Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 5, 1897, p. 8

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W&mU t ."*"* I ' ....... , ' I ' ' . ' ' / , 1 ' ' ' .'*" V "L Good Thing . Those who want the best of Good Things come tojua. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more~FIeasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to ho true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What othors have discovered should interest yon i Tunuav. Tilbury hotel men will patetion tho Oa tano government to allow thorn to lteop their bare opon till 9 o'olook Saturday nighte and part of clootion <layn. :ur Shoes' took Well, Fit Well, Wear Well. This is tho loaHt wo ooiild posHibly Ray about thorn. If it wan not for our uxporionoQ in loathor wo oould not hoII mo cheap. Oull and bo oouvmood lor yourBolf. tiign of the Golden Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, KBSKX. We Can Give You an All-Wool Tweed Suit in Grey, Brown and Fawn Colors made to your order for $12 an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. or $17, $18, $19 and ($20 We can give you a Suit from tho Clydo Tweeds, < These Goods are equal to the Scotch and come from $4 to $7 less. They look as well, wear as well, tho r color is guaranteed by the maker. We havo done tho bulk of our trade this season so far in the Clyde c Woollens, ?*cxr sSO Wo can givo you a Iloavy Twill Black Worsted llouvy weight and will not ^losa in worn*. Wo havo other linos somo lower in prico, somo higher. Wo hnvo Overcoats from 1 6 up in Boavora, MoltonH nnd Korsoya. Wo can givo you hotter valuos in Mado-lo-Ordor Clothing than you can do olaowhoro. If you nood a Suit or Ovorcoat lot us boo you. At Osgoodo Hall, Torouto, oa Tuesday, in Wiglo vh. "Village of Itingiiville, Aylea- worth. Q (],, for plaintiff, moved to oon- timto uu itijunotioii granted by a looal Judge restraining dofoudautH from mining for gas or pulrolotun on tho ground that tho oont of tho work had not boon providod for In tho uutimateri. W, M. Douglas, for plaintiff, showed oauruj and supported u oroim-motiou to dlHHolvo, WtVK. , Mr. Jam uu Puttilo hi on tho niok lint. A number of frlotids oallod on tho MJbooh Goto Buildup ovoning. Mr. and Mrs. Btono, of Dntroit, wjoro tho guests of Mr. and Mrn. Dtibuia. llov. Mr. Maluniu and hridn arrived after their wedding tour lust Friday. A number of Windsor friends Woro tho guoHts of MIhh Tl, OoutlM on Sunday. Minn Anniu Moumiouii una Nettie Strong, of Bollo Itivor, oallod on Miss Kato Blauoh- ard Sunday. The Gigantic CLEARING SALE hi Cash At The Great Corner Store. - ^oun^iivilli:, Minn Lily Hcrmaii lu oonvalosoont and wo hopo to koo hor around hoqii. Frank Lowiu in recovering fast. Ho is now able to no out for a uloigh rido. F. A. Leak and hiu brothor Ed. visited with thoir brothor John of thin place ou Sunday laHt. Miss Graoa Fulraor and Ella Thornton, TRhhox, vinitad at tho homo of Mrs. Thou. Oooko, roaootly. Goo, Patterson spout Sunday under tho parental roof, but roturnod to Camp Palm er on tho following day. DEWAR- TAILOR. Furniture. Thoao who nood Furniture it -will pay thorn to examine tho very lino and well assorted Stock at tho Composed of 'arlor Suites, Bedroom uitea, Diningroom Suites, lasy OhairS, OfovuryDoouriptiou, iounges, Baby Carriages, loture Frames Modo to order on short notico, and everything in tho shnpe of Furniture too numoroua to moution." You can got Fur niture hero for Igsh mouoy than clsewhoro, quality of goods considered. Everything do- livered free of chai^o. I, A. HICKS & Co., Essex. Cheapest and Best Reading ---- in Canada Farmers' " THE SUN Is the Canada Hun re-orcanized It lo strictly IndupL-ndent, and " A '"lyisbander" is a regular contributor to tfl columns. ita market reports are acknowledg"- *d to be Wie fullest and most accurate lUlbUahed In Canada It ftJve.q the htat fnrmeis' jjage m he ibom-inilon It contain^ a short atoiy fiom Lon- lt>n Truth, wef*lo1v It tflve.'j an averapp of 10 columns o-f 'irifiiht readinjj In each Ishug Thin piipor will bo Kont to any tddr*5HH in Ounnda (outhfdo of Toronto) to tho end of '07 for "SO eouts. -Three copies \\ 111 11)l sent tii any hr^oo atl dress oa (outride this city), for iJh.6 same period for a dollar. 