Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 5, 1897, p. 6

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:.. ^ i rt^ 'i*' *^ ^rr r IN .1 Greater Than Ever, January Victories Over __ Disease and Death, The Grandest Record Ever At tained In JJjntf Month. PaineV Celery Compound the Acknowledged King of Medicine b. The Kind the People Need In Order to Restore andJWrve Health. fcb lokuowMscd kins of medicines in th. world io-day IB Vaioo'H Celery Com- potind. . ft. raaryelloun euros during: the month of January mado up a record far nurpaa"* in the work of ferny nrevioua mouth in pMt yearn. Hundroiln ot letters wore seht tn by saved men aud women who wore trttly plaoked from tho Kravo and aavod to anxiotu relativofl and friondn. Iu thank- full burnm wordH tho young and old ad mitted that without Paino'a Odlery Com- Dound thoir oason would haye been quite hopoloBH. Barely, poor Hutfomr, this ie nuffioicnt proof that Paino'H Oolory Compound in able to meet your ormo, ovon though it be Mrloua and denotata ablo to Rlvoyou the nw life yon bo muoli don!ro. Try it once ; a bottle or two will work wondora. Mot JaoquoshaH Bold bin butcher ahop to fid. OMnbort. Henry Petor had rotnrnod bomo dftor pending a weok in Windaor and Band, wloh, Jno. Walsh lit loaal aftont now hero for the Maasoy Harris Co., replacing bis broth er, Ed. a. Jos. Joinvilla wah utntod in marriatfa to Mrs. Ellon O'GonnolI bore Tuoaday of !aiit week. Rev, Pr. Villcufluvo performed tho oaromony. _________________ Mr. and Mra. Thou, duller have fiouo to Ottawa to Hpond ton dayo. The infant ocn of Mr. LewthWaito, of the Xnt conooHHlon of Morsou, ifl vory ill With inflammation of tho InnGH. Mra. AJnalio, of Oombor, who baa boon VUitmfi hot davjKntor, Mra. Alor. Baird, tor a week, han returned homo. Mra. Itobort Long-held baa received word of tho doatb ot hor oiitor, Mra. John Lon- field, of Oxford oonuty, who diod last Week. Bon Cox loft lanfc wook for bin homo in Goderiah, to visit hia mother, and alao a al&ter, wbono homo in in Dakota, and whom be hua not up on for aUtoen yearfl. A. Daykin, of BoRma, N.W.T., baa do- Aided to opon up a Unit elans aowolry Btaro hero and htm returned to tho wont to clone Up baninoHS and nhin hid fltoca. Ho ox- peota to opon hero in abiut throe wo ckn. J*araofl and .7. WiIhoq aro coing to eroot & largo iao-houBo at thdTlaTwpabout 40x 80 feet. Thoy will anpply ice daily to tho hofcelti, and to rosidoucon. Tho oold Woathor han ntartoj ioo-oabtorH to worlc. Gardner Bron, roporb that thoy havo bought onouch lo^o and boltn from tho farmorfl near Loaminfiton to onablo thorn to run full timo all next Bonnon. Thoy havo also bou^htj 2,000 faoron of timber land in Itomnoy. Lant weok thoy roooivod an ordor from a Winnipeg roan for uoyeu our load (i of handlwi. Lanfc fall a man ntrucUthin town and bo- (jan to nurabor tho houaofl. IIo workocl np tho oyrapathy of an anaiutfint editor no that ho got a loan of a fow dollars. He alno borrowod Hmall namn from nthor pornoifw. fluddonly ho diouppoarod, forgetting in Iiih burry to pay inn dobtu. Until a fow daya a^o no our know of bin wheronbouta. It dorna ho in now working in tho town of Watford m tho name mannor an ho did Leamington. Ono of tho partion horo who U intoroBtod in him nont word to tho ohiof bf pobco in Watford and tho man wan brought hero on Friday laBt. Tho pnu- Ouor waa brought boforo Police Magiatrato Botkirlc on Monday. After taking tho ovi- donoo waa found guilty and committed to fiandwioh for ,'10 ilnyi.. ACOIDKN'tfN WILt, HAPPEN. But Thia Timo it wag a God-^ond to N]r. John Brown, aG.A.R, Vet eran, of 