Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 8

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ffifeftX- . ' Crw^-)W u "' "*^*tt3W^ UNEQUAL ANATOMY. t'Ji.; u; b. :.:c'*i 77.$ ,,ia.\;> Imi 5,:' $4 p /' rv. ' Br/ Ifr (e DtflriM<"a In tliKj*nd Othi- PurUofth* Bo<|y, Some curious, featureh aro noted In itye inequality in auto and iuHuenco of vftrroiipoiidiug parts of't.Ub human body,' '^fcya an exohanuro, Tho oars on tho 4ftmo hoad aro probably moro alike than any othor of tho twin organs, of , tho body, Novurtbohiay, tjujy v.ary. uh jNifrards thiokiioHM, loii<cr,h; '-Impound Oci',io.n,inosi rrinnrkubly in ditfertmi. i4i-yiiJualH.; if ijto uar, howuvor, on no sido is dolieut-o in uizo and citnLour, tho other will bo tho huiiio, wlillu if tlu* 6no lookit liku a dried fip; tho othur dupIicatiiK it in form and color, Ihil With tho yn it is diiforont. 'Jo-Hay on- ' trally moro opi'ii iluni liio othor, all ' Cculitit.-i u-^rno ihut I Ik- ou.mos whom tho Booing powor of tho two'aro ei-ual in tho sajno bond air vor.v ruro. Unually hum iiMd tho viirht oyo tho most, "WiiMniiakvrM, on^mvoi'rf, mil m.vo- pi sum und murium-.-, u-'iu^ tho ti-n'scopc ' apply iln-ir r:-ln o\\: ro tint histrum'-nt fcnd i;.iii;iiill,\- overwork that organ. OMit-m ih uo :,'.ii)d roitH.m why both oyou , but thoy avo not. 'JViloru ajfroo* that tho l'ight fchouldqrU al input always lowor than MARATHON'S IMPOWfcWCJ^ Tb* . Buttle Decided the OoarM ( Olvll- lBAtlon. Sir Edward Creasy dcclaroa that on tlio,result of tho buttlu of Marathon dnpondod "tho wliolo futuro prof;ro8H of human oivillnation," lu tho handful of tiny HtatuH tltat inlmbUtul (Irooco, a now lifo had ariHon, Tim Orook intol- hVct liad dnVnlopod raoultltsM which hl- dic.attiii thai, man had udvanood 1111- ollior Kta^n towurdy thn hi^lti^st, UhxilH. KorLimo^t; umoiif*; Uioho llttlo natioiiH wan AthuiiM, dostiuod to roach thohi({h- tKt hitfdlcct-nul ^lory. Alliens, too, contamod'tho (^rms (tf human fruudoiii; it was the foivnuumr 'of 1I10 duruo- omoioH of tho world, Itut tlm v';i*y mitjer .uiiartmjeuiUJ. T Gave fltnay His , Cwtcties. THE STORY-OP MR. ncOONOOH OP TIVETON;ONT. Suffered Hroin Two 5-lvwrc At tuck a of Rliuu- liactot* Feilft'd the" Trouble watt <*nln to hl ' Heart !>lnfc Plllg Cur,-J HI in and he Tlirew A way lil.-< Crutihca. FWmi (fin T'lv'ittt<fii Wit'dhinni. Ahyono Hooiug'tUo rolnrnt lioalth and active form of Mr. .Tuolt ^loDono^h, who ia managing i\fr. A. Gilchrist's hurnofK luiHinoHH durinji bin ahHonoo in Hootlund, would* ho 'ooasidorably Hnr- priiiod to lonrn Unit only two yoarn a^o , ho wa.a oonlirmod invalid and tinablo'')i(;o of Atlicii:! and divr-on u'uh , thioatoiujd by thiihu-obarlwricomiHr'.* * 1W)llkl w1"1"'^ Uui M*\ of crutoboH. r.-iu. .ha rimi had ^ritt, " warriors 1 o add t ho ihi vasi doiiiiuioii^i. out In-; 1 Ihit mitdi in tho Vjuho, and boating of bin (iifH'iaii iroinarlcnblo'ouro from tho oxoruoiutiri^ Puoo lo.a^rony of iufluminiitory rhoitmatium by forms mi't tli"; tho urn; of Or. Williaiiin* Pink "PillH, a on th,-. i.hiia, of MarMitiun. [ Vrprowntal,ivn of lh Watolinmn oallod !ll'vn!nl,l l 1lI,l'. I'(l"-'tl1" up.n.biminbmrnthopartioularM. Mr. oppood u, thorn wiih fontomnt. Th-.-.i ^",)'"^!, WUrt found working at tho tlnnksthoni-rdvi's h.