Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 6

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4IW; Essex Free Press, fe^S'V,1, V $m "------------:----------- '., Mrs.- Garllok, of Detroit, wait visiting hor friendi hen lut week. Meeari, Hfoiper and DeCew arebuBtling In the logs while the snow lutfl. The debate at oar literary meeting wai aalled a draw. rc M^;f VFBIDAY, JANUARY SO, 1897. fe^:.:-:.:;' ' - t' ' I John Askkw, of Leamington, H. Y. ,,, i^PioiceriDg, ol Amheratbnrg, and A. ',?' Chaaviu, of Tilbary North, hye boon ap- pointed Lloense OotnivUaionerB for Sooth B~-Buex for 1897. At the regular meeting of the town oounoil on Tuesday evading uext, the ques tions of Looal Option and Iuoandeaoent E loo trio Llfcbt will bo taken up. The former will he considered on the introduc tion of Mr. Johnston's by-law to eubrait a by-taw to the ratep&yerti in town for a re- peal of Looal Option. Petitions both for and againBt Hubmltting the by-law have been presented to tho ooauall and the tern., perarjae people are waking a strong flghfc against having a threo yoars' trial of Local Option out abort, tho by-law, car ried in 1899, having only oome into foroe on August let last. It is stated that the Dominion Allianoo will be aakod to tako a band in thin matter. It iteemH probable, jjji bow-wer, that tho oouuoll will oounldor that they oat) tako the reepouHibilliy oft thoir Bhouldorn by submitting the by-law and lotting tho ratupuyeru do- decide. Ill the olootrio light question, the Fire, Water and Lif;lit Oommittoo will Itkoly havo flguroii showing tho cost of putting in n plant and the annual oofc of running ntunw. If the oounoil oan nee a profit to the town in putting in an in- oMifleocmit system iu town there in no rea son why the town should not (40 into the busiut'HH, A consitlorablo outlay would be neoemiary, howovor, an two builora, an on- Kino, a dynamo wire and polos would Iiavo to be parohKsed, neaoflsitatmg an ofcpoudi- tare of nearly 99,000. Tho quoatiou should be ooURidored frotU its various utaudpointH before definite action in takon, or before any fraiiohiuo is givon. K tho oounoil do- cidoe ou gointf into the businacm tho quus- fcion woula have to he oubmitted to the ratopayorn for thoir approval or diwipprov* al, Ono expenditure uocoHijary ou tho part of tbo council, oveu if tho elootrio h^ht eehemo is not curried out, is tho putting in of a new boilor at tho "VVatorworkH and the soonor it in put in the better. An of- fort should be also made to furnish the M. 0. It. with water and in thiu way roduao tho outlay required oach yonr from tho town treasury to oarry on tho waterworltH. The metnboro of this' yoar'a aonnoil havo a lot of work boforo thorn but wo doubt not that thoy will carefully obiiHidor every mat ter brought bofore thorn and work for tho town'y boat iutoroatH. the fc INUI.I MMlrilNK-S-rnMOXCWN- Cnuoila to the Rescue. According to the report o'f an official high in the oorvioo of tho Indian Govorn- olent, six nailhouflof pooplo in India are on fcuovor^o of utarvation, and already tho famine lias olaimod thounanda of vfotimn. Tho donpnrato Htato of tho oaao in now ^iocuratoly known, and tbowuito civilized World fa arbupod. Itoliof munt ho nont to India, und that, too, without delay. Tho pooplo of Groat