Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 16, 1897, p. 5

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tSflfP sp(i^io".IiOinftb.B and BH poroent-on Farfr ^feV.1^;W;--:;^--'.-.-.'.,: ^%ffl$Wi.ii^^:Gt>dd Reliable ' i^g; " Yp^.-^^,wguWrig'wtr-ffom the water- Voylcit F6r any purpose'whatsoever must, in wery case, first make application to the W^Ur Comraitsioner for periiiisaion to use it. itTatce warning, allpcrsons found, using or nowd tobe usitig water from any penstock '"' permission will bfe prosecuted ac- J.R. McEWAN, Commissioner. pjfafng->0"Iaw-^^eW,;iulyi3th, 1896. 27-at. B&Eae Essex Free Press. m'V'V1,*.'" mm BRETT A AULD. PROPRIETORS. m FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1897. iTiSsn and Vicinity- i,! '"., A. H: Soabpb & Oo. are oflforing 1C- ;'piece toilet euta for $3. " ' 1^-J;tio."IiAiKa went to Detroit ou Tnou- ^dftyi on a business trip, , ,Cr/E. JTobhsythe has gone to Mt- ^v'Olenieiia for ivconplo of weeks. |y^i '.Miss Sabah Kitja, of Kingavillo, fe' vifliiied friends here on Monday. EK v WaijTisb Dbwab played in tho Woods- g lee Band at Bidgetown, on Monday. M;% James Wallace has gono to Xjr- ^^wloh, where he has aeotuod a situation. Alii* persons who wish a - oheap and | insurance should take out a bone- gifibiftry certificate in the A.O.U.W. s&J I. Mbs. John ^Johnston, daughter JgNanoy and son Edgar left,on Tuesday, r|iu6*ning to visit with friends and rola- Ti^tives down east. ig^LTHB Kindergarten has closed for the jtjprpranmer holidays. Miss Wattors has jfe.gone- to spend her holidays at .her |fJib:me in Harrow. > &'; Mbs. Wbstbn and children, of Olif- Jjfprd, Mioh., who have been visiting at lilpr. Somerville's here, loft for thoir ejppzde on Sunday. Wm. Febtham, of Forsytho & Ander- ijp6j?Brto ;1<kL& off on account of "bloorl IJ^&oidoning, caused by the irritation of I ah insect bite on his arm. J|'>,The K..O.T.M. infcond haying their fSv.anniversary parade and services in the ['^Baptist church on Sunday, July 25th. p^'Bevy Mr. Campbell will officiate. ^'^'VTVM.'S'A-DiJtBii, of Seaforth, was hero $ on Tuesday looking over tho stock of j#iGr. E. Smith & Oo. with a view to pur- liichasing. . ; Alas! jant as tho pooplo aro bo^in- K\;;ning to tako hoarfc again the torriblo Wnews that the Niagara poach crop is ^almost a total failure comes to hand, Dn. J. Shout, of Salono SpHiigg, ISikW'is., on r.outo for his homo at Elora, X)nt,, stoppod-oiTat Eusox, this wook to p;.(. visit liis old friends for a few days. 1^;;-.'. Tub following is tho returns of births, Kl/winarrjagos and deaths in the Town of KJJ^Bbbox *<>* tbe half-year ending Juno ^80th, 1897. Births Bl.unavriagoH 10 and l^rdeaths'lO. , |v. At tholast rogular mooting of Oontral U'liodgo, A.F.&A..M., tho momhora do- Jjfeoidod to "oftUofty for tlio hot monfcha ;;';#p that the next mooting will not tako '^placo till Ootobor 6th. r^: En"os MoOauslanp has boon appoiut- ^ed reprosentative of Central Enoamp- niont, No.