nyinT'.i'-i"-: il^*tfAo^mwwntontattn #3^:<^:^i^ * !>&$3ai 7>J.r? ress. ^h& 1 VOjnraofl was over to' Detroit on aSS^^-^ii! ^OBljestvaliieinpflr^BoIflgo to M. 3i^flj8;Brabra Logan, of Detroit. Is ^j^iwab^-A girl for general houBer *^J|;^pplyto Mrs^ J.JE. Stone, Tai- $Sttfleti'EBBex " pfai*. J>A. Boss spent a few days in Indeor the guest of her fiiator, Mrs, ii^^^v ::; -. r/yA^^WAN Boae has one of^the beat ^ejldff of 90m in the county on his farm feJj^D^ANDBBsoN is laid up at hie Mhome on Talbot Btrfiet with an attaok g'^>J!: inflammatory rheumatism. . ' ^0;i^jPoBaraHB returned home on P^^dneadftyfroin a two weeks' visit ';^pent at Mt, Olemcne. He is consider- i|at|ly itoj)r(oved in health. ||^;W, ;M. DbOkw has Bold out his bu'ai- '$y$H'here and will sell now his stook of Gull eMiMoo Green- ^'lumber at a greatly reduced price. fiiud see hla stock early. SiM.^AKraiiBhathb and John Lucress, ^litf'have been visiting at the^home of ftnvNesbittfor a few days returned to nington on Wednesday. @iiRi Job*n Dn^ has moved to Sl^indabr where she will reside in the *^^toi*e?' Nelaoii J". Wigle will move his if^inily ,intb Mrs, Dilse's residence op- ll^^ite the Episcopal Ohuroh. ^?I^S[otwithfltanding the immense amount r> : money paid to Us members and their l^&n^fioiaries by the I. O. 3?., during l^efmonth, of May, $55,545.23. was Lded to the surplus in the same ^^.^fea Northern University Male ^jQiiflfftet; pf EvanBtqn, Chicago, will llfcivQ oVconcert atGraoe Church, Essex, Jf^ridftynight, August Oth, under the feauepiaes of the choir. Admission 10 _iw 20e.., .-.' . $ ^^'information of Detective Heeuan, ^of;'the M. O.B.,Gordon Bailey was fined j^m;:B0 jor damaging cattle guards at fe^Stiaples.',.For, "procuring" the dam- ^ageby supplying a sledge hammer for fethat "purpose Fl T. Barton was taxed a f A'.lifeo amount. ,'MitohbijIj Advooate: A Logan farm- l^er is eaict to have . written to Lawyer |$Idington, of Stratford, as follows ; P^fTSyill you please, toll me whore you jgilearned to write ? I have a boy I wish felto send to school, and I am afraid that M^xnay hit the flame, school that you 'K|iwent'tp;H ,.-.. '.- &S;:,'La BamjE Co, Gaijettb Exr,: -"All jjjpy&ie songs by the >iuariot were followed hearty encores. The members of 8 Jihe quartet all have well trained voices S^ifiild their selections were rendered in a fe^yery pleasing manner. At Grace Metho- W^Uai ehuroh, Essex, Friday night, Aug. |p ;0Jh. Admtesiou-~10ahd 20o, P^yi-Tax steamer Cambria, qJ 'the Detroit ^ And Soo line, was wreoked on Lake uHuron beach just1 above Pt. Edward '.fOp. Wednesday.' There was a heavy ^sea running at the time and she ran in- ^^to^t* "wi)d,, raft smashing one of her ^ /paddle wheels, and becoming unmou- ^Ifltgedble she drifted ashore where she S'-'/itbw lies almost a total wreck. The ^/passengers'..were taken off in the ship's l-^ats'and taken toSarnia. ^:/vEnos MoCaxjsiXnd jreturnod Wod- ^ inlBflddy morning from the Grand En- SK'^'^pl^,eilt/which"'met at London, ^^^^eaflfty*" Geo. Breeh and W. Douglas ;were the representatives from Windsor K'^iicampment, , L.'Ferguson, of Bt.- ytffi;^hpniasr was., elected Grand Junior |S^arden.aud dhasi Roberts, of/this |P|f^ee; D-D.G,M; for this district The S^j'OTMid: Encampment will hereafter lff$^ ttfl the'I.O.O.T. feg|C^audf;todge meets and 'on the day ife^previonsto that chosen for; tho O^d- |gKbr|W'6.WBmeetirig'i A' .'