XIH. No. 32. M ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. AUGUST 13, 1897; ^S% j^^'-.^'1'- I0RSYTHE, piiEtesoN&co '$MV': V'"'.' '-: i&w- . . , ; e invite inspec- on of our stock of ttmmer Dry Goods. _ j challenge com- arisen in quality and ||rice. Our assortment J^f Wash Fabrics iof.. *s *A WVSfc-ii $Varm fry-* ' ' ' JyVfeatlier waists, And Costumes Includes J. T. SOMERVILLE, m.d ac.p.&s. Ont. GBADtJATB OP TlilNITy UNlVHnSIT'y, FfllifcOW op TlUNIT3rMBI>I0AI. OoLIjBOB, Tobonto, Ont, Office and Rehidenoe. House lately oooupied by the late Dr. George MoKenzie. Talbot Stjubbt. - - Essbx. Ont. ; Tenders Wanted. SEALED Tondors for a now Building at the Waterworks will ba rooeivod ap till Satatday, flagost 14th, 1897. Plane Mid Bpoalfloatione of the building oau bo awn at the offloo of the undersign od. Tha lowoBt or any tender not nocooaarUy aooapted. Address tecdors to JAMH8 A, HICKS, OUairman P. Xj. & W, Com. XDssex, August 3rd, 1807. Voters' List, 1897. Municipality of G-osnold North, County of Bssox. N 11'!.. Figured Ohallios at Co a yard,. ^Handsome Colored CroponH at 10c a j&frard. White and Colored Muslins at yiOo, a yard. Beautiful Dimities at; I2c !fe#yard. Checked and Striped Linena \at ;13io a yard. Colored Striped $pnnJrleB at SOo a yard. Printfj and ^Ginghams from Co up,&o. fe; f Blouse Waists SV'Madein the latest Htylo, with and S?'.i:.i" -without detachable collars and otiftHj $*; -inPrints, Sdteena, Linons, Ac* fcy.trom 50c eaoh. . OTIOB 18 HR11BBV GIVEN THAT I HAVE __ trim emitted or delivered to tlio puraoon montloned In booModb S n.nd 6, of tho Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889, and amendments thereto, the copies required by Bald Sec tions- to be transmitted or dollvored, of tho list mado pursuant to said act of all partlos appearing by the last revlnod assoasment roll of the Bald Municipality to be entitled to voto In tho eald municipality at oleoMonu for mom- bora of tho Logiilatlve Assembly and at muni cipal elections aud that said Hat was first post ed up et ray office on tho Oth day of August. 1607, and remains there for tnapootlou. H Ida tore are oallod upon to examine tho said list and 11 any outsalona or any other errors are found therein to toko Immediate proceed ings to have the errors corrected according to law. ISAAC JACK80N, Clark of Goaflold North. Datod thU 19th day of August. 1607. Auction Sale .Ol'1 VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND OTHER PROPERTY, In the Town of Essex. ,.. ladies' Whitewear 1$C. : ' JOMA WMftb sSe and Upwards. . SKIMT8 50c and Upwards. > mOJIT GOWNS SOo and Up. p^"; These are well ma/1 a /jnrmontH, full sized and nicely iluishod. A Special Line of |Qloria Silk Paasols_^ flfV Assorted handles, 23-iuoh frauio, strong and haudHomo, oxtrn- valuo at $i bach, fits IPure Linen !'"'",,'1 Oranh Towellinpf, extra vahio in a heavy 17-inoh cttripod bowler, xegu- lar price lOo, for yc. a yard. ||60-incli Loom ^'.VlVvDaniflttk Table Linen, ilowor -/ " .tern, ttpeciftl at 35c- a yard. fe : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' UNDER ANp.BYVfit^tJEOF TW& POWER of Halo contained in a aortalu Indontwro of Mortgage which will be produomttborn will bo offomd for aalo at I'ublio Auation by A, 11, Lovolaco, Auotlolinur, tit tho Absrdeon