Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 7

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WgV* ft J'r !'." D. ANDERSON BANKERS & Co, S^gentB for The Boyal, '"ho Guardian and he Lancashire. \q h(*t IiiFiirnnco CowpaDioln tho world. % We mnko a Rpeclalty of Innulng Farm Hro- 1 Money to Loan at B and BH percent on Farm CProporty. , Farmers Jtnuretunv in Gopii Reliable Companies. The Essex Free Press, BRETT & AULD, PROPRIETORS i*-t- rtf. -<i Hi? #t* FKIDA.Y. JANUARY '29. IB97. ___ Town and Vicinity- Heavy overcoats for men, $.6\ nt Bmith'B. E. L. I'ark and wife wpont (Sunday in Detroit. Boys1 ovorcoatfl worth J^i awl,i $ for $8.70atSnuth'a. Aaseflflor JtuBBoll wdl bofrin hia rounds in a few days, MissMyra Bird, ofKingnville, vimtod in town laat v eok A. TI. Hcaril &0o. havo ia (dock a fine lino of smoked moats. Hegular mooting of Piiblio School Joard uoxt Monday evening at 8.11. Tho Fkmk Piikhh, Wookly fllobo and Formers' Sun will bo sent to any ad dress for ono your for $1.80, Como oavly and socuro bargains in ladies' undorwour at Smith'H. Garduor Broa., of Leamington, havo ordera for Hovon earn of handles to bo sent to Winnipeg, Manitoba County Oounoillois J. E. Stone and J. S. Laird loft for Sandwich on Tues day to attoud County Council. Tho Fargo, N. 1)., Argus ruuH 11b marriages, births and deaths under tho headings of "BoIIh," "yells," "Knolls.'* W. It. Manning occupied tho pulpit of tho Mothodist church in Amhorst- --, burg on Sunday last, at both morning and ovoning sorviooH, Manly Maxwell, a f ormor student of the High School, spout aomo days tho "" paat week with f Honda in town and with . Ernest llopgood at North Itidgo. A California publisher haw ontabliHhod a journal called Tho Man. Boforo the first edition was oft' tho proud 1,100 old maids bad paid a year's subscription in advance. Dra." Bell and Prouso, formerly of Amhorstburg aud Eshox roHpootivoly, havo boou ohoHon to All vacancies on tho hospital staff of Ilotol Dion in Windsor and tho latter ban boon ap pointed ophthalmologist. Sam. Smith sayfl ho would bo ploasod if tho poraon who stole a six pound roast of hoof and half a ham from hia homo on Alico Stroot on Wednesday night, would invito him ovor to dinner , -when tho moat is served, probably to day. On Thursday of last weok, tho Whoat- loy Gas & Oil Company whilo boring for gas in tho southeast part of tho vil- lago struck an oil well at the doptli of 1,153 fool and 45 feet in tho oil rock. Tho well i \ supposed to be a good one, Tho oil robins at a depth of 259 foot bolow tho h rfaoo of tho ground. Ml. Thompson, tho driller, pronounces it tho bbst well woat of Potroloa. M. .T. Wiglo &. Co. havo a now fan ning mill to exchange for oats. Br. II. P. Martin, on Saturday last, received from tho 1.0 O.F. Belief Aaaociation a draft for 2,000, tho amount of tho policy hold by tho lato Dr. Geo. Maelcenzio in that association, tho samo being turned over to Mrs. Mackenzie that day. Tho draft was iniido payable at par at Ehhux, the Urat of tho amounts received by Mrs. Mac kenzie on which oxchango did not havo to bo paid. J. A. Forstor, who has boon in tho 'mporiul Bank branch at Kbho\ as lodger eopor for ovor live yoarspast, received orders on Monday evening to report immediately at tho Jngornoll branch and loft on Tuesday morning for his now place. Mr. Forator wan dosorvodJy popular In towi. and his ronioval is re gretted. Tlis friends, howovcr, are pleayod to know that tho change comes in tho way of a promotion. Mr. Wado is promoted lu Mr. l-'oistor'n position in tho ISasfl* branch and a now man will bo aont to tako Mr. Wade's position. j For beat value m hoots and shoos and clothing, try M. J. Wurlo & Co. At Ongoodo Hall, Toronto, last weok, judgment was given in n caso of into- roai to Oddfellows m Ontario, the ro- pJt in tho legal intelligence being as jjellowH: - "Parkhouso vs. Dominion xiodgo L O. O. P.; Baker vs. Foveat City Lodge T. O. O. F. Judgment in notions tried at London, Actions