S|^'w|^rt ^pAlwi ^tifrmpat danger.. hi;'or ^ervons Pr^attatloD.; This die- ^^^'^^^^Jpf0 tV ii^ j tliBv. ^o uor mx, .1b Jpshopi o^o, hopao *nd ^ool, ',' - (^'S'^nfcametU)^ pfay eibiriiB ot. lnrge iwettcc thib iiervoTia diseaBei? we in. ; BO faet that bo day few pooplo oan ti of pocfeoh ireedom from netvona ail- te^v-:;^. . id; symptoms erf nervous wtbatwtion, well known that It la almost nuue- iry'to oftipo them, DizEinaaa, aleep- j, palpitation of the heart, shooting v t m in the llmba, paralytiu BymptonoB, i&Mtfption aDd Headaoh6 are the com- "" noneflt leedera of dispaee. S;;7/,Orj'ooi the flrat indioatlona of nervous ^^aa ia IrptaMUty, theq ensues despot* Jdenoy, often followed by terrible insanity. ^How oan nerv6us exhauBtion- be oared #p.,thabinaanity and death may be .avoid- j'llPaflt experience and medical testimony DBWertho qneetion fully. Pains'a. Co lory ft.Gbmpoand ia tho only medicine, that oan janrely overcome the troubles ol the uer- jVyOaa. This marvellous oaring medioino l^fefxiosB np every nerve, Rtvea_itrflngtb to flLtne caoeoloB and tissues, makee.pnro, rich B'j;blood, givee perfect digestion and sweet, J^vBOund,'sleep. ij|lfe^;';ltt:thia age ot overwork, worry and faot iw'^ilvi.ng; Ptkine's Celery Compound is a : Bhield and protector against the ravages ol : all nervous ailments. Medioal men and ^{; drag^is^ hi*vipg a, fall knowledge of the cV.fU;;.,VirtnBH of Psine's Celery Compound are ijfc$ ieoommeuding it every day, m^'.;.' Its qurea atteat its Baporiority ' auiV un- w$:-:Belflehneaa; its-work in pablio lu^cnuiuiui Jif^'haa given a popularity never possessed by S^sny'.othflr inodioln'e. Try it, nervous ouo; ti^Jty/iUfl.nidkly give you that condition of ^.health that you are looking for. |;.r:.v, , __^------_ $j.y'-";. Can "Work: AH the Time. W- ' ( "My daughter wob Bartering with oabar- ;i'{J;:jfh; of the stomaoh, and tried many'di^ $feteMnt preBbriptions without boneiii. Fiual- ^%Bhe'b:Qfian taking Hood's Saraaparilla fe^,;and it helped her at onoo. She hive taken p-:;>'-'fifteen bottles and is now able to work all We prize Hood's BareaparilU Amma Mbubh*, Eaton, Quo. Hood's PIUb act harmoniously with aw.-' Hood's Saraaparilla, Cure all livor ilia. pl !V- 35' oenta... ftftyi1'-*. ,; . ____ fe7" It is a popular fallacy that the free uee ?> of fruit iu summer ia the cm use of bowel -In almost 6yory home ;ba.^ robea and olofletr thVt Bin be made as. good To kfifirrft farm flftmmn-1 *"j** ^ ^^ **'frffoMfow****' 'rj\.~^j*: JLTJL. n'*-Ji . 7?^e operation.bireoreating'and beantl- - the coat ifl trifling,'And >he general rea'ultaheyoad the comprehension ot those who are aoqdalnte^l with the work of home dyeing.' . Dreases; JackQta, oapeB, vesta, pants, ribbons, Bilks, feather a arid' a aooreof other thlDga of beauty and fashion at a cost of from ten to twenty oenta. Thousands of Canadian families use Dia mond dyea every year audi save a great deal of money. All uaers of Diamond Dyes say it Is bo easy to nse them. ' The direo- tionaare so explicit and simple that a ohlld dan do good work* ' Ab there are many ImltatiooB and worthless dyea sold, see that your dealer gives you the Diamond Dyes when you ask for them. Common dyea ruin your goods; Dirmond Dyes bring auaoeas in color and boauty. $>X;the time. rf^^'ery highly/* duotibn itnd B^read,f'^Qji^^vl, these penta seem to floarlah under almoat .Oj^JB^^ib^'iilipB :^ ;pf' ;tri*J^<fe- "'*titt"-r ."on:,' lil' .Wndeon'indft.;'-' "" tively froe from great deal of labor, bat also the utmost oars in the selection of eeeda of yftiions kinds, but in spite of the moat careful watobful ford aeed oapeolally that of graa- ae, ia very frequently sown, and when too late to prevent the damage done the farmer