Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 6, 1897, p. 5

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,M|| '^vl^Pfff. Tffim&Fz^ TOT Jf'i ' T'l\' '."I I ^ z^z^ 'Villi llll.'" |TTiJm,im|i.4h-i ' ill' Igl^^^OTST^r-ieo?. ^i( aiid Vicinity. f^JW'^'S'^^B:'..^*" it may interest W^$?fr'Abbott spent Sunday at Oedar %Fpi<lbeat Value iri parasols go to M. ^'^^"^MouMTKaB" and two sons are j in Amherstburg, |S|^A^o^vB:i;ato' 'of. "taxation', for ^^^^^jl&^tiir1 i^Ulo* on ^tho : |j^^1t^^ Thomas ^Tinies, -ffae in town Monday night. |$$^*r; LaiHg> went -to London on Satur- J>wy*^ ;He^etttrned on Monday evening. sSTBmBaptiflfc Sunday School exourtod JM; paradise 'Grove, EihgsviUe, civic &9lidayi":"::;:';--' . . ' - , s^ Now w'. the time to get summer shoes ||$eap at/M J. Wigle&.Oo's. special ll^phoesale., ." ' .|5^ :-;B^* M. P. Campbell and wife spent t^Monjftay in Walkerville visiting Mrs. l^narles'Xittle, ar, ? One niarried pair made their honey- ^vvjinoon trip to the Yukon county. In ff^.vtueir case Love's . Golden Dream was fewi.V:..-:.": new {tit ih- h J, -E. MoEwan is hustling delinquent jf$tji.ratepayers ' this week by issuing dis- '" '""tress warrants in a good many vm .. .. ^^atancea. in- j^^V-;A:PBmnpMie paid for dead sparrows in Detroit. Two cents, are paid for qmk; each bird and two boys brought in 1601 l^^iasiweek.."" 'fk^~W, M. DeGbw has sold out his buBi- 5* '$^nos8 here and will pell now his- stock of ^:^wberatajgrefttlyr'odnced price. Gall g^'and see his stock early. ; ^Sa^Two hundred and ten people bought i^ti^keta' at -.Essex for the excursion to ^vlPetrpit'oh- civic holiday* When tho ^;$|^'braih left here there were nine hundred j!';: and one personB on boards t ^ ^^^'rjKxjOiTOYKa, Klondike, Olondyke and ^,;vpipndike.J Whioh is right? St. Tho- 3& mas Journal. "Nary one is right. p^.1'* Thron Piuk is the title of the river and district as recorded on the official maps 'at Ottawa. & i2th,wiUbe observed w&]\ vby Ajnherstburgjlieamiugton; "Windsor *"K" and Walkerville as their.'civic holiday. At Amherstburg there will be decora tion services by the Oddfellows in tho 5& 'i:-.., morning and bioyolo races in the after- P^uoon. . . $: . Aiacx. Witoox hafi a lino specimen of $\i[ the cactus family now in bloom. .It .has been fourteen years producing a '.blossom but has- certainly done its "best to make up for the delay- Thore are over twenty buds on it. Tho per fume of the flower is elegant. -, A. OoiibnESTfim dispatch says: No rain has fallen in the immediate vicinity for nearly two months. Crops, especially roots, corn and tobacco, are suffering greatly in consequence. Eai'Iy, potatoes are almost a complete ^failure, though lato ones may come out all right, should a ohango take place soon. GompIiaxnt is frequently made that ft/i. tho date.stamps used in tho majority of tho post offices make suoh a blurred and indistinct impression that it is al most impossiblo to do cipher 'wUo'n and where a letter was postod, whioh is fre quently a matter of importance The attention of the P.O. department is called to tho oyil, and steps 'should bo taken-to have it remedied. ^^ :TbiiON3:o.'haBalrea(ly. a full lino of p^l ;,' 'Tukon and : Kloudyko Gohl Mining ft^j-- !-'".(Vs. on the tap. They are prepared b'S.'^' to sell stock at oeiita on tho -dollar in **&. ,. mines that they haven't yot located and mt&^i may never locate. The new discovor- '&V;;,,V*',ies'haveroeme,in the-nick of, timo for '$$# the mining brokers who had worked So ,J the'British Columbia flold bone dry. M^> } A popuIjAR wedding trip into take ftD.Js 0. steamer to Mackinac Iflland. If you want adeligUtful wedding trip a*: m -'fe;I--'.' breezes. Staterooms and , jparlors' ro- eeryed 80 days in advance. Send ,2 ^p^jroOnta for illustrated pamphlet. Ad- W$; ;t:V dress AJ. A: Sohanwi, G.P.A. Detroit, $$$'. ' Ool.Beattie has forwarded his .resignation,- as commanding officer of the 21st'Batt.yto military headquarters "afc Ottawa, r CJol, JBeattie has been in J^^'.the military service'for 88,'years, hav- ^:^ing'ioined the ?