Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 13

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MMWfni ^:,::-:^ia i;.-u.... Til "'Villi 60 Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Treats All Diseases of Men and Women. ' If oidlnary troatmonthaa failed to roHov* yon. or If you aro tlrod of boiog humbugRod and ,\f ' jnaltroatodby qaaokaandlaipotttorB, oonuultuH. Wo have in ado tbo trontmont of all aurotilo ? 'vdtMathoBtQdybfourlife.-Hyou ore In nood of houont troatmont wo will kIvo It yoo. Our C"' fltaflooDsiatH of ovon eminent >poolallst, and thoir combined wlflilora In brought to boar In all [ .'-'. complicated, dlflioulfc or doubtful oohoh. (Jon imitation froo oithcr ab Inatltnto or by mail. If )' ,. TOUOannot call, Bondotamp for annutlon blank, ' Oar charuoo lor troatmont vary from 8fl to 80 por mouth either by mall or at Inutltuto. Only ourablo omsiaroaoooptod,ami a our inifuarantaod In ovory ouho umlortaken. - V. B. SondUXstiiitfl for our llttlo Illustrated booklot n Btoum Ntibuliicatlon, yhowlnR tho only rational ami Bucuosiful trantmont of Catarrh, Catarrhal doafnotm, UronohltlH, Asthma nud Consumption. i fr.' ' If #' W i-fVi: ' p.. m' It: Humor of Fifty Youi-h Hcnco. , **You huyou't a cigar about you, Jano?" *'Yos, Mary, horo'H ono from a box my hneband Ravo mow* n birthday nroBoufc," 4CThanhnt bufc 1 romombor tbo doolor Baid X ttmokod too much." "JamoBpoter," nho oullod to iiorupoiiao, "area's you droMad yot V , X'ho carda^o has boon wnitlnjr, an hour." |'In a winutu, Mary, dour; I. juufc want to ceo If ray hat'tt on tttruight.'1 (Jb, pshaw: thftt'H whut you wiid half an hour atfo." "Iteully, JaraoH Potior, thono binonitn ur,u hard an rookn, I think thoy would mako - good pupor wnlghtH," Obliviouw of toara which I101* fair hun- y band wan tthatldlng, tho brutu oontitiuotl: "I don't uoo why your futhor didn't noiirt ^you'tou, oookmjj Hohool whou you woro 11 yoauji man." "I Hhould think, Mr. Smith, you would bo afraid of hufUrn, your wifo in 'away bo much at ntylitH? -*'Oh, no, M>. llrown; you uoo my cook'u beau in a poliuowoman," "Whom did thouo niforunlly uyly nooir. ( ioa oomo from ?" nho utilcod, "Wliy, Mary," ho ronpondod, tearfully iI thought thoy woro ho pretty and you .would, liko thorn. I boayht thorn for 21 OoiiU, at Minlotf, Nioholunn & Banga ro- duood from 2li." "Von, Mury, I could fuao any dan gar With you an my impporfc," ho cried, throw ing himaolf into hor titroutf arma. Juat tlion a itiouhq ran acraHH tho room and with a Hcroam ho apr/any from hor and jumpud on tho nofa. A Trio of Afflictions, VARIED AGONIES FOR LONG YEARS A Man of 74 Years Feels Young Again. Paine's Celoty Compound Givos Him New Blood, Activity and Strength. The Great Medicine Removes His Troubles and Burdens. .His Cure Vouched, For By a, Justice of tho Peace. , Thomio B, Diixtor, ol K'.trndalof a[jod 7-1 yearo and ftint noariu^ tho ^ravo from a terrible complication of difleiiDCH orympclan for 10 yuurn, blooding nilou for . 