Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 16, 1897, p. 1

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H^ W-fiCiV. , ^Nb.,:28. ESSEX* ONT,, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1897. i ii Hit i j JlW Tit^VTHE, Co. fefr '!-:./: j^-T. i Mis. ft*" ibii invite iiispec- of our stock' of .Mtinm&T Dry Gtoods, 0 challenge corn- prison in quality and ^6er Our; assortment ^^Wasli Fabrics for .. iH';v..;'. . J.T. SOMERVILLE, M.D CM,, aCP.&S. Ont. Graduate of Trinity TTnivdrbity, FBIiTiOW op Trinity Medical College, Toronto, Ont.' Offiob and Rksidbnok. House lately occupied by thb late Dr. George MoKensrie. Talbot Street. - - Essex, Ont. " The Farmers and Traders Life and Accident Assurance Co, Essex Town Council. LT'D. '2;: ' mmr arm ^Weather waists. m.:^: : nd Costumes Includes P%"'^.;v;,;.": ',:,., MvFigti^ed GhftUies at -6o a yard, .ndsoine Colorqd Orepons at 10c a ft,-White and Colored Muslins' at ^;a>yatd/ Beautiful Dimities an 12^'e Itfgrava. Cbjeokod and Striped Linens #J3)c a yard. Colored Striped [MpJrinkles. at 20o a yard. #r-jGftnghamB from Co up,*o. Ite $&$ 1|^|ouse Waists ||?;S3iadeui the latest Htylo, with and fei-vritnout detachable collars and onitH, sv'-/Jn; Prints, Sateens, Linens, &c, rpm 50c each. James II. Still. President, John Campbell, Vico-PreBldoofc. D. K. Qalbralta, Boorotary, P. M. Fraior, Managlns-tfirootor. Head-Office, St. Thomas. Ont. Lowest Itatoa. Up-tp Date Policy Contracts, IQuorgotlo, rollablo local aaouta wautod. Address, ' ,.' /; W. McKAY, Gauoral Atfont, Box 701, Ht Thomas ..ESSEX... Mnsio*-Store. Prints and <*> I'm-' r dies' Whitewear ^pjffA'WJ3/i'& 25q and Upward*, ffiS/OJlTtf Sdoand Upwards, . J^WfQXT OOWm 60c and Up, llThese are well made laments, full ../Uflcl-and'nicely finished. jfi^V-: ||#&;:'"V ------------------------:-------------------------------" |^:SpeciaI Line 'of, ..",.. ^;^*oria Silk Parasols^.^ ^'fe^asorted'handle's,,' 23-iuoh frnmo, ;wV?&*troug and haudaome, extra value '^.vat$ieaoh. ." xr A T> Tvf 5 Piano and j^/j*n i Organs. -.-.. #' B. S. Williams' Pianos. Evans Bros. PianoB. 0 Singer Sewing Machines. ........'.Ritve J tint irooolvod & New H)n|y oi Violin*. jtuEoborpv, Hak-mrtulonw, uHar, Ac, Vi^lli* Utrluttu aml fttpplie* tot all tbo noovo iDBtrunioiitg a baud. Vanint* and Repairing a Hpoolalty. Maoliiao Noodloaaiid Oil la Stook. ; H. M. FAUt, 2nd Door Nftrlli ol IflJC.H, Strayed. the under- ouohhhIoh 3,1 Towiinhiji two &y:in& M li'l-.-'v Linen i^inch Loom '^BairiaHk ;Talilep Linon, fiowor pat- ^;;tern, special t 25c. a yard. ieh's Fine gp^Ooiored' Oamhrio ShirfcH with Col- fc:M:andOufffi usual 7fio. lino, for K6pc.*eaoh..- ,'-. STItAYED Into the mom in no of . Blffnod, oa Lot U5. OouoohhIoi] 3 of MaidHtono, aboat the uilddlo ot Way, tw. yoarlinoB-stoei' nhd holfor flpotted tod and whlto.. Ownor will prove property, pay oliarcoa nd.toke tUeni away or thny will bo boM accord iiig tolaw, Alexandku gunk, Rrnirlatoiio. 4f LOST\ " OntUoMiiIn Strootof Khbdx, oa Friday, July 2ud, a Itod Morroooo Pookothoak. oontalnlnn Homo papers ot vuluo to no on imt tbo owner, Finder will brt rowitrdod by rotuvuiue aame to Isaac H. TUorutou, Hhhux. . 