Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 9

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7 7 V,?>^ . >-^ v?5W^^!f^ <ftTO 1* i TV 1tf..i..-jiL * j'H / r Biliousness Is oAQiod by torpid ltvtr, whiota prtventi dlgtt- ttnn and ponolts food to fenuafc ap4 putrlfy in Hu itomaoh. TImo follow 4fizlnu, headache, s Pills jynin iu utwi vvrv usaunobO, dlzzJQWM, COD- Itlpatioo, to. 30 oenta. Bold by nil drugglsta. R* otuj PUU to talU wife Hood's Birupartll*. "Iptomlno, Dkrronsaau, and, II not rttyevtd, btuou* law /Jgr blood poiioning. Hood's FM! tinwUto tho itomaoh, _kkua thtt Uvtr. sure hwlnobe, dlzzlnoai, con- "Tho nae of tho pronoun "wo" by itown- Jpftpor writers in frequently ooufiifliiif* to tho lay mind. An oxohiut^o givos tho follow. jog lucid dolluitiou : Tho odilorlal "wo" ha a varioty of applications. Vov lindanes, when you road that wo oxpoatout wifo, wo refer to tho editor. Whoa it iu wo uta be hind with our work, it tnmuiu tho wliolu office force, nvnn tho devil and tlio town* If wo uro having a boom tho town in mount. Wo rnooivod ovor 7,000,000 oralgrimtH laub y**ara mo aim tho nation, But wo havo ho# cholorn iu our midut, means the mun who tulttm tho pup or1 and dooH nob pay for it, in vary ill. SADDLER.AND DRIVER. Tb Combined Bora* Oun IX* !RlddnB km4 llrtvcm Kquully WH.____- A homo with all tho noddlo gaitn that ia properly broken to haracsu and showing therein only n clear trot, is lulled a combined horse, It should be us much within tho scope of n combined horse's UHofalneHU to pull behind a col lar us to carry vvoight. Thoro in today a demand untuippllod for thin animal. Tho best Saddlo horsou produced tho paat ilvo yoattJ, ua at ton ted '*! ltA.l>NOFAITIK," But My Wifo poriniau'od Mo to Try tho Groat South American Itliou- matic Curo and my Agonizing Pain wub Gono in 12 Iloura, and - Goug for Good. fc w J. D. MoLtiod, of Loith, Out., snys : "I have boon a victim of rhouuiatittm for bovoii yoarH conllnod to my bod for taontliH at u timo, mmblo to turn inyHolf Hav boon truatod by many pbynioiuriH without any bonoflfe, I had no faith in rhou.aat.iQ onmi I aaw advortiHod, but my wifo mduood tno to got a bottlo of South Amorican Ilhouraafcio Curo from Mr. Tay lor, druggist, in Owon Sonnd. At that time I was m auony with pain. Inmdo of 19 hour* after I iiad takon tho limb dotio tho pain had all loft mo, I ountmuea un til t had unod throo bottloii, and I now ooinudor rayso.f completely cured." ' Mothor Whon tho hoy in tho othor hoUMo throw ntonoH at you, whv didn't you oomo and toll mo? Bobby DoDaiitio, mamma, I can throw thorn back bottor than you. tlo'e moro Hkoly to not hit. II ircford Timoo. jar, Tho door yrill respond to tho turn ing movement*. To make a doublo bridle take your niuKlo curb bit ridinK bridlo. It is to bo Bun;uised that thin hit in a mild, straight stom ourb with chiu ourb strap. Slip a bridoon with minfflo bit throngh the brow hand loops. With a sot of linoH for earn hit, phu-o both hWs In tlio horao'fl mouth. By holding your suafSlo linoa a Jitlliuihorfc yon will y,ut Urn Iti-HUt-nulls, ozcopt in tlio ruck, when tho jjroator pn-HHure nhoul,d ho on the ourb roiim. rhin uioiiuor of biliinffis all wNoiitiul for tho proper handling of thocombiuod ho run. \Viih n vory littlo rxira timo, which io n lovor of a hnrHo should ho a ploiw- uro,('oltlJ (*nn ho noavly doubled iu valuo by tho additional training uudor Huddle If intonded for tho jnarknt, but if Icopt at homo