Ht Wi & Co. fe^genta fbrThe Boyal,; JE'.'::/'"" ' rP*10 Guardian and 8v:'. : he Lancashire, ^^^^^g^^^m^mmS^m p^r-wVwttkottBpooiiilty of InHuring Farm Pro- ' MonoytoIioaafttSttndBHipoifoontDnFiurm $&: Property. Farmers fmuretunv in Good Reliable Companies, m NOTICE. . AH Accounts duo tho Into firm of Pits. Dbwau & MoKknxik- arc payable to Dn, *I)ewaii, Wind sor. , A prompt Botfclomonfc ia requested, FKIDAY, JANUAHY 22, 1807. 'Town and Vicinity. M. J. Wiglo A, Go. nro oiVoring^rent bargains in oyorcoatfl. W. H. Sweetingham, of Detroit, hat* been visiting in town vith Ifrod. Dean. Miaa Bertha Tiiomaa viaitod luHt week at Alfred Allworth'a in Kingavillo. Thos. bollard oxpoeta to loavo on Monday next ou a month's viait to hia old homo in Imvood. Wm, HofTron, who hud hia log brok en eight weeks ago, ifl ablo to walk about "with tho aid of crutohos. Mrs. W. JP. Mudgo left on Tuesday lor hor old homo in Wolland to visit hor parents and other rolativos. Special flalo of ladioB* nndcrwear, 60o. line for 44o,; 75c. lino for B7c; ,$1.26 lino for 8Bc; G.'E. Smith & Oo. Bon. Baughman wont oast on Monday morning to organizo Homo tontft for tho K. O. T. M. in thoProyinco of Ontario. " Miss WoOlIatt, of London, Eng., and Miss Woollatt, vocalist, of Walkervillo, are visiting with Mrs. A. E. Parkhill, Alice stroot, town. Tho Ijoamington and MCornoa Agri cultural Society hnvo aolootod Ootobor ' 6th, 7th and 8th an tho datOH for thoir ; - ^annual exhibition next fall. ' Jolin Moflatt, for aonio yoarn managor [ of tho Windsor branch of Oak Hall, f> died at tho pnrontnl homo in Oavan !; County, Ireland, on December 2ilrd. Dr. It. B. Pottfl will movohis oflloo from upstairs in tho. Imperial Bank Block into tho frame building owned by James A. Hicks, adjoining tho lat- ;ter*a fnmifcuro atore on Talbot stroot. J. J\ Haro, tho newly-appointod Local Master at Windsor, watt in town ou Tuesday and received tho congratu lations of a number of frionds in town. Mr, Haro'iJ appointment moots with gonoral satisfaction. Tho people of this county got all kinds of weather. . On Sunday last wo experienced a brief but sovoro thunder tftorm whilo on Wednesday wo had a heavy huow storm. It is unusual, how- ovor, to have thundor storms in January, Tho next Public Library ontortniu- mont will bo givon in tho Beading room ou Friday ovoniug, February 5th. A good literary and musical program is being proparod, oao item of which will bo a short locturo by Hov. W. M. Fleming. Admission, 10 cents. Dr. i\ A. Dowar is laid up at his homo iu Windsor with two broken ribn hi his right side. On Sunday ovoning > ho wont into his barn to food his horso and not "upaaking to tho animal, the latter, just as tho doctor was passing Jbim, raised his hind logs the dootor aorao distance, will bo confined to tho couple of wooks at least. Tho explosion oE a lamp iu Miss 13. .. Thornton'H millinery stc-ro in the Scutt Block at ((o'clock on Tuesday ovoning caused an alarm of llro to be sounded, but fortunately the blaze was exting uished, before much damage was donb. . Miss Thornton, bad gone homo to tea locking tho door and. leaving tho lamp burning on tho table and it wm during her al)son'co that tho oxploHion took place. The Leamington town council has appointed the following oftlcors for 18i)7:r-Olerk, AV. C. Coulaou.ata salary Troasuror, J. McB. Selkirk, $100; Assessor, W. Irwin, Slt5; Golloct- ; or,,J.' a. Bennett, gGO; Auditors; Y. Daugherty. and A. G. Baker at &t>>, /each; Firo inttpoctor, Ed. Nobitt, #fi; '. 'Chief constable, and night watch, Goo. ,0. Molntyre, $7 per month; Sanitary .inspector, J. Gilbert, $8, y Jfor some timo past, boys have boon ' in the habit of getting into tho gymna sium at the High School on Saturdays Jp. .and Sundays without the consent of tho liv Doord1 or the teachers. 'lho Board have , Jerinined to put a stop to this practice ^*n$hiive 'posted up notices. On Wed- ^.rjiesday oveniug^otir boys wore brought i'hefore the board on tho charge of trefl- 0;,pftaaing on tho property and after a ^'reprimand, were allowed to go for the ^present and their names are withheld. $A$b? members of the board are detor- '.mined to prpseputo offender, Ife^A":'." m-.'i/i ' and knocked Tho doctor house for a u them all. '. , Mni.