by mombors of tho defendant lodges to ro- covor amouuta of aide boneilts. Tho plaintiifs became members of tho do- fondant lodges in tho years 1H7'3 and 1805, /o'fpoolivoly. Tho by-laws then in forco providod fo^tbo payment of 'A a week to mombova of ft oortam degree as sick bonoflt and another by-law pro vided for tho ropoal, suspending or ondiug of existing by-laws upon a '* two-thirds voto. Aftorplamliu's boeamo entitled to sick benefits, a by-law was ('$'passed roduoing bonoilts. Hold, that \ tho by-law, being passed in pood faith, ') -was valid. Aotions dismisaod without ;j> co^ta." lk. 0", Wiglo'A Oe^aneWflffoteliet them all. Gent's heavy overcoats worth J6.W for $4.35. ^t Smith's. Eleota-lo bells have been put in the Essox High School by Edison Lain*. Miss Maggie MoDougall visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Beattie, in KingHvillo. Alox. Laing, who ia in Chicago, has Bold one of his Planetoriumfl to the University of Chicago. A yerv pleasant time was had by a number of young people at Dr. J. W. Brien's on Monday evening. Miss Frankio Jarmin, of tho high school, spent a few days with hor parents in tho 'burg tho past woOk. Miafl Bertha Honor roturnod to her homo in Maldon on Saturday, after a week's visit in town with hor aunt, Mian Austin. A. II. HoarfTA Co. are offering their "Tapir" brand black tea for 60o. Reg ular prieo, OOo. , ( , Mra. Lawaoa, who has been visiting with hor daiightor, Mrs. Win, Shaw, for aomo time, relumed to hor homo in 3)otroit on Tuesday. Mra. James Wildorspin, Mra. Young, of Lansing, Mich., and Miss Stella Norton, of West Branch, Mich., visited at John U-'hraabor'n on Saturday last. Bov. A. L. Beverly, of St. Paul's church, hold communion Horvioos at Combor and Straugfiold on Sunday last, bis pulpit horo being takn by Bov. T. B. B. AVestgato, of Watford. Chief Sisson laid an information bo foro P, M. Boaman against Mivart Rob inson aud Jaa. Amald, two young farmern living noar Kssox for fast driv-_ ing. Tho caso wua Hot down for hear ing on Tuosday but tho young mon set tled without lotting tho caso go to trial. Joseph Bobinson and wife attoudod tho funoral of Mrs. Thos. Squire at OHuda on Monday. Mr. Squire is a brother of Mra. Robinson. Sho had boon ill for some timo and lately under- wont an oporation at tho hospital in Detroit. John Johnston, who had his knoo in jured at Sutton's aaw mill at Edgar Mills a few wooks ago so that ho has aineo boon confinod to tho house, has ao far rooovorod that ho began working for T. II. DoCew in tho woods on Tuosday, Bov. W. S. Pascoo preached mission ary Horvicos in the Mothodiat church in Windsor on Sunday last, Bov. J R. Gundy, of Windsor, occupying tho pul pit of Grace church horo at both morn ing and ovoning service tho same day also preaching missionary aorvicoa. Special sale of lndioa' undorwoar, <10o. line for <Mc,; 75c. line for .V7o,; $1.35 lino for 850.; G. E. Smith & Co. W. R.IIickoy, of Both well. D.D.G.M. for DiBtrict No. 1, A,F. k A.M., has written Central Lodge, of thin town, that ho will hold a Lodgf of Instruc tion in tho lodgo rooms horo tho latter part of Fohruary or tho first part of March, and that Central Lodgo will bo asked to exomplify tho third dogroo. Veterinary Surgeons Golden, Jones and Orchard, of Windsor, who havo boon tho board of veterinary oxarainors of livo stock in tranait arriving at that port by rail, havo received notice from tho department of agriculture that their services will not bo rcquirod after Feb ruary 1st. This change has boon brought about by tho recent quarantine arrangements arrived at by tho agricul tural departments of Canada and the United States. All fur goods at less than cost at M. J. AViglo As Co.'s. Julia Dooley, of Essex, and hor host ess, Anna Carrier, of 1<J7 West Larued stroot, Detroit, bad a falling out last Sunday afternoon, with tho rosult that Julia was very badly uaodup. Accord ing to her story, Mrs. Carrior threw a pot of boiling tea at hor, tho