Jo$fo$lpr';m& wife, of Maidstone, (t^'wItiitlielatter'flparentflonSnn- |5^^e^ad;fa^iily of this place, return- " _,' Mm. be wriputotedby; Dr- J.^^irien, ^' '!'-.'..';""':-' ' J.... K^r^(^1^3bo7e^--BttwettVhaa gone to j^brontoi' ?:[: > S^T^ejiiadiafl'?' Aid are kalsomlning the fe/*&uroh. :-"..::.v" OTJpJ'ifa.'BarriBttpnlfohaBed a new binder ifein.Haaex 'on Wednesday, ' l|^K;Mrs. Ira Brush and children have Ji^gipie to her father's in Illinois^ PJ;;:: vjtl. E, Weldon and M. Barrett have E?f?;eaohgiven their order for a windmill ?$ Irom a Woodstock firm,. &$ jgi;r;.'."' ' North Ridge. ' , Harvest hands are in demand. i;;V.;ThoB,;MoOrery. of this place, cut fe'.wheat on Saturday, July 10th: pg;; VAndrew l^ueen. of Maidstone, called |^:-: on A. W. Bridgen and wife last Thura- iv. , On Monday ^ftera0Oli7 two very dark ,cloud met in theyibinity of; the '8th Oon.,andformedafannel-flhared'oloud, whioh revolved very foot and, passing over a hayflcld on the farm of Halloran, picked up three aoros of out hay and I that was the lost seen of it. The wind storm was followed by heavy rain and hail. m 4*y. :pavid Feetham and wife of Buffalo, $t.,;;T.,,were the guests of Scott Thorn ton and wife last week, i r&fr^'iviti is reported, that Joromy Johnson ||fv inrposea buying, a house in Essex and p s/jnoving,it on to the 0th con. && -iftiay' Konnedy aifd young son, of ^ Bomney, wore the guosta of Wm. "* 'Beiye's, and wife last week. /i M>s.Thomas Wetherley, and family, ^{tJpfJESsex, were tho guests of John H. ^'Montgomery lost Sunday. Sp'"'/ J.ohn Franklin MoOreery out wheat ^iflBfc Saturday, July 10th. This is the Pearliest for 1807 that we have hoard TItbury West, The contract of ditolling Big Greek was let on Saturday in sections for . tbe nam of $0,432, a considerable, amount below the estimate. Wellwood & Wal lace, of Merlin, scoured the oast branch for $3,000, which was estimated to oost $2,281. The same contractors secured the construction from the M.O.K. to the 7th con. for $8,148,. tho estimate being $8,060.~The west branch from obn. 0 to the south town line, was sold to A. Tonrangeau, of Sandwich, for $2,800. Mr. Torangean also seourod the three bridges in Tilbury West for $1,474, on on estimate of 61,600. drowned last yew:, tyytog^ Wito-mor; row I am going to learn, or die in the attempt,'", he little thought how grimly he was forcasting his. own death/ ','Oa Saturday evening "in company with another colored man named Green,.he went in for a bath, at tyi& month of Cedar Creek where the "water is nearly SO feet deep. He sank at once and was drownoo1 before his companion's eyes, Green hastily gave the, alarm and the body was dragged for, but was not re covered until Sabbath morning. An inquest was considered unnecessary. The funeral services took place on Monday. 4c i,-vHr7Jiyp,*-'i'v /dep^iti) O'fi ,'-i*e,'s.- _ .....-,_.r. Woth^xWell^ &6perfy;;w^ Kingsville citizens will, hare all the natural gas they require. ; " l'y- ^ ..* When I* Bob V ' Lyons laughingly eov Mtv WJgle^theu presented a no- sald: "SayI can't swim "and nearly tic wodoy himfffill &n& '*i: Woodslee. V; .. JMiss Nellie Murray is visiting friends at the Puce. * ,'" Wm, Bourko, of Windsor, is visiting this village. ^,'r T.and F. MaOlosky called on frionds ttx Woodslee, Sunday; ?Pvv The Methodist Sunday school, and pJgBpworth League are talking of having |Sfv^ pionio to kingaville. fei;;Mrs. W. S. Glaus has returned to &her home in Cedar Springs, after "jfJ'*Pen^iuff a few weeks with hor parents, fe3Wr; and Mrs. Wm. Sohooloy, A, surprise party was given at Mr. LaeTB on Monday ;oyoning for pisses Slattery and Donovan, of Do- ||feit, A largo crowds attendod and pnent a very pleasant evening. .