Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 20, 1897, p. 1

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m^^^^^P^^^^^^&^^B^^M^^^Mi^^^mi P^^vA::V--v- fete'/-.^'- ..\.Vi" ' sfi;#. *-. ^'W,"-' .. . pV^-s'T'^,'- .. < ^ ' ! '> lit ' '"Y-'l^m 3S Sfej XIIL No. 33, ESSEX, ONT., FEIDAYrAXTGUST 20, 1897. >vi WHOLE No/.#L --------......~^-J ' * .HORSYTHE, ANDERS ON&Co : J. T. SOMERVILLE, M.D., CM,, n.C.P. & S. Onr. Graduate of Trinity UNivnitsriY, EeLIjOW of TniNITrMlCDIOAli COLIiKOH, Toronto, Ont. 07FIOK AND ItlUHlDENOn. . IIOUBO lately oooupiod by tho late Br. George MoKonzio. . Talbot Strekt. - - Essex. Ont. W: We invite inspec- tion of our stock of Summer Dry Goods. We challenge com parison in quality and price. Our assortment of Wash Fabricsfor . Ditching. NOTIOE Is Uoroby gln-u that I will Boll by Pablio Auottou ou JBonday, 23rd Day of flagasfc, 1897, at tho hour of iOo'olnoli: ii.m., tba ooimtruotiou of tho north end of tbo 8th Conocaslon dram lu Maictdtono. Bulo to tako place on tho laid dralu at tho aidorotul botwoon lots.o nnd 7, l'Jbo Crook Itanyo, Bald road In known aa tho Littlo liaao IjIuo, JAMBB B. liAIKD, OommiBHlonDi'. MaldBtouo, AuRuat 2i)th( 1B07. ESSEX TOWN COUNCIL. Oolohofltor iTorth Council. 'suj W ' V.'h".- ' % ' Jfe MY W arm Weather waists, And Costumes Includes 0o ft yard. Oropons ftt lOo a figured Challios at Handsome Colored yard. White and Oolorod Muslins at lOo, a yard.' Beautiful Dimities ac-lSJo a yard. Ohoolcod and Striped Linous at 19Jo a yard. Oolorod" Striped Orinklos at 20o a yard. Prints and GinghamB from Co up, Ac. Blouse Waists Mado in tbo latest stylo, With and VI 11a without dotuohablo collars and cuffs, in' Prints, Sateens, LinonH, &oM from 50c oncb. Ladies' Whitewear . DJIA WJ2H& 25o and Upwarda. ; SKZtiTS 60a ayid Upwards. MIGHT QOWJStS 50o and Up. ThoBo are woll mado garments', full sized and niooly flniabcd. A Special Lino of . . , Gloria Silk Parasols_^ AuBortod handloH, 28-ihoh framo, Htronrv and Imndoomo, oxtra valuo at $i oacli. M II Pure Ijinen OraHb To-wolliug, oxtra valuo in a boavy 17-incli atripod border, regu lar prioo lOo, for yc; a yard. fli-fw 60-inch Loom Damask Table Linon, flower torn, rtpocial ut age. a yard. pat- Men's Fine Colored Oaml?rio Shirta with Ool- :' lur and Gufl"n, umial' 7Go. lino,, for 6oc, eiioli, i&iY' Mi-', Ill Millinery Department -for tho romaindor of tho BtuiHou, Om' PnioisH provail, ah we never curry Millinery Q-oodH over from one fleaHon to anothor. Everytliinff muBt GO ! ft-,V. Other Depts. ... HOOTS A&J> &J/OJ2&. .ajiocj&jiws. CJiQCKMRY. CLOTHING t ITA'IS AND CAPS. 6feV' "Y;-".'.; ' Tuesday, Auguot Jird. Oonnoil mot forrogular businoBH ; all tbo mombers presout. Oa motion, tho Olork was authorized to write the soli citor re north townlino ; to "write *Tas, Turville notifying him to out tho tweet clover on his land by Saturday, August 7th, or if not dono by that date B. Ouollotto bo authorized to havo it out and charge tho cutting to tho land ; to writo the solicitor ro oulvort under M. 0. It., on the 14th con, R. H. and t>. S.. drain. Oounoil adjournod. Saturday, Auguat 11th. Council mot aH por adjournment. I*roHont, Roovo, '. Dopnty Koovo nnd Councillors Brush, Colonutt and Ouol lotto. Minutes of provioua mooting were read, and, on motion, adopted. Tho Olork was authorized to write tho council of Colchester, South, anking thorn to oloan all limber rind rubbish out of tho 8th- opn and J?orrien road drain in Oolohostor South, timber hav ing boon ohoppodttudallowod to fall in from tho lands. Olork was instructed to write council o! Sandwich South ro Sandwich South and Colchester North townlino notifying thorn that thoy must at ouco ropairdamago dono to said road by water from Sandwich South. Mr Colonutt was appointed commissioner to seo about grading'tho approaches to tho Cauord bridge on the GoHfco aide- road, with powor to aot. Mr Ouollotto was appointed to moot II Sbuoll on si/lo road between lots 4 and 5, 14th con, re .statute