^^^^^l .aim* Mia tle,*n room grown dine olJf RottnJM borne baok norow fcMft^fvttatv-ot goUoalir IWr young ..Jfe.tpO Wrt 7 otdMpwl bin* look vrist- wft#rii'iM,',; ': QtaeaH <%.',a loeiaorablo * , whoa heart and 'Jikoa* toxpinotu oyoa-upon my* life a Buddeii $^tW:4?*v. Mmoh*. ,tHw then I see her now, my young, my VHw.briHhtnoss on her sunny brow, the mush ^aV'.'^Vln nor,Voice. ' V'fttoqueation, and but one, I ask, then for ar J&.'My very, heart is motionless, expectant of lta i'V;J.tate, . k >?.},, ^Wbndfoua light glowa tc feOi^"-' fh.*|Jtr breach Is warm upon my face Oh, aweot- teT-.>-vest.ofTOpliosl . ^V'rStlli, *blejs my heart I The driving rain Is com- $&.:: v,.; ing In, ITear, -'L. Or Is that shining little drop upon the pago * (Tp'^Well, who would think an old gray, head could 'ffifo*'.'. '. bo so Boft an thiH .?$ "Whon rooro than thirty years have fled sine* S.V'1)-: that fond, foolUikW*! , fC'r:. ..' '.. Jolin Soott In Chambers' Journal. f>.. ONLY AN ACROBAT. ant. ^ ^bo first night of the Reason nfc'the ^."fiippodrnme qt Menageriedos Nation* ^;;:iin that Innghter loving and light heurt- j&.V^il.qi.ty ot aitiB Paris. WV'/'^'-'Well might the proprietor, the geniaJ &v"jfc3rtelio Milnmlrl, hum n fane na ho con-. * r' '] tentodly counted the "takings," for '%': there was not a seat to spare. Ono sim- te;'ineriug, awulterhiK 'uiuan of. gay Paris- K'rlanft'patiently waiting tbo idol of ev- "fry, European capital, the one and the tonly, the inimitable Paolo.. ,^'-- Paolo, bettor known to his frienda $fe\ftncl ^associates us Bob Sinclair, was a $$?Syonug Englishman a well set up, fresh '^"' .colored, onrly hairnd. Yorkshire lad. -,..r ^Apprenticed as a tiny boy to the prb- te;priotor of a traveling oirous, he had; ^/^ willy-nilly, gone through tho mill, now ,|^.horfiqmau, now acrobat, now clown, [4:,, ,now ringmaster,-anything and every- thing. A day oame at length when, tuk- , tag' advautago of tho "strong man*' !#" -./eraze, Bob's mnsolcs, thews and sinews &*}.J, Buddeuly lannohed him into fame, and j'v ;ias **Paolo, the English Heronles/' he ; bloaaomed into the sought after "star," ?y ^ 'whoni .the. crowded houses had paid their herd earned francs to see. "Y When Paolo' stepped Into the ring, the public enthusiasm knew no bounds.. It would be only taking up Hpaoo to de- jBcribe tho "strong manV performance, }$k* " ,'wfaioii is now so familinr to everybody. '^.7:"Though Paolo worked that night as B '.o^evexly as usual and without any ap- ^parent',effort to tho oyes of, the onlook- 5?':\:'}'vtBf-yet within himself he felt weighed ,>! dowu by a strange foreboding that Kome- :-thing nnnsnal.was about to happen, and 'he felt rosily relieved when at last his ' perform unco was finished, and bo was at liberty io return onoe more to his ^dressing room; - - Soaroe had the heavy velvet hangings ^separating the Hug from the "baok" of the house fallen behind him when his "dresser" rugbed' breathlessly up to him, his knocs almost smiting togotber [And. terror contorting every feature of his countenance, ~^ / "Heaven help us, M. Paolol" he gasped. "What snail wo do? Scipio :has gotloo&e from biScago and in mak ing for tho- arena. It is the only outlet were ha can escape, and lo bon Dleu '; lone oun save as I" Solplo was a hug lion, purchuHod as , oub by Milandrl for exhibition to the :'patrons of his menagerie. Owing to somo oareleasnefls in the fastening of his cage door, the boast had manuged to 'escape; and, attracted by the swell of the horses, was. now making his way to the arena, on the opposite side of which ftv; '"'- nthe' stables were sltuatod. What oould ^/ '-"' : ', Beads of perspiration stood upon his P5^:forebQa^ ua ho thought of the offoots of fe>V; a, auddou stampede among thatvaat con- BJ course; how in their wild alarm bun- Jgj-^-i; t4reds of women and children ayo, and |g^,"."-Btrong men too would be crushed and K#uylfeiftwpled 0 death.' !Wborq are Franpois, Jean, Pierre B tfe: ^;:; M-.