2t Baker and Butcher. KHtabllnho WoddiuK oakofl a Hpoolallty. GrdoonbB THHoldoHt buuluosH in tbwu. 1B76. ITliBt-olaas broad and kinds, WoddiaoakoflaHpoo!allt.. _______ provifllonB, Hour, food, salt nd pork. Ooufoo tionory,orookery,Bla8Bware. Oanuoilfruitiand vogotableBof all klndfl. GoodB jiromptly da j. m. nil Tuesday; July 18th, Council met in. special session, Mayor in the ohair. Present, Beeve MoDouBail,. Councillors, . Kiddiok, Johnaton, Wortley, Joseph Eobinson. Hicks, and Fred. Robinson. The. chairman of the Fire, Water and Light Oommittee, stated that the moet- ing-wae allod for the purpose of con sidering tenders for putting in new boilers at the '.waterworks. Communications were received from the Mayor as follows: Oopy of an order-in-Counoit approv ed by His Honor the, Lieutenont-Gov- ernor,the 0th day of July, 1807. "Upon the recommendation of the Hon. .the Attorney-General, a Committee of Council advise tbat By-law No. 205 of the town Essex, entitled to raise tho sum of $6,000 for paying off the in debtedness of tho Town of Essex, caused by the putting iu of extensions, and for putting in two boilers, anew pumping engine, and deep well pump, another artesian well, with 8 inch cas ing, additions to the building and other improvements to the waterworks systom in tho town of lilsBex, be ap proved by your Honor.M Toronto, July 13th. Sin: Adverting to previous corres pondence ou the subject, I have now the honor to transmit to you, the re ceipt of which please acknowledge, a copy of an ordQr of Hie Honor, the liioutonant Govomor-in-Oounoil dated tho Oth, inst., approving By-law No. 305, of the town of Essexj-ha^ug 'or its purpose tho raising of money to pay off certain indebtedness of tho Town of Essex* and to provido for tbo improvement of the waterworks system of said town. I have the honor to be Sir, Your obedient servant, Q. XiUMBDBN, Asflistant Secretary, Town Clerk, Essex^ Out. ;.. " . After this tho following tenders re boilers, were rood by the Chairman of tho Fire, Water and Light Committoe; Goldie A' MoOulloobiGnlt, would sup ply two new boilers for $000, and the old .boiler; Waterous Engine "Works, Brantford, two boilers for 8818 and the old boiler ; ft, Whitehvw, Woodstock, two How boilers for 8777 and the old boilor ; E. Leonard & Sons, Loudon, two new boilers for $085. and tho old boiler,. It was moved by Boevo It&DougaU, socondod by Councillor Biddiok, that this Council do now purchase two now boilors instead of ono, and that tho tender of E. Leonard & Sons, for $((85, and tho Old boiler, be accepted, and that the Fire, Water and Light 'Com mittee bo ompowerod to have tho build ing and foundation for boilers, pre pared by tender, Carried.-. Tbo Council thou discussed tho state of tho town Hewors, After considerable disousFtiou' it was decided to have Wm. McCaffrey clean out the catch basing 'each commissioner to . inspect the work in his own ward. Cbunoil adjourned. ... UK*-------------' Additional Local. At A. H. Soarff & Go's you can 1 Ik of tea for ifi cents ; try it. : Now is the time to get Rummer shoes oheap at AT. J. Wiglo A Go's, spopial shoe sale. W. A. HEBBnEwniTH, accountant, Imperial Bank of Canada, spent Tnes-^ day in Windsor. .MisbM. Wiohtman had gone to spend her holidays with friends at Kingsville andButhveu. M. J. WioiiH it Go's speoial shoe sale is being well patronivod ; and why shouldnH Hi Ladiks" I If you want an extra nice parasol at an extra low price go to M. J. Wigle& Co. . Post Mabtbb Wionn and wife, of Windsor, visited his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Moore, this week. Or, E. Smith and Co, are positively leaving Essex, July 81st. Bargains in every lino of goods. Master BoV Shahs has gone to Leamington for a few week's visit with friends and relatives. Mu. Tavi/oii,Merchant's Bank, Wind sor, and Mr. Woodward, Dotroit, spent Sunday last in town.'