Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 29, 1897, p. 10

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MMM The Essex Free Press. m BRETT 4 AULD. PROPRIETORS. FRIDAY, FEBlttlAttY 10, 1897. J, F. Hakb, of Windsor, baa toon ap pointed Deputy Begiatrar of tho tilth Coart of Jaatloo for tho oonnfcy of Ehhqx. Mr. Haro 1b also Looal Muator for tho oounty. '&i*rTILUUHY WICNT. 1 A farmer named WaHhburu, while chop- ping wood on hia farm near Btraiutflold, ou Monday of luafc week, was accidentally etraoli in tho oyo by a pieao of wood and rendered totally, blind, the blow nootning to effect both eycifl Himultanoounly. Mra, Patillo m improving. Mian Jonmo Monard Is abio on tho hIiiIc lint. MIhb Rate PatUlo, of Windsor, ban boon viailinfi at V. Oorbett'n, Mifta Huut from U. 8. at Goor^o Miller's, and Mrw. Priuna, of Toouinnh, at J. Ooutoti. Mr. Major in through with bin losing and 1b uow shipping pilnrt to JDolroit. Ab tho Council mooting on the 10th inL, thotondor of W. A, SimpHati for drilling a Oafl woll on tho Herrlnuton lot wuh ac cepted aud a by-law propurod confirming tho aoouptanoo of tho tender. Tho mini of 91,160 to bo paid for a well lOfiO foot, mid tho mim of 91.10 a foot for ouoh foot deep er, the waid contractor to ivo a robato. of SI a foot for oaoh foot Iohh than 10B0 foot, should tfaH bo found at a loan ditttanao. In Hornu uuaooonntublo manner flro broko out iu tho uooond titory of J, EL 0- PowoII'h general Ptoro horo at an ourly hour Tliurnday of hint wook, romiltinc in a vory hoavy Iohh. Tho contents of the second, floor worn alraoHt completely don- troyod, Tho flro wrh got under control by tho prompt action of tho flro bri^ado, which ohnokod what would othorwino bavo boon ono of tho moot dinaatrous firca in tho history of tho villaao. Partly in sured. - ctiV.cnwrKtt sown. M. P. O'Connor haa a uurabor of fcnawn II' work hauling atone for tho orootion of bin fine now ronidonao on Quoon ntroot, in Harrow, ---The Harrow ForoHtorn havo dooidod to hayoan ontortainmout. It will tako place1 on Tuesday ovouine., Fob. 23rd. Tho aup- por will bo givon in H. Horrtraau'ft largo nhow rooratt. Enlortaimnonfc aftor auppnr in tha lorigo room. BruHh & MoLoan havo traded thoir roll er mill iu Harrow to Win. Staddon, of tbia towuahip, Mr, Staddon giving bin farm of ISO aoron and,85,000 in oxohanflo for the mill. Mr. Staddon took poneowiion of bin now ontorpriBo ou Monday last,^ WHB&TIjBY. Itav. W, H, Bedmau has been holding spQoial sorvloes this weok. The Young People's Union laHt Monday evaniog was taken by 0. H, Pottd. At tho Quarterly Meotiu/; at Goldsmith on February 8th Mr. Morrison wan uuani tnoutdy mvltod to remain a third year. Tho gas well Htill oantiuuoa to attraot attention ovary evening, and is quite a flue plaything. All appear to be quite uatisfled with it, and are anxioui for tbo weather to "Hoftorrmrtbnt-tho~work of piping It may oomtnonoo.' We hear tho oil woll la alno likely to provo valuable, At tho mooting for elootion of oftioorH of ho JSpworth ijoaguo tho following wore olootod: lot vioo, O. IlottM; 'Jud J. 11. Healuy an'd-D.. ,7. ICouyoui'Htiorutary, If. Winlo; treasurer, MiuH T. DalotJ; orojaniHt, Mine