240 NJarahaU St., Phila- dolphia Doilfjfd Shot and Sholl in tho Tiiteroflt oi IJih Country, only to bo Attaokod by that Insid- ioiiB DiBoaso, Catarrh But Dr. Agnow's Cftfarrlml Powder Curod and Permanently, too This is what lie Says: "By a muro unouhmt I aatno aorooa Dr. A(/now'a Catarrhal I'owdor. I wuH u grout Kufforor from than droad m ilady catarrh To-day it givoH mo unbounded ploaaure to Btuto for auffjring humauityV oalco that ibiH woadorful remedy offoatud a Hpoody and porunautmtctiro in my oaoo, and I havo boon ho thaukful for it that I am williug to npond tho romuiudor of my dayn iu iproadini? tho good nown to mv follow luffotorV Sold by -T.TIiomo. -........- "That yonng tiotor wa mot laot wiutab, flou't you know, must bavo a vory lar^o aaMortment of ueckweah.'1 "Why do you ihiuk bo, Chawlio?*1 "Boonuna wbon If fcwdkod Claronoo Brown about him Glur. ftneo aaid bo was out We fit counting tiuu!" Maud What do you do whou a man peraiatB In biHkitjff for a danuo and you don't oaro to dauoe with him ? Maru tell him my card Id full. Maud But BUp- oalng it isn't, and be still persists? , Marie Then 1 insist that it wt and hi Urn aeo thai it lin't. .' UAND OK THE COMf^O^ PEQPLE. The Futur* or Callfoml* WU1 Wo Very miTerent from Xt P*at. The future of ColiCornia will bo vory different from its past. It has boon tho land of largo things of largo estates, of largo enterprises, of largo fortunea. Under another form of Government it would havo developed a feudal Hystem, with a lauded aristocracy resting on u hasiA of nervilo labor. Theso wore Its plain touduueiaf) yoars ago, when Horno- body coined tho epigram. "California iB the rich muu'a paradise and tho poor man's boll.1' But later developments have shewn that whatever of panidiae the Ooldun State can offer to tho lich it will nharo, upon - terms of uiarvoloviH equality, with tho .middle chthbcy of American Hfo. Over and above all other coimtuoH, it in dcHtinod to he the land of tho com mon people. Tina it* true because, owing U> its peculiar climatic; eondi- tionn, it loquireH loan land to sustain u family in gMieroUH comfort. For tho bamu ri'iihon cheaper cloth mp; and shoUer, uh well as lobu fuel, sulHco, while it is possible to lonli/omoie per fectly tho ideal of pioducinp; what i1- tionsumed. Moreover, it is a naturul iield for the application of associative Industry mid tho t^rowthof tho highest social conditions. Indeed, the conn try has distinctly failed as U land of big things, and achieved itsbost, HUCCCB3C& in Uie oppobito direction. Its true and final groatncsn will con sist of the HptgiegiitQ of Hmall tliinus of small estates, of Hmall enteipiihcs, of small foi tunes, PiogrCHH toward this end is alroady woll begun. It must go on until tho laid, great ebtato is dismumboicd and tho last ahon serf is letumed to tho Orient, Upon the ruins of tho old System a bottei civiliz ation will arise. It will be the glory of the common people, to whoso labor and gonitis it will owe its oxistenco. Its Qtitioaching and beneficent influ ence will bo felt throughout tho world. i1 A u / Gald by ills Yard. Tho boating of tho innumerable little squiii c piecos of gold which aroused to cover domes and bigus, and soon, foims n distinct industry in tho gold Undo, which employs a larg;o number of hands and rcquirea no small amount of Mull. The long, low building in. which the woik iB carried on is fillod throughout tho day with tho bound of hammers. On ovory side Httlo boxes containing tiny rolls of gold aro to b(i seen, which althoughronly measuring an inch and a half in length, aro each Worth about 10. Tho