Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 5, 1897, p. 3

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W " ' ^p?^ W^ WH '*ft "r ns? v*^a r if \'u'.' I1' . K uv < ESSEX COUNTY-COUNCIL. TnilU) DAY. Thursday, January 28th. Tbo Council met, pursuant to adjourn- ment. Tho roll wan called; all tho mem bers present. On motion, Judfle Horne addressed tho Council with referenoe to tho salaries, Ao,itiariainJjminty oflloera, Tho minutes of yostorday wore read, and, on motion, adopted. On motion, tho Council adjourned until 4.IJ0, tho Finance Committee to meet at 8.B0. APTimNOOtt BKSHION. The Council mot pursuant to adjourn ment, A petition was rend from certain in- habitanta of tho Township of Koohoator with hroforoneo to the establishment ot Souh Woodsloo into a Police Village, which, on motion, waa ordered to bo fylod. Moved by Mr. Fox, seconded by Mr. Durnoher, that Hulo *i0 bo Huspondod for tho dospatoh of businoBB. Carried. Mr, Colo introduced a by-law to ap point Auditors for 1807. By-law road a first time. fc* Mr. Colo moved the Council into Com mittee of tho Whole for tho Hecrmd read ing of tho by-law, Mr. Iiamarsh ill tho ohnlr, After some dismission _ tho Committee roao and ashed leave to ait again. On motion of Mr. Wintomuto, tho by law to appoint an Inspector of Joint Stock Koad Companion, wan laid over * until tho Juno aoasion. Mr. Scratch introduced a by-law to appoint a TruBtou for tho Leamington High School. By-law road a ft rut time. Mr. Scratch moved tho Counoil into Committee of tho Whole for the Hocond reading of the by-law,- Mr. Duroohor in thoolmir. By-law rend a second timo. Alex. Bainl was re-appointed. Tho Council rosumod and by-law road a third timo and passed. Mr. Laird introduced a by law to ap point a Trustee for tho Eimox High School, which wu read a first timo. Mr.Luird movod the Counoil into Com mittee of tho Whole for tho second roll ing of tho by-law, Mr. Buchanan in tho chair. C. 13. Naylor was ro-appohUod. By-law read a aocond timo. The Council roaumod. By-law read a third timo and passed. A by-law to raise by wav of loan tho Hum of Four Thousand Dollars required for ordinary oxpensoa of tho County of Khbox, was read a lirst timo. - Mr. Fox movod the Council into Com- mittoo of tho Whole for tho second read ing of tho by-law, Mr. Wintomnto in tho chair. By-law rood a iiccond timo. The Council resumed. By-law read a third timo and passed. On motion, tho Council adjouruod Until 11 a. m. to-morrow, the Finance Committee to moot at 0 a. m. Fommi DAY. Friday, January 20th. Tho Council mot pursuant to adjourn- lYiont. Roll callod, all tho mombora prcHont. Tho minutafl of the procoding day wore read and adopted. Tho Gaol CommiUoo presented their roport. Bnpart read. HKl'OUT OI* OAOt, COMMITl'KK. 'To the Warden and members of the County Council of Jitter in Council assembled, Gkntm:mkn, Your committee boj* loavo to report that on examining tho gaol all appears to be, an usual, in a aa tin factory condition, as far aa ordor and cloanlinoBs and heating are concerned. In tho mattor of gaol supplies wo ro- commond that C. E. Mason bo awarded tho contraot for bread,aa tho only tondor, at 23j cents per pound. Wn recommend that tondor of It, Mo- ICoo fpr moat supply at the rate of seven conts'por pound, being tho lowetit tondor, be aoooptod. Wo also recommend that John Spiers' tondor for supply of Rroconos as men tioned in tender, being tho lowest, bo accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted. Jomnni Duuonn's, Chairman. Moved by Mr Stone, eeconded by Mr. Buchanan, that tho roport of Gaol Com* mittoo, juat road bo adopted. Csnied. Tho committee appointed to investigate into tho salaries of tlio county officials presented their roport which wai road. Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Wintomnto, that the rep n't of tho committee on tho reduction of county officials' salaries bo laid on the tablo until to-morrow, and then to bo taken up in Committee of tho Whole. Carried. On motion, Mouars Martin and Red- ford woro allowed to addict tho Council. Mr, Martin spoke in favor of having tho old Windsor Town Hall turned into a museum for display ot tho minerals aud fossils of Khhox County. D. II. Bedford asked the Counoil to tjiko some means to havo Mm tolls taken off tho gravel roads leading to Windsor. Counoil adjourned until one o'clock, AD'EIINOON BKBhlCN. Tho Council mot pursuant to adjourn ment. Tho momboru all prooont. Movod by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Wintomnto, that a grant of B50 bo made to each of tho companion of tho 21st Battdion and^tho Kine>vil]o Cavalry.and that the samo bo referred to tho Finance Oommitteo. - Carried. Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. Fox, that the mattor of a grant of 825 to onoli of tluTTiiblic Libraries of Essex, Loamington.Kingsvilloand AmherBtburg, bo referred to tho Financo Committee. Carried. Movod by Mr. Wintomutc, seconded by Mr. Cole, that an appropriation sufficient bo made to rebuild the bridge over Bollo River, in tho Village of Bollo River, and that tho mme bo referred to tho Road and Bridgo Committee Crimed. Moved by Mr. Deziol, soconded by Mr. Buehttnaii, that a uuflicient sum of money be granted to repair two bridges over Bello Ilivor, on tnwnlino of Itoohonlcr and Maidstone,said bridges being County bridges, and that tho matter ho referred to tho Roiid and Bridge Committoo. Carriod. Mr. Fox gives notioo that ho will, this tifteriiooi, introduce ft by-law to confirm tho anpointmont of an iuupeutor of gaol | supplies and janitor. movod by Mr. Soratali, necondud by Mr. LamiLrsh, that a grant of -S/iO bo made to tlio Public Library in tho Town of Leamington, and that tho same bo re ferred to tho Financo Committoo. Carried. Movod by Mr. Buchanan, oocondod by Mr. Doziel, that $25 ho arantod to tho Mechanics' lustituto of Comber, and that it bo roforrod to tho Finance Committoo. Carried. Moved by Mr. Soratob, seconded by Mr, Wintomuto, that Rule 10 be sus pended for the despatch of business. Carriod. Moved by Mr. Lamar eh, seconded by Mr. Cole, that all municipalities that are behind with County rates be requested by thia Council to pay up by the 1st' of March, 1807, for tho Treasurer la in need of the money, and, if not paid at that time that thfi^Co'gnty Treasurer charge ton per cent, additional rCarriod. t ' "Moved tyy Mr. .Durcobor^-flEcondod by Mr. Herat oh, that the thanks of this Council be tendered to tho rotiring Warden (or the. impartial mannor in which bo conducted tho buBinoau of tho County for 1806. Carriod. Moved by Mr, Fox, Hecondcd by Mr. Fatten, that a committee composed of Moeare. Doziol, Laird, Lamarsh and the mover and uecondor, bo appointed to prepare a potition to the Dominion Gov ernment, aeking for an export duty on natural gas going out of Canada. Carried. Tho Financo Committee presented their report. lloport read and ordered to be laid on tho tablo until to-morrow. Moved by Mr, Deziol, seconded by Mr. Fox, that at tho request of the Inspectors of Schools, permission is hereby granted for tho holding of Teacher*' Institute on such days bosides Fridays and Saturdays as may bo fonnd expedient. Carriod, Tho Special Committee appointed to nettle tlio quostlon of janitor or carotaker of tho County Buildings, prosont&d their report. Moved by Mr. Fox, seconded by Mr. Doziol, that tho ruport just road bo adopted. Carried. Mr. Colo introduced a by-law to ap point two pornona as mombors of the Hoard of Audit. By-law road a flrnt time. Mr, Colo movod tho Counoil into Com mittoo of the Whole for tho uocond read ing of tho by-law, Mr. Do/Id in the ohair. By-law read a uocond timo. Tlio Council rosumod. By-law rond a third timo and panned. Moved by Mr. Wintomnto, socondod by Mr. Colo, that all rulou he suspondod for tho despatch of bunineas. Carried. Moved by Mr. Colo, seconded by Mr. Wintomnto, that an appropriation bo granted for bridges on tho townlina be tween Sandwich South nnd Maultitono, and Sandwich South and Colchester North, and that tho oamo bo referred to tho ltoiid and Bridge Committoo. Carriod. A by-law to borrow 810000 to comploto payment for County Buildings improve ments waH road a flrnt timo. Moved by Mr. Fox, socondod by Mr. IJatton, that a by-law to raiHo by way of loan 810.000 for tho purpobo of complet ing payment for tho improvements to tho Court Honae and Gaol at Sandwich, and to authorize tho isnuo of dobonturostharo- for bo considered on Wednesday, tho Oth day of June, 1807, and that tho olork bo inutruoted to puhlmh tho name with the nocoHHury notico in Tins Auhkilht- liuno Echo nowspapor for at loast three months prior to tho date of nicot ine; and that u meeting of tho Counoil bo called for the said Oth day of Juno, 1807, at 10 o'clock a. m., spocially for tho pur- pouo of considering and finally passing tho said by-law. Carried. Tlio Council adjourned until 10 o'olook to-morrow morning. I'lFTU DAY. Saturday, January 80th. Counoil mot pursuant to adjournment. On motion, J. A. Auld was appointed Olork in tho absonco of tho Clerk. Roll called, all tho mombora prosont. Minuton of yostorday woro road and, on motion, adopted. Movod by Mr. Wintomnto, socondod by Mr. Colo, that tho council go into com mittoo of tho whole to diaousH tho roport of tho npocial committee on oflicialo' sal aries Carried. The council wont into committee of tho whole to diaoana tho roport of tho special committoo on officials' salaries, Mr. Fox in the chair. Tho roport of tho special oommittoe to investigate oflioors' aalarios, wao again road. To the Warden and County lieprcnentativcs in Conned ansembled, Gi:N*iM:iri:N, Your committoo to inves tigate ol'ficorn' salaries beg loavo to roport as follows : That tho Bilary of Ilonry Morand, County Treasurer, bo fixed at $1,300 per year and that ho bo requirod to inbpoofc and