Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 13, 1897, p. 8

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1 .pjfv^l M-imF'I^Xt^F--- '-> ' Harrow, called on. frielids here laat x.~ l/b#w'dTMdM blood pt*i; mtt qiixw >y( HoodV *mpiU4 i bn oomplJ*hd.throiig^ potffled .. Borofa]*, itlt rheum, - nhdu), titan, 'ntAlgt, ytobl-to Hood'i Imomm It, r*di<*te Um . 0*^*f* ot tho#* 'tapwttl which bar* Mji^: ^T*lopingp perlwps for yi, In ,;: .'the blood. Hood'* BftnaparUut . oum ^|^3|grrOBinwM by feeding the nrv upon fe-'iSttw/rloh blood. It absolutely and pev- y^;;>' baneutly cur whan all other madlokua fe;;^ ;.;lall, D^anaa Hood'a'BamparUla Itrlkea at the root of the disease* which la the blood. Thousands testify that 7 have been absolutely eared of blood by Hood's SarsaparlUe, although ey had beoomedlsoouraged by the faU- a- Ttire of other mediolnoa to give any relief. If?' "' "^ other medicine has saoh a record of ^;(v: A-fetingaaHood'sBarssparlUs, beoanse 'K'-' are the only I*lll to take ::' flOOU B FlllS with Hood^ SarsopsrlUa. Sarsaparilla Jj th b**t Id tact Ute On* True Blood rorlQw, ^called on. friends here last Mon4^.';^';tK';'/:.v;.)Vi'^ "' ; v Mr^ piihxi.Xj, Quick nas pxachsiB^d 00 acres of tho Bweetmon lot, next' the ohurob. ",,, ., Quite a number from here attendod the Quarterly meeting service In Gesto Ohurob last Sunday. Camp Palmer. Joe Hoggins liae been very poorly, but is improving. , Mins Edith Butler, of Harrow, ifl vis iting relatives in town. Parties are commencing, whioh take the young people's attention. Mrs. 0. Misoner and her mother, Mrs. James Grainger, have gone to visit friends in the east. Misses Mary and Annie "White, also Beatrice and Melvin White, of this place, were the guests of Mrs. Fuller, of Ruthv.en, last week, John Wright has moved his family on the.^ownline, near his wife's moth er's, and will himself go to the North west. They will bo missed very much in our town. wwftM Pi Brooker. The Baptist and Methodist Bun day SohoolB held a Union Picnic to Para dise grovo, Thursday last, ....... Ocrtto. ., Misd Flora Colonuit is homo from Windsor, ill with typhoid fovor. She was very ill, but is now improving. :tv; w * 1$. Y ' ' ft" ?i / North Ridge, Rose bushes are now blossoming for the second time thin summer. A- M. Morris haH purchased a now tsartfrom Mr.'Mitchell, South Woods lee. David Noble informs us ho intonds leaving in March for Thron Diuok via Dyea. James Oummiford and wife called on friends at Olindn-'lftsfc Sunday and Monday. - Harry Wild gave an exhibition in tho hall last Thursday night, with his wooden babies. , It if* rumorod that Isaac Thornton, jr.,;andThos, MoOroory, jr., aro going to Thron Dinck. ', There-was a concort of a miscellane ous' oharaotor hold in tho Tomporanco Hall last Thursday ovoning. Wm. Olarko, of tho towuliuo, has disposed of hifl hundred ncro farm to Sam Hyland; consideration, #3,250. 'Mrs. A. G. Bedellc and Mrs. Samuol Baltzer drove to Arilor last Tuesday and called on Alf. Bnltzor and wifo. ___ i George Mnloaator, wife and family IpT'Vwent to Oodar Boaoh Inst Wodnosday ,tand spout-a pleasant day at tho Inko. Norman Johnston wont to Leam ington last Saturday and attended tho K, 0. T, M. ohureh parado last Sun day. An old log barn orootod nearly ilfty years ajro, on tho farm now occupied by John F. MoOroory, foil down one day last week. . JEd. Gammon was agroonbly surprisod p!' V when ho dug up a hill of potatoes tbo other morning with fifty good sized tubors in. Next. Tho veterans of '00 and '97-8 are hop- ng and expootinga good timo at tho re-union and camp fire on Thursday at Leamington. ;; Mrs. 8. JEdith Baltzor is boiug falsoly maligned by some oorronpomlont in tho Wfy, ". Windsor . Boviow. She throatons to J: ; take legal steps unless rodroHs is made. /Several f armors' hore have, burned their Alsiko olovoras it contained.but ^a.. very little aoed of any 'value and thoy ^':';'.