HTW.-.'--f "-Jig; u v.' i.' Jin- - ' ttlfi^voiii'ikTT ... Quality and Fit Ghietranteed.... ? , ",? rt'.V w$fiff/NG GOODS WsT ARRIVED. ,^,^--^\ 1!- j,;v'l'l. ':/ ':' Dying and OIp .atthig in Connec tion. -'- - . -. J. A SHITH, SOUTH WOODSLEE, V^'vVcv'.':',';'i1fr^^ .millionaireBittingin Wb'ofiioe oHppitiR 1 coupona, down to the humble oitizen who wiogi a pwk for a dollar a day, nobody if free hum it. It ail cornea from the same cause. The kidnejB ace toblama. Doan's Kidney Pills, are the one lmpie romedy that can be railed upon in all forms of kidney troubles. Bo mo of your no'ghbora.havo tried them, and no one has found them wanting. Here is what One Eaaejc rh;an naye of them.; Mr. J. H, Grow stateb: l,Doan'fi Kidney Pills have curod mo of pain in the back ond other kidney and urinary difll- oultioa with which I had bouu afflicted for five jeara. "I axn glad to be able to state this as my own experience and can recommend their oa6 to anyone Buffering with pain In the<baok or other kidney troubles." Mr. W. Feetham, well feaowu n Chat ham, an the obliging manager of the grocery department with MeBars. For- Hytbe, Anderson A Oo highly esteemed in religious olrolea in St. Thomas, Out., dtates; "I have boon afllioted with serious kid ney and back trouble for some time, and was, laid up for a long while with my com plaint. 1 procured a box of Doan's Kid ney Pills from Mr. Bherriu, druggist, and they have removed every symptom from wbioh X Buffered. "As a modiome for kidnoy troubles and pain in tho back Doan\(Kidney Pills oan- nok bo oxo'lled. I heartily rocorenrteud thom in ovory respect!" You Can Get ;j;6nb Parlor Suite, ^ One Bedroom Suite, MS.'.-One, Extension STablo, J, $'<" One Sideboard, All For K*Y> m Bix Chairs, Qne Booker, -ALSO- ^'i&oh Beds, Bsby Carriages, r" ' Picture Afotjfcf/ng&:ana jp7"/ IE very thing in4bo Furn ituro thine at $*i:A ; v Close Prices -tho 3 Jest Ootids in ';f:.y.. tho built of which is our.own manufy tofcure, 'dhoro- ^ 'j' fore we will guarantee ittbc osfc ,: , in the Market * * ' *' a* * Undertaking A S pecialfy. W-:: ; JFirsfe-Clasa City Hacks im 'attencuancoJ when required. All of tho above to be had at ;:' .' Esbox Furniture WiireroaoiaB- J. a. HICKS & Co,, Esse;k. New Bakery. *3& #% "/ii~ I beg to inform tho oifcizona ..' of Easex and vicinity-that I have Opened a Bakery at my rosidenco, Victoria St., /, whore can bo found a full , lino"oLr .... . * . BAKER'S GOODS. I Baltc tho Detroit eolobrat- ed Homo- Mado Broad, which -.. is the. lafcosb and nioafcappc- .. tizing. Patrons can obtain this Bread by call in l? at ' WILKINSON'S -.4 #' : ,: GROCERY. " # ': IIo is handling tho goods for . Please Give Me a Trial and bo oonvfneod that \ can '.suit you. Goods will ho Fresh as my wa^on gooa, to all parts of tho town ovory morning. .' IS" Woclcling Cakes a speci alty, . '". WESLEY BUROICK. Wanted A A4" A \T-TO8Btiti'0AKA.tiA.aU0WTH r\- iKLAL1* Troit and Ornamental Trooa, Shrubs, ItOBoa, Hut bo andBnlboao PltLntH.Orape Vluea, Small FraTr, flood Potatoes, oto. wo oatalocfuo only tne bardlost and uioot jioimlar varieties thatsnoocod in tho ooldout ollmatoH Naw Boaeoa uowo^mtnettoinH) oocaploto outfit J^roe, salary aud <Jxpoiiflos raid from Btart for full timo, or Ut>mvt) oommfosfon for nnrt time Apply now, aadroeeiuK nwireBt oflloo, and oho loo of torritory. rJOKE IIHOTHlilUB OOMrANY, Intornatlonnl Nuraorlon. QttWkno. lhti* or Momtiib kt,. Qok. Cook's Cotton Root Compound la the only safe, reliable onthly^meuicine ou which ladies can . aepend in the hour-arid time of need. Ib prepared in two degrees of etreirgth. No. 