Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 7, 1897, p. 7

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fe^'^^/"' _^_ . [N :^ DR. HALE Proprietor and Ctaiof Consulting '., ]?hjJotaiioftno British Medloal Institute, of Detroit C*n bo consulted on MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY OP BAOH WBBK. Dr. Halo makes tho following offor to theslolc: All Invalid* who call upon blm for treatment. Will from now, until furthor notion, if they otU on tho Abovo days, bo givon throo months' servioos absolutely froo. Tboeo sorvlcnii will oonfllflt not only ot examination ttnfl advino but iUho nil minor Hur^lou! opom- ttona. Romorabor, no ohargo wuatovor ahall bo mado for any sorvicos rendered (moilloinod oxooptod) from now until furthor notluo, and all thoao who begin troatmont whllo thin otfor holds good wlllrocoivo so rv loos freo ofehartfo for throo montha, from tho dato thoy boylu troatmont. Invalids are requested to avail thcmeolveaof. tliia offer at tho oarHont/ ponslblo moment, ay tho unusually largo number of. calla may com pel us to soon withdraw It. PatlontM nhould cull only on tbo^ays Indicated, namely: Mon day Tuesday or Wednesday of each weak, Malo and Pomalo WoaUnoss, Catarrh and Catarrhal Ooafnoss; also, Rupturo and all Dlu- eases of tho itootum aro positively curod by oar new troatmont. If you cannot cull, sond stamp for question blank for homo troatmont. Office hours 0 to B. BRITISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE I Waahlngton Ave,, Detroit, MkJb, in-....--. : ________i_________________________________. Thiiuhifnni'llor uf tliu BriMnh Exchequer Bir Miuh'iel Jliclcii-Hecch, rend tho bud^.t Btatomont hi tho Uounn of Commaiiii on Thurmlay ofl-uifc wuok. Tho balanced nc- oount for 18!)(M)7 mIiowr the exchequer rovoiiiii- to bo ClO.'l.Hiin.OOO and tho oxpen- , dittii'(-ii.C101.477(nfH), li'avir u Miiphin of 2,-17.fl,00(). Tho oh'incollor of the ISx- abequor, who wan heartily cheered, added thnt tho national debt hml been minced .CT.BH-j.OflOiliuinj; tho yriir. and that tho total vidue of British trad'- during Mm hint flnaneia' yr waft X73ft.OnO,OOn .m in- oroitHO i'if 5 |)or cent. North Eshox LIcodhos. Tbo North Ebbox Lioeneo commiaaiooorB con side rod thoao apphoaliona thnt had not boon reaohod at tho previous mooting and ulao thoao that waro put ovor. Thoy grunted tho following iu addition to thoao grantod at tho provionn mooting. Hollo Itivor W. Laramie, Mm. .John Taylor, II. 1'arout, tavoru, all II luonthn; MrH, Doroohor, Hliop, 1 year, Wu]korviIl William Dou^to, Gilhurt Graham (8 mou,) Buudwioh Jacob Malllou*, V. Matroii- ttttto, Jatuos I1', Smith, JumoHM. Ouolletto (0 moa.) , Bandwioh Kaut Wol'Kiuitf Vullor, LouwI'Vrari, JoHuph Naiitain, II. Ilurbort, .1. Herbert, J. Novillo, B. Puoharmo, lthnilo Lappan, Joaapli Monard, U. Uookntt Hhop, Kofiwod Kli JunifiHO, Olivor Jan- iuuo, ThoinaH K Kilroy, Mary i'ranoiH, (utilijiiot to ro-ooiiHidoratiuii. Bandwioh Wont Goo. Dumotiuhollu, T. J. raxton, J, H. Churohill, Goo. F. JiimoH, Jonoph Jamun, Win. .lannutto, A. Ghitppou Jonopli OoUHiuoau, Inahollu OulallotLu, II. Chappol, Louiit Bondy (il mou.) BofUHod J). Trombloy, MuKlHtoiio Frud. DoumiiohcUu, F. W. Scott, Jon. Xiiippaw,- \V. H. Wainouvillo, all -1 mou. Uochutttor Potor Cottor, F. II. Bonnot, David BouMiorro, (.'t mow.) J. D. Mathont, (U mou.) Paul JuniflHii (3 mou.). ltufUBOd Bitnon Ho^un. bundvioh Honth Patrick Donovan. Held Up On The Street. By Cramps, Giddiness' and Weakness Re- -^=__ suiting From Dyspepsia. " Fame's Oolery Compound Delivers Mr. Rose From Every Trouble Would Yon Builuvtt your Ncih horn V ThiHo poople livt- ri^m lioro in K-Hrrrr*' Thov may ho uti^hhoni of yonrsi. Thny hnvo boon onroil by taking Doan'n Kidno.vPilhi. Don't tako our word for it, but unit thorn. Mr. U. P. Cumpboll, tho highly cittwrnod pantor of Uio B'iptint Ohuroh, Khqox, 0;it,, .'..fltatud: "From my poraonal , uh'o of Dnau'o Kidney Pilla,which I roL at, Shorrm'H drn^- fitoro, I citu Hay that thoy aro a tnoiit ox- collont remedy for all kidney troubled." Mr. .1. A. 'fiouft, tho woll-known aider man,'X, ir.atoii, "My aaughtdi* litm boon ailing for itorno timo, and I am jjj 1 mci to nay, lioiird (jf Dihi.i'h Kidnoy PJUh. Xly son procured a box of thorn for hor at Shcrrin'H drug atoro, and that ono box cured I'if.'r. "It iu with ) letiiiuro tlmf. I [jivu tho ortdit for tho reHtorutioL ot my datiuhtor rlo p^rfptifc hiMihli to tlitH ronmrkablo mcdi- cino. I feel vory thmiliful indoud thnt thoy Iiavn boon inModiiC'd in ibis di.s trio*-.." Mr. William SitHon, r.ur excrilunt CJii'f of Poiico, has thin to hay, "From tho bonoueiiil rt.-HultH dorivet from Doan'a Kidney PHIh which I cnt' ll^ Shorrin'H Av\m ittorc, I liavo no hesitation in recoui- cbondiiiy; thn'tn km a iir^t cIiihh medioino for all Uidtioy iroubho, lumn b:u:U, woalmo.-H, oto." (Si^iifd) Wir-M.or Si^son. William Stephen Fitddin^ in the ninth MhiiBUT of FiniiNCo eiliico Confcdoratioii, lliH pr;deoohhorn buhiM Sir Alexander Gait, Sir John BoHt), Sir Francin Iliiiek^, Sir Loonurd Tilley, Sir HiiMiard (jartwri^lit, Mr, A. W. AIcLean, Sir Chaa. Tnpptr und Mr. li'oi'l.ur. 'J.1 ho laM.i-r yi-iitlcniuo'H ti.-rru of bl'lieo wan tho,lon^cfju, iii^r-iny ;i littlo morutlian i.i^lit y.'iirn, tuid thua onald'Hii him to u. 'in ;*. inoti?. aeoiiratn i>nl ihoryu^h kno vloih.n) ot tho lineal aluim ol t.inr Do- ' minion. .'.Mr. Fielding, On the other hand, ban hail an .-xpnrii!iicn in Puriiauiotit dtJ. ^dfnf^iiuli froiri la-i*. year, lu; li ivin^ Ij'-.-ii for t.wolvo yoarn. previo'i-i L'roiniitr an 1 Provincial fetiorutary'of Nov.-i Scit'in. JSiiture'H Medicine. Naturo'n Mediuino for coimtipation, liver complaint, molt hoadacho, biliounnotiH jatindioo and Hallow ooruploxioii in Laxa .Livur-Ptllii. Tlioy aro a perfect laxativo, never Rripintf or oaniun^ pain. Ono pilj oaoh iiijrht for 30 dayH will euro oanntipa- lion. Tho Htory of Mr, William V. Mono, of Montreal, in tho exporlonoo of thoufatida of men and Women who aro living a minor- able life, owing to tho agouiett of dynpep (da, Mr, Itoiio'H exporienoe with Hufforin^ wun a lonu; ono. From bin youth iudi^HT ti on and iitomaoh troubled hiihjooted him to daily Icrturee, and aoutinued up , to bin Hixty-fourth year, alwayw iiicreaHing in in- tamiity and dmujor. . After a Ultimo of faihirt'ti with modi- cince and doctorn, a friond who had ueod Painu'ii Colory Compound with (^reat (.uc uohh ii.ihiOcd Air, Jtomi