Hotel, in th(j Towu of Bbbox, on Tuesday, Aug. 17th, 1897, At ono o'clock p.m.) tho following v&lnablo proportloe, situate in tho Town of KbaoX, in tho County of Essex, in ouo parcel, viz : The eastern quartor of the north half of Lot No. S83jjon the Bonth nlde of' the Talbot Road, In the Towmhipot Coloheator North, coutain- intf by admeasuromont 21f acres bo tho satno, more or loss, saving and oxooptlnv the etreotn as shown on a reiilstorod plan of aarvoy of part of said Liot and also five aoroa released from 0 or 11 flea to of Mortuiigo by ibglatorod DiacharRo; also excepting Tjotrt num- fliitd Partial bo rod reopootlvflly.C, 0,07 and 2a according to KKlstered Plan No, flIO* This property .oompriflofl a BrloU Vouoored Dwelling, H Btorioa hiBl), glato roof, heated by s to am and Uuhtod with gas, and known as "Maple Villa," tho latt rosldeiiflo nf John Milwv Kbq, There in aleo a Iramo barn'lOxiiO,'and frajutrtlwelljupf oil tho property and a Rood, orchard. A doposlt of 910 for every 3100 of tho pur- oliaRomonoy Is to bo paid at tho time of uafo to tho vondorci or tbofr HOlloItors or acent, and the bulauoo within thirty days tlioroitftuK without JutoroBt; or If thit purohuHor uo doiiito. ton par confc, of tho purahaso money iu oaah at tho time of Balo, and tho balauoa to he arranged according to furthor tormti and conditions of sale then to bo umdo known, J?Gt further pattloulurs, apply to KlNGBTONE, WOOD ft BYMONB, IB King Ht Toronto. Or to tho Auetloiioer. " A.E.rjOVUrjAOE. Pated at Toronto, Jaly 20th, 1G07. ......ESSEX...... IJj? i . ',1.- Men's Fine WK-SV'1' -Oolorod Oambrio fciliirtB with p#v|; '...'lar and OnJl'a, naual 75c. line, $> %4 6oc. eftob. ^ ^Cillinery..": Si:'Department for the remainder of |,:,;/.tbe senaon, Otrr ..Vnipm prevail, j|:^>-as ve never carry Millinery Goodfl v'fMu-i 'over from ono aoawon to another. $ite"-" t'Everytbinic juiiat <&0 ( p>tHer Depts. W>t^OOT&. ANJ) mdjzs. ;QMocmiE&t i CtiOCJCMJiY, W.vA' r CLOTjUINO. . "lk-:M4'l&ANb CAJP& IT APMi i^iano and i^/^JiriN J organs.- 0 R. S. WilliaiBB' Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianbs,. ^ Singer Sewing Machines. .........Havo Just roaolvod a......... . NW Nui>ply d< VlolitiH. Aiitotinrps Iurmolcayt GuHafN, Ac. Violin StrliiKa and BappHott for.all tho above Instruineiits n Imml, Tuning and Itepatrlng a Specialty. Machlno Noodles and OU iu B too It. H.M* FAUIt 2nd Iloor Nortn of in.fl.B, ALMACpLLEQE ;', For Young Wpmen. At-etldemla! school; ColleaUte and Fra- RRralory Stadlet.i luiic, Fine Art, Etocution. QtlalncM. Moral boa/Bvtfactle.' Advaqtozes.^ Affili-- at*d-with .Victoria'. *MJ eight icrtfjjaifc^Lbw ipjjnip nod pjfUrtJaularia(" South Essex Promotions. i . -4 OOSPIBLP NOBTH. S S No 8, Mr3 S Edith Baltzer,teaoh- Wm Harold Mo- Oreery, Boy Irwin. Sr 2nd to Jr 8rd Ella Irene "Wh'itmore, Viola Minerva MoOreery, Angus Percy Hnggins.Frank Irwin, Herbert Slote, Eobt D Taylor, Cora H Shramm; Mabel B Mayfleld. Sr !Pt U to Jr 2nd-John P Taylor.Ed- ward Haggius, Scott H Noble, Elmer L. Winter. S S No 11, George H Jolley, teaoher. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th Alice Newman, Jr to Sr 8rd Rauaon Buokner.Mary Wog- gott, Lizzie MoOloakey. Sr 2nd to Jr 8rd Winnie Jackson, Georgia Vance, Etta Broner, Myrol Osborne, Sylvia Gee, Habol Smith, Alvin Gammon, Herbert Brady, Orlin Osborne, Alex ander Bannister. Sr Pt II to Jr 2nd Albert Newman, Ohas Scarlett, Ernest Scarlett, Ellon Buokner. S.S No 12, Ida Bnrk.toaohor. Jr 4th to Sr 4th Media Burk, May Malott, Melda McGorman. Jr . to Sr Urd Vernia Whitney. Jr to Sr 2nd Mary Mnlcaster, Pearl Viokera, Gertie Baraett, Dolmer Whitney. &r Pt II to Jr 2nd Hcrbie Burk, Percy McGor man, Oorwin McGorman, Edith kip- patfc.. '... SS No 15i Annie fiull, toaoher Sr Brd'to Jr 4th Melville Malott. Jr-JJrd to Sr ftrd Myrtle Mitoholl, Harold Xaokaberry. Sr 2nd to Jr 8rd Maude Sedgwiok, Vera Tate, Henry Stotts. JrSndtoSr 2nd Jennie Millon, Sr ,Pt II to Jr 2nd Lillie Small, Carmine Neville, Ella James, Flossio Oookburn, Eva WiglorUdra Sodgwiok,Buby Juno, May Hill. S S Noltf. Maud MoGorman,toaoher. Sr Urd to Jr 4th Gussie Graham, Wm Graham, Annie May Patterson. Jr to Sr 8rd~Edwin Jackson; Kalph Raw lins, Eihol Noble. Jr to Sr 2nd~Oar- rie Bonneau. Sr Pt II to Jr , 2nd~ Harry Heatherington, "Myrtle Thurl- by, Shoarwood Noble, John Bonnoau, Everett Bawlins. 'OOZiOUICflTBU BOUT1I S S No 9, George Peareo, toaobor. Sr, Srd to Jr 4th- Mina Best. Jr to Sr 8rd Koborfc Foster, Wm Wright, Tona Ross, Earlo Pastorius. Sr 2nd to Jr 8rd Elmer Talbot, Garry Bost, Lora- hio Brummond, Wm Miller, liorno Herdmnu, Olaudo Wright,James Allen, Maurico Poster, Maurico Best, Molvin Morrison, Loftns Morin, Olivor Hub- boll, Poorl Wright, Oora Best, Percy Beadman, liiirillial MoOarthy, Elias Johnson. Jr to Sr 2nd Hattie Lara- boo, May ftumbaH, Mary Allan, Eddie Ferriflu, OftVi Morrinon, Maggio Bor land, Bolle Oathorwood, .Jessie Hub- bell, Bcllo Halstoad. Sr 1H H to Jr 2nd Nettie Poarco. Peaii Wright, Emma Mungor, Harry Molntyro, Goorgo Whito, Sidnoy Ferrisn, Bollo Quick, Eukouo Little, Gfaco Klie, Bornico Miller, Harry Martin. aoHvnsiiV south. S S No 9, Solomon A Orowdor, toaoh- or. Sr 8rd to Jr 4fch Vina Poarco, Esther Brimor, Erica Dawson. Sr 2nd to Jr 8rd Jjowis Pioroe, Stanloy Daw son, Graco'Bruner, Colia Johnson, Ella Brunor. Sr Pt II to Jr 2n<t John Slater. SSNol, MinnioWoodbridgo, toaoh er. Sr 2nd to Jr flrdr-Philip Bruner. Sr'Brd to Jr 4t)i-Allan Wiglo. S S No 5, Kate A Wilson, toaoher. Sr 2nd to Jr Srd Etta Gasooyno, FloS- sio Bolohor, Elva Dowhirflt, Boooher Brunor, Sr Pt II to Jr 2nd Blaine .Joifroy, Boatrioo Hislop, Myrtle Mc Queen. S S No 8, Martha Pitch, teaolior. Sr Srd to Jr 4th Grace Pox, -Lily Bur- loigh, Edsol Girty. Sr '2nd,to Jr Urd Garliold Palmer, Walter Pulmor. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd Irw^u Burleigh, John Grattoau, John Girty, Arthur Scratch, Mowat Wiglo. Sr Pt II to Jr 2nd Lime Bolton,.Charles Ifulmor, Percy Fox, Keith Scratch, Olivor Walrdth. S S No 4, JO Oopolaud, teacher. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th Nora Peterson,, Ida M Oopoland, Cora Stoolo, Allan Mo: Ohurles, Earlo Squire, Nathan S Wiglo, Luther -Wiglo, Mamio Fleming,, Georgia Pulmor. Jr to tir tird Irono Malott, Everett Nevilio, Cecil Fullor. Division II, Nottio McLaren, toaoher. Br 2nd to Jr 8rd Adolphus Pnlmer, Boulah Wigle, Georgiua Cautwell, Ella Oopolftud. