Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 9, 1897, p. 5

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'fbipiTlieJR '^^^^^vn^^ia^i^i^ !fc.ltai world. w,~:>-:-.iytoijp*nftt8ana5Hpoent'OaFrm F'f.r'+-' ^rr'fysurk'nwf:'**' Gc6d Reliable a < - Essex F^ee Erdss. jS;BHrrT*;AULD, PROPRIETOR*. ^g^FMDAX JULY 9, 1807. ^j^ii aiicL Vicinity- f$pa!oiAii valttea in bolts at M, J, Wiffle ?0o;? :> ^ j!^. Soabfb & Oo. are offering 10- 'i^: toilet; nets for S3. ^JFob Hot weather coata and vests, try '^. Wgle&Oo. ^WEb?. James NayijOR visited in Am- i&^tburg on Dominion Day. K'ijiitfR "Undressed white shirts worth Mfi;%, eaoh at Whitney's. $3#P* Wtxox* * Akron, 0,, is visiting ^jj^fown ^th bis mother. '4J^Ai A. H. Scarff & .Oo.'s yon can buy f4^7-pie6e pinner Bet for $6. i^fiii.:"JJ."".i'.'WiaiiB , & Oo. have an im- imeiifle atook of fine straw hats at speoial ^IowTiwoes. )Gifford, of Wingbom, ar- l^fiyea here on Thursday to take oharge vVofhls new station, *%:XidBX. Laing left on Saturday last to ittend the National Educational Con tention in 'session at Milwaukee, Wis. ^;!;I). R. Pbbtham and'Wife,'of Buffalo, |?*are here on a visit to Mr. Feetham's ^^arents, They oauio via Sornia and Detroit.' '.". , , fe-;;'Mbs. JasS. BmioioKreturned homo $oi'Wednesday evening of last week ^ffrbm'a four months' visit with her r|BJ9ter in Aylmer. ^'^ftriESDAt afternoon the infant daughter W^tJS'lt. Peters, of "Windsor, received ^P>ftinful . injuries by falling from a fe^jond-story window. ' MJK^Ps'Stbaohan, rnilltner for Diobol NSSticker, left last week for her home ^Sy Southampton, . She is spending: a "J^W Weeks, in Toronto with hor brother i?*b'jefore going bomo. i^rMiBSBS AHchison and Hall have gone jfeftbtheir homes for thosummervacation, tbe former to Wardavilleand tho latter ,^0'Blenheim, Miss Shaw will not leave ^JBJMek'f or a couple of weeks yet. . jft*Arak; and John B; Gourlay and W. mV7::Onuhinghara.and Gordon Allison '^irejit to Detroiton #tondo-y to play with ^'^etrbit foot ball team.ngainst Chatham, Ixq Detroits won by % to .0. &:^Capiv Qttway, of tho Salvation Army, i^lfajwelled onSunday and left onMohday Mi or London to report and recoivo Jtedrderfl' as to her new field of labor. SlSldeut. Ooe.will leave in afowdayflfor P:;v;Mrs. Nesbitfc, of Kartell, Lambtou &5Q6., arrived- on Monday evening to fppena' a couple of weeks with Her Sfrdaughtor, Mrs." (Dr.) Martin. Mish ^^Nesljititrtbelatter'S siflter,is visiting in ^Cleveland and other places for a couple |&;?oI:Weeks, J{j';:etboit foot ball [J&tChatham yjigroundsroii team defeated in a*gamo on tho lufcter's Doniiuion Day by 1 to 0, Tne Detroit team was assisted by John ftnd Alex. Gourlay and Wilbur Ghuroh. '$ii$i Essex. In its report of tho game, ^'^tjie Chatham Banner says: -*GoUrlay i^Mwas the whole thing for Detroit and [feflayed bis team time and again, by bis vz-^y OTifiim ely kiokiu g. iW^.Tirn High sohool teachers have about ^11 left for their homes- Miss Kent Went to Detroit on Dominion' Day to / -j^JBjpend a few days then go to her home '$*in Foroet; Mr. Mornn baa gone-to his [t,:iJ l^pld home at Oroftou, Prince Edward ^pounty, ,and A. B,: CiiBhing and wife 'W on Monday for Toronto. ..Mr; ;,;,^j3u'fljiing will oxamino papern in Tor- i^jQrito for a couple of wookp, tko rost of {'Jfeliifl vacation being Bpont in Toronto iSi^C^diHarriHton. $g0&--.sooiaIj was.given at the residence i{*.?^?:"Nelspn liittlo'.near Muidfltone Oross Jl^jiiSl/Monthly.'pvofa'ing under the aUspicoH 'l-v^ojtiblje Dadiea' Aid of the JEssox Baptidt '.'