thry will Ikj a Hourco nf pleas- urn and hoaltli to ovory momhor of tho family Tho comhinod limvo Lou Chiof, with had color markinf,', hut with niy,o, style, diwh, fj;ond conformalion and mainnMH, wild for JjuJ.UOo. PatMiy Mo- Coi^Uoldhuifc month fnr$l,n00. Frank Tullmadgo in National Stockman. Colchester Worth Council. Traveled Uall'tYic Ulobo to Flnrt Heiuth, Without Succohh, Took tho Advice of a Friend and Now Proclaims It From the IIoiiBotop,___ uSouth Anglican Noryino Saved My Life," Mra. H. Staploton.of Wint*ham,writon:~ "Ihavo boon vory mtjali troubled for yoiiro, aiiioo 1878 with norvoUH debility and dvu pepHia. Had boon troatod m Cmutla and England by eomo of tho boot phyaioinnn without parnmuuut roliof. I wati adviBod about thteo months ayo to talto South Amoriaan Norvino, and I (Irmly boliouo I owo my lira to it to-dny. I can truthfully aay that I have dorivod moro baiu^flt frnm St than any troatmout 1 evnr had. I oan Htrouf,'ly rocommond it, and will novor bo Without ii raysoif." Oholly (11:30 p.m.) Yoth, thoro aro tbovoral worJth that ith impothiahlo for mo to pronounth., Molly Now York Sunday Journal. *- A POPULAR C^P, R, OFFICER. Adds Hia Toatiraony to tho Morita of Br. Agnow'a Catarrhal Powdor For Catarrh and Cold TALLMADOK AND lira MORS);, by tho awards in tho Raited classes at tho largost fairs and shown, havo ull been good diivorH, and tho majority of them saddle brodonouo sido only. This maUos tho brooding of tho combined borso within tlio roach of all, providod thoy iiisint upon stallion owners adding a saddle horso to tlioir studH. A colt that is iutoiisoly saddlo brod will do- clino to tro'fc. This is to bo avoided", as tho trot iH tho foundation of all ^uits. Therefore a toppy, square gaitod, activo trotting maro is a good boginning-for-n combined horso. Speed is not ossontial horo, Spirit, togetlier witli what iu known as a level head, is much to bo proforrcd. Pacing mores nhould never bo used as a medium to bring forth a combined colt. Tho trot and tho nick ore similar. Whon performing at tho rack, each leg tnovoH independently of tlio other, the front legs ont Htruight, with vory much tho fiamo action ob tho trot, excepb tliat "thoy move faster. Wlion you trot tho saddle horse, yon improve his ruelc. Thoruforo it is not harmful, as many stoutly affirm, to work or drive u saddlo horso. On tho othor hand, no saddle horso is altogether safely and properly broken until ho hits had sufficient cjc- ITCHING, BURNING SKIN DIS EASES CURED FOR 35 GENTS. Dr.Acnow'n Ointment roliovoa in ono day and euros tottor, oalt rhonm, pdont Ho.Ud head, oczoma, barbora' itch, ulcorn, blotch es and all onipiiouo of tho skin. It jh % anothmg and Quieting (lud aora Jiko m in tho euro of all baby humoin ; 5 coiitu './ - In i |.V'^;, .w CURES Diarrhoea Dysentery Colig Cramps cholera Infantum cfig?Ai\d 6ll/^p Summer CoMPfeAiKTS PRICE 55v nOLTJIVG TnK IlRINfl. perirnco in harnosq to toaeh him that wliat is behind him will not hurt him. By careful work with your horse, both under saddle and in harness you will bo Burpriscd how soon lie will understand to properly perform in tho dual role. A tmafllo only slionld bo Uhed in havuess. And us it U the samo bit he has been trotted on under Huddle, ho will take and :eep this gait without a word from you. Ufco tho doublo bit when riding, hcae two bit.H, when properly adjnstcd, ;iro much Icrh sovero on tlio borne than iho single curb, and by its use you are loib-r