^ A, very heavy thunder storm passed $$bver (his village on Wednesday. John iurray'fl houne was struck by the Kllghtning, knocking off park of tho ^johimney and toaring up tho roof. Mbs. H. Hand and Miss M. Pnttor- ffijfiBpni' returned to their homos in De- Mfo*oit,.the latter having received a tol.e- ^Rram to return at once to hor brother's Kpied side, he having mot with a serious ^accident on tho 4th of July. Ruthven. Olorenoe Fox, of Detroit, Is'a guest at Wm. Fox's. . Miss Ella Stewart, of Detroit, is visiting here. Miss Ella Wigle has gone on a weok's visit to friends at Kingsvillo. Ruthven brass band intend giving a moonlight excursion to Pcloo Inland in about two weeks. Frank Smith has gone to Detroit where he has secured a good situation with a gas company. Wm. Fox is shipping moulding sand to Detroit over the L.B.& D.B.E. Ho has a largo number of men and teams employed. On Tuesday evening of last woek, W. H. Eyall, P.D.D.G,M .ajsiBted by D.D. Gj M.-elect Middough installed the following officers for tho ensuing term in Beaver Lodge, I.O.O-F. No. 82: N.a. Bach Oigle; V.Q., T.H, Nor man; Troas., BurwellWiglo, Bee. See, Ernest By all; Per. See., Lewis Bous soy; Warden S.O. Wigle; Oonduotor, O.B., RydU; Ohap., Phil Fox; I.G., Oliver Fox; 0,G.,Goo. Grant; R.S.SL,' J. Ma- IottjD.S.S., W* McDonald; E.S.N.G., A. Wigle; L.&N.G., O. Brunor; R.S. V.G.,A. Grant; L.S.V.G., O. Eaton. ^ berries hero Cottam. Everybody is picking Kthis week. ffi.'^Bey.Mr;. MoKibben now occupies tho Mjralpit of the Methodist church. fe ;j>r- J. M. Short, of Salono Springs, jfcjVtfis,, passed through hero, last Mon SJ (Jas. Campboll is out in Bomney and PHersea,poddling his oolobratod Hindoo JTtemedies. ' . tej.A number of; iho niombors of tho f$iO.L,.wont to llidgetown to oelobrato l$n'Wemh. .'..-": ^I^illie-Loyflfc and friend whoolod up .BgjTm Wheatley and Sundayod with piiank'.White. . ^Mifls Maria Orton, daughtor of Wm. X>rtbn, of Mt.. Dora, Florida, is visiting ^fieitfas hero. ?{3Dr: "Wagoner intends puthng in new ^binery in his shop, Buoh as improved %/setters Jko. ' 3?ho MieaoH Stevens, of this place, Wijffi a "Common Sonso" whool from pJ;^Park, ^ssei, last Saturday, T^eVBeiniettand wife returned from rlaannal'trip last woek. They went ?>s Alpena and returned with re- _^e'd:^or;/'./. ^;i^edaesday of last week, the pdspr Butohei* Baseball team came rjjjnd played tke Cottam Stars. Tho ^|t6pd7t9 37,in favor ofOottnm. ^'jGottimjMethodiBt ohoir is now '** iuized and under .the skillful of , Fletcher E. Awi'ey,, ?*! ; -second to none in the rfch of the Fbeh Pnass, made 4ess trip hore this week, was not ttqns^r >dde but*behaved himsolf ' "^o^iety^and': decorum, which; can hedfor by our esteemod citizens ^^^d^Hilj ^nd^ John Cor- ^fia^'T'^peoaBien;' t6,*;.;go :' ',. to 'i;l3^^ie*'s;.t6'.! ycet; some, horneBS ^^S^^n^]u}a: I^t .,^ ih;;;- shoji>";he ^whom attempted to beat him '^if?W Maidstone. ,. Okas. A. Collins, .of St. Michael's College,Toronto, Ont., is visiting at homo forafowdiays. Miss Kano, of Detroit, is visiting Mrs. Jas. Dixon. Mrs. Jas.s Dixon wasthoguostof Mrs. Donovan, on Sunday, Tho usual number of bicyclists were rained in, on Sunday. Extensive repairs