Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 30, 1897, p. 1

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wmm ^Epim:m^Y ^^m^^t^^^imw^^^^k m^^^...... ,.....,-^ BBlKlliKll^^ illillllllllli^^ ' liiii,rr.iL.rfc.^ii>Y1,ii W^^^;v.;;--'. ,/.r. JPT^-invite inspeo- fc$f# of -pui^ stock of ^llw^&y^:G-oods. J^;;>Ol^lenge com- j||jso:ift^aUty and ^^j>ur'assortmeiit Ipliii^i^Fabriesior.. m$^m-i>^y-:-. i:,".^ ?. :.. ^^.^. .' j*. > waists. WP^^r-':'- : |And Costumes Includes S^WiVV- Igi^B^red OhftlEes' at :6o a yard, andeome Colored Crepons at lOo a Ur'fl;-; White and Colored Muslins, at iQor^ard/ Beautiful Dimities at 12^0 ^aifiE:; >,Gho'oked nd Striped Linens 'ilflfiftB.' a yard. Colored Striped rinkles at 20o a yard. Prints and igbamsfroin 6c np,&o. WW'.:\ - ; JNttk, 6;M,y H^P. & 9; Oh* .; ::;,v'v.." /V*V>To^mto,! Owf V.'<)iriHOT7iv"i&^ lately occupied by the.lateDr.George MtiSehkte. .;:^-v'--V.",'\: ' '3Bflra. Oht5 REQUISITION; * ,; Hbx, Out., Joiy 80th, 1B07. To His tyorahipt Geo. J, Thomas, JSiQ*i Mayor bj'the Uown of J&eex ; Dbab Btb, Wo.tho nndoralgned oitirensof the Town of^Bsei, reqaest you to proolalm Wedneiday ueit, Angaat 4th. as a Oivlo Holiday Jor the Town Of EMox, for 1907. Slgmxl by 0. H.Naylor and 04 others, Proclamation. In aooordanoo with the abova Petition. I haraby appoint and proolalm Wednesday, the 4th Day oi ficg.,1897 Ab a Olvio Holiday for the Town of Eaiez, and I hereby oall ppon alt loyal oltUens to govern thomaefyoa aoeordingly. OBO. J. VHOMA8; Major. ^Ma,H6 in the latest style, with and IfevWlthorit detaohatile collars and -cuffs, ^Sri^^PwtttB, . Bateenfr, Xinena, AoM TOpohil50C':eaoh.-:'.; ; ^i/^^Kji WEJ2& S6o 'and Upwards' W^fl'&STETS 60a and"/Upwards. ^f^X&MT QOWNSJOo and Up* j fe These'are> Wbll madb -garments, frill f,,0ZQtii and .nicely flnidhed. ^ *^^:',,:-1.'*.'.V':t"-",..' __________ ^Special Uoe't of;:, ... '-.k . p^:'Assorted, handles, 23-inoh frame,! &$.'" :strong and handBome, .extra valtioi Ji.Tf',-J'/'. . ! each. zpOWNSHIl? OF 0OLOHEBTBB KOETH. Notice to Contractors. . Tondors will be roootvai by the anderalgned up,till three o'olook, in the afternoon oa Taesday, 3trd day of Hagast, 1897* For the oonfltniotion of the M14th Con. Bear Boad and Geeto Sidoroad Drain' to Ibe let in fictlonB.- 1st. Matditone Town!Ine and Sido road batween lota IS and xa to lith Oon. Sad. atth Ooa. to B.a. 8rd. From Hoar Boad to the Canard.; ' Flans and Speolfloatlons may be seen at tlio Olerk'a offloe, Ctoato, Sureties will be required to bo given tor the due pcrformanco of the .' '. ':' ThelowoBtorany tonder not neooasarlly ao- ceptod. ' By owderoHJoonoil. , A.O.ATKINSON. Clerk. 'Gasto.July 21,1807. ' .; Auction Sale '- VALUABLE RESIDENCE AHD OTHER PROPERTY, In theTownahlp ot Colchester North, UNDER AND BY VIBTUBl OF THE POWBB of Sale contained in a. certain Indenturo of Mortgage which will be produced there will bo offered for sale at Public Auction by A.. E. Ix>veloco, Auotloaoor, at the Aberdeen HotI, in the Town of Besez, on Tuesday, Aug. 17th; 1897; At one o'clock p.m., tba following vaJuablo properti^,Bitnata ia tho Town of Esoox, in the County of Essex, in one parcel, ylz; . The eaaborn quarter of iho north half of Lot No. 882, on the south nldo of the Talbot) Boad, in the Townihip of Oolahoator North, contain ing by admeaaaremont 25 aerea -be the same, more or leas, saving and except I a ff the streeta as BhoWAon a registered plan of survey of part of saldljot and.also five aoros released from eaid MortgoAe -v,by regiefcerod certificate of Partial Diionarge; also Lota numborod /. res. i'-r K^prgat'Towen in a ^i?1'; .heavy 17-hich striped border, regu- Sffldv Jar"pribelOo, tov.jc. a yard, ipotlvely;e,o,27 and 28according to registered flan No. 810- v This property' bowprlime Iknrelllng.QBtarloshieu, ulato roof, heated Brick Veneered by ataam andligbted wtffo gas, and is known as "Maple Villa?"the late realdenoe of John Milne* Ebg. There is also a I'rarae barn iQxiiO, and framo dweUIng on tba property and a .good orchard.. tSJ'/:-I)ania6k Table Linen, flower ^'^tern, spepial at 35c. a yard, ' '& '"" ' AW" - pat- mt .