Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 13, 1897, p. 2

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u^mmm . ... KW.1;1^ Tom^'hRT* bo* .brok*B root io keep rott ^'1-tttuho, hMho! 'Rain fall- sold lri tk* city; I,-)' " :3Ur*'rmlii ffclto kindly, warm on sleeping " Husho, bnaho! Jtren clouds take pity .On my Toanteen deeliah and leave yon all' ' fetfiY $' *6 ' > \:f-' m<.i:;.;.;.-: . . Kt\ sWw, huakot lUrer skies W sail is ftfru'v, :y:.\. In a boat of amber, .warm aa any neat. K:^ N >h, bat can my ouuhla find no place to wall In l^ti'-'ir '.'But the -warmestplace on earth, and that Sfctf-'V"vi ' " bar mptber'i brutt Hoaho, huahol JfJiJ'i i; , '. ^-Nora. Hopper in New York Tribune. llSv'THiE YELLOW BALSAM The Kieaengeblrge abounds In deli- ,oiotts herbs, from which .the most.effica- oigasbalms have been at all times made. The inhabitants of the village, of w-.v,v. jKrummhtibel still use easencos made $>% "With these simples, and this will appear n less surprising when it is known,that -those inhabitants are in part descended from the students of Prague of the fa mous school of Paracelsus, who were eipcllocl during the war of the Hussites, and who, without doubt, were in posses sion of unusual botanical secrets, the . knowledge of which is at the presont day neglected. But among the herbs which the Hiesengebirgo produces is one which has become celebrated beyond all the literature of fable. It is culled the yellow balsam and grows only in a . kitchen garden, of which Rubezahl ha* reserved for himsolf tho exclusive eu- joymejic A murvlous power is attrib uted to this herb. Tho moat durable and the moat inveterate maladies do not re sist it It serves even to nourish the mind, and Rubezahl permits only a . small number of his favorites to gather it Once upon a time u lady,of distinc tion who resided at Lieguitz fell dan gerously ilL Fearing for her life, she sent for a peasant of tho mountains, and promised him a large reward if he would bring her a yellow balsam from Rubezahl's garden. Seduced by . tho temptation of guin, tho peasant ven tured to undertake tho adventure. When he hud reached the wild and desert place in which tho garden is sltuatod, he per- ; reived tho wonderful plant and, seizing , a spade, ho prepared to dig it up, but while he was trenching tho earth a fu rious wind suddenly arose and a voice like thunder soundod In his ears words which ho did not comprehend. He rose up quite frightened and advanood to ward the place whence the noise pro ceeded. Scarcely was he able to resist tho wind and keep him bo If upright. Presently on tho ridgo of a rook ho saw the movomont ol^LidKUntio apparition. The phantom hud the human form; his long beard hung down to his breast; a largo, hooked nose gave him a deformed his menacing eyes seomod to dart lightnings, and his locks and his cloak floatod in tho wind of tho tempest. In ouo of his hands ,was an enormous club, full of knots. "What-aro you about thero?" erlod this supornaturnl being to tho peasant Tho peasant, conquering liko.a brave man the alarm which at first Roized him,'answered: ' 'I seok tho yellow bal sam. A Hick woman has promisod to pay me woH for it" "That which you hold you may take away," replied the giaufc, "but tako good oare not to como u second timo." At these words ho brandished his club -with u terribla gesture ujid disappeared. The poasant pensively descended the mountain, and the lady thought herself happy when sho saw horwolf in posses sion of the remody whioh was to shorten . her sufferings^ Hor illnoss, in fact, di minished at tho sight. Nevertheless, she did not obtain u completo oare. Sho again sent for the peasant. "" again tho courage," said she to him, "to go and neck for mo .the yellow balsam?" "Madam," answorod tho ponsirat, -^tho lord of tho mountain appoarod to . mo tho first timo in a tdrriblu uhapo and forbade -me with throats to sot my feet again in this gardon. I have too much fear of offending him." However, the damo conquered his