<sonsiAorod it of no valuo for fooding to ^/.^etocjcv. . ""'. |^V';'-T/S. SlOto, A. W. Bridgon, S. Asho Batten together with their wives p;';and,families wont to ICingsville last fei;', Saturday and pio-nioked on tho banks ffyttotXiakoErio. ".'. %-v'1. Bev. I), i'rimble, of Gosto, proaohed RVln the Methodist Church lasrtfSunday ^imorning, cjioosing for his toxt, Bsalm SMitut, .'-first "verso, from whioh the Ktalented young man preached an ex- fe?j?celiont discourse.. All who had tho ||&j)loaBuro of listening to him hope aoon ]|!|:;(to:hear hiih again. WJ':po.vid. Meyers threshed 1,700 imshoU fe(ififvflrst class wheat for Thonias Mc- pdreery last Thursday and Friday fore- f|}iio6n. '" This was the product of ilfty ^jiibres ; most of it is the American bronze'. This is about the best kind PJB^OTO now, tho straw being strong ^iiBtjifr stands the winds aud storms very Jiv' 'V ; . -.- . ^^Wm.-Jones, a young farmer of Kep- J>el wne killed instantly last Saturday ty$tfhy."'v'jHe was moving a steam boiler, ^and'orossing over a small bridge one ^,e stringers supporting the plank- m 1 rgave way, throwing tjie waggon ' g^erto the bed of the creek. The Cot tarn. Winnie and Beatrice Taokaberry have gone to ARhtabula for a month's holidays. Who is the small, very biiiqII person who puts rails upon the eyolist's path on the road to Cottam ? James Bain and family, and Alex. Oookbura and family have gone to the lake for a week's holidays. Walter Noble is greatly improving the appearance of his farm by putting a new wire fenco along tho front. Owing to Mr. Brown's illness, ho was unable to attend the school arbitration at Harrow, yesterday, (Thursday). Isoao Jackson, Tp. Clerk, took a trip to Windsor on Monday oh business in connection. with the appeal on the Lovelace and Orton drains. South Gosfield has appealed against Mr. Laird's report for the ropair of tho Lovojace arr6T~Orton drains, aud tho Council of Gosflold North havo decided to defend tho ease. Gosfield South has appealed against P. h. S. Laird'H assessment for the re pair of tho Lovelace and Orton drains ; and tho Council of Gosflold north have dooidod to defond tho appeal. One of those pleasant occurrences, which somotimofl crop up in life, hap pened at Leamington Wednesday ovon- ing whon Fred. Burling, of this plaoo, led to tho marriage altar MissBoacom, one of Blythoswood's fairest daughtorfl. After tho marriage,-the bridal oouplo drovo to Blythoswood whore thoy wore entertained right royally by their numerous friends'. Wo extend our con gratulations. Wo are .very sorry to report tho sori- oub illness ofJ J. T. Brown, County Councillor for No. 8 district. It scorns that when Mr. Brown wont out to milk Tuonday night ho was ovorcomo by a dizzy epoll rind foil to tho ground moan ing. 'Some of tho. family hoard him and ran to his assistance Ho was car ried into tho houflo and Br. J. W*. Brion hastilysummonod. The Dr. pronounc ed it paralysis of tho loft sido caused by a clot of blood on the brain. At. first it was thought Mr. Brown could not got bottor but now hopes aro ontortniuod of his recovery. Judge Homo, Inspector Maxwoll and County Councillor Dossiol mot at Cot tam Town Hall, Inst Tuesday morning, to takointo consideration the question of forming a now school sootion in Goa- field North, to bo composed of lottv'in tho 7th, 8th, .Oth and loth concessions of Gosflold North. Thoy doci'ded as follows ; 1st That a part of tho lands asked for to form new school section arc at present portions of Union school seotion and cannot legally bo interfered with by this board. 