O. K. tho billu for gaol sup plies ; and that the salary of Thou. McKoo, County Clerk, be Avoci at 3000 per year and no extras, excopt thooo fixed by htatutes ; that tho talarv of Jidmund I. Scully bo fixed at $!i0o" per year, and his duties bo to attond and roport proceedings at tho several sitting* of tho C nnty Court of tho County of Essex, at tho several sessions of tho gen- oral sessions of tho pouco for tlio County of Jjhsex, and sitting-i of tho Judge in chambers ; and that the turnkeya* salnrioB bo increased ono hundred dollars each, and that thoy bo required to perform tlio duticH of tho janitor, and also attend boiler and beating of this building, ex cepting the cleaning of tho Treasurer's office. All of which i lospoctfully submitted. J. 13. Stonu, Chairman. Movod by Mr. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Putton, that thn roport of special committee on oOicoru' oalario-i, juob road, be adopted. Moved, in aniondmont, by Mr. Dc/Jol, nooondod by Mr. Durocbor, that tho ro port of the committee to invostigato offi cers Hrtlarica bo amendod as follows: That tho salary of Ilonry Morand, County Treasurer, bn fixed at S1.AO0 in. ntead of ftl.UOO por your, and that tho salary of an aftnietant or ansinlantn, as may bo requirod in bin offlco, bo paid by himself out of tho M.oQO ; nlsothat ho bo required to supervise tho weighing and quality of coal for tho heating of court hoiiHo and (jaolx and also tho ofllcoa at Sandwich, and certify to tho corrootnouB of billn before they are paid ; also innpoot and certify to all tho gaol supplies, ami that lie bo obliged to do at his own ox- penoe all tho cleaning and caretaking of County Troaourer's oilico without any ox- tra pay of any kind That tho utlarv of Ed, J. Scully, bo roduoud from 8500 to $4.10 with tho understanding that bo has not only to perform alt tho dutian Bot forth in tho by-law appointing him, but alno to bo on hand whon requested by tho judgo to go to Mm Division Court on special hoavy caaoa without any extra pay, except mile- ago. That tho Clerk bo reduced from ftOCO to 8Q0O iu full and nooxtias. And that the last oUuhq of said roport bo struck off, regarding tho janitor, aci the question hiiu already boon Buttled by a aponial committt'o and the council. Mr. Buchanan said that thoy. had re- tufna from lOoountieH in Ontario, and tho average salary paid County Treasur ers was not 91,000, while in this - county tbi* TreaBurer Mceivra 81,000. Aa two- thirds of the ratopaydra are farmers and owing to the low prices obtained for farm produce bo thought 81,300 was better to day thftD 81,600 five years ago. He waa I. in favor ot reduoiog the Treasurer'a a al ary to 81,BOO. Ae tothe sborthand court reporter, he wis willing to reduce bis duties by relieving htm from attending Division Courta. Tho County Olqrk has been reUevod of lorae of bis duties and he was willing to make his salary 8600 snd no es^rai, . Mr. Coste had - opposed giving Deputv-Returniqg Offloors, 84' for best part of two days, once in two years bat wonld advocate giving the Treasurer over 80 a dav by the year. Mr. Cooto denied (bat he had attempted to strike off pay of Deputy-Returning Officers, bnt was willing to pay thorn 94. Tbo two Tilburies charged outrageous prices. It was beyond anything ever be fore attempted. They paid them about 980 each, but he thought 8u0 was enough) The county ofllaora have been hero for yeara. They are competent and respon sible. The Treasurer gives 880,000 bonds. That la worth 8800 ; he employs an aa- sistant at 8300 a year; his extras and fees are greatly reduced ; wo add extra duties worth at least another 8100, and ho doea bis own caretaking. Ho will gat lost) than 81,000 and furuish 880,000 bonds which must bo Batlefaotory to tho county, How about tho other County Treasurers? Do they furnish their own nHHiatantn ? What feoa do tboy got? What other duties do tboy perform besides acting an Troasnrors ? Are thoy engaged in other businesses ? This matter Waa oxplained to his pBoplo and they endorsed his views bv voting for him. Do you want tho old mombora of this county council to aay tboy did wrong by increasing the Balary a few yoara ago? Thoy know tho dutiofl tho Troanuror porformod for hia-money. Thoy knew ho wat honest and thoy wantod to give him a salary that ho ooald live on and keep him lion oat. Tho peopln would say tho old mombora woro a lot of ohnmps to undo what thoy had done. Ho waa willing to do what was right by roduoing him 8100 and put,tbo extra duties of looking after tho coal and gaol supplioa. As to Mr. Scully, ho waa willing to vote tho 8/J00 a yoar straight, as ho bolloved it was in tho interests of tho county and it would ahorton tho courts and save monoy to tbo people. Ho would have him attend Div ision Courts whon tho judges wantod him to. He thought wo had as competent a reporter aa could bo found iu Ontario, and if across tho river bo could command 