Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 16, 1897, p. 4

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|W^B!^di^Jh,;V<>nW' . &ofc tolerate ^Te^ioor-Qeneraivwhofle wealth was g^ifrpmVthe oalo of gin- Now the W^^liO^'ib'iffdiieJioy dates from Jamoa ^^ .^ild to t0 in en^er apptioaut for the "" ^iition fib soon to bo vacated by Lord S$x$he; following irom the London ^l^vertieer will be generally endorsed: ^^r:;some days pa'pt school examina- r"'""'"' iyhavo been in progress all over Canada. , It is a point well worth the Consideration of the educational auth- %f^tieo whether it would not, bo bottor g?tQ:^ange the period for holding the Ktxiimi&Atioiis' to '*ome leflB try'wS eea- (^?oti:. ! With the thermometer dancing &|in'the eighties andninotiofi, it ie ftlmoet JgSimiRoasible for a strident to do his or beat, in an examination on any ^Jjtppio. -Indeed, positive harm to the ^^iiealthof students is apt to flow from fe/itexciting, hard work incident to passing &%xftminationa on difficult subjects. Tho fejekaminationfl ought to take place in Knipderato. temperature say either at fephrifltmaB, or during the Easter hoU- fe;diy^: What objections could thoro be Vi-itoi'theohange ? - Rye" In Wheat. |f;Mr. Watts, secretary Millers' Assocl- g|iiiohV writes: A number of reports * iayoreaphodme that the growing win der wheat bIiowh a conaidorablti per- J$entaee of rye in fields. Byo in whent S!w moBt objectionable, as it cannot be i^jepafated by any kind of maohinory. lt, will greatly reduce the value, of ffifoe wheat for milling purposes, and if pVltiS exported it will give our grain ^market a bad name-on the markots of fe^hreat Britain and the continent, which Swpuld have a very injurious effoot on Klanada; Many millers would refuse %vheat containing rye at any price; as tyt injures the flour and cannot bo used ^except for making low grades, and tho ^ffiillerflthat do buy it deduct from G to Mfioants per bushel off tho price they Jilwohld pay for good clean wheat, j^Every farmer with rye growing in gSuB wheat shpuld flond men through "ie fields and out oifj-ho heads of the Jy^before tho grain id ripo. fejThis is very easily dono, as tho ryo mn be/ plainly soon, having longer raw than-the wheat, but #reat Cttre tshould be taken that it should not [bo b too early, and allow ryo to grow |^ujfc;again, . '7 i;would bo well if tho local import* ,JVough but the country would take up matter, and impross upon the farmers the great losf) which will jn- $*tably occur if stepa are not takon~tcr |jprpyent thb,ryo;gottipg mixed in tho ityjileat, as H will load to a ropotition of lino; trouble wo had n few years ago fiOm this cnusb, wben some farmers fftd to sell their wheat for 15 and ovoii J0;;cehtfl loss than thoy would othorwisc mpJSm The!'piwllment buildings 'fijjjtp;. at Oi* tawav!:;^ adviser, a council, a party of 13 besides all other lawyers and men virhibh space will not permit to write;. What would be the_ result if the earth had no yearly motion ? If the earth had no yearly motion it would flatten out and bo level Where is RoBsland ? Bosslahd is an uncivilized part of Monitoba, where a groat many missionaries go. On what does the climate of a country depend ? The climate of a country depends on the kind of people. The climate of Ontario is very good, it might be wt>rBe, it is noted for its minerals. Mention throo things on whioh tho climate of a country depends? Three things on whioh the climate of a country depends, are, oranges, potatoes and cotton. , *A Zone indicates temperature One bright youth on being asked why a dog was refcrrod to aa ho, a oat as she, and a baby as it, answered:-A dog is called he, bocanso all dogs are masculine; a cat is called she becanso all cats are feminine ; a baby is called it, because when it hnH clothes on wo can't tell what it is. Colchester North Council. SPEOIAti MEETING Gosto, Juno li)th 1807. Council met in special soHsion;presont Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and Councillors Brush, Oolonutt and Ouelletto. By law No. BU8 road tho required number of times and provisionally adopted; A communication from M. Barrett, was laid over. Council adjourned. ivegot. ;^: Whoso Fault Id This? f^The following gems, of scholastic Me; have boon culled from various >SrceB, in .oonnootiou with the recent lation for entrance to tho High ?hooTs of Ontario. ^.The,Clergy Iiosorvos shaded tho *i$"of the neighboring farmorw and l^hwonldn't build roads, tecauBcsof the Kobollion of 1837 grievoncoa wore not very ieroUH, but they cansod a groat Wyot distruotiou abroad* Lord Bur- ratjjsntered a .report for tho removal ^etgrievonces, but he was a Utile fjaie and the rebellion wont on just jj^me.