Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 12

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lira r*> to1 r V " o [TT Ah '^^y-f.' l'llACE AND I'U.NTV. It io gratifying to know that there io poaco and plenty in thia Province, unci that tho Imrvobt of tho pnat year wna a very bonntiful ono, find that prices of farm producU are now lncroaiung. When wo contrast our condition with that of India our ho wt roch out to tho pooplo of t'int fitnuni MiuukPii I mi!, and our pardon will (o out to thorn, too. No Province ban no many p"oplo engaged in farming in proportion io its population an Ontario, und in no Pitrliiiraotit have tho agricul tural cUmjoii ho lartto a roproaontatiou ua in thia chamber. The prciiont Govern- in out ia 11 farm era* government. It in alwiiyu ready with nida to aarionlturo, on which it oxpondn Hourly $180,000 an nually. It ia well opont, and who dare Hiiy out it down ? Wo have a practical former at the hoarl. Tho fat mora havo confldonoo in tho proaont Miniutor of Agriculture. No matter what pout may invado tho country, whether oroepinfi, nying Or on foot, tho Mtiniotor in evor ready to Hium its pronoun. Tho Agricul tural Oollofio year affcor; yoat* lian boon great bono of contention. Wo now JeBB complaiat. It UJ an ofltabllahed Tho farmers ondoreo it. Itn .flp^ak for it. It la dolnfp. fivoat lm ate tho Dairy Sohonla at ton and Stratliroy, which toeing oar Krtmt dairy .^fronfc in tho foroign >USTBlEfl. from Canada Io ited annually io THE OHTARIOLEQISUTURE. Debate on the AddreM In Reply tu tho Hpoeolx from tho Throne, Tho dobato in the IJegiBlature on the ad lira bo took op the aftornooo of Thurs day of last week. Andrew Pattnllo, tho mombor-Jor North Oxford, moved tho addreea in a upoooh whioh oooupiod about two hoars. John A. Auld, Bouth Ebbox, in oooond- iag tho roply said : I maet aak tho ladalgonoa of tbo Hoano usually extondod to t new mombe^ and moro eapooinlly after listening to tho ablo, eloquent and exhaustive) addreBB by my friend, tho mombor for North Oxford. jrho Fromior mado no mistake in choosing Mr. Fattullo to move tho addrosfl In roply, and ,he haa acquitted birnuolf in n Vory oreditablo manner. Probably no one regrots more than I do tho oiroamatancoa whioh brought about my appoaranoo in this House. To mo it in a very painful oh- autnatanoo. Ah you aro well o-waro, my Srodoooaaor was tho lato lion. W. D. :alfour, with whom I had boon olouoly aaaootatod afl a partnor in bualnoiid for nearly '25 yoara. It in not nooonmiry for mo to enlarge upon hia ability and worth atJ a public man, afl you, Mr, Speaker, and tho mombora of thia Houao, know how well and faithfully ho served Ida conutituouny and alwaya gimrdod the atfaha of thju Province. You all know him an a hard-working and onorgofcio mombur. He would faithfully and cheer- fnlly oarry out any Work aunigned him, no matter how hard tho tank nor how trying on hui phymcal otidurnnoo. Uo had endeared himuolf to hid conutituontu without rofjard to politico ; wua bolovod- by tbo tiiberalu and admired by tho Con- Borvativoo. If ever thoro wan a aolf mado man in thin Province it was tho lato Hon. W, D. Balfour. IIo bo^an at tho bottom rung, and by hia own pluolc and ability workod hia way up until ho oooupiod tho diotinguiahod poaitiou of Speaker of thia Kouho, and nftor two aonalouo wati oallod to tho Cubinofc. It ia not nccoauary (or rao to follow him further, aa you all know that hia phymoal ouduranoo proved unequal to hia onnrgy, with tho roault which I am aatioflod, ia deeply rogrottcd not only by hia old conotituonoy but by ovory mombor of thin Houfio. T1I12 nbw orrAKicn, Thia ia truly an illnotrioua year, boing tho eixtioth annivoraary of hor Mujoiity'n roign, tho ono hundredth