'...... '"' "'" '" ' ':Vf:':|||, ***** After.... Taking k course of Ayer'u Tills the " lysiem is set In good working order and a man "begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become ,tlie gradual prey of constipation, docs not realize the friction under which . he labors, until the "burden is 'lifted from liim. Then his u mountains sink Into mole hills, his inoroseuess gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not ieem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking , Ayer's Cathartic Pills. I' |fcr; ', F Pain-Killer. (prnnY filvia',) X Bare and Bnfo Itomody In evory cam and ovory kind ot Bowol Complaint Is Pain-Killer. This .fa a tmo Btntonioafc and It ain't bf> mulo too strong or too emphatic. It Is a Blmplfi, Bafo and quick euro for Cramp*, Cough, XlhetimntUm, Collo, Colds, Neuralgia, Dlarrliroa, Croup, tToothachtn TWO SIZES, 28c. snd BOc. FWW*WWWWWWW^WW^WWWW* lY-pEGTtJBAlJ Positively Cm*er, . /. COUGHS r.n I CC-LOO /, i-'i tir.iiri>ri:;iii|.*ly ;:u-U mm-. It's a scl- V cut Hie certainty, tii M am u'Ui-, uuoiliiinj 14] uiiU liealinu in itu 1 ,Wi;. y> . W.C. McCoym it AS ?:, V' ri'P'irt In jil.'Hit Hint J'i"u ,-l'.-.t.TJil inu-ii Mrs. )'.ilnri^aniif' i-......: < n.<\ i,.-i.(M.,| (i-i.m hLl .S t'ih , uL.t 1.. bnv-u.* :.*, . .. / __________ > :i::, J. II. IP 7"! 7. < V-nh;, ^ 1. -'\ \ .j!' ' -: \'" .'.1 r; ; _______ P'^lnl.tl h !i 11. ..; iiiva. .. H t' , ' ,,, V '.> ... ,.-. .,,.,. .. . ,, .- In..lll.. ' li i' , J' 1:11. 1 X.v;:.i J::.. ..-. V". '.V.. /sv'^r CALL AT May's ----I'OIl ALL KINDS Ol' WINDOW BLINDS Away down. ' CHINA-WARE, BRIU-A-BRACI3, FANCY GOODS, NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TOYS OF ALL KINDS, BERLIN WOOL aud FINGEUING YARNS, *' New Stock of Late Wall Paper ESbEX ! Hoadquarcoi'H tat Baboo I BooItH, Sohool SupplieQ, Noto Papor.EnvolopoH, InltP, Writing TublutH and ofiioo Gtationory. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST. M.V OAD'S TIITR KNGKNKKi?,. All *iitotinriliia'fctrtry'Siittfi:Mi! I>y ilit; Ifopulur mid l*rotty Molotly. Ml'ti. Jamc-H SuiiLh, Don Mill Bond, Tori- mordon, Ont., cuvo-nnr rcportor 11 kindly iutotviow a fti\v duyo ayo, and HjmUo about tho euro offootod Ity Mitburii'a Hoart and Norvn Pitla in tho otiao o hor liUHbund, Mrj Jun.'Hmiilit tho woll-known, popular and tfliciont onqinoor. Said Mm, Smith; "My nauburn! ban bt-on eufformw fof a lonc;.tirao with norvoua do ' biliW. whioh Horionaly uffootod hin /{onbrul haulth. ThonaooC Milbavn'n Honrfc und Norvo Pills, whioh ho ot from Mr. H. W, ..u,/ Lovo, tho dtamiiHt, hao boon vory bonallcinj ' to him. Thoy did him moro qoad than anytiwit! oloo ho haJ over taken boforo. wtrowgihoniuy hi norvon, and tonincr tip hiM '. outlru tiyatom. Thoy aro tho ftrandent rc- jnedy for notvonn affootionH, and moroovor, ' tho bflBb tonio obtainablo. Thoy proved ho efiiouoioUB in my huaband'e oaoo. that I " oommonoad ftivinp! thotn to hiy daiiRhtor for uorvouanoBH, With whioh ebo has boen ; troubled (or sorao timo, ami thoy ato a! ' ready giving HiitiBfaofcory i-ohuUb." (Sgd*) Mrn. Jan. Smith, Don MillnRoad, Todtuordou, Ont. -ft :>' -TERROR-TO STOCKME^J. The Clrr W"oIf nU It, X>.trailoi> Priklri* Hrd. One of tho greatest 6hemicn of th tock raoger on. tho jpreat Jiralrioa ii tho 1 gray wolf; knoVti among ntudenta qf nat ural history as CanU lutranfl. It ifl the largonfc wolf that toama tho American oojiLiuout and is no doubt'the most'Vo- raciouH, It in Very tricky in it* method of warfare aiidnoverfighta or attacks in tho open. It preymipon livo ntoolcin tho corrala at uiulifc, whi;n it in tho boldest in approaching habitations, and itn umiaVmnthoct of attaclt" U to jump upoii young animala, cutch them by tho back and in one mmp of the javr broak tho Tsrtibrm. In daylight on tho phiiuH thono gray WolvoH will follov.' li hord of cattle for bourn, gonorally traveling in puirfl or irioa. Thoy will pick out a victim, Much 9HA.Y WOLK OV THK J-LlINfl. ail an old cow with a calf, and gradually work in between tho cow and tho hord, 'oirolinjf hor out, oh- tho cowboys call it. And