-sitaiod 10 hazard .bunu-Hsbnncb. m woll and aotivo uh any a Imttlo with tlm oi-uiMUirorM <.f tho y>n^ man in tliooounll'y, and in roply of 1*; hordos of Klatos to faco his Aihi'uiim liillii-rtij world. Tludr ^'"""uls dohntod tho quoHtion, ami tho docjsion to liifht tho tho Inft; Thiy.thny account for by tho pHrHhinfl WIW OIluRnilliy thfl nio*nionM ^vsnm habit men bavo;1tin 0f tho immortal MiltiadoH. Ho lU tho loft elbow on tho douk whilo wnt- liiK, and to tho equally provalont pvac- tico of thoyo who carry heavy burdoua Vesting thorn on tho right nhouldar. Ah roffards tho armn and higti, thor 1h ^onorally but Hlijcht' dilforonca. . In. tho biao of thft band and feot there is commonly a grout variation, and, cur iously ohoiiftty 'while it is tho riffht hand thV.t'.ifi Kouorally, biKBr. it iu tlio loft, foot'that ofton requires a larger i^ed boot of shoo, tilovemakors jlvo tho proportion of lurK riicht bauds at 000 to 1000, which, by tho way, ap-! tiroximatoK to tho proportion of right landed porsona in tho community. The; izo of tho hand is generally increased by labor. If ladion arc to be trustee! &h to tho uhfl of the gloveH they wor,' tho human, hand baa Krowtt-'smallor. witln'n tho last twenty or thirty years, j teut K.lovors toll a difioront story. They; confosu to making all ladiow' kIovoij a OH, UO lOU IllfJ ten thousand Grooka u^aiuHt tho Pnr- fiiuii host, and gained a dooisivo vic tory. Tho glorious day of Marathon boat back tho advancing tide of oastcrn dospotifim and barbariKin, and savod ~thV"'freedom and, cjviU^U'tiou of tho Western world, -------l-----------------,----------,-----~~<*mm Tho Hailor hafi bin musical nhanty to which ho koopH time. .a ho trotw about th'd capstan until tho anchor is hoisted to tho peak, tho farmor trills a lay to lip;hton his labors as ho pitches hay into tho wagon, and thofjo tion^s are familiar to many, .hut whoovor hoard or saw a E.ii of Italian cliickon \Ac\l~ em BtuK.i^htl'domule fowls to tho timo of tho music? aeks tho San Francisco Call. Such a Hcono can bo witnessed any Friday tho Clay Street mr- Wf Hi/o amallor than thoy really are., kot, whilo tho cmployoofi of tho big tthiH, thoy say, is bocauso ladies al- tnost invariably ask for a sixe smallor fclovo than'thoy tthould woar. Thoro iy nearly always a- difference in tlto sixo of the hands. This is tic marked that tho glovo tliat fitu tho ri^hr baud will wrinkle on the loft, looking in fact, too largo. Tho loft foot, au a rulo, is tho largBf". WliiU tho right hand and arm aro gonorally hotter developed and stronger, tho op- poyito.logl corresponds in thogo partic- ulars. It is found that in athlotia persons tho advantage of strongth is ofton witli tho loft .foot, Tliat is the foot wo habitually stand upon, and it is tho left foot that loads off in the | walking. A man usos tho loft foot .most on the bicycle, and oven more hl Mi mounting a horse. Whilo tho con stant use of tho right hand is a mattoi of training (monkeys use both equally) tho moro froquent uso of tho loft fool would sooin to 1)0 a general habit, i hence that foot is in many casus thn Utrongor. poultry houses that have their places of businoHH there aro preparing for sale tho chickens that tho housowifo buye for tlto Sunday dinner. Tho men seat themselves in a half- circle and oach takes a fowl. One stroke