. - Stag .Smith's lino of muslins midsum mer goods at coat and under," Must be olosud out at once. David Dbwau, of Cleveland, paid a flying visit to his nephew, Walter, on Thursday of last.week. , ' ' Jos. Naxiob desires to inform 'the farmers that ho is chopping all kinds of feed on'tho shortest notice. The clerk of tho weather, Bnreau evidently meant what he said last week and worked a change to tho satisfaction of even the most ohronio kickers. I). Gkaobx and family, brother of Mrs: Olms. Naylor is,stopping at Cedar Beach with Chas. Naylor. Last Saturday night Scott. Thornton was severely saalded on Ibo chest and arm by upsetting a cup of boiling water* Public School Board, I vored to all parte of tbo town, OKB M,i!AUUt ti^^niinery r4^-ij>0piirtnxont for the romaiudor of rjfe'the season," Gut PmOKH prevail, [; V.^m.^Ve never carry Millinery Goods l 'Jf',dyer1 from one season to another. fri^Byer^rthingmnat^O ! :, raVffl-^--.^- - ^pKTl)epts. m*$ BOOTS AND SJIOm, vm^mocKERY:- wJ^.J.-j'c-,'"-, i&^'.'.v.-:.: ,: ;;>/. m AjBW caps. Voters' List, 18Q7. Municipality of Sandwiob South, Gounty of'EJssex-' ATOTfOR IB BllllilSnir GIVEN TUAT I HAVE X1* tmuBmlttod or tfoltvofod to tho poraonB- mimtlonod Iu sootloiiH 5 aud a, of tbo Outarlo voters' List Act, 18WJ, tho "onp(c- ronulvod b Hald Sootloufl to botriLiiMmltttid or dolivorod, of tho Hat uiado nursnaut to Bald aot of all parties ojinoarlntr by the UiBt rovbmd afiaeHHUioutrolI pf tbo Bala Municipality to bo entitled to voto fa tho Hald municipality at elections formom- borerof tho rjoglalntlvo. Aasomoly and at nmoi- oltMi] aleoaooi) wd that en,[d llet.wau flrafc post- odup nt my offlooon tho Srd.duy of July, IB07, and rcmftiuB tharo for liiBpootton. Blootora aro oallod upon to examine the said Hflt aqd if any owlaalonfl or any othftr, errora aro found therein to tnko immediate prooaod- IngBtoiiavo the errors corrected according to JOFINT MOVNAHAN, r * VV*.i , . Olorkof Sandwich South, . Dated this 3rd day of July, 1SQ7. . ' Blaok-log is killing oattlo iu Hanger- ford township. ' . In Kausas City women prisoners have beu put to work breaking stones. At Fort Launderdale; Flo-. ,.aji Indian, named Tigeroat eloped with a chief's wife there the other day. The entire tribe pursued him and captured the, couple.; _ They weretried by the ;eoun- oil and sentenced to be :oateri: Jby-allli- gators.' The^;v^6,^.e^^6^d!;,to B^iM, ne'&r the:waters:edgq-'l",A; dog was; tied' ^etw6en-tn'e^"4o,Ja^ftp^ of :Qie; filty^s^I^ ^,...,_..^,.,^..-.^,.v.,,,...,^ The rogular mooting of the Public School Board was held Monday, July 5tb, all tho in'embers t>rosont. Tho minutes of the regular mooting of Mar. 8rd and the spocial meetings of March 25th, and May 7th wero read and adopt ed. Tho following bills wero preeont- 'od:~G. A, Sherrin, ink and other sup- plios, '$5'.85;-i.Wm, Dibbloy, Sanitary work, $7.60; E, Rbyndress, cutting wood, BOc On motion of M(jssrs.: Bea- man and Johnston, the bills wore or-. derod to bo paid. The following osti- miitos Wore submitted; Fuol, SS300; Water, $37.50;,Janitor $125; Sanitary 15; supplies {$sG0; PlauetaHum ?20; Repairs $50; Opntingenoios $100' Total $l!0i7.50.." ,"' Public jSchooI Promotions. The following pupils wore promoted frorh Senior Bart I to Junior Part II Vivian Vanoe, Gertie Robinson, Mabel Campbell, Mina McCaffrey, Blake Affla, Hattio Sinclair, Minnie Green, Nellie Johnson,.