Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 5

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"^mfmm^H^-'^-.'i'^ ":v-^r^ ttlfe^V,:'-- "'" ^ ^^W^ffl .' --"%i"<"V>'v"OT :..:^Wffl _ V&4 pmh* lW to ton** *nd futrtfjM* ^*%tt& xfenfeUMr*Iul*M,fc4M|(ft ssesraaaBrt . :......_. FWRNtfc ANDt.MftXHJSR." $* P 111" m u'. MV Ijjiomln*, Mrrouint, And,* UI noti-relliwd, bilious lew or blood 'poboning.. Hood's Pills ttlmulAt* tho stomach, roust) the Ur, euro beadsnhs, dltilnflii, con stipation, eto. ascenU, Hold by all druggists. Taa ooly TIlls to take wllh Hood's Bamparllla. gm* ' Wtti, Iludauu, of Hintoubur^, i uucor ttrroHt ou ft nharjjo of wifa mnrder. Tho dirootors of tbo IJanU of Ottawa ubHoriboel 500'to tho In/lift famine (and ',. and Mr. Laiirior lm.H nuhnoribod 100. Onn Every -NltfliC. . On.. I'j-ix *Tjivm- PiH tidcim oanh nitfbt > during HO f'"VM wiM"<iru Onimtiputiou, oft. retnrtiin-' Il'mditohn^ urnl irregular notion ' of t'.-Mlkmvol.i. Tj-iku !/ lMl(i hiw-vo no nnpiu:.HJuil dfuir-i-ITtoi, Oharooul, Mood 1 ii.iin.ti, haw boon nn< teunod at. Mcfjiod t^. bn hunted for the mnrdor of.^T^t. Wildn nnd an Indnm. Frederick FiUpntriok, of Putdlnoh, at tempted, ti) huntf him-Kelt' tnmarao $ree, but'ik-ii^tml, and aftotwardii tJuvo ha thfl .roftflQU that tho tree wa*i> net bitfh nougb. Tho hudy of .lumOH Oomiey, o Blair, Munkoka, wis found buried under a font of earth and enow. Ah tho Hon told contra dictory aloriow of tho chum* of his doath artfl rnanifatttftd .aorne anxiety, over <> money i an iuVosttW^tidrJ Ih beintfheloV AriWfll u* Kvor. t>EAn Smw, Attar Butforiutf for two yonrn form aouto mdigeufcion, I Iriod It. I}, B.. I took only tbmo bottloH, which mado mn aswolbfta over I waa. I li(bly raootii- aeujli B. B. Ii. to ah\ dynpoptiqu. Mns. Jontf Wjprne, A-uatin, Man. It in uaid thoro la evpry probabilifcv of extenHlve rtipftirHboinj; mado to tho Wol- jand Canal lujit Hummor. Mr, Mol'lmil, the defeated oandidato, has ontornd a protonfc a^aiust the election of T. 0. Bavis in 8akatoh(iWnn. .' c V* fc* Man*r Oorn ni<>tl'r,nd I>aaglt- tmr H6W Wt DreiilDK* IVTay Xl V4. BMflti of tlta Footbath T^ SuM^Y PlnDtr Tb Ilftby's Ohrdtouiny ltol>. Mrs. KUninn a TnyJor of BftH LakoClty Is tho prouldent of ubo of tho Inrgeat noot- Sblca for wouiou in tlila country. It Is oullad tho Young LndluH1 National Mu tual Ipiprovnmtuit iiHKuolntlon, and with 4Q0 brniioli aiiHO()lut;lt)i)H now numbors \6t- %')0 niamburii. Tho IthrurfeH nwiiod by the dllloraut brunohoa oontuln 7,000 volumort. Mrs. Taylor bua buon pryuldont for 17 daughter's elosess confl- Asatlal^eo^a^d we may ^a t#giy* tjTkojtootaof **W>oK e% toiWis^UToi^by whst wsj v ess m I;" IK-"'- m k*nla In thn Hld*# *iu PrvtapUr U*li*vtl uul Gurwl l>y The"D.&L" Menthol Plaster Iiin* \ii*d your n. A J* Menthol J'tuUlr frartrf*|>l>tlii tlie lurK n*I himtwuo, I UllhiaiUUlirly t"""!!!!!!^!! uutm HUfil. nn< )ii) riT>ia roictxly ! In inxt. thtJtJtcUiltiL- *TUgi-',- A Iull*i'lSTlf, KlliAl>uitwii, Oat V-rie* Vie DAVIS & LAWREMCE CO., Ltd. Proiirliitors, Mohthhau, Th.e Now HooJt Spoon T?reo to All. I road in tho Ghrintiun Standard that. Mihb A., 1*1- Fritz, Btatiou A.., St. Ijouih, Mo., would ulvo an ologant phi ted book spoon to unyonn pending nor ton Scant stumps. ' I tioni for ono mid found itHoutin fal that 1 nhowod it to my frundfi, and martofiia.OOin two hourH, taking ord.-rw for tho Hpoon. .Tho hook spoon to a houmt- hold noaoH^ily. It cannot elip into th" dih or oooki'Jt! vobfi^I, boinit bold in tbn phco by il bonk on tho huok,. Tho poon in aomotliiii^ tliat luiUH^koopora havo nuedod ever uinno flpoon^ worn tint invontod. Anyrnio'o'in ii'-la Hitinplo poo i by isondinj.' ton 2-do "t'ptHmpB to Minn Frit/. Thiu ia n splendid way tomulto money around home. 15 13t Very truly, -Tiunnicttis B.. Tho Polon woro Urm onllnd xtiili in tho tenth oou'ury. lJulo land was t.ntUrt by a tlm Si'ivonio family and m-tdu a duoliy inTi50. Ita hiHtorv, an a nation, oea-"-d in 170S. wiMi S'-iuiHlaa II.. tho kingdom hoinq dividad. botweou Itmnia, VruHrtia and A.utria. <^oikMtipcinn <Ju,iid. GKMTa, I.waw in very poor heutth ft.r ovor four yuai*H ; tho doo'nr naid it wan ooimtipiituiu. Not wanting to ttpond ton rnuch'euflh 1'irnb thrtjo hottlon of B. B. B. and took it reguhwly. I can uortify that I ani now in tlm vory huflt of health nud feni Vry urnt-'ful t.n B. R". B. r jVi^hkd Tkuoux, Montreal, Quo. ftliHH Winter,, tho BiiuIhIi RovorneHH of vV;iIh(dmina, tliu yonny; Qnuon of Bollaiid, haa now returned to hor hotun in Eng land, potJHlniind for lifo in tho sum of 92,50l) per unuino, hor Hular; having himn 81000 a yuar. .lioreovtir, Hho lum bot-H loadud with pro-ientn by hath rjit-jofiH. Etcliln^: llnrnliiir Sulii nihouyou Cnr*-d I'jir IvIilriy*ilv>!