K. DaloH, Minn Wiluon, our puhlio aohool toaohor, has boon on tho oiok lint. Hov. St. Etholbort Yatoa, who had boon vory ill for a fow wooka, haH ronuraod the aorvicoa at hiu dlCferont nppointmoDts. Revival Borvicbn oponod in tho M. E. Cliuroh horo laut week. Mian Kate Mor ton will bo horo on V/ednooddy ovonmg to romain a woek and ftHtuac tho Rov. Mr. Shaw, Our toucher, Mihs Wilson,who waH proo- etratod with la grippo. ia, we regret to niy, stuTtoo ill to boablo to opon nohool. And 'ftmopg othora who aro uIho seriously ill with it, are A. DowhirHt, Mrs. Benjamin and Arthur Squirou and ohild. LlfAmiN(;TON. Dr. Piper upon6 Sunday at hia homo in London. Dr. Bodiugton purponoH to eroct a ro- nidunoa in tho Hpring, Mihii Poarl KvaiiH outortninod a number of hor frluiulH lunt 7^riday oV<ning. Mrw, Joh. Pourfc whh tukim nurioUHly. ill on ThnrmiiLV of luut wook but uho iu uow a littlo bottur. Tho Into miow storm Htoppod tho musonu who woro rapidly building Mm, May Wiglo'u etoro. Hofaorb Fair, a formnr roiiidont of Ijuam* ingtou, luui mado hift fortuuo in Rounland, B. 0 About two yuarH ago lio bogun work ou hiu mining cluion and took out 900,000 worth of gold in two months. Ho aftor- wardu sold tho mine to Engliwh uaplLaliutii for 81CO.000. Tho town waH uturtlod TnoHday morning lo hoar of tho ouioido of one of our mont promising young tnon. Norman Qibbouii allot hiiuHolf at -1.30 that morning through tho heart und oxpirod almoat immediately, Tho dt-'OcaHod waft il aon of Jacob (.Jihbomi, ono of ourluading oitinotiH. Ho wan ono of tho bowt Known hud highly roapocted young mon of tho town, IIih tragic pud waa a doep blow to bin family. Tho younfj man wiut a high Soliool Htudont and wnu preparing himaolf for a flrnt alaan oortifi oato. He attended hiu o]anaoti the proviotiu day and uppoarod in hiu uhuuI happy Hpirit. IIo loft~no1otror to explain tho raah act nor did ho by any way givo hiH friondw to undurntand that ho wan laboring under any trouble IIo wan boliovod perfectly iionnd mentally and wan ponaouHod of u ploaaunti diiipoiiitiou. Ovor Btudy ia con- nidorod to bo raHpotiHib'lft for tho nob. Tho rovolvor waH purahusod iu the uftornoon at. F. Mottum'a ntoro, from Alox. Poart, but Mr, Poart naw nothing in tho young roan's doraeauor to oocaHion any alurm. Dr. Gliamborlain, coronor, waa called in but decided that an inquoat was nmio- L'oaaary. kEonii:s-nae vovwett,. iiinoi:n. Tbo Annual Entortainmeut and Tea- mooting, of St. Johu'H churoh waa hold in tho' Xlouaud Lino churpli, on "Wodnoaday ovonmg tho 10th iuat. and boih in point of 'numbara and Htyle of programmo wan a yory nuooonofal affair. __Tho programme waa variod oouniatiuj;' of inotruraontal and vooal muiiio, reoitatiuna, dialoguoa and Hpooobofl. Di'jcou'h orohoatra of Efiaox rondorod oovoral fluo aoloationH and woro ropoatodly ouoorod. Frank Hogan and uistor Tona or Woadnloo gave Hovoral vooal . Holootionn and Mia Uogan gavo a whist- ling nolo, all of which woro woll roooivod. The St. John's bhuroh ohoir rondorod good Horvioo and tho rooitationn and dialoguon by tho S. S. ohildron ohowod muoh train lug, Bpooohoa wore mado by Connty -Oonuoillor Wintomuto, J. A, Auutiu, of lilmatoiid, Rov. Tolraio