*.' &/.' /X'flnd the rest?" he asked. ^U flown, m'sieur;,ull esoupod1 he said to tho ntfc "You are the only ono who has g^j.:,:'"Kow listen,'Vho said to tha ntteud-: ^;,rjhowu any plubk, and I won't fa'rget g^^'jyou; Get 'through my dressing room #^; window, run as fast ns your logs oun ffi^^parry.'yon" toi tbo barracks at tiio end of ^ L*4he road, tell the: officer on duty what In do tho my Kvih'as happened olid ask for holp %l'meauwblle"-^grimly--<lX will ^;best for Mr.. Scipio," , ft, "-"\ 'As the last sound of tho man's hurry- ^||Vlng,fecJ do*n thei passage proolaimod i|^'Shlin.'f.'wen.on'His wajvfor help, Paolohus- ||j"J.";*lly snatched up a small stiletto which g^'-hrid^ boenufled in a juggling trio It during ffi.'^.-^.^he'Wenlng an^, concealing it in his H^t6S rsteppe.d once more, to tbo astonish- %^}nei*t and delight of the aui3ionoe, into P^^ea^rena.' ,. KF^.w^Upering a, few haaty directions l&lpajiO:th' ear of a olowu who was filling $!$$-,between ,the."tarusv to stop', the next |V;1iurtiflta from appearing and to close the ^Btable entranoofl, Paolot made a bow, %^|^. JJpldUiJ^ up his hand for silence, i-^f^i^OtuMecli ;"' .'"/ ^:^'La4i^ ;AUd gentlemen, I cannot i/;^hank you sufiiclontly In words for the 1 f* "tindhew with, which you have recolvdd; ny efforts tonigbfe, so. as deeds speak ^tbaa.words I shall bring before ;Bio^.^ft^B^;li'on; ,!.;HaVftnd' I will give ^ e^ibHiop of Trresillng. Ab, you j?;ii^r;ito^-!; Iri ttini;,! ;(wi^ftrin$:jny|bhK; ^S&lijBft-W. V ^-V^IAfid 'j^si*'\||tofii* -Jbxwtt-iiiBV... Mi ^tLTo^Bs^lpg breath TO-, WOJTOe1 mm. uneasily and disturbing ^h* ^Wl*V'S^',^-^';;V>" -v.-.: Paolo hd b>aced his.Hmhs to give tlmwU a strong position in eipectation of Sciplo'n onrush, h(i weapon couceul- od in tha bpllow of his band, and as he stood In all the gxaco and strength of big xaagnlfloent manhood, every symp tom of fear vanlihfld, he felt within himself that he almost welcomed the moment thai would bring to him vic tory or death. Little time for thought, however, bad Paolo.* With ono fell spring the mighty boast was at him, his open jaws drip ping froth, Ms bloodshot eyes blazing with fury. Bat not this time did ho grasp his in tended proy, for quick as thought the practiced eye of the acrobat detected the moveinout, and bending forward, bead and knees almost touching tho ground, he mndo a rapid shift in the op posite direction and avoided by almost a hairbreadth boing- crushed breathless bouruth the lion's bulk. Quick ns lightning's flash the lion turned once more, crouobiug low in the dust, bin eye warily seeking some weak spot in the. armor of this strange an tagonist, whose lithe limbs and sinuoua movements puzzled him, and who show ed less signs of four facing hliu hero in open fight thun tho crowds of frail hu manity who had mocked and jeered at him so often from the safo side of hid prison bars, but who shrank buck af frighted when in his wrath he gavo his awful battle roar. This time, with catlike tread, he slowly advanced upon his advorsary, striving, as though conscious of his power and strength, to drive him back uud pea him halploRHly mul without ehuneu of escape uguiusfc tbo sidu of tho ring, and then to seize, him at his loiHuro. PnolowuB also thinking. When would tho soldiers come? Could he survive to carry on tho unequal struggle till they arrived? But while thinking not a mun cle rejaxed. Seeing the lion's taotics, he gradually managed to skirmish toward the ring, though by tin doing ho passed within, a few feet of his nose, "Corno on, Soipio," he said aloud, with a goy bravado ho little folt, "this is not how .lions fight." And he made a slight feint, as though playfully to touoh his adversary on the head. V With a deep, bolloW roar of anger Soipio reared aloft on his hind legs, uud, throwing all prudence to the winds und realising that the, momentous struggle bad come at last^Fsolo rushed madly