contents Bproadmg ovor hor face, hoad and shoulders and scalding her in a fright ful manner. Doth women wore arrest ed by Patrolman ShaAv and sent to the Woodbridgo stroot station, where a city physician was callod to attond tho Dooloy woman. Her injurios woro so sovmo that sho was sent to Emergency hospital, and Mrs, Carrior was locked up. Tho foimor is51 years of ago and sho \\\\\ alwaya havo reason to loraem- bor hoi visit to hoi Detroit friend. Mon'u heavy pants, woifh from #2 to 32.60, for ^l.Jlfi at Smith's Tho Postofllco Department calls, at tention to the fact that tho rules now permit tho return to tho Bonders direct, without being forwaidod to tho dead letter branch and witboutchargo except as noted below, of letters which fail of dolivory to tho address, provided thoy boar upon tho face or back tho name and address of tho sender. Request letters are roturnod at tho end oi tho period specified, and lottors with tho namo and addroas only at tho end of two weeks. Those letters aro not sub ject to any foe upon return, aud tho only charge made ia in tho caso of let- tors originally. insuiMcioutly propaid, whore tho original rating is cdlloctod. Delay in returning, caused by the for warding of umlolivorod correspondence to tho dead lotter branch, aawoll as the payment of tho returned lotter foo, can bo avoided if the public will tako ad vantage of tho regulation above sot forth, and stamp or write their names and addrossos upon all letters mailed. Call at tho Fimis Pjtusa ofilco and havo your ouvolopes printed. Gallon cans of apples lflo. per esta at Smith's. ^-Ladies1 ooa for $3.05, at Smith's. How to make house worth from 86 to $10, 1 Fanner*' Institute plants bloom. Try a pofl^S0 Plant Food. Sold by J. Thome,'druggist Miw E. Shaw, of the Pnblio School staff, was ill for a few days lost week and Miss Loda Rune ell taught in her room during her absence. A. H. SoarfT & Co. are selling a regu lar 25o. tea for 18c. lb. Try it. Everybody reaerve tho evening of February lOthfor the conundrum sooial given by tho Epworth Looguo mom bors of Grace Methodist ohuxoh. Fur- thor announcements later, E. L. Park wont to Detroit yesterday (Thursday) to attend tho funeral of the four-year-old son of BobortSuthorland, who died on Tuesday of lagrippe. Mr. guthorland was formorly in business in Essex, J, Y. Egou, hernia specialist from To ronto, was at tho Aberdeen Hotel on Wednesday and Thursday of this woek. From horo he goes to Ridgetown for two days but will likely visit this county again going to Leamington next timo. Tho High school bnaket ball club mot on Tuesday and elected tho following ollioors : Boo. - Troas,, Everett Rich ardson ; curator, G. W. MoKoo ; com mittee, E, Richardson, G. W. MoKeo and Eli Irwin. Yesterday a little girl, who was rid ing on a sleigh down tho main street jumped off to catch on to anothor aloigh when sho alippod and fell on tho road almost in front of tho other horses, which fortunately shiod in timo to save tho child. Children who follow this practice should use morooaro than thoy do, or tho noxt thing wo hoar aomoone will bo getting ran over. Wool shooting, six foot wido, fiflo. por yard, at Smith's. Frank Wultors, lawyer, of Detroit, appoared in tho United States district court at Chicago, this weok, in tho caao brought by tho bicyclo manufacturers of tho United States against tho Motal Polishers, Buffers, Platers and Brass workers International Union of North America. Iho manufacturers wanted an injunction to restrain tho Interna tional Union, and was suceoasful in de feating tho manufacturers. This loavoa tho boycott in full forco. Bov. M, 1*. Oampboll and Troasuror Rush of tho Canadian Ordor of OhoHon Frionds prcsontod Mra. Dr. MoKenssio on tho 28th hist., with a choquo for &l,- 000,tho amount of bonoflciary of horlato husband in tho Ohoson Frionda. Mrs. MoKonzio feelingly oxprossod hor ap preciation of tho sympathy and prompt- itudo of tho ordor aa tho cheque was in tho hands of tho lodge