, IP' thaVbaMjonld in' tha Tribnrjo oom- _ took I Wo rooiUrf, made them ^jpfejjl^li^^lftkecl .form, and ,, ;J'ta^fbBBU of oopy'paper. iiii wrpte>V6>f it in Greeley's ^^i^^t^ron/oldlmaQ'Xji^tob'B' .,., "think hl name was" Law ton, hat ' i;not It dooa not matter maoh. The er picked it up; swore a little, re- thai they had to above the at of! told maD, a^uaual, ftdjaatad his -, and began sticking typo. The fWra watched him for a few i;W'beyond a" mattered cath or riT-T,40y',gaVa no sign. Lawton went on p'^type iintil ftboni half way through Wkfyffi'r'. #aea h8 WaB fltaok' He lt-tbe popy ov6r to the foreman and Mtfh'*-^Tiipfajwhat to that word ?" I .^imow,'* replied the foreman. Ton OW:I:nev*r coald read the stuff." Law. ^^obb.the copy down to Greeley and ttiedouta particularly awful sora.wl of (^pBieVa , fopt; asking what word thut V^S'Q^eioley looked at it a moment and jtoKt^ith.-a' frown : " * UnoonBtitu- fmSi' of .coUrBe." Lawton went back to :oompoBiDR room and flulahcd bis toek The old man was pro- and I Ith the utmost sang-froid. $&Y$r.'.'.;knew hovr the ** oopy " J^s;':','LAIways'FoIt Tired. ^^I.suffered with . aevero headache ""'"^Ot appetite and I always felt tired. ponoluded to try Hood'e Sareaparilltv and 1 Lffcer tailing one battle my headache (lis- ftfpiared. I continued taking it nntil ipwl am never troubled with headaoue ^mnd my appetite ia good." LAuni.GAarjA.ND, S#'347 Claremont Bt., Toronto, Ont. ^.Hopd'a PiHa act easily and promptly on J*l|%er and bowels. OQceJaiokbeadaohe. wm^?* Worflff 6f enhictet^ tew iV->':- ' Knigb.ts of St. Lazarus. pSfti',*! Very,,early period in the history of fo^ Christian ohurch a special order of nlighthood was instituted, bavins for its ?1V'^ paw^and anperviaion of all those , Sitod. with leprosy pr every nationality, |1|av'as ito headqnarters had originally )en located iutheviolnity of Jerusalem, |f%^aR^.T.a8; Rnerallv designed Knights *'"*;gi.;Lajs*rua or of St, Lazarus and Bt. Max$. of Jerusalem. |$$>Y ; , An IU fated Train. #>Mr. J. Plumrner, of Windsor, Ont,. wan )U- the train whioh went through the iridgeat St. George, Ont.. in 1868. In le accident his kidneys and baoK weru jpriQnsly injured, and have Binee oaueed >a*great Buttering. Mr. Flummer'anyy; ^tXJntil I obtained oan'e Kidney Pills .never knew what it was to be free from p^lny and I am able to work Very day ]ow,. They have produced bettor reanltg than' all the other modioioca combined |;wbiQh I have used io all my years of wuff- BMwing. I regard them as a speoiuo for |Jpianey trouble.1' Xbir oalr Avenne of Escape ! Tht-ort4h Pal^a Celerr Compound,. " True words of encouragement, hope and oheor are generally welcomed by suffering humanity at least,by/that part of it with crashed spirits and deapondonb hearts, - To those who are martyrs frond rheuma tism and neuralgia we have a few words of honest advloe, whloh, if followed, will certainly lead, to that coveted goal perfect health that many are so earnestly pray ing to reach. Up to the present you have failed to banish' your rheumatism. The medioinea yoa are using have not removed the float* ing aoid poison from your joints and mus cles. You are as bad to-day perhaps* worse than when you commenced to doc. tor, and some of you are pronounced in curable. ^he-or up, sad souls I There is hope, yea, more than hope; there Is a new life for you an freedom ' from all pain and agony if yoa give that haven-sent remedy, Paine's Celery Compound, a fair and honest trial. It has completely cured the worst forms of rheumatism in the past, and its great and precious virtues will do the same good work (or you to-day. To those who suffer from that meroileae tormentor, neuralgia, we say, with all candor, use Paine's Celery Compound, and your future will soon be happy and bright. This disease alwaya indicates a low or depressed vitalty, and ia the moat agonizing and exhausted that can afillob the nervous system. The ablest physioiane how freely prescribe Maine's Celery Com pound for neuralgia^ and affirm that no othet medloine can so completely oradioate UiooauGo of this terrible disoase. One bottle of the great hoalth-giving mcdioiuq will produce cheering roBultB and will prove that our advioe is Roldou M*y heaven give you Bufficient f>i'uti to make a trial. - Lamp Trimmings and How it ., .'