^n's Fine KTf^ColbreaOanibrioShirtfl with Ool- v toand QnflBa, usual 7fio. lino, for K^^.^oc,' each. . m:^'y^::y/-/' / '. ^);ipllineryL >' itS^epiirtnient for the' remainder of mpphje Reason;' -'.Ottt1; Pbigbs..prevail, mpfc't bb 'we never carry Millinery Q-oods M?M'& over from one season to another, i6^wX^':;^; ;. ' .: A -deposit of CIO for ev ory 8100 of tho pur- ohase money is to ho paid atl the time of Bale ito tho vandors or their aolioltoi -a or agent, and the balance within thirty days, ('thereafter wiobout interest; or if the pnrohasor^so deuli;o. ten per cant, of the purohaae moiiojt iu cash at the fcirqe bf sale, and the balance to be arranged Hooordliigto further terms ai Id conditions of sale thon to bo made known, v For farther particulars/apply^, to KINaSTONB, WOODAB^lrfONS, , 18 King St., JV. Toronto. Or to the Auotioneor, , A.B.LOVELACB. Dated at Toronto, July 20fch, 1807. ' . ^j::--. SHHi^rW -West Branch, Mich,, much improved in health. -" :-:'M-'--v"':':^u":' >i MrB.,Win. Bifleyattendedthegblden wedding of her stotM, M!nvWIUlianB>!aji 'XeftmingHt^ni;'1;-'^-;. .i'--!-;-',:.'1":'^ 1: Liflt ThnM6>y^^0^^^ people of this vicinity assembled at the home of Miss Martha Fields, who haa jrist returned from an extended visit eaat, A very'enjoyable evening' was Bpenfc:by'ftU.-.' ^ . : ' ; Amherstburg. ' MIbb Marion Andcraon, of St, Olair, Mich. ,ia viflitdng with relatives in town. N, A, Bartlet, of Wiadagr/hafl re turned to business after a week's holi days near Amheistburg; W. B. Morriar of ^indsbr, has re turned home after spending . a week's holidays near Amherstbnrg., James Atkinson had. the misfortune while fitting oat his yatoh last week to crush his right hand and he Is now carrying it in bandages. . Misses Edith Bassford, I. Maxwell! jEanie Farmie and Gertrude !gizer, of Bt.Thomoa, spent Sunday with Miss 'PfcseVs Bister, Mrs. Thos, Barry. , Sandwich. . KabtjT last Monday morning, fire broke.oat in Mrs. Baby's stable,rentod by 3>npttis~Bro0.i grocers. The barn was totally destroyed, and the Dupuis Broo. lost three horses, a new delivery wagon, a new buggy,, a large quantity of hay, besides other goods'. The sheds of the Dominion House were also des troyed., A frsme building, once used as pop factory and bakery annexed to Mrs. Baby's house, was burned. The total losses amount to oyer $1,200.; It is thought the fire was the work of air incendiary, as some one was seen run ning away from there just after the fire broke out. ' Ollnda. Mri.aadMrs.Xeonard, Lee have a 'young eon;' , : .. Ityrs, B Brigham is quite, poorly ,a- .gain. < :.-' Mrs. Stephen Duke and her niece Miss Maggie Dnke left on Monday for Trent Lake, Mich., to visit tho latter's brother. . There is talk of imposing a fine "on our inspeotor.of noxious Weeds forndn- attondance to his duties. Miss Viola Whaloy's horse be'eanie frightened while out driving one day last week and ran away throwing the occupants of the carriage to the ground and crashing into a conveyance in front. MiflftiWhaley and sister escaped with slight injuries. ..' r Belle River. ' Mrs. Adams has returned to Chat ham. '-. '..j,' . A. J. Green shipped two carloads Of live hogB from here to Montreal, Thurs- dtiy. Mrs. J". J, McAuliffe and Miss Edith Brossoit visitsd friends inWoodsloe on 'Friday.';' ..