8B.Q00 a yoar. As to the Olork, ho thought a man who had served them for DC years Hhould have his salary Increased rather than reduced as would bo done iu tbo civil florvioo. Ho aaid Mr. Morand doos not charge any ratopayorafoas for search ing tbo tax rolls which ho has a right to do according to law. That should bo oon- aidorod. Nor does ho got intoroat on tho balancos in tho Bank. The county goto that. Mr. Stone aaid ho took tho trouble to writo twenty county olorks in Ontario, as to salaries paid County ofilcorB and found tho highest salary paid a County Treasur er wan m Middlesex 81,400, 820O loss than in Kasox. It is about twice the size of Essex Co., and hasdoublo the work Esrox has. Evory other county waa away bo- low what Ehuox paid ovon tho iargo countio'a of Simcoo and Bruco. The farmoro arc not getting tho pricon thoy woro getting a fow yoara ago, and thoy pay nino-tentha of the taxes. All other salarios aro down. Tbo avorago sobool tcaohor in towns doos not got mora than fifiOO. Tho County of Waterloo only pays its Treasurer and Clerk 81,000 a yoar. Wontworth pays 8200 loss than Ennox. This county pays the highest salary in Ontario. Ha said that Mr. Soully'a nor* vicoa had not boon fonnd nocossary at Division Courts. Ho thought SttOO wan a fair amount for tho work porformod for tho county, while Mr. Boully gets 81,200 from tho Ontario Govornmont no reporter for tho Drainage Koforeo. Mr. Durocbor said wo ohould bo proud of Mr. Morand, our County Troasnror. tie (Duroohor) wao a farmer and know timos woro hard, but ho did not think it right to auk a man to tako such a respon sibilities and work_for aalary ho could uot livo on. Mr. Stono would not sell his farm machinery at half priao if oato woro only worth lfi ots. and corn 20 oto. The County Troanuror ooald not appear in his office attired in bluo ovotalia po ho (Dnroohor) could on bis farm. Wo have a Truasuror who is a credit to tho county. Ho (Dnr ochor) was willing to out off 8100 and put extra duties on him. Ho wan willing to rcduco tho Clerk's salary SCO and rodnco his dutioo. Aftor tho otatomont of .tudgo Homo yostorday, it wao quito oloar that Mr. Soully should bo retained as at proo ont. no was willing to reduce Mr, Soully'a tialary 8C0. This would make a saving of S210. That was good onougb. It would pay tho jaaitoro and raako a oloar saving of $400. A{r. Putton said ho wna eorry his mate (Mr. Goate) had taken the Htand lio had on tthio salary mattor. Ho (Pattou) waa in favor of, rotronohmont. Farmoru and buoinoss mon woro obligod to curtail thoir expenson, and it wao our duty to guard tho County oxpondituro, and an long an ho remained a member of this Council he would do bo. It waa nothing but a farce to out 8100 oft tho Troasuror'u&l.uOO salary and SCO off tho court reporter's S500 salary. It. would bo more manly to make a fair reduction or loavo thorn otand where thoy aro. Ho ventured to say that Mr. Costo could not got 25 votes in District No, 1 to-day if tho people understood this matter in its truo facts and tho meann usod to defeat this move. It was no hardship to roduoo Mr, Marand's salary to 81.U00. What was right threo or four years ago waa not right now. The farmers could not got tho prices thoy could got threo yoars ago for thoir produoo. Mr. Wintomnto said if it wan right threo yoarti ago to inoroaoo the salary to 1,1100 it U right now. Tho dntios have not dooroasod. Mr. Stone's figures did not show what foon and oxtrng wero ro- coivod by other Treasurers, therefore thoy woro useless for comparison. Wo want an honest man who can givo good bonds for 830,000. 0o has to bo rospon- slblo for tho largo sums of monoy pawing through his hands. Hu gets no moro than enough to live roopootubln. Mr. Stono is fooling bad for tho farmers just now, but ho io not always oo considerate for tbo far mora. Mr. Soratoh said tlio amendment proved that tho roduolion was in tbo right direc tion aa they aro willing to out tho Treas urer down 8100 and he wait more than over oouvincod that tho roport was rl^ht. Ho had no complaint to mako againat tho treasurer, it was tho large salary he did not like. Tbo olork was all right and ao waa hie Balary, bnt bo objected to tho extras, which should be out off entirely, As Mr, Scully does not attond tho divis ion courta, the roduotion made by tho roport waa fair, Mr, Buchanan wished to be under stood aa not objecting to Mr. Morand. Ho believed bim to be one of the beat County. Treasurers in Ontario. He claimed be was cot- turning a aharp corner as' he gave the casting vote in 1303 in favor of Mr. Bo ally's appoint ment. 