- Fred- Waddington, Jessie Hill, Elsie Rush.. ': Reoommended, Elmer Hannon. ' , From Junior Part,It to Senior. Po/t XT, Wilraer Forsythe, (Nellie Jjippatt, Stanley Brbwij, .equal) Colin :Gpslin, Laura Baugbjnan,(Bioho/td. padding-' tpniBlanoh6, \J)oMan/>',^aoIe_i^igiei,; oqual)BornarilBrady,"vVillio Anderson, 3am ^6enj!;;toii^l^.:^Bli^re;;;: Fre4 .' Rev. I. Nickorson and daughters, of Chelsea, Mioh., are Bpending a few days this, week .with Mr. and Mrs. John Hopgood,and other relatives m town, ,f* who has boon ill,- has taken u trip up the lakes for the good of her health. On her return she will stop off at Port Huron, Mich., and visit friends there. 'J Miss I-'nomiNdi: Wilkon, of Clove- land, O,, is visiting at tho home of W, Church, and will spend a few-days at JEssox's summor resort, Cedar Beeoli, -viih^Mra.- W. M. DbCow. Gio. Hanfoud, our popular barber, has placed handsome now chair in his shaving pai-lor. This shows tbo right kind of enterprise .and wo solicit for Goo. a liberal shoro of the patronage of this town, Bit. JAstKS FuAKOis Wamstoey loft on Thursday last on his annual outing of ono month, which ho will spend in Simcoo. 'James* many lndy friends in town will miss his polito salute and handshake for the time. " A nATiaox of the old school," un der this suggbstivo pen namo, a writer iu the Dotroit Free Press reads a time ly lesson to tho Amerioan people on tho foolish idea that the pop, bang and fizz of tho rocket and firecracker con stitute patriotism. Ho suggests that tho government buy a prairie lot, build an enormous powder plant and manu facture the maximum amount of ex plosives used yearly, then, when tho Fourth comes round, blow the whole thing up. This; ho says, would mini mize the dangor, ' Ho draws a caustio contrast between then* celebration and that of their .'forefathers,'and says that the sooner the Ainorican people return to thoir former loyal '.attitude] the sooner will the rising generation, grow up with a true and lofty idea of what the Fourth means, To all of which we fervently; say: <; Thorn aire, our sentiments too.". . Looaij Orangomen and thoir.breth ren, had the largest kind of a time out at Ridgotown. on! Monday, celebrating the 207th anniyorsary of the BatiLe^of, tho Boyne ^Eighty-foui'of them and-' their friends, left, here Monday morn- ing.on pleasure bent. The procession thore'was overa.: nijle in length, and it is estimated that thore were 86bD in lino. The xnarohr was. enlivened by mnsio frdm .8 brass bands and! :flfo, and drum batids' galorei ?JSx-Sfay6y. Wat^ Won'of\'th^to'wn,;]a member of 't^e::prr:; 'rlervwas /|<rand:, miwiflhal' ;;for ,>' Lack curtaiiiM 20 cents per pair, at Smith's. CoiuncfciUH Kiiivobovf was. at Cedar Beach on Wednesday. Misa Gbaob Wiolb, Amhersthnrg, is visiting at J. E. Moore's Mits, M. LBjjMoniii and family moved to Anderdon on Monday last. Men's and boys' straw hats at less than cost, to clear out, at Smith's. J, ElijIott, principal of the Leam ington Hiffh School, was in town yes terday. : Mns. AsnrtiANT and cMId,of London, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Anderson, of this place] A. E, Knioht has been doing good service cutting the weeds'-on the streets and vacant lots in town this week. Mrs.