i. n'Aft.'|<ii'wHiWi|i'i miiiiim^iiti^M^fUM *'-'. $jssl^S4IS^ W*,i & m!:" l#t Go; P^i- -' iyn 1!f|^0v:Jnyit0" inspec- S^pur. stock of |met;::i)r3r' Goods, i&; ^ehflJlenge com- i^ipn in. quality and $$pe* piir assortment "*ftWasn Fabrics for.. SSN't'V-^-"-; . . . '%&) Wiy ' .' . Ifc .'" ' father waists. nd Costumes Includes ;J,.:;T,;.0M Gbadt/atb' 6 Tbijotx TJntvbbsity,> ;> Fbi.ijow ov ' '_ :. / . TOBONTO, ONT. OknOB and Brsidbnob. -House lately occupied by the latePr. George Mo&enzle. ',...'"'.' Talbot Street. - EsaBX, Ont. ^^yigored Ohallies at . w ,. 60 a yard, tdspifto, Colored Orepori at 10o a 1.1; White and Colored Muslins at i^^OTard. J; Beautiful Dimities at 13Jo tfyard. Cneokod and Striped Linens ^vW0^-4^.yard, Colored Striped jGrinJuea at 20o a yard.' Prints and lOan^jiauiB from 5o up, Ao. my---'^rr - Mlouse Waists Iw-Av' M'Jfodeiri the latest style, with and ^j;wiiibut-detaQhable collars and ouffa, %dn Prints, Sateens, Linens, &c, jjt&m 50c each, fe';v:.^-:V-;-:"-- ,* Sadies' White wear ^J:,;*'2>jB4TWS/jBA SSc and Upwards. W^-J^KXkTS-SOo and towards. fer/ 'm&ST GO WJVS BOo and Up. pf:.These are veil made garments, full I'eized and nicely ilnishod. \X"\ ..... Tenders Wanted. SEALED TondorB tor a now Baildina at tbo- WaUtworka wiHbo rooolvoduptm SataPday, 5agost 14th, 1897. Plans tuid BpoolfloatlonB of tho baildlng can be Boan at the offloe of tbetudoralgnod. The lowosb or any tender not necoasarily ac oop ted. _ AddreaB toDdorato. JAMEB A. HIOKB, Chairman. V, Jj. & W Com. Essex, Angast 3rd, 1807. NORTH RIDOE RIFLES. Attention, Old Comrades I YOU aro heartily reqaegted to be present at tho Second Annual Be-nnlon and Oomo Firo of '06 Veterans' Association of tbe North Hidge Bines and Leamington Infantry Oom- i&mes to be held atX^eamlnatan, on Thursday, ngnetlSth. Parade at tho Town Hall, XJoam- lngton.ato o'olook a.m., Bharp. That every man wul be at his plaoe In tho ranks that day Is the doairo of your old comrade and captain W. H. BILLING. North BJde, August 2nd, 1697* . Voters' List, 1897." ^tLbicipaiity of Maidstone, County ol Kssex. N OTIOB IB HEBEBV GIVBN THAT I HAVE transmitted or delivered to tho persona Ontario rf A Special Line of Gloria Silk ParasoJs_^ i*.fj7 $1* ;:ji.,;. Assorted handles, 33-inoh frame, ^. strong and handsome, extra valuo :;}>*:$i each, ; l .V |pe liiiieii ^""^idrash Towelling, extra value in a cj^/i^ heavy l7:inoh alripod border, rogu- la-T price lOo, for 7c; a yard, !^:;';-;' ;.-:-.-v. ^p-inoli Loom '= "Damask.Table Linen, tioVor , ternr spediftl at 35c; a yard. ,, pat-.' 1J:': V\'V:. %i'- ,\"'.^.^'lSiq9^^*"AngiMti^^ ^^. or in the; chair- v.'P*i^t^-.B^Te/Mo' Bongftll,' Deputy Beeye Johnston and Counoillpra .Biddiok, Hicka, Balnea, -Bofl'e, Forsythe anct Wortley.. :;MlnuteB of previous' meeting /were read and adopted. < \Thb01erJi:re,a4 tlie following com- municationa : ; Prom John Blevins, city olerk, To ronto, in regard to sending delegates to convention re abolition of tax. ex emptions to bo held at Toronto, Sep tember 9th and 10th. Filed. / ;.;,,iProm'-W..T. Jones, asking_ thai? $17 dne him for work on Victoria street drain be applied on his\toxes. Laid pvefctillnext meeting. From E, A. Wiamer, re arrears ol taxes of property oooupied by George Chamberstreoommendingtownto grant Chambers a rebate of taxes and remove taxes returned against