15 yearn and nciatio rhuumatium for ovor a yoar~wan rcao'uod from torture, uf>otiy ana death by Paiuo'a Golury Campouud after all othor rouuiirt hud failed, Aftor reading tho following iitutomout, youohod tor by n ,J UHtioo of the Poaco, how can uny aano mau or woman ontertain doubtn ati to tho curing virtues of oarth'ii only houoHt lifo-giviaa mudicino ? Mr. Baxter writon rh follown : "I doBiro to lot yon know ubont my won- , Mortal euro by jour preoiouH modioiuc Paino'a Colory Compound. "I wuu ufllicted by throecoinphiintH that mado my lifo a mi'Hory and a burdou. - t hadoryniprrlaH for 10 yuaivi, bleodinfi piltiu fot 15 yearn, and t'oiatio rhcumatiam for ovor a yonr, "I tried tho doctors and all kindu of raodicinon, but no help or relief wan af forded mo, and I could not cut, or bleep. I waa'thon urivifiod to ueo Paiuo'H Colory Compound, unci, oh, what a mighty channel Tho uho of tho iirat bottle on- ahlcd mo to cdt and Bleep, and after uhiiir Bovon bottloii I win) quitu, aiiothor man; wan porfeotly cured and felt young aj-aii). AU that I have written can be proven by merohanta, doctors, mtL/rt;)triLtpa, unci liy throo ministorn of the Gotipol, and by HOoroH of ctlior people. I shall alwayu . thank you nod your wonderful modioine, 1'uino'o Celery Compound/' "I hcruby certify that Paiuo'H Celery Componnd hub made a well man of Thou. II. Baxter." Tho diooovery of ({old on an .elevated plateau of thirty miloo oallod "Tho Ui[lio," near Ohathum, 10 oroutiufl a grout utir iu that city. .Towelera pronounce tho ripooi- naons which huvo boon turned up in dig(i"ff doop wqIIh tho oqnal of tho bent quality of dUHfc. It iu intoroBtiug in tbiu oonuootion to eonmdor tho lately promiilated tliotoy that t,ho RKoat.Rainy Rivor bolt, whiuh io known to extond coiiBidorably thin mdo of Sudbury, ih idoutieal with that in Potor- horo ud -Hantinfin couutieii and itH diH- uppuarunoo botweon thoBo pointu in duo to a tromondoiiii natural dip in tho formation Acoordiiu; to this, it is juat poHHihlo that ; deep down bouoath a grout alluvial dopomt tbe central and Houtliorn portioim of tbis province boast tbeoxiutoiiuo of an iamionye Hubtorranuuu tnuiorali/od dopoiiit. Tho Folly ol'IloKlnitf Wheat. When tho marltot oponod thin morning buyorn fixed tho prioo at 70o, a drop of throo oontH from tho ratonthat huvo been puid for a week pudt. Xho flour trado \a reported dull and tho milium are not an- xiouh to lay iu heavy Htookd at anything uhovo tho Hhippin^ rutou. ThiH week a oouplo of loadii of wheat woro delivered to tho Kont millfl by a well*knowu llaloigh farmor, grown in 181)0 and 1801, It wuh in oxuollont condition. In Beptombor, 1800, whoab wuh tolling oh the Ohathum market at 0Mo. I'or tho 100 HuhIi, tlio holder dould have roalizod ftOlh Adding intoruot, compounded annually at mix p'tr cent., and he would liavo ftllJ2 uh tho pro- ooodH of Iiih wheat today, flo wold at 73o, ho that ho in jimt 8K0 out of pooltot by tho oxporimont taking no account of depre ciation by wimto or oowt by inHUfauco, Ghathnm Ban nor. Votir l*roe*it Ntied . Tit pure, Hah blood, and a Hfcrong and hoalthy body, hoonuHo with tlio approach of Hpring and tbo bejinmng of warmer woath. or vour phyoioal -flytom will nndorgo rndioul