-;v; * p^^BSEtis to have a Jiong distanoe-teio- ^i^hpne;.all',-the 'new'.instruments have placed in bwitohboard board so P^ioii^'rtised.V In fact tlie whole outfit of Iffiie'dffioe will be nevr. ' it' is : also ' the |Snl^htiSonbf,the ^opapany ,to bnild a ^^t^^)i^e'.frppi' :".33sae'3t;-Ito". Windsor.-' S^h(^e.>;^prpyements:' will .place / bur *>j^ and- give ;us j|^e;i^ahtiagess)f K ^oii^in ;"the/way ^^;oommlanioat^^ with^.the;yJLarge;.--e'6m- *^c4^^htarpa 'ap^'.^^' Vx97e9^si^ ^li>1^ ;;^o^^tju8ineB,B';:^e^;;^' The |S^!^i|ige$ it Mias Mast GnarairwAr is apenAing a .Tfaek1?,:wtth:, rind ana^retatlveB itt Detroit;;-v,;;'A^";'-..' :- Qctitb a number of oitizenft. took in BingUng's circus at Detroit, on Mon- "aay.lfttit."-i-'-^-^:v / ^. Tot choir of Grace Methodist Church will excurt to Qq&kx Beooh on Thurs day next. M. J. Wioiji *fe Oo'b Bpeoiftl shoe Bale a being well patronived; and why shouldn't it i - / " Ji B. MoEwan has been appointed local agent for the Beliance Loan and BftvingsCo. BnoTHER Williams and party took a dayj>ff oh Monday to run down to De- ^oit to see Bingling'fl cirous. J. B. Courtright, passenger agent on theM.O. resumed duty on Monday after* a years'retirement from duty. M*bs SrarL Gonninqbau left on Tuesday evening to spend the week with Mrs. Chas. Naylor -at Cedar Beaoh. """*. The Maccabees are diaouBsing the feasibility of holding a grand County Union picnic to Walpole Island on Civic Holiday. Misa Viola FoaTBit, of Amherstburg, visited friends, in town on Monday. Bhe left .Tuesday morning to spend a few days with friends in Leamington. BASPBERitinH are selling here at Acts., blaok currants at 5 cents, cabbages at 25 cents a doz., ououmbers 10 cents per doz., beets 25cts. a doz., turnips 40ota. a bushel., corn 10 cents a doz. John Gashy, brakeman on the Am- herBtburg hranoh of the M. 0^ B., is [and Miss spending a couple of weeks at his old home at Port Dover Junotion, and Hiram Graham, of St, Thomas, is tak ing his place on the plug train. Geo^M. Miiiivuro and O. Baughmah took a trip over to Cleveland,Thursday night, and spent Friday there. They returned accompanied by Miss B. Baughman, who has spent some weeks there visiting friends and relatives. Labt Monday morning as* Alex. Campbell was cutting wood for the furnace in Chas. Little's mill a stick flew up striking him in the right eye and cutting the eyeball painfully. He drove to town and had Dr. Jenner dross the wound. During the month of May the Su preme Treasurer, I. O.F,, paid tobene- fioiories of late members $55,300.07 ;. to members for HiokbenQfit8;$U,050;03', for total disability, $3,500, and for funeral benefits. $400 ; making a grand total of $71,108,60 for the month. J. M. HAnsxEAD, hotel-keeper of Harrow, came up for trial again last Saturday. He was fined $20 and costs by P. M. Beaman and Mayor Thomas. Mr.Halstoad served notice of appeal on Constable Hughson.ofHarrow.on Mon day, July iiOth, The case will be tried at tho Sessions Court'at Toronto on Deoembor 14th. Undbb an act to bo introduced next session of the Legislature, whore damngoK are awarded for- accidenta canned by defective Bidewalks, the pro perty owners' ou the street whore the accident ocoured have to psy and not the municipality this is in cities and towns where tho local improvement by law is in force, Tmc M.C.B. havoiseuod a souvenir booklet relative to the National En campment of the G.A.B. to be held at Buffalo, August 28rd to 28th 1897.