^'"Qbui'ch.; There was a good attondanco bi^aiid n enjoyable time was* spout. Bo- li^esbments/couaiBting of ice. oream, ?;feiemon'adev oto., were oerved and the '^tedmbphone. ^^THB^WiudR t'V/jlw/;....:. -'. i.Wiudfjor foot ball boy aro (on- l^peayoring1 to keep up Windsor's ropufca- "ij^n ior'*'playing tho hog" abox;t ovory- ll^p^iiigi and do not^want to give up the '"^^eipaing oup which was honestly and jjotjnly-^on by the- Keflex JxiUior foot fl31-;toftm, ' The'Windsor bpya olaim game should be played. The HigifcgHiiqe was decided a draw by pon- Sentof the inanagera of the two teams "' M^&j0:;:8eoojBitl"yrsk won;',hy'-'Enflex. sW^^'?^Wla oxpeolj to...lay.,'.any K^^^fiiB^ispp^ - oif '-':sk ' '.aqth*ar: eaotf; at WhitD^y^ J, -E IbargaintfCni ooond hand buggies, -'-vf W. B. piwyoBD, of Bntbrfln, was m town Sunday. .', >'^ ' J^Aii, goods at cost at Smith's, going our<rf tuslnesB. Fob smoked bftmfl,baoon, etc., try A. H. Scarff & Oo. with an order. - Thib is good corn weather but a lit tle hard on man and boast. Mbs. J. A. Fbanois le|t on Tuesday for a trip to Goderioh for a oouple of weeks., , M. J. Wiann & Co. announce a speoial shoe sale for July. *See their ad. . " .. Misses Oakiiiei Fatjl and Bella Hall, of South "Woodalee, spent Sunday at thoir homes in town. J. A. Dibbbl has goao to Waterloo to spend ten days with his mother and other relatives. Fohbythdj, Anderson & Oo. bad a cash carrier system put in their general store in Essex. Mri Whiting, of Lon don, did tho work. ; Fon out pricos in straw and felt hatfl, collars, cuffs, ties, belts, ootton boso, sweaters, oaps, go to Whitney's. Ai*bbkt, tho youngest son of O. H. Brioker,had a small portion of his indox finger out offby a lawn mowor on Satur day last. Mibh Bbrtiia Bauohmam has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, on a visit of some weeks at tho homo of her aunt, Mrs. Olark. ' . ' *" " KxxU parties owing G. E, Smith A Co. must settle at once, going out of busi ness this month. Dn. Jambm Biuen and wife, left on Monday morning for Windsor whore thoy took steamer and went for a trip of a couple of wooks up tho lakes. G.E. Puiiironx), of Airhorstburg, Past D, D. G. M. for No 1 District, installed tho officers of Enterprise Dodge, No. 218,, last (Thursday) even ing. D. P. SiaKniESTEHtj & Son, boot and eKoinnoTohants, of Stratford, but form erly of Amherstburg, after being in business but a few months have as signed., The list of lands, aHgivoii on another page of this paper, wbich aro in arrears for taxes will be offered for sale by Town Treasurer Beaman on Saturday of next wook, July 17th.. Pauties desiring to learn tho now Spanish guitar system aro advised to begin at onco as the olaSH now being formed will likely bo tho last class or ganized in town. Call or address \V. O; Sherman, care Paul's musio store, Bssex,.., It. . OiEN*rnax Encampmoiit, No. 00, olootcd officors for the ourront torm m followH:-0. P. Protl Gilboo; S. W., Nelson Jones; J. W., VVm. Cbattorton; H. D., KnoH McOausland; Boo. Scribe, G. P. Hill; Pin. Scribe, Ohas. Haniian; Troas., D. h. Park. Examinations: Thoro nro 7 candi dates for <tth Porm (Sonior Doaviug), 0 for 3rd Poi-m CJunior"Dcavmg), Ifl for 2nd l^orm (Primary), and 22 for 1st Perm, writing at tho High School here this wook, Mr, Maxwell and Mr. Elliott aro presiding. Om Thursday afternoon of last week, lightniug struck the brick house on Victoria Avonuo, owuod by Wm Wolfe. Tho olootrio fluid appears to havo passed down the obimnoy and through tho building,, loosening a number of rafters in the roof and tho framo of the front door boaidos doing othor damage which will cost about S1G0 to repair. The building was un occupied but insured. XiQTTiE M., the bolovod daughter of Mr. and Mrs. PVed. Bobinson, who had been ill for Homo months, with consuuipfcionj passed uwny on Wodnos- day afternoon at tlio homo of