-'. Ijaspberries from Buthven are being peddled around the streets at ;7 cents per quart. ,' . Geo. Q-oulot and lady have returned highly, pleased with their week's. visit atGund'Bay City. '- . .0, A. Onelctte contemplates a trip to Montreal purchase goods for the Bon Marohe general store. ' David. Soulier,, hotel-keeper at the 0-P.K. station, threshed 208 bhshels of wheat: off a>ix acre field. The_ O.JP.B. ihave. erected .a 16-ft. windmili^n a CO-f pot . tower here, to supply thei-tank wit,h water. V ' v Our popular hardware merchant, "N." Parent, is 'cohtemplating 'taking ah-. other kip toStur^epn Palls. oressed thfrwin^ded: ijaeni ^ ' ' jvQn ." Sitlv^Jason ,},^Qodiwici, High;Marshall pi the.BOgh; Oourtj of dntaripiXd.P., orgwiized a .Court on Pelee Ieiaiid jtriilx18 cha^r memberB, moludingtheBeeve, two OotinoillorB, two pufitomi officers and the tax ool- lecFtorof Pelee. Thefollowing offloera were elected and:tosWled for the ;our- reht term,i-1 Jesse Srfgley, O. B; ; !W. &. MoOormibk, V. O. B. ; Si. P. Gra ham, Vi 0. B; j; Hepiry Miokie, Chap. ; Pred. ' Colin B. Quick, treasurer ; David A. Moliellan, S.W-; Wm. W.. Fleming, J, W. j B. Weir Henning, S.B.} Samuel Iincaa, J.B. ..,. J, Windsor. Jos; Marintette, of the yindaor^ Custom Bouse, has been released from service, superannuated, and hereafter will draw a pension of $40 per month. Two "Windsor young ' men,' Arthur Fitzpatrick, 20 years old and Roderick Boss, 21, started last week for Alaska on their . bicycles. Eaoh took two blankets, a change of underwear, a week's provisions, and all their savings for several Weeks past. They will go by way of Milwaukee to Minto, S. D., where they will stay for a month, mak ing enquiries and some more money to continue their' journey.' Then they will goto Seattle, and take a boat to Juneau, from/which place they will make their way to the gold fields; partly by boat, and the rest of the way overland, on foot. When they-reach the gold country they will hire out as day labourers until they make enough to go in for; themselves.', The idea of making the trip, was first formed last fall. This spring they gave it up through lack of funds, but the recent gold finds there revived the plan. Both boys are Canadians, Fitzpatrick, up/to a few. months ago, was a telegraph operator on the western division of the Grand Trunk. .Boss was born and educated at Owen Sound, his father be ing'well ^__!___^___J_^ , - Kingsvlile. , C-ilmonr J&pW'areputting but 15,000 celery plants. - ' Erine. Pitch is visitine: his grand* parents at Port Elgin; v . Will and Oscar Grenier are on their, way back froin the Pacific coast.. * ,'".'. The Misses Mina and Edith Woodr bridge of Oolohestier were visiting at A, H. Woodbridge's. .'.. The Government lighthouse supply boat called: here Saturday last with supplies. . .' ' Ernest Pitch occupied the pulpit in the Baptist ohurch here on Sabbath evening. . , Mrs, Gregory of Essex, is making an extended visit hero with hor mother Mrs. N. Oanfiold, ; * ' Dr. McKenziels horse ran away Saturday afternoon making a bad wreck of the sulky. Miss Nellie Scratch and Miss Lulu Greiner-are on a two weeks visit with friends in Colchester. The tailors and dressmakers in town are working day. and night to fill or ders for Mettawas guests. , ' Bey. Mr. Patterson, of Leamington,, conduotedPresbyterian' Services here, oh Sunday, in the town hall. There was ah ioe-oream on Dr^ King's layn Friday night. .Abbuif800 people spent a most enjoyable evening. It takes twosatks daily to hold the Mettawas mail, in fabt nearly. one-half of all the mail coming. here is'1 for the 'hotel.; .' t Tlie Mettawas opuld not hold nil the guests that came iSaturdayvevehing, The .Grovedale Hons^ aobommbdated, a large number and at present is crowded. Horace ; Ashman ! of California : and spn of Bev. :A'8hmfinv;V':fornler->i :pa8-, tor of Epiphany church