gold is received in barb ono- eighth of nn inch in thickness an inch in width and weighing 2-10 ponny- woights. This is rolled out into a rib bon thirty yards in length. It is then given to tho workmen in stiips measuring sovon yards, each of -which U cut up into 180 pieces. These are now ready to ho beaten out by hand. They aro placed (pi otccted by line skins) in a tool known us tho "clutch," and are thoroughly pounded out on a great gmuito block bet in the giouml in sudi a way that there is ab- bolutely no vibratoiy movement. The piocobs hi repeated seveial times, the gold at it spreads being continuously subdivided until it is of the exact dimensions icquircd. Tho skins in which tho gold is boaten are so delicate that they will tear as easily as papei, nevertheless they aro of bo line a quality that thoy will with stand the continual hammoiing for sovei al yoius. Tho gold, which is finally beaten down to 200,000th of an inch, ia rubbed with "brine" bcfoio being placed in tho skins, in order that it shall not adheie to them. Katy as this work of beating out tho gold may seem, it is in reality, an art of a vary delicate descuption. Tho woikmnu must know to a nicety pre cisely how haul oi ^entlo the blows of bib hummer must be, and also tho exact spot on uhich they should fall. Ae- coidingly, a very suporioi clubs of men aie employed hi the business. Peai- bou's Weekly. A Till It I'm ty tli^.1 AVuuil 1 iilluro. "Von wfii'u't at tho Joneses," said the giil with the brown eupe. "No, I wasn't, and I'm awfully soiry You see. J would havo boon there, but you------" "Weil, j on ought to bo picciou^ glad that vou woien't." "Why, what was tho matter? I al- \va\b thought evciybody had a good time when they went to the Joneses, for lbelievi1'-----" "It tin dullest thing 1 over saw. You know it to bo a sort of talk party." "Yes, cvciybody was to get in groups and talk about things. Now, for my p,u t, 1 like------" "But it wasn't Wo jubt eat and looked at each other all the evening, andeveiybody wont homo feeliugun- cuinfoi tabic." "You don't say boV Why, what wab the mattciV Did anything happen.-1" "1 am not suio whether to say yey oi no. Yon see, it was this way: Tho pianist didn't come and t hero wasn't any body there who could play the piano, so of course we couldn't talk, and wo all sat theie feeling bored until it was time to go." Chicago Times- Herald. __________________ l.ct lllmon. "Wasn't it sad about old Jobloy's failure?" * "What! has ho failed?" "Yes. gone clean smash." "That's too bad; ho promised mo something yostoiday, but now, in his tiouble, I will not hold him to it," "That's gouorouu of you. What was it?" "Ills daughter'^ bund in marriage." A Ohcarrul View. "Tboro is one good thing about a woman on a wheel ovon if she does wear bloomorB," "Whafcfcthatr "Otherpeople are ftorauch safer than when eh* is driving a horse.1' WONDERFUL.. PiloH Cured in 8 to 0 Nigbfce Itch ing, Burning fckin' Diseases Be lieved in One Day. Dr. Agnew'n Oiotment will oar*- m\\ oases of jio^lng pileB in froro,tbr#o to rix piht. One uppnoatiou brliiim comfort, l-'or Wind and bleeding prion It is poorlonB. Aleo* ouroH totter, suit rhuum, oozcraa barbers, itoh, and all oruprioiis of tho akiu. Ila- lioves in a day. DC oontn Hold by J.Thorno. Testy Old Gent "Ifuh ! Bo yon think you oau HUpport my dau^htur in the style to which ttho han beU anouBtnmed ?" Younc Buitor but I oan sup port bor iu the atyle to whioh ber mother wan aoouatomud for a, ijood inatiy yoaru aftor Hbo married you." Old Oont (Hob- duod) "Tako bor, my won. and he happy/' Aycr'o Ohrry Pootoral ih known