of Windsor, and Rov. MoGiuuia ronidont pantor. w t.VM sx jroAcmM. Alfred Bruloo, of California, waa hero viuiting liib brother, Adolard, for a fow days. Chan. Itivard, of thia plaoo, iu baok from a viwt of two wooico to hia brothor in Windsor. Mro.. Stophon Sylvontor, of Tooumooh, ;. spout .lafifc wook with hor aiatnr, Mrs. Ohaa. Adarao. Anpooialoohoolmootingia to bo hold on the 20bh iniit., for tho purpooo of tryinfl fco have tho soliool moyod from Ruuoora rivor ' ' to thin nluoa. Louifl St. Ongo Ima pnrolmRod a^pieoo of property from Jamoa Mow, for the aum of *12fi. ' Mr. St. Orifio intondo moving hero by spring to'continue hia businnsa aa stone , mason. j , F, Beuglob, atorokoopor and poDtmastor, ojf this plaac, iH Rotting the storo ho waa ,: . running at St. Glair Siding movod hor*, in , which he intends putting a hardware mip- . ply in addition to his actual stock. 1 A joint stook company ia being formed j by tbo farmora of this ueofcfou for the pur- v pose of raising flax and manufacturing jhWeed oil, rope, twine, eta. Two htm- .". dredBharas of $a eaoli is tho capital stock, eaohsharoholdor agreeing to put out a tatfld number of acres of flix, Town Ball, St. Joachim, Fob. lath. Counoil mot aH por udjournmont, mem- berg proHont. MinntoH road und approved. Tho following patlimantors woro appoint ed : G. Loloudo, L. D.uoharmo, S.Diomcr, J. H. Hogan, G. Taylor, A. J.-lBrookor, H-.- Jones, T. Robinaon, John Waaa, J. Parkor, C. Smith, jr., A. BiaHonnotto, F. Gildanlt, JamoH Murphy, O. Hodriok, G. Frabn, A. Rovit, A. Johntiton, J. Hodriok, O. Simon, O. Hill, VV. Tropunior, Alox. Ducharmo.J. Bailor, C. Rolloau; J. Strong, A. Byrne, E. Korby, M. Rtronc, D. Sauvo, H. Arnhi bald, E. Girard, A. Biaaonnotto, N. Tro panior, T. Bollmoro, Frod. Tropanicr, i>. Donis. T. Boloan, J. LoBoouf, D. Parent, O. Cazabon, W. M. Houliioro, W. M. Lundy. Tho by-law uppoiuting tho aovor- ul towimhip ofiioera wao read tho third time and pimsed. G. Killoar oornplainod of a bridge ovor Rivor Runcorn, 6th eon. Tbo Clark waa authorized to givo Btatutw labor rucoipls to T. Bnohanan, J. Galoruo, R. Voakoa and D.Sauvo for 180G. Messrs. WiUon andDowhirat woro appointed to rocoivo tondoro for tho construction of a bridge ovor River. Rnsoom, (1th con. A letter waa road from J. W, Sifton, ro modi- cal troatmout ou ono Carvor, of Ruacom Station. Ho offom to perform an opora- tiou ou Carver for 825, at tho Townnhip'B oxponao.. Mr. Wildon wua ompoworod to interview doctor ro Carvor. Adam Knia tor oornplainod that ho wan charged for ntatato labor for 180G, and requested the mattor looked into. Tho Clerk willroport. Adam Miles ohimod ftl7 for kcoping one Mahor, who mot with an uccidonfc, 17 day a and.L attondanco. Moyod by Monora. Maifloaic and Wilson, that Mr, Milea ro- ooivo 812 for hia services in tho Mahor oaw. Carried. Tho'Clorkwan instrneted to notify Goo. Noibprgall, owner of lot 25, con. 8, to cut timber along Maldou Road. 0. Rovit applied for u, ditoh on 7th oon. road, 75 rodn long. Mr. Wilcon waa ap pointed to oxamiuo Mr. Rovit'o complaint and roport. Tho auditors' roport wuh road by T. P. Dieshourg, ono of tbo au- ditoro, which, on motion of MoRars. Wiloon and