lot. Filed. The Finance Committee recommend ed the payment of the following iw- counte i John Esseltine, work on streets, $11.87 ; T. H, DeOew, work and material, $21.42 ; Albert Wadding- ton, salary for July, $81.; Wm, Mo- OaQVeyj cleaning catch hasins, $0 -, Wm. Laing, eleotrio light/ $88.83 ; D. Hall, carting dirt ofif Talbot st., fiOc, ; John Brown, building bridge,. $2.60; Wm. Dibley, 41 loads of gravel; $41 ; HanB Johnson, work on Victoria streot drain, $6 ; John McCHntick, hauling gravel, $8.75 ; J. H. Alliss, 18 tons 00O lbs. "coal, $60.71 j W. H. Biohardson, hardware, $27.25. ." On motion, report was adopted. The Chairman of the F.W. & L. Com mittee, reported having held a mooting Monday night to open tenders for brickwork and extension of waterworks .system; There were two Renders : Frank Brown, $275; and Andrew jPark- ____ _ er, 8204.40. Mr. Brown's tender was . ?IVi^are<?ft,^d apon *" "3Cftroi"th0 8a,d>ltrocepted and the Town Olerk instruot- llstahd if any omissions or any otuor errors^ W-**TO" ****" vtAV *UTT **. A**owwwu ed to draw up the cohtraot: ,' . The Chairman of the^Property dom- mitteo reported having seen about the band instruments, and that he would insist on all available instruments be ing brought in before next meeting! . [ Chief of Police Sisson addressed the Council in regard' to the division of the SpoiU under tho present Local Option Act." It was moved by IVlr; Forsythe, seo- onded by Mr.MoDougall,that the' May or, J. Hioks and G, ,E, Forsythe" be a committee to ascertain if our by-law under, which the .prosecutions for in fringements of the Local Option By law is in accordance with the law, and if not, to have a new by-law drafted. Carried. Council then ndionrnod. montlonedln seotlonas arid A of the Votere*.. List Aot, 1880, end amendments thereto, the copies , roqnlred by said Sea sons to he transmitted or dellvorod, of tho list made pursuant to said aot of all parties appearing by the but revised assessment roll 01 the Bald, Municipality to. bo ontltlad to vote lutbe Raid municipality at elections for mem bers of tbe Legislative Aserably arid atmunl- olpttl fllectlons and tbat said Hat was Arab post ed up a t my office on tbo 2nd day of August. 1807. and remains there lor Inspection. are (onDd therein to toko immediate proceed-* insa to hn,vo tho errors correotod according to law. .' M. MoHUGfl, . Olerk ol Uaidstone, Dated this 3rd day of August, 1607. V Auction Sale ......oiv......'- VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND OTHER PROPERTY, In the Town of Essex- UNDEtt' AND BY VlBTUB OP THE POWER of Bale contained In a certain In den tare of Mortgage Which will bo produced there will be offered for Bale at Public Auction by A. E. Lovolaoe, Auctloneor, at tho Aberdeen-Hotel, In tho Town of Ebbox, on Tuesday, Aug. 17th; 1897, ,'At one.o'oldoli p.na., tlio following valaable proportlos, Hituafe In tbe Town of Essex, In the County of Ebsox, In one porcol. viz : The eastern quarter of the north half of Lot NO, '282. on the sonch Ride of the Talbot Boad, lia tbo Township of Colahoator North, contain ing by admeaaurcmont 25 aoreg bo tho flame, more or loss, saving and excepting-tho streets os shown on a roRlatcrad plan of survey.of parfc' 0f said Lot and also five acres released from Hftld Mortfiago by registered cortifloate of Purtlal