her pitronts iu town. Deeoased was a. highly OBteomod young pivl, lovod. and rcspootod by all who lcuow.hor and her pitrohts'havo tbe Hymnathy of tho oom> muiiifcy. Tho funeral will tako phwo at U o'clock this (Friday) uttoruoon from tho residenco . to Grace Mothodist OUuroh, tliouco to tho North Bidge cmnetoryfor intortuou. ' At A. H. ScariVA Oo'h youcan 1 lb. of tea for 1G ccntn ; try if.. A MAiutiAoiD licenHti was issuod in Detroit on July Ut., to Prodorlck Ernest.:von Buohon, 3tst," Borlin, Ger many : Adclo Mary Bemurt, 31, De troit. Tho bride is a daughter of awenl- ltby widow in Dotroit while tho groom uned to be rogardod in a Count. The puojilo of this town were protty' woll acquainted with him a few years ago, the principal rogrot of some of thorn being, whan ho loft, that hud ovor mot him; After thoy loav>- ing -herd Von Buclion attended the Dotroit, College of Medicine, graduat- i.iig along with Miss Bornart this spring. The German claims to -oomo of an an- oiont family, : : Thh bill of the jovial mosquito being now due, the following form of receipt is given Mfree gratia" and may come handy :^rTake 20 dropa of, oarbolio acid and put it into a bottle containing an ounce of glycerine and half anounqe ^sppif^ .tefifi;Viow"dfty(i,wllm'trie^ apr , J. E, Moobh and wife spent Domin ion Day with relatives and friends in Araherstburg.. y-^-:------~ The family of 0. E.' Naylbr hafo taken up.tbeir summer residence at Cedar Beach. , LatecAm & Pominvillo, clothiers of Windsor, have assigned to Mr.Hender- son, of Toronto. George Laino, of London, and Jos. Laing and wife, of Grand Bapids, Mich., visited in town tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. Button, of Detroit, spent Monday at the home of Walter G, Laing. Mr. Hutton is acousin to Mrs. Laing, Tins families of W.H.Bichardson and W.M.De Oew have gone to Cedar Beaoh for tho summer months. E.A.Wismex'fl family expect to leave in a few days. Fiudd. Phukets, of E. L. Park's estab lishment has gone on a month's vaca tion and will visit Chatham and other plac6B. He started off on his wheel. BoBBinT Pabkeb has moved his family from the American House into the briok residence oh Laird Avenue formerly occupied by Alex. Chatter- ton. D. A. Maxwbltj I.P.S., of Amherst- burg, and J.EUiott, Principal of Leam ington High School, are in town this wook presiding at the different Depart mental Examinations. HEiiiiO, Windsor Becord ! Don't go so fast this hot weather. Better shut up shop and tnko a run over to Belle Islo Hill we catch np those throe days. Thanks for the hint, wo 'forgot to wind up our oalondar. HffiHNKH Tjent, No. 74, K.O.P.M., at its mooting next Wednesday evening will complete arrangomonts for attend ing divino service. All members are requested to be present as thoro will also he some imitiations, Tjios. Powb/jIj and wife, of. Toronto Junotion, visited tho paBt weok at Wm" Hensmau's. Mr. Powellwas formerly in business in Essex leavinghere seven years ago. Mr. Powoll is now a mem ber of the Toronto Junotion council. At*Tj coupons for premiums must bo returned at onco to G. E. Smith &Oo: Tina members of Hebner Tent, No. 74, K.O.T.M., will moet at their lodge rooms, Dunstan Block. at 1,30 p.m., on Sunday, July 25th, and proceed thenoo to tho Essex Baptist Church where Rov. M. D. Campbell will preach to thorn. Tents in the neighboring towns have boon invited to attend. Tina heat the past week has boon something awful. The thermometer reached 08 above ttoro in the shade in Mevoral places in town Sunday.Tho day was the hottest ono exporieuood hero in some years. Township Clork Atkin son, of Gesto, roports that some of the goosoborries on his hushos wore oook- od as though thoy had