fear by the promise of a still larger sum than the first, and for the second time ho determined to penetrate into Rubo- sohl's domain, but scarcely had ho be gun to dig up tho yollow balmim when a frightful storm nguln arose, and tho figure appoarod to.him more menacing still than he had soon it on his first journey. The phantom's locks wero more disordered; his cloak floated in tho air in larger folds; lightnings flashed from his eyes. Ho criod, with n voice whioh made tho mountain tromblo, "What are you about there?" . The abysses repeated, ""What are yon about there?" "I seek the yellow balsam,"' unswo'rod /the peasant. "A Biok woman .nun prom ised to pay me v/ell for it.' ^v!( " . . The giant conld uolongor contain his :|i:' :,:\ anger.. "JVladman, did I not caution "%0yon, and you dare return? Now you pos- &<?:.' - (essit, save yourself if you can." . At the same instant ,;flamoB appoarod to fait on the criminal and to bum his face. The powerful club flow round in the air and dashed a rook near him into shivers! Tho ground trembled undor his feet A frightful olap of thunder assist *d to stun him, and he fell down sense less, V He did hot come to himself until wjiii:!:. long afterward. Tho giant had disap- "y speared, arid the thunder growled less ;>; loadly, but he still thought he heard g,)1 'the!reioimding voice of tho spirit, and ^- Big :limbs were as if they had been ^;::feroken;1 Howevwr, he.grasped the bal- ||'^{;to,in"hui'hand. At last,'.soaked with. ft \ ralB, snrxoundad with thick fogs, shoved i hare and there by malevolent genii, ho ^N.iST^wled from rook to rock all the night w^;;i);sm^ ' $ > the following day without ! knbwiBB vrhew he was. At length a ' |^ r^Ueri Martim, f(mntfihim, halT de*d f with his oflbin. : teif'J^lTim\pi>^Motkp^i^ ma4"gotvrio: ^ w;.. m- pi".' m J Hi .' '. wr> largo a t^un ot^onoy that he forgot the dangers; he had'itM and: wen* joyfully home, Several wk| elapsed. The dame voppeared njmoat osied. Nevertheless, he was not so entirely. *'If I bad a third balsam," said she, "Xamwell oonvinoed that I should be out of danger." She thon sent for the peasant, who at first was unwilling to come, Instigated, however, by some evil spirit, he at length yielded to the entreaties of the lady. . "Hore I am, madam," said he on en tering. "What do you want with me? I hope that you do not require me to go a third time for the balsam. Heaven keep me from doing so. I had a great deal of difficulty to get back safe and sound from my last journey. I tremble yet when I think of it." The lady then conjured him in the most pressing manner again to brave the dangers which hitherto had caused him but a passing terror,. She promised him great riohes and offered him a mag-, niflceat farm. In short, she so com pletely dazzled the rash peasant that he swore, although it should cost him his life, to go for the Inst time to pull a balsam in tho enchanted garden. "If I come back from it," thought he to himself, "I shall be rich, and I may pass the rest of iny days in joy and abundance." He re-entered his house making these reflections. Nevertheless, he did not again dare to undertake the perilous voyage alouo. "My dear boy," he said to tho eldost of his children, "I must go to the chapel whioh is at tho summit of tho mountain. You will accompany me." They set off togother. Tho mote they advanced the more tho defiles became narrow and the mountains barren. When they arrived on the banks of a lake whioh spread calmly and darkly betwoon two precipitous rooke, tho fa ther foil into a profound reVerio. There was something in his untfniot looks so strange that his son involuntarily trem bled. "What is tho matter with you, fa ther?" ho asked. Tho father remained silent. They con tinued to climb tho sides of tho moun tain, aud when they were noar tho gar den tho father said: "Evil spirits have mislod me from my oarliost youth, and therefore 1 have always aspirod to tho possession of groat riohtiS. I hnvo nover had the fear of God. I have never