enabled to communicuto to your liorso, he knowing wliat gait you wish -urn to take from tho linen you givo tho iirosquro on. To properly handlo the ines with two bits, tako tho roinq iu ho left hand at tho place where they o joined, the turb liiiey being sowed :ogcther and held inside thomialtlo lines, hieh aro buckled. When Heated in tho addle, put the fmgois of tho right hand Siisido tho curb rein, the thumb on out- ido of Hnafflo, simply holding the reins iwhilo you take them up properly with [tho left hand by putting the littlo linger tweon tho Auauloandenrbroiim on the ,!ffc Hide, tho third finger between the wo curb reiiiH, tho middle finger between tho curb and hiuUuo on tho right side and bringing all four reins which havo passed between tho fiiifjeia up on tho sido of tho index finger and held firmly in place by tho thumb of the samo hand, With right hand. After drawing tho reins in uh much us needed (never hav ing removed it from the ends of the loins) put tho third finger between tho two light hand reins, tho second bo- tfwoen iho Hiiufilofl and tlio first linger between tho two left hand reins, all held in front of the left hand, leaving the thumb and little linger fieo to grasp tho whip, which must bo carried as nearly as possible. Alwaynndo witb-botb hnndu on tho toiiis, the right ill front of the loft, but UtttcU. at tlui YarU. Tho Chicago ntnekvardi handled 3,000,.i7U enttio in J KIM, an ineroaso of 11,018 over tho receipts of Iho previous year. Nal ivo beef stec rs avorngf d $. 1, OfJ against ?l.50 in lRllfi. Prices for (his onus ranged from $^.00 to $(t no. It was a year of low valuer, owing to de pression at home and tho lowest prices abroad for tho past flvn yenru. Bottom Was touched in March, whon good to choice steers did not avongo over $I1.7fi. Values fo* good cows and hoi fer havo fluctuated wtthiti narrow limits, and tho difi'eronce in price between steors and heifers of oqual quality Iulh materially lessened. While the receipt1! of steers havo iiioroAiied, cows havo oomo to mar ket in lesser numbers than last year. Fomalo stocks liave been reserved for breeding, and this should stimulate tho demand for balls. Receipts of Texunu docrenned 80,000 and northwestern rangers foil off 100,000. The export trade largely increased, showing a gain of o-t per cent over tho piovious year. Tho number tagged for export was 2A- 800. This foreign demand continues strong, and tho situation ii oueouruging for the holder of well fatted cattle. Tho highest- prices of tlio year wero paid in December, and tho advimco ban boon marked sinco thoopemng of tho prcBont year. Vtitsil for Cnw, A oow'h food Hhould contain about H pounds of staich, 2> poundflof nitrogen and one-quarter pound of fat, the latter in most casos being found in a, largo enough quantity iu tho former two. Farmers who havo used mIoh for tho storing of their fodder find that their expense attending the feeding of tho cows by this method is trivial compared with boots. Protection to tho cattlo in tho winter is of special importance for the maintenance of a standard product. The starch in a cow's fond acts as a fuel, but not sufficient to keep tho animal's tomporntuio at normal. Experiment havo proved that cows kept in tho fields, although eating moro than those pro tected in tho barn, drop one-half in their production m three months, while thono in tho bora remain at standard and eon- sumo no muro than usual Many fann ers complain of