(t0,to tlie Grand Enontnpmont which meota at ijondon on .Tuly 37th. l,^Mr,MoOauslandhas also boon appoint ed representative to tho High Court of ia'IXO.F. whioh moots at Brautford, Aug. ' "loth. . . Thk popular craze in Britain roHultod in awful products of word ooinngo. $" Hero are sumples: Jubilated is polioo court slang for drunk and disorderly; jubilibuH, Buffering from too inuoh >v:,.oelebrato ; juhilitiB, an aouta form of 'v/.tbe disease ; jubilicant, a jubiloo bojjf- :^;garl jubilotti, jubileo confetti, etc. Tsb annual cohvehtion of tho Irish te VjOathplic Bonovolont Association of ]' Canada, opened in Toronto, Monday k^aftornoon, President 0. J. MoOabo in [5i>the chair. The, report of the grand (->,. Secretary showed that during Jtho past [t-xyear tho order had made steady pro-" [ingress. The fluanoos of the /various plocal lodges were also roportod^in good '*Jl-f}hape,' . ${];'0b. Jbnnbb possesses a very fino ^Bjpeoimdn of the cactus family called fotf'CerouB&raudiuoraV which ladt Sun- eyenbig presented two magnifloont blossoms, . eaoh measuring- fourteen ij)5jtidohe across. This'speoies is consid- '(|pred.thefinest of OaotusFamily dhd like kSil .Oerei is a night-bloomer only show- ^jig its flowers after dark; Its natural ijfcibitaliB the Tropics. This plant has "'eea;;blopming thirteen years and i now upyfards. of twenty buds on it. tbpufc 00 pBrBons called at the Dr/s IJt^denoe. after olrorohj to' ,see the ^ftwflj^ There will ho an Onportnnity |Sfi;;in^:nSar7ftttw^^ ar^ plant in bloom. "Bodrieyyon Monday, y ' ,]-f'^-r ";,' X..E; Sxonb has some bargains in flibond hai^buggies. [' .-AtA^H, Soarflf&Oo.'Byou ban buy a OT-pieoo dinner set for ^0.' Mbs, Ax.bxani>bb is visiting her sister, Mrs. James May, this week. ' Qhas. pEABB and Parnell Gourlay spent Sunday in Iieamhigton. ' Thb proprietor of tho Petrolea Adv^r-- tiser has made an assignment. Mbn's TJndreaaod white shirts worth 40 cM now23Jo., eaoh at Whitney's. O. H. FuiiiiBB,: of Glenerie farm, Eathvon, was in town on Saturday.' Misses Kate and Annio Laing are visiting with friends at Ruthvon this week. G. E. Smith & Oo. are leaving Essex July 81st; all accounts duomuBtbepaid at once. Miss Chwstina Barnes, of Maid stone, is viaiting at Jas. Bobinson's this week. Miss Ajtnir OasijOb, of tho High School, left for her homo at BoBton Mills on Wednesday. F; Snonx and O. E. Angor, of Elora, wheeled in Tuesday to visit Mr. Short's cousin, J. jF. .McQueen. Mks. P. A. Dbwab, of Windsorl is visiting her sister, Mrs. H, P. Martin, und other friends in town. -..-Tina W.0.T.TX held thoir regular buniness mooting at the rosidenco of Mrs. Ohm-oh Monday afternoon. They say there is always room at tho top, but tho moroury has boon putting up a very Btroug denial of usaortion latterly. Misbbh Bkhhib Hioeh and It. Thorn ton are dologato from tho Epworth Loaguo here to tho E. L, oouvontion hold in Toronto this week. Last Thursday ovoning Jnmos Dalgloish roceived a telegram that his brother Boberfc had, died in Ohioago,^ Ho immediately loft for Detroit where ho mot the body and aocompaniod it to Gait whore it was iutorrod. Dukinq the progress of IaBfc Tuesday's storm, lightning struck the houso of L. Foonan, Centre St., splintoring the south east oornor and knocking off a groat patch of plaator in-.