Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 6, 1897, p. 4

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i^Ued.;'The duty of one wnt ijp^;^ then* $06$$'$** ^ Ja' <m;:VflftI?, .# centa j$$|^ per' ip4^^^;^*^'^'..^" ::'."'^',. ;|ip;ie;:<>f the moat discreditable failures ^^0'oi^a^f^];^^^"'<A. the Do-' .Ji^poii'^ia;;tHe recent collapse of the JMffl^,^al|iin" store in Td- tfieIlq<i&jar?i> stow that the English ^0^<^rrhad put $40^000 ol their goods ^rthe.Btore i Toronto creditors, 885,- |^|^;vana:6therB, $20,000,:- and ..that the fe|||5bailE^vhich m^deadvances -to the com- |fepj!^}.iiiobk'. an agreement,- from the wSB^?^ for "The John Eaton Co., ^f^E^)rted",,i is another -way of spelling $P$-#^ polioieson those W$T*tyi^snpplied byEngliah and Canadian Ifeiieionaiits, and not paid fo*t should go. 5r: (the bonk to secure that institution m p^!oaSe.a&o( occurred, A fire did" occur e%a^;the bank claims practically every- |ithitiij.>-: John Eaton, the figure head of %f^e firin,, did not have a dollar's worth Jfcfoli.fli66k in the'concern, receiving a big P'S^ipiiary merely for the use of his name. |5|$rie -whole affair, is to be investigated. ilN'^'^'**^'^ "howa up in all its rot- p|;?:^ne8BjThree of the Thompson family, MvJj^hpVere at the back of the firm, are I^Stiu.'der arrest, and the disclosures pro- jSfe-JjjcniBe'to,, 1te sensational. Transaction** W'^S^&V: credit in England than all the fe^ijiibilee speeohes'pan counteract. ' p.;^-^:."-'.0.iV'. ' . &S|JW.; and Mrs, A. B. Bartlet left on WtA-jTMAviAa^i t\ anant\ thereat Of the SUm- l^p^ftvJi'iaBt.Satiirday aftorhobn, the steam ^|^arge." .Garden' City blow out her %^yl^^er -when in Detroit river opposite l^iWindsor. The fireman, Ed. Moston, feaiicl' '-.'.'deckhand,/ John Bossoau, were |p^a3.1y scalded by escaping steam.. The '^pij'tti^'waa towed to -Detroit where an S^caniination showed that the crosshead J"i$'cL been broken. It:is miraonloushow ie two men, escaped at all aa all the iBteam from the boiler.rushed into the ;;ehgino room. , ' jfe\4-number of changes, will shortly be .gMade in the staff of the Canadian Bank pffef Opmmeroo at "Windsor, H, B. Walk-, ^er,'who for the past six years has been Iffi^mahager. of the "Windsor branch,. has I'^j^been promoted to the managership of k{y,; the Chicago branch of the bank. D. A. '*0:Oameron, accountant of the Windsor Vr^loranchiWiU assume the management at ^aikerviilo in succession to I\ O. Or. flinty who goes Jto Seaforth.; Mr. I^alker will bo suoceoded at Windsor J, 8. Haroourt, of Montroal, a Jfcfeirother of Hon. E. Haroourt, Provin- MtJoiol Treasurer. fevfrraiik Martin, a bandsman belonging f-'io- Detroit, fooled too \freely with the Kfl/Orews of the forrysteamers.TueBtlayaf- ||feteirnoon. He jumped off the ferry Excel- % flibr into the Detroit river and feigned >wning. Life preservers were thrown, [; Jhjinx, but apparently without i*endering [v-'^ny assistance. The."Victoria and Exeol- ' \.'pipit both steamed after him to pick him |^Bp.'Heca1ighttwoorthreolif6 preservers biit lost his grip each time and sank *JJ>apk under the .water. Bert Jackson,. p$iei of the crew, jumped in and towed ^Martin towards the Oauadian shore, ||S^JUen they were within about 50 yards |f$i& shore; Martin let go and swam to |J|:^nother part of the bank, where he was nervous systemthanany oino, and promptly restore the ^^m ;a';norinar, state.; of ijTif^l^;^ :(R$Vi vWjn^ .01aite^;::aV^^g^!'^^^;^ MyBi^'lha^dexiieA great benefit from-tfen^ Pills, I touiid that ^ien^I atteroipted to'studj^ I would .bepotfxe' dipwfly and' oould not>pli)iy' inyBelf; to ;ay r work,. 