stringy milk and aro at a loss to understand it. tlio cow's udder is not cleaned as often as it should bo, and when slio is milked tho musty bayfiom her bedding, which has collected on her udder, drop* in tho pan, with stringy milk resulting. Geato, ITeb. 13th. Connoll met, na per adjournment. l*ren c-ut, John A. ThomfiH, Hqovo ; Dunio) Kon- nudy, Doputy Roovo, aud Ooanodlortt At* kineon, Brnnh and Ouellette. Mmuton of provloim tno6llnf( wero road, and, on mo tion, adopted. Messrs, FnHon and Camp- boll appllud for ohnnty for Job. Martin. On motion, Mr, Sutton to fnrniHh htm with neoL'SHarioa to tho imount of 8G por month. On motion, OUrk to notify Oan- ado, Compitny, Petor Lungloy and Low- reuca Doueau to olomi treofl and rubblob out of Wiltou Drum, through tholr lands. By-law No- HH11, appointing health omcors, was road iho neooHtiary numbor of timof, pawstsd and udonUd. On motion, Olork to notify Oamorou & Gurry to out tniihrr bnak 21 foot from road, on lot; 11, in the 8th con. Notloo from Wro. IfonHmnn to have tho drain on tho uouth sido of tho north Townliuo oloaued out from near the Huhb drain, woutwurd, and petition from U. Oamplioll uuj Wm. Uylund to have drain ruado from townlhn* between lots 11 and 12, uoutbward, to roar road, thonoe woBttoOosto Hidoroad and down it "to Canard, On motion, En^'nlnor ordered to lay out miid drain. Olork to notify Gas Company to lowor pipo at 14th oon. road. On motion, oheokn woro granted Mry. llenHon, charity, 8'i; Brott & Auld, for printing and for asnessmont rolla, &ot 81fi ; Clork, for ro^iHtorin^ B., JV1, & D 12.-10 ; E. Noul, for uhu of Oanaan soliool Iiouho for Logislativo elootlon, 81; 13. Noal, for Win. While, charity, 81) ; 13. Noal, for charity for Mr. Buckingham, 0(1 oentn ;' Alfred Prinur, for repairing bridge at King'w Crook, $i.fi0 ; E, Boylo, for Hhccp killed by do^i, two tlnrdo valuo, 81 ; Viator Bondy, for valuating shoop, Sl.fiO ; O. K. Woldon, oicponsosuti TroaHni- or.workou tlnaiicial statomont, oto. 821.B0, iialary un Troaauror, 800 ; Win. MoOaffroy, balaneo on Fostur drain, por order .1. S. Laird, 3M ; Mrs. LaframboiBG, charity, Bfi ; John Millen, for wood for hall, $2 ; Lewis Jonos, for work dono on tho uorth townlino, Edgar, and Mth con. drain, 9110, por order of J, B, Laird, com.; B. R. Davis, sahiry an sohoitor for 180G, 8B0 ; J. H. Laird, balanco com. on Editor drain, 86.-12, part com. on tho lithoon. Edgar sidoroad and north townlino drain S10, and tialo of Sweotmun dram and noticoa, 80. Mr. Konnody avo notioo of a by-law at noxb mooting for tho appoint ment of funooviuwoie and hog commiH- miHsionors. On motiou, Collootoi'n time wub oxtondod to March 13th. On motion Counoil adjonmod. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. ------------------------ riood'u Pills act easily und promptly ou tho livor and bowels, Curo mole hoadaoho. -4 *~lW<*^|^- litindllnc; a Jack. Concerning the procreativo capacity of tho jack when moved about from place to pinto, a well known authority says: The best results from standing n jack aro derived by puttiug him in n good, roomy paddock, with a nice, clean, diy box stall in which tho door is never closed. Lot plenty of gniM and good, pure water always bo prf sent and feed a good Kheaf or slielled oats and bran ra tion. Tho moving tho jack around from place to pluco will nob inteifei o with his producing colts if hois properly handled and not moved far enough to tiro him materially. In moving