> i^Mitu, Dr. Ajjnuw'n Oiutn:cnt ruliovofi in ono day aiul aufoii Ttttn/.r, Salt. Unount, Hcalu Bond, JJcaotuii, Barhiii'^' Ituh, Ulo**rfl, BJotOlitiH and all lir'uptiona of tliu fikin. It U noothiiig unit (j mo I. inn and nr-u' hlto niufxir in thoouroof nil baby liumorii ; ;)f; uauin. ' Hi>ld by ,J Tlionm. A lumlnli4i! bin "ccurrud at tliu villuH of Stan un, in thnruvincn of Modona.Iraly, nffctiii.ti!; nf-Vi'n Hfprtro luioiuotor^, dosiro.1. ' iuti 18^ lUildint'H and leaving hundrn U- of nui'Honn hi'-innlcht*. Dr, Fuwthr'H Hictraot uE Wild Btr'aw- hot'fy our.H iJnuirhtn-i, UyHi:iitMry, Cobc.', 'Orampn, Oholura. Choioru tnfiintunj, 'Clioluru' iMurlnin um! all hijininer con- plaiijiM and Hnx^Hof iho ho^vc-1 i'i rliildu n or tiUul'ii.- ' .T.liH ltfdtiiuji Goviriinnnt. Iih ucjcip't d - a MiihuiiiP fur nuikiiifj HriHnnln a HO'irftni.t." Tho Atitikn will bo nuiirly in tliu uuiito ut thoery. '. Dr. Fuwl-'i'ii Ex'fnnt of v\'j),i H'nii'-. brrry oiin Jjjitrrhaji, J)yni nt -ry, (Jtiuiii.s, C"'i;i, Olinl-iii MorhuH, (.ihuU-i-it liifan'ii'i , til'ni all Inohontih^ f'i the bowlh, N>:vtr 'travel wi'liout it. Prioo U5o. A fiornpanv '^ Nw York oupit 'lin'/htiK bo"il -Hot'nuil 10 -w-jrlt an oil fcHrt'itury at B ;thwoll. TMoinxi Ijiljhyfl, a farnior no'ir V WRinr, fall thfmi(h * wm m hiw I urn on M"iid't,V iiii I win killod A,n^ul MoLtmd,. of Bnichirid-, hut* bown olio-oii bv th** Oori(,l",vativ'M *,; oim- tertt No^h Ontarl'i- Th* lithural* vydl not plaoti a tfiiidirtat> iw thd ilil I wt tlm'. lb fiftht will'ho b'tw*o)i th Cooflfrvdiv- and I'aroUK, UiU. KLUIHA S. TATtOR, >*J^.. Ph htxa raised a li-jr family ftf ftMldr*o, "bssldes bolngdcoirit friend and fcjotiiw to the,other.tyry -nJto and nunptr Dos-ohlldrsn of-liar-husMiaa."' Mr*. Taylor Is ipoKri of as b#lg, a woman of "graafc'sZsoutWs ahlllty, Xnm jr^toi.thls,as>ertioDv,bfi|nj( shown In tb f^e^ ikiai- from -*h mainbwa-of bar own boartj.dpwn to the last and weakass aaio- iatlon under her cars thore Is parfaoi {>ao and harmony. She poMafios to a knarkad degne the glfi of oloqusdoe. " New York Trlbuki*. * , tls* Mawwar Barm. In thaio times, when fortuna smiles oas day and frowna tho nnxt/many a won^nn who has been, topderly and loacurlouil^ reared.flntis herself' forcadlto oat* for her- If in th'a most undraamod of and prac tical Way. If bo. "to tho manner born" and gaotlo blood,flows through her veins from. aJliwoCgpou' unuofitry,fll(0.goss h'ravaly Ui, Work, ajadkeops her hourt iunny and true sothat barvface mny.rofloofc those happy qunlltleR and help her win friends In the bavr puth of llfowhlch: 1b o untried and strange to,hor. All tho acoorupllubmadts and pnllsh which wealth and travel and uoolatlon with cultured pooplo have be stowed upon hor nhu puts to practical tisa, perhaps for tho first time, snd Is never for a moment ashamed of blng a busy woman when ulie doe* her work honorably and wall- and oomolentlouiriy knows and fools that she does nob shirk sod that nothing would Induce her to do It The frlendn who cling to hor In her ehtmae of fortune aratho friends she needs and the frlonda nuo olln^H to. Bha can taslly do without thorn) wlior since she U supporting hor.self and no longer has a stately home of her own, turn aside for fonr thoy may Ioko their "position" If they "associated" with it "working woman." Sho loarns much of human ntituro as she troudfi hor now pnth, and iu tut qiilok to reoognUo truo nobility uml worth us she Is to ou*or sympathy and hew own strong and gentlo holpfulnoRfl. She has many uhaeks and trials a world of them KoinnbhnoH. But If who Is a true, hrnve wonum, with tho right kind of prldo about hor, kIio 1h