had pity for men. I have led a wild and irregular life, not giving myself the trouble to set good examplos, which is the duty of a father. I am now called by satau, for X must rob tho lord of the mountain of tho yollow balsam and the lord of the moun tain will destroy mo." / Tho son bogun to woep. "Father," he exclaimod, "ronoimoo yonr project tho house. God is merciful." Wild, however, with despair, the father had already seized the spado and sot to work. In an instant all the ele ments appoarod to bo confounded to gother, the winds wore unolmiued, the olouds burst, tho brooks were changed into impetuous torrents, groans issued from all tho plants in tho garden. The mountain opened and from its crest de scended, In tho midst of the hurricane, a giant of prodigious size, holding in his hand an immense club. Ho took the peasant and hurled him in the air. An enormous rook foil down and covered him with its ruins. The Hon hoard the moaiis of his father, which gradually became weaker. For a long timo he re mained astoundod in the plaoo. At last, the sky clearing up, ho rose and, thor oughly frightoned, Bought the chapel in order to recommend hiuiKolf to God. At tho moment at whioh tho peasant became no more, tho lady of Xiiognitz, who had appeared to bo almont ontiroly rocovorod, suddenly died.--<Nbw York News. The Crooodlta'ri Strong Jaw. Sir Samuel Bukor, in his "Wiid Boasts," says that tho powor of tho jawji of tho orocodilo is terrific. Onoo ho had tho'inotal of u large hook, the thickness of ordinary telegraph wiro, completely bent togothor, tho barbed point being pressed tightly against tho shank and rendered useless. This compression was causod by the snap of tho jaws when seising a live duck, whioh ho had usod as u bait, tho hook being fastened bo no nth ouo wing. On ouo occasion ho found a fish weighing 70 pounds bitten clean through as if divided by a knife. This, again, was tho work of a snap from tho jaws of a crocodile, M. Paul Bert ouco mado oxporimonts on tho strongth of n orooodilo* jaws by inoaus of a dynamometer. Ho found that a crooodilo weighing 120 pounds exerted a force of 808 pounds in closing his jaw. tfho lion has an enormous jaw power. On. ono occasion an African traveler pushed tho butt end of his gun into a lion's mouth, and tho proSHuro of the jaws cxuokod it as though it had boon itruok by u steam hammer. Daily JOutlcB, The best part of one's life is tho per formance of one's! daily .'duties. All higher motives, ideas, concept ions and sentiments In a man's life are of little .value if they do not strengthen him for the hotter discharge of tho duties which devolve upon him in tho ordinary affairs of life. -^Now York Ledger. In the Dime lMCuneum. Borneo Chief Say fellers, tho bald- beaded bearded lady lays over us all; abeVa freak: w '" Circassian Snake Oh armor Freak nothin; jist accidental. Got her face lo tion mixed with her hair restorer, and, the result was mortal. Philadelphia Press."' JM* T^eologlAH* Vrom Hmnrnrd; IThl* X 6ut of the 400 young men. about be ing graduated from Harvard college not a single one intends to take up tha study of theology. AnI/wt to infer froM.ihii tijai the is a mt in tho markaj fox n^iatswt It would seem so.^aavw- hUlGaVttt*. V. SICK FILLS Positively cured, hy these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspeprfa, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsl. . ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue) Pain in the Side, TORPID IJVER, They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.' 