-, It is a beautiful work of printer's art con-, taining portraits of the Commanders in phief and much valuable information about Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the Army of the Bepublio. Last -Tuesday morning, Henry Allan, son of Mr. Allan, Brien ave., was found on the street near the Fair Grounds in a dazed condition, having evidently been kicked in the mouth by a horse.. He was taken, to his father's home where Dr. J. W. Brieu attended to him and wo are pleased1 to say he is progressing as favorably as could be expected. ,'.' ."'.'.' At the,late Entrance Examination here, Principal Manning Bout up thir teen oandidatea and every one of them passed creditably; N. Alexander taking* 501 marks. The FiwaiaPnEss joins with the citizens in con^ratulafcing Mr. Mahning;bn the success of his pupils.. It ia. exceedingly gratifying to knbV pur Public,' School ranks among the first in the County! ;.Bbo; .te WiiiWAMs, and,his. duaky baud of jubilee: singers made a peace ful invasion of our town Saturday evening. Affcey having their .supper tliey gave a free concert on the side walk in front of the Aberdeen, singiqg was listened 'to by a large1 audience who^ judging from their re: marks .and frequent^ ated tho efforts of B^ i|Wiliiams' band; On Sunday the camplneotingwas for mally opened. .There was a rather slim attendance at the morninK and afternoon Siting ](! Ann* OolmD tbil week. aftjr.:^';,.^. -' &t*ii the lpta adyertised1to he Bold ioi taxes last Saturday,, weie ?ld'without r'eserveV '/ GteoBaa TnoMis, ni>, .returned on Tuesday from' a three week's visit at Siurnia; .'./'. Robhrt Aiikbli,, manager of Ihe Imperial'Bank, flpent Sunday in St- Thomas. v, : y. '";".,- J'.C: / Now is the time to get summer shoes cheap at M. J. Wigle & Go's, special shoe sale.'. V Mb, and Mbs, Hatiby WiatW, visited with Leamington friends in that 'Burg on Sunday last. ; Wm. Ebbthim was out to the Puoe, on Sunday, assisting in camp meeting Services thore. Hah sandwiohee axe quoted at $10 each and dog sandwiehes at 90 each In the Klondike gold country, Etcob MoOAnsLAND is delegate to the High Court of Ontario I.O.P. whioh meets in Brantford, August, 10th. Miss CkiiXA Boss, formerly a student of Eases High School, now of Grand Rapidb, Mioh., is visiting her parents here. The Misses Hettie and Fannie Brad- shaw, whj> have been visiting friends in town,* have returned to their home in Windsor. ; L. Knr.LV, of the M: Campbell Fan- ing Mill Co., of Chatham is doing a first-class business in his line in this county. ; , Miss Boss, of Diebel and Bricker's, Stella Bobinson are the guests of Mr. Brioker at Cedar Beach this week. Jno. Essextinb, Brien Ave., has in vented a new kind of wagon jack. He shipped one on Wednesday to the Masaey Harris Oo'y* Tub English. Church Sunday Schools of Cottam and Essex, exourted. to Paradise Grove, Kingaville, in Mo- DougalPs bus, Thursday'. . , The ratepsyera of. 