of a aharp knifo across tho throat puts tho unfortunato squawk ing broiler out of his misery, and thon tho foreman of tho gang starts hia to a qiiOHtiou about Iiim euro Maid: "Yos, minowas quitoarMimrkablc oaHO( Two yoavn ago hint uprlng, while at homo in Wingham, X was. siKutonly taken down With'rhouimitUm, my foot atid ankles swotting so that I could not oven put on an ovorshoo. I was iu botl for tbroo weeks under thlo oaro of tho doctor, unci had to uso ortitohes for a long tiino after that. Tho noxt sprinpf tuo rlioumatiHm eamo back agaiu, worse than Gvor, attacking all ray joints, hut principally niy' anklofl, kubos, hips,' olbows and wrists. Tho doctor gavo mo vory little encouragement, and said ho was afraid of it going to my heart andkillingmo Ihadrootl'tt groat deal about Br. ,WilIiamH, Pink Pillo, and tho enroS thoy had wrought; andT dotor- minedtbtry thorn- At firnt Idid not notioomuchebango, but bofo 0 I had takon a half doason boxoa I was so much improved that I had givou away my crutches and have uovor required-thoir uso since. I wtill took tho Pink Pills for aomo timo longer And I have novor had a touch of rboumatism sinoo and hopo -I ttovor may, I can say that Pink t*ills elirod mo of a badcano of rhouma- tiara and I oboerfuUy recommend them to othors sultoring as I did." Dr. Williams' Wuk Pills strike at tho root of tho diHooso, driving it from tho ..y! ..:I..j.-, m. //lf(T the Central EKpo,rimpntal Farm at Ottawa. ' &. oiroalar from tho Experimental Farm; Ottawa, eayn' - "During tho ptLHfc nine yea,**, oaraploti of tlioao varlotioa of gram which have nuo- ceedod best on the Bxpurimuntal Farma have been diatrihutod 00 applioation In It lb. ba^B to fiirniDrP hi all partH of thn Dominiou, froo through tho mail.. Tho objoats in viow In tbiH diotribution ban iiutai to add to tho prodtiotivarioHH uid fmprovo tho quality of thoHo important agriimltuml products chrou^hont tho country by plao- ing wlfchm rouoh of nvry fartnor pure h*uji] of tho most vij/oroiiH and produutivn aortH, Thiu work uilh mob with muoh appruoiu- tioo aucl auoiiHulorublO doirrnn of hihiouhh. Iimtruotions have boon (jivou by tho Ifon. MinUtorof A^ricnlturo to miko n Himilar dlntrihution thin Hoation. Owiii^ to tho vory Iurgo nuoihor of uppliou'ioow now roooivod it iu not prnohonhlo to hlohI tuoi'o than one Hamplo to ounh applicant, but with thm limitation it in linpod that ttin Htouk avuilablti will bo Hufrimitrit to pormit of ttvory fnrmor who ho dcHiron Hlinrhu; m tho bmiofltH of thin iiHoful brauuli of the work of tho Kxporimantn1 Farmtt. flMt distribution now in pro^roHB oooslgta of norne of the most promiaiui.' norfc of Oiitg, Barley; 8priri Wljoat, Pflana^ Fiald Obrn and PoUtous. It<^|nntj for soimplbM mft-yboheot to tin)- Cnfcral Rxpriniental Farm, Ottawm, at any time b**foio the Ut of March, but alter thai daln the Until will bo oloHud so thattbe.applioEtiona thou on hand tayb& filled beloro Beading boRius. All oommuiiioaiiiontt can bo. ^ouL froo> of postage, it itt d*birftbU.thoJi^eBi3b uppho ant lionld immo, the v&riaty whioh lib doalresto tout, also odd or, two ultowutive nortu iu oiiBa the ntouk of tho : aort chosen itboutd be oiljuoBted, while no promi 10 can he mado.thattbc varietyjimked for, will, bp Hout^thowiBV^^ofcorroapohtloutB will,.be uttndrd to ob far as. practicable. The Hamplea.of grain will ba sent, early, but potato** cannot bo diitributod until thn danger ot injury in transit by froatia over. Wm. Hjlundkiib, Diraotor, Exporirootital FarraB.'