8mall Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's; Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. NATURE'S CYCLE PATH. Th* Sandy Bhor of Lake firle Ig Admlra< bly Kltt.J JTor Whfl*Uuie. Most of us at one timo or another have basked for awhile upon some sandy beach of ocouU or lake. We have bathed in tho surf, gathered shells upon the shore, and thus whiled away many idle hours, but it wasraserved for the bi cycle to mako us really acquainted with those stretches of boaohand shore which seem to have been purposely prepared by kind Mothor Nuturo as a glorious oyole path. Whether or ;not she orig inally intended it for wheels, she cer tainly spends a groat deal of her time in keeping the path in repair, nnd those active servants of hers, wind and wave, rain and sun, arc kopt very busy at work upon it nil the time. This long and varied path stretches in its entirety hundreds of miles along our ocean shores uiid around the borders of our great lakes, but the particular bit with whioh wo booamo familiar dur ing happy summer weeks, and to Bhhro in whose delights I would tempt others, is a comparatively small portion on tho south or n shore of Lako Krio. It begins with tho extreme oud of Cedar point, whioh with itn lnnR arm holds in a por tion of Sandusky buy, and extends, oast- ward 15 milofl or more up the shore. This sandy shore continues all the Why to Cleveland and beyond, but because of some intervening PU^s of rook one cannot ride the whole 60 or 60 miles.. The shorter distance is, howevor, enough for a summer day's ride, especially if one takes it comfortably and loimuoly and appropriates to himself tho count- loss joys spread before him.- Grace Wick hum Cur ran in Bt. Nicholas. THiE EXrKING OP'THEFAKIpS iTELta / HOW :tO MAKE AUVlNd. "' J... Zoological Oardnit. Tho following figures show.tho an nual aoBfc for maintenance of soma of tho principal foreign soological gar dens: Berlin, $1117,500; Antwerp, $i:i(l,BO0; Amsterdam, $106,000; Lon don, $100,000; Cologne, $76,800; Rot terdam, sjiflG.boO; Hanover, $42,000; Paris, .$20,000. ' Thus far the cos toj ttjuintuiuiug tho zoological parks ^i Washington and Philadelphia hus been $G0,000 each per yohr. Not KHrd -Built, "Thoro was n; utrnngo man hero to .S30 you today, papii," Hiiid little Jithcl, who tnofi her fatlier in tho hull an he eamo liome on WotlwoHday night. . "Did ho have a bill?" "No, papa. 'Ho hud just a plain nose." Philadelphia Timos. Warwick, nnd the midlands boast a very inuocenfc bovoniBO. It is a concoc tion of giugor, buttercup Rood, euyonno and. boot juico and in calculated to scorch tho lining from a traction engine. Tak en raw, it in probably tho hottest drii^k in the country,- but it does ho harm, nnd, if well watered, is pleasant enough. Koato foil in lovo with Fanny Brnwno, a dull and unattractive young woman. In ono of his' letters to hor ho says., "I feel-au awful warmth about tho.hoart, like a load of immortality.M On, June 13, 1755, upward of 3,40b salmon wore takon above tho bridge in tho river *tyno and sold in Newcastle at one penny and a peony farthing per pound. There are thousands of sickly school-girls all over this broad land that are dragging their way through school-life vifho might enjoy that abundant life which be longs to youth by simple at tention to hygienic laws and . a proper course of treatment with Scott's Emulsion. This would make the blood rich,, the heart-beat strong; check that tendency to exhaustipn and quicken the appetite by sitrehgthenjing; the; digestiori. (j)ur book tells. moire about; itv'^-:8ent:frec.:-.:;:.' -:^\S^i^K:J Kloh Aftar Harlaff Dona Only J*oar T>%ytf Wo*k In Thirty Yai How H Got Bit Mlktim Corn 8mW Far KaigUns nnd rrfjnid Beans For JtrmncHmmn. Tick- Lowndes, the ex-king of the -Ukirsrhaving become rich, left off trav eling ob his fiftieth birthday, married a roung wife and settled down in Phila delphia, "because I was born there," be says in explanation of this strange thing, "and I bolieve a man ought to |ivo the town he was born in a show." For nearly AO years Lowuden, circum navigating the globe 11 times, beamed upon the world's population through his Moses P. Handy wliidkers, and, iu his own words, "joshed 'em all, white, bltick, red, brown and yellow," into providing for his luxurious existeune and for his eventual wealth. Ho got his nickname of Tick from the solid gold watches he usod to sell to countrymen for the nominal sum of two bits. ".Maybe you think