of tho mooting of tho Parliament of Upper Canada and tho thirtioth of Confederation. Tho utruggling ProvinaoB of HO yaara ngo aro now united to form a solid country ov; tending from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific, whioh haa now probably tho moat con tented pooplo on tho globe within ita border. Thia Gouuo aiinomblon thia non- Dion with a now Speaker, a now Promlor, a now lofidor of tho Oppocition and a now Miniater of tho Crown. To yon, Mr. Spoakor, I doairo to offor oongratula- tionn on your olovation to tho Spoakor'u chair. It io gratifying to know that in thia great Anglo-Saxon-npoaking Pro vince a man'a crood or nationality daea not utand ia tho way of hia boing diction an tlio firot Commonor of tho Promior Provinco, no long aa ho ia fittod and qualified for tho portion ; and, speaking in bohalf of tho French Canadtana of Euqgx County, whioh I havo tho honor to roproaont, I alao wioh to congratulate you, And in thia oaoo I think I am aafo in tiaying it io tho pooition uookmg tho man, not tho man seeking tho poyition. ontauxo'q oiunp oi- max. It rauat appear atrango to old mombara of thin KoutiQ aauambiod liore not to goo the familiar countenance of "Ontano'ajGrand Old Man," who haa boon oallod to an enlarged aphoro of uQofalnoap in the eounaola of thin broad Dominion whore hia groator abilitiou would give him widor flcopo. For many yoara wo havo boon hearing our oppononto crying from ono end of tho Provinco to the other tliat "Mowat rauat go !" Little did they doinro that he uhould go at thia particular timo, and littlo did they dream that ho should tjoto form ono of that great trio of "Laurior, Mowat and Victory," which awopt thia fair Dominion from end to end on tho 23rd of Juno laat. It ia a matter of congratulation to tho Provinco that ho should havo loft with us ono of hid oldest and ableBt lioatonauto, ono who haa for oightoon long yoara fought tho battles of thiu Provinco shoulder to ohouhloi* with bin loader, and aa/natod in framing tlio leginlation that graces tho statute booki of Ontario. No doubt the old battle cry will bo change I to "Hardy must go." However, if tlio two byo clcotiono lately held aro any criterion to go by, tho new Promier ha* ovidoutly won tho nffeotiona of the ppoplo of On turn) to ai groat an oxtont aii hid utdo prudticeaaur. Whether thoelootiins talcu placo in dune next or whether int until noxt year the pooplo will rally to hia support. In addition to tho remxrkti mado by the honorable mem ber for North Oxford, Idumro to offer my conjjratulationa, humblo though they may bo, and Irnat that tho Attorney-General may bo lung upirad to fill tho honorable position of Promier of thin groat Provinco, to fight tho battles of hia native Provinco and continue to give uo good, honest and progroHawo legiHlalion. I muut aluo con- gratulato tho now Provincial Secretary on Ilia elevation to the position in the Cabinot mado vaoant by tho death of Mr. Balfour, and I havo no doubt ho will prove a vory efficient and painstaking member. 914,000,000 worth, or 58 per cent, of tho consumption of oboosoln that country. Of this Ontario sonde at loast two-thirds. And at the same timo wbilo tho Mother Country only imports 8 per cont. of her butter from Canada, yet she i in ported 81.000,000 worth moro in IBOu* than in 1895. Those faots, I think, aro a tmfnoiont justification for the existence of ngrionltural and dairy schools and show tho excellent work being dono by tholr 8,000 graduates. Whila wo cannot eXpoot to morouho our ohooee exports to Groat Britain to any groat extent, with those export gradnatoa wo can keep np tho high standard and hold our proaont trade, whilo thoro is a great possibility for ex tending oar butter export. Tbo