Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 23, 1897, p. 1

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^! E&'v faH'Sfo ;$m^N^,29/ B0SEX. ONT., : FBIDAYri JULY 23> 1897i whole ;ns |^H^,'-:.-:,:- Rlii50N.& Co. ,^."'> ' v.' fe&!:'. .-:.V- ' /-?'ir - "We invite inspec tion of our stock of Kj|timraer Dry Goods, ||^e challenge com- ^arisoii in quality and , f Ifrice. Our assortment Hot Wash Fabricsior'., i&-i'.r-j:. Vttft' arm ^Weather. waists. , 1 And Costumes Includes &>) Figured Challies at Oo a yard. S^Handsome Colored Orepons at 10c a piSili.iyard.' White aud Colored Muslins at tWiSjdo* a yard. Beautiful Dimities at I2c M!:a*yatd. OhooUo^ and Striped Linens M/'at'lSJo a yard. Colored Striped 'ifeCrinkles at 20o a yard. Prints and $0 Ginghams from ffo up, Ac. ife J. T, SOMERVILLE, JHlD.1C.M.,h.C.P.&S.Ont, Gbaduaxb op Tbinitv TJnivhbbitt ; :' Fellow op TbINITX|MbDIOAIj OQLIiBaB, TOBOMTO, ONtt Oppiod and Erstdbnob. House lately ocoupied by the late Dr. George MoKenzie. Talbot Stbbbt. - - Essex, 6nt.2 The Farmers and Traders Life and Accident Assurance Co, Samoa H. Still. President, John Campbell, Vice-President.. D. H, Galbralth, Seorotaxy, P. M( tfrasor, Managing-Director. Head-Office^ St. Thomas, Ont. Lowest Rates- Up-to Date Volley Contracts. KnorRotlo, tollable looal agouts wantod. OenBl Agenti Box 704, Bt. Thomas. ESSEX- Music & Stwe* *V. . for.' :iJ m Blouse Waists ' 'Made in tho latest stylo, with and without dotaokablo collars and cuffs, In Prints, Sateens, Innons, &o., from sc oaoh. iw I Ladies' White wear DBAWfifib S5o and Upwards. ."SUnRTS* SOo and. Upwards. * JNlQJiT GOWJSfS SOo and Up. .' These are well made Kormonts, full sized and nicely finished- .'(. hi.. ,',>'. S.-'V'A.Special Line of . , . ^Gloria 5ilk Parasols_^> Sft'r"' Assorted liaudlos, 23-inoU franio, Btrong and handsomo, extra value at $i eaoh. . . * S^-Bure' Linen fj"; Crash Towoilinp, extra valuo in it 'heavy 17-inoh. striped border, regu lar prioo 10o, for 7c. a yard. 60-rinoli Loom Dam a sic Table Linen, ilowor tern, speoial at 25c. o yard. pat- ^l^en's Fine * ' ^' ",\ Colored Oa'mbrio Shirt* -with fel'.' .:'-j3ar and Cuffia, usual 70c. line1, iriw.i;"H'jV.-'^oc.,oaoh..' w i--" Col- for In Millinery Er.s. r; Department for the remainder of teVj the season, Out Prices -prevail, _ _ season, as-wo noyer carry Milliiiory Goods over from one, season to -auoiuor. BiK?-.~ over irom one, season 1 fcjPfK, .: ', Everything must aO ! ?^f)t! Depts. # R. S. WilliatUH' Pianos, JSvans Bros! Pianos, ^ Singer Sewing Machines.- .......... Have\\iBt rooolvod a......... Now 8111>ply o< VIoIium, Autolinrpw, llarinoulpaw, dultar, &e* Viol lu Rirlu^M and Supplies for all tho al)ovo Instrument**: n band. Tunin,aud Eoyalrluya Specialty. Maohlno Noodlofl aud 01) Id Stock. H. M. FAUt, 2nd Door tVorili of IH.O.n* Strayed. STRAY/IS!) luto tho prcmiBOS of ahniori, on Lot 28, Co of Maldntono, about ttia ;bo premises of the undor- slguod, on Lot SO, CouoeRniou !)