^th '.. with, head- |p 5,^ . Heremain- ^^:;ed;injtiiafc battalion until jftix/years' ago ^:^'^^^.b'^i^ tra^sfer^.cl to the pietEB- ^Mmmx^XD^^ offlcei,'.'jan'd':v 'was",': gazetted Rapids Saturday and returned Mon^ ' iextea, nioe' parasol at an'extra low price go to M. ^ibsesETHBii Hieks^"fljad :.Kathleenv :Myiarar^yiBto^^^^^^^ Honornear Amheiflthurg.; ;^^; v^-': ';;' Hiss EvAi^iNBMoGAyjPNHY has return ed to her home in Detroit after viBiting hero for the past two weeks. V. Bbtak HlOKSjJwho has been fltaytng with James Hicks here, left suddenly Sunday morning for Eide;etowu. Evbiiitt and Edna Biohardson, who have been visiting in London for two weeks, returned home on Monday. James Bubdioe's family will leave EsBextd-morrowfor a Bix-weeks' out ing on the shores of Lake St, Clair* ..Mns. H. Tabor, of Bt7 Thomas, and Mrs. B. Williamson^ of Leamington, visited with Mrs. N. P. Wigle, this week.-- G.- A. SttBEBur wheeled to Windsor on Tuesday and took steamer from there to Wallaceburg, to visit for a few days. . No other High School or Collegiate Institute in the province except Essex, High Sohool had fourteen students take honors in the First Form Examina tions/ A fAury consisting of Alex. Gourlay, Wilbur Ohuroh; "Will Cunningham and Glare MoArthur loft Monday morning to spend a week camping at Cedar Beach. ' ' Geo. Barnes who has been night operator here has secured the position of day operator at Wellond. H. G. Bowon, of Bowiaanville,' will take his place here. G. E. Smith Will be in store until August 10th. All parties owing must settlff'bSr'thatTdate to save trouble and costs. G. E. Smith & Co. Th^" Walkorvillo school board con sidered applications for the vacant position of principal Out of tho 40, W, W. Chalk, of Sneddon, OntM was the'ehoioeof the trustees. BEiiij Beaman has bought a Maple Leaf bioycle manufactured by J. H. Tackaberry, of Essex. The wheel ia an excellent one and will hear com parison with the host wheels in the market; ' X.,, S. Voott, Organist tfarvia Street Baptist church, Toronto, unci Messrs. Murah, Murphy and Eby, of St, Thomas, passed through town Erl- day on their wheels, on their way to St. Thomas, having ridden to Detroit,; Koaos under control of the central pasaengor committee, among which is the M.O.B., are being notinod that mileage books of tho present kind will be good only till the end of tho present year. This is done in order to have the market clear when the new books are ready. * Ai/riiotJOH Canada is a large country one of, our townsmen does not seem to own much of .the land but-makes good use of what piece ho has. ; M, 111 Hall has had a good crop of radial\es; off a piece of" ground and now has it planted with celery plants'which are growing well. Next! Mr. Trtjax and Hugh McSweon, of Leamington, wore in town this week in the interostsof tho peninetilar Min ing and Development Co. The com pany in its prospectus state that tho company will send J.E, Johnson, Vice President, and Benj. Noble, of Mersoa, to tho Klondiko next spring to btiy up claims. Frank Green has been ap pointed local a^ont for this.disJ.riot for tho company. Judob HoitNis, Inspector. Maxwell and J, ,D, A, BokioI will meet at Opt- tumou Tuesday next, Aug. 10th, at 10 a.m. as arbitrators in regard to the formation of a now school, section in GoHfleld North. The arbitrators wore appointed at tho last meeting of tho county council on petition of Bosp Os- boruo and others. J^ulge Home, In- ppootor Maxwell and J. T. Brown, of Oottam, aro arbitrators in the matter of disputes in oonuoction with SfS, Nos, 2 and 11 in Oolohoster South and