Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 14

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PB^'^ r^S IS"""-- A Good Thing: 'if |K< E&' *N Those who want the best of Good Things oome to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know thiB to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well. Wear Well. Thid ia tho leaet wo flould.pqBBlbly say about thorn. If it waa not for oar experience lotj'^ithor wo could uot noil ho ohoap, Cu.ll aud bo convinced for yourself! Sign of tho Golden Boot, mm* WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. We Can Give * You an All-Wool Tweed Suit in Grey, Brown and Fawn Colors made to your order for $12 an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. For $17, $18, $19 and $30 We can give you a. Suit from the Clydo Tweeds, These Goods are equal to the Scotch and oome from $4 to $7 less. They look as well, wear as well, the color is guaranteed by tho maker. We havo done tho bulk of our trade this Beason so far in the Clyde ty Woollens, For $QO Wo can give you a'Hoavy Twill Black Worstod- and will not gloss in woai\ Wo liavo othor linos prico, somo higbor. Wo havo Ovorcoats from 1 5 Molton* and Koraoya. Wo oan givo you hotter valuon in Mado-to-Order Clothing than you can'do olsewhoro.' If you need a Suit or Ovorcoat lot us hoo you/ SANDWICH SOUTH On Friday morning, Vlotor SouUoi, of Sandwich South, wan triod at Baudwioh by Judge Home on a ohargo of stealing a hofBO belonging to Oh an. Vokon of Saad- wioh town. Judgment was reserved until Tuesday, when tho case was dismissed. Jamob McDonald, of tho eloyated con- ooaflioo", hsd a sawing bee on Thursday hiHt week and a party in tho evening. ItofroHhmontB wore HBTVod trt-W-o^alook. There was a morry'crowd out for fon and aooording to reports thoy wore uot disap pointed. MnOunn brothoni aud Mobbi-a. Dam and Jtfoonoy furuiHlied muaio. Mini* Maggie MoCann aHBititod in antortahiing the company by vooal and iuntrurnoutal selections. MAXDHTONtt. Ed, Delude i looking for a buyer for bin tearn. Tho Foresters root on Monday night, Mr Thompson of Bbhox wan hi town ou Sunday. Revival survioos continued this wook iM the Methodist churoh.Tulhot St. Rov, Pr. S. UtiramvA of London, will bo Fr, MoGooV assistant for some timo. Prank, Tom aud Chun. MoCIoakoy oal- lod on Middle Roud sfriundH on Sunday niyht. J, Koofo waa fu tho oity on Sunday night- A. Konnoy, of Windsor, ia viHitiug in town. On Xuusday, John MoPliarliu, 6f the Middle Road, Maidstouo, wiih marriod to Minn Trauoy, of Roohootor. Tho ooromony wa parformod at the Bollo River Gatbolio Churoh ut'J a. m. WOODSLBR, B. Hlneg and wife, of Teaamsoh, Hpont Sunday last at Woodilee tho gueat of thair uuolo, John Sherlrt&n. A. yery pleasant time was spent at the residence of John Sheridan ou Tuesday ovAolutf, on tho roiddlo road, The even ing was spent iu gam oh aud dittoing, all returning homo in the early bourn of Wed. neaday morning. OAlTIPPALinKK, Tho mille lieru have (jot in a lur^'o ntook of logs and am hi; 11 drawing, MiRfl Kitty Ttu^nu is apondhiji tho winter With her parontti, Tom Dooley out hia foot with an ax while working iu tho woods. William Edwards Bpraiuud hid anklo latoly whilo working in tho woods. ThiovoH visitud tho Oamp and an a to mtit B, MoFarluni) and M. Woodiwina lout somuuhirtH. Tho Camp Pal tour Literary BoaiuL) will /jlvo an oyntor Htippdr on tho uvonin^ of Wudnouday, Maroh flrd, -Hoavy .weight anmo lowor in up in Boavoi*9, DEWAR TAILOR Furniture Thoso who uogcI Furnituro it will pay them to oxamino tho yory imo and woll assorfcotl Stock at tho Ware -i> ooras, Composed of Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Diningroom Suites, Easy Ohaira, Of every Dooariptlon, Lounges, Baby Carriages, Picture Frames Mado to order on abort notice, and everything iu the nhitjie of Furnituro too numerous to mention. You can got Fur nituro bore for loan monoy than olaewhoro, quality of goods considered. Everything de livered froo of charge. J. a. HICKS & Go,, Essex. Clieaoestaod \. Be;: p,:=, &dlng .