Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 5, 1897, p. 5

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(A K^fffSf^P^f^^ riri r ./ JftS. 9. ANDERSON & Go. BANKERS ^Agents for The Eoyal, ^he Guardian ana " iie Lancashire, Tito boat luanranco Conipanioalu tho world. Womaltu a FirooiaUy of IuMirlntf Farm l*ro- porty.j Mono? to Loau at B and BUJ poroont on Farm Property. Farmers Jtisurettoii) its Good Reliable Companies.' i__________ __________ _______ J The Essex Free Press, BRETT & AULD, PROPRIETORS, FRIDAY. VEBKUAKY V9, 1897. Town and^ Vicinity. Havo your watches repaired at Ovouh', tho now jowolor. Will Oouklin, of Kingsvillo, spont last Sunday ill Easo*. John Gourlay -visited Gait, Toronto and other eastern points lust week. EddioWiclo and Bon. Longlaud, of Kingsvillo, visited in town on Sunday. Oliver Hyatt and wifo, of Romnoy, aro visiting at tho homo of their hou, Fred. Hyatt. A. II. Scnrfl* A' Co. aro ottering thoir "Tapir*' brand black ton for ROc. Ilog- ular prioo, (lOo. It in hinted that Hon. J.O.. Patter son, Lieut.-Governor of Manitoba and OX-M. J>. for North Ebho*. will load tho Connorvativo party in Ontario. * Milford Wiglo and Minn Laura Grcon, of ICingsvillo, spoilt Sunday laut with Br. Jonnor. Mr. Wiglo Banff a solo in Graoo church at tho ovoning Horvieo. In 1807, AhU Wodnoaday will bo March ttrd; Good Friday, April Kith; Eastor Sunday, April 18th; AsoonHion Day, May 27th; Labor Bay, Sept. nth. An oaatorn exchange in classifying tho occupation of tho local council, sizes thorn up an follows; One dond boat, two windmills, ono jaw smith,one old woman. At tho monthly mooting: of tho Hoard of Management of tho Public Library, MiflH Bessie Aitchison wah appointed Secretary of tho Board in place of Miss Shaw, resigned. A. II. SoftvIV k Co, havo in stock a ft no lino of smoked moats. Wesley Bmdick, of Essoy, hastakon a trip cant to visit friends in Bainhom and will tdso visit friends in Aylmor, St. Thomas und Fort Stanley on his rotuvn homo. Watford Guido: "Bamlot Kont, son of Francis Kont, of Warwick, linR gradu ated from tho Michigan Alining School, Houghton, Mich." Mr. Kent is a brothor of Mies Kont.of the Ebhox High School stall'. B. A. Maxwell, P. S. I., is arranging a now brauch for study in tho public schools. It will bo in connection with Physiology and Ilygiouo. Tho ques tion of the deleterious ciVbcts of alcohol and tobacco upon tho nervous system will bo particularly dealt with. Major Gomoll, President of tho Aret- orans of lfton Association uf Ottawa and vicinity, intends calling a mooting for noit Saturday. A conBtitution will ho adopted and arrangements made for a deputation to wait on tho Minister of Militia respecting recognition of their services in '(l<>-7. Wilcox A: Brown, who suceooded M. E. Wiglo & Co., in the grocery and bakery business in tho Scott Block, Talbot street, on tho 1st of November last, on Saturday laflt,Bold their grocery stock to Forsytho, Anderson it Co., at a rate on tho dollar and their bakery to Frank Fobh. Mossrs. Wilcox k Brown taUc/nf going into business in some Other place. How to make house plants bloom. Try a package Plant Food. Sold by ,T. Tborne, druggist. Stephen Ferrari, a farmer of Boohes- tor, had just finished putting on a load of lumber in Laing Bros.' yard, on Sat urday last, when tho big whittle blew. Tho horses started to run and, (is tho load was not bound, the lumber slid oft' in ovei'y diroction. lie bravely hung to tho lines und succeeded in stopping the team in front of the building. No damage was done outside of making some extra work. Tho small building, on Talbot street south, adjoining Vaneo's soda water works, was being moved to the Middle Road in Maidstono on Wodnosday of lastwoek and was crossing tho M.C.R. thick mar Naylor's mills* whon tho toi ,/ "of the house eamo in contact with the tolograph wires, breaking all but one. This happened at noon and tho lines men were soon on the scone and had tho wires connoctod by Jl o'clock. "Will Footham, of Detroit, \isited