at him, man and beast dosing in a tor- rible doath grapple, the lion continuing erect, us though wishful to wroatlu on equal terms with the brave biped. In tho swift onrush Paolo dropped hw dagger, and now, -weaponless but fren zied with rage and despair, he exerted! every atom of his marvelous strength und with ono giant upheaval overthrow tho Wild boast. But Soiplo's mighty claws Were, busy, and the blood lust was on him too. Crimson streaks through Paolo's tunic made it apparent to the fascinated beholders that this Htfclo wrestling bout way not oil that it seemed, and many a timid heart, sickened by tho sight of blood, odged furtively toward the near est outlet. "" But what sound is this thufc brooks the spell and causes tho low whispers of inquiry to swell into a babol of tongues? In another moment tho semi- solitude of the arena is broken by tho appearance of a body of soldiers from the neighboring barracks, all convergr ing rapidly on one point whero lay tho doughty combatants. Tho young officer in command, has tily disengaging a revolver from his belt,.fir(is one, two,' three shots Into tho prostrate brute's oar, nud with ono 'mighty groan tbo spirit of tho orring Soipio returns to haunt tho solitudes of the African desert;?. Tender bunds lift Paolo, uucousoions, .blooding uudjuigh to doath. Ho is borao from tiio arena Is trje uudionco slowly fllos out of the building under tho mas- torful direction of some of the soldiers told off for tho purpose silent, awe stricken, sobbing, praying, walking as in a trance. . In apeuooful little God's aoro just outsido the wulls of Paris sloops Paolo, His grave all tho year round blooms with lovely .flowers, and its fond tend- ing shews that, though his body has passed tiwuy, his memory still 11 ouriahea as brightly as the blosaoms that wave over him. London Answers. Xlii> Ohiurtn of a Oollbgre Iloom. A college room is a delightful place. Its qcenpfant for tbo time being is its master; He oan do as he will In it lopk his door and bo not at home, ad- _mit all oomers. Bit alone .d4 *ead or study, or sit with bis congeniaf irloud and talk out whatever he may. have the good fortune to have In his mind. Que Harvard graduate certainly, who found many.pleasures of. very varied sorts in college, remembers very few with snob a sense of aolld oomfort duly taken aa cortaiu talks tjad in colloge rooms TVith good men, ihohgh young, nbout letters and life and . people, the immediate en vironment audi ibo greater world ob the brink of whiob all oollego men, stand. Musib has charms, superlative charms, in college too. .'.,';:;; . In this same graduate's memory there axe few rnvsloaf flsfloolutiona, more oon- eoling tfajui the memory, of what be heard, hsif asleep In ohalr bofore a .Are, while a gwd mnijclaa who was : his oluMmate t at his piano in tije corner. Some ol the calmest and most : peacefm! memories of tJMaiUge'1 ;ire'-\tfajs'. be,si TJie more bpirtsroua plfia#u*es we :;smi^:;t6.;-iW^*,^0^ ' ' ^ i4enibe;;ti^V*fc'M of youib- Bu* afecttl thc*e qi w. iJons In th ni|ht and the dork that went ;,-.-".,,rpin"',;.' < : Out of her arms but a dnybreak ngof anguished with sorTOw, harwatchaho t top- ' .. ' ' Far woidd. aho' follow thropgh etorra nntl throUnh anow. Nay,, tender raothor, have doae, with your WMpfaf, Not In the night arid the dark has he part. Hia all of bright heaven save when ho is Bleeping And dreaming of htavoh, warro,_ warm In your hoart. , T-Harpar's Bazar. m* *%m> todacedbytheusyof coc^opU^^ 'oo^io^.;oompoan4h^^ H underminee the health arid shatters the constitution and the patient is steadily growing Into V worse condition often resulting in the terrible slavery arid miflery of the oocaino arid, oplum.Wblt^ Bleep Induced by the nso of Hood's Barsa- sapflrlUft may not come as quickly, but II come* mote surely,; permanently and is LAFITTE THE PIRATE. New Varalon of the Story Told by Gal veston Ojratercnen* Galveston