- \ The care takou of tho poh- "'A*"in8was one thing in tho way. ^'Battle of Waterloo was in tho it. is a battle which will bo Umbered as long . as tho world ro- ^iMxItwas between the Porsiana ie; French, The event has so jred in the people's minds jtftofe^who, wore oapablo of com* Sfehavo composed music ontitlod ^|attle of Waterloo," whenplay- Kbntd almost bring! tears to the St;'lonst people have been known |n& tkey'heard it. ' ^[011887. The people thought ieS^?anst go *to war, fandJtDur- )]d;them if, they wrung the hand $ai>w: "they would soon^wring for'fear and it came true. JvHastingei was pne who wrote mid' whibix are Wf Hasting's to', mm... . rgy Befierves ore a body that ^tracts;; ;of land, they1 were of becauoe the land could not 'A-^?%bok": and ^ the Wonderful si'Tv1 JtBOUljAIt fclEKTTNO Gostb, July 10th. Council mot as per adjournment. ProHont, Boovo, Doputy-Keovo and Councillors, Brush, Oolenutt and Ouelette. Minutes of previous meet ing were road, and on motion, adoptod. On motion, clork waa instructed to writo Sandwich Bouth to complete tlioir drain, so as to provont wator from Band- South crossing tho townlino into Col chester Northi Oh motion, P.Konnedy was authorized to look after the sido- voad between lots 12 and 18, con. 13, with power to not. Clerk instructed to "write clerk of Colchester SoOtb, ro Oampboll gravel pit and also writo the solicitor. Communication from Mr. Himna roforod to tho solicitor. On motion, Roovo appointed to investigate tho case of Buckingham with power to act, Clork was instructed to reply to Mr. Wismor'a letter ro Jas. GorarcVa claim. Laid over for investigation. Clerk authorised to writo rodd ovorseors to boo that thistles and noxious woods arc cut on their road divisions and also to owners of wild lands to havo them cut "on their land or- n Commissioner would bo appointod to havo it dono and cost chargod to the laud. On motion, clerk authorized to write- the ^County Treasurer, ro 13. $ W; $ lot /> oon. 7,E. Thorn was appointod road!ovorseor for road division 5. On motion of ,Mossrs. Oolonutt and Ouollotto, L, Jones was given 20 days in which to complete his job of ditching or it would bo ro-sold. Messrs. Kennedy and Ouelletto roport- od on tho 11th con. drain as bolng, in part, inavory poor shape and road very flat and, that tho outlot would be by tho Grondin Drain to Bucker Crook. They also reported ou^the drain on tho south side of ^thoOolches- tor North and Sandwich South Town- lino, that it ueedod enlarging opposite lot Jl.Chooka wcro issuod for the follow ing. Jas, H. Buport, building and ro- puiriug bridgos on S.R.R, and Foster sidoroad $13; B.J. Woldbn, postago .to dat'e'S5;" B. Noal, charity for:.Wm. White 83, for Buckingham .$2; J. A. Ooultor, extra work on 3y-law a7, #20; M. Douillard, repairs to culvert onJ14th oon,. 50o.; Brott k Auld, printing, and advertising, SB0,(i5; D. Kennody,inves- tigatiugM.R. uud lith con. drain $1; D. Ouelletto, the anmo ifitl; Mrs. Levi Mitchell, if value of 1 shoop killed by dogs 82; V. Bondy, for valuntiug 81,50; John Thomas sorvlng specifications of North Townlino, R. R. and Gosto aide- road Drain on Essex and Maidstone gl.fiOjGeorgo Noibergall, lumbor for bridge on 14th con. &0.48; James Gron din, for building said bridge . and for matorial$8.00; Jambs S. Laird plans, etc., on Milton BxtensiOu and Kong's Creek Drain $G0; Mrs. Lafraraboiso; charily 85;, John Miller, part'salary as Janitor 810; on motion, oollootorVtime extended till August 14th. Council ad journed. seen In Ontario than that at Newman's, '^pj^'lb^ .' if :'thifl (station for/a^iaxter of a century resided Mr. Peter Millar/ who during that period noted in the ' capacity of lookman, and was perhaps the best known man on the canal Mr. Millar is now a resident of Morriokville, hav