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd Morloy .Cascaddon, Ernest Casoaddon, Joseph ine Wiglo, Bhea. Wiglo. Sr Pt H to Jr 2nd Stanloy King, Ivan Stoolovell, Oamoron Wigle, Beatrice Peterson, Mary Wiglo.' . S S No 10, Wm J Elliott, teacher. Sr Srd to Jr 4th :Erriest Townsend, Ann Vincent, Harry JHenderBQU."'" Sr 2nd to Jr Srd Kenneth: Hendetson, Alym Wright; ^Harry TownBeridy Del- bert Grant, Bertha WilHamsori, Clifford Granti^ Etta palton; .Aureliau v7igle, RoyLoramie.- Sr.Ptn:to Jr 2nd^7 LinniQ Wiglo, A^nle Granger, Annie Obti(ih,;J cir>T]^ftBhtop. " until Leamington. Occasionally the remains of some prehistoric mammoth have been dis covered in various parts oi the Pro vince, and Essex county is particularly rich in mementoes of former genera tions. The latest addition is the rib.of a mastodon, discovered by workmen while excavating a ditoh in Lebo creek in Meraea township. The find was five feet under ground in a heavy clay. It measures four and a half feet long, and is proportionately wide and thick. There has.evidently been a consider able portion broken off, the curio hunters are engaged in digging in the vicinity of the creek, hoping to secure other remains. A. Baird, O. L. S., has secured the rib, and added it to his large collection of curiosities. New Canaan. Mary Ann Benson died at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Dorsey, on Tuesday, August Ord. She was born in Kentucky on June 22nd, 1888, and was therefore 04 years, and 1 month and 11 days old.She leaves threeohildren,threo sisters and three brothers to mourn her loss. Tho funeral took place from tho rosidouco of Mrs. E. B. Dorsey, on Thursday of last week, at 11 o'clock a. m., and was largely attended by friends from near and far. The servicoH were conducted by Bev, J. H. Wil liams, assisted by Kov. A. R. Purnell. Tho quarterly meeting will take, place next Sunday at New Oanaan and Central Grove, conducted byBov, J. Collins, of Windsor, assisted by tho pastor, Itev. J. H. Williams. Preach ing at New Canaan in tho morning by Rev, Mr. Collins, in the afternoon by Henry Jones, and in tho evoning by Rev. Mr. Williams. Kov. Mr. Collins- will preach in tho afternoon and night at Control Grove. Love foast in tho morning at New Canaan. Come all and onjoy the blossing God. flaldstone. . Miss Ada Greaves' Bpont Friday last in Windsor. , . Will Burton whoolod to Detroit on civic holiday. Edgar Deane, of Detroit, issponding a few days with his cousin, Prod. Pot- tor. ZZZZ Miss Vera Porsoh is spending her vacation with hot cquhiq, Miss Vina Jones. F. Wilson, It. Wfcle, H. Wilson and M. Robinson spout civic holiday at Bollo Islo, R. ^Jonos and family and Miflft V, Forsch Bpont Sunday with friends in Harrow. MissoH Hattio Banbury, Vera Forfloh and Viva Jones visited Miss Fannie Croft, on Thursday laHt. Misn'Graoo Wilson is spending a few wooIch' vocation with her aunt, Mrs. Gojitsworth, in Kingsvillo. Miss Cora Wiglo is spending a couple of months at^W.Ooatsworth's, Kings villo, for tho benefit of her lioalth. Wm. Pottor, jr., whoolod to Detroit on Wednesday, and returned homo the noxt evening, reporting a very pleasant time. ." Mrs. J. Pennington and daughters' havo been visiting with her parents, Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Ellis, for the past wook. Mr. Pennington arrived ou Wednesday to spond some days with his family. Charles Spaftbrd, O. P. R. station agent at Elmstoad, charged