they will meet at. Harrow on Thursday next, Aug.Tith, at 10 aim. for S.S; No.'3 and at 2 p.m. for S.S. No. 11. At placed where the American Ex^ prosB Co, bayo opposition in the ex press ! business the rates on money orders for sums of $10 and under have beeu-redttce^-to, a par w^tji the' - two Canadian Oompanies;Where there is no opposition, such as at Essex, 'the old' rates remain in force. We understand .that there ifl not' as much io be lost by the company through reduction as one, wbuldthink. The oc^panygets abp,ut as much as beforo but the agenb hae less commission to^his, credit.' .'Ati,t}ie: express companies on the three main linoa of railways : are into a combina- tion not to enoroooh on one onpther*fl territory the people of Egsex and other places at the n>eroy 'pi: :'&*yy$^wy-_ -mt^fi.-euieferr"' '"' ..... ;,V^a^;^astuie' SpanWbl'^itiur;v.Gltti)' waf prgani'ie'd. Tuesday evening with a 1 : Miss M. Abmstroito, of BtTflthioy; is spendingafewweeks.with frieudB in North BWg^' and,Essex, O. Krieohoff received a crane from Kingsvillo, Thursday morning, which measured 0it. fremtipto tip, The Methodist Choir pionio whioh was to have been held at Cedar Beach has been postponed indefinitely, , The family 6f A. E. Parkhill' moved out to Oedar Beach Iaat Saturday, to rusticate for tho summer. . ' WAirrBn -FrBoarders by day or week. Good accommodation and board. Mrs. Mounteer, Laird Ave. 29-6t Major and Mrs. Sonthall .will be here Thursday,. Aug. 12th, to < hold a meeting in the S. A.' barracks. Mrs. H, MoCaffreet left on Wednesday to: spend a couple ojt weeks with her parents in Gladwin, Mioht * A-pabty consisting of A. H. Soarff,' O. H, Brisker and E. L. Park took a trip to Cleveland on Civic Holiday. Erom all over, the world Some reports of a war in rates. The latest rate war inaugurated is that of the price of bread; commenced here last Tuesday. Miss Ella Burpige has returned from Windsdr, accompanied by her cousin. Miss Mabel Millard, who is spending a few days in town. Clifford, son of Bev. G. A. Gifford, of this place, was among the success ful pupils who wrote at the reconfc High School Entrance examinations at Wing- ham; On Thursday, Aug. 12fch, the Am- hersthurg Bicycle Club intend holding a local bioycle meet. There are to be six events with & list of good prizes attached. The regular monthly meeting of the V7.C.T.H. will be held at the home of Mrs. 01ver,on Monday,at 8 p.m. Dele-. gates to tho county convention at WindBor will bo appointed at this meet ing. . JiMES Nayxor's mill which has been closed since June 20th opened up for business Monday afternoon. The mill has been entirely renovated, the ma chinery renewed and new spouting put The Northern University Male Quartet of Eyanston, Chicago, will give a concert at Grace Ohuroh, Essex, Friday night, August Oth, under the auspices of the choir. Admission 10 and 20c. Mrs. Frank Green and children ore visiting in the east with relatives. They have been in St. Thomas for a couple of weeks and are now at Wellaudport. They, will not return home until Sep tember 1st, ' Biohard Harrison of Deoew's mills sustained a severe sunstroke last Fri day. He was overcome and fell to the ground. Friends carriod him to his home where restoratives' wore ad ministered and he is now fully recover ed. V : \ ..' -:' ' '.. " Mersha Tent, No. " TO, K.O.T.M., Leamington, will hold their annual parade to divine service in the Baptist church .next' Sabbath,. Visiting breth ren from Essex, Gombei', iCingsville and other places-are oxpeoted to be. present. O. CRASSWBIJX.1BR, Chairman of Publio Library, is in. receipt of a letter from S.P. May, Public Library Inspeolor, stating that Mr. May will b6 h,ere to inspeot'Essex, Public Library"ou Tues day Augnst 10th. Ho intends meeting the Town Council and Library Board to discuss the, desirability of making the Publio Library free.'