Ib surprised and dismayed to find that instead of grass lye haa a crop of injnrlous and detestable weeds to contend 'with. If the state of affairB that prevails in this section is the same all over the Province, (and it probably la. the earns,) something should be done to prevent as much as pOBBible the sale of impure grass eeedn, the aanlteration being seeds of the vilent weeds. This Beason numerous complaints are heard from the farmers in this locality regarding foul Beetle they have unknowing ly nown on their lands and which are likely to do an immense amount of damage and entail-years of labor before they are ex terminated. These seeds were purobsfled in the belief that they were pnro, and the mischief, done before the mietake was dia- oovered. The local dealers are in no way to blame, as they too purchased tbe seed without knowing there was anything wrong with it. This is a matter that re quires the immediate attention of both the Dominion and Provincial Departments of A^rioultare. 'While these departments are undoubtedly doing splendid Rervioo for the country there is room to do more. The farmers cannot a fiord to have their crops injured, the lands poisonod and their labor increased by the sowing of foul Beeed>on their farms. Expert inspection of all uraas Roods to be used for feeding purposes ia porbuptt tho ooiy snre remedy. The Ioho resemblance of the aeedB of many graafian and woeds make it impossible to deteot adulterations in many cases without a BoiontiOo tost. Ofoourse it would ooBt couBiderable to have expert iuapeotion carried oat, but the gain would be en or.. raonR. A farmor who sowed 310 warth of grass seed this springy Bays that ho would givo.$600 now to be rid of tho weeds tbat have been introduced by the seed be- loVimpnre, and ho oxeroisod the utmost care in the' aeleotipn of it. Bomo stepa muatbe taken to rornody tho evil. British Wealth. Fruit in Hot Weather. ^ di8turba)ioe8, while as a matter of fact no jhf-1, diet pan be mcro healthful at this time than one oompoBod of fruit and farinaceous fei foods with perfectly pure milk. Flesh of Kv,JkU kinds deoomposea with great rapidity l5:-"; both before and af tor eatiug, and auminor ^;? henoe fleBh food frequently cauaon grave fejj-'j derangements of the bowols, as tho poison .M;v;(produced by this decomposition sots 4^::.: ppwerfully as an emetia : aud purgativo, " All meats are no hoating that they should ** 'v^.'be used sparingly daring hot weather, and there is the added argument that tho tho . Baby WJiH_t)urea, . Deah Sjbh, I oan highly rooomrnond Dr. Fowlor'B Extraot or Wild Stra-vborry. It enrod my buby of diarrbooa, attor all other meauR failed, so X uivo it great pfftlse. J*ifl oxooUont lor all bowel com plaints. Mug, Cuab. 15oTt, Hatlow, Ont, M argument $P$' .',".'whole system craves a ohango from \0l.-' 'winter's diet. ik m:-: Providence Thanked. It is with pleasure that I reoommoud ':, I B.B.B. for the cure of indigestion and iin- ,vpure blood. I had tried many modioiubs "bnt received no benefit until, I thank Pre- vi:"" r-r videnoe, I waa advised to uho B.B.B,, and it resulted m a perfect cure. , Mns. Wu.'LockI!, '- "-" Oshawa.Onfc. . IfciH now prppoaed to "authorise' poat- ' masters and deputies to open letters on 5t$!1!,'! Tvuioh no postage stamps have boon plaood fe'.'* tolearu the name.of tho writer and avoid } sending it to the doad letter ofiico. It all P?r*r;"^.^i'who, write wonld have their namos und ad- ^'^;;v^re'afles'printed on the'envelopes tboy uao, ',:."8'a-theposli offioo requosta no trouble would Kfl^y result: . -0-^: : ..'THlRTY-yBAKS OF He had m%: GLOOM, ray \gptf' :: Jtie naa Hunted the VVorld for a ray of wS'i-\ Hopeiul, Healthful SuuBhine, but in fmf\K;y:" vain until South American Nervine W{i$' "".'