'Some township treasurers give half the bond Mr. Morand does and do not receive one-tenth the pay. Mr. Coste was In favor of takiuR the very lowest salary paid to a High Constable in the Province, bat wants to give the County Treasurer a salary higher than the high- ost. Thai is not consistent. Mr. Coste said ho wished to square himself on .the High Constable matter. It waa a new .office and he was appointed without salary. He (Coste) was willin to pay him 8100 and start from last J one when Mr. Maaters wan appointed. Mr. Patton said Mr. Costo was nils loading the Council whoa he e&id Mr. Morand did not charge fees. He (Patton) know be did. If you have to look up some land title yoa will employ a lawyer. If the lawyer goo a to examine a title Mr. Morand will charge him 20 cents and more for a oortlfioate. He did not think Mr. Morand would deoy this. Ha (Pat ton) said the way he looked at this roduotion was this : If the bylaw which waB propoaod yesterday to issue deben tures for 810,000 was necessary, which he greatly doubtod, tbo reductions proposed : 8800 from the TSreoauror'e salary, flGO from the CIork,a.200 from the Court Koporter'a and 8200 from the Janitor'u, would juat about pay the prinoipal and intoreat (which amounted to about 87f>0 a year) on thoae debenturDB in twenty years, ,It is no Email matter, It did not hurt any one. Tho oft!corn would all agree to it and keep thoir joba. ' Mr. hamarsh said bo could not see how ony ono, after going over tho Salaries least paid by otbor oountioa, could vote any other way than for tho reduction ra- commended by the roport. Why lissox should pay from 8200 to 8000 more than other oountioa ho could not understand. Wo pay good fair salaries all around. 81,1100 waa a good ono considering tho timos. The farmors have had prices out In two and havo learned to economize to mako and* meet. Thoy pay nino-tonths of the taxes aud havo a hard timo doing it. On motion, Mr. Morand wao rcquoatod to address the Counoil. Mr. Morand said there is a groat drop in fees. Ho did not ohargo any rate payers for a aoaroli. Kvory Treasurer in Ontario complains of low salary. Ho thought that 81,800 waa a big one when ho first took tho office, hub after u fow years' eorvioo ho found' aftor ho paid his assistant' salary that bo did not get 8()00. no was willing to porform any extra duties tboy liked and out off the extras, but thought tho salary waa not too much for tho work. Owing to tho Bank in Windsor, ho could not closo his office but must always have aomo ono in charge. Mr. Laird said this question waa twioo tbroahed out before. Ho did not blamo tho new mombora. If Mr. Stono was right in 1802 ho wan wrong now. Mr. Stone eat hero and raised Mr. Soully from 8C00 to 8900. In 1898, Mr. Stono allowod tho Troaeuror's anlary to bemorcaHod to 81.600 and never objected. A vote wiiatakon Mosara. Cooto, Laird Wintemnto, Colo, Doaiol, Durocbor and Mailloux 7 voting for tho amondmont, and Moaara. Patton, Soratob, Brown, Stono, Buchanan, Lamareh and Fox 7 againnfc, Tho original motion was votod on and rooultod In a Ho tho oamo voto rovorsod. Counoil rosumod, and on 'motion ad journed until 1 p.m. On motion tho Council adjourned until l p. m. 1, Mr. Stone, that the Treasurer be instruct. ed to receive the fees of any of the auctioneers for 1800 who may Under said fees on or beforo the 10th of February, 1897. Carried. Moved by Mr. Cole, seoopded by Mr. Deziol, that McaBru, Coste, Wiotsmote and Laird be appointed a committee to revise the By-lawe and Kales of Color, nnd report ae eoon aa poasible to this Counoil at ne June session. Carried The by-law to confirm appointment of Ch^sTBSiraTTirif. MoHugh as auditors was read a third time and pas Bed. Moved by M Wintomutc, seconded by Mr. Ijamareh, that Counoil ad journ until Monday, Joo Vtb, 1897. VINANOIC COmtlTTEB'S BEPOnT. To the Warden and Council of the County of Jittex : GentIjEmbn, Your Pinanoo Committee beg leave to report that the following accounts bo paid : Vlotorla huluatrlttl Bchool, for Bydney UobbH...........................................* ii at PoHtngo,InBpoator(NorthHiding.....,...... m r>0 " " Houtu " ............ ay 7fi County Olork, nou'atfo......................... y o0 Clarke, Hurt lot & liurtlot, food and narotuldriK of Wlnduor offloo to Jan. 1st, lfW ........................................... Ufl B0 Hhrilf Jlor, Btirvlnif Jury nutmnoiiHoa In pant yoara on whluhthn.Gouuty has to nay Dart....................................... lea oo Aa far iu Mr. Maroon's (loinand to pay bin last bills for utatlonerv ; and with roe (mot to sUtlotiory for ttiu future, your conniiittot* riiooimnetul tliat tbo Warden b<> empowered ami romioHtod to Hottlo tbo whohi niattar with Mr. Maroon, TowuJihlpof Momoit, Coromir'tt Inquest 5 00 Wm. l'urtridif, blndluff QuuetteH for Bhorlff............................................ 10 fco doo. Hprtrkn. rininlntf holler and ra-dlo- torsfrmn October loth, 1U90, to Jan, Slnor tiny, luun SCO al ready paid to hhn on account.......... fi!l 00 To Moanrii. DukIoI ami Dowhlrut, com- inittoeoiiHuutioui.teaoliBfi............... 