^mnWjrfC -hi Canada V m TWO SVS Is the Canada Farmera' Burt i-c-'irivuni/.iMl. It in strictly lnUupimdcnU and " A Hysvuntlcr" U-a rt'tru-iar contributor tc uuIuiiirK. lis niarlLft rciportH are ackiunvii.d:;- efl to he ihe fullost and most aocurata puljlih*i'ii in Canada. XI h'lves the haul farmcrH* pa;;j !n i'lto l'jomln.ion. Tt conlain.s a short story from. Lon don Truth, woolcly. It privoH an averapro of -10 column;: of hrlii'ht roa-dln.ff In each ls.sue. 'I hi paper will be sont to any . ndtlroHB in .Canada (outside of Tnronio) to tho end of 'J>7 for JiO i*out Three copies will >bo flen't to any threo adflroi'iyoa (outside *thla city), for </lto rnmie period for a dollar. 'Jlio imi and Weekly Globe combined will be went to tho end of 1807 for Ono Dollar. Address <all orders to the SUN PRINTING COMPANY, ltd. TORONTO. Agents Wanted. Write for tcrma, and inw haw. to i&cvtci 4L erold watch ov parlor oloclt. wlUhout Uruo coat of a, dolliir. ?bSuabuqT aiAjy on WOMAN, ASStJUBD INCOME TO _ HI0HX PUR- BON. THB BEST PAV EVER OF PBRBD FOR SIMILAH SERVICE. Tho CosmojpDlituu Magailne, edited by John *J)mimtJ Walker, wishes to add a quarter of a million to ltd clltiittlo, already tlid Ittrjj- cst.odntflllitfcnt, thinking reader* powuied by uny periodical in the world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND- BOMHLT TOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED^ It wishes the servloea of one reliable man or woman in.: every town, village, oountry district, or manufacturing establishment In every , State., All that is required of any one is reliability, earnestness and work.; No matter on what other woik you are engaged. It will pay " Apply, (tatfng potldon, capability and refer. ' Jtr-iS to THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. , . IrvInston-oa>th>Hudsonr Naw Mom- Wanted Immediately RUM FILLS THE JAILS. X>ruiilims># In tW Jj>ln 0um or th*1 Couiuouv Orlmoi* Tho courts of any oountry wo espe cially (jaali/lod to rondor nathorltntlvo oplnions rognrcUuH tho offoot of tho liquor bnainpflfl. Thoro is probably no man who over won a hlghor place in tho judicial oireloa of any country than tho Into Lord Ohiof Juetioo Ooloritlge of Euglaud. Ait or yoara of sorvioo a* (ho head of tho highest court of Britain, Lord Oolorhlflo diod two yoarfl ago and Was Htioooodod by Lord Char loo tttmaoll, tho prosont ohiof juntloo. Lord Colo- Hdgo wns profoundly improssod vlth tho evild of tho rum buninosa from bis oxporioucoa on tho benoh, uud frequent ly upoko his opiiiioiiH in tho pluinoyt laugun^g, ^ Durham in 1811, rofer- riiig to tho drink businous, ho said: "Tho orimos of violenoo, which in a largo proportion fill tho calendar, with out a singlo oxooptlon havo began in public houricu and aro duo to drunkon- ughh, I think it id in the coutso of my .dutyjtp nay thtit, within my exporioboe as a judgo, and having lived uorao oon- Bidornblo tirao in tho world among othor jndgoa and judgen of misoh largor oipo- ricnoo than myiifilf, it in oortninly tho oiibc that if wo could mnkti Kngland so- bur wo might abut up