. La Same Co. GatjEtte "Exf.: '-'All the songs 1 by-the qxiartot were followed by hearty encores'. The members of the quartet all have well trainedvoiops and their selections were rendered in a very pleasing manner. At Grace Metho dist ohUroh, Essex, Friday night, Aug, Gfch Admission 10 and 20o, Tna results of the First Form exam- inatlonsof the High Schools published in another column-are certainly very complimentary, to Principal Crasswell- er and other teachers pf,, the Essex High Sohool. ' Out'of a total of' 24 pupils who wroto 24 pasBed. This is a eood showing and "wo doubt if any other school in the Province can equal /The, apple crop in. Ontario will likely. be affair one. No;: suoh.jbig, yiel(l is^,'.'frpm\^'iill^e orchards .'in this prbyinoe asiwas exp'eriehcedJafit' year/-, There haB;:beeii aJ sorfc of blight inflpmie of the orqhords:Jw:^^:.i^^^ifcJ'4***raC**- su^'aii ^^/^yedfb'ayo^ among^iie' tiee8^:pu).t^'^l^d:'0' "W^'"l triBai^whe^^itruifc:1^ trees" in 'laafj^e'-flitijHifetitSptiv: ^Sy^deA'.ffc^ii^ the;iWe^er^;;:Sta>ii........ :V1/>,,::m/.;^;'" mgs ? Engagement and Wedding Rings . Reduced Pncea for 3D Days JbLi* J~4* Issuer of Marriage tiicenses. .* W. N. WAErof the Imperial Bank, is away for his holidays this week.- - The young people of the S.A. held a picnic at Wm. Burton's, Maidstone, on Thursday. KMibsBubt Biohabdson, of Detroit, who has been visiting at Cedar Beach, returned to her home Thursday. Miss Kate BIoharpson, of Watford, is spending a-couple of weeks with her brother, Mr. Richardson, of this. town. Miss B. E. A. Peiikin returned on Friday last afterv spending a very pleasant visit of over five weeks at her brother's, in Ridgetown. T. PoiiTiARD and Geo, Clark left here for Toronto last Thursday. They ar rived there that evening and spent the next day with Mr. Pollard's brother, leaving Friday evening for Watibau- shene.. BABPBERRiBsore selling here at 0 cts.s black currants at 7 cents, red currants at 4 cents, cabbages at SOuents adoz., cucumbers 10 cents a doz,, beets 25 a doz., turnips 40 cents a bushel, corn 10 cents a dbz. Wm. Bobjobn, of Atlanta, N.Y., owner of the Newman Wire Truss Fence, ia in town-for a few days, and ^as a sample of fenoe at Labor's blacksmith shop, Talbot-st. Farmers will do well to call and,see it as it is the cheapest fence on the market Orders left at the .Royal Hotel will be promptly attended to.. . On Monuat, ' Amhersthurg rate payers voted on the by-law to grant 825,000 to the Windsor/ Amherstburg and Lake ; iilrie Railway Company to aid in building a lino irpm Windsor, to Amherstburg and defeated it by the following vote* For Against By-Law. By-Law. Total ^r.:;,' ,^\ ^.^^I'r^i/Mfg w*M um please caU::at^th|^i50||^ Mm between August 2nd andi(J|ii After that date all unselSii!" accounts will be placed in S Solicitor's hands for coll0cfi|| and costs added to aGCOul^ and placed in Court;witii||{ , further' notice. . '\'-.. ..-._'.. "1|:^ -l'^M "'rim /$$ . wm G. E. SMITH & O Ward Ward Ward No. No: No. 1... 2... 3... 10 52 20 88 CO 39 - 6S ,- 75 01 85 103 88 251 Majority against.,....... 75 Essex Imperial Soap Works, To tho many industries in> town has beon added that of soap making by Bon. Slote, a former manufacturer of potash. Mr. Slote first conceived the idea of making soap in the spring of 1807, on account of having to buy Bo much to trade with his customers for ashen. He judged it would be much more economical to make soap of hia own,than to buy, but'so rapidly did one plan succeed another, that now he has given up the manufaoturo of pot ash altogether and has equipped one of the most modoru little soap factories in tlie west. Fyei-ything is construct ed with a view to economy uiid con- yenipnee. The water is pumped to every heeded place by a' wip^mill and pipes from arookweli on the premises. Tho vat for boiling grease is of six, tons capacity. It is heated .by moans of steam in a coiled , pipe running from the boiler./. After the greaseand other substan 00s are boiled 'sufjlciently, the mixture is dipped out in balf-ton, quan tities into a mixing machine, somewhat resembling a large ohurn.