fruit oxport trado ia also progressing favor ably. Tho Travelling Dairy, Kxporlmont- nl Fruit Stations and frnit treo apraying have eaoh and all proved miooossos, whilo tho FarmorB' Inatitutea havo boon a great and valuablo school of information, edu cating tho farmerij in the latost praotioal exporiinonta. Novor was thoro a timo when tho farmors ncoded and approbated the aidti given moro than iu this ago of competition and low prioou, and aa a ro- imlt of tho foHtoring care of thin Govern ment the agricultural olaaaou are in a more profiporotiu condition than in any othor portion of tho gloho. MUNICIPAL MATTiniH, It will bo neon that tlio addrona rofora to two Important municipal muttors, tho reduction in tho mimbor of mombora of amall town oounoihi and. a hotter ayatem of auditing municipal acoounta. The lattur in a vory important mattor, whon wooonaidor tho uumbor of Troaaurorw who aro con- etantly going wrong. It mmit bo a groat aat- iufaotion to tho Oovornroont and oapooially to tho Fromior, to find tho County Conn- oila Aotjof 189G working ho sucooaafully and giving such goneral satisfaction. Tho now act haa can nod the oxponaea of County Counoila to bo out in two, botiidoa leaving a hottor and moro cqnal ropro- eontation, and buHinoaa oim bo tranaaotod moro tiatinfaatorily. It in a trno roform, no doubt, but if any dofcota bo found in tho act tho Government will promptly aoo that fchoy aro romodiod. Tho roduotion in town counaihi will alao bo a roform in tho right direction. ONrAUIO A WINNUn. Ontario still continued to ho a winnor in tho courts, in protooting our Provincial rights. Tho mattor of Ontano'a winning oauoa boforo tho Privy Council io becom ing monotonouu. Formerly they would gain on an avorago ono oaoo ovory oouplo of yoaru, hut now hardly a month paoaoa but that a fruah win ia roportod. Nono of tho recent victories aro of moro im portance than tho decision of tho Supremo Court relating to the fisheries. Ropronont- ing, aol do, tho south riding of Enaox, whoflo nhoroa aro waahod on throe fiidoa by tho watora of tho Dotroit JRivor and IJako Erie, I porHonally know whoroof I Hpoak whon I nay that tho fishery rogu- lationa cnTorcod by thu lato lamented Dominion Government has had tho offoot of impoverishing tho nshormon of that constituency by harnh and nnjuat roatno- tiona, to tho advantage of tho Amorioan uahermon. I can assure thio IIoubo that no gladder tidingo wero evor received by any claaa of pooplo than by tho nohormon on (Jako Erie when thoy loarnod thoro wna a possibility of this grooa abuao of Canadian intoreatn boing discontinued. Tho lawn and regnlationo mado for the oastern Provincoa Nova Scotia, Now Brunowiolt and Princo Kdward Ialnnd do not uait on our woatorn lalcoo. Tho Amoriijaitfegri'xin fiahing, whilo only a few yitl^|l[^Jwl,|liu Canadians are prohib itedT &$$'*' ^*t:t there aro placos whore the stream a aro ao narrow that tho Amor-' icami ntrotch thoir not a in Canadian watora and land tho (lah an tho Amorican ehoro, whilo tho Can ad i an a aro prohibited from fishing. Thia in an ontragoon Can adians, It ia enriching tho Americana at tho oxponoo of tho Canadiana. bnto to Sir Oliver and congratulated tho First Minister. Mr. Haycock, tho Patron loader, hoartily congratulated tho Spenkar upon his oleotion to that position. Tho 6nly thing la connection with it whtdh1 any- ono oould regret was the unfortanato cause of hia occupying tho portion,, Ho paid a high tribnto to tho lato Hon. mom bor, Mr. Balfour, who oooupiod the chair. Whon tho PitronH tirut entered thu House without any parliamentary oxpuricmco at all they had no kindor frlond than tho lato Spoaktir of this Houso. It was not necesaary for him to add onu word to , what had