will bo made in our school this summer. ' Wheat cutting will commence horo this wook; the crop is o'xoollont.; Miss Alice Oahill, of Oldoastlo, was tho guest of Miss Maggie Sullivan. Mrs. Stewart Baxter, of Wyandotto, Mioh/, is visiting hor parents horo. Mrs' Frank Collins and hor sistor, Sadio Molnornay, of Detroit, nro visit ing in town. Viva Jones of S.S. No. 5, Maidstone, passed tho P.'S. L, Exam, at Windsor, making 7fl3 marks. Mrs. Hngh Korr and Mrs. Wm, Anderson and .don, of Chatham, aro visiting relatives in this neighborhood, Jerry Collins mot iwifch an. aooidout on Saturday when ono of his horsos stopped on his foot inflicting a painful bruise. : ' . , Mrs. J. G. Kerr and family, of Chat ham, are the gaosts of Mrs, H, G. Arnald, jr., dirring the absence Of Mrs. K's husband in Europe . Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Kichards and party of Windsor, dinod at "Kennil- worth" on Tuosday on route for Kings- yille,. whore theyintend camping for thesnmnter. G. A. Wintemute, of Maidstone, was nominated candidate of tho Patrons of industry, Saturday last, to contest the North Riding of Essex at tho Provin cial olectio'n. Amhorstburg. T. B. White's, stone quarry at Am- herstburg was to have been sold under mortgage foreclosure at the Manning House, Saturday afternoon, but a atay of proceedings waa efteoted by an ap plication for a writ of injunction to ire- vent the sale, Judge MoHugh will decide the application. The oyolo track is all the talk nt the Burg theno days. All are agreed that it would prove of ' inestimable benefit to the town. It would necessitate the erecting of a. large hotel, and in time,' no doubt many wheelmen would spend the summer there and many additional summer cottages would, be built. There could bo no more delightful ride anywhere, and with a good path im mense crowds would run down every week. County News. For the half-year ending June 30th, 1807, the number of births registered in the Township of . Mersoa was 50, deaths 85 and marriages 6. Loming- ton reports 18 births, 12 marriagos and 11 deaths. Christopher Langlois, of Maiden, lost a a most peculiar way. Her horns had an extraordinary ourl, and she got'ono of her-hind feet entan gled in one of them- When she was found she was dead. repair and improve tho Lovelace Drain. Moved by if, M; Kay, seconded by Henry Barlow, that the notice bo ac cepted and Jas. 0. Laird be instructed to make the necessary survey and re port as early as possible. Carried. Mr. Laird presented a report for the repair of T. D. No. 80. On the motion of J. M. Kay and H. Barlow.the report was referred back to Mr. Laird with instructions to add to it. the report for the repair of the Lovelace Drain, the Council having deoidod to repair both drains under one By-law. The follow ing orders on the Treaenrer were pass ed: $28.00, Jas. Bain, quarter's salary, trip to Sandwich, paying debentures, etc.; -95/JasrBennett, quarter salary for oare,of hall; $81.50 I. Jackson, quarter's salary, fees on Millen Drains notices for Court of Revision ; $1.74, Jas. Lyons, charity, to date; 83, Jas. Campbell, charity for July ; 81, T. D. MoOreery, refund dog tax ; $2, Geo. Cowan, rent of house for Campbell to July 1st; $20, Jas. S. Laird, fees on Millen Droin and Parker Drain; $50 Jas. S. Laird, part pay for survoy for jopair of T. D. 80. Council thon ad- rourned to July 81st, at 1 o'clock p. m. SPEOIAIf MBHTINO. Monday, July flth. Council met