Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 13, 1897, p. 5

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^^./^ ^w^v m^'SXA . Jho'laaaioafjhire, |ihb6itlnaratioe0ompftni In thaworld rimakaaBpoolfcltj of Iniarlng Farm Pro- roney to Loan at B and G} per oont. on Farm }/fcri&3 Insure now in Good RtHabU Companies, Wsaa Essex Free Press. pff. BRETT e\ AULD, PnoPRltTOWS. pg-^FKTOAT, AUGUST 18t 1807, ir-TT Mown and Vicinity. #-: gl^rJlAYOBTHOMAB'waa at Windaor last ^IWday. ' .;" " * >3Pob beat value in parasola go to M. W$ 11- ffl^lWigle&Oo. IE. LJ Pabk flpeni Sunday and Mon- ?4ay at Cedar Beach. iffeMas. A; O. Stimbbs is visiting |Vfrlends in St. Thomas. Kji'iMBS, E. L. Fabk roturnod from l&ieamington Monday evening. vMiss Waktebs is visiting with J. H. Wf&Nut and family of Kingsville. ' Seooni) hand buggy and cook Btovo '$'fox sale cheap, Gho. Liokman. 82 4t Jfck'Mns. (RavO M. P. Oamfmsm. is i$|VisitingMrs. Dr. Hobley, of Auihorst- fl^'burg, this week. '|& .;, Mbs. Habrv Wiiismsrt and children "'" went to Blenheim last Saturday, to vis- jjf^fi t for a few weeks. Miss Stella Robinson and Miss Boas returned last Saturday from a week's Sift*, holidays at the lake. p^ "The regular monthly meeting of the '"$$ '.: W- 0. T. XT. was held at Mrs. Olvor'fl, " Tuesday1 afternoon. , > - lv you owe G.E. Smith & Co., call ^\.-on E. A. Wismor and settle at onco. * It will aave troublo and costs. Wanted Boardors by dayorweok, ^ 'ftood accommodation and board. Mra. V-i "Monnteor, Laird Ave, 29-5t Mas. Oiiivan GEBBNpiBrjD, who had $$"<.' been visiting hero for two wookfl, left ffelast.Friday for Grand Bapids. ffi';>-.V.; 'Mbs. Dn. Mabtin, who had boen via- |'i5;';itmg friends in tho vioinity of Sarnia, Mireturned on Monday last. ?p'^' ; Whilb building a platform at Nelson $$: Jones' house Monday morning, Steven HP'-Shaw fell and dislocated his shonldor. Br. J. W. Brien.set the mombor.. m-> Miss Bessie E. Oammjbm., daughtor f^1 -of Bev. Mi P. Campbell, who had been '"""" visiting in St. Mary's, Ont., and Do- roit, returned home Monday night. ' EaiuiV to bed and oarjy to rise may $:\ once have made peoplo rioh, healthy &,*. and wise. But at present the man who vwouldfainmako his mark has got to ikeep hustling till long after dark. :.. ' J. E. Johnson, of the Leamington sff' . Post, who goes to Thron Diuok in the W'.'." spring in the interests of "Tho IJen- $P:'.-insular Mining and Developing Co." j|tf was a< caller at this oftico last Friday. '$;: .' Next Monday, August 10th, rural A- ;Publio schoolsopon for bushiest). Tho fell ||yi- whaling, season begins all too early l;S;'/ the small hoy. Sohools in urban ft m : i.-$ *7fr for inn- nioipalitieti will opon on Wednesday, September 1st. Tius majority ol! High Schools and Collogiato Inutitutoa aro writing up their big rocords in Fii*st Form wprk; , but we have failed to find one except our sister school, Leamington, whose percentage approaches near ours. , The Boflt'mftfltpr Gonoral has arrang- ed. that tho following, holidays aro to ho ^' Now Yoav'a Bay, Good Friday, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, Labor Day, Thanks- $;:- giving Bay, Ohriatmas Day and any Local Civic Holiday, $i.: A.itew men are said to have returned .from Klondike, with fortunes in gold nuggets, hut judging by nowapapor stories and interviews" thoro must bo about 1840 in the back townshipfl to hear from. Of thia." number. 