.'! ' Should be Done, ' ^i^rThe reason why lamps burn badly, ;:-;i3moke, or-fiivo insufficient light, is goner- $jjLUy to he found in tho" fact that tbo druu- v^gnt ban been clogged ; and,, like fire, they ; will not burn proporly unleRs thero Is a ,$blear draught.., ..Keep all openings in tbo 'lamp perfectly oloar and free from ob- ' qfcruotlon inside, and do u( t out off all tho KoB^rof the wick, but leave a very'thin {i{:|lne of blapk.and be sure yoa ont It evonly, gfliipjhtly rounding it at the corners. Bub- robing the char off with a soft cloth is better J ,----'i---. 4m*---------- ' reakneBS and Dyspepsia CuroO J|!5fJ>BAR'Sin, I can heartily reoommond Ji'^arabok Blood Bitters. i?or a long time I $feas troubled with dyspepsia and weakness. -.r'll", .. g^be feast exertion would tiro me out. |v^xn^lad to say, however, that yopr B.B.B. ^i as greatly benofltod mo, onrlng dynpopsia U/'and makiDK me Btrong and well. ra'^V.-;".,,'. . '"'>;.:..' ' ILespoler, Ont. m$- : tfe-'-J^aper-'Grlove^ aud-StookitigB. ^fe1.';. " -' " ^jThe uses, to whioh paper in--various >^|riiB. can bo', put Booms almost limillcau. /O-loves an4 Btocltings mat'o of papor are tli'o ; :latioBfc 'innovation. \They are said to bo ^^fttpflrior in: many ways to ;muob 61 the |;^opl, cotton or silli sturt that is put upon ^]^;marktit, inasmuch'as they apo quite glpugri'and .strong,'a quality that is hot gip^Ss^Bed by, the ohean gru'tieB of tho other K^oc|ds. The goods aro made by knittib(i( pj^t'AB yarn is neod. , Paper t-wluo is-flrut' t^opghted by machinery so as to be fuss'zy f'^l^wpol,;..';.'. ^TJneyare on'the le, btib marked.on tbo othor we Kayo not seen thfm in th^ ffij^'dy States yofc. It is expected tbat ^'stockings can be sold here for about g^M^jts '*:>pinri :' P^jl^B.rate.it will be more economical *OflO'theBe, and throw them away or erivhurn.tbeni, after once "using, than ^y.aineibrdinary Btookfogs waajiqd/ i.. mobt esttenslv0 cemetery in the y^ih'gifcaYe'b'eenja'terrebi'^ Here is the Way. To onre all heart and nerve troubles and that weak weary, tired feeling, Blcepleas- nose, nervousness, eto,. do as Mra. Thop. Glover, Chatham; Ont, did. Bays Mrs. Glover: "One box of Mil barn's Heart and Nerve Pills cured me. I was so bad that I feared paralysis, but am now well and strong thanks to these wonderful pills." Marriageable Agea. In Austria a "'man " and " woman * are supposed to be capable of oonduotiug a homo of tbeir own from the age of 14. In Germany the man must be at least 18 years of age. In Kranco tho man must bo 18 and the woman 16 ;; in Belgium tho same ages. In Spain the intended husband must havepassed his 14th year, and the woman herl&Lb. In Hungary for Roman Catholics, tbo man must be l<i vears old and the woman 12 ; for Protestants, tho man must bo 13 and tbo woman 15. In Greeoe the man must have seen at least 1-t Bummers and the woman 12. In Portugal, a boy of 14 ia oonsidored marriageable, and a woman of IB. In Russia an'l Saxony they are a little, mare sensible, and a youth must refrain from entering into matrimony till bo can count 18 years and the woman till she can count 10. , In Switzerland men from tho age of li and the woman from tbo afto of 12 are al lowed to haarry. In Turkey, any youth and maiden who can walk1 proporly, and "oan understand the necessary religious service, aro allow ed to bo unitodfor life. i CW,pMav^yar^ V/,' worth 6f gold iaadded.to the world'e stock eaQhvfUBH: \' ,. ::.'r'.