-; ,W. ,Q- Gardner moved her household effects to Leamington this week. | ILodiefl' coats, ^orth Jrwn ^_to^810, for 88.05, at Smith's. Mrs. Bue J? or kins spent a few days lately with frlondain Blenheim and Bidgetown. Mias E. Thornton visited in Kinge- villo last week with her sister, Mrs. J. G. Kolfago. Ed. Barth andwifo, of Grand Bapids, Mioh., were Visitors with friends in town this week. Diobol A Briokor shipped one car of dressed hogs from hero and ono from Harrow this week, MiBS Edith Harris has returned home to Dotroit after a month's visit with Miss Lizzie Dymott. The appointment of Dr. J. E. .Tenner, as Assooiato Coroner for Essex County, was gazetted on Saturday last. Alox, Laing and wifo left at noon on Monday for Chicago, whither Mr. Laing goes in tho interests of his Planetarium S. Wilkinson and wifo went to Dotroi on Monday to sco tho former's brother, James, who is very low wi|;h consump tion. . E. J. Wiglo bus boon shipping several car loads of prcssod hay from Essox station, most of it being got from Gos- flold North. Tho Toronto Globe of Monday last says: "It is said that H. W. Allan, ox- M. P,, is to bo appointod Collector of Customs at Windsor." L. 0. Sloan will take a portion on tho St. Catharines Daily Journal uudor E. J. Lovelnoo as soon as the latter boa matters in shapo there. At tho mooting of Ebbox Court, C. O. F., on Monday ovoniug, J. K. Millar was eleoted and installed' as Chief Bangor for the ourrent torm. T. H. DoCow hasmado a contract for tho output of. his stavo mill at Essox for 1807 at advanced prices. and wants. to buy a quantity of olmlogs. This will bo good news for tho pooplo of Ehsox and vicinity and will moan the remain ing hero of W. M. DoCbw and family. Mr. DeOow, sr., who has boon here for about a month, will shortly roturn to Ainslio, Washington state Ella.Wavo, tho infant daughtor of Audrow Parker, of Modora avonuo, diod on Thursday ovoning of last week of la grippe. Tho funeral took place on Friday afternoon, sorvices being hold at tho family ronidouco after which tho-remains "woro convoyod to North Bid go comototy, Rev. M. P. Campbell officiating. Another of Mr. Parker's children, aged about two years, is also ill with tho samo complaint.. Tho warden will bo oleotod for ono year only, not for two years, as some uoom to think. Tho county councillors aro oloctcd for two years but each yoar thoy will choofto a now wardon, The County Councils Act does not say for how. long a Wardon shall bo olocted but tho Municipal Act provides that tho torm shall bo ono year. It is ovidont that it was tho intention that tho term should bo the samo life as tho term of tho county councillors. . Wool shooting, six feet wido, fiilc. per yard, at Smith's. If you know anyitom of local interest hand it or tell it to tbo editor of tho Fjikie Piikhh. You may hava'a friend visiting you, know some ono who ~is sick, or possess soma information that would iuterost tho public. Sometimes .persons aro oiTondod because montion is not made of thoir illness, their ab sence) or their guests, whon tho cause of tho facts not hoing montionod is, that thoy aro not known. Wo want all tho news but aro hot mind-readers. Tho only editor who was a mind-roador died some years ago. Men's heavy pants, worth' from $3 to S2.50, for &U5 at Smith's. -Tbo body of Mrs. Asa Burnhnm was brought to Essex on Monday morning from Mull, Kent Co,, whoro sho died on Sunday last from consumption, agod 2!) years and two weeks, DdceaHod was a daughtor of Mrs, Anger, Arthur Avo. iu town, and tho romnins worf takon to the lattev's residence from whonco the funeral took place on Tuesday nftor- uoon to tho Baptist church, whoro services woro conducted by Rev. M..P. Campbell, thence to North Bi'dgocomo- tory for iutermont. Docpasod loaves a husband, tbvoesmall obildron.amothor, a brother, Daniel, and two sisters, Mrs. Joh. Sloto and Miss Edith Angor. Mr. Bnrnbam is section man on tho.M. O. B, at Mull, having moved from Ebsox to that plaoo only a fow months ago. Tlie annualmooting of tho Essox Bap tist Church was hold on -.Thursday .evening of last week in tho church, a goodly number boing present and everything passing oil. harraouiously.. Tho reports of tho different societies showed that during tho year thoohnroh had donoa good work and tho linanecs wore in good oondition. The following officers woro eleoted : Treasurer! John Skinner; Financial Olorks, W.. \ViHshor and Stanley P. Campboll; Financial' .Committee, John Skinner, W. Willsher, Stanley P. Campbell, Tjjo's. Daly, John Winters and Church Organist, Mrs. (IlevO M. P. Campbell; Sunday School Supfc.f ;W. Asst. Supt., Thos. Daly*; Sec., Alex! Ohatterton; Librarian, Clara Bush; S. S. Organist, Edith Faul. ;'., , "i^i^'lj.