not going to pruts to the world of hor trouhloa nor lot thorn show In hor fuco. Sho 1h going to flniile straight thronech Hull, Ikotho tlioroiiRb- bred slin iu, nnd her volco \a going to ho jndfc ns firm and chcorful nslfpller heart did not ache. Sho "roraomborfl hnpplar things," for she holdH ninny honutlful inemorlo.q in her boiirt, nnd nlio Ik too nouNlhle to plno and fret for tliu Buunhino that. 1h IohL Sho rathor turns to tho brightness that glonnpi every now and then ncroRfl hor prcHonb pathway, mid nmkH tho most of It until sho hus no time for UHoloflHregrutting. You 'onn trust thla kind of a woinim In everything, Sho will do for any omor* goucy, nndhns AonulnoHtrongtlinndutabll- lty dosplte hor "gentle wiiyn" und ready smile. Now York Trlbuno. ATotlioi-s n<l Daughter** "Girls iilionld lead nvoryqniot nnd tirt- sxcltliiR lifo liotweon tlm ngea of 13 imd 17 or IB, ITow ninny of thnin do?" nflknd tho clover nmthorof twotnll girlH. "And how ninny moro aro In a constant whirl of oon- oortfl, juvoulhi pnrtlbfl und othor ontortuln- uionta tliat kcop thoin not only awn ten, but in ft Htnta of ucrvonn eicultomonfe until tho IntoHt hourH kopt by tho grown up women of futdilon? It in noodloflfj' to miy that no young girl may, with any Rort of justice, bo loft to uoino and go nt'lior own will, ro- eolvlufi* company of her own chnoning or necopting. Particularly should sho ho brought up to know thtit hor pnrotita or brotliei'9 nro her proper cscortH whonever sho requires nttomLi'ifp, nnd that lbvora, ullk drosHim arid Jowolyy urn IhlngH not sultrthlo for Rohool^lrln, And tho clover motlunrpavc her oiubroidery n detorminod littlu jork to omphtiHl'/o hot* ronmvkR, >*Eyoryglrl nhould ho a Rohoolgirl until she in an well odiicntod tin her hrothern ought to ho," sho continued. "The higher education of women bus come to bo ji nu- coH.slty ntnong tho right sort of ponplo. Wo filmH not flnhih off our ritiughtcm mid put thorn on tho mntrlninuln! nuirkob nt 1H. Thoy nro young woninii, well equip- pod for lifo. Thoy nro to luivo their ntlnils. , bq Htoj'od with iiBuful knrtudedge, Inspiring hopen nnd lofty purposes that thoy will have no time for flirting with young mon who niuko '.luverliig' n prefusslau. "That a mothor sliould hu her duughtor'a confidontial frlond Sh bo Htilf evident that the truth Honruely noedfl dlneusNlng, but how to aahievo aurth n relntlon In a ques tion not every mothor findfl it onsy to nn- swor. Cortaluly tho niotlior will not r*- eelve Jier daughtur'n fullest conlldoneo un- leHR.Hlie Inviten It mid llnds in iutoreKthig. Wo muHfc keep our hcui'U young enough to roHpond to tho. hoar.ts.of our tdrlH. Talk over everything and adilKO with thorn about our own uffnlr*. Nothing IhvIkih uoulldonco liko conlldoneo in return. Not that wo muy unduly liurtlon thidr yomiK llveH with oaro, bub that we nniy uhowour children how outludy Idohtlenl are miron- joyinuntH mid tholr uujoyiuontH,, If moth- er would only bo out with fchiilr dati(j;h- tors -more, it would promote, tholr KOud (loinradoshlp nnd would to now the moth er's youth, while atrotitfly Ktipportlnx the daughter's lnexperluuee. But whatever, the means unto this end* let no mother Wei DroMlns;. A weft drouBlog, or compress, si 1ft Is 'called, consists of a moist cloth next tho skJn, a sllfjrhUy Inrgor plooe of ollod pnpor or mauklntoflh above the wet cloth, and two or throe. bhtukneaRoa of a HtlU turgor plnneof (lunmil ubove tlili, the whole ban- dugtid sulSleiHutly tl^ltt to oxuludo tho air. Tho object of a wet dresilng 1m to relax snd, Hofton tho, Hkln and tho fluKh Immo- tlliittdy undernonth and to Rot dm n looul Hudntlvi* to thu norvou. Itn use tends to nilliivo oou^iiHtlon untl tnthimtiiutlon. It nine notH mm n counter irrltnnt, drawlnt;'; |:^ituhi and (loop touted lntlnmmatlon to tti'i mirfiu'u. Tim wet dronMiii(( oorrcsponds to a warm huth at. UK dufjivtH to 100 do^rofiu V.' To bo of norvh'tt It uhould bo continued for a oolijjtderabhi Uinu, TIiIh form of troatinnnt Is appllnabloto ohrnnlu HtUTonlnj.; of tliu joints, HpniiiiHand bnilsu^ at nil klixln, The hont nnd Hwoll- hii! rapidly dhf.iijpenr, tlidu'ib tho HtllTnenn in;.y ii'niiiro [iropur n.jiiilpulution aftur the reinoval of Hid Ijanilaj,',!