Mailloux, waa adopted and ordorod priutod. Tho tax collator iinnonnooo that all tuxeH mUHt bo paid forthwith, othor- wieohowillbo aompollod to mlzo, Ac- eonntapasooa :-John Robinaon,93 atatuto labor ; Wm. Wiloox, #2, statuto labor; H. Hodriok, 91.60, romoying ft troo from'the highway; D. Maroutofcto, $2-1, statuto labor roooipta; 0. Clark, 813.76*. chock book, aasoflnmout and municipal blanks S. Duoharmo, 938.10, rogiatormg birthp, marriagos and doalhH ; Municipal World! SB.dO, atisoflBor'B roil and oonimH book ; M.' Snioalo, C, charity ; S. Duoharmo, tfB.fiO,' Dtamps j A.MyloH.ew.caring for one Mahor 17 days ; .T.W, MyloH, 2.fi0. withiw. fe. re Daly suit j T. Bollomoro, 92.fiOf lovoH jng roads 6A oon. ; O. Heborfc, 9.nfi, re- fund Potta* drain ; auditors, 16 oaoh Adjourned to moot on April Srd, ut ISoutb Wdodslee. TOWN 0_F ESSEX. By=Law No, 262. To repoal By-Law No. lot, prohibition tbo sale of liquor in the Town of Essex. W horo on the Manlalpal Counoil of tho Town of Kbbox tli<l on tho twonty-Booond day of Boooiubvr, In tho year 1MK flii&lly fiats a by-law to prublblt tho iialo of Iquor iu the Town of KbHox ; and Whornan the mild Con no 11 has boon duly roqucatod to pans and Buhmit t / tbo ulootora a by-law to ropoal ald by-law No/IGI, Tborefolo,' tho Mimlo'pal Counoil of tho Town of Hshox, liorohy ouiiotn na followii. J. That haM l)y-iaw Ho, 101. to prehlb- ft tbo mdo of liquor In tho Town 'or Memo* i)o and tho aumu In horoby ropoivlad. 'J. Tliat tills bj-Iuw shall tdko offont ono day nftor . tho flnnl pnimhift tlmroof, nariioly, on tho sovoutb (lay of April, lhtf7- II. Til at tho vWo of tho olnatora of Iho B4i<l Towu of EBiinX wilt, bn t ilk nil on tlllrt by-lnw by tbo Deputy ItoUirulrig Oflloorn horn- liittffcot" nanio<I, on MnndnV, tho Of toon th dnV of Maroh, 1H07, connmtnoinfl at nlmt o'oIook In tho forenoon, Hnhturn HLanilaYd tlnio, and ooiitlnulutf until B o'clock In tho aftomoon of tbo MAino flay, and no lon^or. hi tho tindonnoutlonod placoa In tint Town of Khmox, No 1 Ward, In thu Town Hall, by Joint WaHarft, l>oputy KoLiiriihiftOfdoor ; No a Ward ill Mr. Churcb'H offloo, I)unntnn Hlook, Win. (iburoh, Hopiity Jiotumhitf Ofrtuot* ; No, U Wurd, In Mr, Jloaniiui'M ofnuo, Tulbot nLro<itt C. M. Jolinstcn, Dopnty Itoturnhift Ofrtaor. 1. On Monday, tho otolith day of Mttroh, ltW, *lio Mnyor of tho Town of Uhhox. uhull iittouil uuhlti ofnuo on Tidbod iitrtiot, at tlm hour of Inn o'olook in tho foroitoon, to upiinint la wrltlnii. two jiorHonn to attond at tlm nnal Biiniiiihig np of voLoh, iLiul onti pomon to utUinl ut ouoh polling plaoo oti liolmtf of tbo por- KOiiu InturuHtdd Iu and dotdroiiH of promor.IiiK tho tminihig of thtu by-law ami a llko titnnhtir on nohiiU of tho poroonn hi torn h tod In mid iloidromi of oppoidug tbo piuniuyo of thin by law. B. Tho Olnrk of tbo iml.I Mtnilolpallty nhftll attoml at tlin Council Cbiiinlinr, at t)u> hour of Ion o'olouk in thu fofiinoon, ou tbo IHth day or Muroh, 1B17, to Hum ' up tlm nunibor of votow clvon for and iiffuhiHt thin bylaw, 0. That thlH by-law bo juibllHluid 31100 nvory \<jm))c tor a torm of throe wnoIt In tho Knnox l"r Vrnaa pi-ovlouii to tho flual voting thoroou, tho fli-iit nubllontlon to bo on tho lilth day of lt'ulmwry, 1^07. ProvjHloimlly adoitod tho Hixtoeiitb day of Fobruury, 1(407. 