10 OO That a grant of 825 bo tfivon to tho Public Librarioa at Amhorotburg, Ijoara- ington, JUssox, Comber snd Kinasvillo. ArTICllhOOH OJ-iBrtlON. Council mot pursuant to adjournment. Roll call; all tho mombora preHont. A. communication wan road from Walter Wright in roforohco to tho short- ago in Mr. Wrigbt'a accounto. Moved by Mr. Laird, socondod by Mr. Durocbor, that in tho mattor of Mr. Wright that tho auditors mako a roport at Juno session. Carriod. Movod by Mr. Stono, seconded by Mr. Buchanan, that tho report of tho Special Committoo on officer a1 salarios bo adopted. Mr. Duroohor again movod hia amond mont to tho roport. Mr. Stony iV.m! for tho Yeaa andNays on tho umeudruQtit : Yoas Mdaarn Mailloux, Duroohor, Do- ziol, Colo, Wintomuto, Daird and Wardon -7. Nays Mossro. Brown, Stono, Buchan an, Lamnrah, Soratob, Patton, Fox 7. Tho Yoas and Nays on original motion : Yoas Mosors. Fox, Patton, Lannrsh, Scratch, Brown, Stono, Buchanan 7. Nays -Moeorn. Maillaux, Duroohor, Dpiucl, Colo, Wintomuto, baird and the Wardon 7. Tho Wardon declared both amondmont and original motion lout. Tho Pinanca Oommittoo'e roport was road a Hocond timo. (Appondix II.) Movod by Mr. Fox, aecondod hy Mr. Duroohor, that tho roport of tho Finance Committee bo adopted. Carried. The Eoad and Bridge Committoo prc- sontod thoir report. (Appondix I.) To the Warden and of the County Council ofthe County of Essex in Council atutemblcd. Guntjxmbn, Your Road and Bridge Committee bog leavo to roport aa fob lows ; That in tbo mattor of tho ropaira re quired on bridgoa over tho Bollo Rivor, on townlino botwoon tho Townships of Maidstono and Rochostor, that Mr. Wintomuto and J. D, A. Dosdal bo and thoy aro horoby uppointod to havo the nocosnary work done and bring in tho bill for Harau at Juno Buotiion. That in tho mattor of tbo grant nokorl for ropairing tho bridjjo in tho villogo of- Bollo Rivor, that Mcauru. Wintomuto and J. E. Stono bo aud thoy aro hereby ap pointed to investigate said bridge and if it is fonnd that tbo County ia liablo thoy havo tho aaid bridge ropairod and roport at tho JuncsoHBion. All of which iu roupootfully submitted. Ronum1 rjAMAiisii, Chairman. Movod by Mr. Patton, Socondod by Mr. Buohanan, that tho roport of tho Road and Bridge Committoo, just road, bo adopted. Carriod. Mr. Clarko aaid that according to a reoonfc supremo court decision tho width of a stream ia to lio taken at tho timo of a f rosbot, and not at uaual high water. Movod by Mr. Pox, seconded by Mr. Laird, that natural gas having boon found in tho South Riding of Bflsex and piped to Windsor and Dutmit by the Ontario Nat ural Gas andOil Co.thia Counoil ia of opin ion that tho people of this County are not roooiving from tho company the advan tages that thoy had the right to expeot from a natural resource which should have brought thia Oounty aa much as possible. That the company while ex porting the gas to Detroit and passing oloae to Harrow, Bsbox and other places refuse to sell gaa to tlioso places giving tbo bulk of it to Detroit. Bo it therefore resolved that if the company dp not give the benefit of the gas to as many ao possible 'iu thia Ooanty, thia Council memorialize the Dominion Parliament to put an export duty on the' said, go's; in that way the people will at any rate gat something one of it. Carried. Moved by Mr, Buchanan, seconded by Kmgsvillo That a aum of SfiO bo granted to each of tbo companios ot tho 21st Esaox Bat talion and 8C0 to tho Kingaville Cavalry, each amount to be paid to the captains of the companies, nxeopfe the company of Esaox whoso 8/iO is to bo paid Wm. J. Johnston on aocount of debt incurred to finish tho drill abed," tho Captains bo- ing oxpooted to uond to the County Coun cil a statement allowing what iw being done with the grant. Your Committoo having soriously con- aidorod the financial situation rocom- mond that a proper by-law be at onco considered to iasno County dobonturoa for 910,000, payable in twonty yours, at -l por oont. intercut, for tbo norpouo of mooting balunoo ofthooxpanso incurred in tho rebuilding ofthe Court House and Gaol. Your Committee also recommend that a bydawbo pasiiod atonoo to borrow a farther sum of Sd.OOO to moot a note duo on tho 20fch iunt,, at tho bank, and to pay tho Govornmont old drainage dobonturoa to tho Oovommont. With roforonco to tho application 6f J. P. Hare, who baa -just boon appointed Local Master of tho Bnpromo Court of Judicature for the County, at Windsor, yonr Committoo requosta tho Wardon to arrango with Mr. Hare tho price of rent, fuel, light and aarotaking. Yoiu Committoo finds that a consider able portion of tho records aro mixed and boxed up in a room in tho Treasuror'a ofbco and other places in such a jway as not to mako thorn available for tbo court? cr rotnriw to tho Govornmont. Thoro- foroHit is noonnsary to havo thooo rooordo sortod and filed proporly m tbo vaults which can bo made available for thatpur- p'flo. Your Committoo rooommond that tho Wardon employ a proper parson to do this work and nco that it is all dono. Also, that tho