-tho pantry. Mrs. Feeuau who wafi in the houso at the time, rocoivod aBOvero shook, from tho effects of which she has not yet fully recovered. DanhsIi Kknnbdy, of Edgar, was up up before P.M, Beamnn on Tuesday on an information laid by Mary Huggard of tho samo place charging him with destruction of borrics. Ho was fined $1 and costs. Kennedy then charged Mary Huggard with using abusive and -bad language .towards him. Sho was lot off with a caution andthocosta of tho caso. Trua Pronbytory of Olijitham mot in rogular sossion in Chathnm on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Patterson, of Leam ington, roportod that tho congregation of Blytheswood, Goldsmith and Strang- fleld desirod to call a minister and per mission wa given him to act in tho matter. Mr. Fleming, of this town, Olork of Presbytery, attonded tho meet ing. Tub July, liumbor of tho Doliuoatov is called tho Bummer Number, and ita roaumoof tho latest stylos of hotwoa- thor attiro, with spooiul roforonuo to tho needs of aojouvnors at seaside and inland rosorts, is rendered graphically comploto by glowing color platos and scores of accurate wood-outs. . Order from the local agent for tho Buttoriek Pattorns, or addroBB The Bolinqator Publishing Oo., Limited, H8 Biehmond Street, Wost Toronto. Subscription prioo of tlio Doliuoator,Rl per yoar, oi ls cents per single copy. An official appeal is being mado to the chairmen of districts of tho Motho- dist church thi'oughout Canada to oonHidor tho advisability of arranging for tho holding of rotroata iu every oonferOnco early in the fall, at which for Bovoral days tho ministers of tho eouferonco or district may rotroat to confer and hold religious'sorvicoH. Tho noboflsityof the proposod innovation is hold to bo tho offoots which aro being produced iu tho lay momberflhip of tho church by, tho flciontiflo discoveries and thoQo in Utoraturo by advanced schol ars with-a yiow to the consideration of such from the spiritual standpoint.. An BVENTwhiob has been expected for sometime took place on Wodnesday at I)otroifc(l when Alfred H. Smith, of this town, was imitedin marriage toMiss B. H. Probert, of Detroit, but formerly of Toronto;. The ooremony was per formed afc tho Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal church by Rev. W. H. Mprgan, and was a cpiiet affair, only a few inti mate Irionds being present. The newly- married couple loft theflmno evening by Toronto, thenoe to Owen Sound,where th O.P. R: stpamer Mani toba was taken for Fott William. They will ^return by steamer Alberta tb; Windflprheit week thehoe .to Essex, where the groom' is in buBineas^:) That they may have a long and happy mar ried lite ia'the tarnefll wih Of the Fee] h ]PitBBS and the, groom8 many friends in, this place, i'-^v 1 ;'1 <$jlfy]!ty^^ ti--;- eaolii^t^Xtney'B " '-"^^^ G.'A^Shbbbi^ wheeled'to' Win^Bor andbaokonTuoBday. f...:;'.' All gbbdBiBold for-oflBh only, at Q. E Smith and Op's. pHAfT. Naylor jr.; spent the- first of tWweok at Chatham. ,">*- Fob smoked hams,baoon, etc., try A. H. Scarff & pp., with an order. ' -BoBBBT Bbown, of Leamington, call ed on friends in town last week, . Bbv,; J. G. Fallis, formerly of Oottam, is stationed at London this year. Spboial value in men's and hoy's clothing at Smith's, to clear out. Miss Tina Babnes, ofElmstcad, is writing for a Senior Leaving certificate here this week.: Fine shoes for men and