filt^ inJ fety^'-"-"-" Pa'Y.'*->'t.- : *- Beautiful cyee grow dnU nd dim '-(>..; :/-'-AiUiesViltyear*,stealJtway..' pl^;;iY;Scantl(ul, willowy form* *allm ^R'-^Vv /i.Xoie fatrncis with everyday. . p;,v-. But lhe still U queen and Siath charmi to S^-^o'!;;" ' spare V^('>-"Vrlio-w.eori youth'i. coronal beautiful ^^v:v>ahv , , ' Mk-Preserve Your Hair $$0\--. -.ojad you preserve your youth. *A woman is as old as she looks," says the world- No woman looks as old as she is "If' her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep |&:: '. hair from falling- out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded $ hair, by the use of l|lfL alooka to, that market op tha former baam of ooflb, aelWhft4 no alternative but to lower their prtoei, which coay ko *>ii iw- er provided Way BuxjnmoUtlon oooor. During the panl two weekij ,'no leiia than lOOcarloadsof hides have boenJ snipped- from Quebec province aud Ontario to tho Tanners will have a better ohanoe of tanning at a profit, pro viding the prloeB-of leather are mam tainod r? m. fc Ayer's Hair Vigor. , , Ohatham'8 C3-irl Climber.. Helen,Mitchell, the 12 year old daughter Of Wra. Mitchell, Chatham, olimbod to the top of the waterworks atandpipe in that oity the, other day. Aaoording to tho Planet, her father Bays: "Now if there's anything on this green earth that that girl ^v.'.cWtoHmb over the top of, I'd like to see it. . She attends the Queen atreet eoho ol. A short time ago a Bteeple olimber went tip to paint the spire of the Methodist ' oh u roll and,' while the sohool children all JB$!Vj Stood watching him; Nellie figured oat how he could climb that aplre too. This feat, for a time, was the height of hor ambition If we would only let her go up, she would W;;. he happy.' Ab a tree olimber Bhe la a howl- J|:;ying BOooeas and when Bhe oomea into the fffi) "house with tier dross all in ribbons wo know that aho has jont slid down from tho top of odq of our bi poplars." .- ---------- .,,: Keeping the House Oool* /-How boat to keep tho houad oool in ummer is a grave problem," writoa Mra. ^;,:,8%1J.1 Borer in the July Tj&dioB' Home !'v' .^oarSal. "During the hot' monthtt tho house Ib muoh more livable if artificial heat oan bo oat down to tho minimum, fcy ; tJee tho Btbvo early in the morning, pro- -,-,""-pare certain foods that will keep well, aud jS^;,avoid the nocoemty of a big nre during tho &'. rest of the day. Bare tloora uro vory muoh r.v;( morn pleasant in summer than straw mat* %Z. ting, although tho latter ifl proforal>Io' to oarpeta or r/rige. When one oan command ft;-;: ' ' i;: r> .ft wator supply the houao iH meuBUrubly cooled bp reducing tho temperature of tho $;" , pavement ami grounds around by oopiouB Ijwf, flpriuklinp. Afioodly stream of now air fc, Bhoald he allowed to sweep through tho en- ^A.tirehouse morning and ovoniug.rha hot air Of midday will con don bo qulokly on oold Walla and cause mould or dampaoaa, con; ll^1. aequently it should not be allowed to enter any portion ot tho house. All the roonm In the Iioubo should be kept Rorupulou^ly l^v, clean and ueat. Ej ' . *'lf thoontaHe temporaturo. in not up ^preoiably lower at night than during the I'^'f'dayitlaalmOBtimpoflaiblo to koop huuV "'.it. Gently ' comfortable to obtain neoossary K-^V;W8.t':'i"i?he Rloeping-roomfl may bo coolod j;; :;by placing In tho oentre of each a tub two ^ thirds lull of cool, or better, ico water. ^ This will abnorb tho heat of the room m a jli'il^w hours, and will bo found" particularly fehelpful whore there are children. Ill tho J^bqat \ooiHiuucB . during tho night tho K?;^changing of the water will proaervo an ^;,euen temperaturo in tho room., Air your ^ de]l:tr,Bat night whon it in poseiblo. CIobu ^'thero at nine In the morning and thoy wllf |)e cool.and dry tho' eutire Bummer. Ex- feVoepiiiouB to this ralo aro on windy days, as ^fherapid motion ut the air dooEi not allow ^^Sprideripatton. ; Keep the cellar porfootly Oleaq and frash. Frequent ooatu ot white- ,,Wtt9h with plonty of lime aro of tho great- S&Bt value in summer." ^Vi'..