Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 6, 1897, p. 8

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id elevator, which weretjut '-"( eHillier/olEBsex, spent Biatton* returned to her home go the prisoners had been ^Uphwged from, the; mill, J^ter this:; they were heard to make threats that they would George Andrews lost a finger through ,"".'ft> ed some bolts, which; caused ' the ao* oident. They were remanded for a few days.* '.. '*>'..... * ipv^uppemftu; spent a; few; days in ^ B- Brigl^m:^;^uiie >oorly ' who haVe both been ill, ate quite re- :biw^ ": iey6ung ladies of Edgar were very ipti Pleased to Bee their old friend, ,A in ^33dftWn; in town lost week. f&^^WbMftevening,was spent Wm'$ti$$&fa ifr, Sutton's, on Batur-, P^^fcr^-;,:^":-, ' . ":>,, gg^^iwy'early.hoiir'on Wednesday 1|^|ifti^.v of last week a number of ^?j?sSap found their way to Mr. fieaton'fl floVer beds and did a great f|^eftt^f'd^age. .;' S|';Twp ydianar men of Essex found the ^^witt'jlSBlw: faefe very cfisagreeaole I'ptivttocount of the mud last week, hut fyytyii think they enjoyed themselves im- l^&nWly,;'after they arrived. Il^oftds are not always muddy.l Edgar .".," jte'Aiuik',Gage-'took a" load of young f^tiople to liake Erie Saturday after- ^ " |$&:&.r^ St. Thomas, called ^j^fchiis friend K #. Barrett, Monday ^^yining^'. . ' Sjll'-'Bf H. Barrett has recovered from a ^severe attack of quinsy whioh confined feV;hiin td the house for some days. p^v::^Miss Elsie Weldon, daughter of Tp, r;.r.:. Treasurer Woldon, was among tho pas- fewngers on the steamer Cambria whioh ps-^tw!'wrecked above Sarnia on Tuesday |i;;^git of last week. MIbs Weldon was g?[I^Jhierwfly to : Blind River, Algoma g|vl)iBtript, tovisit with her aunt, Mrs.W.. feB^/Bod-d. "With the other passengers 0he boarded the Cambria's sib tor ship, jl&the Carmona at Sarnia on her down #trip but that steamer also met with an feljaocident by whioh she grounded on ^ptiie bank qf the St. Clair river during "fthe.fpg. On being roleased on Thurs- $&$%the steamer was brought to Wind-^ Sflor and started on her regular trip up p;the\;;Iakea on Friday afternoon, Miss ^^eldonbeing among tho passengers, m Cottam. ^)V,pesire Jackson and lady, of Wind- &;Sp)Tii'ar'e.visitingwith his brother, Isaac ^^jfabkson^Tp.. Olerk' .' .' i^;fe/The threshers have commenced to fe^thresh', Alsike clover, and it is to bo re- ES^etted that there is but very little seed ^ gHtis year." Some farmers will have to $pt> muohas thirty acres as worth- jjJjJieBS because it is unfit for fodder and j^w.Ul'not repay the throBhihg. This will *' 'fye a great loss to them. , ,rr /Saturday.the Council was besiegoo* by '};, ^nqtioes.of.demands for damages caused i'lffr by the late freahet in tho North and East parts of the township. They also received notices to clean put Kuscomb, , The berry season is over. The larg est shipment made in one day from here was by, Stephen Duke. It was fiftyIrashejs, <' . Mrs. Stephen Duke, acoompanied by her niece, Miss Maggie ^n)Tth, left lost week or,Trout Lake, Mich., to visit Miss Smith's brother. Mrs. Duke will return in a month, but Misa Smith, I who has heenin poor health i?r SGme tine, wiil remain for,an indefinite per iod/ ' -. ' :'; ' '. ' .' was fcHed before. Justice :Whelani .of Detroit.JPriday, - for dlsturbtag the peace.", HJa oondtiot intbe oourtroom lifeorgivemedeath,"he fiasBed-the cour^ HewaBsentnpfor six months in;;defatti^;o| a,:^Me^^ Thomas Plant, of the pld Plant homer Btead; middle Toad|h^his\ Ante brick dwbUhlg totally 4p^S!