Britain.havo already taken action, Aroorioa ia following thoir example, and ovon tho RuRniaun nvo contributing to tho relief of Britinh subjoata in||tbe Indian Erapiro, Tho roliof movement in Canada ban boon inaufjaratod by the Montreal Star nowRpapor, whano publiahor baa hendod tho list'with a anbacription of live ,bnudrod. dollarn. ThiH opens tho Lolief .fund in tibia country, and from all parts of the Dominion como wordu of approval und prorrJooaof go- operation. Promior Lnurier ban written to tho Star Btating his approval of tho course taken by itu publiahor, and to the Relief Fund ho addn hia cheque for a hau d Homo amount. Tho Protostant olorgy or Montreal havo all'joinod iu a memorial to tbo Star Hnp- portinp tho oaUHO of Canadian annjatatice for India. Tbo appeal iH.boing hoard and reapoudod to. "" Subaariptionn ta tho Rsliof Fund, great or Hnaali, Rent to the Montreal Star, will be publicly acknowledged. _...... Frank Layman hai purohaBed Greiner and Woodlwlsa ntook. Peter Wilkimon wan aeiznd with an epileptic fit a few days ago and wan quite ill bat is improving. Dr. Fred. A. Wifile is failing slowly. Ho baa aold his roaidonoe and pruotioo to Dr. J. P. I>o, of TorontA. The Ontario Uaa Co, finiehed tboir wull on the Stookwsll farm, on Tuesday laht. It iu one of the good oueu. Vim. Gilkinson has purohaeed J. H M.Id3ougb' livery and barn businonH and haa leaied the tatter's barn for Ovo yean. Tho *owu offlobri for 1897 aru| fjlork,* W. A. Smith ; treaaurer, S. Ij. MoUay ; asnosaor, Geo. Rumball ; chief of police, H, Uloh; auditors, D, Lauoaator aud <tou. Ooaiitworth ; water olork, Fred. l^orHter; medlaal health o(floor, Dr. Wbito, The KiiiKHvilbi oounoil wore oervud on Tuooday with an injunction by tho Ontario Natural Gaa Co, reetraiuuig them from drilling further at tho corporation well ou the Harrington lot ono mile cnl of town, On Friday luet, -John Loop, father of Henry* Ira and Urlaa l^oop, of thiH town, whilo fining from bin oh air foil end re ceived a Hfivere shaking tip. Dr. White wan culled and after examination has very little hopon of tbo old jioutloman's rocovery, ub Mr. Loop is 82 years of ago and -ban been vory foeblo for tho pant two yoaya. .. TI&BlinYWKNT. Cameron * Curry have wold tho Alnsllo Bros,' property'of 100 tic re h in Tilbury West for UAi)0. _i.. 1^...... ffiAionTorvK. . By. North, who formerly eondnoted the hotel at Maidstone Cro,Ii now proprietor of tho Puoifio Hotel in Wiudhor. SYNDIV1DII. Ohaufua Donetuuu, blaotittnltb, of 8and- wiob, died Friday morning at the age of fi!), after a two weoka* illneitB. The de- o*'aHud wuh born in Han hviali and has never livod anywhero olne. IIu',va a hi({lily- eatoomod rohidont of tho town. WINOSOIl. I?. 0. Kerby, aolieitor for A, L. Korby, dry tfoodu uinruhaut, liaH ihhuhcI ii|jwrit againut Gault 1Jr:'M., of Montroal, claiming $5,000 damnion for tho atlo^fd dttutruction to Kerhy'u bUHiiiflwn by Htilliutf at auction bi.H gooiin at Toronto. . ^ I.IIIiUV NOU ill, 1*', J. MuHuu, dnaliir in hardwuro and agriciultural impleinentH, t Btomiy Point, Iiuh aHHignod to.A. W. Dnvidnon, of Wind- hut. lioraoo WuIhIi, wan on Friday Hftutonueri Ut uno \tiur in C^iitrul priuou by Jud^n Homo. Ho wuii ohur^cd with atttmipcii]^ to oriniinally unkiiult Li! I in Dunn, uged li), of titoney Point. WalnJi wan iiHeouititcd with Nick Millcr'ti itinerant uimlioal troup. % Esflox Public'Scliool. Tno following obtained half at tho week ly examination, January 33ad: Fourth olanu M Buuh, L Roao, W Auld, B Ale- -Dougall, N Alexander, F Griffith, W Oraa wollor, W.Thorno, F Stacoy. Senior Third fi Trowiu, H llotio,- G Widoi K Boyle, G Footham, B Alexander, l,M Fito, C Gotmloy, R Hloka, M Leo, K , JolmHon, M Boaman, \Z Stacoy, A Tnzza- . :- noan. . Jr.III.