of this place, is TT A TiTst V Jfiano aiid -Havelost received a. :**t|-- Mis Annie Hhdohi who1 has been vis-, renewing;' - Horace itingher sister^ ^rs..O. AVjdnohsttbV:^ ,'^asrefcurned'^6;her:hp^ sou-tih.': ^Y-x"^]::^}:'^'^^ ; Bey. Thbs. -Henderson,-;Kiagflplle'fli only and great colored oratpr, preached .threesermonsoniBftb^^vvlie^./mo^a^ ing,. afterrippn an tabernaofc^'ParaoUBe'. parki:;/.;.;iV;i;:;;]';',^ " -;"^Tne. ice bream lawn social which took !;aay;;^ini^ . It is reported that^o|or- landlord, B."' Ho^l;and! will shortly ftakb hold iof the 'St. Joachim ffpuse. V ., Mi'sCJoseph last;'!. :t\i^^ renaamfl\wereinferred on';Monday^fpl^ ^be congratulated on haying Dr Gaboury settle in our m Wat again . after, haying. been in FlMitatlwwt- for some. time., We welcome him back as gladly in. the ^\iChi^i;:!;^umley,:pf^Si H^SoVA'^^ailway^brakemaja was,'.in-., Btantly killed at Brantford, Wednes- 3^"':.P.-.."- The twenty-third child of Nelpon Fopte' jind wife, of Belleville, Ont., was buried on Monday. _,_:.'/ ',' "..'*r:- -^'^^'^p6ia*olenni'C>ii Trust, which has been boring for oil in theGaspe district fori}pnix time baeki, has at length boen rewarded by a gusher, which will, give 500 barrels a day. :Last .Monday James Fox, a farmer he^r'Wheatley, had his barns destroy ed iy'llre.; His young son had found a bees'nest near the barn and in at tempting to burn them out net fire to the building. The loss is about $1,000. )iei; lynching of colored people in the United States goes merrily on. In f act thoxaleenis to be an epedemio of lynohirtg jnst now, four having, taken .placet .'last waek.' '. A Jamaica paper announces Canadian creamery butter the best imported into the Island- Put up'in,sealed air-tight cans it sells fpr HO to 50 cents a pound. There is money in that trade for enter prising produce exporters. The little son of John Bayinond near Gait, was picking currants with his mother one day lost week, when a cur rant which he swallowed became lodg ed in his bronchial tubes. He died in about three hours, in intense agony. The Ontario. Department of Agricul ture has Issued ' a bulletin, respecting the San Jose scale, whioh has appeared in one of the most important fruit growing districts in Ontario. It was prepareol by Prot Ponton, of the TJie Mayor of Brantford has seoured two brass cannon to be, placed in Jubilee Terrace;;. ^in place of; two ; iron ones formerly/ received. , They are nine pounders, and will be handsomely mounted on carriages, and they will be good for use, and volleys can be fired from, them on state occasions. . , A cow owned by John Solomon, of Roaemont, gaye birth to a calf the other day that is a freak of nature not often heard of. Thp body is reversed. All the internal organs are on the out side an|d the skin is on the inside. The hpadisithe only part/that is natural, the body is virtually turned inside out. The customs authorities have receiv ed new instructions concerning camp equipage; coming into the country. Heretofore those bringing camping goods into Canada had to deposit the amount of the duty and then had only ninety per cent of it returned. In future . they will have the whole stun returned when takingtho goods out of the country again. On the 1st of July the law by which the interest on post office savings bank deposits waS lowered from 8 per cent to 8 per cent took effect, and since then some notice has been taken of the re turns as they come in to ascertain whether the change will have any effect in increasing the deposits. So far it does hot appear to have operated in that way at all. Niagara .Falls will be . grandly illuminated at.night, after the plans of the Michigan Central Bailroad are com pleted. It is ;the intention to equip Falls View with a powerful