already boon said with regard ' (o hifl true manlinoaa and honor. Ho ro forrod to tho statement of tho loader of tho Opposition that ho had diuousaed tho County Counoila bill with hundroda of pooplo and did not moot ono who ap proved of it. Ho (Hnyc-ock) tmid ho had disouBBod tho bill with bin uolloaguoa and thoy approvod of it n hia county, Tho most frequout oritioium of it wluoli he had hoard was that it waa not radical enough and that thoro ahonld bo one ropruaoutativo inatoad of two. Some amoudmontii to it might bo required dur ing thu (toiiuion, but on thu whole it waa tatiafaotory, Mr. Hardy wound up tho dobato with a bright and vigorous upoooh in which ho made feeling refernnooa to the death of Mr, Balfour and the lona auiitained by the Province. Hin roferonoo to Mr. Balfour was a graphic sketch of tho iitriking characteristics of hia lamontod collaaguo. Mr, Balfour wan alwaya on tho Hide of tho pooplo, Mr. Hardy tmid, and tho ap plause whioh followod allowed how well this trait had boon notod by bin fellow- mombora. The sentenco would form a noble epitaph for hia tomb. A MINISTER'S STORY- T3IE PAINFUL EXPERIENCE REV, C. II. BACKIIUS. OF Clubbing Rates, 1897.] 1 1 Tho p'roprlotors of the Funis I'meiw "havo tuarta n-rrttnaomontH with tha publiahors Of other perlodlo'ds mid nowaiiapara wboroby thoy atm In il position to fiivo tliotr HubaorlborH tbo bonofltof roduaotl prions whon thoy onlor two or moro vu.par. Ab many of tho ottoitT'wco uuly Rood for n. HniUud tlniu Hiilxtorihoro uhonl J notdolay hi rouowlutf Tho followlntf hi a par tial list of olfom Wo oan glvii: I-'jiKW l'HKHH nuil WoatornAdvortlBor.......$ 1 40 Wookly Mail............... 1 46 " " Wookly Oiubo................. l ro " " Wnokly Htar and I'umUy Uorald................. 1 BO * " Wookly Wltneiu............... 1 00 " Bally WltnoHn.............. 'j 00 " ' Farmers' Hun............... i :i0 " " Hurpor'ri MaKazluo........... 4 10 " " " Wuokly.............. i 110 " " " Uuzar............. i :m " " " ltound Tablu..... 2 HO * " Dally Ololm............. ,'t GO ' " Dtdly Aavurtlor............... u OO " " Ceamopolltan ........... 1 Btf " " Gimadlun Homo Journal I 30 " " Atnorloun Ayrioulturlat , 1 CO Tun ruttiiPHtiHuouoyuar, tfl.W); f> montliu, CO oontn; ,i m(inthu, ilC cento. II ytin Imve not renewed for 1K97, now In the time to do It. AdrtroKH all eomniunloiitlons to BRETT & AULD, Essex, Out. IfcelUffov I f^BMUISIONi Not Wortli it. Author (invitod to a vory poor {liiumr, (0 iiunHLdf)~-A miaorablo dinnor I I'll Jiavo too tuico care that 1 don't let anything witty ylido out. Fhi'gondo Blatter, Tin: i'inancui. It is pleasing to know that tho flnanooo of tho Provinco aro in tho uuual healthy condition, and that by properly huobantl- ing our natural resources Ontario will continue to occupy tho proudoot poaitiou of any Province in this Dominion. Mr. Spoakor, I will not detain you longer, but will content myoolf with con gratulating tho honorable mombor for Dnndauon his elevation to tho poaitiou of leader of tho Opposition. (Applauao) I am batialiod that tho Government will roudor him ovory naaiatanoo to lighten his arduous (tution, (IJn,ughtar)and I hor-o and trust that he will hejunt aa successful t\,H hiaprodocpynoru in reaching tho Trean- nry benches. I havo much ploaimro, sir, in seconding tho resolution. Tho now mombor for South Essex sat down amid mingled laughtor and ap plauao, and waa followed by tho Opposi tion leader. Mr. Whitney, who waa well received by his followers, began hia speech with a fow gracioua words of welcome and congratulation to tho two now momborn, Mosaitf. Fattullo and Auld. "Of ono thing I am cortain," ho oaid in an apologetic tone, "whether or not thoy be hardy oottiers of this Province, thoy