*. H.v Uf'!iH! it iih a nmintor Irrltnnt appllod to 1.1 in fi'ot, It Is poNslbl*! to oontrnl tint cir culation of tho blond iu thu hratu. A con- v(miUnit niotliod In to wrliiK u pair of cot- ton souks out of warm water, put them on tli* twt and covwr thtuu with two palra of kultUd wooUd looks. A com prows may be ruadti fur the hands by using gloves In tbo satne manner. Wet draselnj-cs, applied to the pit of tho stouiaah are of sirent value In inflammatory oondltlons of tlm digestive tract In those eiM we mny rdimply umm m towel Wrung out of hot Water. The towel Is kept In poiltlon by" two or three folds of flannel wrapped around the body, and should be disused e.v#ry hour or two., By knoUtanl&g' the compress with Unl- ruenti, mustard or, aptlsoptlo solutions auoh various efTeots may bo ohtniued as the particular nature of the oaeo aeems to re quire, -Youth's Companion. Ife* ITooibath. Aside from tho dully bath, the feel should bewasbsd at leait once aduy. This U.a matter of a few mi mi ton, and' Insures Butness, raafc and comfort, If the tired shopflrl. or aadeawomau ' who " liha : Ijoen sUnUlug for ten bourn would dip hex feot Into.u basin,off co)djWt.U)r luutead.of- curj- Inu or doing ud her bunk hulr^, she would havon, Hgl)tr stepaPd'feel more ljke wull(- lag home than uaunl. Walking hauts the fuot, standing causes fthera to swell, and botli aro tiresome when prolonged. Thorp nro vitrious kinds of footbath*, and;sn(;herltltw dirTor as to their value, Hot wutor enh<rues tlie feot by. drawing the blood to thoui, When used, theytihould be rub hud and excrolnufll before attempting to.putonn llpjht hoot Mus tard and hot water In u footbath, will dis perse a fever when taken in time, oure s nervous huadaolm and Induce sloop. Bun* Ions, corns and oulloottuoRfl are nature's protection UKalnut bad shoe lent her. Two bet footbathit a weok and a llttlo pod lour ing will romovo the cuuae.of mueh discom fort. A warm bath, with an ounce of sea. salt la it, Is about as roHtful as a nap. I'addle la It until It cools, dry with a rouadi towel, put on fresh storkln^tj, Imvo a chunge of boon, and tlio woman who was "ready to drop" will havo .n very tiood undorfitttnd- InK In ten intnuteH. The qulekeut relief from fatigue Is to plunge the foot In loo cold wuter and keep It linmersod until there Is a aeusetlon of wnrmth. Anothor tonlo for the sole Is a handful of alcohol, Thla Iu a suro way to dry tho feet after be ing out In the utorm. Spirit hnthu are nnod by profocsLoual dunce , uorohntH nnd podoflfcrliiiifl to keep tho foot la condition. New York Lodger, The Rmall DInner. Tho small dinner mny ho said to ho de fined In thin foHhiun: Simple, fjimploi', simplest. Tho first In a trifle elaborate. lb lnoludos In ltn. nrraneemonts oyHtors or olumn on tho alioll; n soup, to bo followed by a bit of bollod Halmon, If defilrod; an ontroo, a roiiHt, a salad, a nxvootmuatand coffoo. There arotnblo snrnlturou as a matter of oourifD. Flowers, fruit, snltod nlmrmdn, peanuts or Kngllfih walnuts, Jollies nnd bonbons. All may bo added or nuy ono of them oxchulod. SomotlmoH a sorbet apponrs, nnd p;omo lu, of course, not barred out. Tho hoatosn lonkn after detallH with ropard to pnrKonnl tan ton or tho condition of her pneUuthonU. Tho eimplor dlnnor gives n 'menu on which oyfltorfl do not apponh Tho llnii \n fllco loft off. Soup, iiri ontroo, a roast's Balnd and 'dessert, with coiToe, 1r quite the proper thlni1, Outfiido dollonclon, aueh tin oil ton, etc., arc perfectly eorroot. With tlio third definition a groat donl of taot 1h domiinded' . When you have only coup, thin noup muHt he porfuctof ItHklnd. Tho ontroo, If nhiindoued, lonvoe only the .roast, which Hhould be of tho bant cut and dono to a turn. Tlio two vo/jctuldea requlro to bu pur e.xtiolleiit, the eahul a pnom, the doHKurt elegant, and the coffoo Ideal. Just hall' a dozon.Hploy pinks In a grace ful vnwo will, with siinwy cUinmslc and pretty donomtlvo elTiaots In olilna, o(|iil^ ynuvtuldu fur tlil^t (dinplostof dinners, ho that tlio most carping eritio cannot 11 nd one word to nay, Philadelphia Tlmoa The Ilnby'u Chrlfttunlnfi* Itobo, , "Tiic chi'k'teiiing mho in u'sunlly of tho fluent mull and trimmed with real vuloti- chmnoH lace edging, but ono of (Ino imlu- flaok, with liuni;iiitched hem, I'rnnt of inn- ohino miide valendennns iiiHortinn nnd nnliiHoolc ouihrnidery, yoke to corronpond, inakei-i a very dnlnty end aer.vlcoablo nf-. fair," wrltoa Kmma M. llnopur In, a prne- tinulnrth'l;MW) "Tlio Itahv'H Layettn" in Tim Ijiidii's' Homo Jnurrml. "It may he matte tin fnllnw*: Ta'Uo two loriRtha of ilno lawn, Htl- inohoH wido, ooHtlnn about f)0 cenin a yard. Havo a 1] inch bom horn- Htitehod t\m\ n ruftlu of 3 inch vaUjnolcnncw latai.'