to ^ivo ib a trial. Tho uudioine wan uood, and now Mr, Jtono joyfully hoantn and a now loeno of life. fllr. ItoHu, with a view of IjohentUntf all dyiipeptio HUfferorH, writoti an followw: "For a lony timo I wan a ^roa,l nufforor from dyupepuiu, and wau often eoinpellod to ntop on I ho Htrtoi-until I oonld recover from orampH, painn and attaukw of ^iddi- nouM that woro brought on by .the torriblo dinuaHo. I had littlu utrondtli, could not idoop muoh, and wan no run down that I thought I would never got better. "I uund many ldndu of triedioine, but thoy did ;nu moro good than anything I hud taken bofore. I have iiHod fourbotfclou and havo oomplutoly bunitdiod tho dtatroHH- ing paimi in tho utomaeh, and X fool well. "After having had ilyiipopHia for nlmont a lifotiitio, I think tho cure in a wonderful ono/1 A Motor Eun by Moonlight. An account iu (jivou in Nature of a mo- tar, iutondod for delicuto oxporinionta in boat raoauuromont, iuvontod by Mr. A. R, Bennett. It it) no iionHitivo that it beginu to rovolvo tho raom.out it in oxnoHoi to day. light, even when tho oun in hidden; and in clear weather it will work at nijdife, being affected ovon by tho radiant lioat of moon light. Tho motive power in duo to convic tion cur rente net up inm'do tho gltiKO ohado with which tho inHtrument in covered. Whilo t-ho glaijH in not warmed by tho ra diant boat of daylight or moonlight panning through it, tho metal.rmrfaoeii of tbo mo- tot aro, and tho minuto difforonoou of temperature Hum produced iiuilioo to otart couvocliou ourrentu.". GET WHAT YOU ASK mil At the proHcnt time, when there in po in Joli hiihntitutin^ and deception practiced by Home dealoni whono lifo-objcot ni largo proiltn, it iu ahuolutoly nocennary to nay to the la.liou, "Got what you ahlt for," TJuneriipuloiiK doaloru aro uaiug evory effort to noil inferior and adulterated dyne whenevtir the Diamond DycH aro aHked for. To avcid fraud andjjdeoophoti, tho iadicn will ploin-o nee tho namo "Diamond Dyon" in on ovory paokottlioy buy, Ulnar in mind thnt inferior dyeH ruin yourguodH; therefore thoy are a tionrco of lofin, trouble aud annoyance Diamond Dyeu aro all warrantod, aro moro than twioo tho Htrongth of tho com mon dyne, and aro hold for tho wumo price ten ceutH. CitntUUiin. Toronto City Council ban decided to im- polio a tax of 810 upon Chineno laundry. A valuable dinoovory of mckol in report ed from Ormnby, in Wallantnn townnhip, TlnBtiiifjtf Co. Since December hint tho mimbor of barreht of oeudo oil leaving Both well avoragod 5,000 per month, A train load of wait oonniiiting of ii& cara, all of which ban boon manufactured at tho Canadian Salt workti in Windsor, loft Windnor hmt weok for tho Canadian north- went. ISUY a Stove until'yon ye6 the new atock- at ljock flic Ouor- , Before tlio liurst in r.tnl.:ii, Pm if), mirioh and vitalize your blood and build np your '; phynioal .-.yti'.eai 'before disija-'o at tucks von and KcriotiK hidiue^!4 emneH. JI<j;)il'n riiir- . Bapiti'iliiL will make you strong and vl^'r- bun and will i.-xpol jroni your blood all iropiiritien and gornis of dieo'Jiue. Tako Hood'e Sarnapiirilla uow. Hood'a Pdln aro tin- i'avontd family cathui'Lii:. Kaay to tuko, gentle and inild. 