thoy-won't go," he would bawl, holding up one of his watches when purchnsera were back ward. "That's where you're 'way off. Listen to this one tick." And he would imitate the ticking of a watch with his mouth so that the sound could bo easily heard by those on the outer limits of tho crowd around bis toroh illuminuted oiirringo. -Success and seniority gave him the titlo king of the fakirs, by whioh ho was known until his retire ment. " t often hear no account chaps talk ing about how hard it Is to got along in this world," Huid Lowndes when he was here.' "They'make me weary. Tho world is easy snapping his fingers aa if the subject Was too silly to talk about. "When I was a small boy, playing mnrblos and shinny and peg top, X looked about me and saw all hands breaking their nocks trying to earn a living struggling, sweating, worrying, working like the devil, every one of 'gui, "It was positively painful for me to watch 'cm, although I was only in knee brooches. I mado up my mind right then that I had a heap too big a capaci ty for fun to wour myself out working, and I dotorminod to mako the world my oyster. Well,.I've boon nibbling on the oyster Over since, and tho. only work you couIdTcairwork that I ever did Was four days of coal houying down in the Stokeholo of a Japanese steamer on whioh I was a stowaway. How's that for a rebord only four^days* work in ,80 yoarBl Don't I look it?" Tick did look it. Ho was o perambu lating jewelor's shop. Diamonds glit tered all over him uot tho sort of dia: mondu he used to put into his Pandora envelopes. It was acknowledged that he iookud prosperous all right. '.'Now you'll be astonished, but the worst juys I evor struck anywhere in the world are the Russians. I think I sold about five tons, of axle grease.corn salve for a ruble an ounce box on one trip through southern Russia. All the men in Russia have corns. Thay all wear heavy . cowhide boots the ordinary folks, X mean which I suppose accounts for it. I felt almost ashamed tho Way thoso Itusijinn folks fell over each other to buy my ordinary uxlo grease of com merce fox- their corns, and the worst of it was that hi tho largor towns, whore I staid for three or four days, tho yaps that had bought the stuff on the first day of my arrival came to me-bofore X left nnd told mo gratefully that tho groafio bad entirely cured their corns. Why, I was regarded as n publio bene factor throughout the Whole Russian empire. "I found tho French grotty easy on oh, too, especially in the smaller towns. Tho first time I hit Franco I was Boil ing West Indian perfumed beans. They woro tho ordinary American beans that thoy don't know how to cook in Bos ton, despite all this talk of Boston as the town of beans. I dyed the beans blue and soaked 'em over night in co logne. I usod a Mexican vaquero's mako up on this trip and sold the beans a dozen for a frano, with a long spoll- bindabout the porfumo lasting for 3,000 yours, and so on. It wn liko finding money, this boan fake in France. "All of the South Americans, from Panama to Patagonia, are .pretty flnsy to gold brick.. All over South America I sold'thousands of gallons of whitening tonic to mako the half breeds white. I mado itof nights as I wont along out of any old thing that wasn't harmful- dandelion roots, wild oborry bark and such stuff. The governments got after mo finally for it, though, and that's the reason the half broods of South America nro still reddish in color. Their governments wouldn't lot fom buy enough of my whitening stuff( you soo. *'Tho Mexioans'll buy anything. You may not believo it,.but I sold thou* Bands of dollars' worth of common bar Hoap for removing grease spots on one trip down there, notwithstanding tho (aof that, the duds worn by tho people who bought the" soap were as much on the (3- string order as the laWQf the laud would permit. I sold 'em safety razors that cost me a. quarter each wholesale. for 93, which Was about as low down as ever I played It, a any man who ever used a safety razor will admit. - "I would have made a million oat of the natives of the Fiji Islands if the jealous white residents down thero had uot' choked me off. As it was, I cleaned up n good bit of money on the scheme.1 I traded off blue spectacles with the Fi ji* for cochineal. Cochineal at that time was about worth its weight in silver. Ihe: Fijii wwt oriy oyer my'stook of gogglea, and I had several of the island- Bn gathering ooohinesl for me until the ..," aoheino"' to ,sell' fche JCafflriHomeBtuff io atraighten their .'Ifiiofl^jr/^e^;fuid;;l-wrte;ft 'J'MU'jQce^ %)ib .'