^EthelDoluon, Myrtlo Thorntun, ' ' Blwood Mounteor, Goorgina GoHiioll, Arch ie KTaylar, Ethol Laird, Viva Hickn, Lena 1 rAinwi, Bnanio Sinclair, GmooGroon, Byron Hinkfl, Stanley Htooo, Arahul Ilobiuson, ., Gordon EobinHOn, Loo Thoroo, Ada , Wigutraan, Rono Hill, Roy Rainoa, FloHnio] Burdiok, Aimer Finder, Henry Allen. . Br. Part Reaond oIiujb Winniti Wiglo, ..'irrtiukio Brown,'Maggie Grow, Joo Wortloy, 'Gertie Loo, John McDougall, Frank Hart, WiiUe Sample, ,Farl Harmon. ". Ethol Wohb, Mary Oottoll, ifithol Robinnon, AnnioEiiR- ,' taco, Blunoho Aftla, Gcorgo Stono, JlZifla AU-cbiiian'R room Junior Second " M, Robinson, U Davie, E Lewis, R Haunaa, A Sloane, E Koown, Jf Footham, H RubhoII,'13 Gormiey, M Riddiok, J Mo , F La'ing, . M Uiobardnon, R Lapoiut, G Lapoitit M ; RtiHh, E Phillipn,,N Willohor, H Craerf- vweiler, J Walkor, A Woifo, C Viokors, O Robiuson. Senior Suoond TIiohm who obtained oyer 50%' are' ae followB ;--Laura Dibley, Louise Trowiu, Minnie Bau^hman, Ada Btooiy, Mark Delmore. Mihu Maggie Duko is ill. Oliyor Bruuer hae decidod to build a house au well as a barn ou bin farm in tho Chh oonoesiiou. Dan Odotto Iulh lont the valuabla hunt ing dog ho brought with him from Windsor a few woolen ago. Miss Emma, oldoBt daughter of Win. Orion, who bad been in Kingavillo taking treatment, liuu returned homo. Gbouln have boon getting in their work iu tbo M.E.obmotory bore. Thoyhu.vo'.Btolon tho| bodyof Tom Cooper, the English lad who wau buried in Soptorabor. On Monday laHt, tho lato Mrs. Tho mutt Squires was buriod at Olinda, Tbo funer al waa vory largo. Rnvu. W. H. Shaw and JS. Modd officiated. The choir of the Ruth- vou church took charge of tho Hcrvioo of aong. The pall bnaroru v/oro Philip Fox, F. MoCharleH, A. Dawnon, J. .T, Kenyou, B. Wiglo, Gore Lano. Doooasod was -12 yoars of ago and loaves a husband, a step- danghtor and two hoiih. Sho reoontly nn- dorweut a couple of operations iu Dotroit but death fluporvonod on Friday last. .--------------1~4+^ ---------------- niiV,x2 Kiyitn. Mr. Dickson, of Burlington, fatbor of Alox;, is iu town. MiflsStolIa O'Donuld, of Dotroit, is visit ing friende iu town. Goo. Goulot shipped twclv* barrels of poarl ash on Friday. Paul Chovalior has roturnod from a two wooka' visit with friends in Windsor. Mibsoh Cynthia and Effa Taylor, of Big Beavor, Mich., aro visiting at Mr. Cornot- ot's. K. Ghovulior will shortly open a grocery store at-tho corner of Church and Main atrectH. Mrn. ,7. Cray was oalled last woolc to the bodoido of her dying sister, Mrs. Lapain.ot Walkorvillo. Nuzairo MouBRoaa roooivod tho nomin ation for the vacant counciUornhip and was declared elected. MoDGiJ Monurd is gofting out tho mater ial for a haudsomo rcsidonu.j to bo erootod iu tho Bpriug near tho bridgo. TruHfcoaa mot on Wodnooday ovoniug of last wook for tho iirst timo this