uro ut all ovontii Hardy mombora of it." Then he iruiulgod in a dm-jontiont word or two in regard to a couple of matters referred to by Mr. Auld. Ono waa tho County Councils bill and the other waa tho legal victories of tho Gov- ornmont. Hn said that from tho day that the County Councilu bill was paaood up to tho proaont ho had apokon to him* droda of ratopayoru, and ho had not yot hoard ono word of approval of it. Regard ing the fctatcmonfc that half of the oxponooa of tho County Connoilo had been aavod, Mr. Whitney doolarod it to bo aa far frum tho fiLot as it wan poauible for it to bo. Mr. Whitney said that ho did not know what Mr Auld expected in tho as to tho winning of oaaoa from tho Domin ion Government. Who wait tho Domm ion Government V Wati it oomo aavage nation with whom wo wero at war, who hatod nn, or was it componod of our brothrou ? Now Sir Oliver Mowat had boon retained to fight ngnlnat this Pro vince with all hia ability. According to tho idoati of Mr Auld thono onomioa of oura, thoao barbariann, would nuoaood through tho offorto of Sir Oliver in taking away nomo of tho benefita ho had got for uo in tho past. This waa a pitiable proflpoot, and ho did not look forward to it with tho tiamo natiafaotion as his Hon. friondti oppnoito did. Mr. Whitney paid an oloqucmt tribute to tho lato Mr. Bal four, and gi>vo tntpronulon to tho rogard In which ho wild held by all thotie who had tho plutumro of kuowlng him in his publlo hfo. Mr. Balfour, ho uaid, was ono of tho moat industrious publio men ho evor know. Ho had never soon him when he was idle, Mr, Balfour, he oaid, waa one (ft the most huocosJuI Spsaliors of thu House. Tho Houbo had nothing to bo ashamed of in tho record Of tho gentlemen who had presided over its de liberations. Mr. Balfour was entitled to be given a very high pi ace in tho list of Provincial Speakers. He paid a tri V-' > s Var Vive Months lie wu* Mclplc.ts and Endured Agonizing Paluu-Could neither RUe Up Nor Sit Down Without Ald-lle tclla How He found a Cure, IJVom tho Tiluonhuvg Obnnrvor. Tho Kov. 0. H. BnckhuH is a resident of Bayham township, Klgin county, Ont. > and thoro ia probably no poraou iu tho county who is hotter known or moro highly ofltoomod. Ho ih a minist er of tho United Brothrou Church. Ho aluo farms quite extensively, miporin- tondinf* tho work and doing quito a nharo of it liimaolf iloHpito hia advancod ago. But ho wa not alwayu ablo to oxort laimBoU uh he can to-day, as a fow yoarH ago ho underwent an illuojm that many feared would terminate his life. To a reporter who recently bud a conversation with tho rev. gontloman ho gave tho particulars of hia illnoan and euro, with pormitwion to muko the state ment public. Tho ntovyaHtokl by Rev. Mr.Backhua is fluhfltantially as follows: About throo yonrs ago ho was tnkon ill and tho doctor who was callod in, pronounced his troublo an attack of la grippo. Ho did not appear to got any hotter and a second doctor was callod in, but with no moro Hatisfactory rosulta, ho far as a renewal of health was eon- corned. Following tho la grippo rains of an oxemciatiug nature located thom- hoIvcq in hin body, no grow weaker and weaker until at last ho wau perfect ly holplofls. Ho could not sit down nor Hso from a sitting posture without assis tance and whon with this nfmintanco ho gained his foot ho could hobblo but a fow steps whon he was obliged to bo put in a chair again. For llvo months those agonizing pains wero ondurod. But at last relief so long delayed came, A friend urged him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ho yioldod to the advice and had not boon taking them long when the longed for relief Mas noticed coming, no could inovo moro easily, and the stilVness and pains