troasuror with in ton days after complotod proofs had boon roooivod at headquarters. Prices reduced on all linos of winter goods at Smith's. Tho ateroopticon views givon in tho Episcopal church in town on Monday ovoning and in Trinity church, North Ridge, on Tuosday evening, were vory entertaining to tho fair-sized audiouco who attoudod both entortainmonta. Bov. T. R R. Weslgato, of Watford, dolivorod a lecturo descriptive of tho ; scones in Missionary work in tho Mac kenzie ltivor_aud in South Amoiica a collection in aid of miusiona being tukon ' up. Principal and Mrs. C. L. Crasswollor ontcrtaiuod the pupils of tho High School on Friday and Saturday even ings at their home on Alico street, tho pupils whoso surname began with a lot- tor from A to L attending on Friday ovoning and those from M to L on Sat urday evening. Part of tho evenings, amusement woro "Bundlos and Cray ons" for whioh prizes woro won by Miaa MayJamesandAltburGourlayon Fri day ovoning, aud Miss Sara Wortloy and Evert Richardson, Saturday even ing. Tho uoxt Public Library entertain ment will bo givon in tho Reading room on Friday e\oniug, Fubinuiy 6th. Mihs Anderson has boon v.sitiug m London with her sister, Mrs. Ashpbint. County Court Clerk Mnrcou has fin ished his annunlstatouiontjund has sent it to tho government. Tho loport shows that thoro -iJ)B mortgages aud hills of sale issuod in Essex county during tho year. The total amount covered by those mortgages was *^.M,- yiW. Jn IdiK), tho n timber of mortgages registered was 411), and the amount covered tftGU.OIO. Twenty assignments woro recorded, tho same numbci aa the yoar previous. Try A. H. Scaril k Co. with au order. Satiaiajtion guaranteed. The Electro Modical apparatus that has boon on exhibition in E. L. Paik's wiudow the past week is the work of W. II. Cotton, of this town, and ia a vory oioditablo pioco of work. Mr. Cotton has boon oxpoiimontmg with oloctrio apparatuses for some timo and has got to bo an export in tho science, manu facturing various kinds of olootrio medical nppliauoeu aud eloctrodou. Ho has, during tho past yoar made a num ber of batteries for physicians and family uao, aud intends going more ex tensively into the business the coming soitaon. His prices aro moderate aud his battorios aro endorsed by Qovoral physicians. Ho also puts in oloctrio boll work. Time* and places of meeting in Essex County: Walkerville, Thursday, Fob, 25th. Maidstone, Friday, February 20th. Amhcretburg, Saturday, Feb. 27th. Essex, Monday, March 1st. Oottam, Tuesday, March 2nd. Olinda, Wednesday, March Hrd. _ Blytheswood, Thursday, March 4th. Bomney, Friday, March 5th. Division Court Sittings. " !' '-' t M'ifitoi SNAP5F - ~^m i I, There was a vory light docket_attha .Men's All Wool Ulster OoatS, division court sittings horo on Tuesday, Storm Collars, Judge MoHugh presiding uud the legal fraternity being represented by E. A, Wiemer, W. U. Kennedy, J. L, Peters, M. K. Cowan. J. H. Rodd and D. R Davis. Ono adjourned suit ovor au account Was allowed to stand; the caso of MoHugh, primary creditor, vs. Veal, primary dobtor, with Houston as gar nishee, was laid ovor and will bo tried by E. A. Wiamor. In tho defended suits tho principal interest centred in the suit of Fulmer vs. McQueen, a dis pute ovor a lease, in whioh the Judgo reserved his decision) J. It. Rodd for pluintiff aud M. K. Cowan for doiond- aut. Tho caso of S. B. Boatty vs. A, J. Wilcox was also takou up. Ihu pluintiff sued for &io\fJ0, tho pneo of a dog sold defondant, who agroed to pay the amount if a pudigree of tho animal was given as agreed or ho would return tho dog to tho plaintiff, who lives ia Lotroit. Judgmout is to bo given plaintiff providing ho givoatho podigrOo aakod for, costB to be docidod at uoxt court, J. L. Peters, for plaintiff; E. A. AVismer for dotondont. A numbor of suits for accounts were also docidod aud some judgmout summonaoa issued and continued. Reduced from $6.50 to- $3-95 BoyR' Overcoats, Reduced from $4, $5 