ohnngon. All tbo impuritioii whioh hnvo aooumulatod during CDldor weather mnt now ho oxpollod or H&viotiH oonno- quoncoti will ronnlt. Tho ono truo blood puriflor prominohtly in tho public oyo to day in Hood'o SarHaparilla. ItH rooord or ouroii iu unequalled, ItH union uro tho largest in tho world. A few bottler ol! Ilood'H SarHaparilla will proparo you for spring by purifying and onrlohtag your blond and toning and invigoratint;'|your whole nyntom. A fltory oomoH from a town not 1,000 miIon Irom Bar Harbor, Mo., that oqualH tbo oolobratod noto ntory of Itans and Fritz, It rune an foliowh : Dan and Mono, noithor of whom wati notod for hit* erudition, woro partuorH in an ontor- prifid whioh id neodloflu to Hpaoify. Ono morning Mr. Blank called to noctlo a nmall hill that wan dno thorn and alter paying ankocl for a roooipt. Moro rotirod to tho privacy of hiHoftico and after a long wait returned with tho following : "WVvotfot onr pay- Mo and Dan." Bonton Herald. r' * MAkw or ili^g. Through th witd babel M r ftror'd Tlfong of Homr oonsth, CTavapd nUwm, With tldlof Irom iU world'i frth, hwltlqr prla* Tiding* wbioh or warn, wrltd at* oo- oem. Unohmng'd, tbrowgh all in* long, nnnnnbcr'd yoara, Th voloa of Hotuar slnga the boor dlvln#, Wbioh tolls of godlike tolls, ml hsrots' ttart And of the paniiibraent of Priam' Una. Tho bttttlo In tho pUln U raging yet; Tho watch flres blaxo; tho buuk'd iblpa 11a* tho shoto. For aa tho foo In grlra orray Im uci. Ah, bat do wo light ay they fonght of yoret fur we, too, liko tho haroon long ago, Munt wago alow warn and Rail tbobifetur auu. Florgo la tho confllut, loud tho torn pen l blow, Alid .tho Wbvou rour ami r*ff unouiuiiiigly. Btlll muht wo wondur a.'nr tho utormy nmln, 'Twlxt rookn ud whirlpools udrund pasuAgo muko, Btlll hiunb thu HlrttiKiHliig to uh In Vnin, Btill from thu tolUof Clroti tuuut wu breuk. Turn, ihon, to Homur'M t>imlin of Hfo und fu Iiow tlioy imcltmirt whouu pllurliiiuyu In dunu And hour IhonieHwugn thoy hnvulnftfor tlioa Only by putlonoo iu tint victory won. Muditillhih'n MftgBilno. INCANDESCENT LAMPS. lr*iLL/j:JkL^}&~$L"tf/ffl ^,^iV'i.>i.^^,;;:';i:'^"fi.Ji':i?iiu'.l/.'-il./r ./'.iM/i*!*^ii^'"jCi' \rj'J.:.i jp^^^j/^r^^'^-ifV'f 0:^jg Anytondonay topromaturobaldnoHH may. bo promptly chookod by tho uro of Ayor'u Hair Vigor. Don't delay till tho doalp io'and tho hair-roota dontroj'fld. If you would realize tbo boFit roHulta, bogin at onoo wuh thiu invaluablo preparation. Tlio ltownra of FaitlifiilneRR, Faithful Htowardo will bo rowardod. A hoy nixtoou, had boon vitinly Rookiug em- jyxnont'in a largo city. Ono aftornoon ho ontorod a otoro and asked uh ubuuI : "Can yon givo mo work ?" Tho proprietor anHworod "No." Then noticing tho den- pondont oxpreHHiou on tho boy'n face, ho Haid, '-It you want to work half an hour, ko down Htairii and pile up tho kindling wood. I'll givo you 25 centH." "All right," unuworcct tho youth, and wont holow. Ah tho ntoro wan clowing bo caino up. "Ah," oaid the prorpietor huatily, "Piled tho wood ? Well.heio'H your money, "No, I'm not through, I'd liko to como ui the morning nud fiiiiHh," naid