with his father bore on Sunday. IIo is now training for tho Bknting competition to como otl'in Detroit next week. Ho will moot with ono of tho crack skaters of Minneapolis, and, no doubt, ho will givo a good account of himself. Wo may add thai Mr. Footharais tho proud possessor of three gojfl and two silver medals won by him in cornpotitions on skatos. Wo aro also informed tiiatto, cousin of Mr. Footham, Fish Smart, hold tho championship of England for ton years. Coming from buoIi a woll balanced family wo would not bo sur prised to boo our friend, Wm. Footham, of this town, out with a ohollongo. J. F. Hare, of Windsor, was in town on Tuesday. J. H. Wiglo and son, Carl, of Leam ington, were in town on Tuesday. M. K. Cowan, M. P., and wifoviBitod with Br. Jas.Brion on Sunday last. A. H. ScarfTA Oo. are soiling a regu lar 25o. toa for 18c. lb. Try it. Mrs. W. M. BoOow and Miss E. Hall aro visiting in Leamington this wook. Miss May Wiglo has been visiting with relatives and friondu in Bnthvon. J. K. Millar is moving this week into the honso vacated by Mrs. W. G. Gardner. Miaa BerthaGibbons, of Leamington, spout Saturday and Sunday with Miss Cnrrio Faul. Try A, H. Soar IT Ac Co. with an order, Satisfaction guaranteed. Tho M. 0. It. will out 1,250 oars of ico at Watorford and store it along this division for its summer nso. Mrs. W. H. Hollomn, Mrs. J. n. Smart and Mrs, H. It. Scratch, of Kingsvillo, woro in town on Tuesday. Miss FloBsio Holloms, of Kingsvillo, visited with Miss Madolino Jonner Friday, Saturday and Sunday of last wook. Councillor Sloto had ono of hid onrs quito badly frozen during tho cold spell last wook and John Knox had tho ends of his ours fronted. Tho recent cold snap apparently did not aftoot tho quail. A couplo of gon- tlomon woro out yesterday, and found two bevies as otroug and well as ovor. Everybody rosorve tho evening of Fohruary lOtlifor tho conundrum social given by tho Epworth League mom- born of Graoo Methodist church. Fur ther announcements later. Snaps in all kindu of dry goodo and clothing; clearing out linos aftor stock taking, price no object. G. E. Smith k Co. A. M. Burton, Royal Hotol, Essex, wroto tbo Chatham polico that tho girl, Ann Willougliby, who passed through thoro rocontly, and asked for assistance saying she had worked for Burton and couldn't got horwagos,was an impostor. Charlio Thrasher and John Gormloy havo had somo groatsport lately hound ing down and shooting foxes. Alto gether'they havo succoodod in bagging eight. Tho last one was shot on Sat urday last back of Win. Boatty's in Maidstone. Tho fine sleighing of tho past two weeks has boon a groat boonTto mill men. An immense stock of logs has boon put in. Ico men havo also mado good nso of tho sloighing, some of thorn have already got their eomploto supply put away. Tho Masonic Lodge of Instruction for this district will ho bold in the lodgo rooms of Central Lodge, No. tOO, A. F. k A. M., on tho evening of Wednesday, March 10th. D. B. G. M. ITickoy will havo clmrgo and Central Lodgo will oxomplify the third degroo. T, B. Ovons was in Woodstock last week visiting friends and on returning was on tho train which was derailed east of Chatham. There was groat ex citement for a time, but no ono was hint. Tho B. R. Co. made up a special train and brought the passengers to Detroit. The Salvation Army is doing a noblo work for the Htarving thousands in Do- troit at present. It has constituted it self a grand distiibuting bureau for the city's charity, the city having handed over to the Army tho entiro distribu tion of its rohef fund during tho recent cold snap. Ono more for the army and its grand organization. On Saturday hist, F. A. Wismer served Benj. Slotc with a notice that ho had been njhttwted to tnko proceed ings aguiiiHt Mr. Slate to void his elec tion as Councillor for No. !i ward, on the grounds that ho did not poihchh suf ficient property qualification. On Tuesday last,the pnporsworo served on Mr. Slote The easu will como up for argument before Judgo Home in