-John Tuhasubr, formerly of Essex, met with a serious accident by falling out of a cherry tree this week. Insurance societies on the same basis astho A.O.U.W., have beou in existence in England continuously for seven hundred years. The ' country editor may not krtow it all, but he doesn't live long in a com munity without knowing a deuced sight more than ho publishes, ' Fou PoTJNDKEEriuiH:-~The following amendment has boon made to tho Aot: "Where any animal has hoen im pounded, the poundkooper shall with in twenty-four hours, doliver to the clerk of the municipality a notice iu writing containing a description of tho color, age, naturaland artificial marks of tho animal, as near as may be." - Ohas. Wei^h, who is being held for trial on the charge of shooting at Detec tive Charles Mahoney, at Windsor, had mado preparation to brain tho turnkey or any of the attendants at the Band- wich jail,.a piece of load being foand in his coll, He had frankly told the jail officials that ho could oscapo from them as easily as ho did from tho penitenr tiary. . " ..'.'.' This Jubilee edition of tho Canadian Homo Journal, published inTroronto, has just reaohod us. It is artistically gotten up, full of spirit,well illustrated, and in every way lays just claim to-be the lending ladies' paper of Canada. Music, art, Joshions, games, the:house- hold, faseijtmtingand season^ written specially for the Journal,bright, tiinoly artiolos on books, peoplo and ourrenfc events aro among its loading features, and commend it to evory wo man in tbo Dominion. Single copies ton cents, or $1 a yean - Address Cana dian Home Journal,,MoKinnon Build ing/Toronto. Window polos and"trimmirig,n com* ploto, 20o. a sot, at Smith's. Hion Constable Mastors warns man agers, owners and proprietors of aum- mor resorts, fair grounds and all places of public gatherings whatever, that all games such as ohuok-luok* sweat- hoards and othor gambling devices will not bo allowed in the county of Essex, Ho further orders county policemen in tho county tc strictly enforce the law in this respeot by arresting all per sons guilty of engaging in tlio gamb ling dovicos above. mentioned. All county officers allowing such games to bo carriod on by consent, or with their knowledge, without taking proceedings will bo'reported to tho proper authori ties,- '-y I c ,'"ivX-ffl -^^4 m' -1^\0kto y^m PERFECT/-'. '.-',>:.,'.!^i . . '.> On this space are two cuts, one Bhowingji: perfect, the other an imperfect fitting pair pif? Glasses. When you go to a qualified idptlcmn^ you get fitted ns'tbe top cut fhow?, hutiwico?^ you deal with so-called professors and pedlwrsj^ in nine cases out of ten, you get fitted a a in^Bw^ bottom cut shows. Imperfect fitting franicir'.;;, spoil ^ood fitting lenses. Pain and discomftrtr;:"*y nrisc from Spectacles or EyerGIattes^fitte^i'iJiH11, such a manner^ We guarantee tov fit '.ypu'A^i properly. Give us a trial.' \-!