island, Texas, is very proud of Lafltrte, tho pirate. Indeed, bis fame, like that of. Captain Kidd, grows greater with every yoar. Out on the island, a few miles from the city, is a grove known as Lafltte's grove. A number of wind bent trees onotrclo a dauofng pavilion and are snnouuded with a oboice collection of oyster shells and tin cans. The elderly woman of tho party, hor old 'fashioned purls bgb- biug hysterically, burxFed to a native who was placidly wrostling with a half dozen bushels of oysters. *'Say, mister, who was this Lafltte that they talk about?" she began, note book in liuud,, "Well, lady, he was a powerful big man. I don't know all the rights of the matter, but somehow he bad tbo habit of jorkin folks' money away from 'em, and once in a while he brought a lot of It hero to the island and buried it." l "Is thoro any buried hero in the grove?" "No, lady. This grovo was just n gnthoring place for 'em Lafltto and .bin -oroW4 They uacd to comb hero o' nights an bring their booty which they had gathered from ships pirated an rob bed. Thoy divided it up, an each man got his share, an then tboy had tt kind o' war dance around any victims they bad brought in before.killin Vim." "Hpwhorriblol" VYes, it was terrible, lady, but that Was .uoJ_a_jdrcumHtanco to tho thingH th' chief pirate used-to do. Ono time when there was a big party in one of ' tbo rich houses on flic island bo an his crow suddonly appeared in the ball room. Thoy drove everybody outdoors oxoept tho women an made thorn dance with 'em. Then thoy went to the. din- in room an had a big feast, ondJn with carrying off all the silver in the house." * "That is Very interesting," making more notes, "Yes, 'm/'withaplaoidface. "But thoro'H worse yet to come. Onco a man refused' to give up his pookotbook to Lafltto, an th' pirato took him an tied him by the waist to the stern,of the pi rate boat an dragged him for a milo through the sea. By that timo ho was ready to give up-" f . "Did tho phataget tho pooketbook?" <lYes, 'm, tho man was dead. But the ond oomo at last, mrt'am. One day. the other- pirates did riot like the way Lufitte did things, an theyrebolled on him. They murdered him in his bunk one-night when ho was asleop." "What a terrible fatel" making more notes. . -."y.0?'.^ pn tbyy stuck bis head on a pole, where they kept it for ton days an. nights! Then thoy brought it here an buried it in this grovo, an ho haunts this part of tbo island every dark night, yelling au soreochTng awful." Tho listener shuddered and made some morn notes, but ,tho oystorman wont placidly on with his work, uncon scious apparently of tho offcot his marvelous interpretation of history hod caused. If Lafltto hud riot nhoady hauntod tho grove, ho surely pugbt to have done so af tor so strange n pervor sion of his biography.^-Now York Post. Sir Walter Seott'e First Brief. Sir Walter Scott had his sharo of xu- rious oxperionoos shortly after beinjr called to the bar. His first appearance as counsel in a criminal court was at .Todburg assizes in 1703, when he suc cessfully defended a veteran poacher. "You're a . lucky scoundrel," Scott whispered to his client wheri the verdict was given. ' "I'm just of your mind," returned the iattor, "and I'llsondyouamnukin" namely, a hare-r-" tho inorn, mari." Lookhart, who narrates the, incident, omits to add whefchor the "maukiu" duly reaobed Soott, but no doubt it did. On another oooasion Scott was, loss successful ip his defense of a.house breaker, bpt tho culprit, grateful for his counsel's oxertions, gave him, in lieu of the orthodox fee, which he waa unable to pay, this piece of advioo, to the valrio of which ho (the housebreak er) could professionally attest: First,; never to have a large watchdog out of doprs, but to keep a little yelping . ter rier within, and, secondly, to put no trust in nice, cloVer, gimcraok locks, but to-pin his faith to n huge old heavy ouewith a rusty kev. Sootfc long re membered .this . irioiderit, and 90 years, later, at. a Judgee' dinner at Jedburg,: he recalled it in this impromptu rhyme: :', Yelping torrior, rustykey, Was Walter Scott's best Jeddart fee. Westminster Gazette. , . A Berlons Oatlooic*: VWhat I want,'-' said the manager, " ':. V Welt" replied the soribe, *?iUl do what I can., But I give you fair:.warn- Ing you're killing tho goose that lays the golden egg, ' If everybody keeps on Writing burlesques, In; a.; short^time there won't be,nythlng.BQrIoufl for peo ple to makoiuu of. '^ rwashington Star. >^"^..