^^'^'^^' Saturday^^aft^oo'nV;;^e bftilding';is of Kricki thfe roof had heob&i lew and the dwelling was being reshingled The family were at dinner when^ the difloovbry was made that the house' was on fire. All efforts to extinguish the flames proved ineffectual and in a short time the! only hope seemed > to .eave the contents and. with the aid of neigh bors nearly everytHng.was removed, The brick.walls are all still standing but the building which has , stood for many years, as a landmark, is an niter loss. The house was insured, we, un- | derstand, for but #500, while, the loss is about $2,Q0O- Cttude of fire, a spark from the chimney. :;:j*,:r fBelle Biver and other drains; but he- ^ fore the CounciJ;oould do all thatifl tier ^'-manded, it would require a special tax S^jviof about ten' thousand dollars. ., !0:'s Mjflfl E^ith Kollett, of Oottarn, left fcbri-Monday for England, where she will g^reside iji"tliefuture. Mi'ssKellettia a ^bjongla^y of inestimable qualities and H^irb^ greatly missed in tho com- |ttity-: Her father ,VP\B. Kellott,who' Si^^jaenin the.North West for some l^jKey will meet her at Detroit. We wish ^^sS:&eHett bori voyage^a long life and ghAppy days in England. 5>W11.";m.'.', ', SS^iiiMrBrf'Ahi North Ridg:c. ^,;i;uuo- Andrew ilboe and family* of ^^efrpit, are visiting at Peter Gilboe'e. fej/'George 'E.,'Muloaster and Vifo, of J^ainp, Palmer, called, on relatives here ?||&';Monda^'.': '/" M^penry Ainald and w;fe,of Maidstone, ^were the guests of John i". McCroery faii'd. wife last Sunday. ^TMrs^Todd and daughter Mrs. Cartor, fe^ere Cihe .'.'guests of Mrs. Ohrietio, on '^rthbpundarv, lastSunday. s If^rlsy^rethwft'y'and Mrs. Bfoggart, of ^j^icejrville^-^ere the guests of Thomas jC^reery^and^wife, last Sunday. fe^e^unib> Branch of. the W6mon^sm S^il^arvvlMtissionary sooiety: in oon-" ^f3n^0i^ini^ ^Jltt^a;miSsion baud" ;tea on the lawn of ^ a^^tpt^i b? Wesdoy evening, After ^'juaticeio;;the, rbfreshmentB. the y|e2,^rowd^ibpa^d', ,;to,: the ohuroh 'rginpi'/rebitfltioneandttd 'fr.jbjSe :m.em%re;'|iof'f:the:: "sb^, ^ili^s^^bi^Steyen'r ""Hi Sandwich South. ".' The Beeve of Sandwich South has been served- with, a writ, issued by dJeorge Pairbairn, In-regarbt to dam ages for water .from West Townllne and Pike Oroek I)rain repairs. Scl. White is Bolioitpr for Eairl^airn; Clarke 0.,-B. & B. are for the township. The Beeve is of opinion that ..the township would be very: unfortunate if 4hey should lose the suit as the township would likely bo compelled to construct ditches sufficiently large to drain all swales, and-this-aKonld be charged to the parties assessed for the drain, and that would cost thousands of dollars. _ John MoOloskey, of Sarnia, has been spending a few days'at the home of his parents at Maidstone Cross. WoodsSee. About twenty teams ore trucking for H.O. Beesf Our church wants a new inside, out side'and foundation. ' . Mr. Brush, of Oedar Springs, spent Sunday with friends here. BUbs Mary Murray, who has,been working in Detroit, is