Cham bers ut. Windsor next Wednesday. What came very nearly being a fatal accident happened to Richard Wiglo, who lives on tlio roar road of Maidstone, about two miles- out of town. While folliug a troo abput three foot in diame ter it bounded hack, striking him on tho head, inflicting several deep wounds on tho head and face. The frontal bono waH broken ovor the right eye, as well as both collar bones. lie was attended by Drs. J'enner and .Tames Brion, From last accounts ho is doing woll. Delegates from Essex County Lodges, L. O. L., mot at their hall hore on Tues day for tho annual election of county ollicors and arranging for celebration next 12th of July. About '10 dologatos wore prosont. The following ofllcors woro oloctod for thoonsuing year: Oo. Mastor, Marshall Thompson, Windsor; Deputy-Master,Wm. Clysdalo,Oombor; Roc. Sec, J. It. Balfour, Sandwich; Fin. Sec.ThoH. Pettypiece, McGregor; Chaplain, A. W. Curtis, Paqnotto; Treasnror, Jos. MoFaddon, Comber; Director of Ooromonios, Wm. Weir Windsor; Leoturor, Jabon Cranston, Oombor; 1st Doputy-Leeturor, J. A. Smitfi, South Woodsloo; 2nd Deputy, John Feathorstono, Ronwick. A tolo- grftm from Chatham was road, inviting Essox Orangomon to raeot in celebra tion with Kont and Elgin at Ridgotown next 12th of Julv, Tho invitation was aooopted. Mrs. Nelson Wigle and children epent Tnosday in Detroit. Mrs. Todd, of North Ridgo, visitod Mrs. F. Gilboo on Tuesday, Miss Lillio Noblo, of North Ridgo, is spending a fow days in Ebhox. R. E. Little spent last week with his mother, Mrs. R. 0. Holl, Simcoo. Diobel k Brickor shipped two oarloada of pork from Harrow yostorday (Thurs day.) ~~ Eli llor and Miss Smith, of Arner, visited with frlonds in Essex on Wed nesday, Thoro is nothing in tho report that J. Thrasher k Son intoud romoving to Oombor. Tho Imporial Bank, Essox, will re ceive subscriptions for tho India Fam- iuo Fund, FOR SALE. A lot of wild lands in Essex Oouuty at $10 per aore. Apply to W. M. DeOkw, Ehbkx. M, J. Wiglo and wifo aro visiting at tho homo Of Mr. W.'h brothor, Wm. Wiglo, in Windsor. MissoB Lottio and Mnbol Pock and Miss Crow, of Windsor, and Dr. Leyfl, of Botroit, woro guests itt J, A. Roeo's this week. Misses Ethel Bono and E. Brown at tended a party given by Mrs.-H. G. Arnald, at "IConilworth", Tuoaday ovoning, Miss Golia Rose, of Botroit Busmehs University, and hor friond, Miss Mado lino Parsons, spenta fow days this wook at tho homo of Alderman Bono. Savo your Poultry from gapoa, ohol- ora, roup, and mako your bens lay, by using Dr. Hoss's Pau-a-eo-a, and poultry instant louso killer. Sold by J. Thorno, Druggist. Eight carloads of ico from Watorford woro nhippod into Amhorstburg on Monday and put away in tho M. O, B. ioo house thoro for use noxt summor on the branch. Shoos at half prico at Smith's, prin cipally ehildron's linoB. G. E. Smith vOo. A number of friends called on Mr. and Mrs. Fostor, Victoria_avonuo, on Wodnoaday ovoning, 27th ult., and a very on joyablo time was spent. Music, ainging and rofroBhments woro tho topic of the ovoning. Diphtheria is still very provalont in St. Thomas, whero it seems to havo had a hold, for the past throo months, that dolioB tho boat oflbrta of tho Hoalth Board to stamp it out, Tho daily death rato is something alarming. Tho South Essex Electric Railway Company aio applying to tho Ontario Legislature for power to build an Elec tric railway from Windsor to Sandwich, then to Amhorstburg and thonco oast to Kingsvillo and Leamington. Tnosday laBt was the day that tho hoar wakes up and takos a poop out to boo how tho season is going on. If ho bcob his shadow ho goes back and buoozos for another six weeks, and if ho doesn't boo his shadow he stayw up. Speaking of tho introduction of tho curfew into Hamilton, Tho Times sug gests that, instead of ringing tho boll at night to send tho boya and girls home, it should bo rung early in tho morning to make them got up and do tho chores. There is room for a great work of re form on this line. The annular eclipse of tho sun