'rAKK KOTICK THAT TnK AT10\*.K TH A X truuonpyofa propo.u'd by-law which him boon takuii Into ctinuluoratlon and whluh will bo llnrvlly paiiuod by tho Municipal Council of tho Town of Khhox hi tho oviiiit of tho inmoiit of tho majority of tbo ohiotora bnlng ohtalnod tborotn aftof ono month from tlin ilrub nulillca- tlon in tho Hmux'}?rtm Prosn which will bo on tllu nilU'toonth day of Vobniavy, llf07, and ihut the votoH of tho olnatorn of tho waid Munici pality wfll bo tnktni thoroou at tho plucon, on tliotlay and during tho bourn inniitionod in mild by-law, nimmly, on tho flftconth day of March, 1H!)7, cormuuiichi[{ at tho hour of nhio o'clook in tho foioiioon, Knntorn Standard tliuo, JOHN WAT/TKItfl, Chirk of tlio Town of Kmox. Town' of essex.- By=Law No. 263. To raliio tho mini of Two Thounand Dollnrii, for tlio pun'OflO of addfnit to and improving tho watorworlcn in tho Towu of Ewmx. Wlioruan, It hi doiilrablo to mako Improve- montoto tho watorv/orlco by tho addition of a now linllor and othor uoooaaary imprnvouioutn and altoratlonn Inoldontal to tho mmio ; ami Whoroan, it has Leon dotormlned nnd ontl- mtitixl that tho iioconuavy ImpvovotriontH ns boforo naiiiod will cont tho nuin of /Iwo Thouii- and Dallarii; and Wlioroan, tho Munlcijial Council of tho Cor poration of tho Town of Knnox liavt* by rouolu- tlon dnolnrod it to bo advinnhlo and oxpodicMit to raimi tlm iiahl nuin of Two Thoutiand DoParn, for tlin imri'Oiio haroluhoforo naiuod, by thu ifihiionf dohimturtMi upon tho orodlt or thin Miimoipality, mild Uohonturoii to uxtendlovcr a poriod of twenty yoaru ; and Wlioroan. thowholo iiinount of tlio ratable projmrty of tho Town of JifiBnx accordlun to tho Iimt rnvinod amiooomout roll lu thu Mi in of 3.'iB7.171 ; and Willironu, tlio amount of oxlotjnjj dobontoro fiftht of tno Municipality of tho Town of Kmux in tho (mm of i3'17,7lS.l.B(i, and no part thcroof, oitlior principal or intorout In In arroarii- Thoniforo, bo It onaotod by tlio Municipal Council of tho Corporation of tho Town of JOdiiox piinniaut to iho pro. lulona of tlio Muni cipal Act 1. That for tlio purnono of mining tho nam of Two Thoiifiaiid Dollar-, to bo iidcid ff>r addin;; to nnd hnnrovlnr* tlio watorworku hi tlio Town of iinmx too Mayor of tlm uuld Town of Khhox fdirill cjujfm dobi.-ntui'oo to bo ittnuod for tbo payment of tho principal of finch iloht, and thu !tuiil dr-'lmtiturotf nlnill ho Hoalod with tlm MO'il of tho Corporation and aignod by thu Mayor 'ftud TrenHiiror thoroi'f. 2. That Iho nald dubuiituvcn shall hour Intorofit ut tlio mto of Uvo por cunt, por annum vijckoiiDd from tho lot day of May, 1&'.)T, and coujioiih for tho pnyriiunt thoroof nbu.ll .bo nt- tachud thuroio.. II, That tho mild principal doht of Two Thonn- and IjollaniHhall boropaynblo in twenty uiicccr- Hivoaniiinil inutiiliiiuutii for wtiioh noboiituroti shall tio hiKiiud, nonoof which Ahull ho loon than ono hundred dnlliiiH, and that tho ihk-'.vcanto amount paynblo for prinoijial and intercut In any voar ohfvll bo oipial fin noarly an mny ho Ut what in puvablo for priuoipal