year. Mr. Mulono wan appointod chairman. Gcorgo Bontoillor.'now in charao of the ftxciHo ofBco at Seagram's dmtillory ut Waterloo, will bo chief of tho oflioo at Walkervillo m place of J. ,!, Spearman, who has beou removed from thoro lo an other point. Walkervillo is otic of tho mot important "surveys" in tho depart ment, and Mr. Boutoillor's position io ono which oalls for congratulation. AniirifM'I'llUlKJ..... . The BonedJatH will give . olninty ball iu Town Hull on February 2nd, Tuesday ovoniug next. Thomas S. Barlow, about.00 years of ago, wandorcd from hhi homo on' Tuosduy of last weok and Iulh not boon found yot. It is feared that ho throw himself into the river and was drowned. For sotno days previous he had boon acting in a queer manner and is said to have tbroutcnud to tako his life, A widow und grownup family aro living. IN .--..../.-I To Quickly convert the balance of our Winter Stock into Cash, during the NEXT TEN DAYS we will offer the following Extraordinary Bargains, #^- Note The Prices. tr:^- Gome and See the Goods. ^ Save this Price List aud Bring It Along for Reference* Ladies a Former Price, #1.50 to $2.00 a it <t u Fine Wool Shawls, Heavy Wool Shawls, . 5^50 Gteen'd Seal Cape and Muff, 10.50 li Storm Collar and Muff, 7.00 Ooney Cape, . . 8.50 Storm Collars, . 3.00, G.00 and 8.00 Black Fur Trimming, per yard, 40o & 50c 1.00 8.50 450, 5.60 & 10.00 4.00 11.00 Grey " Fine Silk Sealetto/ Men'a PerBian Lamb Caps, Men's Fine "Fur Caps, Goat Robes Very Large, Men's Waterproof Coats, Men's and Boys' Fine Over-coats nt loss than Manu facturers' Wholesale Prices. Special Price. #1.00 2.75 to 3 60 . 8.25 3.60 4,26 >1.50, S.00 S and 4.00 25c 50 4.75 3.25, 4.00 and 6.50 3.00 7.00 At just half price. Mrn. Joh. Emory in vory ulok. Drop&y in tho complaint. Chun. Mtirdol in building a now houtio ou Xj. BoUtfhuor'd lot. Athork LaKuo'H mill id in full blunt thit> wook Hawing barn lumber. . Mm. Arthur Bold, who has beou affliotod with typhoid fevor, in very ill a^ain. II. D. Burr, who hua hiion olorking for F. O. Barton, for tho paHfc oix mouthH, haw ruui^uod. The improvt'inuntH in tho Buolianau mill latoly puroluiHod by Wra. Nlobor^all, aro now oomploto, und tlio mill in now ready for operation. Tho mill of Forao & Diokuoti, whlah hau boon idlo for tho pant year, in to bo buoy a^ain uoxt uaa.nou. Alox Paraon in in town. Ho ih culling in tho placo of Jowol Dou^h, who ih Huffor. in 14 from an attack of tho grip. Wm. Aubin in toaolnng Fronoh to tho young mon of tho villago. Ho has Inn oluiifi two niqlitn in tho wook. KIJTIIVKN. W. EI. Burr Modd, of Liatowoll, wa tho tfuont of hia brothor, Rov. E. Alodd, Ph.D. hint week. H. S. Wifilo 1q handling; largo quantitiafl of qrain thiH winter, for whicli bo paya tho lughoBt markol price. Tho revival uervicon nt Albuna aro very ouoofcotjful, many uo fur manifesting a do- oiro to lead hotter Uvoh. Tho pantor will bo aoitiHtod by Minn K. Mostou, of Toronto, for a wook or two. Tho funeral of tbo lato F. Iaaaos, of Walkervillo, woh hir^oly attondod, not- witliHtandiofi tho iuolomonoy of tho woathor. Tho pall bourarH woro A. Daw- nan, Philip Fox, F, MoOharlos, Mark Wbaloy, Burwoll Winlo aud L. Wiglo. . Tho anniversary oorvipoH iu tho Kuthvon etiuroh will bu hold next Sabbath, January flint. Mipr Kato