'X*for ordinary cases is by fat the best dollar medicine known sold bydruggistfl, one Dollar per box. Wo? S Tor special cates lo degree* stronger ^old by druggists. One box, Three Dollars';'*two boxes, Five Dollars. No. i, or No. a, mailed on receipt ^f price and'-two 3-cent stamps. The Cook Company, Wlodwr, OoOrfo. tsc Bold liiT-fiHOX and ot-erywboro ia Oaumla by oil rafivoiiHiblff Thc^aainli, ' Mi- Wine M^(^e ^o:m Grapes Oronvh.:ln Essx County. Eioh, Sweet andJWhole^omc -! * * v .........rprjCttBO of 'iVblvo UottloB i......- ..80e. per'{Gallon-- Dcllvorod Vroo at Itailway Btatlou or Ksiwwsrt in Kafloj, t^TIie Amiiorstburg tVlrttajte AiTlIllUtK'rHITIti :Gc^lH6r Porter ^'-Oan.psi^ 1 prcsBossifto followlnk bpinlop of Orah* as a writer: HU powers of c^c^nb-a- tiou of thoogkt -were often anown by tho oirouinitnnoea nndor which he wrotti: Nothing that went on around him, upon the tlsld or In bli quarters, ooald distract his attoutiou or interrupt .him. Sometime*, when his tent was filled with officers talking and laughing at the top of their voices, he would turn to hie table and write the mast Important communications, There would then be an imrhediate <'Hnahl" ond abundant excuses offered by the oompanj^Jsnt he always insisted upon the conversation going on, and after awhilo his officers came to understand his wishes in this respeat, to learn that noise was apparently a stimnras rather than a check to bis flow of ideas, and to realize that nothing short of a gen eral attack along the whole line ooald divert his thoughts from the subject upon which hie mind was concentrated. In writing his style was vigorous and terse, with little of ornament. Its moat conspicuous characteristic was perspi cuity. General Meade's chief of itaff onco fluid, "There is one striking feature about Grant's orders no matter how hurriedly he may write them on the field, no one ever has tho slightest doubt as to thoir meaning or ever haB to read them over a second time to un derstand thom." Tho general uied An- glo-Saxon words much more frequently than those derived from the Greek and Latin tongues. He had studied French at West Point and picked up some knowledge of Spanish during the Mexi can war, but ho could not Hold a con versation in either language, and rarely employed a foreign word In any'of his writing*. His adjectives were few and well chosen. No document which ever en mo fxom his hands was in #io least degree ^pretentious. Ho never Juid claim to wry knowledge he did not posflcss and soomed to feel, witih Addison,-that "ped antry in learning is like hypocrisy in religion a form of knowledge without the power of it^' Ho rarely indulged in metaphor, but when he did employ a figure of speech it was always expressive and graphic, as when he spoke of theaommander nfc Bermuda Hundred boing "in a bottle strongly corked*' or oforred to our ar- niiofl ut one timo as moving "liko 'horses in a balky tonm, no : two ever pulling togother." His stylo lublined to tho epi grammatic without hia being nWuro of it. Thoro was scarcely'a' document writ ten by him from wbtah briof sentences could wot he sulectod fit to be set in mbttoH or placed upon transparencies. As exumples may bo mentioned: wl propose to movo1, immediately upon your works," "I aball take no backward. atep8,,, the famoua "I propose to fight it oat on thi.4 line if it takes 11 nuni- mor," and, later in his career, "Let ua .have pcaoo," '/The bent means^x socur- iwg tho ropeul of an obnoxious law Is its '"viRoroiiH'onforocmen't,*1, "I ahull have ho policy to enforce li^aiiist the will- Of tho people" imd "Lot Koapo." -FIRST WHITE HOUSE BATH. Co., . ON'V. fe'.. $i..... The Coast Use to MACKINAC - '(Mi:' &k >T*f\ MACKINAC v^ -,: PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers . The Orcntcst Perfection yet attained In Boat Construction Luxurious Equipment, ..Artistic Paralablnir, Decoration, and Bfllc- ; fent Service, insuring the highest degree of CpMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETV Foun'Trnpa per wekk BcTweew . ..,,, Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac kf1' LOW RATES to Picturesque Mocking and 'dB^'-'i" "" Return; Including Heals and Bertha. Prom - CleveJandj $i8| from Toledo, Jiflf from so. ' AND NlQViT SERVICE. ' Detroit and Cleveland ituriT'., i . .Connecting; at Cleveland With Eorlleat fim1",'/;.'traiii8'for all points Hat, South' and Soutb- S4 >!; ;^t *nd at IJetroIt for all poinU North and PETOSKEVi "THE SOO," MARQUETTE AND DU.LUTH. Kortbweit. Ailbuat tnd 8tpt Only &iM4*^W.