and intorosii ilurinc 0110I1 of tho nth or yoarn of tho period ovor whluh nuin Kiich dobuuturoii uhull extend, ono of nuoh infiliilniontii, toijothor with tho intercut on tho principal amount from tln.o to tfbio rn- iHtituinguiiitahl to bo paid <n tho lbt day. of May. In (ifich and ovory yoav befiinhiliC with tho hit day ut May, lb'JB. I. Thut thorn nliall ho raluod in oaoh and ovory your, durinj: tin* currency of tho doht, to bo hurobv cruutud, tho Hum of $100.10, boiiiRii Hum lailllclont to diiichari.'o tlio novoial iuiital- montn of principal and hitoront acoruiiiR and duo o'i nnnh dobt payablu no horelnboforo pro- vidml, and. that nucli au annual limn ohall bo lovlod and ralnod in oaoh and ovory year, dnr- inj; tho niiid term, by a apodal rate iiuiHciont ibfirofor on all tho ratable property in tho said Town of Efiflox. ti. That tho Troantiror of thin Corporation ahall nofjotiato tbo imlo of tho afomiiaid dobon- turoinmilur tho direction of tlio Counoil, and ahull dopoait tho amount hi tho Imperin.1 Hank of Oaniula.oubjoot to tlio further ordorn of tho Council. ft. That a voto of tho olontorn of tbo nald Towu of Knnox will bo takon ou thin by-law by tho Doputy Kidnrnlnfi Otlloorii horoinaftor mimed, an iho lflth day of March, 1807, com- monoiiiK at nluo o'clocltln the foronoon,. cant- orn etutiflard time, nnd continuing until live o'clock iu the nf torn oon of tho name day, and no 1 minor, In tho iimlurmuntforjiKl plaooo m tlio fluid Town o( In No. 1 Ward, in Town Jlall.J.Waltora,Deputy ItotuininfjOmcor.-Wurd No.D,in Mr. OhurobMoilloo, Win. Ohurch, D. II O.. and in Ward No. II. in Mr, Moaman'ii ottlo). C. W. JolinnUn, B.R.O- 7. On tho 9th day of March, 1A07, tho Mayor of tho Town of Kiibox Bhall attend in hiu ollico on Talbot utroot, ut tho hour of 10 o'oloalt in tho forenoon, to appoint two pornonu to attonl at tho varloun polling plaoou and at tho final uumininu up of votoii ono porn on on bobalf of tho ponionH Intor- BHtod In promoting tho paarmKo ot tliln by-law and a like number on bohalf of tho poniOUa op- ponlBB thopaniilnn of cbio by-lnw. fl.. Tho Clork of tho aaid Municipality Bhall attend at tho Counoil Chamber, at tho hour of 11 o'olook in tho foronoou, on tho Iftth day of March. 1607, to num up tbo numbor of voUs fjlvou for.and aaintib thiw by-law. 0, TJiIb by-law ahull bo nuhlfnhod onoo a wook, tat throe ooriHooutivo wooktj, In tbo Msao* lTro Protm, proviouu to tho final voting thoroou. . , Provisionally adopted* tho lflfch February, 1607, to take otfuot imnaodltittly upon tbo flual pBBulua thoroof. i&& One of the things against which everyMerchant has to guard* is over buying, and even when exercising the greatest care he oc casionally finds his stock too heavy in one or more lines. Then again, Odds and Ends, and Remnants will accumulate, and some times an article becomes soiled or otherwise slightly damaged. In order to speedily dispose off ALL SUCH LINES, including over purchases we have decided to make Every Friday A Special Bargain Day When such lines will be placed upon our counters, and marked in plain figures FOR Cash, at such prices as will insure a speedy clearing. 