home on a visit. The parsonage would look better with aooat of white paint on this warm- weather. The Epworth League will have their monthly Literary on tho 16th of this month. . The MethodiBt quarterly meeting was hold at Ruscomb church last Sun day morning. Pred. Eldridge and Miss Moddie Vokes, of Detroit, are spending their vacation with friends here., Quarterly Services at Busoomb Ohuroh' last Sabbath wore well attend ed; The ohuroh was well filled and great attentipnwaspaidto Bev. Mr. Shaw's sermon.'We think him the right man in the right plaoe. The Quarterly business meeting of the Methodist Ohuroh was hold in the ohuroh Monday evening. The outlook, for the future is very, bright. C^ood feeling and harmony prevailed amongst the members of the board and. all heartily endorsed, the kind words spoken by Mr. Shaw.. and expressed their willingness to go in ahd work for souls. The financial questions were very satisfactorily settled. ____ :-------*-------'......... South Wobdslee. Mrs. K. Hogan^of Chatham, is visit ing friends in town. ' ^Jake Mitchell has 6014, 35 binders and 15 buggies already this season. '. Mrs, O. A,: Smith is on .the sick list but is .well attended to by tho daughters of Rebekah; ' ' / ,' On Tuesday, August 10th, the Ep worth League will give a Literary "and Musical Entertainment, CouBisting of. a lecture by W. H. Shaw and program of music, etc, \ - > Last Sunday Quarterly, mooting in the Methodist ohuroh was held and the Sacrament of-the Lord's supper ad ministered; "J' \ ; Thenew orphan put in the, church by H, M. Faul, ofEssex, gives entire aotiS- faotiion. D. W- Karn, of Woodstock, subscribed five ^dollars .toward tl^e organfund. '^ ^ ^;he: Sundoy School and Epwiprth LeaguD picnic ^hioh was to be held r at Belle Biyer on Tuesday; July 37th; i^as' postponed so as tP aoinrrwith^TUhn^ Bohoola in their; picnic to* Belle; laje Au^tist,4thv ',/-'^l '$.>! t^ ld^nu?g^; oMqersI 6t {:: Webdsjee1 LoiDJg^ I;'t)*p.F. ,^d,220,las*Wedn^sda^Siebt: ;Haner;iLEbb.>-;S6b;:.',iJ;A;;,Smit^ ^ Colchester North Council. ;; Tuesday/August 3rd. Council met in special session, as per adjournment. Present, Beevefl)eputy Beeve, and Councillors, Brush, Cole- nutt and Ouellette, , The following tenders for the con struction of the 14th con. Rear Boad 'and Gesto sideroad drain, were read: Wm. Campbell, section 8, $1,260; Tens Qlsen, seo 1, $620, sec 2, $1,420, eoo 3, $1,390 or whole drain $3,373 ; 0. E. Weldon, see 3, $1,324;' John Sheridan, see 6, $1,206 ; Murdook Campbell, sec1' 1, $802 j John Ren and, sec 1, &010 ; Wm. MoCafixey, sec a, $1,500; T! W.: Weyburh, sec 1, $630, Sep 3,, $1,69,6, Beb 8,' $1,277; .Robert Hart, see i, $601, sec 2, 81,537, seti 8, $i;456:; Lewis Jonea, See i,.$666, sec0, $1,400, sec 3r $1,430;, Dominick Oaughin, bcc 1, 8612 ; James Quinlan, fleol,'$575^,. .." , After the council had carefully con sidered the above tenders, it was moved by , Councillor. Brush, . and seconded by Councillor Ouellette, that section 1, be awarded M. Campbell, section 2, to Tens Olsen and section 3, to C.E. Weldon. bpuncil adjourned. Rochester Council. . Saturday, July 81st. ".The council met as a Court of Beyi- sion on the Moison Creek Drain. Members were all present. There were several appeals. The evidence of .the