^.sw^ :':^vy: fisuorofkarrlc^eLIoentas. Iawranoe * T .., TilBOT BTBKET, iBSBHX, 'i-^-'Pa gw......_ m tt , PaW, BiMX.::Dly7nej H- fLUMMBIV Ccdertflkor aud Jimxltnte a Dealer, Oofflni, home and factory ade from |8 to 680. MoGrogor, Ont. And refreshing- because It la realized through nuture's great restoring and re- Jnvcnatlng channel purified, vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds up the system arid constitution from the vary foundation of all health and life the blood pure, rlob, red blood. SOCIETIES T o. O. F.-KNTBBPBI8B Ivpdge, No 918, 1. meets every Thursday evening at 6,00 in Dddf sllows* Half, in third storey Dnnstan Blok. Visiting membersutoUior lodges will reoelvd fraternal weloome, PICED. GILBOB, N.G. OBNTBAT- ENOAMPMBNOYNO, 0, moats in Oddfollows'Hall,3nUDstan Blook, on the Drat and third Tnosday ineaoh. month. Vtsitoxs oor- dlally reeelved. Members of subordinate ledges in the ]ariadlotion, invited to join. 0. HANNAN, O.T., (i.l?.HXL,Ij,BQO. E j^SSBX FIUB BBIGtADfi., MEETB PIRBT in g ring. "I was generally run down last spring, appetite was poor and I could not sleep. Hood's Barsapnrllla built me right up, gave good appetite and I was soon able to get a good nlght'fl rest." Q. F. WniTHnv, Merchants Yeomaas St., Ionia, Mlohlgan. Friday evening in ovory month for bri gado meeting and third Friday for -practice In tho Fir omen's room fn the Btono building. Jos. MoUurrav, Oniel; Sara. Smith, Captain; Jos. fllote, Xilsutenant; warren Loo, Beoretory; Fred. Hyatt, Treasurer osrtaetr 6t Buofciiro B*v. * t B1, rtuabfnCBk: i PauVs, Hsf&^Pivi....._ very Buoday atU a.m.,7yaloek p .mflnu BohoolatlOa.m. x'rlnityCborch,Norttti Divine serylee every Bnriday atry,ui.i flay gohool at i;<o p. ui Xbavpqblle are oiallylnvited. :; * . ' ".O .-T,rvj PaiBBTTaauw. Pastor/1 vlosson Sabbstb abll a.m, and v JO p.m.I bath School atttflO p. m. Prayer nKottngj . . Pastor's bible class on Taeaday t 730 p, m*:W Social Union on Wednesday afr fi,l# n^m*,^vV!ms* tSAxrws Ouunon.-Kev^.>.'Campbefli ^*fi:;$ Mr Sorvicofl oaon Babbath at U a, sq, and f.'k p. m. Prayor meeting on Wednesday evening^ ateo'olook. B Y. P. U. uootlngoa Friday^ evofllngut 8 o'clock. Beats free, AU ara'oov'r'i'i dlally welcomed. .,; y &/$$$& ' Bokan Catholic Fr. Q/X.iittim$$L faster. Sex/lou every other Sunday*vMpP*<wJ m. SundaydohoolatBp.m. :. .. '^'--'.^^m\S MAmsTONK, High mass and sermon at 10JO"^ a.m., ciUeehlsm at- 9 p.m., baptism at Bp;"' 'J vesper sand oonodlatibn at 7 p.. m. O, ,' Wgfe COURT BOYAIi, NO, 312.1. 0. F. Mucrte eeoond and fourth Tuesdays In each month, In I. O. O. F. Hall at 8 o'clock p.m. Vlaltlng brethern will bo oivon a. fraternal wel come. V. J. Dewar, O. B., W. 0. Shaw, B. B., M. J. Wfalo. 0. D. H. O. B. A. Balna. Fin. flee, and Treasurer. *mm$t& Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft I~ rt^^, nill- cureliverllls.oasytotakb, tlOOd S FlllS easy to operate, wednts. ALWAYS OPEN. "TheNiagara Falls RouU." aowq siabt Oee'.P.P. Salvation Aninr. Oapt. Ottway andHeal^^f Coo In oomoiand. Bidvatloa meetings Wu*:^r^ nesday,Thursday ana Sunday oveuinge^reeand V;/iy Easy.uatnrday evening andap.m.Bunaay.KoU* f.