'the town of Am herstburg will vote on Monday . next on a by-law to bonus the Windsor, AmhorBtburg and Loke-Erie-Bailway; to tho extent of $25,000. " G.' E. Smith & Co. are stook-taking. Will be in store until August 10th; All parties owing must settle "by that date to save trouble and costs. : G. E. Smith & Co. ;Next: Wednesday, Augiist 4th, is Tilbury's Oiylo holiday. They Iniond running an excursion to Detroit and Belle Isle, Park, via. M. OB; The train loaves here at 8 a. m., M. O. B. time, the return fare being 50 cents for ddnltsand 25 cents for children. V Mns. X)ANtEii Piumkau and family, of North Tonawanda, N. Y., paseed through here on Thureday morning for Amherstburg, where they will spend sonnT'tithe with relatives and friends. Mrs. Gilbert Doneau and son Peroival came to Essex Thursday morning to meet them. * Mas. Habt was summonsed Monday, on information laid by Chief of Police Sisson for violating the Sabbath ob servance law, She settled the case out of court by paying one dollar and costs, in all two dollars and ninety-five cents. Wm. Wilson, of Cleveland, Ohio, Supreme ' Secretary, of the Buckeye State Beneficiary Society, visited a few days this week with his cousins, George and Wm> Church. Miss 1'lor- enoo Wilson, who has "been here for- two weeks, returned with him., , 1;; Last: Wednesday afternoon Alex. Laing's horse caused quite an excite ment in town by running awny with the wagon from the planing mill, [it run up Talbot street turnedat Diebel and Bricker's store dpwn Centre street nround by J. B; Walters where it left tho hind wheels of the wagon, continu ing with the front wheels it ruBhed up Talbot street andoflm'e to a standstill in Chas. Crow's yard. No damage was done except a broken reaohi . ' ' As John, Phillips, son of Thos. Phillips,; oif- Maidstone, was,, driving out of town Sunday evening his horse bepame frightened at somp tin on the side of the road. It wheeled,so sucl- deniythattliecarriage tipped, throw ing the driver out and dragging ^him' for a oonsjderahle .distance over the gravel. Hisfnoeand hands were all torn with', the stones and he received a severe out over the left;, bye: ;Dr. feW^. Brien attended to his wounds, ^ ';'! Bbv,_jL L. BisvBBtYi fwlio l^as been in charge of the';%iecbpal i^hwohbsiBt :Essax".aji&"'NpHh".^ five years^ exjtQotstp/leaye. jetk-shplttly, but where her w^ knpwn;^tyjishehaB:6yeVa^ ,a'nlee^g^bf\"iie;.;.;Te,st^ V'.W'- I,* , ;-*-.'.. . ; On thh #pace arc two cuU, one ihowing a. perfect, the othei an imperfect fitting piilr of Glasiet.. When you go to i qualified optician you get fitted as ike top cut f^bwi; but wBen you deal with so-called profewort and pedlar* in nine cases out of ten, you get fitted the bottom, jcut ihows. , Irapexfcct fitting. fr*rae ipoil good fitting lenses.. Pain and discomfort ari from Spectacles or Eye-Glasses fitted- in sach a manner. We guarantee to fit you properly. Give ui a trial. IMPERFECT. Graduate Optical^Institue of Canada. - OUT. ' ::ai:v:v Miss Mabtzh, of Chatham, is visiting Mies Nesbitt. .Mbs, Fbamk BboWn left last Friday to visit her brother in Alpena* . Ladies ! If you want an extra nice parasol at an extra low price go to M. J. Wigle & Co, Mbs. S. H. Cory and daughter Alfie are spending a few weeks with her brother in Alpena. ' Wanted Boarders by day or week. Good accommodation and board. Mrs. Mounteer/Laird Ave. 39-5t Mbs. Eiinie Moobb and Hies Wigle left on