and $6 to - $2.70 Men'5 Heavy Pants, Regular $2 and 2.25 line for $135 Gas or Oil Which? J. E. Thompson, tho wol! driller who has mot with suoh good suoooss in put ting down gas and oil wolls at Petrolea and in Eaaox County, movod hia ma chinery to Eaaox on Saturday last from Whoatloy whoro ho struck a aplondid well on Thursday of last week. Tho maohinorywaa taken to tho property ou whioh Sloto'a ashory ia located noar tho M. C. B. track oloso to O. E, Nay- lor'a saw mill in tho custom part of tho to\yn. On Tuesday, Mr. Thompson and W. n. Richardson wont to Detroit to aco about tho pipe rcquirod for tho well and Mr. Thompson will start bor ing just as soon as ho can got every thing roady. Mr. Thompson has struck either gas or oil in ovory well ho has put down in Eaaox County and ia con fident ho will striko ono or tho othor horo. The Easox Gas & Oil Co., who havo engaged Mr. Thompson to put down tho well, havo $2r0G0 subscribed in sharos of tf 10. Fifty por cont. of the stook baa boon callod in and nearly all of it has boon paid to tho Soorotary, E, A. Wiamor. Those who havo not yob paid up aro requested to do so at 01100. Tho prevailing opinion is tl;at ono of tho minerals will bo struck horo, and that their hopes will bo roalizod is tho wish of ovory ratepayer aud othora in ter ostod in tho prosperity of tho town. A Cold bnap. Tho woathor on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday last takes tho cake for cold ness in thoao parts. Bogiuniug on Sat urday ovoning tho thormoraotor started ou a downward track and kept going in that direction at a good gait till on Sunday night and Monday morning it reached the lowest point roaohod hero in a good manyyoars. On Sunday, ono did not cai'o to veaturo away fiom tho atovo and it was no wonder that the church fiorvicoa woro not as largely at tended aa thoy should have been. From shortly after midnight ou Sunday till eight o'clock Monday morning, tho woathor romaiuod at about tho aamo temperature, fiom 1*1 to 20 dogroos be low zero, Sevoral parties state that the thormomotor at Thome's drug store registered tho latter point at T.iiO, while othor thermometers shortly after eight wore from 11 to 18 below. Tho weather moderated somewhat duriug tho day but at no time was it as high as zero. Aftei sunset it goteoldor again and at daylight on Tuesday from 13 to 1-t do groos bolow woro reached, It got some milder on Tuesday and is now quite a bit milder. It has booj a long, long iinio-somosay 2 yoars ago hint Now Years aineo tho thormomotor I1010 reached bolow 20 and thou it was 2<t degrees below, Tho cold soems to havo been general thioughout America, ovory part of tho continent sending reports that tho weather wan tho most aovore in years. A numbor of people in town had their water pipes burst during tho snap. On Tuesday, A. RainoB began cutting ice on Prod. Robinson's pond 111 the eastern part of tho town and J. M. Ilioks and S. F. Francis will also begin cutting ico in a few days, Tho ice is of a good quality and of good thicknoas. At tho experience sooial givon under tho auspices of tho young pooplo on Friday ovoning, 22nd insi, refresh* monts were served. A programme of recitations, reading** and singing was well rondored. Ovor $20 wns realised whioh ia to bo applied to tho indebted ness of the Baptist church. C'apb, Androws,tho graoe-beforo-moat- box agontt will be in Esaox on Bat-, lip?! Ladies' Coats, Choice of $6, &8 and $lo Lines for - $2.95 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, Per Pair Extra Large Size. $2 MITH & CO AvnnrNKY bijOGK, igssmx. urday, January UOth, and will givo lantern service in tho barracks at 8 p.m. Tho subject will bo "A daughter of Itmmael," a rosouo story. A vory spec ial hmtorn sorvico will bo conducted at 0:80 p.m. for the ohildron. Admission 3 cents. M. J, Wiglo Ac Co. aro offering groat bargains in ovorcoats, South Essex Agricultural Society. Tho annual mooting of tho South Easox Agricultural Society was hold at tho Town Hall, Kingsvillo, at 1 p.m., on Wodnoaday of last week, tho First Vico-Prosidont, A. II. Woodbridgo, in tho chair. Tho minutes of last annual mooting woro road and adopted. Tho following atutomont of rocoipts and expenses for 181)0, as audited, woro presented by tho Secretary-Treasurer . itnoEiivrs. Ralanco from last year............