by Ub worltH. Tho oxpsrianao of bait a century proyoa that uo othor proparation of the kind Btoptt coufdiiiif/, allays irritation of the throat mid bronchial tnboB bo promptly and offoutually iisthiH, NANOWUCII SOUTH. Tho annual mooting of tho patronuof tho Union ohoimu faolory of Baudwioh Bouth was bold on the '2hit ult , In tho Hpaoiouu hull over tho factory. Thor wim a good turnout of putreim and othtm. The pros- idont, And row Woodn, ooaupied tho ahair, Tho auditors' report tdiov, od the total amount of milk for tho n&iiBon wan (127.780 lb. whioh made 50.121 lbw. of ohoouo, or an avoruflo of 10 50 lbw. of milk for Olio lb. of ohoono Tho oIicghu wa Bold for 81,581.01 or an of 8 ota. for tho tamtam. Tho milk Mitud by tho Buboook touter avorufjod iU-2 for tho season, which ih a good allowing. Aftor paying ull lia- bilitioH they hwvo for tho year 3162.28 in tho trouaury, whioh noomod to give (funaral Hiitififuotion. Tho old direotoru were all ro olootod by acclamation, viz; Androw Woodw, Edward Moouoy, Chas. Hiiror, Hdward Chittlo, David Uro, John Korr, and Douih Terrin, aftor wlnoli tho muoliug aJjoumod. Tho direotora mob and u loo ted thoir ofneorn for tho year, which renulted an folIowH; Androw Woods, proflidont, Edward Moonoy, vico-pioaidont; Donia Porrin, flccrotary-troatmrer, pro torn. John Arnold wuh elected auditor for the patrotm, tho dirootors' auditor not boing appointed yet. Uuliko moat proprietary mcdioinoa, tho formtiho of Dr. J. C. Ayor'a Saraaparilla and other prcparationR are oboorfully Bent to any physioian who applies for thorn, douco tho Hpecinl favor accorded theno woll'knowu standard rcmodios by tho Woild'B Fair oommitimonurn. K1DJMKY PAINS. John Snoll, of Wingham, Ont,, was a Maelstrom of Pain and Agony from Diseased Kidneys South Ameri can Kidney Cure whs tho Welcome "Life Picaorvor" It Helievoa In stantly and Cures Surely. "Fivo yeara ago I hud a novoro attack of l*a Grippo whioh affooted my kidndyti and eautied lutensn puhiH iu my back and ur marv orjznmi. I nnfiored untold mmory, at timoo I could not walk, and any ataud- ing pomtion gave me lntoutio pain. I bo- camo worso on rupidly that my family bo- oatno alarmed. Just at thin timo I notice! Bouth Araoricau Kidr.oy Cure advertised. Although I hud httlo faith loft in any romody having tried no many -worthloou oiiPH but a drowning man will graep at a straw, and I procured a bottlo. In a fow dayd it had worked wondora, and boforo half a bottlo wuh taken I wan totally re lieved of pain aud two bottloa ontirely cured mo." Sola bv .7. Thoruo. Tho bigtjont Uro that has vimtort Pbila- dolphia m yearH atartad TnoEduy, Jan. 20, in tho bawomont of IlanKOomb Broa.' hipj grooory storo at No. 1H17 Market Rt., aud boforo it was extinguished 83,000,000 worth of property wuh destroyed. a Goo a iR^fti^pot At tho annpal meeting of Knox Prf))>y- toriirtj oburob) Ponlj^ JiOqdqn, the report boiug teid of tho ladiei'cite* cent a day f and, and the large ampunt whioh had been reAli^od over and abovo all othor olaitua, it wag moved and seconded that in vlow of cho gratifying biiooohb whioh baa attended tho effprLa of tho l&dion' oxtri, ocdI a day food thin meotiog heartily rooommends tD tho male mombera tho adytBabihty of foil- owin^ in the footstep* of the lallea in this regard and as eoon ns po^alble lutarviowing male members and adherents in this re- Kd-______________________ A auob may be known by novoral oharao- torifltioB. Uo is polite to his auporiora ; arrogant with those of lower station ; fawns on tho rioh ; suubn tho poor, and pretends nob to know biaown mother, whoU ho clmnooa to