when far away Hufttoiontly from tho herdor thoy will pounce upon tho dalf -and kill it in a twinkling. -If tho cow nhowu fight, ono of tho WoIvoh will nlip up behind hor and Bud- donly Hpring upon hor hock and ham string her by severing tho tondon with ono quick nuap of tho jawo. Then, tho cow falls au oaay victim. Tho wolves pring upon hor throat, opon an artery with thoir tooth, und ulio noon bleeds to death, State govoriimoiits orfor bounties for the destruction of wolves and coyotes, ranchmen put out poison, sot traps and hunt for thorn, but thoy aro utoadily in creasing iu all parts of tho wost and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in loss of stock. If any moans could bo devised for tho extinction of tho race, it would prove . tho greatest blcus- Ing to wOBtera stockmen. Luto Wilcox in Denvor Field and Farm. fihp AI way k r*y. I vory well romom^or tho flrafc start wo raado in tho now direction by buy ing 13 cull owou, at twioo what thoy wore worth, giving a noto in payment, and how those 12 old ewes the next ipring p;avo us 21 lamba, and how tho wool from tho owes and tho wethor lambs and half of tho old owos that wo culled out and Hold becauRo thoy had no tooth wont to pay tho note, and how from that day the sun began, to rise on our fortunes. Ah soon as I had a few dollars that I could call my'own I in vested them in sheep, and from that day to this'I havo owned flhcop sometimes by tho thoufionclH, generally by the hun dreds, and occasionally onij a few doz en. I havonover scon a year.from that time to this but that my sheep havo giv en mo abalanco.to profit when, my bookn woro balanced on tho first day of Janu ary. Somotimes it has been Kmall so small that it could hardly bo called a profit but at other . times it has been large, and covering the whole period of thirty odd years it has been fairly good. I havo handled other kinds of livo stock. Horses havo mado mo somo money, cows a little ami hogs a little, but no clans of stock has paid me so well-for tho money invested, for tho feed consumed and' for the care given an has the whoop. Its hoof has truly been golden! Gcorgo McICcrrow. Swimmlnc a TIorHO. It rmiflt not be mippoacd that a horse always swims naturally and with case tho moment that ho is off his feet in tho water,. Tlio animal under such cireum- gtnnt'GH has but one notion to keep his head out of tho water and lift his shoul ders as high an possible. In dnint,' this. his hind quarters sink mid ho finds him- solf almost standing on his tail or at least a ponit'on tHroo- quart or s erect. In such' an attitude, if the rider draws up tho reiua or throwa his body back iu the least, tho animal's hind quarters will sink nioro and moro, his body will take a vertical position, and, boating the water uncle dy with his forefeet, ho will finally sink. As Hoon as tho horse getH off his foot in tho water let the rider grasp tho animal's mane, leaning at the sarao time woll forward upon itn Bhouldora, but without touching its hoad. Tho rider's knees should bo press ed tightly to tho horse's sides; otherwise ho in likely to be swept off by tho water. This is tho only position which will ou- nblo a .man to remain iu-tho'saddle and the horso to swim at tlio muno timo. The reins must bo lieldloosoly and each well to ouo aide. Hon>o World. Kow Socio niarUeti. It in announced that horses from America aro finding a profltublo m'arkot iu the Scandinavian countries!. A west ern brccdor of horses, H. K. Brinnio, went to Norway with a load or.animals, which are attracting-great all ention on acoount of t..eir sizo. Tho Swedish and Honvogiau horses aro small und wiry. The Amorioan horseii havo brought from $200 to $400 apioco; and. a seeoud oar- go wfts rocon' !y shipped from Now York ,* Thoro is o"ory reason to boliovo that biocdci'fl in this country will bo ablo in future to ra'so kind, sound, woll propor tioned, dooilo, 15. a to 10 bund horses, at m profit. THAT |4ll)LE. " 0* Grow Ift~TR?i and la TmIqbM* Vav Kport. Recently, a reporter visited tko mnlo- yard, whioh iff an Institution