.. Brought a Midday burst of Healing pC(:'ft" :":'-'. Light to Him and : raado Him Stronjg ^rg^-v^/'.'/aRain;. " .' jjEi'V'Sv' ' *3C fcxo'ca eVs Waterman, a .-well-known and gfe-. popular resident of Bridgewater, N.S., ^l^v,' Jjad been suffering from' indigestion and ; weaknesa of the nerves for neaflty thirty Wr;,;,'yaarfl. He had tried every remedy, and *'$*-%.treated with best physioians, bot all failod L'1-0 give any permanent relief. He had al- FTrV,.ff'in,pet given up hope of a bare, and as a gl;*-,,.: last resort rrooored South American Her' Ajjv^-vvine/ One bottle greatly beneflited, and p^f-?:*fter taking three or four bottles he pro- ^^'Claimed bimsalf perfectly well. Bold by J, i$feFo#noron.' r^Xi'fcand, alight ailments ore liable to 1 fe^lpoted, and the reault, frequently, ia ^^ir.illneBSj therefora always'be supphe be neg- saerioua K^^illi^w't-therefore' always' be':BHpphed' with H^^b;^^';v'::;v/:^ ^^^ Ki^/r-'i-1 ;; '-i":v. ft^Spo:r>1ji;rie^lblq6a ftifaobe herves^': -yThat, CAN'T BUDGE THEM. Soionoo is Bight 99 times in a nuodtod Medioal Boieuoe says that Fills and Powders will not Dissolve the Solid Secretions whiob oaaHe Kidney DiBeaae. It has Proven that a Liquid Kidney Bpociilo will do so, and Thousands have Testified that South American Kidney Cure, a Liquid Spooiflo for Kidney DiBeaeo, has done ho. Tho Boorob of the buooobs of South American Kiduoy Ouro in the faot. that itissoloiya kidney speaiua. Xt diasolves tho urio aold which ia really the bane of all kidney diseases. And it in only when these solid mattors -md sooretions have been dissolved aod eradioatad from tho system that a cure can he hoped for. Pills and Powders from a medioal Boienoo hUndpoint, or from tho etaudpoint of oouit moil seqso, can hardly be expected to do what thiH liquid rombdy haa done. The people are learning it. Mrs. Norman E- Cooko( of Delhi, Onb., eayB:' ' ! tried no ond of romodioa pills, powdora 'and por, ous plasters, and all woro used in vain. Five bottles of South American Kidnoy Curo completely restored mo to hoalth. Sotd by J. Thome. StatiaticianB bave been calculating tho animal income of Great Britain, which must have trebled or quadrupled within the present reign. It is now supposed to amount to 7000 millions of of dollars annually. The natural earn ings are reckoned at 3500 millions of dollars a yenrt The actual expenditure by the'people is considered to be leas than tho income, ao that probably $760,- 000,000 may bo put by and saved annually. Thus by degrees the ac cumulation becomes so enormous that the sum. total is hardtograsp.lt is reck oned, however, at something between 45,000 aud 50,000 million dollars. Those figures give some idea of the wonder ful wealth -producing power of the British people. '.':" ' : 'Palirlnjthe JB&ok.. Deau Sm^-rl wa troubled with pain in the hack for months, and alter trying sevoral remedies without otleot, thought I wonld use Hagyard's . Yellow Oil. I am glad to say that after using two bottles I was completely oured^ and cannot reooni mend this excellent remedy too highly. Mias Anna Ghnpmau, South River, Ont. Tomato Ketchup. Mrs, 8.' T. Itorer, tho famous cook ing expert, givos 'this, hor favorite, rooipo for making, tomato ketchup in tho Iindies' Homo Journal: "Use half a buHhel of- flomul. August tomatoes. Wash'and cut thorn to pieces, Oook gently for-half an hour, then press through a siovo. Oook again for ono hour; then iitld. one ounce of ground ginger, one ounce of mustard, oho gill of salt, half pound' of sugar, and one' quart of yinogar. Oook to the proper consistency; add five drops of oil of nut meg, and thbHumoof oelery. or a table- spoonful of celory sootl. BottleT cork and seal." ' Nature's Medicine. Nature's Medicine for constipation, livor complaint, siok hoadaoho, hlhouanesH, iuundioe, and sallow complexion Is Laxu Liver Pills; They are"a perfeoF.laxative never'griping or pausing pain. One pill each night for BO ditys will euro conatipa. tion. ... Handkerchiefs are Kept Out of Sight. 