-' ...;; -------'-*----------------------- ,j<Upoa ^JeWH from South 3>akota, fy^'Bauth DattotabaB tbonaanda of no ton of paoioofarmiug and ranoh luud lying oant fbf'ijbe RliRflouriKiver, and within 1 dayn ^^|rbro,Obiaa|{o to Milwaukee whioh can QleJboughtreaBonably oheap, but whiou be- ..'ojethe end of another year tnay bo ad- ll^pei ju/prlpe.,:; ; ;^. v;; w^C^iflfetook-raising induatry in South Da- ^0^ ia prolltablo, and eaatetu capital is pw; boing inveated in oattlo and sboop Wf.Vj^ng in'tuat Btafce,- ; ^Diverafifid'(arming, tho itrowiag of; live U^oli; and-the products of the dairy,. are *'.nR, South dJakota formobt in the _ abf theeuQceasfal Western States.' . ^^bBe.deairiiQgjfdH'Jinform oh the ISwjebiiy n4;^ftrtJpWa!rJy those who wlah K|pi^;a;;;ue^^o&^ land, '.'-are' iferieBtpdtb-oorreapbrid with A. J. Taylor, WS5i$&^ t'.'-rfi/tii'-'Lii- ^"iilrjii 'A*-\irh^n. - TJttit The Storing of Oat Straw. Oat straw damages in tho alack muoh mare oabily than wheat otraw. Aa with claver and millet, if considered beat to stack, Botno care in eelooting a location uonvebleut to the feediog plaoes <w)ll help materially in leseening the work of feeding it out. Oats out at the right stage, well oured and stored away where they oan be kept in good condition make one of the cheapest andDeatffeedB that oan be given to stock. They furnish grain and rough- noes, BupplyiDg the elements needed for the growth and development of bone and muBole. Correspondence Points. Write legibly; if you cannot, you elioald learn to do so. Praatlco makes perfect. To write a good hand la an essential ac complishment whioh every woman should acquire. Anawer every note or letter, except auob as may be impertinent or insulting; those are not worth yournotloo. Plain, white unruled paper lsalwayB the most refined and elegaut for note paper and envelopes, though a delicate ray is uot in bad taste. .. Plaoo tho postage stamp in a straight, that ifl, vortical poaition, in the upper right hand aoruor of the envelope. It argues great oarelesaneBS to .put the stamp on in any sort of fashion. i----------------- The Drops. :. Now Ib toe oritical iiroo with the farm- era. All this year's: wealth is now in tho Gelds. As the golden grain ripens tho farmer's goldfleld appears; a big storm would lay it low and flatten it npou tho fjround whioh would be a heavy Iobb to tho farmer. The very heavy and on. that account would be easily damaged" by storm. The proapeota for good crops have never been hotter in thia pare of the, country. There oan scarcely be found a poor Cold of grain wheat, outs, peas and barloy all 0rst-cIabs: corn potatooa and beans alflo look well. Fruit tho apple orop, peach orop and poar orop are not quite up to tho average. Taking every thing into consideration of the farmer ban reaaon to bo thankful for the proapoots ot good orops, and abundant productions of graiu, roots and fruits. *------------*-. i. EWDO^S HIB fiTXTMWENTS, FrohiftheRecord, .Y/Ind^ ^ Out,, none is held In higber esteem than Mr- Jaa. Iibvelaoe, wEo is" known not only in town * bat to many througb1- out Essex county. When a correspon dent of the Record called upon him and naked him to/verify certain^ state* montane to hisourefrom apainjtalma lady after seroral ycare of Buffering h-o cheerfully did bo. Mr. Lovelace said: Four years ago I had a bad attack of la grippe, which Sefkme^wHh a eevenc pain in the pit of my stomach. After trying household aremedies