tho youth. The next morning tho proprietor glanced iuto tho wood room. Tho wood wua ar- rumgod in orderly tiern, nud tho boy wuh HWooping the room. "Hullo, I didn't en gage yon to do anything but pU6 un tho wood." "Yea air: but thin needed to bo dono, and I don't expect any pay but my quarter," "Humph !". muttered the propriotor, and went to bin olHco. After ward handing tbo younji man ljis qnarlor, he iiaid, "Have you any worlc in view?' "No air," "Well then, work for mo. I'll givo you tffi a week to bej/in with. Do your work uh Tvell ua you. did that down- fltaira and that'll all." FiEloou yoara later tho citoro wuh twice uh large and itH onpor- intnndont wuh tbo young boy who began wood for twenty.five contu. FaithFulnohH wan bin motto. A FOR EVERY HOME. Every Wise Woman Should See That She Gets tho Best In apeoial' ootton colont tbo Diamond Dyoa far excel all otlier dyon, Then.) npecial cotton dyon are recent diHCovoriea of the beHt dyo chemiotH in the world, aiuj arc roraurknblo for faiitnenH ngmuat ex- poiiai'ft to iitroiig lh'htand foriittiuding any amount of waohing with iioapauda. Special .attontion io dlroatod to Dia mond Dyo Faafc Black for Ootton and Mix- od Goodn. Thin marvolloua black bail proven itn titla to ilratplaco an a dyo for all ootton and mixod goodn, It exooln all rivel* in every good quality. . One pnokngo of thin dyo will do an much work aa throo of any otbor.make of dyo. Tho Diamond Dyoo'uro unit, boot and tho oho up out to mm, . Toll your morohunfc that you muBt have, tho, "Diamond." Bow tho IturtMKl Out filuinrnt May *( ItupIuoMl and lloii^wod. It lnui bemi gouerally auppoaod to be it fruitlowH tayk to attempt, the renewal of a burnt out hicnudnHbont oloolrio lanfp, although thero appoara to bo homu ooo- nomio fallany involved in tbo dt'Btruc- tion of what in oxcopfc iu ono small if important partioultur n porfeot ploco of upparntuu. It in not intended, as arulo, to (rivo in tbiR column dttfloriptioim of AmOricau doviceH or aohiovomonU drawn from foreign publioutlonrt, Thin subject luw, bowevor, bcon tukou up by tbo ISuKliub journal,- ludnabriea and Iron, and, nlthouyli it ntato that iui American procoan for rcnowint? Uicho lamps after tho fllsmenfc biut boon bro ken, ban been developed, it does not givo tho nnmoof invontow nor ntat that tho proeewH hn.4 como iuto anything liko gQii- oral application. IIh dottcription of tho oporatiou in thoroforo fjivou for what it in worth. It Htutoa that a commoroial Hucccaa hari boon madfiof a procoHsfor ronowhig burned out lampw which ronderH poHHihlo tbo uuo of tho old bulb at a vory alight oxponao. By tbo now method tho collar, or baro oud, of tho lainp ia not dieturb- ed, tbo old flhimont being removed and tho now ono plaeod through a Hmull holo lii tbo lamp bulb mado by romoving tho tip. XhoHmall holo in uuboquoutly oloa- od axaotly iu tbo uaino manner art in tbo cano of tho now lamp, leaving nothing to. indicato in tbo ilnialiod, rftpairod lamp that it had ovor boon opened. It ia fltatiod that Home 400,000 lam'pH havo boon repaired by this method, tlio fllamont being innorted through tbo