'The-present faabion is to omit breast pockets in all coats, whether; Prince Albert, frock, outaway or saok. Even oyerobats are now made without breast pboketk, Thehandkarphief is.;<jarried in the lower pooket, IJie trousers pocket otfthe inside obat pocket. ; The rule is how; to; keep thiftt Articlei hidden as much as possible.. >Phe<' hauctkerohief: should be.plaiu wniter :hen>8titohGd---- Pigs and Thistles. Others see our faults,as plainly as we aoo theirs.! Wo oxouao our selftahnoss by asaura/ ing our greater need. Only tho man who looks: away from Jiimaolf has ideas. The deyil Bcores a point wherever" a good man opposes a good cause. Happy tho man Who finds and re moves the particular, cause of Ms mis fortune. The pf onoher who would hear sinners bogin to pray must first got his ohurch on its knees. You can never tell what n man will do in a horee trade by tho length of his prayer on Sunday, Our wisdom is often handicapped' by our cumbersome knowledge, like a meditoval knight scarcely able to, move in his heavy armor. Ram's Horn. Doaii's Kianey I'HIs. Doau'a ICiduuy Pills act on tho kidneys, bladder and urinary oryaiiH only. They ouro baokaohoa, weak back, rheumatism; diabete, cbn^oation. intiainmation, gravel, Bright'a difloase and all other disoaao^ a- riaing from, wrong action of tho kidneys and bladder. ' , EIGHTY UNPOltrUKATBS. Ia tbo Estimated. Proportion in every Hundred People in this OlimatQ Affected with that Bread Diaoaae Catarrh How KaHily the Proportion, Would' bo Ho- versed'lf-Dr. Aynow's Catarrhal Powdor Were Universally Used It Relievos inlO minutt'B. . ."Dr. Ajjnow'a Oatarrlial Powder boni- fitted tnuatonno, andlt'aaoeasy to apply," says Hev. W. H. Main, of Emmanuel Bnp list ehurah, Bnffulq. Tlionaanda moro in profeadiouul, and in the humbler'bailing* of hfo, could Hay Amou to hit* statomoni. Dr. Annew'a,Catarrhal Powder gives rehel iu from lOto.OO'miuutea in most acute oiueu. Now isthosQason of aovere weather otianges, and now ia the season when disease germs devulopv That bliyht Hueevi. in^ cold iu the head may mean that: the seeds of ohronio catarrh have heon aown. The to'itua oureia the safest and quiokijat, Sold by J, Thome.': ' >i ,_.. , ',. Bomomborr-only hnoh raediomea . were almittod for exhibition at the World's Fair'as aro aocopted (or use, by phyMoiaua, in the pr'aotiao of rabdiolne, Ayor's Buraa- purilla, Aycr's.' Olierry Pectoral, and Ayor'sPilU being inoludod; iu the, list, They arp standurd niijdfoino, . Shortness of Uroatl^. . .,- . "SmojB-last yoar I have had serious hca-t trouble caused by malaria^ Short- uesB of breath,' smothering spells on- retir ing, violent palpitation,: etc,, often ooade ,me paap for breath. 6d procuriug Mil- burn's ileart and Nerve,'Pills I fpurid ,to my sdrprise aud delight that they: -gave altnuat^instant .redlef^'.^goi'healthy^i.MBti: Til'^Bleep, myAh ettrt;v trouj blf a"' ;^lria p E)^ cli;. flmd-jiuo^i^e^very';^ .idee^,!^::';Mri;:H^b'^^ maTieBtbiaBtateajentiorthe'TDubViDV ctodi. ' The Only Tblng Hedd' JU TManmr-Bx- ';,^Utftoi'.'ihi-i~M*)*^m:vih'\ii^li WUeh - Carrlo th* Wlr, and Ton Hv* It^-Tfaai '^;X*/UBttt *M yV&*JV#'Al^.^^ ::; ' /.j ' thing In"the world," remnrked a prosperons looking Individual who walked into the office of one of the uotft prominent oonanlting enginera and flleotTioionH in the conn- try as an Expresa reporter was sitting In thq outer office. * ' "Whotlait?" aaked theenginoor. . '*!