Wednesday to visit friends in Windsor and Amherstburg. Miss Wbltz, Detroit's celebrated vocalist and musician and her sister .are visiting at A.:3Br-ParkhiirB. John and Annie Brown of Tottenham are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe, of this place. Mbs. Bdoknbu, of Saginaw* visited with her newhew, Geo. Millard, here on Wednesday last. She is on her way to New York/. Messrs. Clark, Taylor, Geov Millard and O. Baughman took a trip toKings- ville and Cedar Beach Wednesday afternoon. The two fbrmor gentlemen left fortheir home in Cleveland Thurs day." , J. H, TAOiCABEimv loft a fire in his enamelling: 'oven Tuesday" night and when he returned Wednesday morning he found the inside burnt out. of the firebox. Hod the fire once got outside itwould have resulted aeriousjy for Mr. Taokaberry. The Essex Imperial Soap Works under the management of-Ben Btoto and Mr. Cullen are now running at high pressure, 7600 bars of Monarch Soap having been made the past week; besides a quantity of washing; powder whioh is accomplishing wonders in the way of lightening labors on wash day, Mbs, On as. Hank an and two chil dren left .yesterday* (Thursday), for ManSalpna, Antrim County, Mich'.*, to spend throe or four weeks with her mother and other relatives.; Miss Edith Gormloy aocqmpanied' them as far as Grand Bapids where she will viBit her father's relatives.; The sweltering heat of last Sunday did notideter a crowd from coming into town attracted by the K.O.T.M. annual parade and the Camp meeting. In. the afternoon at two o'clock the Maccabees Lover a hundred strong from Comber,, Kingsyille, Amherstburg and Leaming ton lined up preceded,by the South Woodaloo Band and marched to the Baptist church where they listened toa most appropriate Sermon by Bev. M! P. Campbell from the text j. VPear not for I will surely show thoe kindness for Johnotbanthy brother's soke.1' IlSam. 9:7. Mr. .Campbell' lucidly reviewed the leading events in 3Dayid> life show ing how hetwas sustained and vinfluen- bed by bis friend Johathan.;, His fally his rise, his unselfishness, in1,the time of kingship in not forgetting the afflict ed son of tTohua.than- -vverO piotured. He then showed1 how. the fraternity ."of the Maoaabeesresembles the love of* David for Johnathan.,. They .meet ;as strangers and, become friends;, they take a. solemn pledge to, assist one an other; they recognize brothers no mdtr ter of what nationality they may'..oe;: they tenderly bury thedeaA" jaudthen;; lopk arounfl p. see if there is: one left tovrhbm they cantshow . kindness for, their deadibrcther^s sake.. ^ITheir'whpie qpnstitutiqn is iounded;;upbn^ the Jtext v^Foar' ^hotior, I 'jv^-sxa^yi'&^^'iix^e. kindness ;fpr thy^b^ Campbell oipae^witi^ priffin, growth and"ai^fa-^i'^tix^';"" tSm parties Owing: E. Smith ' '^AA0mM :-/:"r.:/^ |:<jhe^O^;vp;ejYOuty^tten^a^ -:-)y-.i:-W Will please call at th^ir Stif between August 2nd andi^lf^ After that date all unsetM^ accounts will be placed in. qt^ Solicitors hands for collect^ and costs added to accoiiiiil .'-"^'a' M and placed in Court wittidTi ^ farther notice. . ... '?S1 , 7::-.A.um >: 0A 'flip?