Hmall holo referred toby a skillful twhit of tbo hand and ftcumrod ini>OBitionby u Bpocial carbon p:wto. Tbo black deposit ' on tbo imido of the bulb i removed by uttintrtho lamp to'tho bolder and re moving ^ in a K(U) f urnaco, whilo im- mc'diatoly following this oporatiou a mnall glasH tube ia t'uBed to tho opening mado in tbo bulb, through which tlio lamp ia cxhnuHte.d. When this lias boon dono and tho laflfc traco of air and gas absorbed, a blowpipo flaino i tlireetod upon tho throat'of. tho tubn, which in molted into tho point exactly iu every rcspcot a counterpart of thu original lamp. Providonco Journal. Tho Well !> wiuw! Mnu. Thoro in a certain profcsnor in a cor- tain uuivorsity of tho United Statofl who oncoj at tho bopiuning of ono of hiH loo- turoH on flno artu, got on tho nubjoct of tbo kind of pins worn in tho nooktioe of young oollego men. Ho was a good loo- turor and wuh ulwnyn intnrcsting, but this Iooturo wan tho moHt iutoroHtiug.of hio courflo to tbo 000 boys who hoard him, nud tho wholo hour Was npont on iieoktio pint), thoir uso and misuse und What thoy BugROfltod. Tho gint of what ho Haid was that-thoro wuh no moro roaaou why a boy should woar a horHo- ahoo with a whip aorosa it all in gold than that Jiouhph Hhould havo Blovea for roofa, and that uh it wua extromoly fooliBh to put u big Biove on your Jionno for aroof bo it was quito as fo'O'IiHh to woar horwoHhooa on your nooktios, Tho prinuiplo of thiH ifl that you Hhould havo a roAHon in what you wuur an woll i\a in other thinga nud that BouHoleriH docorn- tions,. liko Iioi'HOslioca ou neoktioH or nooktiou on Ijor-suahoea, nro willy and un becoming to a Helf respecting peryon. ThiH particular example wuh only ono to illuHtrato a principle, which in thnb nothing uuuanul, quuor, out of tho.or- diuury, is in iteulf a good thing that, in fuot, moot things thut ure queer and out of tho ordinary are likely, in tho question of drcsn, to bo in bud tur>to. A man's dreea ought to bo quiot, but it must bo clean and woll taken ouro ovory iimtanoo, Tho best droanod man in tho man who, in whatovor company ho flnda hiniBGlf, iH ineunspioaouH; who; you roalizo in an iudonnito way, ir well appointed, though you citmiot woll toll why. Hnrpor'a Round Tabic Ilouufllinld Koouomlcw. . "Idon'taco, 1311a, bow you manage with your boUBO mouoy. If I givo you it !otvybn epGnd a lot, but if I don't givo you ho much you scorn to got along with it." "Why, that'fl porfootly fiimplo, Ku- dolph. Whoii you givo mo u lot, 1 uro it to pny tho dobta I got iuto whou you don't givo mo bo much.'* ITliogoudo Blatter.-- - - - - -- Wltoro'tho Trouble Xu, *'It isn't a-bit of troublo to got mur- riecl," Baid ilio airy youug poraon. "No," spako tho aodato ono. "It U in being married that thotroublo ifl.M Indianapolifl Journal. . There aro 33 allusions iu tho Biblo to tho onnfc wind, 10 of tliom being of a dinparagiug character. Tho, largest American fly ia a little over half an inob in length. , - ! Tbo oat plant iB in Italy regarded tf emblomatio of muaia Fifty Years Ago. Tide U the stamp that the letter t>ore Which carried the story