800 aro original diaoovorora. . Wm.Bouhek, pt Atlanta, N.T., owner ;of the Newman WiroTruHa Fonco, is for a fow daya, and has a sample offence at' Labar's blackBmitli shop, Talbot-at. . Parmors will do well to call and see it as it is tho choapost J-'^;-"fence on the market Ordora loft at tho Boyal Hotel will bo proiapfcly attoudod to,, ,; .. ., Two Esaox citizens aro m imnimont ^ ..,-, danger of running up against tho '^Jbirths' regiHtration act,; Thirty daya' $:?'after, birth aro allowed for naming tho :f!^baby, failure to do so reudoring a per- $?[:y.eon' liable to a $10 fine. Two well- '$.' ', .known men, whoBe familiefl are of ro- $.&:<Jent eatabliHhmont, find themsolvos ^fev unable to decide on uamoa for. tho ^;: babies and they will overrun tho limit }W'$ unless 'they make up their mindsto- I'day.:::;..:.'. :: .":'. ", TiyE few who attended the concert givenv by the Northern University' ,m: : Qnortet in the Methodist churoh last $5fiV Friday-evening listened to a muaical "'"'i treat the equal of which is eoldpto i,;vy' heard ip any town. All the songs were |feudored. The ainging of Mr. Tiliro fe^ftB I ^specially; fine. On Saturday \-jaitej p/n the'^ programme'was. if any- if^iUng fetter than on Friday night. N. $$ ^^ flhowed hiniflelf to be an artist . truly deserved . remunerative *#' 1'.'/': 1 *W-.-: ^in;hiBliiio;::.Tho'boya t |fep^eoiiaUdnbf.;.a"moref PjPOr.'.J.1., .'.'; Misa Edith FAtm is viritfalg in Loamington. A. E. PitBKirxiit. spent Saturday and Sunday at the Beach* Hiokobt nuts are going to be an im- menao crop this year. H.A- EnMinrae and JiB. Mcof spent Sunday in Kingsville. , A vbbv good crop of hay could be out ia some of our back streets. The Northern University Quartet left Saturday night for Tilbury. Mbb. W. H. Kennedy and ohildren spent Wednesday at Detroit, Mich. LABon Bax first Monday in Septem ber, will be the next public holiday. Tub Fbeb Bbess will be sent to new subscribers to January 1st 1898, for 25o. Evebitt and Milton Biohardson took a run up from Cedar Boaoh last Mon day. Miss Nina Mtmonn.of Woodslee, was tho guest of Miss Wightman last Fri day. Miss Addie HAnniflON left on Wed nesday, to Bpoudhor holidays in De troit. Peakh 80o. pk., ouoambbrs 10c, doz., hoots 25o. doz., turnips 40o. bush, corn 10c. doz. A. Biaas & Co. have throo fine monumonts droflsod roady to go out this weok. ------ pABTDia owing G. E. Smith &Co. will call at E. A, Wismcr's office at once to settle. B. Greek has roturned from Niagara i'allB, after spending a most joyful vacation thore. Wriiii Ouattbbton loft Sunday for his holidays.; Ho will go to Belleville and Montronl before returning. . Hian sohools and Public and Separ ate Hohools in cities, towna and incor porated villages' open September 1st. The Eaay Street Bachelor's Club ro turnod home Saturday ovoning nftor aponding a very pleasant weok at tho lake. ,Ta. DoxioijAS has gono to Bollovillo to attend the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., as representative of Enterprise Lodge, No. 218. ' D. J, Whitney purposoa putting in a largo Btodk of dry goods aud grocorios iu the store soOn to bo vacated by G. E. Smith & Co. E^ob MoCaidhijAMd, reprosontativo of Court Royal, No. 212,1. O. F., left Monday, morning to attond tho High Court at Brantford. . W. M. DeCew has sold out.his huai- uoas hero and will soil now hia stock of lumbor at a greatly reduced price. Oall( and seo his stook early. Rev, Wm. Fijeming has gonotoCedar Boaoh on a holiday trip of throo wooks. Thoro will bo no service in tho church until the 1st Sunday in September. Jabon Woodiwisb, High Marshal of High [Court, of Ontario, I. O. F of ICingflviUo, called hero Monday morn ing, on his .way to attond High Court of Ontario, which mot Tuesday and