. WJiip thlH to tlie lowor tulgti. Gath er to a Hhtii't, Hqunro yAko, ojionlnp; it in tlie Imek. The yoke Hhould ho made of stri|os of h't'o Insertion nnd nnlnuook cm- broidery and edged \\lth a niillu of hte'e, tho neok Utlng ilnlshed with ii vufllo of uiirrnwor hn:o. Covur the frontwlth nltor- nateero^HwUerowHof lace and emhroldnry liiRerttoti, ronimenehig tbnni at the hem 20 Inchon wldo nnd tapering toward tliu top' to a width of (I inches]' a ruille of 'lace down each. bide. Omm'ttm hIoovom gathered Ii) to tho iii'mhnliM and lit tbo wrUW, where there In n band of IiiRortlon and r'ufllo of laee; of U inch lace eiuht yards, of jiur- row ed|,dnK half u yard nnd of laoo and nnliitJook IiiHortinn o yardK of each,' One yard from the noele to the. lower odgo Ih aujply lopf.; for i\ droH'w, many being , only ;) ini'lK'.tJ,. hh It hatt been decided unhealthy for tho baby to bo burdened with any extra Weight." -_____. !' _ - CouilortmblfB Hon** Oowu. A uegUueu or house gown must be oom- tjrtjiblo, durable, pretty aud lu some color suited to the wearer wksa al lies' worst which njoaoe, when tlrad out, pale and careworn, - ' ,, If the woaror Is an unfortunate wowao who loses nil color in her cheeks and lips Whon fatigued, she should avoid gray or black an she would ' A\ pestilence. Deep, bright rod, golden brown with orunge, navy blue with scarlet, terra cofctn, grenn or roHo color will prove Ijoconilnp: to the tiloKt Inigipird faeo, Palo blues, pluks and yellows Hhould he solnctntl only by wouiou .of warm coloring of nkln nnd hnlr: Pretty, luexpotndvo materials for these houtit1 |{owm<aro eaKlnnnre, nlbatrnshi cloth, Krunch llannel and orupu hIliIih of wool or silk. Molniiv or nlpuna should bo avoided its mlt |int- warm nor ifnioiifiil, (iooilH that > 11 iirii (^pdf'liilly uinii.idniido, iih are trimming?) t Int nio (no linn to miduro nu altornoon siorita. Now York Journal. Cn.'Kw of polHniihiff from tho uiio of eniir nod irnmhi i\v\fia with nhllinlent tn!(|iienoy to l.t.'irp ulivo tlio tiin-pU i'jii Llwit Mu-ii fond tv'lll ln-.'ir wnhdiliif? iu brut. Hnlinon and (itlii!i* noun) jii.rt ifttl,;i ly prudiKjIlvo "f troiihlc nflcr lidhi;: cirnncd, '.riuiinl chink- on ill a I drii'il l:iu:i liiivn recently been the on in;*.'- ui' i.t-nuui'i i 111 i *: -i in two i,i-iiai'itli.'il eoiii in unities Upon o>;;iini<wUtoM In thn^o liDitniw'Oi) ii |{rin HiifHidi'iiMy vfriih-'nt to kill ratn and ffiiliiua pij/. wan found. While It In not mmcNKiiry perlmpH to ho unduly alarmed over tlmuo itioliited tmncn, It Ih well to obdorve caution and to examine cloudy tlio appuaranco and flavor of any canned food before using It. Ahuoutuny germ Is killed In the cooking, and it Is on excel lent plan to heat thoroughly all'tinned food, oven If It must ho noohid ngalu before being served. Pouring belling water over dried hoof will wash It und mako it tender without materially Injuring its flavor. It muy be quickly dried iu the oven. Tf!m^WV9flS^T7^TtnS!fPBr^l(t :.fc'lArai"ilHHl ifliMr^t '^flfe 4*t< a,nd Vood*. Heusokeepors who hnve not had an ob ject, lefiuon of tho way in which fats draw odors, when llsh and butter uot aide by side In, tho,refrigerator need only go to a labora tory whore perfuming oxtrnotH are made to have a commercial tlluutrutlou of tho fact The flower flavors from the rotunda* of southern I'Vnnce ara Imported hold In sheep's fat. The fresh roHes or heliotrope or v|olets, as tho ease may he, are laid be tween layers of fat and no made Into pack ages for exportation. When tho chemist over horo is ready to una them, he melts their Incaseinuut to