far mul wide. Of certain cure for the loathsome sore Thnt bubbled up from the tainted tide Of the blood below. Ami 'twns Aycr'unnmc . A.d his samnpttrUliL, tlntt nil uow, know, Thnt wua Juat bc^Iunltltj; itit fl^htof fame cures of go years ago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is tho original earsaparilia. Ifc has bohind it a rocorcL f or cures unequalled by any blood puri fying compound, Ifc ia tho only saraaparilla honorod by a medal at the World's Fair of 1893. Others imitato tho romody; they can't imitato tho rocord: go Years of Cures. C. M. Bontloy, tbo Pt. Huron man con victed of defrauding the Itoval Aruiuium out of 80,000 by moanii of forgod cortiU- catcH, will norvo bovoii youru in Ionia priHon. A Pt. Huron cuHtomw of/icor whilo in- Hpcoting luggnftn iroing through the tun- ncl tho other dityromoyod tbo top from a budkot whiflk contained a laryo dmilto. the property of a lady miako ohatmor. Ho thought ho had 'bm again for a tirao. My N<-lL'Iibor Told.mio About Hood'u BurHaparilla and adviwod mo to try it ThiH is tho kind of tulvortimng which Rivet* Hood'ii Barnapat*illu tbolargoet haIoh in the world. Friend fcollH friondthat Hood'H Sarhapurilla onrcit; that it giyoti Htronuth, hoalth, vitality and vigor, and wholo neighborhoods uho it nit a family molioino. A. Vf. Campbell, Provincial Road In- ntrnotor, told tho pooplo of Lincoln at Bt. CathariuoH recontly that in 10 yearn 18,000 dityo of ntatuto labor and 811,000 a year had boon oxpondod in tbo' County of Linaolu, If thia amount wore oxponood for tho nexb ten.yoarn undor tho now nyBtem tho county would havo (hot olaHU roadH without a dollar added to tlio taxation. Ho tbinkn tho atatuto labor nyntom ban .out lived ita UHefnlnoHH and doprocatcH tho con tinuance of temporary worlcw, Thoro in' no doubt a great economy to bo effected in country road building, and il Mr. Camp- boll can tmccood in educating tho (armera in right methoda it will bo rnonoy in thoir pooketu. , J. K. MoCullooh, of Winnipeg, ia now, tht undiBpated. world'n oliampion amateur [jliator having defeated all competitor*) at Montreal thin wo^k. Canadians aro main taining their nupremaoy as leadora in all manly Hportn, A young iimu in Lowell, Muaa., troublod for yourn with acouHtant nuccoasion of boila on hiu nook, wan completoly cured by tak ing only three bottloH of Ayor'a Saruaptirib la. Another result of tho treatment o( the treatment was greatly improved digention with inoruu^G avoirdupois. Tho Port Huron TimoB oayo: Dotootivo E. W. Buekeridgo wears a gold rinfi, in the coutru of whioh in eet the point of a knife blado. Fivo yearn ago Conductor Woodworth reported to the polico that bin bouae had beau robbed, and Mr.' Bucko* ridge wan detailed to look up tbo oaao. Ho made up Ilia mind that Charloii Stull wait tbo uurjutlar and arronted him. Thu ovidctico wao weak and tlio otneora wore about to'di^chargo tho man when "Buok" uukud porrninB.ou to mute a ono more boaroli for bvidonc'o.' Ho viuited tho Iiouho, and while looking at the window through which tho burglar entered, Horatehod tuu ham! on u piece of Htoel ouibuddod