nino-tontheof tho ialln.." Tho noxt yonr, at Bristol, ho osproaa- od Jiimself thus: "I euppOHO it ia bGcnuao tho fact in so plnin that nobody paya tho HlightoBt at- tontinn to it -viz, that drnnkoiinoflfl ia a vioo which illls tho jnilH of JCnglaiid, and that if wo could muko England so ber wo could do away with nino-tonthfi of tho priwonf)." At MunohoHtcr, in 1881, ho mado this romarkable Htutomont: "All tho ouhgh that havo come before mo, with ono oxcoptiou, h'nve had thoir bcginninK or ondiug in drink." Ton years later, in a npecch nt Bir mingham, he gave it an hia opinion: "Drunkenness in mainly tho oauuo of. tho commoner sorts'of crime, and if England could bo mado eohor, tlu'oo- fourtliR of hor jailu might ho oloHod." Two yearn hoforo hia death, at Livor- pool, ho mado thin publio doolarution: "At'a modornto eatimuto Homothing liko.ninotdou-twQutieths of tho oriino that has to bo triod in courts ia duo to drink." This ia tho cold opinion of ono of tho groatfist judicial minds that Groat ' Britain ovor produced. j On another occasion Lord Ghiof Jus- ' tico Coloridgo Haid: "I oan koop no tormnwith nvioo that fills our. jails; that destroys tho comfort of homos and tho poaco of families, and dobuses und brutalizua tho pooplo of those fbiunda." Xloredltnry Buiolde, An extraordinary 'inetunoo of liorcdi- tnry tondouoy to snioido' was told by Professor Brouardol in Paris latoly. A farmer near EtampoH hangod hhnHolf without apparent cauwo, loaving 11 fam ily of wevbn son and four daughters. Ton of tho 11 subaequontlyfoUowod the father's example, but not until they had married and bogotteti children, all of whom likewise hanged tliemselvefl. Tho only survivor is a Hon, who i* now 00 yeuri) of ugo uud bns pusned safely be yond the family hanging age. . In many parU of Central and South America ensitive plants ure so uumor- odh that the oourao of a man or aufmal through th nndergrowth tauy for an hoar be traced by the wilted appourunao of the foliage* Th*M am B.Of T knots of oomu lis- tsfioe between Obsiboqif and ff ire W* L. Hurt m still improving. Mrn. I. Uruah ih rooovoriuf;. Mr. Woldon iu gottiug In tho maahinery, eta., for hid mill. MfH. Toniemiro is on tho Hick lint, but wo ar glad to nay not enrioimly ill. Mr. Campbull who livnn just oatit of tlio village, loat a valuable young horso hist wook, from a brolton log ouuod by a kick from another homo. On Tuofiday nvonihf;, a largo party from Maid on drove out to, Mr. lVXeLaiighlin'ti, whoro an Jonjoyablo timo wun upont till tho morning bourn. Hov, N. E. Boott, of. Ehhox, and Mrs. Powoll, of Hamilton, woro prosont at tho quarterly norvioon hold in Gonto Mobhodiut Ojiutoh laut Sunday, Good aorviooH woro hold. Ilov. John Morrison', of Whoatloy, will looturo for tho|Epworth League lioro on Friday noxt, 20th inst., on tho onljeot "Plough Doop." A vory interesting talk la oxpootod. A flrmt doftl of ouriouity ban boon avonofld in tho mindn of tho uniuitiatod by thi constant roforonoo to "Going to Jeru salem." Would 'aorao of those who aro pofitod kindly clear up tho mystery. On Saturday ovoning last, Miss UlarnT Radd'o Sunday suhool olaoo gnvo hor a Hurprino, making hor a vory tiuitahlo pres ent an ajtolcou of thoir ro^ard. A vory plaamtut oveuin^ wan opont by tho young folks. nohtim hum;*;. Waltor Colonntfc, of Maidstono, oallod on rolativoa lsnt|wcok. John Liolmmn, of Maidotouo, callod on relatives last Sunday* Mrs. Johnson is seriously ill an pronont, ooulimid to bar bod. Mrs. Walter W. Oolonatt, of Maidstone, way hero ifor a fow days waiting on hor sick