labor, with powor to act. D Trembly withdrow his notico of clean ing out King Crook, Oonnoil to relievo him in some othor way. Mr Trombly ftddi*ossod tho Council ro MaGrogor statute labor. On motion, Mr Ouol lotto was authorizod to procure &10 worth of lumber, part to bo usod for two culvert^ at McGregor. On motion, Mr. Brush was authorizod to oll ditdh- ing on Milton sido road, oast sido ; Mr Ouollotto to soil ditching on Bronohoau lino, from railroad to King Crook. A lottor from W H Konnedy ro Lovoquo Bros., wasroooived, and tho Olork was instruefcod to forward tho same to tho solicitor. On motion, Mr Colonutt was appointed commissioner with Mr Laird on tho 14th con rear road and Gosto side road drain. Ou motion, tho Olork was instructed to notify James S Laird to finish tho PoBtor drain at once or it will .bo sold and tho cost ohargod to him. By-law No 831), to impose ratos, was road tho necessary numbor of times, pasaort and ndoptod. On motion, chocks wore issued to E. Noal, charity for Wm. Wbito, $3,- for Buckingham, $2;'Olork, for extra work on No. 38, 800; Mrs. E R Bor- sory, ^.70, robato on 1B0O taxes, in eonsidoration^. of hor heavy oxpouse owing to her mothorls . illness and doatb; F LDoacou, cutting thiatlOH on south half of'lota 10 and 11, con. 7,. $1; on north half lot 11), con I), $1, on west half lot 17, 0th con, $1, on lot in, con 7, $1; Wm Vincent, cutting thistlofi on north half lots 10 and 11 con 7, $1; iTolm Elford, for tilo ou 8th con,' 80; Ohiis Little, plank for breakwater on north rear road, $3,25; Lewis Jones, work dono on north townlino, Edgar 8. R. and 11th,con drain, $jU10; Georgo Campbell, building a breakwater' at N R R,.$0,fiO;Goorgo Campbell, cleaving rubbish out of Wilton tap; $3.25 charg ed to south half lot 10, con lft* Goorgo Campbell, clearing rubbish out of Wilton tap, $4,C0, charged to fl c pt lot 10 con 12; George Campbell, cutting tkistloB on north half of lot 7, con 12, $2.50, churfirod to land; Jim Hollings- w'ortli, ono sheep killed by dogs, 3.6fl; Victor Boudy, valuatiug, $150; Mrs. Laframboise, ehai-ity, $5; T> IX Davis, executing and registering quit claim deeds for Edgar, lots, $12; John Camp- boll, given road receipt for five days' statute labor for 1805, on a w pt lot ,0, con 12, check issued to D R Davis for services and,expenses in Fields settle ment, 214. On motion Collector's time was extondod tell next regular meesiiig, Opunoil adjourned. . '^vY*' Tuesday, August 17. Oonnoil mot Tuesday ovoning. May or Thomas in tho ohair, Prosont, Reevo MoDougall.DopntyReevo John ston, Counoillors- Roddick, Hicks, Raines, Jos. Robinson, Fred. Robinson and Wortloy. Tho minutes of last mooting were read nnd ndoptod. . Mr. Wolfe addrossod tho oonnoil ro tile taken out of drain on Arthur avo. In regard to thin tho following com munication was read by tho mayor : Essex, August 17th, 1807. John Waltors, EsqM Town Olork. Dbau Sin : The tile drain on Arthur avo. is in an unsanitary condition and tho tile must be takon up at once, cloanod and put down again as a sani tary necessity. ----- J. R. MoEwan, Sanitary Ispcotor. It was moved by Mr. Ilicks, sooond- od by Mr. Wortldy that tho report of the Sanitary Inspector, ro tile drain, ou Arthur avo. bo adopted and that tho Commissioner of Ward 3, bo ompowor- od to lot tho work of taking up and cleaning said tile and laying thom down again, and that tho clerk charge tho cost against the property bouofH-" tod in iho samo proportion as provided for in tho by-law. Ourriod. Tho Finance Committoo rocommond- od tho 'payment of tho following ac counts : W. B. Gallingor, sidewalk, 50 conts ; D. Konnody.wood SO; James Botcome, cutting thistloa^l 60 ; A, E. Knight, - cutting thistlos, &7 ; Jamos Quinlan, wood, &U.75. John Wortloy tondorod his resigna tion nsjioauioijlor for Ward 3. It Was movod by Reevo MoDougall, socond by Councillor Hiok's that Mr. Wortley's resignation ho accepted. Lost. This motion was put throe times and lost ovory timo. On motion of Councillor Hicks seconded by Councillor Rainos, tho clork was instructed to notifly J. L, Burdiok to build tho Bidowalk in front of hiB lot on Brion avo. according to by-la%v and his own promises. Wm. Patterson was granted a robato of $3.