in'Jorfiey City. It hag accommodations fto about 10,000 mules should it be necessary to crowd that numner in, a oontiugoncy. Whioh baa noTor yot ariwon. About 400 animals worn placidly loafing about tho yard when tho importer called. By ad vice of David A. Bishop, who did tho Conducting, the roportor took good cure not to pans closo behind any of tho stock, "All this talk about tho mule's vi- lloiiHuetiH U bosb,'* Maid Mr. Blsliop. "But ho is Hkoly to branch out a little in mere pluyfulnoHs and oxccks of good vpirit.s, and HomotimeH that ronult;K hudly for persons iu his imniedintoviciuity, I know a-tiinu once who had a mule that would follow him around like a do#, it Van so fond of Jiim. And oneo after he had boen on a long journey that mule was sn'tflad to hoc him bark that it just had to show Uh joy somo wny, and that man got; three ribs broken and bin under jaw knocked so far out of place that it. never got back. Yet there was nothing vicicus iu that animal." While (speaking Mr. Bishop had led the way over to tho watering trough, wIuto it number of the tenants woro having a drink. Near by were a.feed manger, a hayrack and a salt manger. The animal") paid no attention to their human visitors beyond a raising and projection of their awuingliko earn. "Thisis the kind of life thoy enjoy," said tho mule raiser. "It's just about their stylo of temperature, thcro aren't any flies to bother them, they havo plenty to oat and drink, and altogether I doubt if you could And another spot on earth where tho averago of contentment in higher than right hero. Tho mule is an unambitious sort of oroature. All ho wants is to be let alono audho'M happy. "For all that it would tako a very little thing to bring about a riot hero that would send you and mo vaulting over that fence in ono second if we wanted to aav our bones. All that you would havo to do to start it would bo to drop a rail down on tho heol of ono of them. They're very suspicious of any attack from behind and vory quick to resent it. Tlio first ono would send tho rail flying up in tho air, and it would como rat tling down on another ouo, who'd tako a kick at it, and a third would join in, and first thing you know thoyard would bo full of. flying, hoofs and, tho air of thuds liko tho banging of a muffled bass drum. That's tho sound ono mule's hoofs makes against another mulo'u ribs. There's a nurprisinp; power of resistance in thoso ribs. It's a good tiling, too, for if thoro weren't the rato of mortality hero would bo very high." "Do tho mules ever fight among thomsolvcs just for tho f mi of it?" asked tho reporter. 1' Not thoso of tho namo variety. Wo havo a number of varieties hero, and wo keep each herded separately I'vo seen duels between two mules, and they woro fierce ami exciting, for these animals havo a sort of bulldog grit, and they won't givo up while they can.ntand." "What is tho bout brand of mulo?" "A cross between a Spanish jack and a Kentucky thorouglitircd mare produces n good mulo. Tho jacks often como at a high price. I'vo known $fl, COO to ho paid for ono. The mulos wo get hero-uro montly from 4 to 7 yoars old, botweon which ages they aro tho most easily marketable North America brocdn tlio best mules in tho world. Frauca exports many, but they aro fat and lazy and cannot bo roused to hard labor by any amount of coaxing or abuse. The' South American breed aro small, and while they havo tho spirit to work they haven't tho strength, so we ship to thoso coun tries. It costs $-10 ahead for transporta tion and $0 or $8 for duty, so tho mulo accumulates considerable cost by tho timo ho arrives. Speaking of a mule's strength, hero is a peculiar fact that they seem to gain inspiration by work ing together. I'vo known 20 mules to haul a SO' ton load without a pi*otest, where if you had tried to persuade any one of them to Htart off with his sharo of 1 iii tons behind him alono ho would either lie down and try to die or else at- tempt to kick tho load in two and tako tho lighter half." As Mr. Bishop led tho wny into an other division, a solid