'A* Parties Who Pay Gash Will lind it profitable to visit our Spooial Bargain Day. ttCSr* Wo are now receiving and passing into Stock He- Bargain Counter on Friday our Large Consignments of NEW GOODS bought in the best Markets, and which will be sold at the closest possible prices. Yours for Bargains, M. J. WIGLE & CO. DTntfSTAXT SHOOK. ESSEX- Great DreSS G-OOdS at wonderful low PrioeH9^nn^, per yard up to $1.25. Blouse Silks The latest styles in Japanef^Hks, worth 75c., for 50cw All Shades. 34-iilch Flannelette, worth 10c. for 6c.,' extra heavy twill and plain. Corsets D. & A. for 75c~.3 worth 551.00, Men's Overcoats, worth $10.00 for $8.00, $8,00 for $6.00, Men's Pants from 90c to $3.50. Underwear aU wool, for 50c., excells all other values at 660. Boots ind Shoes-very LOW PRICES for next 30 days. . HatS Men's S2 Fur Folt Hats for $1.00. G"rOCerieS---A-lways fresh and best for least money. The Best Tea in Market for 25C....1?not> money refunded, J. A. FRANCIS. MTOTiaB'-, TXKM HOtlCB THAT THE ABOVH IB A true ooi>y of a projriosod by-law .wWob baa buon taUon into conniderftUon md whioli will be flti&lly kiossed by the Muulolpal Counoil of the Town oQEeasx In tbo ovont.ol the aisant) of tlio inujority of tbo oloctorn IioIdh obtalnorl thoiato attor ono month fiom tlio flmt publi- uatlon in (lio Kfiiiox T-'roo l'tunii whioU will bo ou tlio lOtli day of FohruiLry, liiU7, find that tbo vtiton of tho filimtaw of tbo nuld Municipality will lio takon tlmrcon ut tbo jilucofi, on tho 'lny uml during tho houra montioiiod Iu fiaid JOHN WAI/TE1W, . Clnrk, Town o( Kohox, KHHex Public School. Wookly oxura., Senior Fourth Chinn F GriilUh 05, & Lamg 00, A. Campboli 00, Al Gritlitli (10, F Btuc'oy 90, W Auld 89, N Aloaandot-ee, W Thorno HO, F Goarlay 80, M Bunh 80, A Lftiiifj 08, U Thoruo (15, E Boaraau GO,' H Gardner GQ, B Hannun 50, MBrudy GO. Sonior Booond'OlaHii Thono who obtain od ovor 50% ara: AJyiu Dolaon, Louino Trowin, Midiiio BauRhman, KrneBt Bunh, (3ordio Wi^Io, AJu Staoey, Mark Dolmoro, WillioChattorton. Htiuior Heoontl Olaan Thoao who obtain- od ovor 60% M 'Rioliardaou, E Phillipe, A. Wllkinuoii, H GnxHflwollor, D'Wifibtiiaan, O Robinaon, V Ttinnloy,' Junior Second CIao8 W Wolfo, 13 Kcown,. G Hall, L Garcow, A JUdfjar, R Hannau, E Gormlay, A Slonno, J Footlmm. Juuior Part Second OlhHs MarkR poflfli- blo.BO, obtained by hifjhoflt ton -Wilmor Foray tho/ Graoio Wiglo, Nolho Lippatt, Litum BautfUman, Wtllio Andorflon, Myrtlo Dolmoro, Blanoho Doman, Rialiavl Watld- iniitou, ArLliiir Loo, Stanley Brown, HUtkapoBHiblo 26, 'obtained by hl^hqet' nix Blanoho A^jla, Annio Eimtaco, Bthol Wobb, Ethof Ildbiuflbu, Mary Oottoll, Sylvia Thornton. . Iu Brown county, Kan,, a family named Bryan havo had a now baby ohriotoued MuKinIov. . Captain C, C, Blood, of Tonnofmco, who aotoS for a yoar an drillmaRtor for tho raw innurRont traopn under Uomoz, ban rti- tarnod homo. Ho hrint*n baok tho utart- linfjiqformatioii that Gonoral Woylor in a native of Ohio aud a aon of parontH of G arm an origin. Hiu fathor io at prooont a farmer in tho Buolioyo Stato. Baker and Butcher. THK oldont biifllnonn in town, Kiitablinbo 1H7(1. in rut-alarm broad and oakon of td kinds. Wodrting out:or) a upoclallty, Qrocoi-ioa