vault in Mr. Maroon's and Mr. Clarko'a ofliao at Sandwich bo Oxod cp and divided and moro ohelvos put in, with an oluotrio light iu each compart ment, and that tho rooordo for whioh thoro io no room in thooo vaults bo put uwayNit tlio vault of the County Treasur er's office which must bo fixod up if no ooosary. That tho Warden and Chair men of Gaol and County Proparty Com mitteo bo and thoy aro rcqnoHtcd to got tho work dono on said vaults to fix up tho room for the Crown Attornoy and other rooms, and aftor placing all neooa sary fumituro in all officoo bo requested to dinposo of all tho surplus old furniture to tho boot of advsntapo. With respect to Mr. Clarko'a ofljco in Windsor, your Committoo ia awaro that it ia loaned by thn County, and that tho County is responsible for tho rent at proeont, your Committoo rocommondn that tho Wardon bo ano ha io horoby em powered to arrange with Mr. Clarko for tho termination of tbo lonao, an soon as possible, and for tho payment in future a small portion of tho ront nocesnary to continue, for the oonvonionoo of tho pub lic, tho oflico of tho Clerk of tho Poaao in Windsor. That tho salary of Mr. Masters, who lias been appointed nigh Constable nndor tho law, bo fixed at 9100 a yoar and foea, his salary to bo paid to him from tho dato of hid appointmont. That the following billn bo paid : Eoho I'rlnthit; Oo., miudry ndvortlso- montfi.......................................p 23 $0 KchoPrtntinf! Co. various blanlcti.crlmi- nal juntloo.............................. ly 50 Jamoit 8. Laird, for fiorvicoii last yoar for work dono for patent for County lands at Himdwich, whioh should have boon paid last year.................................... 10 00 That tho Clerk bo instructed to writo to tho Municipal World to sond a copy of (that papur to each of tho fourtoon Conn ty Councillors and that tho Wardon sign a warrant for tbo amount. That the .momoriat of the Wnmon'a Ghriutfan Tumpornnco Union bo laid ovor, for forth or consideration. . The statement of auotjoncor'n licenses taken out and paid for was road and ap proved of. Tho County Treasurer's statements of receipts and expenditures and aaoounts with Municipalities woro read and ap proved of. Tho return of fees and emoluments of tho Registry Oflico for 1890 was read and found satisfactory, tho amount paid tho County being 91,-llCOB. That the ucoount of Henry Morand for postage, telegrams and stationery, amounting to 833.77,i ordered to bo paid. That tho numil grant of 910 be given to the IMsoner'a Aid Aasociation, and 910 be given tho Ontario Riile Association.' That the demand of tba Humane Aa- soointion bo left ovor until the June session; HfcHOTION OX' COUNTV COUNGOjliOUH WXI-ENBKa. No. 1 District, Janios Honor, Nominat ing Offlcor.........i...............................$97 BO Ko.l)DlHtriot,-i. A Ooultor. (Iobs ball) Noiniuatinft Officer.......................... 08 CO No. snintrlat, K. H. Woodbrldee, (leas hall) Nominating OBloar................... 18 ftO NO. 4 DIhLrlot, Alfred Hairsina, (loss ball) Nominating Offloor.....t............. 18 60 No. fi Distriot, Walter Wolsh, (leas hall) Nominating Offloor....................... .. .. Q7 00 No. 6 District, John Golden (loss ball) Nominating Offloor.........................,. J5 00 No. 7 District, Dennis Itoohelaau, loss uall,Nominating Officer...................., 91 60 BXpENBEB OF MUNICIPALITIES WHBXUS TUB113 ' ' <" WABNOMUHlCTPAIiELKOTlON. ' , Hello lUvcr.lesaobfcigeamndo for Town ;, Hall............................................,...* 9 00 TUbpry North, reduced.................. 70 05 T^aryWeit/ ......,...........:..~00 Amherithnrg, less payment Town Hall 39 77 KlngiTllle...........................i................ 93 00 Bxpeaves and payment to Ooanty Clerk . *#JlturuiagOffl06r,C0, loifl %Wil-' ready paJdT..,....,I..,7..1........,.............. 80 00 In fioing over the aooounts of nominat ing oiUoers your committee found great discrepancies, some obargmg a great'deat more than others. Bomn hsvn nharged both for advertising and posting notices; others for one or1 tbe other of those means notifying the electors. Your committee ot is of opinion that the only means neces sary ia posting, and recommend tbfct in future no other charge be accepted; also that the nominating officers make tbe ohargo of 86 only for their personal ser vices, and that wherever there ia & public town or township hall for holding nom inations they make no ohargo for rent as it will not be allowed. As to the municipalities who bad their elections by acclamation tbo ocooants furniabod were very different, some like Tilbury North and Tilbury West were found exorbitant, amounting to over 990 ' naoh and were put down to aboat 980, which la Btill very high. No charge should be made for polling booths in Town Halls and exorbitant ohargoe for a few blanks should not be made. Tho Warden having recommended that payments should be made only once a