Wednesday at Brantford. Thekk aro plenty of lottors and in terviews from men who havo obtained fortunes in tho Klondike, but up to tho tirao of going to proas no enterprising reporter hna intorviowod~any of tho men who died on tho way. The annual convention of the Essex County Womnn'a Christian Temper ance Union will bo hold at Windaor on Tuesday aiid Wodnosday, Sopt.Yth and 8fch. Tho day mootinga aro to bo in tho Gary Homo and the Tuesday ovon ing mooting will bo hold in the Baptist ohurch. A ropuiiAn wedding trip ia to take a D. & C. steamer to Maokinao Island. If you want a delightful wedding trip where you aro not lilcoly to moot ac quaintances, tako ono of tho D. & O. stool atoamora to tho ialand of cool breozos. Statoroom and parlora ro- aorved 80 days, in advanoo. Send 2 aonta for illuatvatod pamphlot. Ad dress A. A. SoiiAN'ra, G.P.A. Detroit, Thomas Fosteic, ngpd 85, livoa on a small farm ton miles west of St. Thomas. A few daya ago ho entered hia amall whoat field .with tho pld fashioned cradle and rake. Ho wont sturdily to work as ho had gono half a century ago. Soon tho crop was out and he bound tho golden grain. As Mr. Foster ia halo and hearty it is likoty that ho will take part in many future harvests. On Saturday morning when the daily papora appeared in Toronto, Principal Craaswollev, of Eaaex, who waH on tho hoard of examiners, and who was just loaving for Muskoka, iipon noticing tho standing of Essex and Leamington pupils, immediately procured a post card and despatched tho following message to Principal,Elliott: . *'Good for Leamington and Easex, AH pass ed.w Such on-expression of good' foolJ ing ia commeudabloj and shows a truo sphit ttoldom -displayed by ono for tho other's welfare. Leamington Post. Himaw Watokeu & Sonh, of Walkor- villo, paid ^1,251 duty on a shipment of whiskey last Saturday, , On acconnt of the advice received from the U. S. treasury department,. instructing- the collector to assess duties tinder the new- tariiFon all goods imported after1 last Friday, notice baa been, sent to Walker & Sons requiring the.ji payment of .'$815.75 additional duty b> last Satur day's importation. The new rate is $2.25 a gallon, and the duty oh bottles is 1 cent eaaa,Instead pf three-ctnarters ofacenta'lwand.' Mies '^^iap^m^- Hatrbw,7 vii^ od-into^'UstMdiiy.-, "f^-^-v/^'i^ ' Mies Anitie Laino viaited at Mrs. Watters', Harrow, laat week. Walter Wiohthan is spending week with"frfends at Bnthven. W. M. and O. E. Hood spent Satur- day evening and Sunday in town. Miss Gabdneb, of Leamington, vis ited friends in town on Monday. The speoial sets of Jubilee Stamps have not yet arrived at the P.O. Miss Gbace Oamtdbll visited friends at Oamp Palmer last* week. O. Kjueohoto left on Sunday to spend two weeks at Cedar Beach. Good girl wanted for general house work. Apply to Mbs. H. P. Mabtin, It is stated in Boston that the fate of the Massachusetts Benefit Society is Healed. M. J. WioijB k Go's special shoe sale s being well patronived ; and why shouldn't it ^ Now is the time to got summer shoes oheap at M. J. Wigle & Go's. Bpeoial shoe sale Mbs. J. A. Prisieau and children aro spending a few days at Amherst- burg, Ont. Aucjuht 15th is tho last day for County Clerks to certify to Clerks of local municipalities. Mits. (Dr.) J. W. Biuew returned on Tueaday ovoning after spending a very pleasant outing on Cedar Boaoh. Judge Houne, of Windaor, was in town Tueaday morning on his way to Cottam to hold a school arbitration thoro. Miaa Maooie Ahmbtbono, who has been visiting Mrs. John Hopgood, loft for her home in