him move hlowly and hoc that ho is not over heated and that ho is permitted to cool off before being usod to mares. Be hnro not to ovorbroed, o-s this injures him more Hum all else. It is colts you want, not services Twico a day and not near er together than eight hours will bring tho best results. AHr e> LWT HAKJ). Hlways tako your right hand away from tho rouiR if you wish to use your whip or hand for any other purpoao, I'eturning it to pluco as soon m poasible. The xoina uro always hold firm by tho thumb of tho loft hand holding them in place. All this can be put into action much taalor than one would duppose. Practice holding tho linos by fiwt placing th bridle on tho doorknob with the door tlvo Stock Points, If Now fork had only n few royalties to enter bounts annually at tho livo stook show, what a howling siiocohh it would bo, instead of tho unfortunate orphan it is now. The Four IJundrod would Hook iu droves to gazo in un- epoaknble nwo and admhntion upon tho big hog of the Prinoo of Wales or tho fat heifer of hor majesty tho quoon, and nil tho rest of Now York's lower mil lion would follow suit. Even a BWino belonging to his royal highness would bo an object of adoration to first oocioty. Why do not the managers of thin poor Btarvoling show tako the bint und got Albort Edward to send n pig or homo othor boast tothofr display? It would bo thousands in their pookots. Livo stook association managers in Groat Britain Understand this vory well, and royal and noble names aro alwuys among tho Hats of fvbUuiorjj there. JOur instance, tho luuii ^>.t cattlo show lit Islington this your was n groatfsucooHa, with G7-1 ontries, Wo know wAy it was a great Buccoas whon wo reAd that among tho animals wore specimen* bolonging to the quoon, tho Prl/ice of Wales, tho Duke of York and pord Uosobory. Pacing horwa a:/o not in demand for Hnropa Thoy ba^fe novor bouome tho fashion yofc, and ttew Kuropean horse fanoiora know Wh^t thoy are, It is the verdict of good judges that auction aale foij Bwiueuri* not luiao- toitigatod Bao6aM, Tho raro and somotiraoH doubtod phe nomenon of tho "will-o'.tho.wnip" uniully appears in marahy placosor iugravoyardn. It ia bohovod to bo doo to tho Bpontauoono oombuotion of phoephnroted bydrot,'on from decomposing or^unio ratittor, and it issues from tho aoil an a long ilamo, whilo on wator it inllamoa at tho surface with tho production of long wioathti of phen- phorio, anhydride. It can bo reproduced artificially by throwing oaloium pbosphido into wator or burying it in moiot soil. A voiontifio Frenchman, Dr. A. Bloanard, re- ports nomo reraarkablo obRorvations of tho will-'o tin-, ' p at Croisio, a noaport of Franco, dunng laot Auguat and fcioptorr- her, tho lights having boon viaiblo ovory evening over a nonsidorablo urea of wator. Tho babbles of gas wore vory largo in August, during tho seasons of thunder Htorma, but became smaller and Hmallor us tho tomporaturo fell, until tho phenomenon eoanod about tho 20th of Boptombor, Tho bubbles were mostly confined to two basins that contained no mud, but wore rooep- taoloh of much fish refuse. An such or- giuuo matter an tho brain of a ohcop failed toproduco plionphurotod bydrogon wlun decaying undor water, tho conolufiion is reachtd that (tlio waters of the port of Croisio muitt contain somo raro formonts, hitherto unknown and existing only undor Hpooial conditioun, which decompose or- fianio Qulistiincou,which decompoao organ,0 substancon