find that tho noon ting properties of the flowers ero ontlroly ex tracted by nnd held in the liquid grease. Bis next step Is to release and clarify them by vurlouH prooeKWH of distillation. But H Is the power of the fab to draw out tho odorn which Is tbo faot that Is valuable to the domotitic Holentlfit Tii* Training of ClilloWan, Tho training of children has become a scientific (jULmlon. A famous man gives tho following tilings that children should be taught: That toitsjng Is a positive crime. That thoy must oat broad before pastry. That bedtime iu not a "movable" hour. That they must upouk respectfully to tho servants. That weeping ovor bruises is unworthv sturdy beings. 1 That they should unfa npneal to one par ent from tho decision of the other. That punishment follows in tiiowako of prevarication and of deceit moro swiftly than It follows aotlvo iniHohiof. That It Is In bad tusto fur thorn to toll nil that thoy loam of the neighbors' do mestic arrangements through playing with the neighbors' children. Plueklng fowl*, Plucking, fowls may bo easily and quick ly accomplished In thiswuy: As soon as tho bird Is dead Immerse It In a pail of very hot water, tlio water to cover all tho feathers, Ono ml mi to in usually long enough to koop tho fowl under hob wutor, Too long soaking Is liable to dlsoolor the-f-r--tl ].Lnil,u.v Lndie-V Homo "Inurnal skin. After thin hot bath tho foutliers aro jn tno Jaul"y ^adits -tiomo journal, WONDEBKML KQ\HQmHm Tlmaene i'^Vrmtea rir Btrense ChnM With Peep!* nnd ThiuK*. Ono of the most oxtraordlnary coin- cidonces that hava over oacurrcd was tho trial of a man iu London a short time ago. Tho priHoner, wHo watt deal and dunib, was tried on on indictment of brutally assaulting a. deaf and dumb girl. Tho fact that both prisoner and accusant,' without even being; distant rolatioiiH, wore afflicted with deiifiP'HH and dumbness. Is in itself most oxn-n- oi'iliiiiii-y ; but it scorns liko flagrant uVtion when tjouplial with tho fact that all tbo uiinutictci-1 and tliore wove Hcvon wore also deaf and dumb ! The can! is pi-obably.without it parallel iu tlm u'lmlo hkilory of tho world. A i-iail and ' strituj^o coincidence oc- ciu'red iu a provincial town rouimbly. W iiiln u mail wiiu walking pant a hoiiKO in a quiot nuigililiorliood, a woman hurribd out and suddenly foil dead up on tlm donndop. Tho man run oft" iin- mt'diatoly in search oT a doctia', and iiM-Lviii;:; nt iho li'.ii,,o of ono, rnujj; tho hell, but \m:UjV(\ his simiuion-i could bn iiti:.U'<' ho full doad iipuu llin tlour- MU'p, tlm shock of what ho had seen, act'i'irialod by tho Hpuud at which ho ii:u.l run, nc.Ling upon a wuak huart.' A , ma.-.', riiiuirkahlu ipeidnut took place in a Loudon coroner's court not Ion*: nfje. On calling out,the luunou of the jury summonod to attend, it became ovident that nil tlio tweiyo "good men and truo" wove named citlior .Tories, Smith or Brown, and that ono member of tho Brown section was not present in court, His ' name waa called the proper mimbor of timoa, and uu lie failed to appear,,the coroner called for a Hubatituto, A man rouu from tho body of tho court and offered hit) sor- vioos, itnd in aimwor to thocorouor aid Ida name was ltobin^on. Tho circum- gtanco catiHcd cotiHiderablo uutoniah- menfc and uniiiMomont in court, aw it woll mi^lit, A Bliort time ago a lady was .walking down tlio street, whon she happened to boo a riK lyi>*K upon tho pavomont. iu front of a juwulor'a shop. By tho por. culiar pattern of tbo ring, and tho motto in.iidu, she immedjately recog nised it as ono bIio imd lotit only a few days bofore and had bought from tho very shop outside wliich hIio had found it, Thinking tdio must have lost it thoroi and that it had by a sorie^ of x*o- markable incidontrt romainod where sho dropped it,"iiho entered the shop to tell tho manager of her extraordinary good fortune. Tho manager expressed his astonish ment at the coincidence, hut aiiHWcrnd tho lady that it wan not na she thought, for a man had boon into tho shop a few minutes boforo to havo the rinp; valued (without udoubrrtluTparticulur ring), but whon asked to produco it, found that lie had lost it, and thereupon left the