* \i>t.'/"; /0'h>v/ kv"j'H-'i'fit ///M'J't ".'ilf'j'r) aO^Oi m m Bt-caW U(^a Cbld-iirTime PYNY-PEGTOBAt TI10 Qnlnle Ouro for COUGHS, <J<M.I)4, tlKOtJX*. i:ik>V- (JIUT^H, nOAlW2NICSH, oto. MU3.. JOBKI'II .Njiijwn;i{ of M S<HiiiKun Avi-,, fortji ito, wrlln: 'if 'Tyny-i'nct'iral '"1 iKvnr fatliwl to t'urn y'l my rliifilrni of cicui|i ii",r n fn^il" "<% 1l .0*1 i-'itoJ my-i'lfi>fitl"ii|: sinit'llny i-cnylt ilni' ,-(1 H'lririlli-Ji |(<i.l. I.. Ilr.l, It Iin4 . ,- nlo iiroVt"! Mi rXi'i-Hi'iit i'<ii|,fli i'i|m tvt lily i,^, r.nniiy. I iiii'fi'i1 U ti> tmv miii^ inudli-lu* c'S fur cii|ijili>(, niuHp ki'Iu.ii(h.iii'i*>!, * /{ H, O.'H,-' f of Lliilu Ro^ljur, M.U., wrllwu: '*,.* "Ah a tritft f'ir ftiii'liK rynv-l'i'i't'-iul U ,' llin Ix^L Hi'lllriif iiiefilmnn I \,-a\u\ my cim. . ' will liav.i mi niKiir." *'p VX\'V.\ A I.AWItKNCi; CO., Ltd. . X I'tOj';,'., MiiH'iliitiL -J' Wanted-fln Idea Wli'i '".v.. or unii tiling roj.-.- ... rnituct >'iir I<1iih: tlii*y iimy brlnw V(ii| virallli WrIUt JOUM Wi;i>PiatllU|[N' 1V, CO.. I'ntriit AUm L^yM, WnithlnKtofi, O <'., for DiMe ^l.f^h) nriio'oitce fill liivontlOiu Wall fed Mill llat of two lUHHl* WANriJU-HfcVKitATfi VAiTUVVL MKN 0U Wouum to travel tor rouiiaimlhlo odUb- KiilHtil Ijoiokj In Ontario. Ba|urv.78tl, pnyahU* Qlt> voukly and oxpotiHon, Portion ponnmirojt. Uufcrouao. fllnolOB Helf-addniNHMil nt.tiiiiio<3 m- volopo. Tho National, HtarHtitl(Unu, CbtoaKo. song, Ab thoy catch tho airland the systom and rofitoring tho patient to time, tho othors eliimo in, and in an health and strength. In cases of para- instant, the plucking begins) With lymH, Bpinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, rhythmic motion the mmblo fingers HcifttiCfl, rheumatism, erysipelas, serofu- grasp tho foathorn and pull thorn out * during all the timo of tho song. Foathors ily in all directions, but; tho song goes on until tho last pin-feathere lotirt troubles, oto., tboso pills aro super ior to all othor treatment. Thoy aro also a Hpooiflc for tho troubles which arc removed and tho carcasses are make tho lives of so many women a tossed into a pile, ready for tho man bnrdon, and spoodily roHtoro tho rioh who puts on tho finishing touches and glow of health to paloandflnllowcboeks. propams them for the inspection of Men broken down by overwork, worry prospective purchasers. A Hinart Arithmetic Ittim. i A Chinaman died, leaving his pro perty by will to his three nous uh fol lows : "To Fnonhuen, tho oldest, one- half thereof; to Nupiu, his Bocond son, ono-third thereof, and to Ding-bat, hlnj youngest, one-ninth thereof." When tho property was inventor ied it was found to consist of nothing more nor less than seventeen elophants, and it puzzled these three heirs how to divide tho property' according to tho storms of tho will without chopping up seventeen elephants, and thorohy sor- . ionsly impairing thoir value. Finally thoy applied to a wise neighbor, Suen- punk for advice. Suenpimlc had an elephant of his own, Ho drovo it into the yard with tho seventeen, and said : "Now, wo will suppose that youi father loft these eighteen elephants; INien-hunu,, take your half and do- part," Wo Fuou-hueu took nine ele phants and went his way, "Aow, Nu-pin," said tho wise man, "take your third and go," Su Nu-pin took six elephants and traveled.