whioh occurred on Monday, 1st inst., was not visible north of Boston, go, since wo were not in tho South at tbo timo, we aro unable to describe its nppoarance. A second eclipse which will bo of greater iutorout since it will ho visible hore, will take place on July 2th. Tho Public Library popular enter tainment, presided ovor by E. A. Wis mer, will bo held in the Roading Room this (Friday) evening, commencing at H.:*0. The programme will bo musical and literary and will include n short locturo by Rev. W. M. Fleming on "Development.1* Admission ton cents, childiou five cents. Como and on joy a pleasant and profitable evening. 2U0 pair shoos at half prico, for ladies, gents and children. Clearing out tail ends of stock. G. E. Smith & Co. At tho annual mooting of the Prosby- terian Sunday School Toaohora* Assooi ation held hero on Tuesday, 2nd inst,, in tho Presbyterian church, tho follow ing ohloors woro appointed: Supt., 0. L. Craspwoller; Asst. Hupt., Mr, Moran; Librarian, W. Ritchie; Asst.Librarian, W. Crasflwollor; See., Miss Bonsio AitehiBon; Organist, Miss EfltoLoy; Missionary Sec.,Miss Edna Richardson. Tho Chicago Intor-Ocean of Monday last had an article on Lamg'B Plano- tarium which wound up with tho fol lowing romarlcR: ('Mr.( Laing might havo added that the machine is small, ornamental, and simple Evon a child can got a- ready idea from tho revolution of the four spheros representing tho Him, tho oarth, the moon, and tho planet Venus how it in that somo pails of tho oarth have a night that is half tho year long, and why tho moon looks ho diuoront on different nightB, and then again fails to look at all, tho man in tho moon having his faoo on tho othor sido of his hoad, as it were. Tho pul- loyH, which are bo adjusted that thoy never get out of gear, aro constructed on geometrical lines. In short, this de vice tends to make astronomy a fasoi* nating study even for tho little child." Mr. Laing uas disposed of throe of the instruments in Chicago. 3?rof. Layman, of Ohio, ia in town on a business trip. Miss Sara Lambert visited friends in Botroit last week. S. B. Groon was taken sick on Wod - nosday but is improving rapidly, _ L. Olominston, of Windsor, spont Sunday at tho homo of J. A. Rose. Mrs. Wm. Hatch is tho guest of hor daughter, Mrs. G. P. HallB, of Botroit. Mrs. Selah McOlintio and daughter, May, of Detroit, are visiting at D. B, Labor's. MIbs Tona Hogun, of Woodsloo, hits boou with friouds in town tho past wook. Misses Edith Wood and.TosioRobort- son, of Amhorstburg, aro visiting with IL Bosjardins' family, town. Chas. Torry, wifo and daughters, of Chatham, visitod at Wm. Gosnoll's on Sunday. Thoy drove tho distance, RO miles, in six hours on Saturday. Tho coach on tho Amhorstburg branch of the M.O.R., which has boon undergoing repairs at St. Thomas, was again put into aervico on Tuesday, A load of ten young people from town drove to Leamington on Wodnosday evening rind spont tho timo at tho resi dence of Mrs. W. 0. Gardner in gamos, music, etc. "J.E.Thompson is tho driller who sue- cosHfully secured oil at Whoatloy. ft is oaid ho has novor failed to floouro gas or oil whoro ho drilled. Ho'a tho man wo want to come to Ridgotown. Can't flouio of our citi/ons interested movo in tho mattor." Ridgotown Standard. Tho balance of tho proceedings .of tho County Council will bo found in full on auothor pngo. J. E. Thompson started drilling at tho woll on Monday. At six o'clock that night ho was down to tho rook, 115 foot, and had tho casing in. Tnosday and Wednesday woro mostly spout in lopairing tho boiler, hut thoy aro drill ing again now and aro down about 150 foot. Thoy will drill only daytime. 