| TownBhip midillo of May, two yeatrllufif* ftpottod red and wblto, Owner will Prove property, pay chargeb ml take thorn uway or they will do bok! accord ing to law. A&HXANPtm (ivtiu, Maldtltouo. it Tenders Wanted. TENDERS will bo roooivod up to July 80th, 07, for Foundations and Brioking in of Two Boilers at the "WaterworlcB, according to plan and specification to bo seen at the office of ii. A. JhOKs, Ohnirman, rpOWNBHtl* OF OOLOHKSTBU MOUTH. Notice to Con tractors. Tdnders will 1m roooivod bv the nndoreiRtiod up till throo o'clock, lti tho af to moon on Thafsdayv M day^pf Hugast, 1897, ffortbo aonatruotion of tho "14th flon. Roar Haul and Qoflto Sldoroad Drain," to|bo lot iu pootiorJB. 1nt MaldiitoiMB Townlluo nod fiido- road hetwoon lots 13 and 13 to Ilfch Oon. and. HtUOon. to lUt, Mrd. Trom Hear Road to the Canard, ' Flans and Snoolrtaationa may o sow at the Olorfe offioit, (lu8t<). Hilrotloa will bo required to bofjivon for the duo porforznauoa of the .work, Tuolowotttor touder not uoooRflturitly ao- coptod. - , . By ardor of Council. * i - 'i'? MOOTS AND1 -SHOES. GJIOOEJIIES. rfi'!;;'::^ czovmNG. m^:.-':<ffAis,ANi> gaps: . Voters' List, 1897/ Muriiclpality; of Sandwioh South, Cmmby'-'oi J3esex. NJOTIOB IS HEREBY GlVmWBA.1l SAVE ll 'traDflraitted or dellvared to tho persons uiontionedln seatlonkti and 6, orf tbo' Ontario Votere' iblat Act, 1BS0, the oonlea required by Bald BeotloDfl to bo transmitted or deliVerod, of the Hat'made pursuant to said aotcf all parties appoarlng by tho last revlsod asaoasinent roll Bald Beotlonfl to bo transmitted or deliVerod, o'f id' """.......' 61 the said Municipality to bo ontltfedtoVo'tn iii the Bald munlolpalf ty at^olaotlone /or toora- twrs pf the Xoglslative Aasembly and at tnndl- ppoarlnp; by ftboflatd Jli g&fxmMk^-\ ' cltfiU elooilona and that said Hat was drat poet-' edtap (*t my office oh the 3rd day of July, J807, and remains thers for (nspoatlpQ. Blectors ore celled upon to examine the laid Hit and If any omUslona or any other errors oVa fonod therein; to t&ke Immediate proceed- iDg^tofaave th errors corrected aooording to .' '.'JOHN. MOTKAHAK. v . Olftrk Of Handwioh Boutb, ' Dftto.31 this 3rd day of July, 1807. >. ' ( ,. "i ' \:'--', poor nealthior some^^ Basex Town Council, Tueaday, July 20th. Oounoil met in regular aeBflionj Mayor in the" bhair. Preflent, Becve MoDongall, Deputy Beove , Johnaon, OourioiilorB, Biadiok, Hioka, Joseph Robinson and Fred.jRobinBOn. The mlnnies of laBt.regular meeting and special meeting were read and confirmed. The Finance Committee presented their report recommending the pay ment of the following accounts: TTrank Shrum, wood for waterworks, &8.76;Wm. McCaffrey, outtlng thistles, $5 i W, T. Jones, repairing sidewalk, $242. By-law No. 305, to raiflo 85,000 for improvements and extensiona to the waterworks, was read the third time and passed. Tho Council spent some time in difl- oneeing various drains, especially Victoria avenue drain. It was moved by Councillors Hiddick, seconded by Fred. Robinson, that tho commissioner on Victoria avenue drain be notified to have the job completed in ten days, or tho town will re-let the job at once. Carried. ' Tho collector's time was extended until the*next regular meeting. Oounoil adjournod. Additional Local. Fon best value in parasols go to M. J. Wigle&Co. ' J. E. Btonbj has some bargains in secondhand buggies. Tins regular prioes 85o., now 10o., oaoh, at Whitnoy's Women's fine shoes and Oxfords, lit cost \o clear out at Smith's At A. H. Scarff A Co.'syou can buy a 07-pioco dinner set for $0. Fon smoked hamavbaoon, etc., try A. H. Scarff & Qq. with an order. .."Prank Gibson is spending a'few days at his home in Ridgotown. Ernest Laing spent a fow days at Hodney this woeek the guest of Mrs. "HBaw. , DurroNhas a new clergyman named Beer, but wo venture to say tho young people will find that he is not in favor of, " hops.". 