3ud That without those lands tho proposed school soo tion would not contain oithor tho acre age, or tho population required by tho Public School Act, 18IXJ, therefore, un- dor thoHO conditions tho prayer of the potitiou, asking for tho formation of said school section, cannot be granted. W. B. Kpllofc, who loft hore May 14th for tho North West to visit his two sons who aro sheep ranchers there, yotumod lustFriday evening, Mr. Kpllot says that tho prospects for a good harvest in Manitoba are very bright, everything being as froah aud greon as in Ontario. Ho thinks that any- young man with moderate moans would-do well to go thoro, take up a ranch of land and start sheep or cattle ranching, hb the whole prairie is thoirs for pasture and the large scale upon which 'operations' are carried out enables them to soil at less cost than wo do here and yet realise more. While Mr. Kellct was thorp he visited Gordon Quick who loft Harrow some twonty years ago to go thore-Mr. Quick has gone into ranching sheep',.' horses and cattle, and is doing romnrk- ably.well. Upon being asked what chance there was for ordinary grain farming, he replied that it -would not pay at all. The Canadian Agricultural Company took up60,000 -acre's, of wild, .land there and put a great deal of it under crop. The first year the yield was great but after that for * five crops they didn't get their, seed ;]u^ last for a week's visit to Mt. Clemens. " RuAcomb Station. P* B. Testier, late of Van Avery'a store, South Woodalee,hoB opened up a general grocery at Husoomb station. We are sure Mr. Tester will mako a snooeBsfal merchant. When the oxcuraion tram_wae.rettirn- ing from Belle Isle to Tilbury last Wednesday, James Frederick, an adopted son of Jos. Peltier, gotoff here and while attempting to got on fell on the cattle guard and broke his arm. Tho wound was dressed by Dr. Ander son, of Comber, and the boy brought home Thursday night. Ollnda. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MoOlatohey, of Leamington, spent last Sunday with friends here. The funeral of tho infant daughter of Alfred Whittle took place from the Universolist ohuroh hero on Wednes day of last week. Rev. Mr. Yates con ducting tho services. O. A. Greening, of the firm Greening Bros., nurserymen, Monroe, Mich., spent last Saturday here, and addressed an enthusiastic meeting of fruit-grow ers in the evening. Colchester North. Miss Atkinson, of Lindsay, is on an extended visit with her brothor, A. 0. Atkinson. James MoOlory had ton 6'months' hogs, Worth $60, stolen from his pasture on tho night of July 35th. " Miss Jennie Cudmore, who has been the guest of Miss Annabel McGarrity, Windsor, returned to her home at Fdgar Mills on Wednesday. Mrs. It. J. Wilkinson, of Windsor, and her daughter, Mrs. C. Brinsden, of Detroit, have boen spending a few days with tho family of John Koane and other frionds in this locality. A colored man named Isaac Lear, of Colohester North, made a complaint bo- fore Magistrate Bartlet against his wife, Sarah Lear, of deserting him and their four childron. County Officer Fred. Noal found her at tho Springs at Saiidwioh,on Tuesday. Tho Police Mag istrate had a conversation with tho un happy couple, and tho wife promised to go homo with hor husband and bo faithful to him and their children. -;^,pn Mm and death was almost ^-v*OWM"'"< t?uu^*^ Mr. ipiabputtabpnuuriod. iof their abandoned claims. South Woodslee. Mrs. Nod. Coulter is visiting in Clovo- laud. The Misses Cox, of Detroit, visited with their paronts in town. Our barber shop in its now coat of paint is Hecond to none OvOr ISO left hero last Wednesday on tho excursion for Bello Isle and De troit, Tho band nccompanied