and getting no relief, 1 consulted a doctor, but after a long treatment whioh did not help me, I became discouraged and con cluded there wob' no relief for . me- Night and day for four years that pain never loft mo. At tames it was no bad that I bad to give up work, I had fre quently read of Dr. Williams' I*inlr. Pills and perhaps as much out of curi osity as -with any hope that they would help me, I bought a box. I followed the directions carefully, and by^ the time the box was finished I was sur prised to And that I wa getting relief. I could not understand bow, after all tho medicine I had previously tried had failed, this one box of Dr. Wil liams'Pink Pills should heli> me. I now cheerfully continued their use and by the time I had taken five boxes every trace of pain had left mo and I felt as well as ever I had done in my life, To-day I am as sound ns a dollar and believe there is no man of my ago in .Basox County wlio can stand a hard er day's work. Bev. R. D. Herrington, Baptist minister atKingsvillo, says: "Having known Mr! James Lovelace for tho pnfifc thirty years, I believe the above statements made by him to bo strictly truo. I mi*?ht also say that I have boon greatly bonefittod myself by the ngo of D^-Williama' Pink Pills. wi*mdWBU vt^t&fWl*. l<dttOM, wobMnf i* t*jnwr. t .lofty ohoU* ' 'Oif'lfcowo*' Blah :,Thp great' Bu mo The crand4ttX'o/ I hr from lowr ani'dom*. Afar or nar.-when'*ril km* Ohm Sabbath )lls at horn*. ' Booh pious memoriw, dndetd, ThMr molten notei vtoaU* t find I really do not wd To go to ohurob t an. Thr drir* sway and Jip m% bay HI humor and th* wmpmn, And so I llaUn m I iW In bed and rud tho pspera. t-J. L. Hatcn In QulltlaB Be*. THE REPORTEmS STORY. HI :mM^Sm^:-: r How Kdltor MGnlliiCh Dud HI* I+mgthr Writ* Op of Krdr. . ' When X applied to Joseph . B. MoOnl- aagh for a position as reporter on Tho iGlobe-Demoorat, in 1886, X had been posted about bin detestation, of dudes nd wore an old anil clean, but almott threadbare. X had let tern of reoom- mendatton from Oolonel Baorke of The Tlinea-Demoorat and from Oolonel Do- rtmui of the Dallai Kewf, whioh I held In my band, ready for hi* inspection. X made my speech, rather dliounoerfead by the cool, calculating manner In whioh be inapooted me while doing bo, and then handed him my "credentlala." He glanced at the signature*, without reading the contents of either of the Ut ters, picked up a slip of taifcruotiohi and told me to repovt the nvardsr of Joe Bobtdeauac, a Frenohman who had been murdered a few minutes beforjt ja the French quarter, and then carefully placed my beloved "papen" In hU pocket, without a word of explanation. Three hours later I handed Mm a very carefully written report of the mnrdor, giving all of the details. Which would have filled two columns, preceded by my own "scare beads" in six sections, giving all of the principal foots in short sentence*. Next morning X found that vay report had been "killed" at the "enacting clause," for the report appeared in an article about two inches long under . a SICK HEADACHE ^^LiyER TiqUBLES AS alaxatlve, one pill acta perfectly, and if a stronger action is desired*, cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where A'purgative is necessary, three pills will he fotind sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. One pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. . .Mice aeo. oft a son atioo . neon Victoria, iamond Jubl- ateafi and rlohost plc- Oold Bevoragea aro Injurious. "A word tihould, perhaps, bo said nB to tbo unwholoBomonosa of tho oictrorooly oold water, ton, lomouudo and other liquids wbioh aro oxtonaivoly uttud throughout tho United Btatos," wriios MrH, S. T. llorer iu tho July LadioH' Homo Journal. Thoso