1'ho Sun and Weekly Globa ii6mbinod will bo Hont to tlio end Of 1897 for Oho Dollar. Adxlress all ordera to rE SUN PRINTING COMPANY, ltd. TORONTO. Agents Wanted "Write for toxma, and htftair how to secure a frold watch or [iftflor clock, without tho coi>t of a dollar. Bpecdmeaa cojylca free on application. Tho Children ot tho Itlch. Then thoro woro children, conspicu ous among thorn tho vulgar httlo child von of the not long rich, repulsively disagreeable to tho world in gonoral but pathetic in the oyes of thinlcinfi men and women. Thoyaro tho sprout inpc tjhoots of tho gold-tree, beings pre destined never to onjoy, hocauso thoj wiU bo always ablo to buy whatstronc men fight for, and will nover learn tc enjoy what is really to bo had only foi money; and tho measuio of valuo wi]l not bo in thoir hands and heads, hut in bank-books, out of which then man ners have been bought with minglod affection and vanity. Surely, if any thing its more intolerable than a vulgai woman, it is a vulgar child. The poor Httlo thing is produced by all nations nnd races, from tho Anglo-Saxon to tin Slav. Itb father was happy in the strugglo that ended in success. "When it grows old, its own children will per haps bo happy in the sort of refined ex- ibtunco which wealth can bring in the thud gcnoiation. But tho child of the man grown suddenly lich is a living minfoituno between two happinesses neither a worker nor an en joy or having neither the satisfaction of the ono nor tho pleasures of the othoi hated by its inferiors in fortune, nnd ft source of amusement to its ethic and esthetic beiteib. Kiom "A ltoso ol Yesteiday," by Marion Crawford, ib the Century. IlllOOICUlt. A Mloighlond of pooplo from thin neigh borhood Bpoafc a very onjoyablo eytmiug at tho homo of Honry Joaoa, South Wood- hIoo, Friday night, January 32ud, return ing in tho ottrly boara of Saturday. Tho aalo of farm utook aud implomontd, at Goo. Gammon's oh Tuesday of lank woolc wan v/oll attondod, realising good priaos. Tho oyntor auppor, given by tho ladleH of tho Bollo Rivor MothodiHt ohurah, Thure- dtiy night, Qlat ult,, at J. F. Millen'u, wuh not tin laraoly attondou an oxpoctod on account of tho stormy night. 88 was roal izod. Mian Carrio Bonnett, of Kiugflvllla, ia vimting at tho homo of hor f^andfathor, Konnoth Ymzlat. Rov. Mr. Tlubaudoau, of Maidetono, occupied thopulnit of tho Methodint church on Sunday of faat weolc, proaobing a mia- monary Hormon. A party wa glyon at Goo.Gamrnon'a ono ovoning laat week proviouH to tho removal of tho family to tho Oth oonooHaion. A vory eujoyable timo was tipont with muuio, KamoB, oto. Thoy raovod ou WodnoHday. MidH Maud Moo, of Eiibox, oallod on vol' utivoH in thifi noiyhborhood laob wook. Our Counters are Growded daily with delighted shoppers. Departments all shower blessings upon them in the shape of High-Class Dry Goods, Cloth ing and Boots and Shoes, at prices which are at a Great Reduction from the Regular Value. DIEBEL&BRICKER. OI.MNDA. Rov. \V. U. Shaw will proaoh (D.V.) in tho Mutliodint ohurcli ou Gubbath uoxt, 7rh iuHt.,at 7 p.m. PILI^AGB. jftr. Affiicw*S JLIvvr Pills, 20c. ft vm1 ar plannucl uftor the moHt modem fn modi^nl HClancAi, tbey aro hM lif^m un Im^rovomeiiii over the 60 ytwru old utronuc dlono j>ill formalum ut u bly<il lu o\t>r nn old 'itrc lu truvttl. Cinnamon Drop Coatod malcoH thorn ' p!Baaant to tako boiti^ purely yo#otab<6 aaboH tlioin ab^lu'.lv mifo thoy naytr (ripe and they navar 'uil -10 doaoH, 20 '^ ntsatBUdrugRiBta. Moiicrn TIJnrcliiry, Jim Got tho toolb all licio, Jiijl? Bill-Yes Jim And tho dynamite capsulot and the binokolohs bombs and tho non detonating powdei*J Bill-Yet,. Jim-Thi'n get out the Ciook's tub( and wt'll sou uot'H inhhlc the vault ho Eoio \vt ^oub unyfuithci. Mw Surciuiibi'fl. "Am 1 the fust you evoi loved?" "No, you aie not. But if you'll hi my wife you shall be the last.'