Discharge; nleo nxooptlng Lois nam- borod'-ruspootlvely.G, S.Q7 and 08 according to registered Plan No. U10. . Whls property , comprlBoH a Brlou Veneered Dwelling, a stories high, alato roof, heated by steam and llchtod with cat), and known as "Maple Villa,1' tho late roBidouoo of John MUno, Keq. v There la also a framo barn 40xiJ0, and fmino dwlllDg on tho property and a- good orchard. A deposit Of $10 for ovory 8100 of the pur- afii . Imlauoe within tnlrfcy day a llior^ after wUionfc chase money Is tc- bo paid at tbo time of Bale to tho vendors or their aollcitoifl or agent, and the s#fr.;";:: s Fine; ^;t vOolored Oambrio Shirts with Ool- K^'-Jarand Ouffa, usual 75o.. lino, for l^'^illine'ry.;--::;,," $fi' ^Department for the remainder, of Js^!:,;--'v fche: se'asbn; -Gut Pbiobb prevail, ^;as we never;carry Millinery Goods 'iV;ovsr from one season to another. ^^Eyerythihg must GO!:.' interest; orIf the purchaser so doiilra, ten per ooufc. of the purohaso mouoy la cash at the time of Halo, and tbe balanco to bo arranged saoordiug ta> farther terrab and conditions of aalo then.to bo mtwlo known, , For further particulars, apply to KING8TOKB, WOOD & SVMONS. rt x. ; l8 Kl" t.. w;, Toronto. Or to tho Auotloneor, A.E.LOVWIjAOB. Dated at Toronto, Jiily20tb, 1807. ' "~~". vmm mm t-' ;'l;:.'..rt'.^Haye,Ju8t.teo6lvedj:*w^i;^ K.O. T. n. At" the recent moetinR of the Sa- prome Tent of the K.CXT.M,, at Port Huton,Mioh. ,HOVoral important amend ments to the constitution were passed. 'Assong'them was one altering xno rat ing of the memuers who were admitted prior tio July l^t, ,18915.' Those wjio wore thus admitted and pay. a lower assessment than those now admitted will hereafter pay a double, assessment in Hay and October of ea'oh year or they may surrender their present.poli cies and take in return a policy uncler the.present, rating. A. proposition to wend the official journal, the Bee Hive, only to suoh members ad request it was Aotod down, 48 to 32, and will he sent to every member as horotoforo. It .was dobided tb hereafter issue policies for $tjQO0 and $2,500,'in addition to' those now provided for, at proportionate! rates.. Heretofore policies were. issued *or $600, $1,000,. '$S,000, $8,000. An other amendment provides, that the ampuntof the benefit may be paid . to the beneficiary in annual installments, providing.the. member has made reguest for paynient in. suoh nianuer subse-f quoht to Jiisadmission to the order. At the close of tne last biennial term there was a net membership under supreme jurisdiction of 70^459;; at the' olose of thebienuia^term; of 1890, there- was wil8,7o7.,BlioTving^anefnno're^e'of ,4?,-, [tyd$:^or an:'_ Taking the net naembership of the Su^ ^eme/Tent, whioh was li8i,707!;DeceBa--; ber 81si>'l$9fl,(1 to, '$}' thf: jSiohiffan,; 65j004"V^^jPJ^fif/^l?'^ ^eVbpraaipJof :tlie ^adiesj^ly^^^; ,c>beei3';TaM^^;T^^^^ "-"'^^"^ennfa^torin^ena^ /V,;^eldy,^'iU he;ioniid'1 '$** ieTOlts* ;.:(*, announced by tte^Education "Depart ment. Jn the repent eianainatiohfl ofthe Pirati'orm of the'H^ghiSo^boI^in Ae' obnnty, Dh6 marks of the unauocess-. fal candidates will be sent to the High Sohodl PrinoipaJs or Publio School in spectors after the reanlta of the other form examinations have been publiflh: ed. It is expected that the results of the seoond form examination wilt be announced in about a week. - . /BSSBX.. : W. W. Allison, J. Brady, B. Ellison (honors), B. Greenw.ay, M. E. Grant (honors), L. Hillier (honors), G. Irwin (honors), ;S, B. James, E. M. Laing (honorl); M., Linoh (honors), Jj. Llnoh, M. Miller, O. McQueen (hionora), L. B. McQueen (honors), P* W. McAfee (honors), E. W. Neal, W..