--Y'-\', The notes of the Bapk of England cost about pnq cent aoh. : Only 37 per cent, ot the gold in ourrenoy Is of tho proper weight. Standard gold contain! 11-12th of fine metals and 1-iath alloy. Leather money circulated in Bpssia as reoently as tho time of Peter the Great. In Fiji the ooinage odnsiata chiefly of whale's teeth, those of greater value be log dyed red. The natives exchange 200 white teeth for one red one, as we change Diokles for a dollar. The secret marks on United States notes, by whiah forgeries are Bo rapidly deteoted.are constantly being changed. The microscope will reveal many euoh peculiarities to an observant eye. English sovereigns tlrat issued about 1489, when tbey^ were worth the 21 th part of a pound of gold. In 1642 they were worth 80s. apiece. In 1660 they were worth 24s., in 1617 they came down to 20a., the value at which tbey nave since re- maiued. KIDNEY DECEIT. How Many are Unintentionally Beoeived in,Treating Kidney Disorders Can You Afford to Trifle with Your Own .Exist ence? If You Saepeot there ia any - Kidney Trouble, Discard Pills, Powders and Cure-Alls-South Amerioan Kidney Cure ib a Time-Tried and Testified Kid ney Specific. A remedy whioh dissolves all obstruc tions, 'which heals and strengthens the affected parts, and which from its very nature eradioates all impurities from ths system, ia the only Bafo and sure'remedy In oases of kidney disorder, finch a rem edy iB South Amerioan. Kidney Onre. This is not hearsay. The formula has beep, put under the severest of tents, and it has been proclaimed by the greatest authorities in world of meiiaal scienae-that liquids and liquids only will pbtaiq the results Bought for, A liquid remedy taken into the' sys tem goes direokly into ,tbe circulation and attaoka immediately the effected parts, while solids such as pills or powders can not possibly attain these results...; l;dney disorders cannot afford to be trifled with. The quiokest way is the safest way to com bat these insidious ailments. This great remedy never faila. It's a liquid kidney Bpeaiuo. It's a solvent. Sold by J. Thome, Oia A sjrloa J<>. ~ if' ^'Urio.Abia,^'.':- .^-..v1^"';. ', \: .Tha name ot a terrlble^pvjson, ."" >.f^Ji It is formed In the human system. '~ And causes rheam*6ism,;soIat(oa, head ache, and kidney tronbles. *The work of the kidnewsIbJh) remaye'lt. If they aire overworked they fail to do>o. Then trouble begins, . . It gets worse and worse. Help the kidneys to do their work. Doau'e Kidney PUls are true kidney helpers. Tbey oare all kidney troubles. Chase the urio aoid out of the system. : Mr. Jamie Gubbb, Br., well known in Eesex, has this to say about Doan's Kid ney Pilia : "For many years 1 have had terrible pain and lameness in my back caused un doubtedly by kidney trouble. The urine was highly colored with a great deal of sediment, and I was also afflicted with evere neuralgic pains in my head, dizzt. noss, aleeplessneBS, fluttering of the heart, shortness of breath, eto. "Manv a night I was so bad that 1 dared not lie down, and as a matter of fact I was in a terrible condition, completely worn- ont, and debilitated. "I commenced the use of Doan's Kidney Pills which I got from Mr. Sbernn's drug store, and oan say that they are a great kidney and heart medicine, as well as an excellent tonic. "I have been getting better eyer Bince I began to take them two . months ago, and to-day have no back or urinary tronblee. They have also removed all the heart troubles from which I Buffered and I heartily recommend this valuable medi cine as a specific for, all forms of kidney oomplaint." Town 6 Essex, ^ ToWitY ofthe said town. Wheresir; by virtue of a';warrant Iftuci by* tlje Maypr-^r^e (^ Ease*, in the County of Ess, and.autWriticated ^;%^j^^p^: Hall,,in the Town.of Essex, proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said"larida'rti ao thereof as may be sufficient to pay such arrears of taxes and all IaWful costs incurred.' Plan. Lota. Taxes., Costs. 