rioli in phonphorus in a mauncr to uot froo plionphurotod hydrogon, Tho bopo in entoitaincd that thoho fermentu may bo found noxt sunamor. The TellUle Trwika on th* Tmptntry B- Four or flvo Wiwhington pastors wor having a pluiui&nt littlo mooting the other afternoon at tho atndy of ono ol them, and thoy woro having compara tively as much fun out of it as thai many rounders would hnvu bad at a sa loon knee deep in -17 variotins of tipplo. Thoy wore tolling Hunday scliool sUiries, as a rule, but; thoy HWimg around after awhile to tomporunee. "In my youth in Virginia," wiirl the host, "we had, what is rare novmdayn to wit, a lot of more or loss needy and shabby genteel old follows who wont about tho country delivering lectures on temperance und getting out of it only about so much as would olotho and food them. Somo of thorn were no doubt good and conscientious men, but among thorn weio many who, notwithstanding thoir professions, dearly loved to tako a gloss nf something warmingio tho inner man. "Most, of lh w tipplers wrrn vory par ticular not to havo the rumor get abroad that thoy over tasted tlio vile ntu!f, and wlieu they took their drinks thoy ob served great soorocy. I remember thoro was one whom wo thought to be a most abstemious old fellow, and no one thought ho ever tiu,ted a drop, particu larly a maiden aunt of mine who lived with my mother and was as rigid a temperance woman us over came out of Now England. My mother wits much more liberal and wanted always to en tertain these workers iu the good cuuso, but my aunt bad become so Huspieions of all of them except this particular one that ho was tho only one who could find a night's lodging at our place. "Ono night this old chap camo to stay all night, and ho had such a severe cold that my mothor prcMcribed a rubbing of gooso grcaso ou his foot and toasting it in by tho fire before bo wont to bod. Now, as it happened, in tho room where ho slept there was a new carpet which my aunt had presented to my mother as it birthday gift, and there waa an old fashiouod sideboard in tho samo room, with a two gallon jug of good whisky on it, which somebody had forgotton to put insido and lock up. At 8 o'clock tho black boy carried in tho gooso greaso to our guest and left him sitting before the flro. "Just what happenod after that no body knows, but after tho guosfc had de parted noxt morning and the Borvants went to straighten up the room thoy found tracks innumerable between tho flroplace and tho sideboard, and in some way it was discovered that tl|0 old fel low, afraid of taking cold, hud greased his socks and toasted tho groans into his feet through them, and whilo tho toast ing was going on ho made regular and frequent trips to the jug. Of.coarse, if the tracks on tho carpet had not betrayed him, no one would havo ovor noticed by tho jug that ho had been drinking out of it. Ho never camo back again, and I don't know whother my aunt was more pained over the ruined carpet or ovor tho ruined idol, for who hud tho grnatest confidence in tho old man." Washing ton Star. DETECTED THE REPEATERS. -tUl*. J'MWUfi*i_U*_liIAt ...-PECTORAL Positively Cures COUOH3 nnd COLDS ! :i [(,'y i' 01't 1 ut!iiOf i i-i.ii lit/, Ol I mi I it ut r.ootlil)iir uu'l liD.iluii; 111 h h ,i( (1 ,, w. r, M-i r-i'.iM ., l ..( I' OilIV ml (if 1 1 km 1 tuli 11, 1 1 I |[ , . 