thorn. Wm. Allison, whoso roflidoucb was dostroyod by fire somo timo ago, is re building. Oummiford & Molntoor's buggy aud machine shop is doing a rushing business. Tho numbor of bindors sold by Jacob Mitchell was 10 not 30 as stated in last wook's FUEB Pkkss. Rov. Mr, Edwards, o! Florida, oc cupied the pulpit of tho Methodist ohuroh Sunday night. Tho Band Concort is in preparation, so far wo can anuounco the Drama of Charcoal Burner as partof tho program. It has been decided to paiut tho par sonage, Tho Ladies' Aid havo under taken tho repairing of tho ohuroh insido and out. , The Ladies' Aid of tho Methodist ohuroh will hold a social on tho parson age lawn, next Monday night. A good programme of readings, rooitatxonS and miifllo,' vocal and instrumental, will bo rondorod. Proceeds for tho ohuroh. At a mooting of tho trustees of par sonage H. Jones tondorod his res ignation, which was . accepted and \V\ If. Bumball was^olootod to fill tho vacanoy caused by bis resignation,- Owing to a leak in tho boiler Mur ray's mill was obliged to shutdown ono day, but owing to demand thoy were obliged to run all night Thursday and Friday. Thoy are now closed down for repairs. The Annual mooting of tho Ladies' Aid was held last Wednesday at the rosidonoo of Mrs. J. Molnteor. Tho following officers woro olootbdr-rPres., Mrs.MottjVicoPros.,Mrs. Wm.Murray; Tronfl., Mth. W. H.'RumhalljReo. Sec, Mrs. D.'A* Young. Tho E. L. Concert held Tuesday evening was a pronounced success. Aftor a few oponing remarks', by tho chairman,Rev. Mr.Shaw, the following programme- was roudorodi Musical selection, the choir; Selection, instru mental, Miss Hancock; Chorus, dome Thou Fount, choir; Recitation; The Ghosfof the Manor, Ohas. Smith; Chorus, The roll call, choir; Essay, Noarer My God to Theo, W. H. Rum-, ball; Reading, A voice from the poor- house, J. H. Smith; Music, Take ;my Yoke upon you, choir; Recitation, The. grave of n little child, Ohas. Smith! If the Literary given TueBday night is a type of what is usually given. South Woodsloe League have reaspn .tOribe proud of its talent. We have no doubt that, as a talontod impersonator^ Master Smith will oharm far larger' audiences ;>;:^l^iai^K^!';exp^ J. Charland, is lmproying and "we are glad to Bee him around again. . The street commissioner is having gravel laid on South and Main streets. Belle River cheese factory Bold, lost Thursday, 0,000 lbs. of choice oheeso at Ohaa. Gerard, baker, Main street, is being urged to start an ice cream par lor. Misses Louise Peltier and A. Hudon visited with Mrs. C. A. Ouellette last week. A new sidewalk was built on Ouel- ette st. extending from Main to St.- Charles. Mrs. E. Hingott, of Chatham, i^ visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Menard. H. ti. Sage, of the C.P.R., has a gang of men working on the new tank that is being erooted. F. Ouellette has had his carriages in his livory stable painted, and the boys seem to appreciate it, R. Sutherland and Jas. Gilmour, of Dorchester, loft last Friday morning for the eastern markets with a carload of cattlo bought in the vicinity. M. Toussignan, lot 7, eon. 1, Maid stone, threshed 484 bushels of wheat from 87 bushels of seed, recently, Thibert Bros., fishermen,"paid us a visit and have retnrned to their fishing grounds taking with them a cargo of provisions. Our crain buyers ore kept very busy these days. Many farmers had hold their last year's corn and wheat which they ore now hauling to miarket. J. N. Strong, harness maker, is kept quite busy filling orders for his onBto mors whioh aro hoooming more numer ous as Joe becomes bottor known. It is with groat pleasure wo road of tho success onjoypd by our entrance pupils this summer. Eight tried tho examination