- "Now, Ding-bat," anal the wise man, *'tako your ninth o ml begone." Sc Ding-hat totvk two elephant* ami vamoosed. Then hi.- own elopViani; and drove him . huuu- again. Query: AVas tho i>roj)orty divided according to the terms of tho will? A Kuril SliMin IJiirucd ri- 1Aun>. "Wiiile u\> uour iho Point of Itooks, Frederick 'County, Aid., some days ago,11 said' a prominent geologist, "1 Visited the quarry, from which tho stout; that constitute tho famous pillars iu tho old hail of tho House uf Jtepreseu- tatives, otherwise known as the National Statuary Hall, was quarried. Tho stone is known to geologists at breccia, though the common name it 'puddiiio: stone/ from its pcculiai formation, ft is a limosionououglom* orato, though nearly a true marble. It is a,handHdmc) as well as a remark ably intorosting formation to geolp- , gists as well uh to others. Strange tc say,' howover, there is no demand foi it, though it is easily sawed into slahh for table covers, etc. "Tho day I wan .there I saw groat quantities of it broken up and thrown into kilns and burned into lime. It makes a vury dcsirahlo lime, and par ticularly .for a. fertilizer. What made . mo fool sad was that this wonder of tlm worjil, for it is found nowhere olso in tho'world iii such perfection, can not bo turnod into other uses. It, sooms a when,I there, i),ro' ayy.qttu 11 tiry of limestoiu! that .'SOill ,d'o. so well for such iises.l though,t:here is but one snob a find o| breccitt'ih'-tliis wide world." -J.^i..V.J^.-.. .:-a........^,------------. .- ' Teach<nJr^Now. if I take your slate' ncil, what can 1 do with it? Little' Tho rapidity with which a chicken is stripped of its feathers ia astonishing to the uninitiated who has tried it hut j a few times, ami so adept havo those men become that they finish their fowls simultaneously, and tho process is repeated in unison. Three dozen birds aro not "considered a heavy night's work for one niun. and whon pressed for time they manage to com pass even move than that, Tho song they sing is remarkably lively and sweot, and much resembles tho song of the fishermen as thoy row thoir boats, thouirh the time is much faster. it..Mi <r On,, ail 1.4, ' X story, going tho roiun. just now of society in Jiuda-Pesth will illustrate the simple good nature which uiakcK the Emperor Francis .Jnseph^o papnhti among all classos' of his often unruly subjects. He it Sikel, a Hungarian Deputy, after growing gray in the ex ercise of his parliamentary duties, thought the time had come when he might fairly ask for a post under Gov ernment as a reward of his services. Accordingly lie called on the Premiei and delicately broached the subject, "My dear fellow," exclaimed Baron Ihinffy,"I should he delighted to find you a billot, but noho Iy over 10 can he appointed to tho civil service without tho express permission of the sover eign." So .llorr Sikel, donning the national costume, hurriod up to Vien na, went to the Hbfburg. and after due preliminaries p;ot an audionco of liis JCing (Hungarians recognize no Em peror). "Ushered into the royal