oold drinks reduce the tomperaturo oil the Htomaoh,.thereby obtoking dhiostiol), and for thiH routoii should be nvoidod durinu! or iminodi'Ltoly aftor moalu. It oaunot be denied that .one amy booome-a toper on uoudntoxioautB as woll elb intoxioants, and that it is very oasy to oreato u Htron^ do- Biro tor ireqnont draughts ot auy pleasant, cold drink. Whoro porspiratiou flows frooly tho effoot ibIohb surious, hut in most ohhos tho frde ubo of cold draURhta difetuibs the stotaaoh, and it would bp muoh bettor if thoy wore entirely givon up. Teach your little ouob, as woM as youraolf, to be sutluuod with wator at 'a :temuoratu're of fifty do^rooH, nnd to limit tho. amount of owoot drinks t'ikou. In tho evening, and possibly botwocn mnnln, ouo might indultrp now and thou in a glims of, orauuoado or ourrnut puuoh, For. a touuis- patty tho various mixtures lifco Orioutal puuohoH will uppoaso the thirst, and ioed ohocolato served at lunoheon is oortainly an agrcaablo food, as well as a pleasant drink. Cafo frapno oomou undor tho same hoad.". , cieneral. ' It is ostimatod that tho damage by floods in tho South of France amounts to SOD, 000,000 francs, London ongihooi/H have struck for an eight-hour day, and the omployors have lockod out 2fi por oonfc. of tho union mou throughout tho United Kingdom, A serious conflict has taken plaoo at Oaudia botwdon u fordo of British troops and a party of 'Bnshi-Bazoulcfl, Sixteen of the British force'wore killed. American. " James JP. Hamilton, a lay reader in Grattan, was arrested, and' lodged in Pembroke jail on suspicion of being Bev. Francis Hermann, who murdered Miss Salt Lake City,. Utah. When you take Hood's Fills. Tbe Ulg, old-faab loned, suKar-^oftted plus, whioh tear you all to piece*, are not la tt with Hood's.. Easy to take ;Hd*r to operate,-1 true if Hood's Rua/which are apto date ln>T#ry reij .' Safe,: o*rtaH and iure.; All Canadian. Wm. Pike, of Thorold, committed suioido b^ shooting on Thursday last, George Stewart, of Dorkiog, bad his neck broken by being thrown out of a rig. A new rato of , freight qu iron has beon bstablishoil by the Graud Trunk, Oanndian Paoiiio and Michigan Cen tral Bail ways. The Government has deoidod to on- foroo fchenlion labor law in Manitoba, tho Northwest Territories and British Columbia, during the construction of tho Crow's Nost Baas Kailway. / . A Godorioh corroflpondont says: The oxtrome heat of the past wook oauaod tho sudden death of Joseph Williams,/ lumbor mernliaut; Miss 81mw, muHio toaohor, and father Quigloy," of AhIi- noM. ; Whilo nailing up a small windmill at Si Norborfc, TuoBdivy,T.l?.Aoau,ttged (I, lot a hammer fall on Iuh Uttlo wistor. The 4 two proiigH -of-tho olaw struck tho child in the niiddlo of tho fore head, penetrating tho skull and killing her- A project has boon set on foot by a numhor of unemployed mechanics and artisans who Uvo in jind around Wind sor to migroto to what is known as the Dauphin district, in Manitoba, and to found thoro a little colony, whore living may bo mado by fai*ming and other work. Thoro woro !12fi doatlis in Montreal Uflt weok. Not Hinoo tho small-pox opidoraio in 188/>, has there boon such n terrible mortality. Tho average por woolc is not ovor 100 or 115, The ^roathoat oommoncod tho wook pre vious to the ouo just ended and the death rafco began thon to amount up. John Waring, of North Oxford, wn ilolivorin*^ a load of oIiooho on Monday. to It, A. Simister, at In^orsoU, loft hin. toani standing on the shoot. During lii ahsonoe some hoys in driving past, omekod tbeif vhip, whioh frightened Mr. Waring's horses.: He rushed out and grabbe'jl.thorn by their heads, but was knocked dowu, whon the whoela paHHfld over,one of bin legs;, breaking it botwoon the ankle and the knee/ Snow in July is not a common thing .oven with "Our Lady of tbo Snowfl," but Monday lust a uuuber who wero at tho gravel pit of -Mr. Wm. MoICay, on the Ihubro road, had tho pleasure of throwing anow-balls', Mr. McKay had occasion to romovo some clay from the. pit, ttn, was sm-prisod tojQnd.a layor Of enow underneath. The layer was tjuite thick, and the snow was the! genuine white and cool article. Stratford Bea con. ',' 'r, - Mi^s Ethel Murray; the aS-year-pUV daughter of I)r', A,'J. Murray, made quite a {swimming record for herself Monday morning. 