*Ml'tt'MamIrtaflimAm kite': I ...0...O... .....Rough and roti^ored...... .'.....Doli'Vorod at the Essex Imperial Sotp Works .....:.B. SLOTlS, Pr^),,,,,., Sam am* bean" IS,Pn'MPAKfiII) TO UHDEIITAJCB %M CLEANING OF CHIMNEYS Ouvt^ionrNoTiOK. iC'ujjttCluas, Cliu Work ftu&raiiinod. A.ddroHK Box 2(Ii, Kaaox.- : Ev*7 pr.iid.nt iiroe the time of WMhirjgten.hMhd some parUoalar pet Am %iqy oie Jpw^^006rW WiWnij-; ton vfas a great rjportfrjiflri, Hla greatcit pleasnro wfli ia following the houndi/ moonted on a fiptop hunter. He was an athlete ia his youth and hin love of out door life oontinued to the day of his death. ..._When-fie was preisident, hla chief diversion was Jiorsobaak riding.. He vfaji fond of dahoing, too,.and regu larly attended.^the aaaembliea in tho long room in thaCity tavern at Alexan dria, sayi the Washington Post. Thomaa Jeflforaon Bought relief from . the cares, of stato in his love for music. He vf as a olevex porformer on the violin and w hi led away many honra Ravririg away on bin belovbd fiddle. He had a taste for mechanical inventions, too, and some of bia happiest momenta were those apent in trying to evolve some la bor aaving device. President Tyler had a deep and,abid ing love for tho good American game of poker. Surrounded by a fow obmne, he spent many pleasant evenings draw ing to bobtail SeshcB, filling against four acoa and EoMtiujf Ipe leu h&u.Bes, blnQug on deuces, bucking ante. The stakes; were invariably small, tmt his tory flays thatTfi was a r^ad loser. Andrew Jackaori Was passionately fond of oookflghllng, and when he left the Hermitage to run the nation at Washington he brought with him two of his finest fighting cooks. These he matched against the gaxneat roosters in tho Bnrrounding country, but the Ten- nensflo nrtiolo made bat a feeble nbow- ing ngiiiuflt the Virginia breed. Prei- dent Juekson brought on several other pairs, but his .birds invariably.met do- feut, and in this respect ho Hidd that his uduiiuiRtrution woh a lumontable fail ure. Prenidrmt W. H. Harrison was not much of an epicure, hot ho hod a great fancy for doing tho murkoting for the family. Every morning ho. wonld trudge to tho market place with a banket on bin arm and return an hour later carry ing 40 or 60 pounds of produce. Qoneral Grant was, fond of faHt driv ing, and be had some notable trotters in bis Stables during his two terms. In the evening be would play Boston with sornO of his army chums. ,Ho cured lit tle for riding, and was rarely eeon on horseback in Washington. Atlanta Constitution.____.___ '. ^Hi^^MAN^VVAf^mpMArtaEb; LATEST IN MONEY SWEATING fiow a by GAftliAO.' May's . : VOn ALL 1UNDS 01'- WINDOW BLINDB Away down, . ...CHINAWARK, . BUIO-A-BllAOE, FANCY GOOP'S, NOVELTIES, . BOOKB ANO .BTATIONEUy, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOYS OF ALL KINDS, BBBUN WOOL and FINGEKJNO New Stock of LaterWa/l- P$per Baker and BytcHer. THE oldeat husineBB in town. Hstabliaho 1670. Firat-olasa broM and oakos of al kinds, Wedding cakes a epooifttity; Groceries 1 " "aedt iolf aad pork. Oonreo, glassware;; Oannaaf raltiand provision a, floor, faed, TefletaTiIea of all klnda. I vtred to ail parts of tbo 'ffi&l&B&ffl. 