ing retired from aotivelife. To a oor- respondont of the Recorder he related the following experience: "For many years I was troubled with a lame back, which gave me great pain at times, and caused ine much loss of sleep. I tried different kinds of medicine but found little or no relief. The spring of 1895 I waa assisting at getting out ice one day when I felt something snap or give way in my back, and it was some time before I conld straighten myself up. I now became so bad that when I .laid down I was unable to rise without as sistance, and I fully made up my mind that I had' become a chronic invalid, and never expected to see a well day again. A couple of weeks aftor my baok had almost entirely, given out, t aaw by an article in the paper that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured a per son troubled similarly, and I immedi ately sent and procured a box to test them. Before I had finished tho box I found my back somewhat, stronger bo I procured ilvc boxes more and by tho time thoy were used I. found myself completely oared. Since I took the last box I have not had a pain or parti- ole of lamenoss, and my health has been far bettor than it had been for years be fore. To ensure obtaining tho genuine al ways ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as there are many pink colored imita tions. ^1;1^ Sale about Two Hunted and E'ifty Pairs of Shoes at a Discpil^^ of Twenty per bent, from/Our Usual Close Prices. ; ^^1* Will be Inoluded Shbes[tae'M^^ Slioes fox Women.; Bhx)e&;:(:^m Boys; Shoes for Girls; Slioes for Everybody. 1.20; worth 1.75 for 1.40 ; Women's shbifcf! Men'a shoea v^orth $1.5.0 for worth 1 for 80 cents; worth 120 for 96 cents; Boys' Shoes worth 90 cents for cents; worth, 1 for 80 cents; worth 1.16 for 92 cents; worth 1.25 for T; 'worth -L* 1,35 for 1,08; Misses' shoes worth 90 contfl for 72 oenta; worth 1 for 80 cents; Ohildrojh?ia^^Sf shoes worth 76 cents for 60 oenta; worth 1 for 80 cents. M&m ' ^m These Goods are First Glass in Every Respect, are A 1 Values at Regular Prices; are ,.? just the Goods.for Warm Weather, and at the Special Prices Quoted above, are De<aded;3| Bargains; Come Early for FirBt Choice. ; Yours For Bargains, M. J. WIGKLE & CO. m DTTXTSTA1T BLOOK. ESSEX Special Sale of Canadian. Dr. James.W Olivor of Niagara Fall^ was fonnd lying dead on tho floor of hia room. , ' William Johnson of' Beachvillo was overcome by the heat in Brantfprd, aml died in tho city hospital. Mgr. Merry del Val, the Papal dole- gate, arrived in Toronto yesterday from Ottawa, .and ia resting at tho Archbis hop's palace before starting on hie homeward journey, Wm. John McGregor, ah itinerant lock repairer, was fonnd lying dead on tho road at "Wesford, Ont., Sunday. In Southern Mnnitoha the recent rains Were general, and assisted tho growing crops, assuring the farmers of a bountiful harvest, 'Reports from the fruit growing dis trict around Ohathnm state that the orchards and smaU . fruit * farms have suffered Bcveroly from the intonao heat of tho last few days, and in sonic cases the crops are literally ruined. Stanloy Gilbert, tho sii-year-old son of Edgar Ct-ilhert, of Southwold, mot with a bad acoidont on Saturday after noon. He got his loft hand caught in tho pnlloy of a hay fork, and tho whole hand waamutilatod, and it was neces sary to amputate tho two middle iin- gers, -. . -.: While X A, Hadley, of tho S.Hadloy Lumber Co., was suporintonding tho loading of somo shingles in tho North Chatham yard, 'Saturday, tho huge pile fell, knocking Mr, Had ley down, and burying Mm under the heap. His escape from instant death was mar- volloua,. W. It, Brook, Toronto whblesaip merchant, has just returned ' from a trip through Woatern Ontario. Ho says tho crops look excellent, fall wheat 'being, specially'good. Hay was boing out in largo anantitios and the pros pects from a farmer's standpoint Wore vory bright. Tho business outlook, too, he reports as "very hopeful. Stocks aro light in the' stores and farmers' accounts not half as large as they were a few years ago. Many merchants have given up the credit business altogothor, and aftor a general survey of the ilield Mr. Brook says that the peoplo havo every reason to bo satisfied, with the ontlook. . ' ' . SPRING DRY GOODS; CLOTHING, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. ' m ' 'M ' "'A 1M Special Liqes of^^Dress Dress Goods, Latest Shades, at 25c per yard, all wool- Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard. Fancy Black Soleil at very Iot?