3tfy digestion was very bad,. and my nervous system seemed to be out of gear. At first I paid but little attention to the matter, but found myself grow ing worse. At this time I was stationed^ at Fort Stewart, Ont,; ancl was, board: ing at the home of a" storekeeper, who advised me to try Dr;.Williams'. Pink Pills. I decided to do so, and thanks to this medicine, I am again restored to good health. Under these ciroum- stanoes I feel it my duty to say a good word for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr^WilUams' Pink Pills oure by go ing to the root of the "disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imi tations,by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade tnark. ' 'Dr. Wil liam's Pink Pills for Pale People." -,------------i . - Ruscomb Station* Fergus Wilsbn is rather under the weather. Mrs, C. A. Yorke, of Niagara Falls, is spending a few days with her parents here. Miss Stella Iiee,^bf Highgate, is spending her vacation at Mrs. Thoe. Burohiel'Sy A number of pur young people had a quiet little dance in the here on Tues day of last week, ------- , ..... Qosfleld North. Midsummer, with its many failures and successds, has arrived. Many are away on excursions; of pleasure and recreation, amongst them Ck Jolley, teacher of S. S. ^o.H.Gosfield North. Mi*. Jotley has labored falihfully in the school, and trustees and ratepay ers have every reason to feel pToua of the buocoss. which has crowned the efforts of the teacher and many of the pupils. Of twelve pupils prepared for Public school leaving and entrance examinations, throe obtained tho form er, while six obtained the latter. In addition to this, nineteen pupils were successful in the different promotion examinations. SucoesS is always a re ward of merit. I^'hauled out. , Jackson was inad; vqt%j P^bkt he had the satisfaction of seeing ijSl^rtin marched off to the police court Jl^j^hdgetting 80 days imprisonment. 1^4;';..; iast Saturday night, as special oulcer I^a'e:s|[d3rbf:the Mf C.BV Er .was.mak-' K^iiig,'his rounds, through tjie company's ^S-'yardsilie met a colored man walking Wif'tm^.-the track carrying a good sized S^touhWe. and. a stiok, He thought the Ki^llaw ~euspioiOUB looking and Avith ^'^spme trouble placed him under arrest. 4i:JPjThen they got to', the switchman's #Bhinty;\where the. feilow was, to be ^^^C^^.'^:;!^,';,4o^ wad struck the K^'^.^teirriflo blow. They grappled |f!g&^ until the P^^tchman came runn but with, a ^MjitJ-""^^!}!^ (mutatto.reized. that; before ^ji^!^ltojunan: could, 'use it' and'pro- ffieeeded'to pound Oassidy.'. He rained' ?^W^^fterlalow'npoii1 his ;head; arms ^jm^^j^W^;,uxy > ^atisfiea,, L^:h^^S^P-^'W ^W^0 he, paade ,, ^li^^t^pif-' county ^l^pVyJiMr^^-'EBBOT ;-haB-;'been isaflw^^tto^ not ^i^ " "......... **m ve been as those Maidstone Cross. Mrs.'Tom Kelly is very ill at present. A new shoemaker named Nelson has eomo to reside in tho village. John Opllinson started for tho Klon- dyke on \\[edneaday. Joe Lauan of the 11th con. is visit ing at John Shanahan's. ,' Miss S. MoNery, of Dotroii, is visit ing at Robert Greonway's. - John Moynahan, Tp. Clerk, is learn ing to ride a wheel. Ho omofcimesr for gets it is not a horse. St, Stephen's ohuroh will hold a pic-, nio to TayIor*s Grove, on , Wednesday, August 11th inst. There will bo a game of base ball between the marriod and single mon, and and agamo of foot ball between Sandwich South and Maid stone.'. .' . A terrible cyclone swept across San Jose, JUt, on Friday night, by which seven persons wero killed,outright and sovoral severely injured, '"' .:',, Groat Britain has agreed to an inter national eonferenceon tho question of polagio sealing, to bo held in Washing ton during the ocming autumn. There are now from 12,000 to 15,000 nativofl under,arms in India and the, British have been compelled to, send' oat reinforcementfl to cope with them., Word has been received at Constant inople from Van, the capital of. the vil- layet of Van, Armenia, that Armenian revolutionists are preparing io cross the Persian frontier. ; It is roported from Berlin that Great Britain has notified tho German govern ment thaVat the end of the requisite year's notice the oporationof the com- inerical treaty