bogan to leave his joints. IIo continued tho ubo of tho pills for nomo timo longer and tho euro was complete Seeing Mt. BaokhuH now it would bo difllcnlt to think of him as Jho cripplod and help less man of those painful days, Mr, Baelchus is now past his 80th year, but us ho said, "By tho aid of "Dr. Williams' Pinlc^Pills T am as ablo as those ton years younger. You can readily judgo of thia whon X toll you I laid forty rods of rail fouco this your. I am glad to add my testimony in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills btriko at tho root oi' tho disoaso, driving it from tho system and restoring tho patient to hoalth and strength. Tn case of par alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, eoiatica, ruoumatism, orysipolaSj scro fulous troublos, etc., thoao pills aro mipodor to all other treatment. Thoy aro also a specific for tho troublos which makes the lives of so many women a bnrdon, and speedily rostoro tho rich glow of health to palo and sallow chooku. Mon brokon down by overwork, worry or excesses will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. Bold by all doalorn or sent by mail postpaid, at 50o. a box, or Bix boxos for $3,60, by addressing tbo Dr. Williams' Modiciuo Company, Brockvillo, Ont., or Schonootady, N. Y. Beware of imitations' and substitutes allogodtobo "just as good." TwoIteiuiokiK Thoro !h an Iriah pnrtor employed in a largo oomraiunion houso in Now York one of tho kind that will mako a witty reply to any sort of question. IIo is vory fond of expressing his views in general, and has groat admiration for his urgumontu. If ho fails to get a listoner, ho will talk to himuolf in Hon of something hottor. A mombor of tho flim boing annoyed ono day at hia constant muttering, whioh ho. was unfortuuato enough to hoar, aont for him. "Seo here, John, did it over occur to you that your constant muttering is a great anuoyanoo to pooplo that happen to bo a round? Why on oarth do you oh(utor away to youraolf, anyhow?" "Sburo I had two rayaons for doin' that." "Two roasonH 1 Woll, what aro thoy ?" "Ono of thorn ia that I loiko tor talk to a aansibld man, and tho othor ia that I like to hear a sonaiblo man talk." InCONHirUIM-lOItf nml oil MlN HBiH*:,iHi;H,Hi*irTE\<;oi'ui<M>i>. ^ <OKJ<;iI, K.OHHOft'AI-l-CTlTE. W liKlULITV. th iMmpOtMofthlM a nrttelonro iuot uiiuilrWt* HythiAliI fThn"l) A !." I'muliUi, t)wu<yt frlil uftilw Ul;u( rmitfli wlili li liml tmubliKl inn for A ov.ra your, uiul tnVn utlni] iitmli|vnilijy In w..ltfUt. I llki'l ili'u 1'imilklim ki) w.tti j wiu aUui ^ 0 T. H. WlJH.UAll, 0 li.MoiitrMl - HOC. nml si ixir lltiiUA Who cu.t -nit ()f MOID thlni* toimumt/ Wanted-fln Idea IVototit your MttiUithAy limy brlnu you woulth Writ* JOHN WKDIiniUlUUN * CO . Witont Attor hoy, WaalilnBtiiii, 1) (J , r<ir llmlr $i,WX) prJxo olTor mid lUt ut two liUiulratl luvoiillmin wu.ntna TUB ESSE3: Roller t Kill*. JAMES NAYLOR I ojmortuDity of announclua to thft nueulo of tha Towii nuil Count; of KRioY thafc Takoa tliIn Oft! M romodoloil tho Uhhox Hillor Mills ao- oorillnflto plaiiHpmparoilby U.N Prloo.offlt Thomas, and also Hour<iiltini nervines of Hubert btraaho-u, an oxporlohood and thoroanhly com- potout mil lor, I WANTKn HBVKKATj VAlTIlFUr, M15N Oil Women to travel for rooponnihlu oHtah- llnlirjd Iiouho In Ontario, Halary, S7B0, payublo 16 wofiltly and uxpentiiiH. Poiiltlon parmainmt Koforoucu, JilnolOHo iffllf-rLddreuudd iitampod 011- vulopo. Tho National, Htar Ihiildliii,', CIiIoilko. Best IMitoi) In tho world for youti^nion uiul women to uoouro a UuiiIjhhih Kdiioatlnn.Hhorthand.oto., In tho Dotmit ltuHttimiii Unlvonilty, Do troit, Mich- Illuntratod oataloiiuo Kroo. KofoMiiictn . All ilotrolt, I-*, JEWf3TjLPrn. P, H HPJlNCKKHoo. Wanted. A