-B. Olver, J. 8. Pizer (honors), L, P. Sedgewiok (honors), IT. ,Sheridani O. A. Stone, Susie Wilson (honors), A. J. Oaslor (honors), J. A, Smyth (honors). " LEAMIKOTON ".!>. H. Boddington, E. Bunn, T. J. Oowles, B. J; Craig (honors), B.. J. Ooyle (honors), J.; Cross, H. L. Eul- mer (honors), L. E. Eenney (honors), V. P. Mac3ween, P. Phillips (honors), E. G. Boss (honors), G. Stewart (hon- ors), & E. Sanderson, E. E. Mallotte (honors), 0. Sheldon (honorb). '..'."' WINBSOB , S. S. Anderson, H. Boulton, A. 0. Burke, G. Brown, G. C, Ohene, P. Orampton, J. E, Oorbett, J.E. Gundy, J. Gow, A. it,' Gregory, M. P. Hal- stead, G. Hones, M, A. Hammond, M. Janisse, G. Johnston, H. "vV. Kinney, T. Lyons, T. A., McCarthy, K. Milne, E'.'Powell (honors), GiF. purser; T. J. Beid,.M. Boss, M:M. Scott, P. Treble, 3j..Thomas, J..O. White, A. Boismior, K. Goodman, E. O'Neil. : ^.. .. South Essex; Promotions*--.. - Below will be found a list of promo- .tions in schools in South Essex which have been approved of by Inspector Maxwell. Other promotions wjll be announced next.week. aOLOHBSTEB JIOBTn. ; 8. S:No/l, StoUa Moljaughlln, tea cher. Jr. to Sr. 2nd Pearl Keeley, Walter Lancaster. Sr. Pt II. to Jr." 2nd Forrest Brush, Thomas Sutton. S. S. No. 9, A. O. Atkinson, vteaoher, Sr. iird to Jr. ,4th Kate Campbell, Agues Campbell, Archie A. Campbell, Ethel E. Sweet, Barbara McGee, Ohas. O. Weldon. Jr. to Sr, 8rd Ina Wel- don. Sr. 3nd-to Jr. 3rd Florence E. Blight, Sttdie: Campbell. SrtlPt. II. to Jr. ?nd-~Wilbfirt Roadhouse, , S. 8. No. 8, Louis Thomas, teabher, Sr. 2nd to Jr. 8rd AUan B|arleBs, Etta Ohapnian, Elmira WU, Ered. Mason. Jr. to Sr. 2nd Ada Mustard,-Ida Elford, Francis Mnson. Sr. Pt. I. to Jr. 2nd Elsie Chapman i Marvil Sweetmari. . ' S. S. No. 5, Geo. E. Wightman, tea cher.. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4tli George Waite. Sr. 3nd to Jr. 8r4~Johh Sut ton. Jr. to Sr. 2nd Lovena Piokett, John Pickett, Violet Huggard, Mary QueeUi Sr, Pte H; to Jr.2nd-rMoggie Queen, Luouis Hartley, Annie Bartloy, Wm. Waite.-,' '.; r"- S. S.N6, 0, Bessie Campbell, teaohor^ 8r. 2nd to Jr.' 8rd Edith Batten, Ida Oolenntt. Jr. to, Sr. , 2nd' Lydia Trimble, Laura Keane. Sr. Pt. H. to jr. 2nd Clarence Batten, Ohas^ Pat terson, George\ Oblonutt,' ,Wm. Pack- ham. ". ' ' S. S.. No. 8,' Marie.G. Bogle, teacher: Jr.toSr. 8rd MdFari.ane: Sr. 3nd to Jr. 8rd-~GebrerinaV Anderson, Maggie iMoFarlane. Sr/Pt, H. to Jr. Snd-rEddie White, A.Ima;Tioe.,':. ; ' '.. S. S. No. 0,\Maroas Jackeon, teacher.' Jr-1 to ^r. Srd^Aaron tv>ittle,. Byron ;flumber,;,01arence Moon, Itan Oooki Lawrence Scratch; yLaviha'Hillier; Mabel/Cook, Beta , Sonleyi: Buhy fod^Ahnie Pawkes, ; ;CJarke ; Sonleyi y; EdWaro^ Hawkea,.Nellie Humber, Sarah Wolfe; Thedra; Sheri:; Wiiperi^ Carder^; Sr. Pt^ Ili' <io jr; 3ii<l-7Mft^ <^chrBdsey .Courtpey;,;;;,';.;';' ;t:0v^';:V.-;^:;^;,5;h^ii::;V^ :;;;, B;'S.;^;;-7/.Maupl^ ! :>- ;ItoD6rt^ Queoi;;;ilVi^ie.^i^ . to (;ife v;8rd4Mfcnid^:Q^n'i;:' -Eioience' ' Bte$&vty.; J"enn^;:^iooi^Uir : Bar. Cote is again doing some carpen- :t StpWer.