boon frut on a stove, tho boat was so oxcossivo. Wm, Haokigtt, formerly of Amborst- burg, and Wra. Eaton, formerly of Ehhox, but both now of rAkron, Ohio, woro olootod by the . Typographical Union of that city as President and Delogato to Allied Tradere1 Counoil rospeotivoly. Tho boys of both Am- horstburg and Ebhox will be pleased to learn of their success. Jon lob children's Bhoes at Idas than half price at Smith's, Dn. K. B. Pottfl .figured in two jury oanoB in the Division Court at Windsor on Wednoaday of lastwooki The iirat was Potts vs. Wm. Dale, tho defendant being of Windsor. The doctor .sued for $HD for professional sorvioos, nno* Dale put iu a contra account of #64 for board of horse. The court out down Dale's account to $24, leaving a balance of $15 for tho plaintiff. The HGoond was Potts vs. Mrs.. J/EUis.of Windsor, a suit also for professional sorvicos. wmM i'fj. : PERFECT. On this apace are two cuts, one sbowrag perfect, the other an imperfect fitting pair of Glasses. When you go to a qualified, optician, you get fitted as the top cui shows, but when you deal with so-called profrssors and pedlars in nine cases out of ten, you get fitted as the bottom cut shows. Imperfect fitting frames Spoil (;ood fitting lenses. Pain and discomfort arise from Spectacles or Eye-Glaases fitted in such a manner. We guarantee to fit you properly. Give ub a trial. IMPERFECT. Graduate Optical Institue of Canada. esses:. - ONT. Drehr goods of all kinds below cost at Smith's. Salt pork in 50 lbs. lots or over, 8 conts a lb. at Smith's. Dominion Day was quietly observed by tho peoplo of Esse*. Dn. and Mrs. Pascoo left on Wodubc- day morning for Wingham. Loth of snaps at Smith's now ; going out of business at.onco, Goi>wrx and Grace Wiglo spent a fow days in Kingsville with relatives. .Nothing hut cash wanted at Smith's, going out of btwintiKH July Blst,bargains in everything. A NUMUMu of gentlemen in town havo fooled their friends by having their Tho jury^avo a verdict for tho'plaintiff for $B0 Svithoufc costs. W. H. )Ken- nedy wnH^oounsol for'plaintiff. At the samo court, the case of Torongeau vs. J. MeOUntio was hoard. Tho plaintiff sued for the value of a road eorapev that defontlant had got from tho man who~purcnuaed it from To ongeau. Judgmout was giyou in favor of defen dant who is, however, to givo plaintiff tho eorapor. Oitotois of fanoy straw hats at half price at ^"inith's. . ' ' ,. t' .'- Jack Welsh, son of Mrs. Welsh, who formerly kept a boarding house on Wellington-ave., Windsor.and who wns serving time, in Kingston for tho l)iirglary of, Ttiobardson's hardware store iu Ess ox, and escaped from that institution' about a year ago, was re ported to bo in hiding at/Niok StoyenB' on Arthur-st;, Wiudsbr, oh Priday last*. The oity and , provincial' police 'sur rounded the place about 8 o'clock that afternoon and Detective Mahoney Went into search the house,, Welsh; was ih the house and as Maboripy entered/ pushed into the room, followed by the detective; . Welsh: said;./'I'll a^oot." Mahoney,saidrfpr him not 'to and' the house. ;ww-'.(8uirou^4!Bd.;}0',1^elBh: fired and tiiebuUet^aZed leftkgbeloiw the /Joi'jB.jB/^.Hi^bjatiy/R^; i; i*^i'.^'wifi*-p^e^-^ '.?^^' -^^^; moustaches removod. It i reported that tho l>ostofflco.,Pc~ partment will shortly sell complete sets of Jubiloe. fltamps ui> to 50 conts, A. H. StUnrF spent a few days the past week in Windsor. Arthur is about all right again after his illness and has rosumed worlc.' . Miih. O. X. CnAHHWEnnEn and chil dren lofton Friday for Goderioh. They expect to spend a week in Amhersthurg at the close of the summer vacation. As a result of the work of Grand Or ganizer Graham, of tho A.O.U.WM sovoral candidates were initiated into Essex Centre Lodge, No. 10.A.O.U.W., on Friday evening last and several more aro on the way. On Saturday last, P.M. Boaman hoard the case ngainsfc Oharlos Wen- solborgcr, driver of the Windsor Brew ing Oo.'s wagon, who was in Essox tho two provious Saturdays soiling bottled boor. Ohiof of Police SIskou laid tho in formation and Wonsolborgor was fined $B0 und $5.45 costs, JjArnKB'audgonts' shoos at cost at Smith's. ' v.