. .tirrsb^t^'e>vrW^V^plei icmn there wouldri?i;rt^ " thfT warmilH^ ' ttoittfTOII^Valbbt w. O,. J. Tboma*rlWft>/; John Waiters, PW*U. "'; ".Jf.-. i OoMHsrnmn Nobte ToWmmv ooonoll holdi jffouhu* m4Uiig5 on tho wna Haturdsy in osflh moatb, aftthe wwuball, Ooito, JobnTBornM, Boevfl; A. O. Atklnwa,Olurk,GtoP.O. GoflnxLTJ North towasaip oounoii hoids ro- aular most ass.JonTue Uis flastirday in.ooh mouth at tUo vonu hall. Oottam, Obas, II*lkio( Koovo; Isaac Jack sou, OletU, Oottam, P. O, , MAn>TON townahlp oounoii holds regular mtatibtfft on tba last tiataxday la each month at tbo township haUlntfav 6tb. oou. Ptr Cor- bell, Kooto; M. UoHugh, Olork, Woodslee, P.O- Bamdwioii BpuTH township coonoll' holds ra- guUr mvedags on the 1st Haturduy iu uauu mouth at the township hall, Olacanilu. Kdwalra O'Nsil, lloovo; John Btono F, O. 'Moyn'dhaui Clerk, Matd- OHUROH DIRECTORY tfBTaoxuuT. Dr. Qlflord, tutux. Service uTory Sunday at XI a. ui. and 7 p.m. uabbstu. Sohool at 2;H0 p. m. 0. B. Naylor, bayerlutend aut of sohool. Kpworth tieague prayux nieeuo^ xueaday evening atU o'olook. ueuo/al prayet moatiugon Tiiuraduyeveniuft. CnuucH of Enolxkd itov, & U itevo.rly in oumbuht, tit. Paul's, Essex, DiYinonwrvicti every dunaay at,/ doiack p .uibuuuy Bohool at 10 a. m. xriuitv Church, Morth itidyo Uuu day Bohool at 1,40 p. ui The puhliu are cor dially Invited. PBB8BTTBIUAN. W.M.Eieming, Pastor. 8ei" Vices on btiubath at 11 anU 7ttu p. m.tiab oath hohovl at '2:110 y. - m. Grayer ujtetihB auu Castor's bible olaee on Tuesday at 7.30 p. m. BooiitlUuiou on Wednesday at .1B p. m, 15APTUT onunoH. itev.M. I*. Campbell, Pae- cor Hjiviaefl each aubbath at 11 a. in, and p, m. i'rayor meeting oo Weduesday oveniufe tit a o'olook. 11 Y. V. U. ueuims ou Friday tivetuugut Bo'cloolc. tiuats lrte. All are our- dtuiJy welcomed. ttoMAl* OlTUOUC-Kaaex tit, O. 13^ Mo Goo, Fustor. Hor^iuo vury utuur huuday utb.yup. m.- Sunday School ut<i p. m. ., Maidstonb. High mass aUd Bormon at 10.SU u, m cuiochisni ao D p. m., hapUaui at 3. p. m., vettpurBonu oeoedlutiou at 7 p. m. O. iii.lllO' Ooe.lM'. ( SaLVation Auwy. Capt. Ottway and Lieut. Coo lu command. Balvatiou uibuitnun Wuu* ue ad uy, Thursday and Hun day ovouinyBiireeiuxd Kaay(oatuxdu,y eveuihgauUii p.uj.buiiduy;iuli tioua meetlngb (or uhrietluttu b riday evuuiug auu il u.ui. buijuity; Hum Drill 7 a.m. every buuuu,y. All are welcome. LEGAL. i> A. WXBMElt, Uaj-riutur, bo honor, Kotmy JUw PubUo so. Monuy to louu. Omooa,l>uu- stuu Ulook, up-utalru, Kbuoi. 4-1V BBETOP, Uiasr ol Mai,__ onimUrionerlnO.X.eto. q|to^ C\h&.UKU, OOWAN, HAUTLKT Ac HAltTbilT, ) buirittiorb, etu. UhioijB Muu^ury Jbioou, WiuuuLf. i^nyato luudu to loa.ii, A. li. OtaiiKE,, M.K. OOWAN, M.P. A. N. A. lUUTLK'i, A. li> BA.U.VL.U'V. H. A. HKNltk U. WaJjTjuu/j L,,Attoraoyaua (JouuHuior ut law, holiuitOf iu Uliuuoory, i'xuotorm Admiralty, mtctut bohoitor, uihoo, OhAuiberoi Ooiuuidrcoiiuildlutf, DvUolb, ilioh. (Cauudluu otalujy ayiiiuBt portouu lu the UulUtd (Jtutas eolleUt*U Uefelroucusi Inipoiisrl Uauk, iSBuex, Out, J. L. Fetors, Kflq., .barrister, ete., Windsor, Out. ' K.A. Wis in or, Kufj. Barrlator, etc.,KBBex, Out w.EDICAL. ,\S'mS\/'\4 U'^'V * D B8. BIUKN.'A BKIEN. Jaa. Brlen, M. D., L. H 0. V, B., graduate of Queen's .Uuiveeii>y.Klugatou, member oi Coi- luge ol Fhybialuus aud bur^oonfl.Outurio. Grad- of New VorU Font, Otaduate JvledioaKJol- Iuro. J. W. Brlen. M. 1)., 0. U X, T. hi. O. Honor graduate* ot Trinity