MA NT-'1'0 Br'r'T' CANADA GUOWTIl i\. WlLWi * lt'rult and Orriainimtul Trneii, fllimhs, Kotififl, IluUm und UtilhouH Pliiutn.Cimpo Vitioa, Hmall Vrultu, Hued Fotatoon, to Wo oatalouno only tho viirlotlon thiittmcouod In Serves You Ititrlit Tho Canadian Homo Journnlfor Feb ruary in of upooial intercut to Oanadittna, containing among many othor bright featured a half tone portrait and ekotoh of Alexander Muir, an well an his popular patriotic uong, "Tho Maple Loaf I-'orovor," worda and muaio oorn- ploto. Sample copy 10 conta, yearly aubsoriptiou SI, whioh will botocoived at thia ollloe. The BtHhop 01 Hlirou has Idsnod an Of peal ou bohalf of theundiafatniuu fund. / If you will lot that pain in your back go on ovorluatingly in tho fnco of ovidouce like thia. You-may have a lame bach, headache or porhapn a halloas, worn-out, douo-up fooling all tho timo. You have a family doctor. Haa ho hoi pod you? Yonr dootor haa patiouta so troubled, so havo we. Ho calla on them frequently, oo do wo, Here iu tho tlifforonoo, we toll tho rotmlta of our yisita; toll it to tho Buffering public ; tell it openly. Horo is ono of our visits : Mr. J. G-. Sloan, of Eftoex, Out., states, "20 yoara ago I hurt my back whilo lifting a hoavy weight. Sinco that timo I havo had kidney und urinary diflionlty almost constantly, growing wot so year by your. "Tho doctors said I hud strainod tho lining of my kidneys, I had terrible pain in the aniull of my uuolt. Tho urino was high-colored,and earned a heavy nodimont. Truly'I have aufforod awfully during the punt twenty yoara, and wait nnablo to ob tain roliuf from any of tho many methods which I havo resorted to. "Donn'u Kidnoy lJills, which I procured at Sliernn'a drugstore, are tho only modi- oino which havo over given me relief and comfort, "Thoy havo removed tho pain from my back, cleansed tho urino, and mado mo foe! hottor iu every way. I am ploatiod to givo my evidence an to thoir virtues, be cause I think It in only duo to such a re markable remedy to toll how it curod my ctiuo which I consider wau ono of tho moat difficult on rocord." OUT OP TUTGTOIJL.S. Physicians Failed, Curc-Alla Fail- od But tho Groat South Amorioan Kidnoy Ouro, a Specific Remedy for a Specific Troublo, Cured Mra. A, E. Young, of Barnston, P. Q., Quickly and Permanently. Thio is hor tontiraony; "I waa taken molt in Januury, 180il. I employed flovoral of tho boat looal phyflioia^ia and waa treat ed by them for kidnoy diaoa&o nntil tho untumn ot tho flame yoar without rocoiv- mg much benefit. I thon begun uaing your South Amurioau Kidnoy Guro, and doriyod groat bonefit idraoat immediately. I foul now that I am quito ouiod. I hayo takon no modicum for noma length of timo and have not; had a return of the alightoat symptom of the dinoano." "" " ..... Grrman children only study 60 minutoa out of ovory hour. Tho othor ton minutoa is devoted to reoosH, Thia iroquont oh an go from roooaa to recreation and froiih air ia reported by invoatigatora to havo a most beneficial effoot on both toaohoraud taught hardlont and mont popular ul In tho oolrlont ollmaton Now iinason now oommoiiolng: coinpl<>to outfit Iron, Hillary and oxpounon paid from iiturt fot- full time, or liboral eommfmiion for part time Apply now, addressing naaroiit ofilao, and choice of territory. LUKE BHOTHKltM COMPANY, International Nnrsurios, Omoxao, III,, or Montmsaxj. Quh. Fresh Bread Ib what you can rely on gotting when yon buy from ua. Our wa^on goon to all parts of tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You caut find moor, froabor, orswoot- or in tho country. AH kinds of Funoy Gakoa and Jolly Rolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo aoll nothing stalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you can rely on prornpt de livery. FRANK FOSS. Opposite xlnalc A Trailed], ICnaox rhimkiiitf tho Dooidrt of tho town nn& cduutv for tho patrolman b6stnwuil upon him In the pBBt, will Kimmatoo aatlraoUoalu tho futnja. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. Csi- The Jiest Gradtt 0] Flour, Ft Cornmeal Ktj>l in Slock and sold at Prices, Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats, DO you I^ide ? * If so, you want to have tho beat there is and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout is to mi had At- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. ^. ^ Good JtoaclHtcra. J'Janjj Jiiclinrj JJuggica. Comfortable Carriage*, A Call &ol id ted. &atinfaotion Guaranteed. North of tho % Railway Track. ____________E5SEX, QNTt Johnston Bres., Builders tu Contractors, r'j British Columbia SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilaon Ave., noxt Aberdeen Hotel. Tho latoat improved machinery for Ironing Collara und Cuffri. Will not omok or break tuo wing. Pino Shingles, $1.00 Up. Family work olioap. and delivered. Patcolu culled for PIgubo call and try. If not Mittafaoincy no clutrgo will ho mado. f our work uuitfl you. rooommond ua to your friouda. wood's 3f?-iioaxiiox]nisrx3. Tho Great ICnirlluIt Hcmcily, Six racLaac'n Guaranteed to promptly nml permanently euro all furmfl ot Kcrvous Wcalnca3,]hniattona,Siicrm- atorrhen, Imjiattineyand all effcetiof Ahuaa or Jlxcianat, Mental Worry, cxocinWa usa Tiefar'r and After fTubacoo> Ojdumor stimu- flrmity, JnaanUy, Consumption and an early fjiavo, Uii'i hcon proKcrlhod over OSyonrn In thoiuiaiala of cftin'j; la the Aii/y JicUabla and Ilomat Medicine known, AidcdnifCK^'tfor Wanit'u PJiosphodlnoj IE lioofYcranmno worthlcnfl modlelno In placo ot thtu, Inclouo prlco in lottor, and wo will aoud by return infill. Prlco, ono paelcngo, $1[ six, $5, Ono will plcaso, ola) will cure rnmphlutufrootonnyadJruafl, Tho Wooil Comiimny, Wludiior, Ont., Canada. I34* Bold In Ebhox and ovorywhoro in Canada by oil roaponulhln Drutciut. SAS/I, DOORS, LA TU ami jiAAw turn * f?r SatlMfnctlou unraiiteea.| Opp. Water Works FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS v. THECOOKTSBEST FRIENI L/V^GE^T OAUE IN CANADA- JT. GOURLAY fc SON. ESSEX, ON( rrr^c^Sii'^ o <p r> o o o " MENTHOL PL4STER I linvn iiKNi'rlbml Mi'iitln I IMautw*litcl iiumlwc Of tiuuvt ut tiuilralKlo R'id rhtninuuiu juliig, oml am viry imali iiluwul wlili tlio ifiinU mul I'to'is nitui m ot lt>< ni'clicaUmi \V, 11, OAHi'tiJ. Tkii. H l) lint <l Oxfditl, it, I liuvo uuxil Xfnntlxil WtmUin In *o*rtml ntica criiiuiiculiiriliuiitnatlJiti, nint llud in tvury miid IU"UtyitV(Miltii(^tlu*Uiif ittid ttrirmnt:iiLrdiur. -J, II. M(i':u M I). 'Lkli'tutoii, n.O. It Cun fl MiMiLtti'ii, liUinltiip/o. N011- ral^hi, l'ttlutt In Kiu-lc or bldo, or uny Muuuulu* fahm. Pricu I DavlH Ss Litwmnco Co., LWf S^. j bolt* I'rupclotOtU, MONTKBAL. 8ttaooao THB TlUOMT?H CORN BHEHjER DBSORIFTIOKT- Thin Machine oonaiBts of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought iron "$j barn, with wool tooth bolfcod to tho cylinder bo as to bo roveraihlo when theM tooth liocomo woro on tho iront Rido, running in a perforated concave iroajf an or oloimor attached bolow, which takes ail tho dust from tho grain. TheSj jhoapost boat, moat simple and durable Power Corn heller in sbcjU| lorn poriootly clean in any condition aholliog and cleaning from onetp'tvpjjft houeand bushols of oars per day,'acofutng to power, V DrMKNsioNB. Pulley, 10 in. diaxty ater, fi in. face; Motion BOO to 800 revolutions per minute; Weight, o^fylbj' EVBRV 8HE|LLER WAR(?ANTED% __ ^ ' .,2' GOURLAY A SONS, &^^^^m^^iiXM^^^M^^Mi 4**k 16

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