^'i ^^^m^y^^mm Mirh MaiuaOiiton, of Mt.Dora, Lake county, Florida, formerly of Essex county, daughter of Wm. Ortout who formerly lived in the Township of Goh- floid. North, but loft Essex about 11 yoars ago for tho South with his family, nnd located in Florida, is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Sisson, this week. She in- tonds to EsaeX countyforthe summer, visiting her many friouds dud relatives in and around Essex, Oottam, Olinda, Leamington and Whoatley. MnB.PATOifl, founder of tho kindergar ten system in Detroit, visited Essex on Wednesday of last weok in the interests of tho work being carried ou here by Miss Aguos Watters. Mrs, Paigo ad- ilrossed two mootjugs in the kindorgar- toU rooms in tho'roar of the Presbyteri an okurbh to much interested audiences. Her ad dross touched chiefly upon the; nood for 'such work, and watt amply il lustrated from bor-porspuul.exporion ce in urged strongly tho no- oossity of organization among tho mothers, in order/ that the work; might bo supported long onough to convince the public flohodl .olHoialo that it Was a good . and necessary thing! desorvittg the support of tho whole community. Men's and boy a'suits- at loss ,thmv cost at Smith's. . Tun report of the visit of John Sooth, Inspector of High Schools for Ontario, to the Tilssex High School has boon re ceived by' the Board. In his report Mr..Seath rocomihonds some improve- nieuts to rooms and gymnasiums. The door steps need repairs and hard \vood stops aiiould ba provided; eqmo ^f the1 'bloi.'kboni'ds neodrecbatiug; the labora tory table rpoomrnendod hist year should ;bo.provided, jf possible this attrnmorl in toaohmg the usual high gyatling' if* given;,in no case is the grading Jess thanT-^IIr l,]>eing good au<Jtwoboing. fafr. In : English ' History, olasBios; .soience/cbinmeroial aud'd^ill o^ft cal-, isthofliqstue^ rrtti^g.isT-vTI; -infMat^; matics, Ereuch and 'German it is I ,and ;iea^gItV;v,g^^ ^Uow!^'f^a;^e^ Wm \-,<"--:-.-^.^WM 'W'^51'^ Mm vtf'Av ::^-p| Their Entire Stock of ov:$J$i $12,000 is offered for cash at iMs ^ than wholesale price. All rriusf4 be sold by above date. This. Stock is new and assorted, composed of General Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Gro ceries. ".TtjV**! Don't miss this chance to get good goods at one-third less than our regular price. m All Parties Having COUPONS -for- rur-.;|| niture or other premiums must return *"* them by July 24th. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. G.E. i WHITNEY BEOCK, ESSEX- N.B. All accounts due must be paia~ia once. <~--i */ /,j.' THE J. W. DRAKE Furniture Company, Windsor. Finding Honey i A SNAP . OUR WfiREROOHS ARE Full of Snaps, Vii mm About as Ooodl As ^-il Qfe Couches witli Fringe all Round at $ 5 Bedroom suits at - Parlor suits at, - Extension Tables at - 10 5 $18 00 & 2QQ&H ARE SOME OF OUR aSNAP,n <) o o (- - ^ All Goods Shipped, tfroigUtn Piopuitl, nud.Snfo Delivery at Depot Gnarantea^^ m No. 11 Sandwicli -.street,'"Windsor,;-d^'M^ Look for tho Brasn Loiters on the Sidewalk that's where We Live ../. .. ; r^w ^.mi l -U'^ssm .i -'.*' ' i _ .tr.> *ij i/fS;11 ', - "\"Vif-Ma .-.' )'W-FJ&fcim :fStandardSi7,eVRn^',T^nrBK-a Mm l^M^^M

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