25 oenLii. *A spiicial Loudon olI)1o eayH Rij^ht lion, JUiitiu MuCarthy, former ' load or of the Irinh JlaLionali-jt party, and a jonrnalint and litei'utcur of renown, i dying. Ilir* family'have been Hnintuo.nod to bin bed- Sldi.------------ Tlio Wonder of tno Air'. Dkau Sun, I luunt lionoutly Hay that I havo tried your valuable medicine li.B.B. for tho diHeano called prairie itch, aud havo found thin remedy to bo tho wonder of tho age. I took only throo buttlou and to my great ourpriso wuh completely cured, I can highly rooommciid it to all who imff- tr from any okiu di-joano or impurity of tbo bloud. IIAUOLD DIX, Hat Portago, Out. A oliild wan cured of croup by n doao or two of Ayor'u Cherry Pectoral. A. ueigh- bor'n clulil died of tho namo dread dineaHO, while tho fythor wae gutting ready to cull tho doetor. Thin hIiowh tlio neeoaaity of Ayer'e Cherry J'eetoral always at baud. a ------------------------------------ "X^KLLDKAD." What I\loro Kvery. Day Iloading do you Head in thia Paper than that? They aro Legion. Don't dally with heart disorders. Thero in hut ono euro. "I had been for a num ber of youra Horoly afflicted with heart ilieuuHu. At timea my lifti wuh do'iputrcd of. Dootoru had prericrihod, and I had takuu ovory known huart rotuody rniidf, I had huppmied, and did not get any bonetit. I road of tho wonderful curoB wiought by Dr. Agnow'n Cure for tho liourt. I pro- curod a bottle, aud in lum timo al'moat than it taken to tell ir, tin; diutrowiwaH relieved. I. followud tlm directioon closely and to day I am u well wmnau again, and I hhull do all iu my powt-r to ujako known to ovoryouo huffering an I did the wonderful oiuu it worked fur mo, Wiry. Win. Burton, Dartniow, Ont. Seventy inillion people know Hood'H Sar- naiiarilla puiifiuH tho blood, htruii^theim thu uyuicin and ^ivjh good hoalth, Uanccrciinbt! Cured. For nix yearn I auffcred from oancer, and got no relief until I uhod Burdock Blood liitterd. [u^od hovou lot,tIeH faith fully when the cancer gradually dried up and ii'udly die appeared. I now entire ly rejoioo that by using li.ll.Ji. I havo OHcuped death either from tlio hurgoon'n knil'o or from the cancer itnolf. Signed. AI.HS. ELIZA TUFFORD, PariH, Oat. Sheep Notes. An a rule iirnalt utocUo will givo tho hoHf. roHUltn. Ilape, thougli not a preventive of wormn in "good food one of tho bent .to crowd lambu. Some of tho nymptonu of wormn iu nheep are Iohh of blood, woaluiOHn, amall awolling under jaw. Com aud oata aro tho beat graiun to food pudding lainbn to got tho mout growth. Feed them whole. Somo troud foodoru rueomirond grinding peiin for bheep, wlijlo othom oay thoy ob tain equally good ronultu from foeding thorn whole. A Voice from Virdon. Gi:NTr,KM]:M, I havo unod Hagyard'fl Yellow Oil for tho pam ton yourn, and find it aaphmdid remedy for oolio, uouralgia, broiichitit), croup, paina in tho back, uloor- ated and tioro throat, nprainR, olulbiaiun, etc, in fact wo una it for almont overy pain, and it alwayw roliovon quickly, I can Htifoly nay I know of no'other romody of tho Hort that oau equal it. Wo alwayn keep a good ntook iu tlio houuo. MRS. .1.1. iVlADUJi, Virdeu, Man. McMUREAY'S. Sod the Oxford's Stoves, Besf in the Wofltlf Manufactured by tho G-umey Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood and' Ooal). VVo have them in tock. Our prices are the lowest, OaJJL aiad Irx35*3pe>o*. General Tinsmithing and Eepairing attended to. ticSr1* North of Railway Track, - - Essex. 