several parties present was taken. P. P. Strong appealed against the assess ment of Bpveral lots, and evidence was also given in defence by owners of said lots. The taking of evidenoe lasted all' day, and the Court was still in session when tho reporter left at 0 p.mj After the evidenoe was fully considered, by the eottrt it was moved by. Messrs. Mailloux and Wilson, that the assess ment on the Moison Creek Drain : be amended as followsi^-M Butler reduo-r ed from $25 to ^20, Hy Hedrick from $20'to $18, John Mollins, jr.i from $30 to .927, John Mull in 8, Br from $55 to 845,' DigoryHobbs from $60 to! $45, P.F Strong from $40 to $88, P Mullihs from- $^5 to $88, F Meunier from ft5 to $8, T> Sanve from 85 to $8, Rose Taylor from $80 to Thos Kenny from $20 to $18,; P "Dunn from $00 to $55, B MoEnteer from $50 to $4o1; 0 Sheehan from $12.50 to 8.50, John Sheehan from; $12,50 to $8.60, Thos' Sohofleld froni'$20:to$lB,D Moi son irom $8 to $0, ,L Sharon '$%& to $7>, P D Millar $20 to $18, Peter Bisson $20 to $18, Gilbert Ouellette $15 to $10, N M Laramie from $6 to, $3, Jas .Strong from $5 to $8; Patrick; Strong raised $00 to $02 50, Gordon Smith from $07. - 90 to ftlO^OOi W M Brynelrpm $27.60, to $30, Timothy. Sheehan from $85 to $40. Aflihony3rynVfrbm$27.6^'to$8p, Maurice Mullins from ;:;W5 to 860,' Edi Trabey frpm'835 to ^MichaelTraoey from 925 to 828^ Jas Traoey from. 888-75 to 887.25. Assessment confirmed aa amended, and Court adjourned' - sine die. ' meet Saturday,- August 7th, for the despatch.of general .busineiasr :'" .' . ,':'":':!!- :!':"':"\'.-^:-i-0 --K^ ;.. 'vV' Eennon's* tender of '81<J,,for section 2, *ad Tim O'OormelVa tender of $2ft7 yelpairs^he ':^pei^^^:and }'fibo and attach the Cbriwrateseal thereto^ ^ff&^,f\ Moy^ by ^'Mrv r O'Keefe, seconded byMr.ShnttlewOrthi that the Reeve be atithdrized to make a requisi tion^ on the township engineer for a drainon the,eaflt sideof the" Lauz ipa;4 ifro Bivef, under the .proyiflione of the tMtbhes and Watercourses' Act, ifjth. 'rr Otoriedi 4;. Moved" by Mr.'/' Cayanagh, seconded Tby.;'.^,"-; Shuttleworth,, that the commisaioners on Colchester Town- ifee*'Pra^ repass b^iautho^^^ sell the.unfinished portion of tho Perry contract. Carried, j^pved by Mr. Cavanagh, Beoonded by Mr. Greaves, that each member of the council and clerk, be paid $2 each and the engineer $6 for Court of Revision on No. 2 Mai den 'Road Drain repairs.:^- Carried. Moved by Mr. Shuttleworth, seconded by Mr. Cavanagh, that Mr; Greaves be instructed to investigate Wm. Campbeirs request respecting the sec tion of the MoPherson Drain bn the 10th concession, and report at ttje next meeting of the . council. Carrfed. Moved by Mr. Cavanagh, seebfided by Mr. Greaves, that the olerk be instruct ed to have the report of the valuator*;, inGeo. Fairbarn's claim for damages, printed in the minutes. Carried. Moved by Mr. O'Keefe, seconded by Mr. Shuttleworth, that the whole council be a committee to meet August 14th, at Mr.CaVanagh's at 10 o'clock u. m., for the purpose of buying gravel for ^e township. Carried. Moved by Mr. Shuttleworth, seconded" by Mr. Greaves, that the . Reeve be instructed to examine the north. townline at the Little Blver bridge and if deemed dan gerous to. notify the Beeve of Sand wich East and have the same repaired at the expense of, hetl municipalities. dorried.' Moved by Mr. Cavanagh, seconded: by Mr. Greaves, that this counoil do adjourn to meet at Old- eastle, on August 14th;.at6p. m. Car ried..; '.'