Medical College. Hooor graduate of Trinity Omvoraity. Member ot the (Jollogeof Fuyflicitma uud butgeoua, Unt. Uiad- uate of tsow York Font Uruduato ofedloal College - Olllae over Ebbox Medical Hall drug stdro. Oouuuitaiiou jtooiub, both ou grouudUoor and tirat tlat ubovo. Tolepliouo lu both utueo uud reeldeuoe. Ail call a uitoudod to (roui oillcu, urug Store, or reuldouoou. HealdonpOH, Talbot Btrtut,neur ivSr rouuds uud adjomlug Fjieu Fituss Ohjoo. DU. J, h. JEWiNUK, AfiBoelato Oorouor for tho Couuty of Euaer. J,EarleJonnor,al.D.U.lf., Trinity Uulvor- Hlcy; M, U. F. uud ti. Ontario; Lio. Hovul Oolloge FuyBiolahu, jLoudou, iuug.; lut Boholarahip and Gold Medalist, Trlmty Oollege, ltiba; nupoluted House Fhyaioliui uud butguou, loroutotieuerai UObyltal and iiouidout Aooouoheur Burusluo Lyiug-iu Hospital, Toronto, ititit. bpooialiy, dio- OU.M0B of woiueu aud ohlldruu. KoBidonoo, house lutoly oooupied by Ur.Oewar, Talbot at., S^max. Oillcoiu Imperial Bunk Block, grouud door, opposite Thome's drug storo, Medluluos die' puiiBud iu thu odloe. 'lolephoue oounootlou with both otiloo and resldouao. Private to to- phoue liuo butwoeu Cyril ParjUotte'a house auu uau Kennedy's house aud oitioo, at' Faquottu btatiou ou tueXj^ifcil It It. NiKUt ouIU uttonded to ut olUoe or rcbldeuoO. DENTAL. HP. &IABTXMlP'.D.a.lIi. D. B. Graduate lu Uontietry, ItoyaL College of Ueutul burgooua, Ontario, uud University of Torouto. Charges, moderate. Olhou, over Kibox Uoui- eal Ball,. Talbot street, Ksaox. 18-Im^ VETERINARY. WH. BIOHAKD80N, VKTIsMlNABV HUK- GBO.N. Houorary graduate of Outarlo Vetoriuary Cellege, Toronto; member of On tarlo Vetorlnary iiodlcal tiooloty; Dlplomlst lu JUetitiBtry; treats ail cUhouaob of domestloated uuluiuls; catrlo dohoruod bv the latest Improved Loitvitt clipper- telephoue or tele-' graph promptly attended to. BoBldeuoe.threo doors east of grist mill; olfioe lu post offioe bulldiug; UBflox luarmary, directly opposite. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMB8 b; IiAIBD,Provluoiairjahd Burvoyo) aud County liluglueer, JWBBex Out. Qilloe, Uuustan Blook, up-stalra. .AUCTIONEERS. HBNHY HBBBICK, Auctioneer. Sales promptly attouded to. Address, Boutb Woodsloo, Out. , Fersous desiring to'seuure uif may leave Word at the Fans Fkebs oflloo. tf ., H. HEDBIOK D. SXNO&AIB, tilOENBED AtJOTIONBEE for tho County of Ken us, Bailiff of lillghth Division Court. All kinds of Farm and other Hales conducted promptly. Bates reasonable aud furnished ou aupUoatlon. Enquirers may apply at W. U. Beamau'solUos, or at tho office >lvlslon Court Clerk, Wm.Lalug. JOHN GORMLKY, LIOUNflED ATJOriONEEB for the County of Essex. All kinds of farm stock sales/oto., opnduoted; promptly and ou Bhort notice. Bates reasonable. Persons desirable to arrange' sales may do so by calling at the Fiiee Pbesb office or by applying to - ' . J.GOBMIjBT, P.O. Box 163 -- ~- r - Jtlsaox, Out, FRANK MoOIiOSKEY, Maldstonfl. thirty, seven years' experience as an auctioneer in the County of JEsbox. Bales coudaatedpromptly, and oa reasonable terms. Fartiee desiring to fix the data for a sale can save thomselve" "^ drive by oalllng at; the Fnaa Fbesd ofhoe- We have arranged with Mr. MoClcskey and will fix the datea for eoles by.telegraph, entirely tt^ of. all oharge to tho person holding the sole. Ad* dreBB Frank M.cOloBkay,MalaJtoneOroaB,Ont . t:-:*:.- " ;^y,^.BaAiiAK, Issuer ol Marriage Llcsaiefc. Iciuraco*'; Night otBoa at Dwelling, r ^nw TALBOT BTBKHT.B UMDERTAK1NO. % PLUMMEB,: Ondertaker .'juidir'u^ . Dealer. Cofflci, home and faotdryi, from 18 to sso. McGregor, . :$$&$ SOOIETtES :^-iM IO. O, F.-BNTEBPBIBE Lodg< Nt S OddfeUoTU' Hall.inthirdstoreyDuni Visiting members ot other lodges will' fraternal welcome. FBED-GIXBOE, lv< CENTRAL ENCAMPMENT. No. M,in>|l Oddfellows' Hall,; Danstan Blook, on thff; and third Tuesday In eaoh month, Vltlto dlally received. Members ot subordinatej In the Jurisdiction, Invited to Johu,. HANNAN, O. P..