100% Better. Milburn'a Heart and Norvo Pills aro curing heart and Nervo troublon in every city, town and villago in Canada. MrH. P. Abbey, Toronto, ftayn, "Alilburn'n Heart and Nerve Pillu cored my husband who had for Jlftoon yoani wan Hiibject to painu in liift- head, dizziueun, fainting npolln, HleepltiiHni-flH, etc. He in now froo from thoho trouble**, and feeln lOOVo bettor than wh'.-n ho began uuing tho pillu," Tho atnionpheroof tho earth in iu a bad way. Several French HCioutintfi havo been making experiment with a balloon of nprcial make, and tho reault of their in- vehtigntioiiH poiutH to the fact that- tho iitmoHphero of tho earth in diHiippoaring, Tho utmoHphere, thoy nay, mingloH con- tinnally with tiie water and the rocltH, and l)y thin action oontinually dimiuiehcH ii;n own deneity. Quo day tho atmoaphero will difuippoareomplotoly, an it ban al ready done in the uaoo of tho moon, Wo are aorry to learn' thiH nowo. For many paHl tho utmofiphoro ban boon cloHer to uh 'than a brother; it ban boon our iuapiration and our delight, and wo havo felt at titnou that without it, life would not bo worth living, Wecunnot.iinagiuo how tho poor old uarlli will Hurvivo tho nhock; yet we trutit that uho will manage to roll on, Jt UHDOdh' J'ff.LS, smallt salt-, ami sun; 'txjji/laft' the liver and cure Constipation. \ CrampitX V CoHo, \OoIdd, Croup, \- Co u tin a, iwJic, ami all JIOWICJ4 Cl)Mrl<AXNT8. '.' A Sure, 80/0, 'Quick Cure for theno :- , troubled la During tho tliundur'dtorrn, Willie, the Becond ron of David YouniMiin, .Scarboro, York Co., wan struck by lightning aud killed inntantly. {nsrtltV JDAVIi)'.) XTsa<t XniertintJy ami XSxtertiulJy, 4S "^vofilzefj, 2Sb;.midB0e. bottlcw, J?fc PILL POINTS. Dr. Agnow'n Livur Pillu aro a Purely Vegutablo Compound A Soittntilleally Studied Formula The After Uffeotn of tlio Modiciuo havo been giv en au much Considera tion an tho Xmmet'ii- uto IluHultn. Nut bo many of tho Aneiont Formula*! IVinful Purgeru and no llualiug Pow- ora Think of thono Poiutn. If you mtiHt uho modieino, look for tho moat pleaeant, hafont find nnront to take. Dr. Agnow'a Liver Pillw aro Rupromo in onh011 ot Biok UeadaohO, BilioiiHtiomi, Bnl- low Skin, Ounntipuliou, oto., 10 doHOH 20o. J. O, Hoekfollor ban an annual incorno of &8,0()0,0a0. That in ymt 62:1,502 a day. or not.quite 51,000 au hour. On the butua of eight bourn a day, ho make.a junt fi-19 a minute, - Hprlnfir KfieqmreH That tho impuritteH which have aocumu- lated in your blood during the winter nhall be j)rcmptly and thoroughly oxpollod if good, health in cxpoctod. Whou tho warmer .weather ootnon thono impnritien aro liable to manifold, thrmsolvoH iu vanoim \ aya and often IruiU to norioiiB illnemt, Unleoa die blood iu rich and pure that tired feeling will afllicii you, your ' ap petite will fall and you will' find yourself "all run down." Hood'H S^maparilla tonon and Htrongthorm tbo oyntiitn, driven oat nil impurioien aud mukoa pure, rioh, healthy