(9 ou teen of lfl7(t. , Diobol & Briolcor wove granted a,robato of $20.8(1 on lots 1, 33 aud.80, plan 100, for 1805, orror in tax salo. Tho arrears in taxoB, in the-oaso of Goo. Chamborft was loft in tho bands of tbo Bailiff and Col- Ioetor. Tho Roevo and Special Committoo wore loft to adjust muttera with C. E. Naylor in regard to special wator rato of 1800. W. Siftson, Chief of Polico,-address- od tho council at some longth ro patchy condition of sidewalk on Mcdora avo. The mattor was left in tho hands of Deputy Roovo Johnston, tho com- misBioner. Tho Doputy Rocve reported that tho band boys had the band instruments collected and wore waiting tho coun cil's action in regard to thom. Tho mayor reported that bo far this yoar tboro bus boon spent on repairs and Hor'aping. streets. $233.47, and for now sidewalks ^120',3(I. Council adjournod. A USEFUL MAN QONE. J. T. nitOWN, COUNTY OOUNOIIvTiOn von NO. 3 DTHTKTCT, PASSES AWAY AFTKB A SBIIfiP IIiIiNBBS. Base Ball* Tho XMrates and Colts played an ex citing gamo of-Ball at Rooroation park, last Fridny'ovoning. Stotta, who'was in tho box for the Cojta, was vathor liberal in tho first, giving 2 busos on balls and allowing a double, a triple- and four singloH to bo obtained oil' his dolivory notting tho Pirates 5 runs to Btart with, Although handicapped by suoh a big start, tbo . Colts took a liking to Gourlay's twisters and batted out threo runs in their half, n bane qri balls, a double and throe singles in the second caused three runs to he marked up for the Piratos.In tho Oplt'shalf of soooud, Scarifs double, A, Gourlny's single ttiid Laing's homo run gavo the Colts 3 more. In the third owing to the good work of tho noldors tho side was quick ly disposed .of, after Frank Green's single and Terry's home ndtting*2 runs and the last seorod by tho oldornion the Colts wont in and baggod four runs tying tho score. Owing to darkness the game was called and will bo finished this Friday evening, Aug. 20th. VIIIATJIIH. F Terry, c........ .1 White, 1 b ... G Gordon, 2 b,. R MUlou, H i>;.( M DeCew, r f ... J Gormley> p.., H Wile, fl s .. F Green, If..... JHutobinson... R 0 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 10 ooivrs. R EBoattio,lb... 1 ELaiug, 2b...... 2 A Gormloy, o... 2 G Thornton, 3b 1 W Ohuroh...... t H Poarson,r f:,. 0 A ScarfT, s s...... 1 X.DStotts, p.;.: 2 J Brown, 1 f... 0 ': " '": 10 Umpire, >V H Ribhardson,V S.There; weroo few close decisions. It is our painful duty this wook to record the death of one of tho moat prominent men in Essox County in tho person of John T. Brown, County Councillor for No. 3 District in this County, who died at bis honSo at Cottanv on Sunday afternoon. Last wook wo announced that Mr. Brown had boon seized with paralysis on tho Tuesday ovoning previous. This was followed by two subsequent strokes, tho one on Saturday leaving him in an unconsoious condition and he passed peacefully away at 3.25, on Sunday af- toruoon, Tho news was a great aiir. prieo to pooplo in all parts of tho Coun ty, as deceased was of a rugged consti tution and always enjoyed good-health. From his long connection with the Essex County Council ho was well known in all parts of tho county, Doooasod was born in tho county of Lanark, Ontario, on April tflth, 1837, so that at his death he was (10 years and 4 mouths of ago. His parents wero Jamos Brown and Margaret Park, both from Scotland, In 184(1, the family movod to tbo county of Perth aud set tled on a hush farm on the River Thames near St. Marys. Thoro his father taught tho section school, known ns tho Motherwell school, until ho wns oyer 0 yours of age, whon ho retired ou a liberal superannuation allowanco and died in 1802, of tor having flllod sovoral important ofheofliu tho township. Tho oarlj education of docoasod was ac quired at tho school taught by his fa- thor. 