#.i nose meetings for christians irlday oveningandVrJpa U a.m* Sandayj Kneo Drill 7 a.m, every%va6Mfrf$$tt All are welcome. Taking effect' May, 1807. Hall Kxp. flow Lake Mlohlgan lit Made Kartgable All th Yfiar Konnd. Navigation on Lake Michigan is nov- er closed. StoamorH ruu baok and forth noroHH the "liilw -mid between tho ports of the wosfc Hhoro of the l;ike during the ontire winter with remarknbht reRolHr- ity. The first attempts at winter navi gation on the trauslnke routes woro made by the Detroit and Milwmikco Bnilroad company and by tho now de funct Eugolimmn Transportation com pany many years ugo, and the success of wiutcr ventures became established us tiio cluirapter of ** the steamers was improvod and developments wore made In marine onginQry. Now winter navi gation proceeds almost uninterrupi^Jly, and the new car ferries steam buck and forth with little regard for weathor or for ice. The success of tbo car lorries on Lake Michigan and tho car ferry Which defies wintor in tho. Straits of Mackinac is probably the chubo of the announcement that uegotiations uvo in progress looking to tho construction of ico bnmkin^ freight Hteamers that will enable thoir owners to keop tbem in eommission on the Lake Superior and lower lake routo during the winter. The report is without foundation. Thoro is a vast difference botween the navigation of Lake Michigan from on,e slaore to tEo olnor," nnc! afong 1& West ahoro, and the navigation of the great lakes throughout their lengths and through tho intorlako channels,. Ipo breaking is expensive, and* occasionally the loe floes defy the crushing power* of the boat of the so called ice breakers. One of the car ferries was recently stall ed by a floe near Menominee which do- fled not only the steamer, but tho 'ex plosive power of dynamite. Tbo troub^o of winter navigation on tho chain of lakes would occur in tho intorlako chan nels and in tho omnia. Owing to tho clogging effects of tho ice, it would ho almost impoKuiblo to ope into ennuis dur ing midwinter. Another and a vory sorions bar to general lake navigation in winter in tho prevalence of snowstorms, during which nothing whatever can be aeon. 3nqw is more obstructive to the Bight than fog, and during a driving snow storm it is impossible to seo anything ahead, evon in the day timo. Winter naviga tors on Lake Michigan!, who aro never out of sight of land for any groat length , of time, experience thoir chief nnnoy- nuce from snowstorms. Thoy manage to steam luto port whon snow is flying thick beoauso of their familiarity with the route, but they occasionally got in to trouble whilo thdy aro^ wruppod in "the tuinultuourtprivacy of tho Htorm." It doea not, follow, by, any means,- that because w niter navigation issuo- oessful on JLako Miohigan it can be made Huca-RHful in the upper and lower . lake Borvieo. . ' Thn!kTuliM!H8;. ThankfulnesH is a most becoming graco. Its spirit ntJOrns all aoooptablo worship. IJoat.people have nt, ioust a hundred reasons for being .thankful foj one for boing,find and melanoboly. . . Dotrolt....... Winilnor.... Volton..;..... Maidstone o Bfisox......... Woodflloo... Ktiooomb ... Com bo r, Jet idn St. Thomas Itidcotown.. Hounoy. a.m. 5.&0 6.50 o.oe o.i o o.:to 0.42 CBO 7.00 H.'iO t/.-io 0.50 a.m. 0,20 '060 7.10 11.00 6.47 10,00 oomo west. Kxp. a.m. Exp, Accom Mixed a, m, p.m. a. m. lOiOO" 4.40 10.U5 6.00 4.00 M0 4.1G 5.1^ 4 HO 6417 4. -15 COO 6'JA ' S.M B.B1 6.05 0,10 12,20 710 10.W 7.08 11.85 1.26 8.-40 2.25 Loudon......... "t. Thornds... Kodney......... Itidgetown,.... pomhor.......... lluacornb....... Wooiisloe....... Eesol............ Maltffltono Or LPoltou............ ^WIudBor......... Detroit..!,....... p.m. 13.10 2.40 .au 4 07 6.2H fj,i() B.B0 0.0 J 0.14 o.ai GA6 7.10 :uo 4.4B O.iK a.m. B.S0 10.2B Mixed a.m. a,m. MUNIOIPAL PIBEOTOSy^@ Eh a ex Town Counoil meats on tho* 1st aiid ,-,' 8rd' Tuesdays iu each month at U p, m.,,'6t'-'t^ Town Uall, l'albot Btr. (i, J, Thomas Mayor j'-Is John Waltors, Olork- / ^ regular mbotiaRHOU tna VuaHuturday In eooh:-/JM month, ab the town hall, Gee to, John Thomas.' -\S% lieevo; A. O. Atkiuaoa, Ulork.OoaUt F, q, ; ; '^Vr^ijwj OoBFitciiD Nou'ru townahip couueii holds reV;'V-"^i gulor moot n^a on tuu laan bubuxday la ewb; ,'>; !! mouth ac the wwu bull, Cottam. Uhae, HeUclo; ,1 'v!'