blond, llood'n Baruaparilla in tho one true blood puriflor and tho bent apring medi cine. Bo Rure to got only Hood'n.. Fruit culture iu moro proiltablo to tho farmor now than bio othor cropa. Brown Bron. Co., tho moat extcnmvo nurnory houno, in Canada, have a vacancy in thib aeotion. Write thorn at Urowa'aNumorieH P. O. Out., for their termn ii monthn, A npoeial London cable aayn Rigbt lion. JuHtin McCarthy, former loader of the Irinh Niitionaliat party, and a journahat and literatour ot renown, in dying. Ilia family have boon onmmonod to bio bod- oido. Proof from tbo People. Rlr. Goo, Biittkin, mia'nionary for tho International Mianion in Algoma aud North-Wont, Ho writen : "I winh to Bay that Dr. Fowlor'n Extract of Wild Straw berry baa boon to mo a wondorful, uooth- iug, npoody and effectual remedy. It haa EouiTm.V oompuniou for novoral yeavo dur ing tho labora and exponuveu of my mia- hionary work in Algoma. Welt it in for old and young to havo it in wtoro againut tho time of hood, which ao oftou cornea without warning. NORWA YP/NIi. SY/i UP cures Coughs. ESSEX edical Hal EIofidquarcerB tor Roiiool Hooka, Sehoo Supphea. Note Paper",R nvolopna, Inkn Writing Tableta and oflieo Stationery m hQiWii DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST --------------------------------------- ------------------------------1---------------------------------------------- CALLAT When fovoro and othor. opidoraiod arc around, aafety lion in fortifying tho aya- tem with Ayor'a Saraaparilla, A pornofl haviugtbin and impure blood, in in tho moat ffivorablo ooudition to "oatoh" whut- ovor diHi'ana may bo fjoating in the mr. Bo wiHo ill timo. TIIA T //A CICWG COUGH can he quick ly aired by f/ftj*anfs Ptttoral Balsam. Pt tie 5C- ' \. -l-'OIt AhL KINDS OF* WINDOW BLINDB Away down. CfUNAWAUK, BUIC-A-BUACJ3, FANCY GOODS, NOVELTIES. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOYS OF ALL KINDS, BEULIN WOOL and .FINGBlUNG' YAKN8. New Stock of Late Wall Paper W"~ ANTIilD 'fclUVmtATiVAIVnU'trJfj M1QN Olt Women to travof '-\r voapoiiiiiltln ontnL- liahud I1CUB0 In Onturic Salary, 87H0, payable (jlfi weobly and osnutiHoa. Pouitlou noruianont, Uofuronce, ICuoloHosolf-addreaHud utampnd on- vuleop. 'I'hRNatloual.Htar Hulldim;, Obloa^o. Are You Building* ? Wo can supply yon with all kindsjof Wooden Material, plain and ornamental. Pine, Hemlock and nativo Lumber always oii lututl. Shindies, Cedar Pcsie Doora Kash and Ooal. :# .V*il ^H m% Lain Bros a k^> DISEASED MEN CORED THnilCAWIlC of yonnff mon, midillo nprotl mon nnil olil mon am look book at BnUUoHIlUO tluiir boyhood tlayii or oiirly inanlwKul witli a eiiih of romorao. TIjo ij(inrunc of nnrly y'utU, or lntnr on u nu;*:inMit lif tin "ono of tho l>oyH" hiut Bown tliommilfi for fntnro imfforinff. SELP* ABUSE in a tfrrihloiiln nRnlnot nuturo and will brlnjfn rich hnrvnnt. Wood anil Private Uheasi'n finp tlm vory HFo nail vitality oJ tlif victim. Our NEW MliTIIOB TUIiATiUiNT will poaitiTely euro all tbo follow- hilttlliioURiia: % VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, U?JNATURAL y t K DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AMD BLADDER DISEASES; ttflfr Vh\\ 1} NEUVOUSnTid'ilniipondnnf; v/i-alcor fli'hllimtrtd: tired morninfrn; m f-fllL I UU : uuilutioM - lil'-.!:i--i; itiuiiioj-y 1:00.", oiinib' 1'atiHiioil; oxi'ituhlo and irri table: nye.HHiinltoiij i-i'il inul bturi^tl; piioplo . c<n fan-; dreania nril uiuUt hwceit; rofit- h:(iHj hn/r*rnrd IooU-iiik; ivak bach, btnin iohifi; liatr Uunr. w\cci^; ikjio throiit; varioo- colo; deposit In nrino ami drj.lji 1 nr ri.nO: iliitini-.MHI; want til eonfldonco; Jack ot onoriryimdotMnijth-l'VH CAM CURS- YOU OR- ASK tJQ RAY. CURES GUARANTEED OR WO PAY-CONFIDENTIAL. lyonrfld. Thin wasolclityeure uho. I iuu now nmrrlod and havo two Iioalth'y child- ron.""C. W. LEW IB, ynKinuw, IfrtDlPnnCI C nSIDrn "Vnrlcoct'lomtiiloliroinlpnrdblo. Dmi ppoak nnd yflnlOUuLLL UUII^'J* porvoiiu, oycMuunleoii. ba-Lful inoock'ty, hnlr thin, no ambition. 1'ho 'Golduu Monitor' opoucd my cyofi, 'J'ho New Mothod Troatmont of Dm. Knnnody aud Koruau eurwl mo in a in w v-vckri. I. L. PJiTKHBON, Ionia, S CENICCiriWt* (r>Hnril J. P. JfiMEUSONmlntonlilacaporlcnon, "I lived on J2J Cly|ldplU|ll.O .IjlJntU.^iihirm. AtHplioolI loarnod'ua ourlx habit, whiuli woidcbuod mo iihyHlcally, fioxuall into 'deuUno* Ccniummptjan.! it Korctm, fell iutoniy luind hud iKippml my vihuity. I took tho Mow Motliod Troatmont rm<f wan ourod. K MM MM B * K ft inally and montnUy. Pnitiily dootore Miid I wuh Koinur .) Jfelnally 'Tho U"Ido Wonuor/odltucl hr'Ura, Knnnedy rlH. 1 loariindtho TRUTH and tlio OAJJBH. Bolf-ubnco h 1 My pniHl mi . . friondH think 1 wanourndof conunmntlon. X havo nout tltom inany patloatn, all of wliom wero cured. Their Now Alothod Treatment nnupllou vigor, vitality aud manhood." rVDUII IC PHDCn 'Thh torriblo blood dlnoanownn in my Hy'dlora for oljrht UirnlLlo uUnCl't yoara. . Had tnldm moronry for two uuir, but tho dinoiiHiS rotumud. Hyon rod, pimples mid blotolion on thn.nldn, ub'orB in tlio month'awd 011 totmuo, bono paiim. fiiliinir out of hair, woalcnotiti, to. Aly brothor, who hud hew* on red of Oloot and Htrjetum hy Drn, Konnody nnd Keritan, reoommoudod thtun. IH ntrtL-'CiiriJ marriiiKflr Jlattyonrblood I" Our Now Method TViMitmnntwlUoarti you, V r7)t"urnuif.~"l|Iyofi "rodl"pfipIoB"mid blotolion <m thn tdtih, uh'on ..... " ' ' " ni IPUIUll Iff. IIIUUV <llll* Utl)1 IIIH.1 IIJ *' ni.4lliu>ly llllll 44.1J1 (IUU. IUUUUIIUUUKVU I II till I Tlioy cured mo in a fow venl;n, and 1 thimlc God I cemiultod tlieni. Ho return 01! tlio (Iinoaulunixyo:iru." \V*. P. Al. Juokoonv 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. . JIavo you hidt hopo? Aro yon contomrdathiK If r blood Imim diHcunmli* Iluvo you.nny woaJcnomir n _........_ ,_______tyou, What it him dono Hor otlmra It wiU do for " yon- CONSULTATION'FREB;*-No-matwr who hun treated you. wrlto for itn'hnbcwt onlntaa Vrno of Ohnrfw. Oluirffon rotiHouahlo. U00KS FREE.-'"i,hatKjtdon Monitor (illnatrat(irf), nu DiHoiutun of Mmi.lnolotia pOfltno, 11 coutn. Honied. tSTNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN UONSENT. PRl VATfi. Nomodtafnosent C. O, D. WonumQO on boxeoronvel- fc opes, hverythtnp; oonfldontlal, Quostlon Mat, and Cost; of ffl Troatrnont FREE. _______:_'...... g DRS.KENNJDY :* KEHGAN, ^^J!fS| ;*a*' ::' i' l.'l, 1,' : ".- '^m:0m 699631950906

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