% tell yon,H responded the pros- peroms looking man. "It's an inven tion" hero the engineer began to look bored, but he smiled politely and hia Visitor continued "an invention that will revolutionize tho bnsinewof trans mitting eleotrio power." . Now if there ia one thing th.at this particular engineer is.more interested in or knows morn about than anything else, it in this samp subject ol the trans mission of eleotrio power: He began to louk a little more, interested and urged his visitor' to tell him what the scheme was and, also to inform him what he could do fox him, "Well, before I describe the inven tion," said the prosperous man, "I'll tell you what wo*voJdone. We've dis covered a way:.to transmit powor with absolutely no loss in transmission ab- Bo-lutc-ly no Iobs. Do you realize what that mouns?" "It means you'll own. the earth if yon'vo got it," remarked the engineer. "Correct!" exclaimed tho prosperous man. "As you ao, aptly put it, we'll own tho earth. Yon will notice I do not admit that there is any doubt abont the proposition. Wo know what wo have got. Wo have Been it work. There's millions in it!" "What tests have yon made?" "Tests? Why, my dear sir,'we have made the most cshnnntive teste. : We have built a mile of conduit, sir, and the most delicate instruments - fall to deteot tho. slightest loss of power In transmission. Oh, fchero ia no qncstion thufc the process works to perfection 1 Now, what I want yon to do is to give us your opinion on it. Study tho sub ject, give your opinion in writing, and we'll pay yon handsomely." "Well, tell me what your process is and I'll eeo what I think of it," said the engineer. "If I fctak you_h&ve a prnotioablo thing, J'u 'IJkjj, to see your exporimehtid line lpOperation." , "That/a lb* way I liko to honr yon tj& fiif; shows you are a conservative man, sir. I wouldn't give a rap for the opinion of a man who jumps at conclu sions: ir. Now, I'll tell you what this great invention consists of. It's a va cuum nothing but a vqouum. You know a Voouuii is tho moat perfoot in sulation, don't you? Put a vacuum around a wire and the electricity can't get away. Moisture can't get at the wire, Air can't get, at it vuouum'U keep tho current on the w;ire, won't it?" Tho engineer allowed that a vaondm, if a good one, might bo of value lor in- eulating purposes. "Well," continued tho prosperous lookins man, "we just tako thiu vncou- um idea fiffu carrv it to j)s nl.ymnto conclusion, understand to its Inst anal- ysis, so to speak' -It's easy enough to surround a wire with a vnounm. All you've got to do is to put the wire in a tube and jump tho air out of n tube, isn't it? Woll, suppose you pump away until you've gat ail the air out; you've got your wire insulated, haven't you? Can't lose uny onrrout, can you? But that's all. You've got tho reflistnnoo of the wire to doal with, and that's Where you loeo energy. That is.whoro our discovery comes in. We know why tho resistance exists, and from that it's easy to 1 earn how to ouro it. "Take a copptr wire. Copper's made upof molooulos, isn'tit? Molecules keep vibrating all tho timo, don;t they ncvor stay atlll,- never remuin in con- tuot? You know all about thai Woll, there must bo something between thoso molecules, then, isn't there? Thoro is, und that Something is air. That's what the electricity don't liku can't pass through the uir1. Now, sapposo you take the uir from out between the molecules, what happens?; Molecules remain atrcst stay in contact. Electricity goes through without any obstruction, and thero you tire no loss of current at all. Logical, .iau't it?.".' The ougineer was getting' faint, 'but" ho found