moot thp old lady iu tiu- fuHbionablo olothee. He baH plenty of briiHH uiid fow brainn ; and ia always nn- easy from auuRploion that his intrinHlo tulgatity may fail to bo hiddou by hiti out ward a o utility. That Wonderful Ten Cent Com bination.. Having a doaire to plaaae and enteitain tlio yoiniK, the mannfaoturete of Diamond Dyeti will Hond the tollowiug valuable oom. bination for ton uouta to auy addroeu in Oauada. Ono "Exoolaior Ilhyminu ABO Book, Illuatratod," a K0ri of lithographic art. One full yi/o Cabinet Photo of tho "Throo 1'uturo Kiua of England," Kvory loyal Canadian should havo ono. Ono paoku(;o of "Diamond Dyo Ink I'ow dor," for making alxtuon ouuoeu of bout black writing ink. Thia novel and valuable combination, worth 05 oontn, to any addroim "for ton oontn. Bond fimall nilvor coinw, or tho propor amount in ono, two or three ount atamnii. Btnnipa of laraor douommation will not bo roaoivod. Soal your lottor iioouroly, aud boforo mailing bo auro you pnt on full pontagOj throo oontu iu atarapB, If full poataco ianot propaid, lottors will not bo noooptod, AddrcflB Wolln A XtiohardHon Co., Mon- troal. P. Q. One day a member of a groat loflinlativo body wan oonvorBiuj; with a gentleman when anotbor metnbor oamo up. "Allow me," eaid tho Urat morabor, "to introduoo to you Mr. Blauk, tho man who baa writ ten raoro etupiditioH than any othor liv ing poraon," "Ah," aaid tho noooud mem ber, "an editor?" "No, ho'n tho oftfoial utoaofiraphor of the house." SHAXVJCBISD NERVES ANO 1*AKAJjYS1S. Xlsartg Troubles :^fflDLSIONi lftCQNHOui"rw/ n-i'l nil IKIXC rt < oi'cu, iohs 4)S irrr;ia w t5i:nnraiv, fii< titinciitioi tui O 9 Hytti*nlil .fTlin ' 1> .'.1 I.....1.ln !hiv*Mr<it 9 Tld dfMliu.kliiK loiiiili ^|ti. |) i, ill himiiNui moior A nvri- b j.-r, Mini li v. ^ . f I i n.Uii illy In ft. Wnijjlit | llli (| i111j I i> it -j m i j i, .i i ^H- uijjj ** Wlitil ibn ILlilir cilili 1 i> i I I l* || q T, II. WIMWI III, V l-,M"iitmal _ !iOc. nuri &t ior HEiillln DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Ltd., Montreal Wanted-An Idea Prot:t Tourla*Mj thy rimy lirlng you wealth JOHN WKDDKKHUIIW * CO , I'ai.nt Attor Wfao can "iilnlt or iom. J thliitf toiaaiut? Wrlt Djr, WMblnatOD, X> <J , for ihnlr el.lXX) urleo ofTr *nd lUc of two liumlreit luveutluna wkiiumI WANTBD-HEVKI(Aia.,AlTUb*urJ MEN OH Women to tmvol Inr rcapotiHlblu on tab' llahod houuu lu Ontario. ^Ifi woolily and oxpnunoH. Ponftloti tioruiaiinnt. Kuforonoo, EdoloaA aoir-ntMr6nBd Htampod 011- volopo- TheMatloual.Hlarllulldlutj, abloao. Halwy". 780. payable ltl THE ESSES HotW t Witt*. '4 i JAMES -NAYtOR- $ Taken thId opportunity of announcing to the lo of tho Town and County of Kbnox that uaa rouiQdolod tho Ebbqx Killer Mllle -o- oprdlnK to plans prapared by B. N Prloo, of BtT Cf, Thonma, and alao anourtul tho itorvlaea of Robert Btraohan, an oxuorlouood and thoroughly oom- potent tulllur. A A Tlmnklnc tliopoonloof tho town and county "* patroimH" beatowod upon htm in the 11 HUiiruuteoBatlsfaotloiilu tho future. for tho patronaoo pogt.wr- Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. Krf- Tht flat Graih< oj Ffour, F Conwmil Kept %n Stock and told at Pruts, Gash Paidfof Wheat and Oata. Doyoul^ide? Wanted. A AT A "Nr-To aiiLb oanaba. guowth nL ITXiV. L\ - Fruit and Ornamontal Troon, HbrubH, IIobob, Ilulbn and IJiiUioiid IMuuU.Clrapo VJnod, Hmall i'niltu, Bond i'otittouH, oto- Wo oatalopue-ouly tho hardtoiitaud moatpouular viirlotluN Unit Buooood In tlio ooldoHt ollmatdit Now noaHon now oommonoluK. oomploto ontflt fnm, ttalary imd oxpoiiflOH paid from Htaft foy full timo, or liberal tiommliuilon