mother. William Tansloy, of Ehhox, has Isasod a 60 aero lot on tho 7th conooaaion ownod by Mrs. Edwin Colonutt. Thoo. S. Hlotejand wifo oallod on John Bat Ion, wifo and family, of Colohoutor North, last Sunday. When working in tho woods last Satur day,William Quoou got his ri(*hfc knoo and anlrie badly injured. AlfredJBaltzor antl bridr, ol Aruor, woro guostsof fiarauol Bultzer and wifo Ian Sitnrfluyjaud Sunday. Robt. Qaoon, wifo and family, of Edgars' Mills, OolchoHlior North, oallod on Alonzo W. Brldgau,|Jwifo and family last Suuday. Mrs. Samuel Sargent, nr. was aoriouly iudinposod for about a woekboing oonflned ty hor bed, Bho in somewhat bettor now. Alonaso W. Bridyon had a bco hauling Btones last Monday. He pnrpoHOH using thorn for alfoundatiou for a milk house on his 8th concesoion lot. About fifty attondod a birthday party at T. 8; Sloto'n Tiieflday night 10th last, tho occasion was tho lrth annivorsary of his eldont daiifthtor's birthday.A very .ploasant and happy time wrb oponfc, the guoats wlahinu Mino Rose mans happy roturuB of tho, occasion. -- William Blair movod a houso from Ehhox to tho 10th oopcession this weak for James Brookor; thuy had tho houBO on eloltiliaaud four^toaroB of horaos haulud it alonej, Thoy pasdod hero Wednesday 17th i int. Horatio Wiala moved a.houao from Ebhox to Liiatnington, thoeumo day, '.Gordon Staed in a bora ra'echauieal gonitis, In tho winter of 1805 and 1890 ho mado ono of tho boat 'violins for both fcouo and finish, to bo found in Oanada. Ho in- forme your roportor that ho has raado two more this winter and bo thinks they ure far better than tho viohu ho tnado last winter. Gordon ia nn oxoollont poriormer on tho "King onnhtramouts." Thomas E. Miiloaator had , a narrow escape from gutting oho of hia logti broken ono day Hut wook wbou-ha was working in tho woods with his team, He was riding on tho sloi(jh when passing a stump that nfcood oloso to thu tilelgh-road arid his foot got caught bot'weea the sleigh and, stump and badly sprained his ankle, It is said one or moro ot:,.}he bones of bis foot are broken. . The horaes wore going at a lively gait at the time. ( , Noirni woounlkk. J. J, MaiiHell iHtipundiuij his vacation at Bismark. Miss E. Wilcox loavoa for Bismark thin evo (Friday.) John Brunnor, of Harrow, is ro^istored at tho Southern. Mr, Novouh, of Teonmsoh, oallod on friondu hero on Wodnosday last. Pstnok Murphy is upending a fow days in Detroit with relatives and friend)*, Mrs. L. Doniton in Hponding a f*w days with hor paronts at Walkorvillo. J. It. Johnson has hoeti buying and shipping largo nunntitios of feod to To ronto. Kov. Mr. Ayors oxehangos pulpits with tho Ilov. M. i)onagh, of Ku^svillo. Come ono and ovoryone. Tho corn shollor ih Htoppod for a fow da> s, whilo tho sonior mombor of tho firm, John Hancock, id on,a prolongod buninoss trip oaut; Rflvlva) Maotingit aro tho order of tho day Rev. Minnio has loft for hia homo m Kin^iivillo aud hiu place has been filled by Mr. Caul Chaao of Aibuna under whose able management thoy wdl bo oomluotod for a short timo. Groat intorost ih boint,' mado manifest in thouo meetings and many aro coming to the Fold nightly, Fartiou aro ull tho gohoro. On Monday nifllit ft Sooial Hop was ^iyon at tho resid ence of Robert Ruston, Tuosday night a hka bvont transpired at John Banor'n on Rouatid Lino whilo on Wednesday ovo a Charlie party wiiagtvonatGoo. Markotson tho Ronaud Lino. Gamoa, kiHainf* etc., woro indulgod in until an oarly honr, Wlulo rornrninj; homo from Hooing. his best girl onr gonial ongiuoor "Frank Murray" mot