'Tun Huron Wiu OrltlcUntl Vor XntvolU4<. Inar tlio Tub Xittu tlio MnnHloiu In u article ou "The Donjestio Side of tho .White Houbo," in Tho Lddiea* Homo Journal, ox-Proaidont HarriBOh givow thifl intcrostiuf? view of thq homo portion of tho oxoonfcivo mansion: "Prop erly spouking," ho says,' "thoro.are fivo bedrooms in tho executive mansion, tbongh by the uHoof twodrossingroomH and of tho end of a short hall that for merly oponed to a large north window, but has now been closed up to make n, small bothoom, tho numbermuy-haln-. creased to eight. There aro no suitable ROrvuntfl' .quarters. Those provided aro in tho banmnent, and only, thoyo opon- :-ing to'the..south are habitable The .north rooms opon upon a dump .brick .aroint and are unhealthy. One.of the 'baaemont rooms, having a aouthurn ex- ;poNuro, in ilfctod up an a billiard room, -.lmfc'vory pluiyly. 4iIt in said tbat provision for a library ;for the White House was first .mauVdur-' ii|jtf Mr. FilJmore'H term. Neat cases uro' -arranged nbonl:vlio room, and most of old oditiou's xf.hlstorioal oiid olossical,works., There is no oiitaloguo, j&nd^tho library has not 'Jbcon kept tip, 4f:Prosidcht' Adams introduced bill- ^ardriinto the White Houhg, purohasiug" .theiii'.sfc table, balls and cues at a -cost oifiJKiX, payiug-foc-fchern out of his own 'piwkot.. President Vun Buron wuh oliiargijd by u political advormiry and kdA.tliilife oriiio as being the first of .our proiildents to diKcoyjyr tbut the plonanrcH of ti^ewurm or tophi bath aro the proper aoooiairiuEiments of i palaoo life. For it uppo\tra'. thufc our fprmor prosidents wer(^ oontd{Ui.witb Uio application, when noc- 0fiHur, Of.i*bo simple ehowor bath. JMr. Van E\urtxra's oritio thu refers with high vpprovlal ,.',to the Halutary Hide of Mr.. Adanu*1 luitpio habit of; bathing in tlw Potom'ut1";betweon daybreak and snh- riso.,,' . to- . .: , .- , - \ Color Hqd Md, Are We%no]t losing any tinnate percep tion of giraaeW Brie and harmony of coloring tliitwv'o may one have pos- isessed. thropj&n ,ionr weak aninded sub- mifiaiou to onalrnpleon cod^bdlDamo Fnsh- iou, who playis pranks that t times are positively sardonio? I saw'a woman the fithax day In a^bV^t that OOflftted throe Hhades of pink.^av-OKif magfetfita,, four of grton, three of y^Jlotw and a fin* blob of mmrlefc like a "U^tLe round \btrtton at top." And at flretU thought ihe looked nioel Ii took thne\te realize a*tfiach tint ctashed with thfl,^her tin^ so de cadent had becoma my taste 'inVmJili- A'erj/r?Woman. '_:' ' ':- Afaud--Ia life^orth the JMngP that is a. great 1^gP< Bp,Uprbbklyja'"' 20 Ooldpleco W Uoctorod the VniararmloMS. One'of the most puzzled men in town is a Montgemory street restaurant keep- er, who recently took in a ^20 goldpiece Whioh filled all tho ordinary require ments of genuineness so far as the su perficial test could reveal the true facta. But a few days ago a banker stopped into his place and saw the $20 piece wliioh tho restaurant man had received only a flhort time before. The bunker bad u queer look in his eyes as he took tho coin ond rapped it sharply with his knife, and the restaurant keeper had a trun'ger expression as ho .saw his sup posed iJUO piece break into two pieces. "How is this?" he doraanded. Tbo bauker- answered: "It is the natuo old Kauie. I had one of those pieces^ myself, and siuoe then I have tested yoldpleces of tho $90 donomina- tiou vcryci^i-fiiily. If that had been genuine, my ust; would not havo broken it." Then the restaurant keeper and-the- banker carefully examined it together. The outside of the goldpicco waS all right, seemingly, when tho dissevered parts were placed together. The milling seemed to be up to the standard. Tho w'eight waB rcorrecfc, but ttie insido of thopieoo'was half filled with a compo sition which was not the ouatomury gold, arid alloy. SHU closer examination rovouled that