women. Ladies* Oxfordfl, all at cost at G. E- Smith andCo'fl. Gbobob Ooiiii's family expeot to join him in Leamington about tho end of the present month. The families of MesBrs. Richardson, Wismor, Forsytho and Fleming are BUmmqring at Cedar Bouoh. Miih. J. A. PniMKAu and children are1 spending the week at Amhorstburg visiting Mr. Frimoan's parontB. Tub Treasurer's snlo of lauds for taxos takes plaoo to-morrow (Saturday) at Peek's Hal!, at 10 o'clock a.m. Foit out pricea in straw and felt hats, collars, cuffs, ties, belts, cotton heso, sweaterB, caps, go to Whitney's. Mrs. G, E. FoHSYTJiEand family will go tp Cedar Beach this wook for the summer. Ailxj parties owing G. E. Smith AOo. must settle at once, going out of buai- nostt this month. Miss Katb StwoiiAiii, aformor pupil at tho High School hero, is visiting Miss Alice Pearson of town. TniaA.O.U.W. ^^ntainsno highly paid officials; it gives > tho maximum benefit at a minimum coBt. Wai. HttjIiiisr, who has oeon omploy- od at Oil Springs for over ilvo months pastjhas returned to his home in town^ Hev. Jno. M. Munro, of Wall Lake, Mioh., will occupy tho pulpit of the Baptist ohuroh next Sunday, morning and, ovoning. .' John Stewart, omploybd at Naylor's mill, was called homo suddenly on Wodnoeday on account of tho death of his mother at Langton, Ont. ; Mas. OAMi'imrjij'a S. S. class and the members of tho Mission Band spent a very enjoyable time at a bubble party at Mrs.' Campboll's, Thursday after noon. Muh. RoniNSON, of Tilbury East, an aunt of Mrs, John Laing, of this town, died suddenly on Monday last. Mr.' and Mrs. Laing loft to. atterid the funeral on Tuesday. Tine Sarnia ObHorvor sayB: Goo, J. Thomas (mayor of Essex,) and . J, B. Thomas and familyv of, Dotroit, aro visiting, thoir mother, Mrs. G. W. Thomas, ChriBtiua stroot. . . Oaitain Ottuway and Lieut, Ooe of tho Salvation Army are now stationed at/JngorHoll. Oapt. Stovoaon has com mand hero until tho 31st, when Oapt. Oollotto will scittlo horopormanontly. Tina L.O.L. and L.O.Y. B.A. at- touclod diyhio aorvico in tho i^aptist church last Buuday evening, whore Rev. M. P. Campboll preached an ap- propriato sermon to them from Joshua 4:7. Thu Ladios'Aid of tho Methodist; church, gavo arocoptiou to Rev. Dr.. Gifford and family last Thursday even ing/ Dr. Gifiord was warmly welcom ed and an onjpyablo time was Bpont by all present. ' J, W. SMiTir,~6TTjodmington?, who is ono of the examiners for tho Easox Biatriot, has boon eallod away on ac count of tho illnosH of his fathor,- and consofiuently, the publication of the liat may bo dolayod boyond tho expect- od date ' " TaKR A TDAKW TOUB TOISTjAVP OP, OOOIj mvtuzm. Go to Mackinac. Island, Mich., -via tho Coast Liue. The D.A Q. hew steel paBSongor stoamers leave 'To ledo, Mondays and Saturdays, 10:80 a.