with an acoidout. Tuonilay' morning nt an carly'hour tho inhabitaiitn woro awaitoncd at the nouud of a horse runulug up main street attuohod to a onttor. jt appoars Me. Murray who works roal hard thought ho would go and spend a oonple of hours at tho riiIo of fiancee but when ho got to hor homo tho clock had ro- fusod to go and Mr. Murray forgot himself and stayod lator than nsual and when ro- turning homo ho fell asloop and romembors notliing until ho was awakeuod by nnow flying in hie faoo and to boo hiohoreo run tho rato of 1 ralo. por hour and tho linos dragging on tho ground. Hia oaly hopo was to jump which he did with groat alacrity nlthongh tho onttor aud slowed and bit htm boforo hoconld got, out of tho way. Tho horse finding ho was froo took tho (ildownlk np main Btrcofc and toro tho pickets off tho renpeotivo foncoa na far up aa Dr. Rorko's whoro ho was turned iu and oirpturod by oomo othor citizen. . # Want Something Good Always Go to The Great Corner Store." Familiar Saying. LIBERAL Offerings, Such, as no other Store, will attempt to meet in New Spring Goods- no Piocos Amaranth DresH Goods, at Qo. por yard. 1!0 Piooou Persian Cashmore, at 10c'per yard. 15 Pioo'fH.Azuro Billed, at 12Jo; per yard. 10 PicooH 118-inch Novelty.Dross GoouV, at 8O0. pot yard. fi Pioooa :i8 inah Puro Wool Black Sorgo, 10o. por yard. 10 Pioooa Coating Sorgo worth 76*0. for GOo, por yard, PrlGHt'toy's Bla<;lc Di/ahh OoodH Iho Bout In tho World at a Roduotioti of 10 por cent, off regular prioufl. Black IjUfltros, at 20o 2Go., fiOo., 60c, and 7Go. -100 Piooos of NEW Prints, at fie, 60., lOo. and l2o. Now Embroidorioti, Laoos, Kid Gloves and.HoHiory. Now Table Linons, Now Towola and Now Tahlo Napkins. Now Clothing for Spring, for Mou, Boys and Children nt.aHlomHuingly low prioos. A.I ' "1 II i i '-,Vl KOTE- Tho timo for Furniture which wo away with ovory 830 Cash purohano, oxpiron on iHt April, noxt. DIEBEL & BRICKER. l%mM^fflw%ffiwm Do- Sidney Kollott ih visiting feiouda^in troit.' Walter Noble and family opont Sunday in Kingsvillo. li'red. Burliug, of BlythoBWOod, spont Sunday in town. Miss A. Colemua and Dr, RiohardHon.of E.'iaox, visited Mimi Hull, on Sunday. Robort Juno is, negotiating with John E. Tolloy for|tho pnrohaso of his farm. Oornoiius Wigio has sold a throo year old colt to Goorgo Goghill for 810.00, Jamoa Brookor purohasod a houoo in Ehhox and ia moving it to his farm on tho 10th cotieouoiou. John P. Clarke roturnod home last' Sat urday having spoilt a ploasant timo, hunt ing rabbits. Uavo had another fall of snow lanfc Sun day night, Thoro haH boon moro snow and bottor aloighing than wo have had for many yoars, .Elootion of ofllooro for Young Paoplo'a sooioty took plaoo ou Friday ovenlng last, Lewis Williams bomg olootod Prosidont ; MIhh Edith Kollott, Soa.; Miss May Cook- burn, Troau. Tonla for Friday 'ovouing will ho "Mohob Hout as dolivoror" Exod. 3, 10-20. Jas. Potior has issuod a writ ngainBt S. 1, Moore, .claiming 91,000 daraagoa for slandor, Tho case arinos out of some utatomontu wbioh tho plaintiff allogoa tho dofoulaut made conoornmg him. Xho writ was issued on Thursday of last wook byOlurko, Cowan, Bartlob (fc Bartlet for oho plaintiff. W. H. Kennedy id acting lor tho dofondant. Mr. Matlook who lives ou Ttdbot etreot, was.tho victim of misplaced oonfidonoe last week. A stranger oamo to his place on horubaok, and ropresouted to Mr. Mat- look that he hud Home clothing In LoaCQ- ington and wiehed to borrow a outter and hamoss to go aftur them* Mr. Matlook is a vory kmd, gonorocis person and net