month on a proper Bkatomont prepared by tho Olerk, Including everything done from tho Int to tho 31st of each month, with tho authority in margin for all each payments, your committoo rocommend' that this bo done, and that tho report of tho Wardon to have ono of tho auditors on hand, each month, to approve of pay ments to bo made, be loft over for con sideration until tbo Juno Houston. When the statement of Auctioneer's lioonsoa waa road snd approved of, your committoo was informed that aoveral auctioneers practice their calling without taking a lioonno, Tho attention of the High Constable is called to this fact and ho ia requested to inform himself, and it he findu that it is truo, have these people prosooutcd according to law. All of whioh la retipootfully submitted, GrO. A. WTfHTKMtJTK, Chairman. To the Warden and Council of the County of Enex. Your Spocial Committoo appointed to sottle tho quoation of janitor or cure taker of tho County Buildings and of tho furnaco and steam radiators, &o., beg leave to report: That thoy havo oponod and considered a number of tenders of uevoral pooplo who requested to bo appointed to tho poaition. Tho tondora varied from $368 to 8S40 and aftor several mooting^ your oommit teo wan informed that with tba approval of tbo Sheriff, tho two Turnkoya, Messrs. Ilor and Elliott.oould ho secured to attend to tbo furnaco and stoam pipes and radi ators and do any littlo ropaira that may be noedod, and also do tho work of care- taking and donning, keeping in ordor of the Court House, corridors and all oflicoa in tho main building, for tho aum of 8200 a yoar to bo paid monthly, half to oaoh. Your committee baa decided to accept that proposition, and recommend that tho Wardon appoint Mossrs. Ilor and Elliott, who will do thoir work under his supervision. Your committeo further rocommend that a sot of tools to do any small necdod repairs bo proourcd by Mr. Her, nndor tho Wardon'B direction. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. A. Dbzikl, Chairman. January 20th, 1897. Btatomont of accounts with different inunl- oipnHtion from 1st Juno to uint .December, IBUtl:- Duo Duo County. Municipality Amboriitburfi....................a <H7 fie Atiumclon................... 10*17 60 Hollo Ilivor.................. * 60 7S Oolehontor North .. ,.. . 877 22 Colohoiitor Houth........... 1C21 68 Euiio*.......................... HH 08 Oonilold North.............. 1110 m Gonnold South............JBD3 77 KiiiRSvfllo................. SC 27 Leamington.................. 3i;:j n * MiUdotnrio................... 191 12 Maiden...................... 1IG7 at Morson.................... 2IS& U3 Iloohofltor.................... 1211 '25 Bawlwieh Town........... 1171 7fl Sandwich Houth............. nur> u Sandwich East............... H13 00 Sandwich Wet.......... fi37 m Tilbury Wont............ 037 -ill TUbury North......... nfl7 61 Walkiirvillo.................. W)0 00 I'uloo Inland................... 100 00 Windsor........................ *10177 ;ki $o.i7 n WANTBD-SEVEUAIi miHlfOI, MEN 01 Women to travol for roHUibnulblo ostab- lisliod Iicubq in Ontario, Salary, S7B0, payable *Ifi woflidy and oxnonuoH. I'osltion permanent Itororniico. 1'noloao golf-addressed Htammd on* volotiu. Tbo National Star Ilullillug, OliiiniRo. Best Plaoo In tho world for youu^ mon nuil womoii to Hoouro n, TJualueaa Eduoat(on,Hhonhaud,otc.,iB tho Uotrolt ImniilO(i8 UnivorHltv. Do. troit, Mloh. IlluBtratcd aatuloaae Vroo, Koforouofd! AM Dutrolt. F, .TRWELti PrnM. P. It. BPMKOWRSue. m *w " 'ij 1831 THt ,i ",," 1897 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. THE BEST OFTHE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. nisvoaun to Farm Crops arid Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stock arid Dairying, While it also inoludoa all minor depart ments of Rural luterost, suoh as thn Poul try Yard, iMitomology, U(io>koopin{>,Green- bousu pud Grapery, VetlorinarV" liephes, Farm (juoatioua and Anawirs, Fireside Heading Bornestio Economy, aud a sum mary of the News of the Weak. Its Mar ket Roporta aro unusually complete, and miich attention is paid to tbo Prospects of, th2 Crops, ns throwing light upon one of tbe most important of all questions ^{fAm : io Buy and Wketi to Sell. It is liberally II- " luatratud, and contains more reading mat-. .. , ter than ever before. The subscription- V}< pri*> 1= 92.60 nor year, but we offer a apep- '.^ ial ileduotion in onr \ ,,,^ CLUB EATES FOR:iB97. - if Two Bubsoriptions, In one remittance #4.00'^ Six do do , XQM Ten do 'do 16.00, Vf tar Xo all New Subsoribere^oe 189^^1' paying in advanee now, we wiU^w&od Ih&ffc paper weekly, from oar receipt of wjn^wJgS: mittanoe.^to January, let, 1897 **i****"*^ charge. T' ^ ( Speoimen Copies Fro wuhoq;?.^ ....., '/ *KT Addreapf|V4) ^>.' LUTHER TUCKER $ *p .f*71 ' f. ^,|t,;-l"i^h.,'.rir 'W Wasv'AniVvfeiV1 ^awffl

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