the gold had boon Hawed through with exquisite, euro and skill jusfc iuHidc of' tho milling Then the milling had boon removed and from tho intorior of the piece some of the gold, had been extracted and the baser com position was mado to tuko the place of tho moro precious nietal.", Then, with equal deftnofw nud elcill, tho milling had been replaced and soldered in rokio way and tho trick was dono. San , 'FrnnoiBoo Call. A. Contrmry "WTlmg* If over thoro was-anything in the World went by contrarios,.it is tho Chinese flag. It will bo recalled that it ,is one of the gayest of national stand- .ards. The body of tho banner is of a .pule, yellow. In tho npper, loft hand corner is a small red sou, and looking at it is a fierce Chinese dragon. About 1,000 'year's no, so the story runs, the Ohineso made war upon tho Japanese. Thoy prepared* for a groat invasion. As , a prophecy of victory they adopted a standard -which io that of the present time: Thoy took the sun of 'Japan', and made itvery stnail. This, they put in front of the dragon's mouth to 6ipress the idea that the Chinese dragon would devour the Japanese. It happeped, .how ver, that the Oiinese fleet, oonveying an army of .100,000 mn, was vrreqked oa', it way to Japan by a great storm, and all bat three of thf IuO,000 perish ed. The rasultof the last war'has not been any mora. convincing than, tho first affair thai the Chinese flog has been oorreowy conceived, Pittsburg, DiBpfttoh. ... .. ,-. ;'., i,v. v . . ."" . . Blooct'aoict ipoa*.~" ' 111 Arkansas a man's social standing ia ganged by the-dogs he keeps. I re member h*aripg several planters at u little way station in that state discnas. a new arrival, among them, who, of course, was Boijpwaenfc'-'^""' ^'.M; jmet-iip^ij^/h^yei/iaB^^aon't'wala^ to^ntihw.-Xdori^:^ A Ifl<la(*kt Adr.mtaTa la th Wlutr Qaartvra. of *n JClephant Hard How Sly Pate flot Aww f rom HIi flUka ahd Stola ii Bag of oata, Pete is the baby elephant of-one-ot the big oircus hords. During'his con- flncinont in winter quarters he played a trick on his keeper, which the man re lates as follows: "Fete is a tiny little fellow and does pot weigh more than 600 or 800 pounds, but I actually believe he would eat as many pounds of oats if, he had access to them. Thejalephaht houso.was dark one night, aud I supposed every one of the animals was sound asleep, when my attention was attracted by a subdued, rasping noiso, apparently coming from the farther end of tho big herd. Instead of walking down in front of them all, I went around and came in at the other end. Hiding behind some bales of straw, I peered cautiously over to where the little rascal was chained, and there he was, carefully lifting his stake out of the grpjmdA I savj; in ajjjnstent that bo had had the slake out before that time, for all he bad to do was to lift it up and it come out. He slipped his foot chain down over the tapering end of the stake and was free. "Across the room, distant perhaps 20 feet or mora from his place, were piled some sacks of grain, containing about 100 pounds each. Picking up the foot chain very carefully with his trunk, bo that it would not rattle or jangle upon tbe floor, he began tbo most dolieate, sinuoua, gliding motion across the space that separated him from, the grain I ever saw, and I -never iiuMginod an ele phant could go so quiotly. I crouched behind tbe bales of straw, afraid to move for fear he Would hear me and stop. "On be went, cautiously, slowly, but steadily, until he was, within reaching distance of the sacked grain. I'll on be laid the chain down and picked up a bag of oats with his trunk. His journey back to tho hord, 30 foot away, was performed oven more cautiously than had been his advance, for he had to drag tho ohnin without making a noise. All the time he held