0he; started from the rear of the public bath house, and' swam,around the ferry dooksnt Bella Isle and across the channel, to the .^VnlkefviUe ferry; docks,'a distance of nearlyjimile and a half, aided by the strong bnrrent,', in .46 ;minntes. ,;trhqr feat of^swimmingaorofes the river hoa -rietheen at^jpipted before this, aeasou byfttiyofte, and>-^w^-\[biii7^6^:-^'ii small head, "Foully Murdered," with all the rest of my "scare heads" printed, wprd for word, exactly as I had written them, as tho body of the Item. Not a word of the report appoared. It was a beautiful Christ mas morn ing, but I will never forget my feelings as I read that'little item. I felt utterly crushed, and. if I had had my letters Mr. MoCallagh would hover have seen mft ngflin.. I wandered around the hotel corridors until. tune to report, when I presented myself before "ijittlo 3d(aok" and afikea for the return of the letters, To my unspeakable surprise and intense delight ho gave * me an immediate as signment for special work,'handed: me a huge bundle wrapped In wrapping pa per, and while abiding this package, the contents of which were unknown to. mo, he proceeded to glvo me instruc tions and detail all ef my failings in blunt but very. luoid sentoncoa, wind ing up Hko tbo ovaok of a whip with, "Put those clothes on and report for duty in one hour." Myitead was actu ally swimming when 1 lefs the room. The package contained a complete outfit, including shoes, shirs, nidsr- woar, collar, tie and one of the befit fitting suits I ever wore, the total post of whioh could not have been muoh less than $80. I nevor saw my letters again, but when I left, twoyeure later, ho wrote me tho host recommendation I ever re ceived and was always ready to say a good word by wire i It was requested. ^-Old Reporter in Chicago Booord. Why the Irlibman Quit. There was once an Irishman who sought employment as a diver, bringing with him his native enthusiasm and a certain amount of experience Although ho had never been beneath the Water he had crossed an oooan of one variety and BWallowod neojrly an oqean of another. But he had the {tibernlan smile, which is convincing, and the firm- chanoed to need a new man. And on the following Monday morning Pat hid his amilo in a diving helmet. Now, the job upon which theorew to Which Pot had attached himself was working was In comparatively shadow Water, and Pat waS provided wfth. a pick and told to use it on a le^ge pelow in the manner with which he.was fa miliar. : ' : Down ho went with bia pick, and for' about 15 lainutea nothing was heard from him- Then came a strong, deter mined, deliberate pull oh tho signal rope, indicating that Pat had avery de cided wish to come to tlie topi. The as sistants pulled him to the raft and re moved hie helmet. 