saBpooting anything wroug, let him have outtor harness and robe whlob were not re turned ae agreed. We hsvs not learned ; whothor Mr. Matlook has recovered tho artiolon or not. Tho man had a woodon kg. Wednesday, part of a good si::od house also from Essox, pasued through Cottam on sloifjhs drawn by eight homos, destined for somo plaoo ou the Luke shoro or Loaraingtou ; if the lattor tlion. wo may expect a big fight at tho County equalize tion in Jnno, lod by tho county couuoillors ia ditttnota No. 2 and I. No doubt tho councillors from No. 2 will claim that Ehhox ohoold bo Ioworod on uooo'itetfof losing buildings and that Loamingten' should bo increased in proportion. Wo uotiood Robort Jenkins from Lakeviow, Miah., was helping to raovo., CALL AT 1 ;v'/. s Bazaar, ; :jf]COLOIVKSTIEK NOUVli. SummonsoH woro laot wook , ioouod against fonr mon namod Woolworth Haifjht, Martin and Burlc to appoar on' Friday at Windsor on d otiargo oE ptoalin^ timbor aud wood from tho Cumoron eutato Only two appoarud Hiram Wood worth and Win. ilurk. Thoy woro convicted and seutonood to pay 511 oanh, costn aud value of material stolon. VtNVtlt VMXYjK. Etl. fj'jak, of Rooheator, vinifcod with hia brother, John; rooeutly. Mies Sarah PaUoriton, latoly oraployod in Ebhox, is at proaont Staying at homo. Manford Grainger, of Cottam,' viHitod at tho homo of Geo, Patternou on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gosnoll paid a visit to Frank Sweet jr. Goato, on . Woduasday last; Mr. and Mrs. J. Pratt and Mrs. Ewon, of Cottam, visitod with Mrs. Thoa. Oook this weok, WINDOW BLINDH Away dowu. CHINAWARK, BRIU-A-BRACE,. FANCY GOODS, .NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPI'LIES, TOYS OF ALL KINDS, B13RLIN WOOL and FINGERING' YARNS. New Stock of Late Wall Paper* ESSEX, Hal 1 M "i A valuablo horse bolonging to Col. John Atkinson of' Bois Blano Ielaud in at tempting to' get a drink of wator broko througli the ice at tho hoad of tho laland and was drownod. JoRBi'h Powell, for B2 yeara a roaidont of AmhorHthurg, died.vory suddenly on Sat- urday morning last, of heart failuto brought on by an attack of pnoureouia. The funoral took plaoo on Monday after- noon. Ho waH 70 years of ugo and leavos threo oliildren, Mrs. (Capt.) Jamo Tenia, of AmhoL-uthurg, Mrs. J. I. Poole, of Oora- ber, and Jouoph Pewoll, of Oh'ioaio. Ah a roeulb of the visit of Sir Riohard Oartwri^ht and Hou, Mr. Davlos to Wash- in tf ton it isbohoved that a joint oomuilBeiou Will be iippohitod to InvoHtigate and report ou the eubjoofc of a commercial treaty be tween Canada and the1 United States. Dr. Ihompaon and Mr. Ferris have been unaoated from the Niagara Falls South Couuoil. , ' Hoadquarcorft for School Books, School Supphea, Note Pupor.Envolopos, Inks, Writing Tablets and officio Stationery. . DISPENSING AND FAMILY DltUQQIBT. bqsecs:..... KARNjg^-^l W. H. Kedttedy, fornaorlwof' Watford, has opened up\jaw ofuoa^i the oprner of, the Aberdeen blolk. JJKey to loan ap.6 5^ and O.per cent.^pording to security. OoUeoting, opnvejgAeg *na winding np # R. S. WiUiamBTPianpa;;';'^ : Evans Bros. 'Pianos., - jnp ^ Singer Sewing Machinesilll ' v'4S .......Havo Juab racolvod a.......'/.', 'i "ij^ .New' Hnii>ly 'o|' VloluiB, Autotoarppi^l Iluriuoulouw, nuiUira, Ac. /V-S/fe """"" .\i)ij| Vlolla Nirluirn and BcppHea for all tneK ubovo Iuetruwontfl on hand. , '*. ','.,',":t^','(M Tuning and Repairing a Specialty. ' ' |>'/kS| , Maohlno Noedloa and Oil la BtocH. '.; ', "tyfiM . , And Door'NortM'Wrafc^M' 'rW^ ^^^^^

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