-.,".-,":.^bhnMoKin^ is taking a rest jut ^ow .waiting for the threshing; ma- chines to startnp. - '" Mle'sJP^t Ooutts has lately .returned "from Nprimol school, Torontot and has taken honors. I Sflin: Stover is building piers all along his beaoh and will also build a break- water oat into the lake where sail boats can come in and tie up at his dock with out any trouble of getting on the bot tom/ '-"".' There-is to be a grand picnic for the benefit!of "St' Andrews* Presbyterian church on the llth day of August, in Samuel Stover's grove, on shore of Lake St. Clair. There will be a num ber of seats put-up along the lake shore for those who wish to take a good view of the waters, while the tables will he oh the opposite side of the road, where refreshments will be served. There will also be a foot ball match between two clubs, also a good platform and a lighter one for those who wish to do any dancing. There will be two. string bands on the grounds. We promise you we will give One of. the best pionios ever held here along the shore. Don't fail to attend and have a good time for very.little money. We will'also have some good BpeakerB from our neighbor ing cities. Belle.River. "Victor Olouthier is booming tho town at present. . Mrs. Malone and family are spending the summer at NiagaraFalls. Ben. Sloto, of the Essex Imperial Soap Works/was here on Wednesday. , The Chatham Wagon Company had an agent taking orders every day last week..' .,*.;..' ';. John Waddell,of the firm of Stringer & Co.,-Chatham, was in town Wed nesday. ; N. Parenthas secured the order for- painting the school house in S.S.No.l, Maidston'o. A cheese buyer has been around and has ah A1 mark on the new cheese at thefqetory, . W. ,B. Tlanigfan, travelling freight 'agent for' the C*. Pr R:, was the guest of J; J. McAuliffe on Wednesday. John Langlois, general store, has a team and shop wagon doing good busi ness thranghout the country. His Lordship Bishop O'Connor re mained with us a few hours one day last week on his way to Stoney Point, Mr. Bouteiller has gone to London with James Bourke, jr., where he will leave him in oharge of Dr, Book for treatment. . St. Anne, of: Teouniseh, attracted many devotees from this region on Monday last. Half fare was furnished for the occasion by the Grand vrrunk. The Light andEleotrioBod Company of Hamilton, report doing very well. Their agent, Mr. porter, working, here for tho last two weeks, says he could not wish to have struck a better field. Harvest is over and threshing has begun; wheat of an excellent quality proyoa an extraordinary yield, The beat so far heard/from,:is Frank, Mil ler's 18 acres that threshed 473 bushels.. The Board of Trade .and Pounoil >t its next meeting will, consider; import ant ponmunicotious just received bear ing upon ; the subjects of A waterworks construction and a flour and oatmeal mux., "' A business revival has struck our maplo village of- late*, business blocks are bein^ erected, shops repainted/ en larging stores spoken of, visitors pomr ing arid going. Everybody is doing fair business. The Belle Biypr Board, of Trao^e ^Tuesday evening, eleoted.the following; ofacere:' ^eoretary V. Oloutier; Board, of Directors, S. A., A-claras, NiParent,;CiMcGlbsky,,,; ': ;r, Some of the visitoirs seen:-; Miss Mil? ler, of Bpth^ell, is ^;Beyho)dra; Miaa ^t'aura-i-'^prnetet/';; ofJpChatl^j ,','-i6;',,at' 'Moses Menard's; Miss Louifle ;I>urOoh-' 'er^'fo6mlS^^it,;v^ Tom;:Moj-^ ."