in special session. ' AH the members present except Mr. New man. Jas. S. Laird presented a report for the repair of the Orton and Love lace Drains. Moved by J. F. Millon, seconded by J. M. Kay, that said re port be accepted and the Clerk be in structed to serve a copy on the Reovo of Gosfield South. Gamed. The fol lowing orders on the Treasurer were passed :- $45, Jas. S. Laird, part yay for survey of Orton and Lovelftce Drains; $85, Alvxn Orton, salary as assessor for 1897; $5, Alvin Orton, postage and stationery for assessing ; $78, Alvin Orton, salary as collector. Council then adjourned to July 81st at 1 o'clock p. m. The Millinery Department Is,Filled to Overfiowi|L *->-. /".',-I'.'iBR Our Stock is new and comjjl| in all departments. :^"m ' % We show the largest assortm^lf of New Black and Colorel Dress Goods. Mm Oosfleld North Council. Some Heated Remarks. Kingsville. Nellie Cooper, of KingBvillo, who has boon teaching in Lambton Oouuty; has been appointed to the 4th division of the liingsviHe School. Alvin "VViglo was attacked by a vioious bull on his form north of hero and quite badly shaken up. Only for the timely arrival of Howard Wigle, who olubbedr him off, it mightjiave been a fatal, en counter, The'buil'beingdc.loraod.'lVtr, Wigle stood, his ground -and tried to fiefht him off, but utterly failed. .He .Was knocked do^rn, trampled on i n4 when Howard Wigle arrived; the bull had him down and was butting h'm severely." , ; A remarkable gas .well .was ' teste4 and 'capped here last It was, completed'^^^'j^^i^MonjI-:' Mesv:':ia' iesB': than^threa injunotioris OOCBT OF REVISION. Saturday, Juno 20th. Adjourned Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll, met at the appointed time. All the membors presout. After considering air the appeals tho Court decided to make the following changes including those decided'at the first session of the Court. Fir|fr Names addod to the roll : Ohas. Johnston, f w $ s , .lot 270, T R k ; lorenzo Mayes, f and m, f s'^,; lot 12, con 1), with Goo. Ross, W. Loe, f and m, f s |, lot 21, con 7, with Colah Loo, Fred. Church/ in f, wptlofc 11, oon 0; John I. Jones, fand-m f s pt, n pt lot 12, oon It, with Henry Speeohloy, Goorge Liokman, f s w pt lots 0 and 0, con 11 ; Robert Carder, t and m, f, lots 19 and 2U, Fox St., Cottam, with Jos. Carder, Goorgo Carder, M.. F. Cottam, G. W. Mercer, fc and ra, f o f, lot 8, oon fl, .with J. H. Smart. Second Changes in qualification, description of property or amount of assossmont ; Isaac Thorn ton, t m f, inatoad of f m f, w ^ h , lot 270, T It N; Ohas. Jonos, f b pt n pt lot 12, con It, in addition to former qunli- floation ; Wm. Dibloy, f s w*, pt lots 5 and 0, con 11, added to his assessment .as tenant of S w pt lot 280, T R N. Tho. assessments of H. and W- Stickwood, W, Lee, and S. Cowan, wore reduced from #20 per aero to $^8. Tho assess ment of Albert Holkio.was raised from 81,000 to $3,000. A dog oaoh was struck oil'tho assessments of P. B. Millon and Alfred Moe. Tho Ontario Natural Gas Co., was charged with statute labor, Errors in statuto labor marked on tho roll were corrected. All other appeals, were dismissed and tho Court of Revi sion on tho assessmont roll for 1897, adjourned sine die, Our Lady of the Heats. Although its dry, its sweat. Darn the thermometer anyway. The latest sweaters out Canadians, Who wouldn't bo a schoolteacher these days? Even those who put on airs cannot keep cool these