1 l"llt/JlJlnll I, la ,(,. ' ill 1 \,. Mi. j. n, n ' ( 1> " 4mi j <! I ' I , . , a |i( Ill" - 'v M l'- uil 1 f 1', " \f , Oiip I 'Mil llll [Mil, 1 limuhil l.tni|( tilrt] t "(inlnt, "1 , 1 or uio, wilicu; '1 <nn[ luilj[ Byniji Irny- M'll.lnrHi,,, to nil wU ' l J- - 11 III |,|.l i,l || 2 V I ' . ' , '. . , ' ' L I. - l 1.1 1,1.1 1,1 II , f ""'in -I Ii. I f ,i. lit ii .hi Iti Irfm III--. M u 1 lut., t ( , ,. , ., t.i, n,|,,M M, y Li "" '""': ti'iM 1'iituti.i uuX lJ tdlll.ll Ulfl|l,| In-(1,1 1 1 1 llil^u -...itJi, Z'> t'U. \j .\ 1 > u t ,vV> iiiiuri7 cu, I'rc; n lurn r ru ".Tv Aw tvell tit. i..vr. Dkak Btks,-a ft. r i.nmi low for t wo voars loi-rn aonto indigowtmn, [ tru-d HUB t took only three bottlon. which made *m< lulwoll as I was I highly rocom- mond B. B. fi, to all dyppi-pliofi, fl i\Tnn driUN Wnrrit, Austin, Man, WrIX OCRS OR UfcUIVH iHDicEyriotf, PLOTraawo 01 ttoi JEhlYSIPEUS, ACIDITY OP'TBI , SALT hllEDir, STOlOaT. HEABTBUa^ DBTNEM OF TUt (BADACIU, 8KIM. , biliousness, bftzimsx ^YSPEMIA, bROPSr, X*KtU KrDKBYa, BTOHAGBl ~^ nowisuj on .ULOOD. ToBONvor THlt- Tho BIondo-~I woudor if I shall ovor live to bo ICO? Tho Brnnotto Not if yon remain 22 muoh Ionfjor. Tit-Bits. CoiiHiipntiou Ourotl. Oknta, I was in very poor health for over four years ; the doctor, said it wan constipation. Not wanting to upend ton m'uch cash I got three hoi ties of B. B. B, und Look it regularly. I can oortify that I am now iu tho vory bout of health and fonl yery prateful to B. B. B, Aiiwrnn Tnnoux, Montreal, Qoo, .--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- VIA Couldn't KKo niiifTtwl. "If vou kiss mo again, I will call mam ma." "Well, I don't mind. Bho ia still 0 young looking woman." Town Topics. OLD WAR HORSE. A Grand Amy Man Crosses Swords With Heart Diseaso autl Wins a Glorious Victory With tho Aid oi Dr. Agnow'a Ouro for tho ILoat'fc. Br. Agnow's Ouro for tho Heart can not ba ovor oetimatt'd, aaye H, M. Muunelman, a well-known G.A.It. man of Woisaport, Pa., aud ho ooutintioB : "MyailmontB wore palpitation and unttoring of the heart. I used two bottles of your valuable onra and fool like a now man. I have taken bottled and bottles of other modlolnes without help, I introduced it to my fnondn at overy opportunity possible. It is a great medicine. Inside of 3Q miuutee after the first dose I had relief. Kiinoront riKbhnnltB Which CauHd Wholo- huIo Arrtot of Voturn, Daring tho reconstruction times in Alabama, just after tho lato civil war, all of tho Btato and county ofliec4 wero administered by the Republicans. This was from 1B00 to 187-1, when the Bem- oonite-agniu secured control of tho gov- ornmenfc and have liold it over aineo. The election of Georgo S. Houston, a Democrat, as governor in 187-1 wns ono of the hottest over hold in tlio state, and many wore tho tricks practiced on both nidea in that election. Possibly tho mobt novel wok a device put into operation, lit Mobile, "RopcHteis wero common hi tlioso days, aud thin device was used by tlio Democrats fco catch the negroes, who had learned tho repeating trick. All of tho negroes voted tho Ropublicun ticket thou. On tho olection day mentioned tho polling ploooH wero opened, and tho vot ing commenced. The Demociatic olec tion officers at tho boxes had secured a Htock of small fishhooks with which to carry out I heir new plan. Whenever a negro voted, an ofilccr stuck a hook in tho voter's vest front, where it could bo plainly seen. After having exercise d his constitutional light of voting, "Ouffy" proeoeded to another polling plaeo und Bought to voto ft second time. Ho