pres- onc'o ho slid his petition on to a siilo table, and tlum stood ovurawed and dumfoundod for a while, until Francis Joseph inquired, "And what can. I do for you, my friend?" Poor Sikel could .only manage to blurt out, "Your ^Majesty, 1 should like to be -10 yours of.iigo." ;Ah!" replied the Kaiser, "and so should I." Dut.a glanco at tho furtive documont had revealed the man's errand, and bo whs sent off re joicing with tho royal signature. \VI1 Mount. Air. Broadacro is a distinguished agriculturist and breeder of cattlo and pigs in one of our southwontorn eouh- triu's. Among .other tilings, ho some time ago introduced a few specimens of white and black pigs, of small size, easily fattened; and of vory deljcutc-' ilosh. The reputation, of theso ihtorostinR quadrupeds spread far and wide, and Air, J'roadacre daily received letters from tho neighboring farmers with re gard to them. A short time hko'ouo- of. his groatost admirer-; wrote to him us follows: "He^poctod Sir I went yesterday tc tho cut.tie, slunv at: M- ., J found tiiH-c j-ovei'id 'pigs of yiuir speeioK, Tlioi'rt was u groat variety of.boaau, and 1 was astonished at not seeing; you tUere." UluciuuAti Enquiror. or oxcesscs, will find in Pink Pills a ec-rtnin euro. Sold by all doalors, or sent by mail postpaid, at fiOo. a box, or six boxes for ^(3. HO, by addressing tho Dr. Williams' ModiciuoCo.,Brockvillo( Ont., or Sohonoctady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to bo ' just na.goad.'1 JEA.LO.US RIVALS' Wanted. A TW"* A."NT-to HKtih oanaoa ouowth ' V 1V11\ 1> Fruit an<l Oruammital TroaH, Shrubs, Rosas, llulha *nd Bulbous l'lunti.Grupo Vlues, Huiall Frulte, Boml Potatoes, oto. Wo oatstoffuo only tho-hatrdlunt uticl math popular variat-lpa thatauooetid in thu ooNlost alliuatiia Newsflaeou uowoommeuoluu; comploto outnt tract, salary, and oxponsoK paid from aiajrb tot full tpuo, or liberal oommfuHlonror tmrt tluia. Apply now, addressing nuaretit oilloe, and choice of territory. IiUK HllOTIIKltS COMPANY, 111 torn alio nal Nuridrlofl, Ciiioiao, let,, or Mowxuiat,. Qow. turn t km, JAMES-NAYLOR- TakoH tVitfl nuportiinlty of an nou no 111 ff to tbo oOjrlo (it tho Towu null Count* of Khimi'x, thaf, oiniortniiity 10 Town iLtjti int Ima roiiiodohul tho Khhux H ulnr Atllla act norUiuK to I'Ihoh nri>iLi-fi<l Ity It, N. Prion, of Ht, TliouinH, itut) rIh.jj Hr.onr.'d tbuiutrvloim of K.iburt Htfitohuii, mi iixpiirlnnuo'l ft,l(' tboroutfhl/ 00m- poLotit uitllor. Tliiinklntf thn poonln of thn town unl county for tho )>n.thmiiu!<i jm/ihI upon Mm In tlm 1)hI, will tfUak'ii.iil.iwtUii.i.liifantiouiii thn fuburo. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty- Cornwall Kept in Stock and sold at Pfifct. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. DOYouI^ide?.. * If ho, you want to have tho best there ia aud^ everybody ktiowa .that' The Nobbiest Turnout ih *ro nu uijy at- Cannot turn hack tho tido. Tho domaud for Dr, Agnew.'s littlo, Pills is a marvol.. LAST GHflfJGE 1-0 R MrrrTHE ORPHAN'S PWW Without auy doubt, tho (r< miuin pioturo offer on i',\ ilie Fumiiv Ueruld mid \VeUly Star in ilitj uiiu-dui-t picture tvi-r offirt)d new>pupi:r icidi'i, TImmi; itt u p.