0. KrioghoiT's bean contest closed on Saturday last, thoro being 310 guossos and 5,055 beans in tho jar. Thoro woro thirty prizes givou as follows: Horbort Allen, Mrs, Gordon,, Chaa. Faul, Miss A. Oaslor, Chas. Faul, Mrs. Gordon, J. F. McQueen, Mrs. Gordon, Mibh Kont, J. P. MoQuoou, Miss H. Rush, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Gordon, Wm. Jaokuon, J. B. Fuorth, Mrs, Gordon, John Kottlofl, Miss H. Rush, Ed. Burling, Chas.Faul, Miss E. Laing, J. B. Fuorth, Miss Tarmin, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Gordon, Miss II. Rush, L. Orton, A. O. Stimors, Miss Olvor, A. O. Stimors. Tho man who gets tho fewest lottorB complains tho moat of tho poatoilico; tho man who complains of tho proacher pays him tho loast; tbo man who com plains moat of his neighbors in general ly tho moaneat mau in thonoighborhood; and a man who has tho loast scuao ih as a rulo tho most conceited. And it may bo addod with truth that tho man who will not tako his homo paper is tho man to find tho most fault with tho way it ia run. Thoro aro -100 A. 0. U. W\ lodges in Canada. Each ono of these will send a dolegato to tho Grand Lodgo of Canada, which will meet in Toronto on Febru ary 10th. It is anticipated that there will bo a hoparation of this lodgo from tho supremo Lodgo of tho United States, which at present has jurisdic tion ovor tho entiro American continent. Tho death rato in tha United States has boon so much groator, relatively, than that in Canada, that the Grand Lodgo hero has boon paying more than it would pay woro it a soparato body, hence the anticipation of a separation. All tho lodgos havo been notified of tho oxtrcmo impoitancc of tho coming con vention. Tho Fjikfj Pnnss, Wookly < Uobo and Farmora' Sun will bo sent to any ad dress for ono year for $1.80. At a meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. in St. Paul's church, Ebhox, hold Friday evening, a resolution was passed, that, whoroas ono of tho members of our society, .1. A. Poratcr, being called from our midst by being promoted to a more prominent position in tho sphere of life to which it has pleased Cod to call him, this society wishing to ox- press sonao sonso of its loss and also itH good wishos for his future siiccobh, ap point tho Prcaidont, Miss Maud Fulmar and H. M. Cooke, a committee to pre pare a resolution embodying its views and that a copy of same bo forwarded to Mr. Forstor by tho Recording Secre tary. Tho following resolution was propurod:~Mr. Forstor, Tngorsoll, Dour fellow woikor and brother in Chrisi, Wo, tbo members of Young People's Socioty ChriatianEndoavor of St. Paul's church, Essex, assembled in meeting, take this our tat opportunity of ex pressing to you our rogrots at your recent departure from our midst, - Al though it isi our loss, yot wo boliovo it ia your gain as tho steps of all olu'iHtiaiis are ordered by tho Lord, as you earn estly seized each opportunity of work ing in tho iutoreat of St, Paul's C. E. society. No doubt your opportunities for C. E. wont will be greater in your pros ont abode and as you engage in our Muster's work at Ingersoll, wo pray that your soul may be strengthened and enlarged and that the Lord will use you much as an instrument for His own hand and for Hiegjory. Signtd on behalf of Society, President, Mies Maud Fulmer; See, H. M. Cooke. SNAPS! 0& Men's All Wool Ulster Goats, Storm Collars, Reduced from $6.50 to- $3-9S Boya' Overcoats, Reduced from $4, $5 and $6 to $2.70 Men's Heavy Pants, Regular $2 and 2.26 line for $135 Y Ladies' Coats, Choice of $6, $8 and $10 Lines for - , - $2.95 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, $2 Per Pair Extra Largo Size, . SMITH & CO m WHlTNIfiY 151-iOOK, KSSI5X, Nowton Molndoo and Dan. Welsh, of Amor, spent somo days this wook with relatives in town. ft* On Wodnosday,while Arthur Lofovbro was assisting Wm. Groonway chopping and clearing tho limbs from n fallen troo, ono of tho limbs sprnug striking Lofovbro's noso fractming tho bono, Aftor walking homo, two milos, Dr. Potts reduced tho fracture and tho lad will tako a fow day's rest. FEATHERED DRUNKARDS. Bhaolclng Bnpmvlty on tlin Part of THrriH WltnHH<l by Anilrow Lung. A queer story is told by Air. Andrew Jjtmg. Tho incident came under his own notico mid occurred undor tho bridgo ovor tho fjnoliy, bolow tho Bon Kovis Long John distillery. From this fculo it la obvious that