built horso with several brands on his Hides walked across the yard, followed by a pack of; mules. When ho stopped all tho males stopped and gathered around him iu admiring contemplation. This horso was Rarus, ono of Buffalo Bill's animals, quiet and peaceable iu tho open, but a demon when middled and mounted. Ho is used to lead tho mules on board ship. All mules havo this same respectful admira tion.for a horse, regarding him, prob ably, as a superior being. Before Rums1 timo Mr. Bishop had a spotted horso named Harry, whoso occupation and ohief pleasure in lifo it was to load tho mules consigned to foreign' ports on board ship and then gallop down tho gangplank neighing with glee whilo thoy were being imprisoned 011 deck. They aro very go d y.iiiors us a rule, .and of u consignment of l.fjihi that went to Cuba not long ago for \i".e by the Spanish soldiery not one wa,J seriously affected by tho voyage. Of tun ndativo values of horse and mulo jM;\ Bishop says: "The averago lifo of a mule is about tho samo as that of a hnrao. Tho mule has greater power of endurav.ee, can |mll moro woight, is less nervous and moro patient, is moro intelligent and with proper treatment is equally docile, Wiion a mulo inms away, which i sel dom, ho doesn't smash into everything that looms up in. his path, but dodges obstacles and shown himself possessed of somo little common snnso, A horso1 doesn't show any when he's excited. Of oourso tho mule is no match for the horso in speed or beauty. JPhysleidly, however, he is tho sturdier animal, His digestion is hotter, ho i'Jii't so liablo to disoaso, and he can hotter endure tho rigors of heat aud cold. As u worker he is slowly but surely replacing' the hora*." Kw York Sun. HE WAS A P00H BAfi. HOW YOUNG FOX RAN A WHOLB COUNTY IN DAKOTA. a*,Bol4 All th Ofllo* for On Wint nod llftth*r Unjoyad the 'Experience, Til oath It I* Presumed That Ho WJ iomefcltnfl Uttle Laniom. Thcro is a man in this town whowal the Hupnirao rulor of tho whole oonnty for almost nix months. He was a Pooh Bali with a vengeance. His namo is K. X Fox, and ho is fond of tolling how ho run Cavalier county in tho first win ter of its existence., It oauie about in this way: Cavalier county had boen namod, but unorganized, for soveral yearn up to ifi8<i. It consisted of a largo strip oi land, all owned by tho gowwmnont, ly illg west of tho western boundary lint' of Bombina county. About that time P. McIIugh of Buthgato was elected ii a representative of Pombiua county in tho legislature, and it occurred to him and to Attorney W. J. Moonoy of the samo villugo that it would bo woll to orguniv.0 Cavalier county and odd to it the thrco ranges in tho western part of Pembina county. This western part 0/ Pembina county was very much higher than tho rest of tho comity, and wiuj situated,-tho-pooplo said, and say yot, "on tho mountain.M So McHugh got u bill through the legislature defining Cavalier county as it is today. That was in tho winter of 1881-5. A courthouBo was built ut'Laugdon, which was designated as tho county soat, and at tho election in November variouH county ofucors woro elected. But nouo of Tho county officers camo to liongdon to livo. It was already a bud winter, and they could sco no reason why thoy should como if there wan some ono there to toko chargo of the records. So they united in asking E. J, yoit, a young man just from Canada, to take charge of tho ofllcefj until Bum-, mor. Pox accepted tho position, or posi tions, and in Becombor took charge of tho affairs of tho county. Tho court- houso was thou a largo building in fact, too largo for use Fox decided that it would bo hotter to leavo it va cant until spring, and ho took up his abode in a 0110 room "claimaback," tho only other building in town. This waa about 1& by 20 feet in dimensions, and thoro ho lived and did business that wintor. Ho was deputy clork of tho courts, county judge, county troasuror, county auditor and register' of deeds. Tho sheriff lived in tho country and tho superintendent of schools lived juHt across the Manitoba lino. Tho