* '. The following apcounta were paid by order of the oommiflsionejrs,. Wm. Ken nedy, ^16 76,. on Coloheflter .Townline Drain repairs ;,. John Lynch, ' $15, on West townline and Pike Creek Drain repairs, and Tim O'Connell, $18 on 0% line outlet. north and along the ojd drain and new. outs from the Baseline part of. the way. MbhdayVAu^st.2nd^ ' The council mot pursuantto adjoorn- menti \A11 ttie^inembersp^^^ 'minutes of the: previous meeting read; a^yio^wf,;!^0h)i;^ $u4f;'..t&: oopt^of -\fl>^a^;^f;iaa^^jwjiii-; Jiiie :bn:|-i#h^-BS}^ j "0Sk' ^i^wi ^^e^nlF^ BEP0BT OP VA1UATOBS.' To the Counoiiof Sandwich South. . We, the committee appointed to ox- amine and report on the condition of that portion of the Pike Creek Drain complained of by Geo. Pairbarn, sr., also the orops alongside of said drain, and damages -to crops; beg to report: -'On the 5th.f day ' of of July, 1807, in accordance with the aboye instructions, we commenced about 100 rods south of the Baseline dn the 12th concession road, at the bridge where the creek runs I westerly and fol lowed the old course and new out to the Baseline, then'along the Baseline io where the creek takes a turn to the through the lands of Geo,., Pairbarn and north to'bridge on the, 12th: ,00117 cession road ; in all - about 400 rods in; length. At the starting point on the 13th concession road a new oat was, started about one rod from* old chain, your committee, after going down* to old drain and1; new cut about 400rods before mentioned, part of the distance was through the lands of Geb.Pair- barn, came to' the oonolusioniaftor "ex? amining the size of the old droiifand new outs^' found the" drains in better shape to oarry^way th,e water from.the lands of Geo. Pafrbarn^ than before the', hew outs were njade.'.Your committee .examined the piece .of corn of Gqo. I'airbarn ancl;his^land dlbngside'bf the drain,: but. were unable to ..find any washouts as jolaimed by ,himr, m^n the land where'. the corh1 was; planted we "found rio washouts^ . no .'furrows1,, or,, ,cross-furrows, to i'oarry--',6ft. the; water that'would ;!naturJ^iiy fall-en ; the' land and (no outlet to. let;water; ( d>aini;"/ jajbejut all the ground loping^ covered ^thwee^S _br..epr'ass,ian4;had,n^ i^our f,es^mati(o^^;;:Geb^ 'pei^prme"d'-^.;p^^^ 'all ,right;::;; -jiij$v%i<jft^^ person'should^^;to-get'^ '^king: ;ifprj; ?d^4^a/?^^e;^^^a|? "qui'te;:a"liit;'bette>^ 7.,.,,v. ,#.,,..,,, ;.|S:^i|||| K :Filled:'to:Qverflt|i|S Stook is new arid cori^li||| in all departments. ' :y:yf?::^M We- show the largest^^brtnl|ii| pf New Black and Gblb|||| Dress Goods. Also a new line of Priestle3?|||,, :;:.':".Blaek Dress Goods::,' ?-?-:S^ 100 ladies' Shirt Waists at 25il ' * 7.-.$^ each. A lot of Remnants of Dress Gobdil, '.-*ilSL Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothiiitf at astohishihgly low pricesiS vm & Ranted 20,000 lbs. of Wool. We Are as Usual O-iviflg Right Prices on- jri-j^ 1 'At_ .' nv,t:i WM0k Or jany Implements you^ may "Want on the Farin* ' iBiliini

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