'Mrb. Xi.X. Saoe roturnod to her hpm'e in Wallaceburg after spending a few days in town, tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Robt/ Straohan. Mr. and MRfliMaBBNin;of Chatham, and- Mr, and Mrs. Ray, of. Ruscomb River aro visiting their aistor Mrs. O. DosJRrdin, of this place. Mas,. Wm. Fehtiiam who has boon quite ill the past week with rheum atic fever is, wo are.pleased to say, on a fair way to recovery. , . Tna operations of tho.A.p.U.W., Ontario, are strictly confined to this province in. which'thoro aro over 00,000 members and rapidly increasing Thanks to the adoption of the graded system of assessments and separation from tho United States, the A..O.U.W. of Ontario is going ahead by leaps and bounds, . Berries are soiling at do; cherries 4o; black currants 5o; red currants 8o; now potatoes 75o. per bush.or 20o. por peck; green corn 20o. dozen; cabbages 85c. dozen. '.."' Tna Fire, Water and Tjight commit tee have called for tenders for laying foundation and bricking in the two now boilors ordered for tho waterworks. Tho plans and specifications can be seen at the office of J. A. Hioks. John MoLkiiIiAn has resigned tho ponifcion Of treasurer of Pelee' Island township and has aocopted tho clerk ship at a salaryof ^0 a year. P. T. Labordo, has boon appointed treasurer at a salary of $50. ; Among the good results of separation Iron: tho United States, the A.O.U.W. of Ontario have become more enthusi astic than over, and have added over 8;t OOd to the membership since January 1st, 1807, and these are chiofly young men. None over 45 can bo admitted. ; Tnie colored people of Windsor are preparing for the celebration of Eman cipation Day/onAugust 3nd.^ The cele bration will be under the auspices of the. Longshoremei's Union, and the other labornnions are to be invited to tako^par.t.":;There will he, a pionio in WRlker's grove, ^ AfTBR reading" tho Declaration of Independence to tthe. Supreme Lodge of the United StAtes, the 'Ancient. Ord-: or. of United Workmen of Ontario feel that they havo one of the best' things in the world, and ttea from foreign en~ tanglemenfcs.',: '/ '.\!':);.' '/' y\. A oh amok has been made in the order of servipeBinCrraoe Methodist phitron. Service^in.&* ^morning wilj.bogiii wit^ the Dbxology,, tho ^ pongregatipn' *will remain ; "is being announced, the remainder of the servfoe s'ftirio i*!! ^W!!W,: RcssiA Crash toweiings 8 cents, yard at Smith's, Mbn's and boys'suits at cost at G. B, Smith & Go's. Mrs. Jab, Douglas spent Wednes day in Eingaville. A sott answer turneth. away wrath, but a soft tiro I 1 k' ' At A. H. Scarff & Go's you can t lb. of ten for 15 cents ;try it. . A snap in Bummer dress goodft, 6c* yard at O. E. Smith & Go's. Miss Oraor GitEBN is visiting for a few weeks with relatives in Harrow. Mrs. E. M. FAunhns given up her music class on account of ill health. Miss Mary Beeman, is visiting at J. E. Sbiploy's, 0th concession, Maiden. WM Vosper, of Detroit, spent a few days last weok with his parents in town, . Now is the time to get summer shoes oheap at M. J. Wigle & Go's, special