shorifi did not servo out hia term, for ho was put in jail for shooting a man in a fight, Thoro waa not another living soul with in two miles. Fox lived ontiroly alono, and did his own cooking, except tho broad baking, which was done by a neighbor three miles away. Langdon, though tho comi ty sent, was nob yot a postofuco. Tho postmaster of Olga, in tho eastern part of tho county* used to send over a largo package- of letters. and papers about twice a week to tlio pooplo whom ho know lived near Langdon, and l^ox would givo .to theso people their mail when thoy called for it. Thoro was not one fjottlor 40 milos to tho west, but about 40 and BO miles northwest, near tho Manitoba line, thcro were soveral settlors, and somo of thoso used to drive that groat distance to "fllo" on a homo- stead or a in o claim. When thoy did that, Fox had to givo thorn their meals ami lodgings, and, in fact, ho had ofton to keep a sort of hotel. Tho winter of 1881-5 was very cold, and at night Fox used often to lie awako and Baton to the blizzards howl around his little shack. Ho was kept busy, however, for thoro were many filings, registerings of mortgages and a fow deeds. An averago of two or tlu-eo men would come to see him daily on busiuoss, but ho seldom saw a woman. Nearly all tho settlers near him at that timo. were bachelors, who afterward went back to Canada to got married; and indeed Fox did tho samo. Every body was poor, and yot thGy all seemed to enjoy themselves, though thoy had to haul thoir wheat from r0 to 70 miles to market. Tho winter passed vory swiftly, and in tho summer Mooney and McHugh oumo with their families. Thou other settlers began to pour in. Buildings went up, as if by magic, and in a fow months thoro woro a postofuco and n dozon dwellings. Talk of a railroad be gan to bo hoard, and in a few months, it came. Then indeed Pooh-Bah Fox had to surrender his gloiy. Ho choso to tako up tho humble-position of suporin- tondent of tho schools of tho county and ho still retains tho place. Ho is dis posed to think that, iu spite of tho com forts and conveniences of- tho prcsont modo of lifo hero, ho enjoyed himsolf more that wintor when he was monarch of all tiio government ofllccs of Cavalier county. Langdon (N. t>.) Cor. Chicago Record. ' Dlimurnmoiit. "Ella, you havo been playing all tho afternoon with theso toy soldiors. That's not u proper amusement for a big girl like you," said her mother. ""But, mamma, I am notplayingwith tliii soldiers. I picked out tho officers uJid played with" thorn." Pearson's Weekly. __________. . - Accounted Vttv. Mabel What an interesting talker Mr. Gusher isl Ha always holds oner When ho apoaks. Mrs. Gusher Boos he? Tlmt ao- ooiuita for the hair I found on his Hhoul- dor lust night. Strand Magazine, SS5=a THE SOOTY PETREL. Thop:inei::i;l dofonso of tho'Dutch in tho war wltli Alva was found in tho 'character of thoir country. Small bas tions, long curtain walls aud very wide ditches filled with water were tho char acteristics of n Dutch fortification* A wagon load of mortar will fill about A FUh Ktlng Bird That I* Demd Delicacy In Atifttrall*. Taaten_differ in different, latitudes, even among Kngliih speaking people. Imagine Onuoasians dining on salted petrels, and with artdisb, too, as though thui fish eating sea bird were A luxury. Of all tho fowln that haunt tho barren Inlands 011 tho California count none is considered qui to so Worthless uu the ooty petrol. Kvon tho sou gull has his usefulness as a noaveugor on tho buys along the coast, but tho petrol is truly a donpiflod bird in thoso waters, &oa gnllfl' eggs bring a prioo in tho market that makes it worth whilo to gather thorn lit a .uousidortiblo expense, but no one thinks it worth whilo to rob the petrels' nofds on tho rookorlofl at the VnvuIloiH! inlands. It is different in Australia. Is it tho cold winds that blow up from tho ant- ratio regiouH or tho hot air that swoopf) down from tho equator? No matter what tho cause, the fitet is that tho ap petites of. our Avistraliun cousins are radically different. Tho