^ Hoove; Isaac Jaokeon.Ulurk, Cottam, If. O; O V'AJj MArnaToNii townehlp ooanoll holds' re^ua^.v't^ meeuuKd on thu lae( tiaburday.ln each month /'n at tho lownehlp hull lu tho (Jib. con. Peter Oor- v',!; boll, Boevo; M. MoHugh, Oloxk, Woodalee, J^.O/ i^p gulor jutieLiuga on tho 1st Saturday In daeb V,'2 month at the townahip hall. Oldcaqtle. Bdward' MftS O'Neii, Hoovo; John Moynohau, Clerk, Moid*;.',:& atone P.O. '- 'Wft, ' -"Wfti 0.05 ll.Ufi 0,1)5 7.0D 12.0B 12.40 5.15 .0.15 7.11 7^7 8.57 O.OB O.10 0.83 0.43 0.04 1C.15 10.69 C'30 V.27 6.47 12.40 1.10 '1.85 19 00 8.20 H.t!7 400 Amhorvtburg: Local Trains. WEST KABT p.m (WW a.) 4 0.21 6 23 0-40 0.40 A.m. ajn. 11,40 1.2ft 11.B2 7^4 1U.CO 7.40 12,10 7.42 12.S0 0.00 iy.40 flaw a.m. a.m. p.m Kbbox ' 0.00 0.25 0.80 KdgarS B.02. 0.1B B.10 Xitil> II Xing M7 9.07 4.B7- MoGregor 0.46 0,00 4.66 Qordon 025 8 4S 4.S& Auihoratburg C'20 8.40 4.80 All trains are run on oontral standard time, whloh ie sixty minutes slower than Euaei timo. For. Information and ratos to ooloa- lstB moving west apply to John G. Lavon, Paa- floncor Agent, St. Tbomas, O. W> Bnggles, Gau- eral 1'uflncnper and Tiobot Agont, Ohloago 111 or A. O. Stlmers, Acent, Eboox, We wish we could make everybody believe that promptness is prevention; that there should" be no de- Jlay when you are losing flesh and \yhen you are pale^ espec ially if a cough be present. The. continued ruse of Scott's Enriulsipn in the early'sta;ges of lung affections doe$,prevent the development of'":.:Gph^ sumption: Yotir;doctor will ttiis ^isntrue^nd^e^ i;state:?it-;witfeSii^ any : lalse 4.; claim?:v Pr: *pom^8C8 L.t. &D. R.Ry TIMK TABIiTl NO, 22, taking offoot Monday, Bopt. 27,160G. TralnB run by Eastora Btand- ard Timo. DailvoxooptBiroday LEGAL. |Jt - A. WIBMKli, Uarriutor, Bolioltor, Notary %S Hit Public Aa. MoneytoJoan. OfflceHjDon-' ' Wmi Btau Block, op-atairp, KsboX. , 4-lf' >' :'*i-iJ(jV -----,----------- ^----__------: \ >M CZfAltKUr OOWAN, UAI1XLBV 4 BABTIiBT, ;, ^ BarrlBtoru, oto. Ottloea Medbury J*loek. K--'\i WindBcr. .Prlyito funds to loan. A. U.Ozjuuoi>' M> L. 1>. B. M. K. Cowan, M. P. A. a. &. Ua*txmtjW$ ----------------r-1-^----------:-----------------'.. '. .^te HKWltX U. WALTKitH OouuBolor at law Proctor In Admiralty, . Chamber ot poninieroe uulldlng, Uotrolt, Mich, '.' '.ffM (Canadian olaiujo againflt persona in the v"r United Btatos eolleotojd.) , HefuronoBi ImporiolUauk,Essex,Ont, J. L. Fetors, Kb*}., iiarrfster, etc., WindMr, ^;i out. hM KA, Wiamor, Kuq, JtarrlaUir, etc.,Essex,Oqtyj'i UiEDICAL. ., rU'f-t-. ,v D 118. JUtlKN <& XJKIION. Post (jraduatoaiedloalCol- m ^3 Alt 0.83 QM 0.4 0,60 0.R7 10.03 10.01) 10,1 10,27 10.117 10.4B 105B 11.11 11.20 11.23 11,05 11.43 11.60 HSft 12:01 12.11 12.111 IC.24 12.B5 P.M, O P* 'A PM 6:20 0.27 0.36 RAO A M 12,00 12.no 1240 12.45 12.53, Q.47 1.10, G.M U0 6.50 l.HO! 7.10 l.fi0,7.17 2.(S0;7.27 a r>' 7.1*7 2.60,7.44 S,4Si 7/4 4,10 fl.CO 4,25 4.40 0.08 B.20 G,J2 ft, 66 0.05 6.1D O.tlQ 0.40 7.00 P.M. B.17 8.22 B.ItU 0,40 8.47 S.512 000 9.07 0.12 0 20 oir P.M BrATiONfl. DopWolkory'loAr Walkorvillo Juno. .........Polton ......t Oldoaatlo...... ......1 Paquette,.,,.. ......McGregor...... ...j Now Canaan... ... f MarnhOold ... ...... Uarrow'...... .,......( Arner....,..., .....,EincBvillo...... ...... lluthvon...... Jjaamlngton ......+ HonwioK Wheatlei .....;CoatBworth ... ......iGlanwobd,...., ....,.,,. Werlin >......, ......v Buxton......... ...... tidndieon ...... ...ICoilar Springs... Blenheim Junot'o ......Blouho'm ...... ........twiiue.......;. Ar Ridge town Pep 1A o K l 0 10 fl 00 H07 8 1SS 8 47 8 43 880 800 8 22 8 11 8 01 7fil 7 40 7 24 7 IB 7 10 7 00 0 52 0 45 0 40 0 81 0 24 6.20 0 10 0 00 A.U. in A* 3 uata of Kew York logo. J. W. Brlen, M. ., 0. M.. S, T. M. C. Honor $& graduate of Trinity Medical College.'