shop. He had probably dropped-it on entering tho shop, and tho lady had picked it up, ju&t an she imiHt havo dropped it for him to pick up a few days before. Tho lady'n story, which is corroborated by tho jowolor, knocks fiction into a cocked hat. frf'l:lf|,t"gjSB| AYER'S ^( Cherry Pectoral would include the euro of every form of disease which affoota tho throa^ and-liintfa. Asthma, Group, Bronchitis, "Whooping Cou^h and other eimilar complaints have (when othor modiciuea failed) yielded to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. WANTKU ^KVBKAIj KrU'l'lll'Utj UKN Olr Women to t.rivcl. f.r reufioriilblo entnn-, liuhod hctikit in I'niturlo. Hulury, $7H0. pnynlil* AI6 woouly anrl tiv\iatitK>n "fittUioH petnianetit. Untt-rcnun, Knoloit'i uidf-addrehoi'diittiiiipetl en velope. The Nalloial Httir Buhdhiu, Oblcaga, Phioe In th** world for vu'irfmen' ihiu woiuhii to sm'imi a ituslnaaa HdiiC'Ltl"!!,Hhorchain!,tw.,Ifl the UeUott PIiihIiiomu UnlvefHltj/. De- trolt, Mich llliiHtratod i'>rtalogqe l-'r**e. JCimtrunet'n : All Dhtrait. V. .W.WtiUUVfa*____V,\l, SVKNCIKlKeo; ... Best no loose nod that thoy oim be almost rubhod ofif. Tlio bird is then rinsed in cold water and wiped with a soft cloth. It should then be put into a cotton bug kept for this purpoHonntl hung in it cool place. Whoa fowls aio no'ii iu bo used ut once, tliuy Hhould nlwnvH bo Innfloly rolled In ololh or paper t,; l.rnj) tiicin from tui'iiir.g ilnrk. Bucks t::;:in./ bo managed In tiii.-f way', us tlielr feutliers contain nn much oil that tho water does not ponctratu thorn. Set a Dainty Tal>l, A dainty table is a mark of good brood ing, and an untidy tnblo proclaims to nil beholders a lauk intho hounuwlfo of nil tlio finer KOUFdhllitioH. It really doen not take a grout deal moretlmo and not much more trouble to sot tho table Attractively and to fiorvn thafood In a dainty, appetizing way, nnd the gain is Inohtlmublo. A little green for garnishing tho moot phi to caw alwnya bn procured. Water in plimtiful inmost planes, noup Is ohoup, and every day Is 2i hours long; so that thoro Is small excuse for soiled linen on tho tabic. There Is no plaeo whom thoughtful care is more need ed or nmro productive of gratifying result*). Philadelphia Jbodgor. Vomit: Alea'a I'i>|talarlty. To the qtiory, ".\ro young men who .cannot, from religions convictions, play cards, danco or attend tho theatre, apt to ho popular with young women of refinement and education who do in dulge in such amusements?" Edward W. Bok, in "Problems for Young? Men," Clieene Straw*. Choeso'straws are oxcollont with a groon . snlnd or with a cup of blaek coffee. A tested roolpci for.them conslstfl of a cupful of prepared flour mlxod with 4 tuhlospoon- fuls of firnted chueRO, a pinch of wilt, a dash of oayonne peppor nnd tlio boaten yolk of an egg. Add enough rich milk to mako a soft pante. Bull It out thin and out in nnrrow strips about four inches long. Bako a delicate, brown In a.quick oven, and thoh take from the ovon, brush ever wlrh a small paHte bninh dipped in tlio boaton white of an egg, sift powdered ohouse over each one nnd return to tho ovon for two or three seconds. It is not tho labor, hut tho monotony of domestic employments that wenrs upon tho woman who gives aUhertlmototliem. A man may work harder, but his occupa tions are often so varied that ono care drives away another. To get thednat out of buttons In furni ture tho following simple mothnd acts liko magic: Tnlin a pair of hollows oneo or twleo a week and blow round tho buttons. Out lllos the dirt without damuglng the leather. To make a dainty snohot tako on ordi nary rough .paper* envolope, ill) It with cot ton, through which sachet nowder has boon sprinkled, seal and decorate with water inlors. Tho rulo with a baW of ribbon is, "Nov- jr pluuo one where It doon, not seem to icrvo a purpose that of seuurtnuj portlous af a garment." A Portland (Me.) physician says that aSe-bablt of chewing gum produoee wrin kles uud deforms the f see. . m:- responds: "Why certainly : why not? The amiiHuments in which a man indulgoa have nothing to do with his outward attractiveness'or popularity. It is tho way iu which u young man names himself