sooty petrol is thoro uu edible fowl, with a decided market value, and a number of men and small orntt aro employed each year in catching, baiting, packing nnd carrying it in gront quantities from tlio rookorien on Trefoil island and other adjoining islimds on the north const of Tasmania to Stanley und Melbourne Mutton bird is the general namo given tho petrol thoro, und tho mon imd Ships engaged iu tho bufmicrw urn known as mutton birders. To Americans this is quite a novol industry, and tho fact that such common sea birds as tho petrol are packed and suited down liko so much pork is always a matter of wonderment to utrangors who go thoro. But tho tout of tho pudding is in tho-oathigof it, and thoso who havo dined off mutton birds hiufcoad of laud mutton pronounce tho ono ovary bit as good as the othor. If you loavo Snn Francisco in August, sailing westward and southward, yon, will pass many grout floolcs of birds that Will bo pointed out to you as sooty pe- trelB or thoy will pass you, for they aro triivoling about, threo -tiroes faster than you arc. Aud when you roach Mol- bourno nnd havo boconao acclimated enough to vonturo a trip across to Tsh- manin, you may dino off tho young of thoso very birds that passed you on tho California coast, only now thoy will bo .served to you an mutton birds, Theso fowls loavo tlio Farallonos ev ery fow months, and onco ovory your thoy visit .Australia Trefoil island is thpir chief roosting plnoo in tho south ern homisphero, ho far as is known. Horo thoy scratch and dig in tho barrou soil until thoy have burrowed a nolo parhaps two foot'deep. Into thoso holds, onah hon in tho immonso flock deposits hor ono ogg, Tho mutton birder inserts his arm full stretch for his game. Ho doGs not take tho egg, but waits a wook or ton days after tho egg hss boon hatch ed. Thon ho finds tho young bird almost as big as tba parent, but-much moro tendor aud fat. On land tho patrol is qui to unablo toonoope from tho catohors. It cannot mount into tlio air from off tho laud, though its wings aro onor- mouHly long in proportion to its black body, and it rises qui to gracefully from th0 wator. On shoro, however, tho strange bird must hop along ot a slow pnoo.and can only fly from tho top of a ledge. Oortnin points of Trofoil island aro littored with 'thousands of thoso nests, aud it is no diflloulttask to path- or the yearly harvest of young mutton birds. Tho mutton birding season on Trofoil island lastH from a month to six wookfl, and this includes tho catching, salting, packing and shipping. Thoy prepacked iu cnskH, and those aro loaded on coasting Bohoonors that como after them from Tasmania and Melbourne By tho timo tho fresh crop of mutton birds is being oaten at Melbourne tho adult parents, with perhaps a certain percentage of tho young ones that havo osoaped the catchers, aro returning to their old haunts, occupying tho old and Boratohing now nests on tho Farallono islands. Horo tho birds aro practically unmolestod, nnd it may thus bo said, with some basis in roason, that tho Cal ifornia const is supplying tho Australian coasters with thoir edible soa fowl. It is truo, of oourso, that tha potrol finds othor quiot nesting places besidoa tho islands off tho California coast, but it is also truo that Catalina, tho Santa Barbara channel islands and tho Faral lonos aro thoir ohief rookorios 'on thin const, and that nt cor tain houmous theo inlands aro ontiroly deserted by them, whilo tho inlands off Tasmania nnd tho oouthorn coast of Australia thon swarm with thorn. ~rSan Francisco Ohroniolo. Tlio (Hliar XJaliy, Thoy occupied tho Heats opposito nio in tho railway station. Thoro woro four mon and one littlo woman and ouo vory littlo siok buby, It was not hard to soo whoro thointorostof tho group centered itsolf. Tho young father himsolf was Bcarcoly moro solicitous for tho infant than was ouch and every ono of his threo brothers. It waa quito evident that tho hoart strings of five pooplo lay lodsoly in tho thin, norveloss hand of that young one. They woro going west, So tho placards said