for part tlm. Apply tiovt. addreuulnif uoaroFit oQloo, and oholcoof tewltory. LUKK nUOTHKHH COMPANY, Intiarnatloiidl Ntn-fioviod, Cinoino, lLn or Monthiuij. Qok. Shattorod Noryoa Bovolopetl Norvoua Prostration Nervous Prostiation Developed Total Puralysia of Ono Sido Groat South Amorican Norvino in tho Tooth of Most Adverse and Com plicated Circumstances Ovorcomos All, and Kcotoroa Wife and Mother in Good Health to her Family Thcso aro tho Written Words of Edward Parr, Burry Contro, B. C. "My wilo waotakonbadlaut Augunt with norvoua proatratiou, whioh later on dovol- opod mto paralyoia of ono Hide. Wo triod many remudioa, but all in vain. I thought I would try South Amonouu Norvino, hay ing AGLu it ttdvortiflod in tho Now Wont- tmniator, B. C , paporn, aiid I am glad to bo ablo to Bay that tho roault alter taking throa holtloa waa au ufltouiahmunb to my- Hell and family. It worked wondora for her and wo oau not apoalt too hifihly of thin groat romody." No caao too aouto t6oor of long standing to defy hh woudoraul moi'ita. Bold by J. Tborno Fresh Bread la what you can rely on (jotting whon you buy from ub. Our wa^on gooa to ull Cartel of tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, "You cant find nicor, froubor, or Hwoofc- or in tho country. All kindu of Fanoy Oalton aud Jolly Kolln. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo aoll nothing Htalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you can roly on prompt do- livery. FRANK F0SS. OproHlto3ook& Franoid, Kano* For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. * If so, you want to have tho best there ia aud everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout -18 TO niC HAD IT- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery, ^ \_ flood jRoadntcrn, JCany Jiidlng JZugyiat. , Comfortable Carriages, A Call Solicited. Satififactioyi Guaranteed. North of tho % Railway Track. __________E5SEX, ONT, Johnston Brcs., Builders a,,a Contractors, niULlilUI IN- hflST GH&HGE I'OK The Wliole Story Of tho ftrcmt aalea attained and Kioat ourea accompliHlied by Hood'ti Saiaaparilla iti quickly told. It punfien and ennohea tho blood, tonofl tho Btomaoh and cjivoa Btion^th and vigor, DldouRo cannot outor tho Byntom fortiflod by tho lieh, rod blood whiohfcoamoH by taltinc llaod'H Barnaparillu, with Chao. Ilolton baa boon vory aiclt plourlny. Mra. Raid in alowly rooovenuc from a Hcvcro attack of typhoid fovor. Mm. Bcacom, at., and Mm. T. l'ook havo rcturnod from thoir viait to Strathroy and. Alvintitou. B Cowan ia laid up with a lamo buck, tho olToct of ^ottiny linrt in a gravel pit oorao yturo iigo. MrJH Grace Fleming, who had boon vlait- at O. GowauV, baa rotutuod to bor homo near Ruthven, Our population m otoadily iuoroaainft. Mr. and Mro. V. A. liaalc woro honored with tho latent arrival on tho 22nd ulfc. Owing to tho death of bar hunbuild, Mra. V. A. Robinson will romovo from Olevo- land, Ohio, and will roiiido with her father, D.lloid, who Iivoh near boro. It ia reported that O. W. Hind will Bell ot rout liia farm and tako up bis old trado ot ohoenc-ra&kini! in tbo sprinp;. He will likely looato at Morlin.KontOo. Tho oyator auppor tfrvon by th lohhifi Bdoon tbo aparrow ooutoat on tho 22nd ult., tho ufth eouoeuniou aubool hoaae, wa a lirand uuogohbj Lotuof oyutero, a gooi pro^rammo ot musie. roadiugo and reel. tatiena were holn^ givon. Ambroao Campbell, while chopping wood, Bomo dayu ao, happened with a bad aooident. The axe canghc an oyor- hinging branch while doaoendinfi atd fjlanoed, inflicting a eavore wound aarosa the inatop of tbo left foot, THE OHPHlifl'S PtyftYEfy Without auy doubt, tho promium piotnro offorod by tho Family Horald and Weekly Star is tho grandoot picture ever offered nowapapor roadora, 'J'boro m a perfect Horamblo from all parta of tho world to ao- euro a copy. Bomo aubfiorihoro who havo roooivod it would not part with it for a 810 btli. Tho publiHuaro will withdraw tho promium ohortly. Wo havo mado arrange.