Morton, of Toronto, ono of tho mottc oftloiont and HUoaooHful ovau- HoliHta ut work in tlio charoh, will proaoh in tho toronoou Horyioo. Do nob mum thiu opportunity of 1 intoning to thin talontod Indy'prolLchor. Tho ovoninc fuorvioo will bo conducted hy tho Boy. E. Modd, Ph. D, Idbwul coutributiouB in bohalf of trUBtco funds aro Kohoitod iu thoeo oerviooH. Tho ontortainmout an Monday ovoniug will bo Kivon by tho Loaguo, Tho proirrammoa will bo distributed noxt Sabbath in tho ohuroh aorvuH'p. Do not fail to attend, AiroiBBiou ou MOudav ovoniug only 10 oenta. NANOUICII SOUTH. W. Barry in apondinti a wook at homo. John Battorahy has diuponod of hin farm to Donnis Boahan, jr. John Battcr^by hiu; iiold bis farm on tho north townlina to Donm Boahan. Thoro aro 83 oorcB in tho farm ; prioo paid,' 83,. 000.' Tho romaina of Mr. Halloran, who hud boon a roHidout of Polton .for 50 yparfij woro interred at Bandwioh on Saturday, January 16th. Bov. Fr. M0G00 united in marriaijo. on Tuesday of laat wook, Minn Magt'io Dolilo, of Muidetouo Grotia, aud Eukouo Bourquo, of Paquotto Station. Wrn, Boahan, who bad boon workinq for JoBoph Farry, on tho Giloa avail no aowor, Wmdflor, lofc for Tilbnry hint wook wljoro ho ban noourod a joh with John Forry in tho Dalon-Hobb drain. Alox. Lafor&t hao purohanod tlio lata Pfttnok Hoaley'a farm on Canal ntreot. Ifc containH 75 aorou ; price paid, 88,'tOO. Ao it ndjoiuo Mr. Laforot'H it will muko a very valuable alditiou to hia farm. - 1. .I,,.. , inJTmyiiN, Tho Natural Gan A Co., of Ontario, havo fltruok thoirtwentioth Ran well at Kuthvon, and oan now supply 3,000,000 foot of fjan por day. Frederick louacH, haraosB-makor and nnddlnr of Walkorville, diod at Harpor hospital, Detroit, Thurtiday ovoning of Hint wook. Uo wa takou ill a fow days pro- viouo with appondioitin, and ontorod Harp or for troatmont. 'Mr. iHaaoH wan horn in Dovonnhiro, England, in 1850 and ou-m'a to Ontario about 25 yoars a^o, Bottling- in Kuthvon. About hovoii yoiirn nf*o ho moved to Wulkorvillo. Uo wan a promin ent Oddfellow, and Pant Grand of Boaver lodge at Ruthvoo. Ho wan aluo 11 P. M. of Walkervillo lodgo, A. O. U. W. For oomo years ho wan a niloful marahor of the flobool board at WalkorvMlo and wan chairman whon ho rotired a yoar a(ro. Ho further norved tho town in tho oapaoity of ooun* oillor, and always Ihh dutioB oonaoionoo and Htront! oommou sonso. Mr. Ioaaos wan a Bingularly upright and honor* ablo man, uuHEBUiuing and oaroful of Hpaooh, but friendly und courtuoun iu hut intcrcourao with hitj follow man. Ho wa auintolligont obBorver of ourront ovontn. ttnd.WttB ulwayn found thoroujjhly. formed on political and other quontmns of tho day. Ho wan tho ntauip of man which uo community oan afford to Iobq and ho will bo rauau miBKOd. To mourn hia loua ho leaven a widow aud nix children, four dauKhtorn and two none. Wm. H , tho elduub Hon, in hook-koopor with Hiram Wulkui & Bonn, and Ohurles^the younger, in n junior olork iu tlio Hamo oflioo. The funeral, which was taliou charge of by the Workmen and Oddfellown, took plaoo at Kuthvou on Saturday last. tics^ We are offering many other Bargains which we have not space to enumerate. Terms, Gash, Yours for Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & CO. DtJITSTAlT BLOCK. BSSE2. Great Unloading Sale.. DreSS CToodS a* wonderful low prices, from 7c, per yard up to $1.26. BloUSe Silks The latest styles in Japanese Silks, worth 750., for 50c. All.Shades. 