* A'Wiiiiiiin Did It. By way of tin owing moie lipht on the quest ion of Prince BUmarck^ dife closures, tho Figaro publihhe& an ex- lrac*t fiom a letter which, it bays, hat- como straight fiom the court of Berlin. In it tho writer remarks that tins is simply a now incident on tho struggle winch hay boon pfointr on since the Prince retired into piivato life. Thr direct cause of the chancellor's fall, an this missivo assorth, waf, that tho Em- probs Kiedcric, having learned Iiom tlic Princess of Wales the attitude assumed by Princo Bismarck in the Bule;aiian question and "toward tho NjliilibU,' succeeded in convincing; of tho fact the Emperor William IT., who caused the army and tho political world to he in formed of the "diabloiios" which had severed Hu&sia from Germany and had led hor to diaw neaior to Franco. There was a universal outburst of in dignation, particularly amonf; the gonorala, and somo strongly-worded lottors woro forwarded to -JPriodrich- sruli. Princo Bjsmarek then declared that he would tako up tho cauntlot, and como out with countor revelations- "This man ia disgracing uh," oxclaimod tho Kmpoior to his mother, who ro- pliod, -"Ihavo always said so, and now tho oyos of all are oponod," Such h tho version given by tho Figaro, and which may bo reproduced without any expression of opinion on tho subject, as it is attracting much attention, and is tho tho mo of considerable comment. GUSTO. Corn and hon appear to bo pretty noar- ly nil gono in thiH sootlon. II. McGrofjor, who ia ougagod at the ftiiDoom, doosnob forgot Gouto. Thoro woro partion at tho roaidonto of P. Cunningham and F. Sweet ono night I iint wo ok. Tho many friouda of Mrs. Wm. Trimhlo will bo ploanod to boar that oho ih slowly but Htoadily rooovoriug. It ia BomethiQR unuHual to hoar of lamb, oring carried on in a town but such noomfl to bo tho oaoo on lot 25,North Maiden Jtad. Ij. Butt in vory low at pv<riant Early last anmmor a titiok atruok lua Hhin making a blight wound and it oooms to be impOBH- iblo to hoal it. Meson). Bush and Widdifl who woro out in floaroh of corn lapt wook olaim that It. Hamilton liaa left httlo for others to buy in this QGction. Lat woolt thoro ooonrrod what must havo beou two olight sliooko of oarthquako, Sumo of tho romuontH woro muoh startled but no damage who doflo. Oo Tuonday ovoning laHt, a sleighing from hero numboring fourfcy-two wont to Alox. MoGoo'n, Maldon. A vory onjoyabjo timo wuh flpont by all until a late hour,re turning to Goalo at 4.00 a. ra. Two teamu took them out oao furuiahod by Frud. Mo Geo tho other by Robort HuhhoII. Wm. Barry lion roturnod to his work at Jan. MoAuhftVfj. '.Com Cunningham, of Dotroit, ia visiting rolatlvea ju town. Chan. Stowo now han his chopping mill cotnplotod and ready for uotiviroporations. .fan. Couroy, of Duluth, iu vmlting at hiu homo iu Maidstone after an abaenoo of ilvo yoam. " ~^ SO (J'I'Mit WOOi>HVjim. David ilobindon ia gotting out timber for a now baru in tho upring. Mr. Ainolio's toamn aro basily ongagod in removing tho timbor off tho Bornton lot. Chns, Shaw wan again in thifi viomity laHt wook buyiDg oattlo for hiu butohor hhop at Walkorvillo. County Repreaentativo Jiuohanan waa bore last wook iuopooting a county bridgo. Complainta have beou lodged against tho brieigo, Mrs, McCaulay an agod lady who haH boon liviug with her son-in-law John Dow- hirst died on Saturday lain aud was buriod on Monday. in NOUTII IIKDOIS. Mrs, 0. I. Gartot vigitod rolativca Detroit on Saturday. A. G. Badollo bad tho index finger of his riRbfc hand .badly orushed last Saturday