search-light with acetylene gas as the active ele ment.. Every.train passing1 the, Falls after niglaWall will stop at the station and the scorch-light will be turned on every point of interesi.It will bere- gnlated by one of thb , trainrmen and ftnother'will point but each celebrated, spot., The lightwill be so strong-as to make t5he target of the lens as ligUt as day.,, ^i^ . .The new steel;arch bridge across' tho Niagara Gorge is now finiBtied, : and' it is announced that the bijlbial test will;' be made July 20th.insfc, whenitwill be subjected to a pressure pf'^000 Its; to therurihmgf bpt;^ Specifications*", Theimri^euse-stru'otnre ppflt; $#50,006,;ah4 ,! Trunk your readers have an ^tere^t'i the' columns -.-(of: ;;ypiit ; ',, vv, .r. through whioh to call attehtipnf important jtaei-of ^n^aaini{5 The .writer is frequently; &a^e^ that persons desiring:'t<>:;i^M .are '-M^'iAjtptys-tiA^^ children; also, that other persons^ ing knowledge of negleotep^ or dji dent cihildren, are often_ptiz: rj^ know where;suohlchHo^enm^ for care:and;'-proper teajjid^y^^i in bringmg the childless home in ^ with the homeless cKiW, i ' 1&ifoof this article: ; ;:.,;[:.: XY$$^k Two years since, in the ciiy ^W? sor, Essex County, a fewlrepreseiiiV ' women, whose hearts had been tpu< by many reoitals concerning little ones, set about the task'bf;-:p^ viding shelter and care for suo1xi"?^ -^ ii this, a good builaUng was needed-,/-J process ol time the municipal au1 ies,'aof Windsor, being in, .wl- .pathy with such effort, were.ih4fl^1, make a gift of such a bnlloUng ^dV^ lot on which it stood, to thisf b^jSaj noble women, nowprganizedun^^^ name of " The In-os-much CJrclj King's Daughters." For ^n^djsl pairs on the bunding the cHizienisU^ Windsor and surrounding commu'niti denoted, the sum; of $t,500, (J3trte hundred dollars), and in, the m< 'J~"" April,,1800, the home was^ppwii the good work begun. The ^liuio^^ two, stories, mainly pf;-"birio^^:!^iEir ground floor is ^ccupied'byiiJ^Ett committee' m^etings.'v'di^g^^jtj^ kitchen and pantries, the secoi by children's ' dormitorie^ B( rooms, matron's rooni and bath^rpjb Eiebtric lighting" aid ^naf^^j^ ihg and cooking apparatus;fipojjSjjp the modern-,conveniehces;," ;r-licx' ^A .bntwi the children, while the board pfi^ give oocstant attention to the, rt ments and needs of the chil^en|(j are frequent visitors at the hpme;t|j custody of the child ';.miail^:roj this society to irisnre its n^^s and . permarient; adbptipi^'fe^&S ' family"1" In^:a4d^tipn'jtoy.,the;"/jte^^ care of children awaiting adoptip? home will, sometimes 'Ije^a^je^lij^i^ accommodate a limited numb^,of cjSl dren whose parents or guardians^! to pay a nominal snh\ for.^&^^ii until such time as they,are abK^MS sume the care of their o]^Idren:.'!?;;^S For all further information' ^d^ff^ :,_.'", S.B.Mp^Aiiy^i^ ,'^^m. '{ ^e'C^S|is ' ^ Canada's Favorite Live 5to^$-v5 . :;hibition^ ^i^^S ; .The^estern^Fa^i:'i^d^^ to the front, and is' jprb.-wdingty accommodation ancl,improvfiih^S their already excellent'-Bf0^^ necessitated bythe^ncreasift'J^I last year in these depiartme^ls;'!? : The Direotprs^p'f v iH?isf tutf^ , ShQw.'have.:]&afl',8u^p^ _ rapw;tW,hpxioper';' co^sejO^^pi inaintaiiing;;t^e;;:^S^^ Weatra^npw.^jpys'^^iB^ and Agricultural PaU' blOaii|^ 's^inbe. the: Wj^^^^'^ti^^^m ed/ "^f^Y^^\\^!^\^^^^^ been marked, b^.^^Vi^^&a ,the; /departments;' '^^^^^f.^ ' pr ovinent is % goij :4ne'^^e^ 'fuines^and::^e;-p|t^^ andthe fact that the a^c^nii(i were expeiiplea^^e^b^^ ^^e,^itt^Fa&S^o|i^^^P . ing^are wortei;:^flj^^^ >f^bjtor^^j^SW >a'!^^*^^^K','^ leasee it :< o^fc: v ^55^ 6pp,.; per!;; atixiura,, ^Phi e general opening wilVt^ tbejmiddle^jt'A^^ ^epyepi^^bnvb^th^i^ AW^^fepir3f^^&; 0!

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