which woro panted horo and thoro over the baggugo. Tho baby lay motion less upon a pillow. It was ovidoutly just snatched from tho jaws of doatb. Tho oyos wero closed, thofaooomuoiated to tho point of ugliness, .tho hands the tiny, floshless ohvwo of a bird. Tho young wifo loaned hor hoad upon the shoulder of hor husband und oloaod hor oyos, Sho was vory pretty, dospito the dark circles under hor oyos, and vory young ^aboyt 18, The baby on his pil low lay upon hor kneoa. . Suddenly, in another portion of the waiting room a child laughed. A mis- chiovouH, bubbling sort of laugh, which made'the waiting ones about the dopot look at each other and smile. The littlo mother oponod hor eyes and glanced i'p at hor husband. "Juck," Hho said, "I wish our baby could laugh like ttult." Philadolphi* jrtess. ' '.-. ' ll'NJ.'.Jl . Ln'Ml'MI,!,, cii wwwiijff fiijijiiitjBir flubbing Rates, 1897- Tlio proprlutLni of tho Fhki! I'nKus havo nia.rU arrn8oiirjr'ii^H w|th tho pubbBhora...0(_ othor paiiotho -1. alia utnvBpnpoi,B whlflroby they ar lu ti position to givo thoir oubMrlbors the butiont of rodnood prlaorf whon thoy order (wo or moropapuri. An canny ot tho off'it itre only Kotul for n. limited timo Rnhnnrlbors alirmld tiob dotiiy In nimiwlntf. Tho following, in o. par- tlul llfit.of ofTorw We tml j*lvi>: 1'*JIKK J'llKHH itUd V\ ukinxfi AdvurtUof........ ft 1 40 'WuhHv Mail,................... 1 4fi " " WwUly (Uolio.................. 1 BO. Wm-klyHtaruml l-'umlly . Horahl..................... 1 80 " " Wookly witriOBfl............... 1 <MS " " Daily Wltiuimt................ 3 00 " ' yttYtiutyu' Pun...........___ 1 no " '* IfMriwr'H Mttftfixhio........... i 10 " " " wookly............... i no " " ................ i 30 " " " neui.il.Tublo...... -X 80 " Utilly Ololai.....'................ SCO " " Unlly ArivurtliHur............... 2 Co " " CoBiiiopolltiili................... 1 BG " " OiinaOlmi Homo Joinriml 1.5B " " AmtiiMciiTi AfWonlturlat... I Co 'i'ioj Kitv-ufitKHU ojmyour, ,$1.00;. (J uiouthu, P>0 II you havo not rcnewid U\t 1S07, now U the time t do U. AddroiiH all c(irmiiuiii(;atIona to uutrr & auld, Es^cx, Ont. 00 r cn o o e ci o W 'aaS PIASTER I Icivn I'M'n rtlf ii .'.(< .,ti, 1 l'i.n*i('i-)u nmun'wT (ifciufo "f iicuiat,:!". uml iU.-uinriili; |>i1hm, i.ikI giu vi-rv it.tuli ].um* 'it >nli 1)10 frtr.An urn! jil'-iisiinlli'. .11 vt In. ;ii| .11 :i(l"ii VV. I!. CAiiftlM. ti :t. II. 1/, Km:. I uv.; ,-.l. V--:- ., I llllVC 'Hi -I ' \n 'V":tl H<1-l| j\:\ >> 11' 1 r.i.-t nt < i..j v . :m i>r :tn|;i,:u! ir 1 I. II; -i !t . - . 'I V. .1. ill K. : o c :*" c> m o o S i-. n in 1^ *)'i.r j'.r.i,!, . . .-, '.l'-,-!'i.i:.,.L. ^ WEEKLY x> RECORD ^12 PAGES <- All Essex County New*. .. ** $1 per Annum McNEE & McKAY.. wIHBSOa, OWtAttMJ, 1831 THE CULTIVATOR AND 1897 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTKD TO l^^MiM^M^Iii^ %iM^ Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stock and Dairying. Whilo it also inoludcH all minor uefJajt'v'i-.^ meats of Burftl Imereht, tuoh as tho Ponl'^ijS try Yavd, Lntomology, hoo-kcopin^,Greeu-7.Ti hoUHO ord Gmpery, Votoiriniirv Wophes,'.;^ Farm Quoutions -und Answers, -"Ftreside. ^ UoadinKi Bomofltiu Koouomy, u-nd n -,# mary of tho News ot tho Week. Its Mar-'--|j Uet Reports aro unusually ootnpleto,. and \A much attontion ih puid to tho Pfoapeots o( ^4 th2 Crops, an throwiuji lip;hfc upon one-of.^tig tho moBt important ol all quoationH jSj to Buy and-When to Sell. It in liberally II- W lustrtded, and bontuins moro reading matr %Jjf tor'than over boforo. The eubBcription ;M price is $2,B0 per.ywf, but wo offor a Bpeo:;:,|| ial ItoduotLoninonr .....' ..".. Vj^jj oIjUB rates ^ORiieo?. Two fiubsorlptions, in ono reraitfcauoa 94.0 .1 Six . do do :, 10,00'vj Ton do do ' 1BP?;'i)? 't&r* To all Now Subscribers for 1897;';i| paying in advunoo now; wo will Bond ;.th'(y'.i| paper weoklyt from our reoolpt of'the ri ;.'| mittanq'e, to January 1st, 1897 withou..,^ charge.'. ;.. 1( . , ,'",$" 'IS? SpootmeDjOopieB Fre AflflreM^i LUTH ER TUCKW ::*&Pj$0 PbliBher^|i .'. * '. 'Vy'iVi^i^J ."' w 9087