botwoon a log and a &tunap. Tho many frionds of MrPv (Rov.) Albori E. Saundora, of Chicago, will bo rejoiced to hoar tliat Bho io improving in phyoionl health ninco nho wont to tho land of flow- orn, Florida, Tho earthquake shook last Wcdnooday about li,'<H) was distinctly heard and felt by a laigo uumbor of our roiudontH; the grouud trembled, window aanhoH and glana, and dooro rattled. Thoro wero a fow drnuka in town on Friday. Gharlofl Banford, of Kingavillo, spont Suuday in town, Mihh Anuio nicks, of Ehoox, in visiting Mitm Edith Janioo. Meosro. Kellott, Turner and Hill aro im proving voryfrapidly, Thoro in quito a talk of forming a gas and oil company in town, but it ib mobtly gas. Mios Hull hnn bot>n elected proHidont of tho Yonug l'ooplo'n Sooioty in the Motbod- iat ohuroh, in plaoo of Miss Shaw, who ban gono to Chioago, Tho Imperial Concert Co., of Ruthvon, g ivo an outortainmont In the Town Hall, Tuonday evening. Tho prooooda, woro to bo divided with the Mothodi&t ohuroh. Iho docp hiiow prevents all biovolmts from uamc thuir wheels oxoopfc Jan, H* Txckabcrry, who Um hie so arranged with a runnor in trout that ho proceeds along q uto faat. Kliaa Oolthorp left WodneBday to visit hiu brother, Olruu, in Michigan be fore returning to his home iu Dakota. He has boon euooeBBful out West has a large farm with a good briok house and gujtabl0 outbuildings He had ovor 7,000 bnsbels of wheat last year, wbiob sold &i' 70 cento and over. Kenneth J. Wilaon oallod on rolativoa in Kiugovillo on Saturday last. Mioo II. Leo and W. Loe spent a fow dayu thiH wook with friondo m Rutlivon and ijcamincton. Un Monday aftornoon while Richard Wiglo and non woro foiling a large stub of a tree which was partially decayed, it broito, aud falling sideways nlruok a stamp and was thrown otill farther from its in- tondod bed, atrikingMr. Wiglo in tho faoo and choBt, infliotiug sovoral. flesh wounds and fracturing both collar bonos, With unsistanooho walked anhoit Jistanco homo although waak from loss of blood, iriAVbN'jroNii;. MrH. John MolCcon iH in town, MiflH May Rourlm is viaitiug her Hiator, Mrs. I. Halford. Mr. unci Mrs. Chas. Cavanaugh epont BHuday liorc, the guosta of P. Donovan and wife. Isaac Libby, ugod 28, of Paquoteo Bta- tion, took out a marriage lioeuHe in Do. troifc on Tuonday to raavry Julia Kolly, aod 21,o! Maidstone. Thoro was a pleasant and oujoyablo bail held at Ehnntoad on Monday night, under tho auHpiouu of tho MaidHtoun lodge of Butlors, Thoro wore about -10 members out. Suppor waa servod in tho oourno of tho ovoning. There came nour being a sorious flro at tho roBidonco of John Halford, Hr., of Four Gate, ou Monday night. It waa by hard oftorta o^tinirinBhod, however. Damage covered by iheuranee. Monthly examinations Br. 4th Glass, 8. B. No. 5, Bandwioh South; Marks possible,' 100; Add Greaves 100, Lottio Colling 50. History Marks pos sible, 50; Lottie Collins 45, Ada Greaves 8U. Grammar Ada Orveg 49, Lotti* Collins BO. Miss Barry, of Puce, waa the guost o* I Mrs. Frank MoGlosuoy on Sunday. It appoarH that we woro iu orror last wjoIc iu atating that Mivart Robinson and James Arnold woro up boforo P, M. Boa- man for faat driving. Thoy woro not a - i*o ii tod but had boon driving thoir homo down tho Btroets aud woro spokon to by Chief of folioo Bisflon whore upon thoy dosistod, WIN UNO XI, Rov. J. R. Gundy, of tho MofcbodiHt ohuroh, bus deoiilod to havo free pews in his ohuroh. Dr. Orchard has hcou ofnoially notified of his appointment of votonnary inspootot undor tho new regulations. .Tamos McCrao, olork of tho divloion court, was 77 yoara of ago to-day and well able to attond to official dntieH. Jamoa Wolah, of Niagara Falls, has ao- suraod tho dutioa of Grand Trunk baggago master m plaoo of Nathan Eart, decoanod. John MoDougall, of Montroal, tho fUtor contractor, has issued a writ against tho Windsor Wator Boaid claiming 8802 dam ages. Quarterly mooting norvioofi will bo hold in the atcthodisb church on Sabbath next, 7th inat., at 10;.J0 a. m. Friends cordially iuvitod. Mibb Mahoi Troblo, tho school teaokor, who was knocked dowuntairs by a pupil last wook ,huo not yot rocovorod so aa to roonnoo hor work, John Humphries, M. C. R. brakoman, a brothor of William Humphries, of Wind sor, dlod of bronohitin at his homo in St Thomas on Tuesday. Two brine tanks, witha capacity of 81,. 