with as saulting George Paulucoi, was triod by Magistrate Barfclot Saturday morning in spito of the objeotion of tho de- fondant's lawyer to a summary trial. Spafford had to pay a lino of $2 and SO costa. , AmfierBtburg. Bill Williams hafl gone up for 60 days. Dennis Goste was in town and vicini ty lost week vifliting his paronts. Misses May and Ena Botsford are visiting in Detroit and Windsor. Roy, Hookett and Henry Menzies, of Detroit, spent Sunday in the 'burg. Gore Atkln is confined to the house with a severe attack of rheumatism. R. Inglis and family, of London, are spending the summer in the vicinity. Mrs. Hadley, of Chatham, is, visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Eraser. A grand musicale was1 given last evening (Thursday) at P.B. Leighton's residence. A goodly number from town attended the Sunday school pionioto Sugar Is land Monday/ Christ Church Sunday School gave an exoursion, on the steamer Wyan dotte, to Sugar Island on Monday last. Elmstead. We are glad to learn that Mrs, 0, F. Spafford is fast recovering from her severe illness. The ElmBtetwt Quadrille Band woro engaged to furnish the music at the Puce picnio,on tho Xlth instant. J. B. Stringer & Co., are going to have a grain crusher running in con-, neotion With their elevator hero, shortly. Mrfl. J. 8. Austin and Mips Delia Rodd have just arrived home, from visiting thoir brother, I>r. Rodd, or Detroit. Mieses Clara Rodd and Maud Mo- Grogor, Gesto, paid our towu a flying visit this week, being tho guests of -Mr-r-and Mrs: J. S. Austin. Tho hum of tho threshing machine is again heard. in this neighborhood. Wheat is turning ^out excellent, wo hoar that Arthur Prico had an average yield of 80 bushels por acre, having throshed ont nine hundred bushels. .WHOLK/Kp ' t:is . . . ; - ,' i-ex r-l;\/j>>S!a " ;, Blythoswood. On Priday, Aug, (tth, Jason! M, Woodiwiss organized a court of tho I. O. P. at BlythoBwood with twenty-ono now monbers. Tho following oflloers were elected and installed: Wm D MoMulliu, C D; Calvin Cowan, C R; John W Stevenson, V O R; David Sanderson,' P 0 R; J O Barrow,- PS; J Allan Hope, Treasurer; Ernest Mo- Mullm.R.S-.OEReed, Chap; Willin Roed, S W; LcbHo MoMullin, J W; P Thompson, SB; Wm J Knox, J B; Dr King, OP. Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. J. O. Barron Miss Ella Thompson atod Miss Grace Woodiwiss surprised the new. court at 12 o'clock by haying Wonght to the court room a fine lunch eon, and it would dp any one good to soo tho 21 new members eat after their '.'journoy."' The team from the Leam ington court was present and did ex cellent work initiating. They are sec ond to none. .During the; evening; a number of speeches were made, by, Robert Gregory, '.pf'. Epsex; Arijhnr Scratch, of Ruthvon, Fred. McDonald, of' Leamingtpii,, ani jb^,y;ThpmP^ sppi; -.'.of * /3]^^oi^^d'rJ-.i Wt >^l , Bp^Qtyl'imen^ JCingBVille. The corn crop in Gosflold promises to be an enormous yield, Tho Kingsyillo basoball nine woro defeated by a Leamington nino last Friday, Mrs. E. O. Scratch is ropresontative of the D. ofR. Lodge at tho Grand As.- sembly, atBollovillo, this woek. S. L. McKay established a now record by disposing of 22 ladies' and 4 gont's bicycles Inst Saturday. Presbyterian sorvicos wore conduct ed in tho Baptist Church last Sunday at 11 a. m., by Rev. Mr, Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. MoKoo, of Toronto, also their sou, avo spending a couplo of weeks horo with Mr.