfleld S6nth, has a poach growing on a tree that is only a year old. *~ W. Wadb roturnod to his duties at The Imperial Bank, Monday morning, after having had bis holidays. Spmb enterprizing citizens of Au burn, Washington State, aro sending iu 100 tons of evaporated potatoes to Klon- dyke. ChariiBs NayxjOb, jr., took port in tho bioyole races in Amhorstburg on tho Burg's Civic Holiday, Thursday of laflt week. ' Nblson Pjcoh, who is 81 years of ago, and lives on Raleigh river front, assist ed to build a wheat Btaok on his farm one day last weok. Mas.WuiTJB, MisRos All worth and Dr. MoOorniiok, of Kiugsvillo, took a run Up to EsBex Friday ovoniug and called on Miss Oarrio Edgar.: 0. n.tfuxiXiKit left Windsor on tho Alberta on Friday last on a trip to Fort William in tho intorosts of tho North- orn Lifo Asfluranoe Co. G. E. Smith shipped his goods to Rat Portage via O.P.K. on Tuesday. Ho will go into tho dry goods, business thoro in partnership with his brothor. PosTMAHTKits aro now instructed to hold lottors for thirty days unloss a notice on tho cornor of tho envelope asks for thorn to bo roturnod, Boonor, Wp print envelopes. Miss BCattim Ruhik, is sponding a wook at Cedar Boaoh. John Rush has also boon oft' for a week's holidays and M. H. Rail has been assisting Post master Rush in tho Essex: Post Office. JoKiixw Punninoton, foreman Job Dep't, St, Thomas Journal, who is sponding his holidays with Mrs, Pen nington at tho hitter's parents, Maid- stono, paid us afriondly call IttHt Satur day. - Last Thursday night a young horso, which Wm. Wolfo was driving, boenmo frightened in front of tho Abordoon and ran furiously down Wilson Ave. It was caught near Sisson's rink. Tho cart and harnoss woro badly brokou; Mr. Wolfe escaped injury by throwing himsolf from the cart. Chai>tj!h CO of tho Ontario Statutes, provides that any porson who ties a horso to a shade trooin tho stroot, or cutting, trimming or injuring such a troo in any way, is liable to a penalty of $25 aiidcostfl, or 30 days imprison ment.' Thoporson in front of whose- promises tho troo is not oxempt from this restriction. Express permission must bo had of tho council to trim, or in any way to moddlo with trees plant ed in tho fltroots. ' So FAit this year thoro havo boon 2!) drownings botwoon St. Olair Rivor and Lake Erie, a number that is two thirds as many as tho total list of last year and much greater for the same period iu '1)0,. Last year up to and including Aug. 15th*-thoro woro 18 drownings. The summary for this year up to date: Aooidontal drownings, Iff; suicides, 4j possible murdor, 2; floaters, 6; un known, 3. Last year for tho samo period tho summary was: Accidental drownings,. 12; suicides, 8; possible' murders, 1; unknown, 3. At tho T. O. O.- F. Grand Lodge at Bollovillo, last wook, thofollowiug offi cers woro oloote'd : Grand Mastor, J. A. Young, of Thamosford ; Deputy Grand Master, J. E, Farewell, of Whitby ; Grand Warden, Dr. MoLurg, of Woodstock ; Grand Soorotary, J. R. King, of Toronto ; Grand Troasuror, W. J. MoOormaok, of Toronto ; Grand Roprosontativo.Mr.WoodyaU.of Brant- ford. Tho report of tho spocial coni- mitteo voeommondod tho establishment of a homo for agod Oddfellows' widows and orphans providod that tho samo should bo supported by donations, by tho funds, and property of lodges de funct moro^than five years, .and by a par capita payment of ten cents por mombor each six months from subor dinate lodges for fivo yoars. Tho re port was ta^ou up and disoussod, An amendment was passed providing that tho increase of tho capitation tax bo eliminated, and ammal'appropria- tionsfrom tho GraudLodge substituted. The rest of tho report was 'adopted;The report of the oommittoo whioh rocom- mondod graded assossmontB for dues and benefits was tho subject of a lougthy discussion, and it was finally ordered that the report be printed and forwardod to .tho lodges for considera tion next yoar, with an actual .estimate of the amount of bouofits which can bo paid on an annual contribution of i$6. It w^( dobidod to appropriate $1,000 this yoar towards a home, and the directors wore elected. The decision of tho Grand Master tln>t a, member may change his.ocoapation to that of a bartender: was reversed, owing to a contrary decision of . the Sovereign Grand Lodge feeing on record. Gait was unanimously chosen, aa the next place of meeting. A system of non- ben eiloal member-ship, with dues of not lew than 91 per year, was adopted* m Rings, Dings. . . Engagomont and Wodding Rings . Reduced Prices for 30 Days****..,.. - * Iftsaer of Marriago Licenses. J. A. DiBJiEijisafc Cedar Reach this wook. Miss Emma Sieabs has returned from Detroit. Essex Fiieh PnEfis from, now until January 1st, 1808, for 35 cents. E. I>XiPMM'B, of Swauton, Ohio, Is visiting A. E. Lovolaoo in town. Mihh Ihwin is homo on a visit to her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. TIjos. Irwin. Missbs Annua Gbuhnway and Emma Town sond visitod in Loamington last wook. \V. R. Wionia and family of Windsor, aro visiting frionds and uolativos iu town. E, A. Wismor roturnpd from holi daying at Niagara Falls, Thursday noon. Pujabh UOo, pk., ououmbora 10c, doss., bootS~t35*oT"doz., turnips 40c. bush, corn 10c. doz, S, J. WifiLB and daughtor Graeo ro turnod Wodnosday from a two week's visit at Klngsville.