in tbo wit.ofiw hill. He dug it out. and wan nnr_ pnHod to tlud it wuh tho tip.end of a leuifo blade, no longer tliim a email kornel of v/hont. Ho took, tho littlo pioco of uteol to tho comity jail and attkod to hco' Stull'H Itnifo. The tip end of ono of tho bladoo wau brolton off, and the little piooo of utoel mado it whole. Ih wau thin little uirciim- Ptanco whioh aont Stull to Jacltiion prinou for Uvo yourn, Mr. Buekorhlgo' retained the kuile point nud hud it out in it ring, which ho wearu to-day. Jjtiill but reoontly oamo out qI prinon, and wan recontly ur* reHted acSirnia,'on a charge of criminally attmuUing it young girl in Hamilton." 40 EEMS, _i0 CENTS. Dr. Agnew'B Liver Pills Cure All Troubles Arising from Tonor of tho Liven Kumv unci <fc*il0K-*lM***V NlPlc Wood- cli VHVIIy * Hl>"*- a*-*l KCrutli- cut*) A.|J.awir!Ufro.u*hM The domaud in bi.. Tho .pilla aro littlo, amy to take, pleuHant rohulta, iio pain. 10 in a vial, and 20'ftanU at all ilmugiDfB.' &&t., 'rV:m :;. - i-lT DON'T BU"X a Stove' until you see the now stock at ^ ^ M McMURRAY'S. Soe the Oxford^ Stoves, Qesf Jn fhe World. Manufactured by the Gurney Foundry Co,, of Toronto, (both Wood and Ooal). We have them in Stock, Our prices aro the lowest, General Tinsmithing and Repairing attended to. U^f^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex. Are You Building" ? Wo can supply you with all kinds of Woodon Matorial, plain and ornanionfcal. Pino, Hemloclc and nativo Lumbor always on hand. Bliinglcs, Codar Pobib Doora Sash and Goal. ^GetYour Storm Doors and Windows Made Now.^ Laing Bros. XZiaCW * ^&^6&at0 ^TcM^IlQSK W ^^^U DISEASED MEN CURED oE yonwr nion, middle i\Rod mon and old men can look book at HUUoArillb thoir boyhood *luy*. or cmrly manhonil with a tdijli of rotuomo. ..... .... . toron an,]Bn|,f>ntlifnnn"ouof tlioboyn" nan own na' _ ______ _ _ ini at the victim. Oar NEW MUTUOD TUEA'lUJSNT will imnitivoly pnro all tbo follow- Ttiflinomneof oarly youth* or later < ----------- . L . thoBfUMtHforfot-tirtt iiuuorlnff. SELF ABUSE hm Uirrlbloain ajjainetnaturo and will brine a rich harvest, lllood and Prlvuto Dl^euiBeiH napthp vory llfo.nnd vitality VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET. SEMINAL WEAK- . NESS, PIMPLES, LOST MANHOOD, UNNATURAL H DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Vnil *l NKltVOTJfl and deopondnnt; wordc or debilitated; tired mom'nKf; no I UU t amhitiou oxcltiihloiiiuHrri- wiiiio; nynn nunkon, red uud hlarrod; jiimplo i cm fnco; droainu und nii;lit loiimiaj mt- ^ U'tw't lin((K'ard lonkm^t wciik back, Ikjjjo piilmt: lia'tr luricn: nlfit-rn; noro t iroat; vnrlcn- rtk oolo; (loi)0Itiii nrinoand drnlnn nt. ntcml; dhitmntfnh want of cnuLidiiuco, hiok of H cnoryandotrnuth-We' OJ\N CURE YOU OR ASK WO PAY, S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-COWFIDEWTIAL S K SWATCHED FROM THE GRAVE W^^t^lZfa^ rtoistflm and norvo ton leu by the K:i>ro without lior.otit; omifiidona ami druhiBhiormuiwI.' I bncamn a uorvoun wrack, A frion<l who hud Imi-n onrod by .J3rti. Konnody & Koruan of a filmilar dlacauo, advinod mo to try thorn. 