* O. F. HIIJi, Bee. ; ;t;fr"fijffil BBEX FIBS BBXOADE'. MEETS .FaST Friday evening in vvtxf monthior;;ft gado meeting and third Friday for practice,* the Firomeu's room In the Stone bouV"' Jaa. MoMurray, Oniel; Bam, 8mltb,_Csp Job. Blote, Lieutenant; Warren Lee, Fred. Hyatt. Treasurer. COURT BOYAL, NO. 319,1. O. F. > ..Vi&* Meets second aud fourth Tuesdays In1 month In x. (>. o. F. Hall at 6 o'olook p^i Visiting brothern will be given a fraternal T. ^ como. W.J. Downt, O. B., W. C. 8kaw,.B, 8.i M. J. WJgle. O. D. H. O. B. A. Bains, Fin, f and Treasurer. *uiZ&xU%l Kii J., 41 ThsNiagara FalUEouU." \:&m OO INS EAST Taking effect May, 1807. Moil Exp. Detroit....... Windsor.... Felton........ Maldstouoa Essex......... Woodslee... Busoomb ... Comber...... Ridge town.. Rodney....... Bt. Thomas a.m. K.CO DM S.Ofl O.ll) O.30 O.J 2 ceo 7.C0 a.'io o.uo a.m. 0.20 KM) 10.00 10.36 7.18 U.00 8.47 12.20 10.00 1.26 Exp. Accom Mixed) a, m. p.m. 1:40 fl.05 R.19 0.28 S^7 6.50 CM fl.08 710 7.aa 8.40 OOINO WEST. Exp. Al* London......... Ht, ThomjuLii. .Rodney......... Rldgotowii,,... Combor..,....... Rusoomb....... Wood si eo....... Bssox............ Maldstouo Or Pol to n............ Windsor......... Dotrolt.........,. la. . Mixed - m, a.m. a.m. a.m. ajtfcr^fl 10 *!#& 2.40 a.40 w bjs:. &my.yA B.38 7.11' 7JIM 4 07 4J4H 10.2B 7^7 B.^M B.2d S.43 8.67- IfctftW 5,40 ' 0.09 ...lff"1' fi B.50 I S.19 ,U 6.03 0.05 11.Ufl 0.33 i'i 6.14 B.4S "" 6.24 |. 0.45 6.8A ie.00 1C.15 ,!.( 7.10 '7.05 12.10 WW-.-.y.i/i Atuberstburg Local Trains. WUHT S.m. a.m. ajn. .03 Wand AND LOAN AGENTS - missipner, JnHIj^ConrVpf Justice; dealei EAST ajn, p; Essex 0.0a 0.M C. Edgars 6.fi2 QJSf'.ftVUK Ij iH &. 1> R Xing 5.47 0.07 4JT'; McGregor 5.45, 0.05 446): Gordon 5,25 8.4S .4,M> Amherstburg 6.20 8.10' 4.60ii ' . --rl-'Ayr AU trains are run on central standard time^ whioh is sixty minutes slower tban lSiMJ(j<i time. For information and rates to qr""-"' Ists moving wost apply to John G. Lavehu sender Agent, St. Thomas, O. W. Boggles, eral Passenger and Tloket Agent, Onfosgo orA.O. Btlmors, Acent.EBsex, 0J4 a.Ql B.23 0*40 11,40 II. 52 13.00 11!.10 12.36 1S.40 7.!ift 7,34 7.40 7.42 B.OO 84)5 L-L\&D. R.Ry. T1MR TABLE NO. 22, taking effect Monday.,. Bopt 7,1800. Traiuiirun by Eastern BtsJidV^r^ ardTlmo. Daily except Sunday j&V I'd 23 AM J. M 0.25-19.00 0.83 oj)y 9.43 0.oO 0.57 lo.m 10.00 10.10 10.27 10U7 10,45 10.56 11.11 11.20 11.25 1135 11,43 11,50 11.55 12.04 19.11 12.10 1?.24 12.U6 P.W. 12.30 12.40 12.45 . M I'M 5:20 fl.27 5.85 6.40 19.53 0.47 1.10,6.64 t.i0!5.60 1.30 1.50 2.011 2S5 2-50 3.4S 4.10 4,U5 4.40 C.OB 6.20 fi.4Q C>.65 6.05 0,16 R.B5 fl.46 7.00 P.M. 7.10 7.17 7.07 7.Q7 7.44 7.B4 H.OO 9.17 8.22 8.2 B.40 8.47 8.62 000 9.07 0.12 020 0.31 P.M A M Doxi WaBjery'l'e Ar 0 10 Walkervillo Juno. 0 03 ,........Felton,........8 67 ......t Oldoastle...... 8 68 ......+ Faauotte...... 8 47 ......McGregor ...... 8 42 ...+ New Canaan,.. 8 86 ... i Mamhneld ... 8 2S ...... Harrow ...... 8 22 ........\ Arner.......;. 8 U ......Klngsville......8 CI ...... Rathven ......7 61 ... Leamington .,; 7 40 ...... Wheatfey ...... 7 24 ......tBenwIct......715 ......Coatsworth ... 7 10 ......t Glen wood...... 7 00 .........Merlin.........6 69 .......Buxton.........0 46 ......Bnndison ......5 40 ...^Cedar Springs... 0 SI Blenheim Junct'n 6 24 ... Blonhe'm ...... 6 20 ,.....+WIlUe......... 6 10 Ar Rldgotown D6p 6 00 AM. A Hi e&o 6^8 6J17 0f17 s!c8 6.00 4.46 4.8S 4.25 4.00 8.45 fl.lfl 2^0 ,LM 1.88 LIB 12.80 19.21 VMS 12.00 11.28 IL80 lo'iffl 10.0Q A.M. :SSS m G.OO, ' ^,*W:|( -:?.na 4 Flag Stattoua. Trains stop only when there* aro passengers at or for these stations;. Muted^ trains are &t al times subject to be oancolloU,^ WM .WOOLLATT. General Baperlnteaden *" .r:^ To Drive anywhere, ,if .Bo;, you want a Good'- . v ' ,f. . \ i'i'SB ivi1; ,........and tho place to get it is at j,M JOHN McDOUGALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Siabli $ Good Hostlera to'attendance; daylandnigb. in Shoolna Horiwi. that W 294292

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