voice enough to udmit that the theory was certainly iugonioos. "I knew you'd suy so," said tho en thusiastic visitor! "Now, it only re mains to extract tho uir, and that's what we've , done ^qt an nirpump, that'll pump nil the uir' out from be tween tho molecules of a copper wire. We've done it done, it on a miloof wire, sir. Took a mile and a furlong to ' cover a mile, because tho wire short ened up when the molecules orowded together. That's what we've done,'sir, yud I thinlj you'll agree wj^ me, that \velve got tho greaksTWention.oi! tne ages, won'tybu?" . ; . The engineer gasped for \ breath and. then diplomatically tola the stranger that he. would do a, little figuring in the scheme to see how much money ifc would save in a year and send a report in writ ing on the merits -Voi" the project; As the visitor bowed, iiimaelf out' the oh- ( gineer turned to' The Express reporter *ad remarkedf":i,vTv. '" '-'"^ "Did you get onto that? That's orilj^ a sample. If .there's onp orank comee to my office'"1 in a day,Nthere:: arp; aidozen.., Every one is oraary oh electricity, and -they'.nli :thiu.k^ey;3tiav:e;;jn;ye^ very thing tbfctB!diflOU ( ahp^5TeBia^o\:; ^11 thevr^at , p^ja^i^lVr ^"',V'tail".'.i4'.>"..1 r^Vi'i Screen Doors and \Kflxidovast Cisterns, $7 OO and Up. ^ MMM -Hives (Standard Size?). 50n J^c|i^ - r:+mm And Latest Designs m Verandah and Gable Ornameiit^^;^ i-------ESSEX. biffSK?^ m VMM 'rj?$m a * " vr'.^t^i ' - ",!1 gee the Oxford's Stoves, Best Id the ttorltl... ' M^niif|w"i^lf" by the 'G-urney' Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood;a^|| Goal), We. bave them in Stock, Ourpricea are the lowea^ 3tx<3l Inspect. General Tinsmithing"and Repairing attended to. -mm ' ' S}'3.ve-rJ"Tougb.i3ae'Sii ^* North of Railway Track, - - Esse^J ... p. pawdiMaeiuaio:^. ^as^uaiae^ cy sciiofc MLTYOR DISEASED MEN CURPsii of young man, mlddlo egad niea and old ihoncmnlobfcbacitat,^! their boyhood days or onrly manhowl *itb a^Blph of remorae^^ - ---1 orance ot early youth, or Inter on a rniflauont lifo cb 'one ol the MiifcrinK. SELF ABUSE ianfcorriblo ein o?ii ____rvort. Blood and Prlvalu uFeafl anp tlie. vry iife on Oar NEW METHOD TKEAaUENT wiU poaiUvoly cms alftbe will bring a rich harvort. cl tho victim. ' inffdiseoaesc A::vi 5 R S VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS^ NERVOUS DEBILITYJI? 8VPHILI8, 8TRiCTUREyGLEETi8EMlNAUWEAte, K NE88, PIMPLES; L08T MANHOOD/UNNATURPif DEBIU1^^ DISCHARGES, KIDMEY AND BLADDER DISEASES; m m ADC Vnir1)'ffEBVOTJBnnddeBnondentt vwakordobUitate^; tiredoiommg^te: etielly futlguedf eitcitublo qad.itri-^ "*' table: oyea Hankeii,rodtindblurred; pimplouon fco;.dreania and.iilgut loeeea^rea^ S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY---pbNFipEN'ri^||s K SNATCHED FROM THE RI1UC A^^^^^mio^m flootbre ond nerve toulca by tfio ficore without benofit; QklesLbnsanddieJnsino. slbwamea nervous wreck, v A friend who bad tyjon ourod^by pn, Kennedyy& . of a similar disease, advised mo to try thnm. I did ly ocred. * ' ren.-C so and ia two months waapo . Thia woa eight years ago. 1 am now married and :have tWQ healmR ,w]d ^HPCI C..'OHDPn ,"Var!oo<Mle made lift miBOr^l^ WW..,. reagent W 'A ______M___,,_.. w. neryoufl.oyeaBardse^baaM^taB^i* no arabltioo. rpPhe 'Golden Monitor' oponod my eyes.' The Mew Method Dre. Kennedy and Kerg&n oared me in a fewwooka. L L. P. weakeneomephyeloauy.senaUyaxld mfintalhr.- Kajn into J*d6clJne, fcoasumpfioxio; JRnally.rTbB Qplden Mo: Mm &Ker^?eUin|ohi/bjm^-,Xjle^ &"m -had Mpped my ^vitality;.! iooktbo -New. Metbo4^q^tm^ttt:aadJ^wer. ; ;! whom were .cared.. Their Kew. Method Treatment BOppUet Api roturoedj^Byw *pa, phnpltaand Uotohoon;tbe ekin,ulperB,Jni-t cared ofpiMCT'Btrictqw br/jDr^