-rtoct Hur->iiihlu fjpni ll p>rtn of tin' world to im- eure a yopv. fciunn' nubtiuriherH idm Inivo roc;vcl it would not. put 1 with it for a 810 bill. Tlm publiMierH wi'l uiilnlruw the prerniuni >-hoitly. W_h:ivt iiuide utl* uto- in^uth.lio^f vur, ui-b ttio Vm mily Herald I'Ut-lihlii-rh. wlji-n-by they Kmeo to supply :he "Orphnn'ji Prn\er"in nil inimeH Hunt in by the Kmk-'X l'"rie 1'nni on or l>efjro 15-h Fi-bi uury. Tin* Pmnilv IIt-rnld und Wei'lUy Si 111* iw the r'-c^tiiiiz-il louder of all \\'i-.< 1<1*.om i,i AmencM. Wr (0-r *Tuo .Of- (ilmnV Prnvm,". the Fuiiiily Uim-iIiI and Wi-ikly St-ir. (Oi'o Y.-m) curl tlm Free P'>hm,*(Oi*.o Yt-ai) all for 81 HO. Don't fn'l io" Htcuro :i copy. Send nuhncriptioijn to BRETT & AULD, Essex, Ont. S'irnpio Picture ean ho mHu h<ro. Crnmp.'i.i V- CnUo, Cohlii, X CfOUJiy \ ',[ \ Tooth-'X J-i* and nil JOQWEJ, COMPLAINTS.*:? A Suro, Eal'e, Qnli:l: Curo for tho^o truubius Is (riuinv n.wru',) ' 5'" XJiicA IiticrmiUy and T<xtorKnZly. ^4*- TwoSIzhu, BJc.anrltiOc.hottlfiH. ^ ^3*-*^+>*^^,+3^-t3^*+>*<3^^^+3-H3^iB'*- Iffl tlio old story, "Tho Survival of tbo Fittest" and "Jealousy its own Destroyer." Cheap to buy, but diamond') in quality hauinh nausea, oantod tongue, water brimh, puiu uftor oatinu, wick hoaflaahu, uovor ^ripe, oporatti ploiu-antly, -10 cIoboh iu u vial. 20 ceutH at all drue^IatH. Lady How old aro you, littlo boy ? Littlo Darkey Woll, if you go by whut raudhr ftayH, I 'upeoto I'ii six; bub if you co by de flic I's hud, I'h a hundred. OlhnrH havo found houlth, vi^or aud vitality in Hood's Saraapirilla, aud ithmo. Iy Iuih powor to bolp 3 ou also. Why not try it ? A lady, who bad recently married hor third hut-bund, Haid in arologetio touo to her inoue: "You know, my doar, travell ing about uh I do, it Ib ucaoHflary to havu Homo one to look after the ruga and umbrolluH." ' Pivo yourH afio," Huya Xntia, A. Luwip, Ituvird, N. Y., "I bad a oountaut coo^h, muhtBwbatd, wan yroatly roducou in (IokIi, and had boon given up by many phyBioiuni*. I began to tuko Ayor'aPectorul, and after Uainc; two bottleH wan complotopy cured." Doctor JuHti pUco thin tbormomotor undor your tongue, Mra. Henpoclc, and kocpyour h,^ aloaod tightly. Mr. Hen- pook (uftor a fow mon'ioiitH of HpooohlonH dolight) XVbah will you talto for that in- Htrumout, doctor? Uon'l worry. Dou't run in debt. Don't tritlo with your htalth. Don's try uxpur- iraoutM with tnodininoa. Dou't wawto timo and mouey on worthless cornpoundH. Don't be ptrtuiaduu to tuiie a bubutituto (or Ayer'u Sarflapurilla. It iu tho bout of blood- puriflera, mooa in XiiiV). It ib tho inodturn which carrion to every uorvo, muoolo, oriittu aud flbro \tn nounali- mont und Btrormth. It tho blood m pure, noli and healthy you will bo well; . if im pure, dimiano will Hoon overtake you. Hood's Surrtaparilla haH powor to keep you in health by waking your blood rioh aud puro. Ia what you can rely on [jotting whon you buy from uh. Our waston goon to all ipart^of tho towu. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant Und moor, frosher, or Hwoot- or iu tho country. All kiudu of Fancy Cakoti aud Jolly Itolltt. Fresh Taffy and Candies e>very day. Wo aell notbiug Htaloor *. de leave Your Order and you can rely on prompt livery. do. FRANK FOSS. Opponite rtook &!Fmuol, Ekhox For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free. JOHN A. ROSE'S^ Livery. Good JioadMerti. Jfany Hiding Jlugyim. Comfortable Carriage**, A Call KoliQiUd. Satisfaction Guaranteed. North of tho Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT. Builders *a Contractors* '4 -DHAWmtl IN - 'British Columbia Only One Dollar To Juki uury luf, 1808. sixteen PatroH Each Week wiTir------ All The News of The World. Maket Reports, Stories, Etc. Excellent Handing...... for ovory mombor of tho family ' Wo offer nood inducements to agontn. For tenon, oto., oddreHH ADVERTISER PRINTIN8 CO.. LONOON, ONI'. Pino Shingles, $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilson A-vo., noxt Abordoun Uotel. Tho latent improvod mnoliinery for IroruntjColIarH and Ouffa. Will not ovaok or break wiut;. Family work ohoap. and delivered. rurcehi culled for FleufiO qall and try. If not tmtitifuoiory no charge will ho uhulo,- f our work tiuitu you. rocommend ua to your frienrtM. SASJf, tDQOA'St . LA 77/ and BAKN LUMBER* V&~ NallMlactloii Guuiraiitecd, Opp. Wutoi* Works, K5hhcx, i I ;.! 4 I FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS THECOOSC'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SA.HS ((M CANADA- J. GOTTRLAY & SON. ESSEX, ONT "' ------- .... ,.. >"'i.'i^J':^M,Ci^'1 . ::^ mm HBLIABLH MjiiJ OK WOMAN. ASSURED INCOME TO HIGH!' PER- :;;:t. THE BEST PAY EVER O*" '^UIIBD TOR SIMIIiAR BERVICE. Tn Cu>iiiipulicaii Miutii^incttditri) lir John '...c.liKii 'A',\Li:iut, wJi.lni. to utld u <]mirti;r <-f ;i lnilllnii to itc cllcntMu, nlriindy'tliu liirir- . c^t, of int.,ilij.'i]ut, ihinljiim icnUuri-pOFiueiifccd liy unv |)eri')(lit;;il ia (It. worlU: IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAKTD- SOMErJY FOR ASSISTANCE HEN- D3RBD, It wJahea tho sorvloce of ono reliable man or woman in every town, village, country distriot, or inunufabturiug oatabliflhraent in every State All that is required of. any, sue is reliability*, earnestness and *>/ork. No matter on what other vork you aro engaged, it will pay ou to examine into this offer. Apply, eta tine position, capability and refer. .....- - '*"' *; COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, Irvington-on'tiwHtidion, New Von* LJjI ,:ti ,' ":i, pili^ilp^ifi wjll aunw ou jieuevc lMDlOCSTIOH, ' HUm'MNO 0V YUB JAUNWCr, HUIlT, (*/<lL_Eiivsiri;us, jiciuivy of the " "V\ skit ftKUUM, THB f'< VA*?V SKlT "'(lilJM' KTOMACH. M)\} y Jj^HEAnwuiiM. duvklss ov \{r t^'HEADACtll!. SKIN. J^?rS^'JKH' KIDNEVB. OTOMAOU-, ^S-CtTwx^,. nowEt-o on DIZZINESS. UnOPSY, from <1Iiiom!*ivU ' THK THIOMPH CORN SnELLBtt Thin Machine consists of a horizontal'oast oybndor, -with wrought i^i?* bms, with Btool tooth, bolted to tho oylijder fio as to bo royoraible when. <3||| tooth become worn on tbo IVont Hide, vonning in a perforated concave irofe dioll, which tho ebollod cortiji.aBaes through into a sheet iron c"nse| iff(.t$t;if an or clppuor attached bolnw, which takofl all the dust from tho grnm.:v;3?iw yhoanoat boHt, mogt Bimplo. and dnrqfalo Power Corn heller in use; fll6H| '.orn perfootiy oloan in any conditicn flholling and cleaning from^jb bousaud bueholB of oars per day. according to. power. 'v'*>&$i DiMKNsioNfl; j6^f ator, fi in. face;'Motion, 800 to 800 revolutions per minute; Weight;'56Q}lf "M'W\!f$& EVERV 8HELLER WARRANTED. : J *$^$9$.fyti\ntl:your hair.; ^ 36

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