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:80 p.m.' From Dotroit, Mondays and Saturdays, 11,00,, Wotlnoadays and Fridays, 1):d"6 a.m. Send 3 cents for il-. lu.tratod pamphlet. . Adddoss A. A. Souantz, G.P.A. potroit, Mioh. Tine f unoral of Lottie M. Robinson was hold from Graoo church last Fri day afternoon. A large concourse of maurhihg friouds assembled, testifying to the reapoet and esteem in which the young lady was held. , The pall-bearers were Walter Shaw, Brodie Green/Del*, mar Hopgbod, B. McQreery; Wesley Roberts, Forrest Wilson. ; As they en tered the ohuroh the organist softly played "Jesus, Saviour, pilot .me.1', A very impressive flervTdeTfollowed. Rev. J: Bt. Gundy, of Windsor, preaching from the text "and all wept and bewail ed her,;but,he B^id: weep not she ia not; dead, but .sleepe%"' After ttie* service,: the ;'rem^^^^^ .Nort^/flid'jrB';oeni"^iiry'ftnd red to await the great awakening, oh ';the!jaat;4^";;:;"v^^-:v^ .- r::^i.|ffl wwv Are Losing $4,000 in order to Close Out thteir Stbb^^Pfl $12,000 by Saturday, Jiily 31st; 1897-^^ To Do Business in. The following Prices Slhow the G-reat Loss we are making and your gain *^>-' m y'$M DRESS GOODS Former Price 26 and 30c for 19c; 35 and40c l<o 23c; 60 and 65c for 41c; 75 and 85c for 54c; $1 "fcW 68c; $1.25fbr^4c. .1 Prints, Ginghams, Flannelette Shirtings and other Summer Lines 7c for 5c; 8c| for 6c;10c for 8c ; 12 l-2c for 9c ; 14 and 15c for ll^gj 20cfor 14c; 25cfor 18c '^M Towellings . Regular 6c for 4c, 8 for 6c, 10 for 8c, 12c for 9cil?s Grey Cottons 5 for 4c, 6 for 4 3-4c, 8 for 6c, 10 for ..So. Feather Ticking . . , 15 for 12c/20 for 16c, 25 for 19c. Cottonade 25c for 19c- Cotton Batts 10c size for 6%g. Jf. _ 'i-.-ii^jf ' "W'lffl . ',' V Vol*1 -"."/' m ,-."im yW $& y^ym Parasols $* Line {ot ^Oo, $1.50 for'lJlO, $2 for 1.36, $2.50 for 1.80, $3 for $1.95^^ Gloves, Hosieiry, Embroidering Laces and Ribbons at Less than COST. Laoe Curtaius 30c pair for 20c, 5o for 35c, V5 ior. 56c, $1 for 70q, $l,50for $1.10, $2 for $1.35, ^2.50.for $1.85, $3 for $2.10.. ; " CARPETS 15o Line for lie, 20c : for 14o, 35 for 23c, 60 for 40c, l.OO for 68c, l;25 82c. Floor Oil Clotli 25c per yard. Table Oil Oloth 25c per yard. 60o Roller BlindB , 40c, complete. Curtain Poles and Trimmings 20c per set. Grain Bags ^1.90 "per dozetl^ MEN'S AND Ready-made Ready made Suits of Clothes. Men's $5 -Line for $3, $8 for $5.^5, $li2|:^ $8.75. Boys' $2 Line .for $1.35, $2.50 for $1.85, $4 for $2.90, S for fS.Y5, JTVfT $4 75; . MENB PANT $1.25Line for 86c, 1.50 for 1,10, 2.00 for 1.35, 2.50 for 1.85, 3.00 for 2;75, OVERALLS 45c per pair. Mens' and Boyb' Top Shirts 20o each. TWEEDS and WORSTEDS for rants or Suits of Clothes at Less than Cost. Oo^ Tweed for 21o per yard. . for; 2.15,;;4vC^ "-v.'^mcS V^M .,."r:'.' ftigm Ik 50c Line for 35c, 75o for 55c, 1,00 for 70c, 1.50 for 1.40, 2.60 for 1.10, 140 2.50 for 1.75t 3;0a ; for 1.90. Choice of any Fancy Straw Hal at Half Price. yym :^ym -'" ""SSi v, il;';,v':|.,iw 'i , -' " .-'1v>.'JtE3a SHOES OF AHiXj KIISTDST^^5^ 1 00 Line for 70o, 1.25 for 95c, L50 fcr 1.15. 2.00 for 1.35, 2.50 for 1.85v 3;O0S|| 2:i6,' 3;50 for 2.4.0,:4:00. for 2.90, : ',-. \- . : .^:' ^:-vV^?| "'N4.'1'-tS "yy'm -:yyM :yyyyM JOB LOT Boys' and Girls' Shoes worth 1.50 and.2lOO per pair, for 75c. -\ : r-x.:(iS*yijZi 25 lbs Litrht Suj?ar, for 1.00, 32 lbs Granulated for 1.Q0; 2-quarfcvFraii ^&;/|B6jci ~ '" " ' " rt" "'*'"*** - 'Tk:-1' ^loth 8oa,p !.:fpi lilO^S^jpSffl 24 lbs Rice for 1.00, 23 B.ire 5o soap for 1.00,^5 Baw pish Cloth starch 5 lb jRoUedOats and large t Wait '. !&a9 All Goods ^SB"

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