days. Saturday had no bioyolo, but it was a scorcher all the same. . Garden of Eden ousfcumes wore idoal summer wear. Thoy were worn before the fall. ' Some preachers doubtless improved theocoasion, by preaohing the. terrors of hell, last Sunday. It Is a mistake to suppose that the board of Are underwriters wants tho earth. The earth is not fire-proof. The trifling heat of Sunday was not moderated in the least by the many drafts that aro duo on the, fourth of July. BirthH. Cuckner, In Maidstone, on Monday, July izth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clickner, a son. ' Marriages. Smith Afc the Emmanuel Prot- eshtnt Episopal Church. Detroit, on Wednesday, July 14th, by Kev/ W. H. Morgan, Mr. Alfred H, Smith, general merchant, of Essex, to Miss B. H. Probert, o( Detroit. C-r~........ :.: = Also a new' line of Priestle^ij .. Black Dress Goods., '; -;:':^S^ IOO3 ladies' Shirt Waists at 25a|p :yM. f>}k % A lot of Remnants of Dress Goods! , at half price. -;'i Men's, Boys'and Youths" GlothiiiiP^ at astonishingly low prices\{ 0 .# i-$8S Wanted 20,000 lbs. of Wool. We Are as tJsual Giving Right Prices on- - . ./. Essex Markets. Friday, July 16, 1807. Wheat, rod, per bush,..$ 05 % 70 Wheat, whito............... 7G 70 Ooru........................... m 23 Oats.............,............. 10 1 Timothy seed............... 1 SO 1 25 OloyorHeed..,*.............. 00 4 00 Hay, per ton............... > 00 . . 0 00 Alsiko........,.............., tf.OO , 4 00 Beef, dressed:........ . . -4 05 Pork, liye weight......... 4 00 4 60 Mutton............ ........... A 00 4 50 Hides......... .:.,..... 8 75 4 00 Ohiekens, per lb.......... 07 07 Butter.................. ..... 10 11 liurd..........................;.. 07 08 Eggs, per doz;.......'....... 08 '08 Potatoes, (old).............. 40 46 PotatooH(new)T............. 00 00 Oarrots, per doz. bunch .25 2ft Wool, unwashed........,./ 00 10 Wool, washed............;.. 10 -, 17 Twine, ne ' .'" ^fiS "'.ciKi-'fla y-:\^m Or- any Implements you may Want on the Farm- .- W,. H.';^chards<iil NOTICE. IlBOlTIiAn MHETINO. Saturday, Juno 20th. The, Council met pursuant to adjourn ment. All tho mombors present. The minutes' of the, Oourt of Revision, on May 29 th, of tho regular .'session"'of the Oounoil, on May Sflth, and of the spe cial session, on Juno - I2th( were'-read and were, on motion, adopted and sign ed. 'Bi Oox, asked for'help to drain tho N., Townlihe, east of the Eusoomi-^ JJaid over. 0. Lee, asked for help to drain the .ft)* concession^ road drain, east. Laid over. J. S.-'Billihg^ asked for repair of Oth; concession road urainj west. T-Ijaui oyer. Q-. W; Malott, a^k-' ed for repau; of drain on Eae^t ToWn-i line.r-The Reeve was appointed to at tend to . the nrnttei. ' Ohas. fiurling, asked, for reliM yfroni1; w^ter -whioh' aooclfl'his !lot^ in Oottam;r^. Itf; ^ay' >vas oommissioned to attend to hia re quest. A. Viewers, asked for help to, lay. tile-on 8fch:. concession joadj^atthe. rear-othiB land;~Iioid-;oy6r;;^^::^^^ Brooder, on behalfc* \^MwmUimW. We are now huying corn at Walkcrville arul payinga^ c^nU per bushel for.No. I. HrRAM Wai.kkr (fe'Sotis, (Ltd.) Walkervillc, Tune 8th, 1897,' THEY ARE AtL HERE. Hardware, Essex. ------^ -^uafa :yryy^m :;&* m '-**& B RAT POISON. I^resh suppjy oi Ohemically JPiire; ]y&ARIS '^ttJEEN **. For JZotatp Bugs." ;^ Pare Dalination Iijeeot Powr v; der,, FlyS; Poison ^Pads and xy^ . !PayE-ifi^ '.7c:i^'X>v-A^ r,~-"JS^;^ iiS|