-l"$P$. ':'h.WM& ju. X-jj Graduate Optical Institue of Canada now; Smith's celebrated 25o. tea, H. Edmuni>b loft to-day to vjsit; friends in Niagara Falls, Torontp an^tv^fJ Listowel. - . ' i'^-M$ft H. Bedford, left yesterday, for (to;;^ extended trip, visiting friends at.I)e>v|L troit, Sarnin, Toronto and BeHin;-'.h'|^ Bir.fOBTsfrom surround ing!lbbiH^ff say that the ground is so: wet ,wifcli;&0^ recent rains, that farmers are ndt abIj9^S(a to reap thoir over-ripe grain/ '; J'.]f;J%3 Mas. ConHMAN'smanyfriendswiiirDWvA:S pleased to learn she arrived safely."at^ her destination Fetaluma City, Oaii-S fomia, July 4tb,, after having a. v^ry^|^ enjoyable trip. \ /'" 'VvV^.^ ThbJ Council are making ] an exce;pr*||^ tionally good move, in having th^t^sSf in the streets filled with gravel. Som'Q'^N of our crossings had become aoth^yg'iH dongerOua to vehicles:" . " Vvv:^'.*1^^ ; Mi.ssics Stella Robinson, LeUa Rop-;;^* inson, Victoria Smith, l Emma Towm^/; send, Kate Rawlins, Emerson Gardn^er^fea and the excursion (Friday.) Rkv. G, Girvonp, Ph. I)., conducted, His first sorvicos in tlie Methodist church, in Essex, last Sabbath, and made a very favorable improssion on tho people, preaching two able and elo- qnont sermons. Hie took for bis text in tho morning, I Cor.,., '11-18, show ing, among other good, things, that the foundation of everything good "is diyino'; what wo call the foundation of a building, is really a part of the building the fonndatjon is the earth or rook beneath. Every business, profession, life, ; homo, nation' mnat bo based on divine foundations to be sucebssful. In -the oyening' the text Was Matthew 0, 38. He pictured the noiseless, revolution "of the.large wheel^;, of a: well regulated factory, and called 'attention; proper adjustment as the "Oauso. So it is in nil the various phases' of life,.individual, sooial and national;' if anything is out.of order; it is On ac count of wrong adjustment. .TheV:oon^ tre of adjustment fpr: the 'U^iveifte is' Calvary;, and -all': ^djuBtment rroni/an^; other centre lnu'st ruinj , At.the.ojbs^ might become acquaintetir saying that. Thos. McElligott intend taking;--i^';M excursion to Niagara Falls -to-dayj^M * '"i-J^S WntnK Mrs. DeCew was walking); down Laird avenue, on Wednesdayi|^ she slippod and sprained her Rankle iio:J^ sovorely, she was unable tor rise,an^rS was carriod into Alex. Laing'sreex^ka. douco until she recovered aufflcientl#;ffl to be taken to her horne in a oanria^e,v'^|$V Eptson Laino, son of purT6wnjB-,-'fe man, Alex.fcLainfr, left-on'^epi)S day for London, to enter the Elijcfef^f Works of the Stevens Mfg. Co..Edi^jfe^ is one of pur brightest young meri;iaii;c 'tho Funs Press extends to 'hi%:'it^ wishes for a bright future.'." " T fVr'^C TnAT era of cheap tho remnant of the pedestrian class^ha^lS so long bided its. time, appears itb'ib^l^ upon us.. A] recent cut of,'JW.,pex,q'sSfi^^ in one of the h^h-gradema]|ctf^^^^ United States is now followed ,by;^^:i|g of 43 per oont. in one:'pf-^;^U:ti^^| graces of the'British make. -^V^:/'^-;$;^^ AijL ooup6nB"fp>.,|wemiumV',,n^^)?:J^^ returned at once to Q. Ql .Smlithi^.-lG.^l^ .' Last .Thursday evening ^Pttstjte^^ O. E Bulford^ of,/.^^^^^^^^ stalled the following officers iti^ixi^h prise Lodge No.- mt\K';Qv-d$M$m F/'G/'Fred'Gilboej N'G, '.Geb^ew^p man; V G, Br. J. W.:Brienl!Se^S^S Myers;,BB Ohas:,OHannan .ahAitran < .chllfifi ishing condition. thepaat^rm1, :foi;- .^. ,..,-* .,.w:~ww -widowst'and/'prjph'aiiis^^^ ^ tjlere iB;n^v.^i%I^i^^^||^

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