/Honor ;^ graduate of Trinity Uuivuruity. MeniborOf tbe) ^ College of 1'uyniuiniiH ana Bui yooub, Ont."GyaoVfj'W uaw of isuw Kork J.Jonc tiraduato MedioaIr '^ college. ; ' \^r Omoeover itiset Medical Hall <lrag atore. \'; Conyulttttlon rcomu, both ou grouuu floorJund'.i^ Arab UaC abovu. Toleyhoue lu botu bulee and'*$] reaidouoe.* All calls attondod u from office, rj drug -sloro, or rusidoncoo. itfleijoucya, Talbot't^tru ntreot,near ftiir roundH uud adjoining h^BB-^/- 1'iucaa Odlco. ,-^M --------------------.------------__-------------rr^r'M^3 J"\H. J, In. JKNNKK, Aaaooittte Coroner tqic-.^W A M fi.50 R.08 B.27 0.17 s.rfi 6.00 4.40 4.B3 4,'2& 4.00 0.45 0.10 2.40 I.M 1.88 1.10 12,00 12.21 12,1 12.00 11.28 11.20 11.10} lo.ifli 10.00 P.M. 7.C0 7.4!1 7.31 7.!l 7.27 7.22' 7.17 7.10 7.00 0.O2 G.42 080 cm 8.0U 6.51 Mil Mtfl fiS8 B.U1 CIO C.07 COO 4.55 4.45 -4M A.iT.IP.M. \ Flag Stations; Trains Btop only when thoro aro paBBougora at or.for theeo etatlons. Mixed trains ai-o at al times enbjeot to bo. oaneollod WAT WobliTiATT. Grenoral Suportntondon - To Drive"anywhore, if eo, you wiont * O00A ....,...,c.nd tbeplace to get it Is at f JOHN McDOUGAL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Good Hosiers'in attendonoe daytaud night. ' In ihla brwobvat our:,bndneM,l:wfrK-,..iflnit-i oUeb Workmen and vrill guarantee latiBf Action ia' Bhpeln* Horaeg tbA>^nteirfeiei Over-Rewh or:baveCoruB(ar Contracted TeBb:_: ;Wa mate a H0b"llttl u^d Hontdout Auoouobfaur Burnafde-v/CTj hyiua-~n HoflpituJ, Toronto;'l&84.'Bp6elaltyr4^^^Si oaa8 of \.'f0UldU au,t ohiluren. lieaidonco, house- '.#5$; lately oooiip***! t)y Dr.Dowar/X'.alhot BlvM&Bty,^jm Onloo in luuoJul BuxV Bloofii, ground "n'o6r,,/f'Q,'^ dUvnW phone line b^bwoouUyriT'Piiaui.atA"1' hotuio Ma;S| Wan Kennedy's Uotieo and ouioo* At ^ftqaettd.pftf Htatioh on the Ij W ^Dlt-lt. J \^',-V:^t& Ni^ht calls attended to at oihco; or reflidone J/.; '(* oppoaito Thome's -fl - r, r housed in the olUafl. Tolopbone ooanoottoit ^j;; with both oilloo aud witauW* Private teb>^ -* rip DENTAL. . ,.-,'*v HV, MABTIN. D. I>. B., li. I>. S, Graduatoi in JjuiitljLry, Boyol College of Dental qSt durgoouB, Ontario, upd Univoralty of Toronto.,'!5^ Charges, nioderato. Ofhoe, over Braex Mdl-;i'rt^ oal IZall,.'i'iLlbot stroot, J^esex. ; -'^-18-lv*T,.:/-lv.Jj3 VETERINARY..:' ^^M ___________________ 'jtfi WH. B10HAKDSON, VT3T!SItiNABV Bi^^tl ' OliJON. honorary graduate of .OntarioVS Vetorlnary Collogo, Toronto: membor of ;On^wjr| tario Votorlnary Medical Hocietyj Diplopolpt' itti'jS Dentistry; treats ull diseases ol/domeatioate4lwM unimulfl; oattlo Uohornod bv tbelateat lmi^vpi^ Leavitt clipper Ualle-by telejuione[\qri-tityR, graph promptly attended' to, 'JUesidenoetbXBO^ doors oaat! of ' grist will; office in post ofUe'a^i building; Ksnex inflrniary, directly, oppOBite/fTi\;5 LAND SURVEYOR JAMES 8. DAIBD, Provinoiai liana Sturveii and County Jdngmeor^Besex Ont.':.:^'.,v;Oulce, DanstanBlpolc, np^ta^alna A U CTION EE R^-i-^i^ra IT^^^Tf^i' HBNBY HEDRI0Kr A^oiiqueor^^Ai*) promptly attended to. ^AddiesB^flpaBt Woodslee, Out; Forsons defiu-lng to BMUTe/lTO way leave word a-t tbo Fbbb PBEM-onldd^aw ?:l^Wmr^ IX BINCLAIB; IJOBNBBt) ,ATiOT!jL for tho County of Essei. Bailiff of: Divialoh Cdurt. All kinde 'iirt-W#a$Bales contluotod promptly. BaWb rowani WWM . I OHN GORMLKY, > ^......,. V < lilOUlNBEUa ATJOXIONBffilB^or^ of Eeeei.. All kinds of farm Btoolc,eal* cpuduotfld prowptly ahd^n sbor^hopid^ reaaohableVTOTroua dealtaDJe'....... may lo hO" or by P-Ppl p.,O. Box FaEa'Pnaae lyfcB,to"\'.;'.v;:^vv.,S>^;^sM^ I.U.i.,.1 1 .....1 , ,iWii>.,.-i.^I .iTi.-iihi, ,,i..i F Bovenyeara'oxperiepoe^e tboUoqntyotERflejt.SBJcHeQrfdnQI imd on roaaonable/iterms.^artir^ Ox tbo date Bale.'. ooii. .hiTel dri?obyrallidgat,tBe,rMH have arrfcnped with Mt. STo01 the dates for BoJoaby tali aUohai-ge-totheiperaQU'i dreaalfranKUopIOBkPV.