between the two nations will cease. Tho news will bo well re ceived all over. Canada. It is Britain's reply to Canada's advances and. being the reply that was hoped for, we, may indeed Heartily rejoice that it has been given so decisively and so J^omptly,- .Serious fighting took place ptt Fri^ day in the Ijangeberg/ district^ South Africa. The British lose was triflingi The enemy's position-in the Gamasiep yaUeywas^ back m confusion toward Twaisklool The Government troops have oaptureel :all;! ' eh^y'ii^'ip^fiitionB,^^ .T^l^pofK'^;^ l;9WeSi,lii^j^yes,.;/^ho; led the rebels, was killed, with many of th weli fe; expected. ofBtateSheroail as necessary' a ffl^aoy-^i^tin^;^^ ,.. ^:^^pea^:^cii> ffiffi^ OTer;b$orev:v; 3^o yvlixi)^^/ iniajay: trcfe^ arflproved;^up-o"*^'^^^.;^^^^ 'oni them*, ;\;!a ." "n In an appeal case at Barrie, before Judge Ardagh, Mb Honor decided that the poles and wires of the Bell Tele phone Co., were assessable, and liable to taxation by the town. Lee Davison has been arrested at! Ozark, Ark., oharged with infanticide. iti$ said, that he threw hiB wife*s baby into a nog-pen where it was devoured by swine. . v . PrnsBianSiloaia has sustained terrible loss of life from floods. ' The floods are wide spread and latest despatches say they are still rieing; Whole towns have been swept, away. :The treaty between Turkey and Greeoe was to . haVe been signed on Saturday last but a-further, postpone ment was caused by Tewfik Pasha pro- seniin^f a series of amendments to all the articles previously suggested. The treaty is not expected to be signed for two weeks yet,, A Bad death is reported froth the vil lage of Monklfend," -Cornwall County, where Miss Eliza ftinnear, a very es timable young lady, died as the result of inhaling Paris green, which she was putting on potato plants. A gust of wind caused the poisonous powder to to rise, and Miss Kinnear swallowed so much that she died two days later. Over 100 carriages attended the funeral to Gravel Hill. Women have risen against the letter of-the law. There is an agitation in England, as well as in the United States, for the elimination of the word "obey'Vfrom the> Christian marriage ceremonial. It was man who compel^ ed the service, and there are many still old-fashioned enough to believe that it was modelled ;'aftor God's institution. Times ^change, however, and people change, and shall women alone go on forever? A boy named Whitney having small pox, eluded the authorities at. Belle ville, last Saturday, while they were preparing to isolate him, and got on board the steamer Passport, bound for Toronto, Dr. Shead, medical health officer of Toronto, was telegraphed to and met the Passport in the lake and removed the smallpox patient to the Isolation. Hospital. The Passport, orew and passengers are all quarantined in Toronto Bay for two weeks. The boat has been thoroughly disinfected and no mora cases are expected. The body of Francis F. Pulfer, a well-known Walkorville man; and an employe of Hiram Walkor & Sons, was found hanging by a top in a cooper shop, Tuesday afternoon. Thoro was nothing to indicate that the case was other than Suicide. The man had evi dently stood upon a bench, and fasten ing a small rope to a shafting overhead, he had placed the noose about his head and jumped off. Tho body Was quite rigid when found; showing that the act-had beon committed probably be fore noon. Pulfer was CO years old. He leaves a widow and five ohildron.' The unfortunate man had no troubles as far as can be ascertained, and the act would appear/to have been com mitted on the strongth of nn irresistible mpulso. '.: ' -------------------i" A Mother's Triumph. ^ ' "Willie!" "What do you won't?" ' "I Want you to got right up." "All right," auys Willie- and turns over for another nap. passes, and then < ) "Williot" "Won?" J* . tf,?i.:':ts\}-* IV^-Vi1 ^Till l^e Inohid^d Shoes-!fo. T Boys; Shops for Girls^Bii>BB:-f6t Everybody ::-0$^M& ;>'/;-*\'tfpn>;/;"Bhpes';'"wbrtli $1.60 for 1.20; wotth 1.75 for 1,40; Womfln^i^^ worth 1 for 80 cents; Worth 1.20 for/ 96 pents; Boys', Shoes worth 90.