--In this it ia mixed' until; it uas the proper sta bility, From this it is poured into half-ton frames on whioji it cools to the mariiifaotuT'ed article.\ The frames aire built so that the sides and ends oau be rembye<r leaving ' huge bar; of ,,soap stancling on a roller platform. This is squared and by a porios of cutting machines is cut into bars, the required sizej wnioh: on ^becoming \'\ dry .are stamped oii one': aide with 'the. name of. tlje soap, '^ Monarch v1!; Pn the other, the^'.n^e^vvibf.";;;;tlie;^ ^,;.ii:>^Kei':';^^j>ed eBr>eoiallyj designed and eieouted by T^'Esa^x'^^ '.'*', Cedar Beach Notes. Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Brien is tno guest of Mrs. Forsythe.- Mis Stella Robinson is spending a few days with Mrs, E. Ai Wismer. '. Mr. and Mrs.; Parkhill and family are occupying M*, BeOew'a cottage this week. Mrs. W. Jas; Johnston and child and Miss Mabel Lee are spending the week with Mrs. Mark DeGew/ Mr. Diebel rode down on hia wheel on Tuesday night and spent Civic Holi day with Mr. and Mrs. Briokor. Everett and Miss Edna Richardson arrived at tho Beach oh Monday after visiting in London and other eastern pitiea. flames Ounningham and daughter Miss Sybel, spont last week at the Boaoh, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Naylor. Miss Ruby Richardson, of 'Detroit, returned home yesterday* after spend ing a couple of week's with her'.uncle W. H. Eiohardson, , . There was a grand display of fire works on the lake shore on Monday evening. , Messrs. Brioker and Wismer were masters of tho oeremonies to whioh all were invited. The Easy Street Bachelors' Club is holding high carnival in Mr. Church's oottage this \p.eek, 'Paradeao, Id-robe \denuit are of nightly occurrenoe. The boys say that mosquitoes and dish washing are the only disagreeable features of their onting. ALMA';,COlp| Young'WomeriK'^ii Univanity,' CoUgtftmitaaoelghe'.oci'^p^ rates. PorIllu>tratedcataIoguQa^part!9ti(^' Rev. R. Werner, M. A., Pflnolpil LONDON Sept. 9th to i8thk5 Canada's Favorite Idve'StopJ,^ . Agricultural Bihibitldira The moat complete Live Stoat;? inR in Amerioa. Mora imprp^em^nr extensive additions, this , ypar^Ms' Stockman, Asrioultariat,,; Mftpibj^ Dairyman, Artist and Inventor*-5wjS;l apeoially invited. , r-'V}}y^im Entries otoee Beptember 0tqi\iq.:il] portmeutB. Qucoobs asaqrea^v'i'K'telStfi Sie Hasen Ben iliThepir l ". ."Births.* * Harrison, In Colchester North, on Sun- tlay,AuC-'I8t',tp Mr. nod'Mrs. John HnV- i-rison, a daughter. . Maiionkv, At Maidstone, on Tucsdayjuly , 27th, to Mr, and Sfrs.Henry Mahoney,a ' .' ' " Angunt 15th, ou the Grounds a ; For Prize LietH, Pro^r^mmij'^t Appiy'to, ?&?$$$ THOSiOHiB^ LT..COL. $'. B,'L^TS,' v^^78*JSj Friday; August 0t 189*7. Wheat, -red.-per busn...^ 00.- @ CO Wheat, white..;.;..........' Corn...;............;:....... Oats:....- .:.:..... ............. Timothy seed,..,,......;,.. Olbyer se'etl;........."...'.:.' Hay, per,.tonv;...;..;v. Aleike......... ......... ...... Beef, dressed............^,. Pork, live weight........ : Mutton..,.'.. .,......:...;,.. 4 00 Hides,..-.;.,:....;;,.:.:.,. '8 75 Ohiok'entJ, per lp.;;,.;>i. .!" 07 00 1; 20, 8 00 5:00" 8 00 70 ; ,20 ,1-26 4 00 0-00 (4 P0 (* *:.76. A'CO ,4 00 07 Lard"*^*VM.if**^**.f'^M>.'..:. " 'V"-'-'i-08' !J^>tftt6e^;(hew)^;;;r*U.:.>^!'75 ; / V'AWl :Woc^wash1^^ rrrrM'." ' '..-The' OTeat:.BVenitil|^ " Jubilee:-.:Y^e&r|vfS N':;--vCan^i*^a ;i>ii^ 82 6

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