tho sack of grain tightly in his trunk, ami his mouth must have watered when ho thought of tho feast ho"was going to have. He reached the hord at last and wont up to great big Babylon, who stood like a bronze statue, her massive sides loom-, ing up like the sides of a house in the gloom. Peto stopped, . and Babylon, whom I hnd imagined fast asleep, took tbe oats. They got into the bag in a jiffy and then began a feast. Peto filled his month aud munched away like a man 'dating dry crackers on a wager. He know that~-ftrs"big- companion in crime would ^ot the most of the oats if bo lost liny timo. Babylon put away al- moat half tho oats at the first jump out of the box, and poor little Pete, with his mouth ful), looked at her with his watory little eyes, us much as to say,. JOh, what uhogl' and gulped the oats down his little throat at tho. risk of choking, to death: "I thought itwus about time to muko a lioiso, juet to disconcert thom. Iliad soon enough to que urn mo that a hostler who had been discharged hadn't boon instrumental in the diHappearanco of divers and sundry bags of -oats', and, ub I walked,around toward the other end of the elephant bouee, I wondered what t should do to punisJi the thieves. Tho big one hud had u. painful operation performed a few months bwforo, and 3 thought that any sight of the instru ments that hod been used at that timo would give her a good fright. When I hnd reached my own sleeping room, I purposely mado a noiso and hoard tho shuttling sounds of sly.little Peto as ho shambled back to his phiee. Ho picked hit* stake up, put it down in tho.ground, and would have put it through the ring in tho chain if be had had timo. When I camo along, ho was leaning against the wall uHlcep. I gave him a gontlo prod, and bo awakened suddenly, with that aleopystnro that. uporon has when awakened from slumber. But he soon know that I was on to hjin, for, whon I ordered him to open his mouth, he didn't want to do it. He finally obeyed,, and there wore the oats. His'moath was jammed full of them. Ididu'tdp anything to him, but walked over to big Babylon. Showori his partner in orimo, but'she was playing possum too. "I hud a good doai of trouble to wake her up and more to make her open her mouth. Muoh tohor chagrin, limugine, if was full of oats,, and sho hud tho empty saok closely rolled up and packed in with them. Sho, was sheepish and ashamed, I aaaure you, if oyer an elo-. phnnfc put on that expression. To pun- ish her I ordered hor to sit down und. open her mouth and made a motion as if to pass a great pair of forceps into it, Which had boen used during the opera tion I referred to. Sho shut hor mouth and cried like a;baby, and was so thor-. ougbly frightened that she 'never tres passed again. But that ]y little Pote-^- why, he is more trouble than tho entire herd, and ho just acts loose whenever, he wants to." St. Louis Crlobo-DemO- crat ' Women aa'Soldlera.. . ' "I do not see*" aaid a clever woman, "why tho newspapera ahouid' jeei called upon to pokq fun at the hew law in'Cbl- brado.wJiioh permits women to serve in the statb .lnuitia.-^.Jnl-: tiroev^^'.bHtItilell woman ,is juat- as necessary. as,-, man.' Just, wearing a uniform"andshooting a- enn are not all that constitute a eoldier^ What about v/oman'**: place ,iu ,(i^ liot-':' pitalsuu^ng-time^^to^ requ^re'aV.wave'^ewtw'df^ to', w;oifrr' on irlbe^v^uja^ea^'oAjayi^ not a woman a soldier who can awipt tho.flurgeon.. as. he -amputates, a llbibir Mm ::;K SICK They, also relieve Distr^s ntvra. P " Indigestion and, Too Hearty'.Ekthj^j'oj feet remedy for Djzziuess, Nausea,' j ness, BadTastcln the Mouth,Coatrf.1 t Pain in the Side, TORPII) LIVER-I0.r If Regulate the Bowels. r\irely Vegetable*1 Small Pill. Small Dp^>, Small Price. l-:<yfijj$ /^"3lP the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's; Insist antf demand .".""