__and Mrs. D. Oonkliu,' Mrs. Ohas. Dale and hor three chil dren, "of Button, aro spending a couplo of wooks with her mother, Mrs. David McDonald. Daily loads of hogs are driven from Kingsvillo to Loamington for shipment all on account'of tho quarantine boing still on in our stockyard. Arthur Oonkliug has greatly im proved tho appearance of his homo by a coat of paint, new vorandahs and ro- movingtho foucos. On Monday ovouing, a number of Carey H. Horrington's friends and relatives gave.him a farewell tea. Ho loft on Tuesday for Rookford, 111. Tho citisiena of Kingsvillo have at last settled thoirqiiarrol with tho Natural Gas Company, that has been supplying tho town with gas for years, by buying out the plant of tho Com pany for $37,000. Lust Saturday evening Camp Wind sor gave an "at homo.1* Quito a num ber of visiting friends were present. The Kolotopa orohestra . furnished muBio for those who wished to partioi- pato in tho mazy whirl of, the waltz. Lunch was served in tho pavilion and all seemed to bo almost intoxicated with enjoyment. The chewing tobacco thievoH are "with us yet. Ou Sunday ovonimr, Milford Wiglo's grocery was broken into, a pane of glass in tho front door being smashed and entrance gained. Twelve dollars worth of ohewing tobacco was taken also a! box of chewing gum. A Blight olue has been obtained, as the chewing burglars left a trail of paper and portions of ohewing gum fibm the store to the lake. This makes the third store this year that* has be?a!broken, -into and chewing tobacco' tafceu, Tlie! lads wUl choose to phew pnoe'too b/ten otjdr be elected to . chew ohosein chews, of bard tftok at Kingston,' -'t:r'- ' ( ' ; ; '. "^.'^'.': : The government is said to be oon^ 's^ejjtagithej^ atoiniit*atbr 'or tihe Yukon gpjij. /fl.el'^5^ Civa^hi.oriioiiiift^l^u^ stitnted there .immediately under .Jos- Puce. , TheXTnion Picnic held In Stoye^ grove lost Wednesday by thyjpresft(^| teriaas of Puce, Renard Line and st^ad was one of the greatest suocessV they ever had. A large crowd gathereS|^ by noon and the extensive tables wer^;^ filled nearly a dozen times. ;"A briUian^l'^ quota of. speakers among whom wer'e'.'^'IS Rev. A. ThSbadeati, Maidstone; Jwi Anderson and R F Sutherland, Wind^ ;|i sor, F P Bouteiller, Belle River; Geo^vf A Wintemute, Peter Corbett, Beeve oJf-,,|i Maidstone and Jas S Laird, Essex,' de^ ?^ livered orations in the afternoon. Thft rain rather dampened the order of the. -)f^ merrymakers for a while but when it>iS cleared up the fun hummed again-: Dancing was Indulged in to the musio';:!*^!i$ of two string bands, on lighters drawn-; ^.g up on the shore. .' . v "\:M. Windsor. The OontiervativeB of Windsor hftfe- given notice of a convention to be held 'S?| there August fcSth, for the purpose of.