Strathroy on Tuesday .morning. Mits, Wm. Laino and Miss M. J. Laing, who having been Visiting at Tilbury and Blenheim, arrived horn* Tuoaday night. Mas. W. H. BuasEiiti and children returned home laBt Friday after spend ing the week with her father, H, V. Doming, of Port Lambton. Mna. (Dn.) Jab. BnxEN,' of Essex, spent Tuesday with Mrs. H.W.Allan.of Windsor. She was on route to visit hor brother at Port Huron. Misseb. Baohbij and Ida Nosbitt, Essex, and Miss A. M. Martin, Chat ham, spent Sunday at tho homo of S, Olapp, lake shore, Sandwich East, Mas. Feank Bush and daughters Clara and Maud and Hon Earnest have roturnod from a two weeks' visit with rolativos in St. Thomas and Tyr- conuoll. OattaiM' Joiinhon made orrango- monts with Captain Russell, on Friday, for tho use of a number of rifloB,&c, in ^connection with, tho yetorans* ro-unlon on August 12th. Miih. Geoiwe Duwaii, of Kindo, Mich., Mrs. Clink, of Indian Head, N.W.T., and Dr. T.A. MoOormiok, o! Kingsville, visitod last weok at Goorgo Bowar'a, town. AnousT lfithis tho last day for High way Overseers to return as defaulter, to the clerk of municipality, residents,, non-residents, owners, etc., who have not porformod Htnfcuto labor. Citizens who complain about tho heat of a ten-minutes' walk on Talbot atroot can cool thomsolvos with sympathy for thoir fellow-Canadians* who havo to make a fourtoon-hour cir cuit of an oat field in thia hot woathor. Ouas. H. Fumjbr, of Buthven, has boon appointed spooial agent for tho Northern Life,, of London. This ia tho company of which John Milno ia man ager, Mr. Fuller is well-known in Eaaox and ICout counties, and haa flam ed aroputation of boingamoatRUoooaa- fnl life inauranoo agont, being woll every particular. Tho North- cm lifo should got its s'haro of business in this district. An oxohango offcra the following very aoasonablo advico to those who havo tho gold-'fever: Tho young man who has a position with prospects of riaing higher by porsovorauco and conaoion- tious work is foolish to go to tho Klon- diko or any otkot dike for auddou. for tune Tho best sort of fortune, to bo1 mado ia that whioh ia to bo made .'by steady, loyal, intelligent work, not by gambling with fato. Tho fortune that is oarnod by steady work very rarely gets away from its possessor. The other sort usually goes as easily as it cornea.. ,- . Tub following is'iTaummarj. of a do: tailed orop report for Eases .County:' Esbox county grows a quantity of corn, and tho crops of this aro looking fine. Whoat, under an increased aoroago, is a much bettor sample than .last your. Tho oat crop will be a groat suocess. The places reported'and the estimated yields for 1800 and 1807 are as follows: 1808 South Woodslee, winter whoat,80 bushels; oats, 80; barley, GO; corn, 100; hay 1 tons. Amhorstburg, winter* wheat, 17 bushelB; oats; 85; barley, 80; corn, 45; hay, 1^, tons, Essex, winter wheat, 17 bushels; bata, 40; corn, 80; hay 2 tons;;" Kingsville, winter wheat, 27 bushels; oats, 8?; hay, a 'tons,- For 1807, Soatb Woodslee, winter wheat, 80 buBhels; oats. 40; barley, 42; com.: <)5; hay 2i tons.'. Amherstbnrg; Winter wheat, 24 bushels; oats^ 80; barley|t85; corn, 85; hav, 1} tonB;; Essex,r>.winter wheat, 2b>u8h^is; oata, ;f 4pi Vp^rn,'.-, 70; haySftonfl. 