1 did tto and in two moutlw waHpofiitivu- lyonrod. Thin wnfll|.ilii. yonrn ago. 1 am aow marriod and havo two tioidtliy cjWIo- ron.'MJ. W. LliJWla, Siikiuuw, *.-------------- ^. MVnrloueijln mado Hfo mlnornblo. I van jvtmk and D VARICOCELE. CUiip.; Ipu noambltloiij J'ho 'Qoldon Munitor' a norvfiuii, oyuit iiankou, Inrnhful hi uoololy, hair thlu, _., ............. __________........>r'onenod my t-yoa. The New Method 'irwitmont ol' Dra. Kounody and Korean, oorudmo la a low vrewku. I. h. i'liXKHHOK, Ion In," SiriHICOiri&JC fT-SlrtCn J, iMSMlilWONmlatoiihlnoxiiorlorioo.. "Illwrton lIvIIoOIUNO' .ulmCUi af'irm. Atnohooll lo'tvnod ua oarly hublu which o wonlcflnoHiiioTiliyu.nlTy, fioxnally and woatidly. l-'amlly doetora 'dd J. was koIhb 1 odltwl hy Dra.Koiuiedy A Kowim, fell into my hando. J li'nrnitrl tlio TUU Mt and tho OAUHIQ. Holf-ahuBo a-had hajiPMl my vitality. I took tlio Now JIntliod Troatinout and v/imonrod.. My frlouuatldnkl waHourod ol'confiinniiUon.. I.havo nont tlinm. nmiiy imtloatH, all of wlmm worn curod, maiiliood." "This torriblriblood dInnanoyt\a irt my 'flyptVnvfor olgbji','.' w hi JO 'j'iioyminxl mo. in a rw %yiM-ikn,nnd_l,thaii.kGod 1 couflultod tni'm. Karotatfaof the ^ inontully. - .-.. - - Into'dciolhm*-iotiiiBuniiiLloiiO JVlntiDy 'ThoOohlnn Monitor;' odlt/'d liy Dn.Kntutody " " J li'iirnittl tlin TRUTH and tbo (-AUHIQ. '" ' ,..,. ... .....ik tlio Now JIntliod Troatinout and v/tut--------- _.rf rod ol'confiinniiUon. I havo Bont tlinm iimny: .initloata, all of --. WH....I ...... iiutuu. Thoir, Now Mothod Xi'oatuiont tiupnUoa,\I(fort. vifcallty and W manhood." I* SirHlLlo uUtltU' ycai'ri. "lliui takt-ii moroury for two voavn', huf tho'dtiieaw);'/, S rotnmod. iEyo:i rcul, irimplountnl blotohflftott tint nkin, ulconi in thu mouth and -ou n ttmmio, bono lmlrtB, fntlhiir out of hair, woukuows (.(*.> Uy hrothor, w)u>-Laad'-boon,': W uuwul of (jlont and' Htriatura by Urn..Knnnody and Kormm, rooonnnonucd thorn.': R 5 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED- NO RISK.,. , Tm DCA r^fCCT! Atfl yoa a viotim? Havn you', lowt; ,bD6? ". Aro yoa oontemrUatliurV'ii |k fiI-rtU'Cir; jniirrliiftoV Haijyour tnood Imimdlawifiod? Havo yim.any woajajoear-i.r I" Oiir Now MtttliodTrnatmimfcwil. euro you. What it haw tlonq for otiiors it will do for..! you. CONSULTATION FREE. .y*u.-wrlto for an -honeetAl oninlon Krooof CV witnraod. \lym rid, idmploy "Ih iiv _________ _ . w diuunao iu olx yaara."* W. V. MM Jaokuou ood liiMtndluoaHod? "llavo'yiiuany woakaoeaT-iJ In ....... .._.....__. .............. . -. , Hi. .... ___________ opinion erftooiOhiirRft. t'liaron ruaai-nahlo.. BQQKS FKEE. 'VTIiaUoldon Mtiaitor",..' (lllHRtratod), on DIooaHCH at Mim.laoloHo.ppatalfoyil cont'V tjealod.______1 _._. you OB fillUHfiTllinilJ *>U J-IOt:unur S l ITNONAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. T?m~; 5s -VATfi. NorrtodloinoBonr CO.D, nloniimos on boxea or^riVOl*-. n op6s. Hverxtl}lneC oonflduntlal.' Question : Hoc una cofit of R Troatmenc FREE, . K,,'--:-'--:^y^:*m&& 'MM /^ :1 v . . ^\'J:h-Cli'^ i;.'!-'...v,v.-/.-- ' 18

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