shoe salo. Master Gannie James has been vis iting a few weeks With friends in Kings- ville. - M. J. Wiotje & Go's special shoe sale is being well patronived ; and why shouldn't it i Miss GnAoB Greaves; of Kingsville, is spending a couple of months with her sister Lou hero. Miss fjARA IiAMRBRT spent Sunday with her friend Mies Gertrude Reaume, of Amherstburg. Job ('now has sold one of his houses to J. Johnson, who will move, it out to his farm in Gosfleld North. Misses Carrie Fanl and Bella Hall, of South Woodslee, spent Sunday with their parents in town. ' J as. Navlor desires to inform the farmers that he is chopping all kinds of feed on the shortest notice. Mast3K Ijobnh Sisson is Blending his vacatiou in Leamington with his grand faihor/M- CL Hetherington. Mrs. Jah^. -Drnsp,.-who. has been spending, a few days with her, son, in St. Thomas, returned home on Tues- ' dayl-. / . . Miss M ,'toxE MoRae, of Maidetono, and Miss'Fannie Brown spent yester day (Thursday) withfariends in Detroit. Miss K^Rawmns is visiting her brother at X'ort Oolbome; she will also visit at HagerBviilo, Oheapside. and Selkirk hefore4her return- ' W, J. MoReneR, seo'y of. the Ontario Provincial Constables' Association is working in the vicinity in the interests. of the Ontario,Medical Oounoil. Oajptain Stephens has been station ed here permanently. She expects her Xiioutenant next week. Ensign And rews will bo here with the phonograph on the 2flth inst. ' ' "T Mifls'MJAtmrj Wilson, daughter of Rov, S. E- Wilson, returned to her in Detroit on Tuesday after spending a fow weeks at tho residence of her uncle, Robt. Straohan. Oxford (Mioh.,) Globe: The final examination of A. G, Evans for obtain ing goods of Barney Finn under false pretences was held before JusticeDosey on Friday, July 16fch, as no case was sustained he was discharged and the caso dismissed. Mr. CnasswEijijER writes us upder date July 20th, that the results of ex aminations for Forms I and H will bo published this yoar without waiting for thoso of Forms III and FV, and so may bo expected considerably earlier, than last year. The Unitod States will allow no Canr aclians to work in the United states,, and also seek to prevent a Canadian Working ilii. mills located in Canada and owned by citizens of the United States. The "American" hog, wants a groat deal more than he'll get, and he'll got a great dtenl more than he wants, A special report from' Denver, Col orado, on Tuesday last says that a severe show storm swept oyer'all the higher par|S of that state, ^three in ches of snow has fallen at Oupple. Greek, ASpen and other points. The weather is vory uncomfortably cool, even in Denver; .,'1.:^." .. There ;an annular, eclipse; of the Sun beginning at abotit 8 la. m.r'on July Sflth, and lasting two hours/ The difference between an annular and a total , eblipse ,is that with,,the former there remains a: ring of .light, around the margiri'o.f': the shadow, the result' of the moon <:^inK."ia'ewjBr.t^;"^e'Biln' and farther from us than during a total eclipse^ John Haiistead; i proprietor of the1 Amherstburg. Frank Oonroy, son of Michael Qon- toy, of Amherstburg, convicted of mur dering his wife at Ogdensburg, N. 7., and who wan refused a new trial, was taken back to Canton and re-aentenoed. He was to have been executed or August 