34-inch'TTLannelette> worth 10c for 6cM. extra heavy twill and plain. OorsetS D. & A. for 75c worth $1.00, Men's Overcoats, worth SIO.OO for $8.00, $8.00 for $6.00. Men's Pants' from 90c to $3.50. Underwear all wool, for 50c, excells all other values at 65c. Boots and Shoes-very LOW PRICES for next 30 days. Hats Men's $2 Fur Folt Hats for $1.00. . Groceries Always Ireeh and best for least money. The Best Tea in Market for 25c,JLn^J^!^_i^^^ J. A. FRANCIS. Evory woman haa natural ouronity to qoo how othor womon furmah thoir homoo. To mtitfy thia tho LadioH* Homo Journal will publiab during tho yoar intorior pho tographic viowH of it Uuudrod of tho mot artiittio, oheorful and comfortable ho mo a in Amorica, Thono will show in dotail tho oonatruotion, uttinK and (farniiihiuii of parlorn,- drawing.rooroo, tvilla, roooption, rauma, nittinfj, dininp;, bod aud bath roomn, IcitohonH, poroliOB, piazzan, otn. This un ique neriod will bo full of oxaallont idnw* for ovoty hotiflokoopor or homo-raakor. It wilt present viowu of tho ititorioru of Uoiirob of moderato coat, which ato ihtod and fnrninh- od with oouopiaiiotia fjoo;l tusto, und at comparativoly amall oxpniiflG. That intomporanoo. in docroaoiotf ,ih fihown hy tho Inland Ravonuo rotumn far flaoal yoar ondina Juno BOtli last. Tho ooDHiimptfbn of ftpiritH durint; the yoar was tholowoHtin tho hintory of tno oountrv homy -^28 gallonn por haud, whilo for 181IG it waH'.fiOG. In 18119 tho consumption por hond watt. 1.124, ovor ono tonth and ton gallono, Tho' quantity conHtimod^kept Htoadily incroaHinf! nntil 187-1, whon it reuohod its hifthoHt point, l.fiOl, or Hourly two, gallonn. . Tho quantity ot wuio oon- aumod i)'*r head .reached itn lowoHt point hiHfc yoar, whon it 'woh .07 (jallomC 'Tho yoar proviouH it wan .09. In 187*1, when it roaohod itw lii^hofit point, ,258. In 1875 it dropped to .M9 and knpt cradually drop ping until laut yoar, ifc wan tho lowoHt Jon irocord. ---------------------------------- All tbo Manitobit laud oompanifiH ronort inorottBod inquiry for farm laudw. Many of tho oorrofipondwot" Hyo in tho northern and woatoru States. a . Hro wub diBcoycroti at tho bank of 0. It. XIannat's hardware atom nt Bhelbourrio. A Wuh wind provailod. at tho tlmo, and tho firo raalo rapid headway and aoon got boyond control of tho flro brigado. Han- iiab'H hardware Htpro, W. A* Fouwiok'a jowolry Htoro, W. J. Snwor'a boot and nhpe Btore/A. V.Galbraith'H iowolry atoro, B. Berwick A Go.'u gonoral atoro and H. Oan* aon'B saddlery t-Htablishmont waro destroy ed with all their oontoutn. Tho lotin will reaoh 5lO0O00f fairly coyerod by iuuur- anoe. tho Sir Isaac Pitrriuu, the inventor of Pitman nhorthand aystom, ia doad, Tho Britinh military peat in Urnan, tho ooQupation of whioh lod to tbo acuta trouble with Vonczuulu, hau boon abandon- od. ' Sir Honry Strong, Ohiof JiiHtico of tho ^upromo Court of Canada, ha roooivod tho appointmont to tho Quoon'a Privy Council. Edward Fonton, a youn^j farmor 25 yoarti old; loQt'hiu lifo near Corbotton in au on* doavor to roaoao hiu atook from a burning bum. . John Bushy and J anion Quinn havo boon arroutod in Guolpli