'Whon ho became ablo to work his timo was spout on his father's far mi until he reached his majority. Ho then concluded to improve his education and teaoh school'. At ih'Bt his spare time .was dovoted to study at homo. Ho spout ono torm in a privato board ing school at Rockwood, noar Guelpu, taught by Wm. Wothorall, a Quaker, and at the olose of tho torm ho wroto nt his first examination in Stratford, re ceiving a second-class certificate. In 1830, Mr. Brown commenced to toach in S.S. No. 8, Dowuio, at a. 'salary of' S240 por yoar. Tho holidays then wero ovory alternate Saturday, two weeks in summer and Christmas and Now Year's day. Remaining in that eoetion fivo yoors.ho attondod tho Nor mal school tho flrflt torm of 1835 and took a second class grado R oertiiloato, which was for life. In 18flfi, ho com- monoed teaching tho school at homo where- ho rocoivod his early education, and romaiued thoro five years. Ho then took ohargo of tho adjoining school at Carlingford and remained thero aix yoars. Among thoso who ro- aeivod their education in tho Mother- well school, taught by both father and son, wore Rov. Prinoipal Cavan, of Knox: College, and Prof. Baird, of Manitoba College. Mr. Brown was a very successful teacher as is ovidoneod by tho numbor of pupils whoso odnoa- tional'foundfttion was laid at his school,, who haVo boon successful members of tho learnod profession both in this and the adjoining laud. In 1870, ho ro- movod to Oottam, in North Gosflold, whoro in addition to tho biiHinoss , of his farm ho carried on a general store. His first appearance in" munieipnl matters was an auditor of tho aooountH of Gosflold, boforo the township waa dividod inr,o North and South Gosflold, Ho guvo sunh oxcollont satisfaction iu this capacity that on the division of tho municipality iu ,1887 ho was elected do- puty reovo of North'Gosflold, which- poHition ho'hold for four yoars, being ouuoreturned bytiuqlamatioii. In 1802, his coustituouts advanced him a' step higher and he filled the robvo'H chair for 18i)2-uy-i)4-n5 andflfl-nnd could havo beoii ohmtod to the same oilfico for 1807 had not tho now County- Council's Act como into ofl'oot and thus provented one from being reevo arid momber of tho County'Council at-the same timo. As reovo ho looked carefully and con scientiously after tho utmirs of tho township aud as a member of tho County Council ho was looked upon a ono of its host meinbora. At' the first election for members of tho new County Oouuoil, held last, Junuary, deceased was pleoted ono of the roproBentatlveH of No. 8'District, Ohas. G.' Fox. being tho other. At the first, session of tho new County Oounoil. ho was promin ently mentioned for the office.of War den, a position he was amply qualified to fill, bntou tho informal ballot, N; A. Ooste.received 8 ballots to itfr] Brown's 0. Deceased's religious train ing waa in the Presbyterian'. ojvuroh, but ho was a man of broad, liberal views, and did hot believe in or practice secta- rianisni. but always gave a generous an,d liberal support to other donominationa 'iax 4he.:looaI#iy"..wiie|*4B>;Viie:,' ..,jc^A'iiaoc|i- For, severally ears * " ,v-""" " " " Ridge and was one of the partakers of Holy Communion at the service in Trinity church tho Sunday previous to hha death. In, 1807, ho married Emma H. Lucas, daughter of Rov. H. Lucas, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Besides his widow ho loaves to mourn his Iosh, two sons and all single. Tho daughter, Abbio and ono son, James, oro at home while tho other son, Albert, is employed at Mt. Clemens. Throe brothers and two sistora also sur vive James, Andrew and William and Mrs. Tier, who live.near St. Marys and Mrs. Richard Parker, of . Essox. In politics doceasod was a Liboral but never took an active part in oloctions. Ho was a member of Central Lodge, No. 402, A.F.