and all passed. This in a record to be proud of. Mrs. L. Ohevalior(neo Angelina Mous- seau) expired after alingoringillncsHof two years of that dreaded malady, con sumption. Sho died at iho ago of 80 yearft and leaves three young sons and a sorrowing father. G. T. R< Station Agent Dolanoy has been suspended. Ho is said to havo been short in his accounts both to tho Railway Company and to tho Ex press Company. A great doal of sympathy is felt for Mr. Dolanoy as ha was an obliging official and a steady employee.. Wo hopo ho will bo ro-in- stalled. The board of trado meeting on Mon day ovoning was" quite successful. There was a good attendance of mem bers and oitizonn, who favorably spoke of tho work whioh tho association had undertaken at its last mooting. Com munications bearing upon tho orootiou of a flour and grist mill woro road, after whioh tho mooting adjourned until JVIouday ovoning tho Kith of August. Things fhiat Ar^ dif" August is The Month when pridi are held out as a Prime fluencehere .... . . But Cheap Things are often bad. Wh$i$ brings buyers here in large and e-v^|| inoreasinjg numbers is the assuranotF of safety in quality-the mind is at ease as to quality when the G-oodsar0f bought at The Great Corner Store/ ^ ;fi Prints,, ovor 100 pieces, of the best 82-ino^ Prints, sold in other stores at 12o. per yard, bur$|f price lOo* per yard. . 76 pieces of the regular 10c. Prints, reduced 8o. per yard. of LadioH' Chocolate , Oxford GhoQB^M 11.25 and 81.60, reduced to 95c.'per7$ ' ' - ':M Dross GoodH, we havo oponod and passed into ' hF Btock 60 pieces of now Dress Gooda, call and see them., 'Ss| 100 Pairs regular prioo 81 )mir. To clear tho balance of our.ptook of ParaBols^.:$ wo offer i off from regular prices. '. "")/ 3pocial offerings in Groy and Bleached Cottons, Table Lihdna, Napkins, Towels and Towellings. / V.^ It is reported that Canada has ro- ooivod ovor two million dollars moro for hor choose output this year than Inst. ----- Klondyke Gold Ib vory difiioult to got at but,.. Oxypn Blood Bitters You can havo for 26c. a bottle, and is tho best preventative a- gainsfc Malaria, Typhoid or Ty phus Fovore. It is very valuable in oasojs of thai "tired fooling," loss of ap petite, liver complaint, headache, Essex. Medical Hall Our Grocery Stock is Fresh and of high quality- astonishingly low prioee,.......... -and at The Great Corner Store. DIEBEL & BRICKEn 'irs-i vV'.'e I '3'r WANTED 20 Oars of No. 2 Red Wheat delivered by^| September 1st, price 75o, a bushel; also 5 Cars of Corn/-^ Call and see us. <m Do you Want . . . A New Buggy ^ ?0n' * * Bherrin's "Suro Pop Corn Curo" ro- *' movoa corns, warts and bunions. a ......Pharmacist, tissox....... Western Fair. LONDON, Sept. 9thtol8tk '97 -'i.i i.... . i Canada's Pavprite Live Stock and Agrlcultuxal Bxhibitioru If so you cannot do bottor than by calling at the tfhe Essex Capriage TAiiBOT-ST.; - ESSEX. Having the beat Mechanics omployod, wo can gunrantoo all work to be first; V^ m every particular.-.,...... Wo aro propared to do all kinds of iron work in.tho line of ';Bepairingt' Horfle:ahooing and Ooneral Jobbing. ' ' '_'[';'. JOH[3Sr"'BA/ZC,i3.II ". '"',. >"A,lflt -;.............. .;; ......__.. < .< ' . ,-*r &&& . - "':.a;"!;;?s Xho moat complete Livo Stook Build, jng in Ameripaj More imjlrovomeuts and eitenaiyo additions this year. Every SGoouraan, Aertoultnrist, Manafapturer, JDahvman, Artist and Inventory etc., etd., epeaiftlly iavitflifl. , ^ Eutrioa oloae Heptember 9tb, lu all De- parfcmeuta. Suoaees a sua red. Sie Hasen Ben ili, The Arab Prince, Has been eeoored to f nrniah and enperui- tend the $Uge Attractions* We Are as Usual Griving Right Prices on

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