^ prices. Fine Line of Prints for 5c per yard. mi i .y ";'.pi OLOTHING.",. . We handle nothing but best makes at the lowest prices. If m BOOTS aimrSHOES. Special Line Ladies',Oxfords for $1. Men's Brogans for $1. Latest Styles in Straw and Felt Hats at .very, low-prices. GROCERIES, We Lead tlie Trade in best Qoods at lowest'/'^l prices. Try our 25c Tea and ii not proven money refunded. J. A. FRANCIS. {=" Highest Price Paid for Woof and Produce, Tina FitEB Pkkss will he sent to now subacribers to January 1st, 1808, for 35o WANTED Horllolgn and___ lno." OvorflowJna wiihlatnafc u.ntl rlobast )>Io- VQaooii Victoria, id D Aganta- tot ^ lamond Jubi . ._ ......a witu latnst u.ntl rlobast jj turna. C-'ontalns tho emloraod biography of'IIor Unloaty, witb authentic History of bor romark- iLblo rolgn, and full account of the Diamond JuMloo. Only $1.60. Big book TromouUoua demand. Boaanna for agents. OoiumlBsloc 50 er oont. Credit glyon. Freight puld. OutQt Writo qxilak froo. 3>aty paid. Writo to .[iGODdarbora St., Chicago, OutIV for outflt and 3>afcy_pald. Writo q territory. . The Dominion Company, I)opt 7, :m ' i?ff -' -:M ' j.'Ay WOOD'S ii3coei*noi>irsra23. Tike Great BngrlUb Remedy. ' S(o,/tacfcoffC* ChtaranteoS to promptly, and pormanontly , ccro all'form's of Wurtom Weakness. Evitsstoiu.SpBrm- atorrhca, ImpoUnovcknd ail ejficla of Abiiao or1 JboaessAa, Mental Worry, exoetatvauae Before and 4fter. fan/fl> whloh woH Jead to Xn. flrmitv, Insanity,Oonaumptlon. dnd an early oraxg. Has boon proscrlbod over OSyonra In thouaanda of OttflOBJ la tbo onZtf' XcUallo and Honest McdUAn Jsnoum. Askdrugglstfor Wood'n rho-pbodiiiej If ho offers some worthltias modloluoln placo of this, !ncloo prlco In lottor, and vo will aoiid by return mall. Prtoo, ono package, $l[ bU,:B. One will pUaae,aimwiUcure. Pompblotafrcotoanyaddros*. The Wood Oompua/, Windsor, Ont, Canada. tSF Sold In. TIhsox and ovorywhoro In Canada by pIlToanonfllbloDrnRalBt. ' He had been: eating green peas, nice and fresh frota the vines. They tasted delioiona while he ate them, bat shortly afterwards he came ii^to this office for Stafeipi^ SO ! a drink ot water, and W.lie told his' BSm ^j^^ftiJbjB^^exi^tbe land talepf woe lie laid, liia ,haad,a|>on 3?is ^jo^^^^^ejp'eflemfl* ,' fltomooh and said, plaintively, " Xi^n' Treasurer's Sale of Lands For Taxes ' Town Of Essex, V Whoreas, by virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of To Wn'i / Essck, in the County of Essex, and authenticated by the corporate seal of the snid town, bearing data the 29th (lny of March, 1897, am* to me directed commanding me to levy upon the following |ols<oV parcels of land lot arrears of taxes due thereon with COStS. ' IhprebVKiVo notice that unless the said taxes and costs are sooner paid; I shall, on Saturday, the 17th day of Jnly, 18^7, at the honrof ten o'clock in the. forenoon, at peck's Hall, in-tho Town of Essex, proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said lands as so, much thereof as may be sufficient to pay such arrears of taxesand all lawful costs Incurred. ,;, Taxes'.':'.'.' ,.'.' Costs.'-.;'/. / : Total. $ *.........- ..$2 66...i t.........$. 9S .5:09 * Lots. 27. .Plan. 223..4$, 46. 47. 48. 49, Sr 52.53.54iI . 5569 74i 75i 77--..-.---..J 223 * 223. .' .,'.. . . ..20, 21 '2o7.r .. .p...,.-. ,27. 28.. ,1 207.;.'. ......., .^3 24V 220 ..ti5," i207 W* "322* r' 247 '*47- at '247*-' *jr..,':.. ^47 '/' 2,47 *' ^argiii-'of^P&fit.ia^all/tlw/a^^ rX. ,-;>;. . .The Tailor,. . Is Selling all Goods At Cost E! for Cash. Try him. . . . ^ i| r ' ' ".'.,-' " ,'"\.^ ' ' Xvit'i Removed : To Oorner Aberdeen Block-'.;'"::; ':?$$k THE LEAMINGTON ' tti't. At Old Agricultural Building. Leamington. IS* Bend in Your Orders for Baskets a Few Days .^^s Befpy Mes and Grates jiooi;; ,|eady" fop,:.Qniek. -DeiiyeifyJy^ ' Get tho Strongest and neatest Fruit PaoktjffpB.from",Ub.;./'./^"^^|^S ':^!:^4Vti'^$ The on ,"! ^p its ia' Imn^^MMM THE

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