charuod with bp. ing tho anthora of a number of incendiary firoo thoro rooontly.. Buaby turnod Quoon'a oviclonco at tlio proliiuinary trial, and (javn ovidenco otiargin^'Quina with at leant on of tho orimoii. Daoay and Dry man, rnraliatfi, noar Oyn- ibiana, Kontnoky, both lovod Jonnio Hill- ory aud happonod to moot ou tho highway* Daooy boing iu tho hu^gy with tho girl. [ Dry no an' wan ohot noar tho hoart and Diiony through tho brain, and now tho poor girl haa no lover at all. W. H. Konuody, formorly of Watford, liuo opouod up aluw ottluo in tho oornor.of, tho Abordooh blook. Monoy to loan at fi OJ and ft por bout,, according to nocurtty, OollootniR, convoyanoing and wiudint; up oututeH, a apooialty; nlao a numbor of ilno far ma for huIo, Baker and Butcher* THR oldont biinliiAnn iu town. 1871). Fl rat-old nn broad and I'tttahllahft .... oakoH of id Woddingaalioaa_npoolality._ Grooenod firoviuionn, UourVfood, Half aud pork. Conlaa- (onory,orookory,Rlftiiowaro. CaimodfrultHiind voBolablpfi of all kiudu. Goods pmrciptly to HvoroatoallpartnoHbo town. J, M. HlOKB 13HHOX Market. Wlioat rod por bnahel .,..8 Whoat, white ....' Corn .... Oatfi .... Timothy Sood .... Clovor Sood .... 75to lfito Hay por Ahnlu.- lioof per owt....... Pork J^ivo woiyht,.. Mutton ....... Hideo....... OhickouH por lb..,.'. Butter Lard ..... I3KH| por doz ..... Potatoofl, por bntibol Carrots Turkoyfl por lb..,.. DuoIch ..... 80 77 31 15 i eo 450 to 460 ton,........... 8.0010' 8 CO 100 to -1 00 i r,o to 5 oo 3 >C to 3g 5 00 to oOO 10O 5 .12 6 40 40 7 6 . 13 0 10 to Gto Wetmore Truss. iBf4HlAk RELIABtiB MAWT OR VtfdllTctll WOMAN. ASSURED Immediately iughtbpbS 30WT. THE BB6T FAY EVER 0>" FBRED FOR SIMILAR SERVICE. Tlit* Co&inopolhmi MtiEli/inc, edited by JOHN. 'JrfisaitN walicbr, wishcii to arid a qunttor of a million to its cliciitiltj, alrcndy tlio hirR- t:Ht. of lutclliecni, tliinldng render*possessed by nny'liiiriotliciil in tlur world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REW- DBRBD. It Wishes the services, of ono reliable man or woraaivin every town, village, country district, or manufacturing ostablislunont in oxrery Btnto. All that iq required of any ono, Is iGllKhlUty, earnestness, and work. Wo matter oa what other work you uro on gaged, it will pay you to oaramina into this offer. .Vtiiily, Mutlni' t'n>sitia)i, cnp.-\liiUty and refer Wen, to TUK COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. . ' Irvitiuton-on-thc-Hudion, New Yot*. ( -41 1:* .S Tfijss in the IWafket. Thla TruHH ia rooommontlodbooauuo ItiaEu-. to Woiiy, Otinnot Gftt Out of Tluco; oau be Usee in Ctittcs Hard to Hold; und aleo in Cased Easily ', Hotainod, ' " It ia superior to oil othors /or tbo following roiiHoiiB: iv3S iHt 'Ji to euit tho ourfo tiB to rmjHtiuro. i'^^^f fiud -It docs not ro itround the hln8 but pver ,. ,:^ ^<w thorn. Tbo book pad In ::^Wiafl tront pad so that tlioproasuro la ovontydivided.'"'i" ' >& : >' Srtl- if Any oaao oan be Utted by ndjuatlng the pitdu and shaping tho bow; Je light, easily to ad- . juut and will stuy whero it bolo&ea cyery4 tlmft: i^| andall the tlmo, ." \"'-%t : Parties in ueotl of a Trasa Should see th*v/:,V^ Wotmoxo. , '% DRUQQIST;:;: :SMM ESSEX. ONTARIO. ;.-PM *' ,-. P^:\^^:^[^yp^&^

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