animals aro only sober from hick of wit to obtain alcohol: "That establishment disgorgos into a bnrn i\ quantity of rofuso, no doubt al coholic, When wo croHHorl the bridfio in tho morning to fish, tho duoks from tbo farm opposite) wero behaving in a drnnlc- on and disorderly umnnor flying, beat ing tho water, diving, uplnttoimg ana greedily devouring tbo stuff from tho distillery. Their antics wero funny, but vulgar. By 3 o'clock wo found tho ducks sleopmn; oft' tho effects of tbei'r dobnuoh. Wo awakened them, and thoy nil staKgerod eagerly to n buoket of wa ter, from which they quenched the tor ments of thirst. A small sea bird behav ed iu a still more doplorablo way. Jlo alowly drifted down tho Looby from tho fatal intoxicating burn, nor oonld peb- blcs judiciously thrown at him induce him to take tho wing, Ho tried to dive, making efforts comm and unHiiooofiHfnl. Aftur drifting through the bridge I re gret to say that bo returned to tbo bum and "took it cup of kindness yot," get ting all tho more intoxicated and drift ing back in a yet ruoro doplorablo condi tion. What n lcHHon, wu said, is thin to mankind, who, aftor all, uood not spoak of their boasted roaspimblonOBfi! Tho wild and laiiio things of stream and ocean aro as uuwiso as wo." fceamington Cawiage (florid To Farmer, and (lie Public Generally : Oonapatvnt jiitff,'on havo dooidod onoo mow tbtit uur B UGGIES and WAGONS W Ann Tin: ukht. Tlilfl yoar, tin uouul, tlioy hav flivon u *-> art iiri/Qii nut of u pnniiiblo sovtm at \i> Luumliwtoii i utr, four flrot prizow ub.Dair..- Fair out, of ti toanlblo ftvi>; nud ut Hollo Hi*.Pair our BuH/jlod gat throo ttrot prizuu out m noriiiiblu JUu iiivon by tliOHooioty, tliuM mill, i, a olqun hwoo]) at all tlin Viiirn that our m witn on exhibition Huh fall. Our flniah was > cdllont, In fact It wan tho univormil duoiaUm uvoryboclv Unit our volilolon nurpaflflod any >< Itibit of any lonnor yoar. Hunt of all, wo ft. moioworlc at and dm hit; tho Fairn than Ltlioj compotitorn flold all put tOKotlior. h^ wo h*vo it lot o( diffoiiiut Htyloa on baud iiiulclujt ovory wook which will uuifc tho i\n fiuitiilion'f. wii aro now roudy to tako or<<. , for Fruit Wiifioua, Huf'uicB and Oarriao> Hvnry duHorlptloii. Kopulrlng douo u .U bnmchos. Ordoia aolloitod. nmitorn lUunion urul WaRomi and all km<*. Farm Iniploinentii and HIovoIoh Hupplk", nhoit notioo iliuI ttt a ninall uavunou on oost, Thtiuklrjfj our putronn for piiHC favors I iu. Yourn vory ronpootf uliy/ W. F. MoKENZl. Aijojil foi tho ahovo V c ho\ 0-'l, Lctauiiiiutoii, Out J r\* ^^.^ X.'t.xf. Smith Ti*i\f\r South_^ I dllOl, Woodslee, I'wuirh'iil. Chawloy Gotrooks My dourest Mar garet, I love you tenderly, devotedly. Your tmiiloH would shod Margaret Novor mind tho wood- Bbod. How about a romdonco built for two. Washington Timon. IbneonruiflilB'. Sho Will you toll mo n secret? lie Why? Sho Thoy way I can't keep one, und 2 Want to'try. Pink Mo Up. Tho Italian immifirnutH who atari from Genoa must travel 4,050 fcuota by Coro roaohinK tho Narrows at New York. No Man** Hcutli. Tho locality termed No Man's heath is eltaatod iu four counties 'Warwick shire, Staffordshire, Dorbyahiro and JEjoicosterflhiro, It contains but nine aoros of land and was formerly renown ed as a favorite rendezvous of prize fighters, because the polioo of one coun ty were unable to make an arrest in an other. HAS Opened a Dye W, iu connection with his la JSatabliHument. IE 1 Vou Haye_an_ OJdL '*, OP CLOTHES, BRING IT TO SMITH .And ho wilt mako it aa &;* as new.- Ii? YOU WANtf AN C.i; FASHIONJRD SUIT m MA DK KKW. ___ BIUNO IT TO SMITH. Clothes Gleaned* Renovated and Dyed at Smith's. ' ^ $fe v., iAt Smith's you can get a good Tweed Suit for <SiX% Worsted ' Tl^. iV! The Fwsa Yiwt and London X&W$ Advertiser will bo sent to any ad&^i-o for one year for $3. This offer ifl tf^ffl only to residents of Essex County^ . \ -5f ...... > >> f\i>& ^ M V r,Vff ^:^;,:^to^i|^ >V . ^ I'lUft ti : 'm. '. ',/>' m&i&fflm!&&

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