4'Take aff tye rlst av it," aaid Pat . "Tako off the reat of it?" "Yis,** said Pat vr'OiUlworrik no longer on a domn job phere Oi can't spit on me hahda " Boston Budget A Uiohlffftn Pbl^uithropUt. Mra Agnes J^. d'Aipambal of Mlohi- gan is a philanthropist of rare merit In Kalamazoo, many years ago, she vis ited the jail and the atate prison. In 1872 she began work fox discharged prisoners and secured, a library for them, enlisting the aohool ohildren of her city to earn menay and bay booke lor it. With their help she gathered flOO volumes. Later >he has ettabliahid a borne of industry far discharged prla- oners, whioh boa proved of great Value, ' "There are in the tiatories of all na tions, "said the earnest man, "orUas wheniiaaas few mte must stsyforward Uf AIITCn-A80IltB '" " nAIIItU HflrBolansnd lee." Overflowing with latent ana riouost pi tares. Contains the andorsed biography of Hor Majesty, with authentic History of her rdmavk able reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee, only Cl.fio. Biff book. Tremendous demand. Boun*a for agents. Commission 60 par cent. Credit given. Frolaht paid. Outfit free.. Duty paid, rwrlte quick for outfit and territory. .Tho Dominion Company, Dept. 7, 866 Dearborn Bt, Chicago, JSL ii:-::B3ilStt JAME^^||ltt Takes fiiis opportunity of amionBoUji^M peopI.of Ubo Town and Ooantj of {Kunmi be has rwnodalod the Bswr Bollw " oordingto plans prepared by H LN/'Fl Thomas, and also seoorsd-thtteerrlef Btracban, an oatporloncedand thoroughly* , -patent nuJIor. ,::0'CT ' ... ' v/"-^dm Thaaklng the people of tho town ando Cristtnc; and Chopping: .ayv. Specialty. ^^Jj'" i- The Best Grades of Flwi'J't'MM Corntneal Kept in Stock 'atui^UM.i't^M. Cash Paid for Wheat end Oat^-k ""--------------------------:---------------------. '.-, ', - f,!!M TD0 you ItfdBiSA -'-""M If so, you want to hayef iDaasingtuo peopis oitho town anaepmnl^ for tho patronago boBtowod upon Wmid lti#$ pait,wtfl guarau tee aotiriaotionin the lotnr^jM Fresh Bread Is what you can rely on getting when you buy from ns. Our wagon goes to all parts of the town. ' ' . . Buns, Cakes and Pastries, Ton cant find nicer, fresher, or sweet er in the country. All kinds of Fancy Cakes and Jelly Bolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. We sell nothing stale or dry. Leave j our Order and you oan rely on prompt do. livery. FRANK FOSS. OppoBlte Bock & Francis, Ebbg* sk the best there ifl! arii^j everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout --------IBTO-EiD.iIH----- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. jftT^i SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Wlleon Ave., next. Aberdeen Hotel. The latest improved machinery for Ironing Collars and Ouffa. Will not oraok or break tho wing. Family, work oheap. and dolivered. Faroela called for Please (Jail and try. If not f)atlafaotor no oharge will be lbado. f our work suit you, reoommBud us to your friendn. Good Jioadatcra, Easy Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriage*. A Call Solicited, Satinjaotion Guaranteed. North of the * Railway Track. ESSEX, ONTV )* -'tM m '.' At'} Johnston Bros., Builders And #m Contractors. m DHALERB Df- Britisli Columbia Pine Shingles, $i:Q0u*p. ;.is/jsir, >oonst im + + + i S BABY WA9 CURED. DE\tt SlKS, I can highly rccotn montl Dr, Fowtor'ti Kxtruct o( Wild SLrnwlierry. It cured my bab of (11 ur rl) run of tr til l'othor men as failed, It isexcol- luiit for all bowot complaints. MUS. CHAS. BOTT," Harlow, Out stj I civttlt ijiout pruiao, ' ' " be THE HEAD MASTER NTLI Hatlftfncti (iENTLKMEN, I huvo found Rreat J itlon In tho usu of Dr. Fowler's x Kxtractof Wild Strawborry.and con- J Hlder it hivoluabto in all cases of T cHurrliteii and nummer coni(>luint. j* It Ih a pleasure to me to recommend t It to tho public. T R. B. MA8TKRTON, Principal, J High School, tt'tvor Charlo, N.B. S LATI/ and , '.^ . ;' * JM/iN'iuMB$^ tW Sutlufaclloil rJunranteed Opp". Water Works, FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS a^effl'i thecoo^sbestfriendJII^ .,i>*it,S l.APG&ST SAJ-E N.CANADA. j; GOURrAY & SON, ESSEX. ONm barB^^tb:aiiwl^a^iwlfce4^ toB(,:'bto^e-=wor^ 88