%" nominating a candidate to contest the;;;:;! next election for the Local Legisla- ,, ture. The names mentioned as "pos- '"-' sible candidates are Dr. Itennme, Dr; Coventry, E* Wigle and Sol. "White. The city council on Monday disposed! ,, rv of three sots of debentures, amounting.'i^ in all to $01,082, at a jiremium of 2,- 888. to 0. E. Gault. The first set; of debentures was for'local improve ments, and extends over ten years'. Tho amount is $14,lfl8, at 4^ per cent.,.;; fP and tho sum oftorod was $15,003. Tlie . ^ Booond block istheoonsolidated deben tures, extending over 20 years, the in- ,'$ torost being 4 por cent. The amount is 882,830, and 888,889 was offered. -The: third blook is the balance of the old consolidated debentures,which,amount to $12,240, and will falldue in four in-' stnlmonts, interest 6 per cent. } Lawyer J. H. Rodd, of Windsor, had a narrow escape, from being , roastedri;^' alive Monday night, A. M. Ste'wari, ...$ who was spending the night with )ii|n(i;0| athis rooms on Ouollotte avenue, woke^ up in the middle of tho night and heiard;;;S u cracking noise.' Ho HpraUg out bed at once, and discovered a firoon a;'7'^ book sholf near tho door. The ;,fiames wore just reaching the pine boards, y,'^ His crye awoke Mr. Rodd, and the twoy,;^ extinguished the fire. Before retirin'g5x,'^i| for the'ilighi Mr. Rodd had pi aped his :>ji!$j[ clock, on top of which is a match re-!:!/" coptaole, along side his books, anddur* !:'^r ingtho night his Ontario digest had' p\ S0& fallen over on top of tho matches, and^ ^;SL sot them ablay.o. . i?'4r Oonadiara. -'-Ai At a receufc meeting of the, Provincial ;/^ Board of Health, Dr. Bryco, secretary, j^f proaontod a quartorly report, which'v.jf stated that tho general aanitary eoiidi-i iii tionof tho province continued gdodV>v& and only two or three serious outbreaksfj'iffi of disease had occurred. The increase ';-^M' of immigration will increase the dan-,-~;-$s gor of smallpox and kindred dibeases;! ,;^ Tho scarlatina outbreak in Toronto/; ,;iiS which had existed all the year, had:'?;^ resultod in 1,188 oases and 83 deaths.<?. $ -' w Rev, Aloxandor Grunt, paator of thd.:#j| First Baptist Ohnrohi Winnipeg, ,onlyi|: Wednesday ovoning,, Aug.: 4th, raet/'t" death by drowning, in tho Niagara}!! river. Mr. Grant and A., Mv MoDbu-*^ gall left for Camp Aloxander about l^y o'clock and in ascending the ripidaS shippod some water. Mr. Grant being^; in the storn of the canbo is supposed to;4| hayo risen in his seat to osoa))e getting1;^ Avot, when tho canoo upsofc, throwihg"/o; both into the wator. Ho was a mah: .well known throughout Ontario and^;i,& loaves a large family in Winnipeg, ,'i^ L. W. Waillo, assistant suporinteU^g dent of the railway mail service, hhaK;fS returned from a trip to,Victoria, B...tyfjjM where. be arranged with the Cariadi^Jin mailUuthoritios regarding the car^jQjj^j of the mails into tho Klondyke regtfoitt;$ Ho Hays that the -Canadian authorities^ ha^o m*eated a post office at Da^pjxv^ City. This makes, threei offices eBtabr,^ lishotl by. them in that portion of t^e;[3| North-wiot territory.. The' ottlet/iSiiJg Officers are at Forty Mile 'anti'^p^i& Gudahy.' The mails will be, carrie'iih^S tho Mounted' Police from 'Ibjeaii'iakf Skaguay. ,The service "will.'be^el^ lished in .about;.four weeks.; ,/, i'f^^'j'jfeS The, O^wa Journal points put^:t|M| if yoh.re^stera'leTterinpana^ goes astray ypnlosb yV^?w4^Ss only value of, re^ster^g'it wJto%|S trace^'^-thp'i,$^e'l81 WhetheV^-the^thief ^a-vpau^M^c^^ ;ma^eB'ho!!iduiR^be;;;to;.;y P> ougg^fe'ft^aVj^.Ganada' 'fth'p nW^^f^ the force e in the UnitedStatw,nn6ter^