&A.M, of Essex, and tho fnueral was conducted under tho direc tion of the Masonio fraternity, at H o'clock on WodneHday afternoon. The remains woro conveyed from tho family roaidonco to Trinity) Episcopal church where services woro conductod by Rev. A. L. Bovorly, after which tho Masonic burial was proceeded with; tho inter ment taking place at Oottam cometery. Tho pall-boarors woro John A. Auld, M.P.p,, of Amhorstburg; M. Barrett, of Gosto; C. G. Fox, of Gosflold South; G. A, Wintomuto, of Maidstone; J. S. Patton, of Maiden and J. M. Kay, of Cottam. Thoro woro about (JO mombers of the fraternity who marched in tho procos-. sion, Essex, Kintjsvillo, Leamington, Comber, Windsor and Amhorstburg Lodges being represented. Tho funer al waa ono of the largest ovor hold in Cottam, not half of those attending be ing able to outer tho ohuroh to hoar tho florvicoH. JEf instead. Miss Bollo Robinson has been visit ing at John Plant's, afc Oldcastlo Edgars' Mills. Mra. F. .Beaton' is spending a month with friends at Higbgato. L. MoLaughlin is night foreman for Nioborgall & Co., at prosont. Miss Irene Hurst, from Tocumsob, is visiting with hor cousin Miss Flossio Align. Mr. Bowman hna orectod a cellar in which ho hopes to koo'p things without froosrfng. Mrs. E. Roadhoueo was sworn in as assistant to Post-Mastor McLaughlin, and she ban now ohargo of the oflloo. Georgo aud Willie Wnito returned on Monday from lona, whoro thoy had boon sponding tho holidays with thoir grandfather. Evortou Moddangh and Thorn Cope- man left-on Wednesday morning for Manitoba, taking tho Harvest Excur sion. All thoir frionds wish thom a successful trip. SUFFERED FROM INFANi THE WAND OF MISERY WA OVER MRS THOS. GREE&'\jj& Fkom Hkii Childhood hub S lSrtoM Hkaiit TuouDrjEH*-DooxpaL SAID NOTHING OOULD IiEDONBrOKl AND THAT 1U2U DI3ATH aTANY MOl wouj&n not HtrnpnisK TnEM, From the Herald, Stratford. *; "Of the making of books there is end," it has been said, and the sonjeft claim might bo sot up in respect of / tt'ef making of testimonials in favor of Dm Williams' Pink' Pills. Wonderful' &j aro some of tho statements publishecV-S in tho nowspapors as to tho cures eifc-f?1 footed in airports of tho country, frcwMt ovidonce provos tho half has not beejaM told. Woro it not for a false sense ofi delicacy which a great many. people)) entertain in rogard to such matt* tho. columns of tho press would beX literally teeming with grateful acknOw-| lodgements of benefit derived from and') pormanont cures oflebtcd by the UBe^o'fe$ Br. Williams' Pink Pills'for Pale Pep>*f pie. It is quite within the mark to Baj$ that there is no other medicine offered tho public that can at all compare witjltf Br. Williams' Pink Pills, and there.iis.i not a corner in this wide, Dominion in? which thoir virtues havo not been>JS provod. A cure that recently came; to; ^ tho knowledge of a representative' otflj tho Herald is deserving of being widely^ known. It is an instance of hearth trouble that baillod the skill of a nui$| bor of physicians, sonio of whbaiiV positively refused to treat tho patientp on tho ground that it was no use. The;$$ subjeotof tho nOIiotion referred to is'^J tho wife of a highly rospootod and to do farmer in tho township of Lbganf$5 near tho villago of Dublin. Mr. Mrs, Thos. Green aro ilrm believeraf?| in the oflloaoy of Dr. Williams* Pinlt&J Pills, and for very good reasons. Mrfli;'|| Groon has Buffered oyorything butv;! death from a weak heart, the troubled having afflicted hor since early ohiIctr-{S hood. On several occasions she 'haa{ boon so low that it was not though) possible for hor to recover. Her great^] est troublo often arose from exhaustion^<vj$S or a suddon start, and at such her heart seoinod toooaso its throbbjig;j$| and tho broathiugwas fitful niullabored^* Doctor's modioino soomod to have ou'oofc whatever. She was advised hy V- ^MiSiSiiiiil^^^a Partus^ owing G. E, Smith.'& Co: .** t^enes will call at E. A^ Wisimer's office at "Eor,Mye&y^.