in his deportment -that makes or mars his popularity with 'girls or men. Ono of the most popular and de lightful fellows 1 know in Now .York has never been inside of a theatre, al though ho in tliirtyrlive years of ago. Nor lutH ho over danced or played cards. Ho was a personal friend for ton years boforo I knew that his re- ligtoim principles precluded his indul gence in these amusements. His secret is that ho does not parry his convictions on liia sleeve for everybody to rub against And of his popularity with women, young and mature, I can as- suro you absolutely. Ho reads about tho new plays, and can, therefore, talk about them if thoy come up in conver sation, if asked if he has soon a cer tain actor or play ho moicly voplius in tlio negative. Never doon lie force his convictions upon other*,. A young man's popularity with either sex rests upon something more than his forms of amusement: amiability of'manner, kindliness, a ploanaufc address, a manly outlook on lifo, honorablo principles- all those f>o far toward insuring popu larity." Aninialft'u.Wt ^eft-tlaiidetl. Somebody has found out that"'anim als aro loft-handod, if the expression maybe used about creatures that have no hands. Several different *zoolo(vistH have notified this condition. Parrots take objects preferably with tho left claw, tho lion strikos with his toft paw, and so compoteut an authority as Or. Livingstone, the African explorer, asserted that in his opinion all animals aro'loft-handed. 831 TKE cu *," 1897 country gentleman: THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WHKUES. . |[1HV0TKJ> TO Farm Crops and Processes, /., Horticulture and Pruit-g^owing Live-stock and Dairying, Whihi it uIho iiir-liith'H all minor dtOArt-- ,;^5I foniin t Ilurul Itiiere.-t, mdi iiii tbf-vPatrl'* try Y.tid, hiiitonioUicN, H-e keeping.Gret-n- hiiUHn nd Grapery. V-ii*iimiry Bupltes, F.irni Qin-Hiionb ami Amiw^rs, .Firenide Houding, Domcsije Enonrmy. nnd ,* uudj> niarv of r.he Niws of tlie Wi-ek. I's Mar ket Reports aro utiunil;,|)y ooinplete, and. much iittttu'ion ih paid to the Prorij.e^ta of th.r Crojui, h ihrowiiif.*. light ep"n i"" of tlie most, imp-irtmjr n( nil (pi<-aiii'u>- Whtu to Buy a/ui When to Sell. It iw libomHy I|. 1 urnr**-tl. and cmit'iins more reading inat- f-r thu pi ( vor. hi-fore Tlv- hhIimi 'prion finoi' jm $2.f>0 ni i* ytiar but wo off or a spec- i-lI UcdilcMon. in our CLUB R.\TKS FOR 1H07. Two Rubii'M-ip'.inus, in one remitiuuca (M.OO Kix d do 10.00., Too do iln Ifi 00 tit-T.i nil Nt.w- Snli^orihorB for 18i)7, puviiii:' i\i adv-iiiMj now wo will hoik! the' pup'T w.-i-h^ . fnmi nor r( n"p* r>'. tbo re- iniitMcet. ro .T'lnnir.v 1 .!, ,1B!I7 v.'l.'nou1.4' . . h't i':'i'. fjji'vjni'.'i. C-'pn-H I'ta Addr. >-". t-r" LUTH :^ TUCKER & SON, AMIANY. n, V T"bl|.-|.cu wm." t. mnu Mannfuetiirer of tor'A Patent Union. I'*OB- Artificial Iiii * 114 IHUh . l>- troll, M'.Oii I.DKOl'IptlVO -7atll1e(UOH JllUl b'iiidoi for nn.kir.i.; :tI'rdutu: 1 >int for onvornine'.'iti ,i>ritei"-* f->f liinbil ILlnl t'rii|V<l,n<r(iuC <tli o- o mmtutiitl'tii if"ofor m-tut fro.' on ii.-pJtatitioii ',13 '> .U'liUt ll)i|)i'iin<l Iltir. "Ho say that ho lovos mo more than his lifo and that ho can't live without mo." "Oh, all younp;men any' that." 'But. Truth. thoy don't say it to mo.1 'Hard t t>it<i|iU>, **1 dimno'which is do wust o' do two," said Uncle Ebon; "do ninn dat t'inks hoV too ^Ood ..tor bo in'poli- tics ci'.do man dat's so badho" Juts tcr bo put out." CoiiitwuMition. Oinor Isn't that a pivt r.y- tftoak? : Attendant . iind it will take you u; goo ^fl>t-'it. '.- If we told you' that' your baby was starving, that it actually didn't- get enough to eat, you might' resent it '% And yet there are thousands' of babies who never eet'the'-fil fat they should in their food'^ or who are not able to' digest';/1 the fat that they do get; Fat;'i| is a necessity to your bi ^ ,t, It is baby life and baby-Jlp beauty.. A few . drops.""aft^f ScOtt*s Emulsioir for all'little ;^| ones one, two a'nd-'/'.^thrie^-^ years of age is better w^;3 cream for them. T1 thrive and! grow';-.;;TS|vS .SCOTT St UOWUE, BilUvnie,'6tfc^ ii i._ji

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