^^ BroHtioit'sfe!^1*'^^^"^ ' TT r"',','y,ft'j'f sen< .Manitoba bounteous harvest. Seven ir......._. ported fro^ Manitoba on Satu^ayB ,; .a M^^j^^^f-iL mar, :dropp^.deia4"'fn^:'ai^ BerlinreplH^ a lady hicyolis^' Saturday; [exi^aM^^ skull bone broken. ' ^y^p^^ . Eev:;H;'E;A;Beid;:^h^6f^|^^ Dr., Wm. lElei^, and pastor^ 'I of 0tou_ villePresbyterian ^Oburohi-^f^f*^ Saturday at the residence of his nj( in;Toronto. /'" fe^pS The steamship rates in grain froM Montreal to Liverpool haVe;^ithli^|V' comporativelj short time nearly doubl ed. The demandtov'.Bp^'iij;'fejfaiiLn' as unusually brisk . v ';,t-iJjfi;^ A company has been organized,^ *J Montreal for the purpose of an expedition to the Yukon upon the* . co-operative plaiii miners engaged, are to hare a_ eharo i thoprofits.'."; ." '.'."',]'l'//--:.'.-i "-::X*$$$Wl Wm. Fraser, a London' youiig; fflf^S 18 years of age, lefi/thero pn -Moh^iwl last for a trip arounii)the world, bn'Jh*^^ wheel. He will be gone two years afl,^^ is to bring hack two thousand dollaraU honestly earned.' _ ^:fv|S The Alaska boundary question whicfel the United - States . Senate left aniqia^|| its unfinished business, is likei^to^ cause trouble between the.-TJni^^i? States and Great Britain, owing to the; richness of the gold-finds in d^p^jSI territory.. ^^'M The bill to ; the Government! iri * ' out of hog cholera in Western'; Odi has now reached $80,000.;",Ot-$$^{ 000 has been eirwnded by the; pep^i ment. of Agripulturern j^o'i^a^gjtk^ijp^^ hogs. The quarantine has heen.r^ifle^ in1 most' places.': ' "y'l ffi> f^SW^ Advices from &<'" bridge report that the alien'-. labor^lai which Was annbunced:i worild^ift strictly enforced on, the/p^ow'siJjTlB Bail way, is being violated eyery^ji^^ American contractors get; insignifioani workmen to.act as stool pitfiBjpnflrf^^| secure contraots in their, ,'Qyr.vi.:.^)wb]^' butthe workis done.by thoAiuerMagj contractors, who in-twW^iiti^j^^^ vantages derived, frok:^;aph^a,cii^^ ' '.It'.is' rumored^.that'r'thQ^re^TO^ evangelist, Pwight L. ;Mpb3^,%w soon retire from the active ltfehe'j";hi^i led. Mr. Moody, is .yery'Vaii^ii|iff^m^ Bey. Wm. Patterson, pastor".pt/"*"'"" Presbyterian Church, Toronii, (^. . succeed him. , Mr. Patterson^'ijj;^j|-j^p sent in Ireland and it is not tio^n| whether he will accept or hbt/'VHeftte one of Toronto's most popular >*rfiaflr .",, i>V?- ; -.". \.:.<iji ers. It is reported on component authbril that young Amoviuans are makingr5 good thing by getting ;;the;.;^^^ bounty on Canadian sparrp^B^^pefi^ pays a bounty of two;'cen^\^^^mj for dead Bparrows and as ^heylarejtmb* er on the Canadian sidOj^^n^&i- ca comes over here and ge^^;^^ They arenot^^reqnir^.^jfljj^iSiffi they get the goods./ Spnie'ot^^r fathers are; b'B^nhingr.^,ki<^ffl^ doubt steps will be takehi"^; '^1^ boya getting their Bpaxrq^'kfjk^^W- :,--, The limite'd supply^ of 'jubi^|rar is rapidly .^eppmwg^ meet the^demahds'ir6ii;;aii':4EW^,, partial,sets1 as spuveh^s,>.^'e'^o^S fice Deportment is about tp'rbjfeR'py the availabiebalahdetiyypfyf$$$* .50 cents pr $!,. the dwtribntion;ia|M .the offices being;made'inV theVolume'of.bttBtaesBJofe^ This allotment ^V^^few^S the' rarerjubilee^sta^psi^l^^ In'thc;.^ of