500 cubic foot, havo boon erected at tho Canadian Paciflo salt works: Pumping | will bo renamed at tho works in about al week. Managor Evans, of the bioyolo works in Windsor, stated this wook that if;tho Cor liss bill' paauod tho sonato of tho Unitod' Status in rogard to oxolndiug Canadian workraon, ho would itnmodiatoly notify all tho tmployos of tho faotory, numboring about sixty, that thoy would havo to ro* movo to Windsor at onoo, ovou boloro tho Canadian government had a ohanoo to adopt a robahtory moasnro. Tho Conservatives of North Eshox hold, their annual mooting for tho election of i omoors Tliuraday of last wook and had a' b&uqnofi at tlio Crawford Ilonao iu tho ovening. Tho followiugarotho oQioern : Dr. Roaumo, Prosidout; J. A. Buchanan and Joseph Duroohcr, Vico-Prosidonts; J. B. Davignou, Troasuror; J, H. MoCon nell, Secretary, Tho parislnonors of tho Rov. Pr, Bay- uard, tho now rcotor of St. Alphonsua church, Windsor, aro manifesting aon- sidorablo disaatielaoblon booacso ho has put his ocolot'ianLicalfoot down ou what bo bolioves to bo tho muftil praotioes of many of his flock. Dancing o^tpocially ho objools to, and It in said that he has oven gono so far as to rcquosfc tho ofikers of the Cath olic Porostora, who woro about to givo a grand hall, to declare tho function off. ----------------- . Tho action for divorce at Brusflolu, CXLlt AT May's Bazaar, -I'OIl ALL IUNKH 01'---- -Away down. WINDOW BLINDS- GarNAWARE, BRIC-A-BRAGJG, FANCY GOODS, NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCIIOOL SUPPLIES. TOYS OP ALL KINDS, BERLIN WOOL aud FINGERING YARNS. New Stock of Late Wall Paper. ESSEX Hal ! E Hoadquarcois ror School Books, School Supplies, Note Papor.Envolopes, InltH, Writing Tablets and ofGao Stationery. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST. E3SSE2T. Music * $\ot$> XT A T? to* 5 Piano and jx^j^jn ^ organs-. ^ R. S. Williams' Pianos. Evans Bros. Pianos, ^r Singer Sewing Machines. .........Havo juiit rocolvotl a......... New Supply tii VIolniM. Aiitoliurp*, VSnrtnoitlctiM, OultarN, Ac. Violin titviiiix* and Ruppllou /or abnvo Iinitruinontu on hand. ' Timing ami Repairing a Specialty, Mftohlno No(k11o4 unci Oil iu Bt6alf. all the Belgium, brought by the Brinuo of Ohimay agamst bis wife, formerly Clara Ward o! Detroit, fifiob., wJio olopad from Paris last fall with JanoB Rigo, a Huugarlun Gypsy tiddler, rosultod on Thursday last in a decree of absolute divorce boing g run tod to tbe Princo upon the ground of abaudonmonb and adultery. The Pnnoe is given tho oare of the children and tho Brinaesu is to pay 76,000 franca u year for their koop. "aivo me a slow girl," Bays Sam Jones. Sam ia, particular. Borne folka Would be middling glad to get almost any kind, if sbo were willing to look after the furnace and keep the sidewalk clean. H. M. FAUL, 2nd Door Norm of Ja.CH, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only snfe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need, Ib prepared in two degrees of strength. No. I for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known 4al . )$ Three Dollars; two boxes, tfive Dollars., ,- No. i, or J^o. a, mailed oa receipt tof>. price and two 3-cent stamps. v l ? The Cook Company, l^ WlndJlrTooiario,: S (3T- Bold In Ei boh aod QvorywliBrfl in Oanad* by all respoofltble DragaiBt. J :lit)r n J^r. I1 ^ V /.t. J- \\ (' .'*>.'.' ^^^;^mlM^^^^^^^^M

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