^ii^|^: cents; worth 1 for 80 cents worth 1.16 for &2 cents y worth 1,25 for 1 ^|irp|j 1,35 for 1.08; MisseB, shoes "worth 90 cents for 72 cents; worth 1 for 80/oen^;:^|||| BboeE worth 75 cents for 60 cents: worth 1 for 80 cents," ': ::]^.0Mm '^'+W08ty These Goods are First Glass in Every Respeqt, fire A!:ll Values at Begular Prioeia^ just the Goods for Warm Weather, and at the Special Prices Quoted above, are Dedtfecl BargaiAs; Oome Early for First Choice. Yours For Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & CO; CXJSISTAIT .BLOOE. ESSEX., i: 'I, t..' Vfti'l Special Sale of SPRING DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES; Special Lines of IDress : -:.^-^m Dress Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wpp|f Black Liisti-ps as low as 25c per yard. d Fancy Black Soleil at veiry low prices. : '^iM Fine "Line of Prints for 5c per yard. I ^ . '-'oV CLOTHING. / . We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. : BQOTS and BHOUS^ Special Lme Ladies'Oxfor" for $1. Men's Brogans for $li Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at very low prices- ^ Half an hour .", You going to get,up today?' '. '.'yea.'* ,.. ".Wall, bo obnut'it then. Yon march bprstllf right down horo." . , :Twontv xniantes elapse. : .."WllliolM .-. "What yon vfautV' .."If you-nln't Up in five, minnfcea, I'll <V)mo up there nuri rout yon pnfa in abort ordor. Yon rijind that.", . ' ' .' "You'd'-'batter, ",air. if .you, know Fifteen minntes Inter, ,, V V Willi I* yon'w not out of there in' ton - minutes, 1*11 douse , you, wifcb cold Waterr^aoeMl a>ui^".:Getright;nth.V Willie oomoa down holf on hour later, jind the triumphant mother aaya; . **Ahn, youngmw Ithwght.I'd.wmt yon ont Yon may juiit b well nnder- gtand flrat, u Urt thU when I "apeak yon l^ave to mind, Bomombr 'thatV^-ir. GROCERIES,---We Lead the Trade in best Gf-oods at loweisf! prices. Try our 25c Tea andif not proven money refunded; J . XX. '^ Highest Price Paid for Wool and Produce, WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE. The Great EdbIImU Ilomcdy. - Six package* Guaranteed to promptly; and pemuwonilr euro all forma of Nervoua Weakness, Btnissiona,Spena- otorrhea, Xmpotonoi/and aU effect* of Abuse or JExcesses, ________ __Mental Worry, excessive vse Seforeand After. lante.vjhicKsoonleadto Jo- frmitv, Insanity, Consumption and an early fjrave. Ho beon proscribed over SSyoars In thousands of coscfli Is tho only Reliable and Honest Medtoine *tw>u4w Aak druggist for Wood's Phovnho^Oei U bo offer* some worthleaa modlclno In place <ist this, Incloeo price In letter, and wo will send by return mall. Price, one package, $1, lx, $5. One wW please, etx witt our*. PomphlotafrootoanyoddroM. '-.. ' Tlie Wood Company, Windsor, Ont, Canada, , tar' Hold In I38Rax and, everywhere Jn Canada by nil roBpodflibl*Drueafat. THEY ARE ALL HERE, ... ^t>^. , .# KAT POISON. Fresh Supply of " >; Ohemieally ure PARIS GREEN "For Potato liug&v Pare palmafeion Insect Pgw- der,;Fly Poison Pads and Sticky .Fly Paper, ; .!; ' For BxtorJmlnatinir FH^s." ; -. Carbolic Acid.and \ 7 ;: ;;:;[V;'.;;- ^Obioride;. Q\I&vd$j %i-].$m$$fa .The Tailor, Is Belling all Goods A.t 06^ for Cash. Try him.:'.'^-'^;^ Removed : To Corner ^Aberdeea-BIoldla LEAMINGTON ;.i.. . ji_..f It At Old Agricultural Buildingt Leanilngton.;;'v:,v#;^ '-... K'Z^\:^m *S*uSend m Your Orders for JBaakets a Few i>a^':^it^M^ -r before .you Need Them,,if possible. -^ '.^is^M^& &^s^m Get- the Btrongesfc iufl .nea^eH.Fruit . 'Paok^eftlifif^^i^j|^>,1. ^ Boys aud girla wauted to tack Berry Boxca. /; /^'O^-^y^i""'1^^^ y\^: ^^^^mm ............ ., , R?,^u^dim^m \-,-/-> riilW' ., . Of having, the neweBt and-Selliog p 51

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