-l^ WfeiV once to settle: , : '^'YY/Y.: ii'7"./-i e&witttjie#foS<fcptf;i^ Belle IRiver. Soparato Sohool ro-oponod on Mon day. Dr. Peltior intends to make his home in our town. Miss May Malono, of Windsor, ifl the guest of her paronts. Miss Anna Sauvo has come homo for hor Bummer holidays. Miss Winnie Lambert, of Woodsloo, is visiting with relatives in this vi cinity. Itov. Fr. Mounior oonduptod tho very impressive eoromomes at tho funeral of Mrs. Ohovalier, last Friday, Miss Boll Roiirko after visiting in Chatham and Wallacebtirg for tho past threo woeka has arrived' homo. A picnic party from Woodsloo S. S. with Rov. Wm. Shaw. had. an-aftor- noon's onjoymont in Stovor's grove here. Miss Edith Broesoit loft Friday on tho C. P. R. for the Lond6n Convent whoro slio intends sponding tho rost of hor days. . Miss Louise Ducharmo, of Stonoy Poiut."is in town visiting friends and acquaintances . Either bicyclists' or children must re main Off tho sidewalk.' At prosont its not safe for oithor, N. Z. andG, Mouasoauhavoreooived a few car loads of lumber, shingloB eto. 'by,the O.' T. R. from our pin'o districts. Tho firm expects to supply greater de mands than usual. Our merchants should certainly moke a good display of their goods at tho fair opening this fall. As heretofore they will leave no stone Unturned to moot the wishes of the country around. ', Albert, Barretto, ilrd con. Rochester, fell off the r'oo( of. his Wm to the ground; carrying a portion of the scaffold., with him, which struck him on the head,. opening a$ ugly gash in his skull.,, Dr., Rourke attended his mjuriea/ . John Dewhirst, Rochies^ was' in, tpwu last evening td.^ei'^'^eo^bifs^ of the AffrioiiUural Sobiet^. 'At; Itheir^ 3heet|hgto-:morrow evening-,JohnVottdH M. U;ienaratwin4p;t^ ono'physician that all that could be;\y dorip waa to keep hor strength up,- 'and'Hjj it was with a view to strengthening her;^j| system,' aud with no hope that heart would bo bonoHttod, that she be- ^ gau tho uso of Dr. Williams' Pink.PUIs..^ She had not boon taking thom IohgjlV* however, whon thoro was an unmis^J tnkoiiblo roliof from tho troublo tiiat~^ made her whole life miserable. Duringr.;;-^ the paflt summor sho has used Pmfc^i Pills frooly, and has on joyed bette^l hoalth than for mauy yoare before, and{(^ has boon ablo not only to do her honse^ hold work, but also many of "the on^hm door ehores that fall to the, lot of ;'.)&($ farmer's wifo. Tho different physi-f^ oians had told hor husband .that'v thoy would not be surprised to hear bftjs hor doatb at any momont, but she, is tqfJM day a strong woman, onjoying beUer^M hoalth than sho has done for yearsy^3 Both Mrs.. Groon and hor hnsband/feei^ grateful for the gi-eat bouoiit nbe hafljj reooived from tho .use of Dr.. Williu^B.^S Pink Pills, and spare no words s-a sounding their praises to overyonei who onquires what has wrought sn^eit>| a wonderful ouaugo in Mrs," Oreeu^si^ health and spirits. vr':'.'^? In oases of paralysis, spinal tronblftS^ locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rhoUmatisDa^l5 orysipolos, scrofuloua troubles, etplyk Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills aresuperior ;fctf^{ all other trouuihont. They are alsb;>ij|j Hpociilc.for the troubles which make|r tho lived of so many Women a bnrdeJfii^ and Bpoe<lily restore tho rich, glow, J9J health to polo and sallow cheeks.,'^2J& brokoi down by overwork,, worry; Oj&| excooses, will find in Pink Pills a^ceicS*8 tain oure. Hold by all dealers, or': eeaj| by mail postpaid, at COoa box/ or^srr boxes for $2.r;0 by addressing:;, jtheW Williams' 'Medicine..Co.',. Bropkyiii^i Ont., or Schenectady,, N. ,Y, >B^|L of imitations and substitutes allegeb^>iKfe be."juatas good.V| . Y^^M : \:YY^m th' mM Harrow. " MiHS-Agnea'Wattersahd ,he^;i^^th#| have returned home after a .ahpirtjt^ff'1 toMt. Clemens^. Y^Y^M " h'^.re^^ home from her visit with Me^dfeM*M i,i Dos peen.^e^cpyer^^MW'i ', tario: Natural - ^%^#ffi 'the' 'francliiBe/feTO^fi^

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