3io**t**.. **...27...*..*.< *t*,**$2 310** 3 "3-45. 46. 47. 48, 49. 5* S2,53.54V . SS69i 74, 75i 71........V..J 223 223.......... ....20, 21...... .... 2\ff t * < 207.. 220. 267. 322. 247- 247. 247. 247, 247. . . *... .23, 24.... . -20, 2..... .,. .. . ... ......28, 29...... ......64......... ......42.......... l6l 13 13 00,........, 41 90..,,.:,.,. 2I>91.......... 25-53""..- --. 4 65;.......... 15 35 -........ 16 83.......... 2 55.......... 2 6 3 2 05.'.,,;-...'. ;y.v*-'^'->^.d5v'|^ 24 :\Wi<l&>A(iffl 5 5 2 2 2 2 43* * 2 05 < y* j( 2 20* 11. 2 21.. 2 05.. 4s.............. 2 05 53"'*'-Willis 73 ' i.'4i:-7*,'!:"'ii^ 27.............. 2 05...............;. ;;'4.;3'C<!j|\Sg V. D. BEAMAN, Tnuuuw^k&^M S:i.yiM Truth and love aro two of the moat powerful things in -tbe-world, and when they ijo together, they oanuot oaBily bo withstood. The golden beams of truth and the* silken cords of love, twisted tc- gether, will draw) men on witbja sweet violence, whether they will or no. . HEAD-NERVES Thcs Uoad MaHter/ (Skntlembn, I have found groat' satis faction in the upo of Dr. Fowler's" Extract of Wild Strawberry, and oousidor it invalu able in all oaaon of diarrliuu and Bummor complaint, It is a'p.oasuro to recommend it to the public. R. B. Mxhtehtom. Principal High Sohool.Rivor Oharlo. N.B. A few yearn ago oarcfol eBtiraatos were made as to tho number of horses in the world. It was learned that wero over 68,000,000 divided as follows: Iu Europe, 37,000,000; Aula, 4,500.000; Africa, 1,000,-'. 000; America, 2!i;600,000, aud Australia, :2,ooo,ooor , What tlocd's Sarsttparilla has done for others it will do: for yon. Hood's Sama- parilla oures all blood dlieaaoa. Jiipan has ontored a' formal proteBt. a" gainst the tariff bill now boin considered ia the United Sfatoa. CongroflR. Tho note ia couched In tho mofltcourtodua language, but it indicates at tbo. same time that if 'remonfttoanoo dooH not prevail retaliation may follow, , Blood.pnriflora, though gradual, are ra dical in their effect. Ayor's Sarsaparilla ia Intended as a medicine only and not a ntimulant, oxoUant, or beverage; Immedi ate repulte may Uot always follow Ha rise; but after a reaadnable time,. permanent benefit iscertain to be realized^ "Oneo^ my'slok .headaobieB," you; will hear peppje freqaipntly fayi'o's.iftfae ,co^; jpiajtat;:'wis^bopelebBly ,/lnourable.' ^Asty Are Disturbed when the Stomach ^Refuses to do its Work-Indigestion Upsets tie Whole System and Makes Wrecks ot . More Hopeful Lives tbau any other Complaint Under tho Sun, . uVoe aovoral years I have been a sub1" jeafc of Hovero nervous headaches, and last Juno I became absolutely proutrated from the trouble. I also became a martyr to indigofltiop. - I was persuaded to try Hoath Amerioan Nervine. I proourod a bottle.. My headaohus were relieved almost irn mediately,,, and, in a remarkably short time, left me entirely. Tbo remedy has toned up and bnilfc np my system wonder fully." -Tatues A, Bell, Beaverton. Sold by J. Thome. He&lquttrcars' lor School Books,. Sohoo SnppIieBvtfofce Paper.Envelopas, fnks , Writing Tablets and otlioe Stationery 4,:-u'ii' DISPENSINCt AND FAMILY DBUGOTRT' OALLAT May's Bazaar, Home is tbo obief Bohool of human vir- fcuoj Its rottponBibihtiett, joys, sorrows, smiles, toara, bopfia, and solioitudos form tbe chief intoroats of human life. Co wheroa man may, homo is tho. centre to Whioh his heart turns. Tho thought of his home nerves