- Jas. DbnaiJAs roturnod on Saturday night from tho Grand Lodge I.O-O.F. mooting at Bollovillo. Miitf; H. M, Fauij loft for Olovoland last Saturday. On her return showill visit in Detroit for a wook, Miis. J. M. IIiokh and daughtor, Morrill loft for White Church on Mon day for a week's visit with frionds. Mrs. H. M. O'Connor, who has boon vory ill for the past wook is now pro- grossing niooly towards recovery. Tnm High Court I, O. F., which has just closed its session at Brantford, will moot at Chatham next year. Fob SAmu Buggy and lumbor wagon for salo at a bargain, nearly now. Apply to R. H, Millon, Essex. 08 it. Mhh. H. MoCAfFitisY rotnrnod homo on Friday last, after sponding a couple of weeks with hor parents in Gladwin, Mich. \V. C. Cnunoit and Ed. Howard, of Dotroifc, aro visiting tho 'former's par onts in town and will spend a wook at Cedar Boaoh. Missus MoSwkbn and Doming, of Leamington, and Miss McSweon,' of London, aro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Laing. Miss Nollio Chester loft last Tuesday for Now York and will sail Wodnosday on tho White Star Lino Str. Teutonic for Liverpool. Miss Etinstj Gibson roturnod to her homo in Whoatloy on Sunday last, aftor spending a-wook with hor cousins, tho Missoh MoDongall. At the'Mortgage Salo of tho John Milne property-last Tuoaday afternoon nothing was sold as nono of tho bids roaohod tho reserve, bid. VV. M, DkOisw has,sold out his busi ness hero and will soil now his stock of lumbor at a greatly reduoed jn-ioo. Call and- soo.his stock early. . Mua. J. D. Andmbhon, of this town, MiHS Bolton, of D. M. Ferry's, and hor mother and brother left for Duluth on tho Monarch last Thursday. A. J. Gimutf, who has boon' spending his holidays on Manitonliu Islaud ar rived homo Thursday morning! Ho leaves to-night (Friday) for Chicago. ' Db. OnotfiiYATBXHA, Supremo Chief Ranger of I. O. F., has promised to set a date himself for a mammoth .meeting in tho summer of 1808,; to bo held in Essex County. Mijs. Daniidb Pbimdaxj and family, who havo boen yiSifcing relatives in Amherstburff for three weeks, stopped off here a day when returning to Tona- wanda, N.T, Mb. Wateuhuby, Manager of Mer chant's Bank, St; Thomas, and lady and Miss Brierly wore the guests of R. ArkeU, of the Imperial Bank here, last Saturday and Sunday. Invitations are out for, the .wedding of Miss Ella Oliver, second daughter of James OJiveri i*itt-st, > indoor, to Cliye E. Normanof Detroit. The affair tak^splase Vodneaday evening SepU A Great Moving Sale For One Week; 6rily^l Before putting in a Oeneral Stock of Dry !^ Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes in my old. stand, lately occupied by G. E. Smith & Ob. I Will Offer My entire Stock of Hats. Caps and Furnish- ings, at Cost and under No Reserve. This Will Be The-best opportunity yon ever had to get the latest styles and most natty goods ever offered m Essex, at close prices as I will show by giving a few figures below: '" '1 'Mm \w -m Foflora Hats, Rogulnr Brioo, $2.00 NOW 1.00 " . Roys* *' ,co < Gaps, Regular Price, 12o.( lJSo, and20o. "' Brazos, " 10o,, 15c. and 20c, " Sumrnor Tios, " 10o., 15c, and 20o. " Men's Fine Cotton Hoso, 12Jo. and 16c. " Collars, I2jc, and 15c. u .25 Co. 8o. 8o. 10c. lOo. M Remember These Prices Are For One Week Only I Invite everyone to call and secure, some of these bargains for Oash Only. D.J. m Hatter and Furnisher, <, Farmers We Ar as Usual G-iving Right Prices on * Binder Twine, Machine Oils, Harvest Tools, Corn Cultivators, Or any Implements you. may Want on the Farm- - W. H. Ricfaardsptt* .Hardwake, Essex. - Do you Want .... A New Buggy 0r^^^ ^ m -t'i yM t /: If bo youcannofc do better thaii by calling at the : ^T<aifflbT?s^;;^',^eeaia^::^;|^^ Having the best Ifeeh^nipa employed, wo can guaranteo all ^i^.^'^jsj/fl^p ' , We are preparedto do all kinds - o^ep&iriDg'iiidnding/^iti^^^^ " ' :^^'-w.*,?:'Jl?:i^'tf !Vi?/fr/^ l^flnadian, jubilee. fcjl^Tv;"")"':' TZ' m&%;fo-; "'

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