90 bushels Rings, j^ings.. Engagement and Wedding Rings . ffeduced Prices for 30 Days ....... * Issuer of Marriago Licenses. Mas. Any. Sttone and throo children, of Chatham "are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stone. H. Rodoehs, of Winnipeg, Man., is visiting his granddaughter, Mra, Dr. Somerville. Ladies I If you want an extra nice parasol at an extra low. price go to M J. Wiglo & Co. Mibs Jessie Earns, of Windsor, is spending a two weeks' vacation at the homo of Wm. Nesbitt. John Mann and James Stacoy, Com ber, and Roy and Bert Riohardflon, of Detroit, are visiting at John Laing's, Miss A, M. Mautin, who had boon -visiting at tho homo of Wm. Nesbitt* roturnod to her homo iu Chatham last week. Miss M. Youwohusband, steno grapher for Clark, Cowan, Bartlet & Bartlot, Windsor, spent last week with tho Misses Nesbitt, Talbot street. The youngest child of W.M. Imoapn, near Wlieatley, accidentally swallowed some rough on rats, on Wednesday af ternoon, and almost instantly expired. TiibEe will be an exhibition baso ball gatno on tho Driving Park botwoon the married men and singlo mon of the town on Friday evoning. Everybody welcome. Many farmers are asking, is it advis able to sell-the grain as Boon as thresh ed. Taking one year with another, wo believe that moro is gained by soil ing at onco than holding ovor for highbr prices which very seldom come. On Sunday last, Morsoa Toht No. 74, K. O.T. M., Leamington, had their annual parado to divine service. Ovor a hundrod Sir Knights from Eaaox, Combor, Kingsvillo and Loamington- formed in lino and marched to tho Baptist ohurch .where thoy listened to an excellent address by Rov. Mr. Clat- worthy. 'On Sunday afternoon a daring oaeo of houso breaking was committed in town. Taking advantago of tho absence of B. Baughman. and family, thioves broke in andransaoked the whole houso, turning ovory thing upside down gener ally and getting away with about ton dollars in cash from tho different mem bers of tho household. Entrance waft ofl'ectod by oponing tho pantry window. No clue is held as to who tho pc-rpotra- t'ors are. Tnis minister of education has issued a circular advising toaohors that the proposed changes in tho public aohool loaving examinations will not take eft'oot thia year. The oourso of study will bo in all respects the same for 1897. Botany will thoroforo, not bo required. Tho first form examination will also re main as beforo. Thoro are some modi- fioationa in tho courses for junior and Henior leaving, but students, intdroafced in those will got full information by consulting tho principal. DAi^vMAiij and Empire: "Rov.P.S. Oampboll, pastor of tho Lexington avenue-Baptist church, Now, York, a Canadian, a graduate of Toronto Uni- veraity, and a well-known worker in the Canadian field, preached to a largo congregation in Bloor street' Baptist church Sunday evening. Ho spoke from John iv. 42, upon the subject of the evidences of Christianity. The two evidences, he Haid, were the testimony of others that Christ! was divine, and. the testimony of personal experience. Ho pointed out ably and at some lopgth the proofs of the Christian religioD, and said that science, a modern'^ substitute for it, would never satisfy the human heart. , The discourse was'.attentively listened to by the: congregation. Rev. Mr, Campbell was born in Dominiona- ville" jn 1819^ and was educated at Woodatoek tiollegc and Toronto Uni versity* He has held charges in Q^V ham, Dundas.ahd Montreal, and haa been very successful durto^ ate ottue^LexinKton Jav^^;^^^.:^; OldijaarWm, 'NewYork.'^^e subject vv l m If You Owe G. E. Smith cVCoi Call at the Law Office of E. A*; \'iU\i Wismer, and settle at once. It will save trouble and costs*,' ',M ' >.i* G. E. SMITH & CO. ... ;-vl ' -^ '.'vi > sll IT Will Appear Here. T r.'r.tTJ 'M s. 1 / >M "' "'.^'MS '. 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