8th, but aa that date falls on Sunday, the execution will take place on Thursday, August 10th, at Den- nemora prison. N, Y. Ruscomb Station. Miss Ida Grans and Miss Emma Schneider, of Detroit, aro the gneste of Miss Annie Simons. ' ' Dr. G. Wilson, of Rochester, Mich,, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mrs. Thoa. Bnrohiel attended the funeral of hor nephew, Mr, Atrioh, of Highgate. Mr, 8. Rush Haven, of Chicago, is visiting1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wilson, of this place. Rochester. Lewis Doronto has started to thrash clover. The alsiko clover crop in this vioinity is almost a dead failure. Miss Clara Robinson has returned home from a long1 stay with Mr. Man ning's of Colchester. Conrad Hedrick had such a heavy crop of hay that he out it in the middle and hauled It out in the pasture to dry while be harvested the rest. , Ed. Smith slipped and fell, striking on his shoulder and nock, injuring himself .internally and fraoturing his collarbone. Ruthven, Quito a number of women work in the tobacco flolds here. . - ~ -_____ Mrs. W. H. Edgar and her son Dew- ar aro visiting at ' 'Glenorio Farm." '<' .Cherries, berries and wheat are being harvested by tho car load horo. The berry pickors are at their posts again. They got two cents a quart for picking. Amolianifl;a knight of the hoe. Ho puts. off sixty tobacco plants in u minute. Mr." Woollatt and family of Walker- ville havo moved into their summer residence hero. The , _. 'Elmstead. Harvestiuf^is in full blast here, crops are above the average. Miss Jaiiisso, of Windsor,is spending her holidays hero with her undo, vVbqj, Maisonville, " Dr. Wm. French, 'Dentist, has open ed up an ofilco at the residence of Arthur Frico. Master Mostly Austin is sponding his holidays in Ess ox, with his aunts, the Misses Austin. John Hill, of this place, has sold his houso and lot on Jjosporance St. to OharloB MerO of Pike Creek. The Fresbyterians of this placo and Puce are making preparations for a monster picnic in the noar futnre, Wm. Gillospie has been awarded the contract of overhauling and repairing tho Pike Greek school houGo' during vacation, Tbs infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John ijadoaceur, who was not oxpeoted ,to live, is now out'of danger and on a fair way to recovery, of St, Thomas, who for the past few. weeks has been visiting Her son O. F. Spafford, CJ.P.R. agent of this place, returned to her home last Saturday. , ........ ' ^ .,', Windsor.' Bishop O'Connor and the priests of the diocese went, into retreat, at the college in Sandwioh. The retreat lasts until Saturday. . ' A little daughter ofv William Cody, met with a serious accident- Friday last. She was trying to climb up on the sideboard, when the ladder fell up on the child.1, A lnr^e'-pieced of the scalp was torn off at the back of the head, which ndpesaita,ted seventeen stitches.' . On Wednesday morning J. F. Hare,' barrister, looal master in chancery, was married to Miss Gibson/ daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Gibson, Pelessier, st., the perBmopy: was-perfbrmed; by. Ray* J.wR. Gundy, at the home of the same afternoon ' for Port Arthur and Dnluth via Toronto and-. Owen;' Sottta," and.expect to,be gone aVin^tt,"11;'.^-.^'^'^:.'