- j,z Carter s Little Liver Pill&k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , , ^ Wanted-" ;,:::|| Mon nml Women who oan work hcyrd (ftlBbaj id writing six liours daily, for six,^aj id will bo ooutent with ten dotlur ddross. . ,j*)iffi NEW IDEAS CO., Brantforll. pnWJtt I can pay ton dollars WfltVj to a lady of mature Dgo.'^a-ifi Wanted nnement and tact to spoud hor timo in a'gnO: T. H. lilNSCOTTV^^ oau:e. Torooto,;Ottfc.^gy U/AUTCIl TB40HTCKb andothflrb.,|___ WlHIilCII* men for vaoutlon or vorrijail^ tofloHoit for "Cuuada'j an Knoycr.pfldlaS of tho Country.-" In flvo royn.1 quarto volumes)'^ NodHlfvennff, CooimlBslon paid weekly.',.":;1"^ THK LINSCOTT COMPANY,' ToronfcO,:Oil| Teachers. If you want to in alt e J150 durlo^ July '^ Au(iunt, In a'. Rood cftUHo, wtUo or.wfife t. irrrrNfiooTT gompany, .'-iffl Toronto; O^nl {m Ageats. ... Pocond Killt.Iou 'Qucu Victoria" exbd((te<jt .Yuhiloo edition on prflKfl. Host, hiptor./.pf'itlij QilAOti Utld.Victorian Km publlehfia. 'X'^A/eirh Oatmdlan Work aunaiitad-by.Her'Mwsty^,.^ unnrooodeuttiJ-ltuock tho bottom ^oufc o'fffiM rocorda. Oan vimwora ooo[iufi, lo tnon,pi<il bo>H und plrltj soil It f*t B) cdnj.mlap!; r.tritlht weekly Balury Wftor trin'l tripi - "'^TS THB BKADLKV-G.VKKI3T83M:00,;T^r^ Toro^ioiOnti '.V"foj bRfENTAL EYES. ...... ._.........,%$ Their Hack Lauded Beaaty l>ue toIUi Model of Uvlnsr..' ( .'. .'.TW$L An OBtoerjied correspondent of TTH9i Worapn.'H Arena -writCH,,' 'iMay ;. n01;-'^|| muoh lauded larRenesa and luwtorof flie oriental eye b: due' to false modejTi'lojf living and to u low Rrado of civi] 'tion?" ". :-^ In 'the first place thesa oharma.iiiinlfl never found among tho working olafiBfeij or among the tillerH of, the. sbil.; Thjjy. belong to tbo harem und to. t^e hax^S oivilisiation. .-'-:l'k&"^ I havo exomined the women's qi)u^ toiH in Constantinople and Oain^^il Aden and Bombay, in Calcutta ano^JCii bore, and oven in Hongkong a.iri.>jfiaH ion, uud in nearly every. inatanpe^p(| women's rooms wore small anfl J^1" Where there were windows fchese.^ mere slits in tho wall, whioh ,di4,^fi allow any direot enter. \ ^' The doorway wart small and the.!" woo solid and noarly always closed-"^ lamp was usually o taper.and spiri^t^^ a oundre. Tho room or. rooma lopk^gp upon a long hall or <wrridor7\vnieti$fj" uIho dark and gloomy, and ;thjs ^tn| upon an arched and roofed yerapgMr In uearly all of these" plaoefl*'jS!^Oi$* on'a daily life was pondueted;in;sh5Eii^ and flhade, and after euhdownr s^e^uffj less ligiit tlian foil to tho Ibfrbf '-bl&ffif grim fathers 250 years ago.! . O/""*1 Undor those ..conditions the hv,.... eyo.develops like tliat ,of the oakt^! dog. It beeomes larger an4 seemirimj' more lnstrous in order - to ejl^w,^* owner to move abeut in safety and:?. fort. Transfer this unfortunate iivoi^ to the opon street, tbo .field or;$&$&& of a steamer, and her eyes are; ip.;^ turo from tho sunlight. Her forefie'|^ contraatod by a terrible frown; lifep^S lids are screwed together arjil" !hor,$& flooni to. be just the orjpositfe;^^ they are desoribod in poetry;: teMfc mance, ;, '.:.;.'.: Kl$&%}pm It may be I am all wrong, i^rit:I<g5|j po6tio hum bugs, I think' ;that^!'-***^* zellelike orb of tbe orient is the rnaaM " " y.^p| People who havo;aeen -cofctonj^n lumber warp when, it :oam'e"-;'$&$$!? saw oan va^pr^lafe^&sib^rdb^^p' tells about the flrat sawmill' ereofe . Fort B^^AiUx'^Q^id^;^ the owner of tiie mill oatte dp^(-i town, Where he had'^been'^celetoL,, the "opening/ 'w^tb the ^i^^| oyer the crooked boards soattered^fw the yaTd';.^ :a-IraorneBjt?^^iuj quired with:;d^nrikeni'gra^m^fi>,^ -Bay^(hia)i has :th^aV%m^t ^ WJiWi <*It has adfc-'r,^&pUp1 ; .ae. 'mill. : ^|al Bomderiat-in.aJI/l. .every' -----'"L------" m