was thereupon arrested and put in jail upon a charge of fraud. The scheme worked liko a charm. By noon 175 negroes had boon nrrosted and jailed. Tho wholo- ealo arrests so frightened the negroes Who had not voted that thoy refrained from going to iho polls that day, and tho Domocruta won tho olection. Chi cago TimoH-Hoiiild. Tho Whipping root In JIoHtnu. Alioo Moiho Hkirlo, in an artiolo ou "Pumshmonta of Bygono Days," found in Tho Obapbook, after giving John Tay lor tho Wator Poet's rhymed descrip tions* of corporal puuiHhment ia London, explains how rapidly flogging camo into tiyo in Boston: Tho whipping post was spoodily in full forno in Boston. At tho Boseicn of tho oonrt hold Nov. ao, 1C30, ono man \vaH Houtoncod to bo whipped for stouK ing u loaf of broad, anothorfor ahootiug fowl on the Sabbath, anothorfor swear ing, anothor for leaving a bout "with out n pylott." Then wo read of John JPqbhq- that for "stryking his mother nnd dory ding hor ho shalbo whipt." Lying, swearing, taking j'also toll, perjury, soiling cum to the Indiacn all wero punished by whipping. Pious re gard for the Sabbath was fiercely upheld by tho support of tho whipping post. In 1040, Roger Scott, for "repeated sleep ing on the Lord's day,*' and for strik ing the person who waked him from his godleHs'filumbor, was sentouood HiJ- verojy whipped. Women were not Hpurod iu pubiiu ehustisoment. ^'The gift of prophecy" was at ouco aubduod in Boston by lashes, ,aa was unwomanly arriage. * WEEKLY V RECORD -H2 PAGES ^ 411 Essex County News- per Annum ^Ar ^ >r McNEE McKAY, PU&U5KHR5, wirioaoa, ontARio, F y^Mi4 A Sum and Safo Itomody In ovory cmto and ovory kind of Bowol Camplaliit Id Pain-Killer. This In a trno atatoraont ami H can'fc bo mado too strong or too omphattc. It Is a uimplo, koTo and quick ouro for Cvnmpfl, Cough* KtliiimatUm, Colic, Colds, Nournlgln, KMurrliom, Croup, Tooth nclio. TWO SIZBS, 23c. an J 50c. ftmwwitinnreiinimmwji m THE CUmVftJQR AUD 1897 CCHIH1T1Y 6NTLEHANL THE BEST.OP THE flfiBIGULTSinSl W sEKLIES. IU Vv '11 J) TO Farm Crpps and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Livestock And Dairying, Wliil'j it alfo iwdudi'H id! inioor' depart ments of Rural Inti-rc^r, t-ucli *iu th Poul try Yaid, Iijiitoitialnt'jV, lien l(tnjpin|i,GreQU* bouse mid Ornnry, V"roriuarv Uophes, Ptu m ijui'Htinm and Ano-v^ni, Kirooido lioiiding, DomcHtio I^'onoiny, niid a sum- mury o( ihu News or tho \V\olc. Ib Mar ket llijport't arc umiHiulty oomplete, and much liftou'lotr ju paid to tho Prospects of thy OropH, uh thrawiui! light open one of tlio monfc impoitHnt of allqutiationh When io Jiuy and When to Sdh It U hbarally II- luntrutfd, and oont *ms more rending mat- tor tl>au ovor boforo. Tho subscription prion is 82.C0 nor year, hut wo offer a Bpeo- ml Kmluohon in our CLUB H.VTES FOlt;i807. Two Bubsuriptionof in ono ramittanoe 84.0 Six / Jo do ' 10.00 ' Teh do do 16,00 I3E- To all New ,p<ibBoriberfl for 1897 payilie In adviineu noty, wo will Rend the' paper wabbly, from bor Teoeipfc of the to-' ifiittunoo,. to Jionikvy lntr 1807' withon' charge. , > il ' 1 ,m ISE* Speoimen Copiea Fre ' Addrea^,!' ^y LUTHER TUCKER A pff|^ mutt, x i.' "' ., B*i)U.9l f .V.Ji .^'/i #*k tufa overy opportunity posaible. It io a great in Boston by luahes, ,aa was unwomanly }, \medicine. Insido of 8Q minutes after the tarriage. ~ LUTHPR TllCK'FD Jt* RftiK tiratdose I had relief. , I LUIW \u^tRAOT

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