$ 73 Ui Legislative giant.................... tttiO 00 Muuibeis' subscriptions............ 8,1 00 Surplus trom Southwestern Fair 25 00 tfnoi ia KXrilNDITUJlKS. Grants to Union Exhibition......tflUU 00 Working expenses, including acr- vicoa ot fcsuc. and Tioas.......... 4j CO Jialaucoonhand........................ 5{t 1U gtodl 13 On motion of \Vm. Millon and Alox. Wiglo, tho financial atatomont and aud itors' report woro received and adopted. Tho following oflicors were thon oloctod for 1807: President, A. II, Woodbridgo, of Kingsvillo; 1st Vico- Prosulont, Hubert Wiglo, of Kings- villo;.3nd Vioe-Prosidont, 0. O, Fox, of aouuclu* South; Sec.-Troas., G. W. Coatsworth, Kingsvillo; Dirootors, duo. A. Auld, M. P. P., Amhorstbnrg; W. G, Jhildwiu aud Walter McOornuek, of Colchester South; G. W. Coatsworth and Ed. Rogers, of Gotdiold South; J. E. Birch and Wm, Millon, Gosilold North; U. U. Mills and It. E. Preston, of Mersea. Auditors-Joseph Drum- iuoud and John Richmond, Harrow On motion of Wm. Millon aud G. G. Fox, Aiaiihou Elliott was unanimously made au honorary member of tho socioty. At a meeting of tho Diioetora after wards, G, W. CoatswoUh was ro-ap- poiutod Sociotary-Treasurer for 181(7 at tho aamo salary, $25. Iteamington GaffiaQe Iflori^ To Farmer* and the Public Generally Compete tit judcoii hnvo dooldod onoo mor tluit our BUGGIES and WAGONS Ami Tnia hiiht. Thin yiar, an unuiil, thoyhav flivoii hh %lt Rvat vvi/an out of ft pomilblo bovoh lit th LnaminntonFair; iour first pri/ua at nawcw Fair out of a poaiiiblo ttvo; una at Hollo Klw Vair our HuRBioB (jot tin-no finit prixtm out ot % noiiulblo flvo (ilvon by tho nooioty. thus mokUg itoloftnuwoonnt all the Vtxita that our wol waHonoxhibltioathiHfull. Our Uuiiih was e- aolloatilufaotit waatlio univorsal dooiaiomrf uvorybortv that our vohlolufl BuriiuttBod any *- titbit of any formor yoara. JQobL of all, wo noli moro worli at and durinu; the Faint tliuu attior oomiiotitorn nald nil put tonatlior- Utui. wo havo ii lot of ditforout iilylon on liimd and inaklnR ovory woolt wtiioli will miit iho mot laHtfdioiiH. Wo ilio now xuaiiy to talio ordim for Fruit Wuiioma, lUitf^be nm\ Catr'ayua ot ovory doHorlptluU Kitpainuu Uouo In all 1H Inanohod. Ordoira nolioitod. Kndtorn BiijHiion and Wagond aud all knida of I-'uim Iuiploniontft and liioyolua Huiipliod oi ohort aottco and at a nmuU advnnoo on oost, Thanklntr out patroua for paut favors 1 am, Youru vory roHpootfuUy^ W. F. McKENZI* Afloni for tho ahovo Worhf. IloxO.J,Loamfnatoit, Oiit ropairod at Ovena' 40-tI Have your watohctj tho now jowolor. Ontario winter butter-making lalnoroaa- lug. In 1691-02, tha flrHt two bufctor factor- ioe ware run during the winter in this province lu tho present year about 100 f aotorloa are In operation, aud the winter output of buttor will be worth ut loafit $S0O, 000. On batter, choose and pork rauab the Ontario farmer more and more rely as money-making produotB. He must 'pro duce the bent of all, and market iu the beat condition, Jv Smith, 1 <lll<jr, Woodslee, UA.S Oponod a Dyo WorijB in connection with hid Tailor EstublMmiont. 1^ i Vou Have an Old suit OF CLOTHES, And ho will make it an good an now. <&gj>-<^-~ If? YOU WANT FASHIONED v MADE NIdW- BEING- IT TO BMITH. AN OU) Barr Glofches Cleaned, IJeGo\/afced and ^J| Dyed, at Smith's* m At Smith's you can got a good Tweed Suit for Worsted " if s '% i-j The Fiusw Pkhb and London BU; Advertiser will bo sent to any pddr<ivv !j\j for ono year for $2. This offer ifl gw^ J*" only to resident* of Esaex County* , ,' ( KM '('.< 3fc l*& O-JA 'iUl t.xi, 1K< \u sss

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