bis arm and lightens his till. X?or that his heart yearns when be is afar off. There he gathers up his best treasures. A. Cure tor Oliilbiaius, Djjau Sirs, I ntied Hagyard's Yellow Oil for ohilblaius this winter and found it most effootual. It relieves the irritation almost instantly, and a few applications resulted in a com pi o to ouro. P, L'ETnANaB,. . Port Sydnoy, Qnt, ' Ijearus Hindustani at 68. It was oonBlderation for others that, in- ducod the Queen, at "the, age ot OS, to undertake tbo task of learning Eindufitfl,rj|. Ql ooUruo she is, as royal perHomiges generally are, a fair lingoiBt, but she is probably the only royal personage., in Europe who has undertaken to learn. - an. Asiatio language. She had really become quite prouaienfc iu her Hinfln^taui; She took it up in order-that she might converse in their own tongue with tl 6 Iudhin royaltloa who Oome from time to time to pay their respects to her, George Tretnbiay, of Wheatley^ waa robbed of $847 one night lately., Ho re-' oelved tbe money that day for, a lot of hay he had Bold and put tbe' amount In a safe In bia woo^'..hoaB'e/at'>uVoiei'biit:when".bin went to tmj rtooae^ next, ^nJof^ja"uJ0'f ney was,flon^ ":,' .'V""-7?.7?y\'%":Tl -tfOIl Khh KIND9 Of- WINDOW' BLINDS Away down. OntNAWARE, BRIO-A-BUAOB, FANCY GOODS, ."."' NOVELT1KS* BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SQIIOOL SUPPLIES, TOYS'OF AUL KINDS, B13RLIN WOOL and FINGEUING YARNS.' '. New Stock of Late Waff Paper Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine, on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need, le prepared in two degrees of strength. .1, , No. X for ordinary cases, is by far the best dollar medicine known sold by druggists, one "Dollar per box. .'. No,2 for', special .cases 10 degrees stronger sold by druggists, One box, Three Dollars; two'boxes, ffive Dollars, No. x, or No. 2, mailed oh receipt of price and two 3-cent atamps. . Tho Cook company, Windsor, Ontario. "'#1 . ^ ' :'^! BUT a Stove' until yotiBe^:Sf|S thenew stock at ,'# # ?^m ftS%g '."vV'tVi'i.'Wi eefche Oxford'a.Sbpvoa, Best in th 6 WOflU. Manu^^u^S?pI y the- Gt-urney Foundry Co., of Tcr6nto,'{both;_.W<>oi<w^0^ oal), Wo biiive them in tock. Our pricea are;the lowB^0|i OaII /JO-<3L Inapeot. General Tinsmitbing and Repairing attended to. aV-*'"EQTa tisSfc?* North, of Railway Tracks - - Essex^fS <%nmm ^QBfMiiao:9* a^Uao:M^cis2BeeGm 1ST RoM tn H4H0X ii'^d , , - by oil rennorndblii'Druoafst. ovory^here lu OanaUn IUY OR NOT GUItlf DISEASED MEN CURED m -*.m a tlinqeoda for fatoro BUJEMrlnev 8ELF ABUtjflE U a terrible sin against natnxtt and: ' will brina a rich harreei. Blood nd Private DUeaas sap the! rery life and vitality ,t; ot tho victim. Oar NEW METHOD TKKATMBNg wUl poelUvely onre all tha follow^' lasdlsoaaM: , ,k . !" -\.^, $ VARICOCELE, EMI83ION8, NERVOUS DEBltlTvl ! 8YPHILI8f8TRICTURErGLEETfSEWNAtVVEftr^ Ift NE88, PIMPLES, LOSmt MANHOOD, UNNATUBftl^ * DISCHAR?l?f SIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEAJSE^ :s:M BOtr confii ASH NOW* axoltable.ond irnf:>;' hihfc'Iou*ivra,tr:,^ll troatrTBM(ttov:*y HU^^a|B!ofoj| i'.TfJwvJ*. it cnorgy rod rtethgai-WE OAN OUREYOU OR 5 CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY^CdNFiDElpi^ - d'Wtora ond.nerve toalca by the ecoro I boooma a nervous wreck, A friend 1 of a similar dlaeaae. adylsod rno to try --------'" "^' dglr JO w. Keanbd'y and'^argira enrttdrtS li a"fw $U)c^X~hrfffli$$ty Ibnlaf^SSl Clll1.00.1.11 no a rarm.,-: M aohooU learaad:.a^eerlT^haWt^vffi weakpnoamaph*aioallr.aarnallr and, metitaUy,-Family dootoA-Wi3tul^-gol Into.Mealina' fcoosnmptilon.) Finally 'ThoQoIdea Ubin'tor?ditectr^"f " ^ & liorson, oh into nr. handi. 1. learnedtbe TBTJTH'and WWM " 1 too* the Hew Method XreataienFrvl EXT-OF rv HwKrA,-'-i'v,"-:,"-..V'ii'. 4