* mouta, howovor, with the Family Herald puhbabora, whorohy thoy aurco to supply the '*Orpban'ii Prayer" to all namon nont in by tho Eatox Froo PrcaB on or bofaro lfith February. Tho Family Herald and \Veokly fcUar in tho rocognizd loader of all WookhoH in Amorioa. We offur "Tho Or- plian'H Prayer," tho Family Herald and Weekly Star, (One Year) aud tho Free Pi-ohh, (One Yom) all for 81.80. Don't faU to ooouro a copy. Sond eubaoriptiona BftETT & AULD, Essex, Ont. Samplo Pioturo can bo eoon here. "You aro au intorviowor, i undorHtand," oaid tbo llov. Br. Thirdly to a youu man mtting in one of the roar nown. "Y.ub, air; cm 1 do anything for you?" "If you would ho oo Inud, the time ban arrived to beejln oorvioo, but tho orgun blower baa notoomo. It Btruokmo that a person ao aoouutomod to pumping men might ho willing to pump tho organ." Only One Dollar 'JTo January lat, 1808. Sixteen PftircH Kach Weok -----with fill The News of The World. <Vlaket RoDorta, Stories, Etc. Exoollont Reading...... for ovory mombor of tho family Wo offor good inducotoonto to ageatu. For termo, oto., addrcon ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wileon Ave., noxt Abordoon Hotel. Tho latent improvod raaohinory for Ironing GollatH end Cuffii. Will nob oraok or break tao winu. Family work cheap, and dohvored. Paroola called for Ptoaoo oall and try. It not flatiafaoiory no ohargo will bo raado, f our work auitfl you. recommond ub to your friends. British Columbia Cedar * Shingles, Pino Shingles, $100 Up. All Kinds of Building Material SjISIA DOOA'S, LA Til ami BARM LUMBER^ VW Nutiuruetlon tiuarmiteed. 0]>p. Water Worlcs, Ehhcx. :.'(! FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS ^5| 4 "(HECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SAt-C IM CANADA. J. GOtTRLAY & SON. ESSEX. ONT ^^ACA ' \\ A MENTHOL PLASTER Si Ili&vn |>r^Bi'rtl>^l ll<nllt"iriit*l<n'Inxnumtwir OfuKmoi' lumrnliflo liiitl rltriiiiiiilli! lulim, uJ Hilt Vorf IllU'll )lli'HK-l Willi lllfl *tttl)U Mill tltunanCniw>Arluni>|i|[RaUiiii W, il.uxuvzn- Ti n. M U.. Hot"! OxrorO. lW*iun. 1 havo ufitl Monlbol l'ia1ni In <rvml <ii nf mutcuUfitmuuKitiini ainl IliiJ In tvutjuiut tlmtltir>vnnliH"*tlnirttitiiliil ponuanuutrelluf, t-J, H lt<mn H 1), M^.lilitirtun, n.O, It Gurus Sltlcnf I.iim1>iiffOt Non- i*AlffI. ruin* In Bjuik or Hltlo, or uny MuiHjular Pnlim. iVIco I PavU A I.uwrencio Co., TAA, SQc. I tiol.} Proprlotorft, Montkbal. c THE TIUOMPH CORN BHKLLBR ThiH Maohine ooneists of a horizonjoj o^ cyhndor, "with wrought lroJ[, burs, with Hteol tooth bolted to the cylinder bo as to bo reversible when'the fcoofch hocome worn oh the frpK niao, vuniaing in a perforated concave iqot^ shell, whioh the aholled /^to pasaes through into a sheet iron oaev with'SJ an or cleimer afctaohe^'below, whioh takes all the dust from tho grain. TheT cheapest bowl;, in obJ'simple and durable Power Corn holler in use; sheUfl^ lornperieatiyol^pri in any condition Hhelling and cleaning from one to^^-^^ housand buehol/j of oars per day, according to power. , ,' Pihbnsioi^. Pulley, 10 in.V ater, 6 in. faoc\Motion? 600 to Weight, 6601^ EVBRV a^ELLErt WARRANTED. 'J. GOURLAY A SONS. Jt.!|^ J., J ibM

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