* G.M SMITHm*M '<\yBiy$& Mbs. Conklim, Kingaville, visited in town on Monday. The net increase in the membership of the X, 6.P. for the twelve, months ending April 80th was 10,295, and in the Buplus of over half a million dpllars..'; FnBE. PttBkitTS returned home yes terday, (Thursday); from a four weeks* wheeling tour in which, Buffalo, To ronto, Hamilton, London , and ' St. Thomas were visited. Mbs. W. H. Vanattbb, who had been spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Pork, re turned home on Tuesday. Mrs. Park accompanied her JEor a two weeks' visit*- - Wednesday next has been prbola- olaimed by Mayor Thomas as civic holiday for Essex. The.Sunday,Sohool of Grace Methodist church will go to Belle Isle for the day and the Presby terian Sunday School will also join with them. TheywiilallgobyM.C.B, There will not likely be any attractions in' town: _ ..'_ . . Thb following representatives from this county will attend the Grand Lodge meeting of the I.O.O.F., at .' , The I. 6. F."Boorain'ir;;:;^|^ Within a short time Jason'^Wffi' wish, the genial High' Marshall oi"^ High Court of Ontario; LOiP.^nasf ganized four hew oourta b|eBide*^ fib ailing between 80 and 40: hew 'hiel berB into his owi^ Cou,r,t at^JKingsyfl" Jonas is an enthu'siastio ForeBter?.S CI ark and Maloney ; were fsenf at Barrie for burglary, Clark get ten years in Kingston Peniientitt and Maloney seven. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Gladstoi celebrated the fifty-eighth anniv* of their.marriage. They are;'tip**-h'^*- excellenthealth-,' !;"' A.yA l^/i^^^B . Thb results of the provin<jisliejea^T^ in Prince Edward Island ou , Wedn^j day, July JJlst, show the election,iq|"^ Liberals and 9 Conservatives in ahqn^ ofthirty. . :. ^ V:;^:-...-V-':':',-'-,r-1^*_ Peter MoNally, a Bpston man|pjf^ formed the remarkblo feat of sw.imihinj the English Channel -'from tfpT^W point' '.hear-: Griz'- Nez, I'rrftnberijil^ tance of 45 miles, in J5 hpursV Jnij(;f Commander Bpoth-iTuRkerij,^ Salvation Army,is'.m^akingj'-a .'^0/^ the Western States for;.ihev^a^ji^' Belleyille,on August litht-Eose Lodge, I securing large area's of land ^>I#f | Amherstburg j to locate poor people from'"v^Sg^ Buthven.rJ.Vr KenyonrKmgsyille, ' -----=- --^^^^^^^ Gordon Poxj Leamington, John,Gon- over and L. Smith ^Harrow F, O. Man ning;, Oombier, A. J. Brown; Windspr, George Neyii, F; Oubliette and Win. BunnellrEssex,. Wm,; Chattertpn': and Jas; DjOnglasj.Woodslee, A. Bropker., The folio wing, delegates wjll repreaen t the Daughters of - -Bebeeah, Lodges:-^ Amherstburg, Mrs. L.. Taylor; Lbaoi ington; Mrs'. K". Snuthr^lneayiiie, MrB., 0.3BL SorAto^j Ruthyeu, %S,, Oaarles; Lypps ; Woddslee, Mrsi Edgar; Wind sor, Mrs> Douglas ahd^s. ;^phefl. ! : : Public School Board. crowdedseotiohsof the east? themtp^arnaBvelihob^^^Jvl:^ The Grand!\X^i:^^^^' ties havedecided" upon.,a.'nej^f^ tioh uniform for' the, paesen^:ei; orpws-:. The unifprmslwil|ih^r'tii&' oolpr i^'a^;:presfin^'hlu^^ will alli'.be 'Cat :Mibf,'iB!ii6^.'8!|^i^' -oloBe"%Hin^TeoHar.;\^|^ I'will be done ;'awa^:^^:h;ei^J tuted' 'by; v^hita n^t^^;0pfi^| ofthe^'ooat^v vlli^"fi^^^iiSafe road; .Eaoh-'.-mian;-will f|>e^m wear "a stand-up cbUai'.'ftni||wMfi ^thnea^g^^^ Spepial nieeting of the PuWio: Sohool \Poard.:.', Allthe members present* The niinntes of^thelast meetni^"were.read Bnj^adbp'tod^v^;'.;!:-- / [ . 'A - Thei^ .aippeptbd^. ;ifowdi;^ seconded ^y^^^^ohnstonj^hi^ .Oila^nii^a^^e^^ 'mindatiohaipr^fe "-' ""'*