. >Wm. Martini('*ft'yewfl;\,:d ;a-fa!a8'; Windsor^ foT, the- past nine months, ^madej^vassigw^^ ffarrbw^'Exbhange/;;'a^4,-'^eRry:-;^ i.^^j^t^ftj^^y of Harrow^'were up;;betore. ^ m^oni:\y^eBda^,;'on^^ intoxioating"' "' """ '""'"J"" '*w contrary Aot by few ' . ::.- !$$"$* On this space are two cuta, one showing?, .perfect, the otber an imperfect fitting'pairi Glasses. When you go to a qualified ppt(ch|b you get fitted n the top cm nhowii'bttt^p ' you deal with so-called professors and pral*jn$ in nine cases out of ten, you get fitted 'as.:;th'ftf bottom cut shows- Imperfect fitting frainetf spoil ^ood fitting lenses. Pain and diso arise from Spectacles or Eye-Glasses "fitt.e^-'JS such a manner. Wc guarantee to ^t'tyift properly. Give us a trial.y 'if IMPERFECT. Graduate OpticalJInstltue of CoOada'.:;,^ esses:,' ' ' -.avr^St . ______lOi-JLi. ' ,,JW^ oxiey. ; -U"^^ i'red. Boll, Principal of thejff^^ School at Smithvill<f, is spending^ vacation with his wife and family'at!^ old homestead here. Mrs. Bell, boon in poor heitlth for some: timeYttaf on Thursday last.Dr- Jenner of Essepc^ assisted by Dr. Park of Harrow, ;perrj formed two operations on her which. w< hope will result in her recovery.; -|i,i"-* I'Tag ,.".>.w]2 Leamington. Mrs. A. H. Daugharfcy; of C^ifli^J is tlie guest of G, A. Baugharty, Asltijpi* Bt< ' >-, "' v^-ML The Misses Gilby; of StuJ^omaSj^ai^ visiting friends in town. :';-..\P$tjj! George John Teller, of the Tradie bank, is taking a trip up the lakes.^fqfef, his summer holidays. . ; ; / '/S'f^ The town sucoossfully bored for anj<^ secured another good flowing we.ll^O^fjS Elliot-St, ' -, :/' |'j.^3l Br. Wilson V.S. is erecting iai:ne5 residence for himself on Talhot-st^Jj^ The annex being erected to thehoiiiey of Wm.|ProBser on'Erie-si is nearinfel completion and presents a fine appeaj^| auoe. Wo trust Billy will long vf^J spared to enjoy the same. v :i;^ '. :"', m ^ Camp Windsor is being populate quite rapidly, .,#$$* Camp Oedarville is putting on ^ujrt^ a^motropolitan air. Its populatipii i$'<pj$$ the increase. . i'J^m ; Miss Daisy Lafortum, of Delhi, Qu$S| is spending her.vaoation hero witi^W"' parents.'. . '*.. ^}^^r The ohoese factory is receiymg-;-'flfijfiM Iba. of milk per day, whi6hv'is"."^^m'iS the amount taken in last year, }P//ljfi^<M Mrs. E. S. Wigle and. childron; 'aUg Mrs: Ji Turk of Windsor fare now;p^| 'catedatOamp Windsor.' ' ?$$M There is a good strong;,mpyemt under headway to hold a disfrjf^ra , meeting in Paradise park; 'at^:ftri|?^M dat^" "': .'V^^^^l On^Sabbath at 8 p.m. Iaa^^tibio^^i11 ^" ester fraternity of this .town;- -tpge|| with the brethren from Essex, "$$M lee, Xjoamington, Ruthven and Ootta marohod to the Methodist bliurc^i;wji&i| the Eev. R. D. Hamilton preaoiedl|^ 1 annual.sermon. ," >$tM^m : The remain's of the late-'M^^Syml; ter Edwards were met at the it^a^#l| ehare^^|^^ brethren of the loo^lbddfellowjf sjo^ aud'o'onyeyedto^theMe^o^^l^i^ where services were oondt^wa^jli E. R. LSoratch. ;\A};. large.7;n^|riti^^ friends followed the remains tp':.-Q-re^ :hill .cemetery.;, ^i|$ff : : pb^^'e^oivtj yo'uhg: eagle which is;qu^e!ift^|it^g ^'-^J^rs.-'Ma^tonon^as^^go^'^i r Mary Lee,:aunt .'pf.:^^erptTOM 'r.^'dj^ 'Jsie're; w^^-' -:|^I W.^^i:^|w^ltJl" 'Wednes;da^;i^p>B^ few|ihbftiis,\?; ;^oqn#e#wem^ great ^aohelpM'^feji

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