provinionii, tlour,food, ualt and pork. Conroo- ilonflry, croolcory.rjluBHwarfl. CaimortfrultHand vonntablonof all Idiulu. Ooodu promptly io Uvoroatoallpartfloftlio town. J. M, UIOKH JOl-tf Bnri*larioB and highway robbctlcij tiro vory pravalout* in Montreal. Sir Charlo-i and Lady Tup per arrived afc Halifax in tbo utoamor Mongolian' Mr. 1'atto inprppi'rinjj an oflloial Htato- menti oonaorulufjfho flro in tho Purliamimt bnljldinga. V Brivor Hooper.Al "A" Battery, KinR- BtoM, has fallen ftfiO.OOO. Tbe ro-coant tot tlie North Ontanooleot- ion wafl hold boforo!Judge Bartuoll at Whitby. Mr. Grahao wan oonfirrasd in hiHBoat by a majority of aevonteouvotea. The London City Counoil votod tho nam of 9E00 to the relief of)the India famine JBirtliS. Auld At Ehuux, on Thnrnday, February 18th, to Mr. ana Mr, W. H. Auld of tho EHfiicx It'jtKi! PiiRun, a danphtor, Hanhan At Ehucjx, on Monday, February 15th, to Mr. and Mra. OhaB. Hanuau, a dauhtor. Kbkmbt Afc Oamp Palmor, on Tunflday, February ICth, to Mr. aud ATro. Thou. ICooloy, a non. Joiiuhon At Aintilio. WaHhinpton, on Wod- nonday, Booombor 10th 1S00, to Mr. and Mm, Jan. Johnnon, a non, / :----------: , l>catli, Lindhxy AtNorthviHo, Mioh.,on Sunday, February Mth, Emma, wifo of Lyman Liudnay,iigcd U0 yearn. DeooaBod waw a daughter of Mm. Fatoiii of thia town. Tho funcu'al took plaoo u W orthvillo on Tnoflduy. etmore Truss; MST CHANGE P0R mtlZX suffercra. TJ1E O^PflfiN'S PiflYEil. Without any doubt, thupromiutn pioturo offered by tbo Family.Horald und Wookly Star IB . tho. (itaudoat ^pioturo over o0er<id noWKpapor ruadorn. Thero iti a porfoot Horamblo lipm all partH of tho world to o ouro a oopy.' Somo subnoribora who havo roooivod it would nob purt with it for a 920 bill. Tho publishers will withdraw tho premium shortly. We havo mado utraufjo. moutu, howovor, with tho Family Huraid publlnliorfl, whereby they a^roe to Bupply tho "Orphan's Prayer" to all uamen eout in by the Enboi Kroo PrcmB on or before 16th February. The Family Herald and Weekly Star in tho recognized loader of all WookhoH in Amorioa. Wo off or "Tlio Or- phan'o Prayer," the Family Herald and Weekly Star, (One Year) and the Free PreMB, {Ono Yoar) alt for 81-80. Don't fuU to Beoure u oopy. Send; eabeariptiotis BRETT & AULD, '-. Essex, pnt. Sample Pioturo can beeoenhere. The Best Trass in the Jflafket. 4 >f m :2i 4 1^1 $ &% . ThlHTrtiHB 1b rooonmiondodbaeatiae itisEJoay to Wcai, Oanuot.Gftt Out of lMaco; oau be Usoa In Oauvti Hard to Hold; uud alta in Oaao%.'Eaaily' It la Bui'tirlor to all otborB lor the following "v/l ronnona: :>"m l.'t ->(?! to Milt tho autio as to xireflauro, * ty$ lliid It doo not yo around tbo hips but over - ^'v<^ tbom- Tbfe baok pad In almost 'opposite the ".':'v^ J ftont pad bo tuattbe proatmrolB evenly divided. < n^b\% Any oaaoouu ita'attetV by adjustLn^ the'1 "-l^rVim padti and shaping the bow: is light, easily to ad-, " -V|W juatatid'will stay whero it belongs every ttao'-./;,'X'jftS andull tho time. . /. , ^'vf-O.^VM Parties Inneei ot u Truei ahoald seo*'the" i.V( iv| Wotmorov , , . ._. ,, V-'-'v-^ : JOHN-Tliai^ ESSEX, ONTAEIO 17"<"'V m W; ^k^^^MMM^M^MMMii^M^M

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