-'ji'^' Ben'e-w for 1807. Division Oonrt Sittings at Esaei next Tuesday, the aothiuet, For beat value in boots and Shoes and clothing, try M. J. Wifirte k Co, M. J. Wigle & Co. have a new fun ning mill to exchange for oats. . Have yonr watches repaired at Ofena' the Dtiw jeweler. 40 tr Under a recent enactment jurymon on Inqneats now receive remuneration. All fur good9~anbsB than coat -at M. J. Wigle k Co,'s. Matthew Goakes went to Leamington on Wednesday to enter the employ of Gardner Bros., Miss Kate Gosnell, of Highgate, is visiting at the homo of bor brother, Mack Oosnell. J. E. Stone left on Monday morning for Toronto on business with tho Mas- sey-Harris Co. Miss Lottie Irwin has been on a visit to hor aunt, Mrs. Wm. O. Micklo, in Maiden township. Tho infantobild of Wm. Hoffron died on Friday last of pneumonia of tho lungs and was buried on Saturday. ' Delhi tomatoes, corn or peafi, 7a. per oan at Smith's. Tho infant child of Bam. Smith ha* been very ill the past week or so with pneumonia of the lungs but iu now im proving. Harry Daykih, of Leamington, and Alfred Daykin, of Itogina, N. W. T., woro visitors in town this wook. John Thrasher returned homo on Tuesday from Sandwioh.but,is still con fined to his houao with rheumatism. ' I). L. McGlashan, customs ouloor at tho ferry' dock in Windsor, died of heart disease at his homo on Sunday. Boys' ovorcoats worth &tf aud $0 for $2.70 at Smith's. Mrs. Joseph Powell, of London, is at D. J. Whitney's. Mr. Powell, who has boon in Australia for some time, is oxpootod horo in two weeks.' A pleasant time was had at a dimcing party at tho residence of John E. Brown, roar road, on Wednesday night, a good ly .numbor being proSont and dancing being kept up till early noxt morning, Como early and secure bargains in ladies' underwear at Smith's. In 1878, Essex had 74 votore; of this numbor only 22 aro hero now, 14 aro known to he dead and the remaining 88 scattered over tho whole continent, most of them wishing for tho chanco to get back horo again. The young ladios of tho Baptist church are to have an Experience Social this (Friday) ovoning. A good programmo will bo givon and refresh ments will be served. A silvor collec tion will bo takon up in aid of tho society. Prices'reduced on all linos of winter goods at Smith's. The confirmationsorvioes in St. Paul's church in town and at Trinity church, North Bidgo, on Sunday lnat by His Lordship, Bishop Baldwin, worelargoly attondod. A claso of l!i proaentod thomsolvos in town and U at North Bidgo. His Lordiihip proaohod olo- rjuont sermons at all services. Gout's heavy ovorcoats worth &(IG0 for $4.25, at SmithV Tho following oulcora have boon" olootod by tho Ladles' Aid of tho Bap tist. Church: Profiidont,. Mrs. Georgo Bedolle; Vico Pros., Mrs, Samuel Ellis, Soo., 'Mrs.'Young; Ohnplain, Mrs.. M. P. Campboll. . Wm. Howson, who has boon employ ed at Gardner Bros* works in Leam ington for some tirao, has roturnod to Essex, In an altercation ho had with Gus Muuro one day last 'week, tho lattor was quite sovoroly beaten, for which Howson was brought before tho P. M. and fined. Heavy overcoats for men, $il.(lff, at Smith's. - Lieut. II. Kommis-Botty of No. 8 Co., 21st FuHilierii, who has taken a course of military instruction at Wolsely Barracks, London, spont a fow days in Essox Co. Ho will'now tako a long course (nine, months) at tho military school, Kingston, after which; ho will likely bo plaeod on the pormanont force. Ho is a thorough soldior, and is deservedly popular with his brothor .olftcors.' Tho social at.W. J. DowarV Under tbo auspices of tbo Mothodinfc, Ijiidiee' Aid on Wednesday ovoning, .despite tho iholomontwoathor, was well attended, itjUO'.fiS being realised. The programme was takon part in by Mrs. W. M, Do- Cow, Mrs. Dingwall, Mrs. W, J. Dowar. Niisses S. Cunningham, O. Millar and Bobinflon, Walter .Shaw, G. A. Tho proprietors of 'tbo Fbbk Paasn bare made arranBomoata with tho pabliiben of other periodicals and nowflpapora whotoljy thoy aninapotlttoo to give thoir Bubsorlbo the benefit of reduoertprlooa when they order two or more papora,' A taitnjr of-thfr ofleffl are only good for a Hmltod timo aabeorlbere aboald nob dtlay in renewing- The following 1b a par tial list of offers wo can givo; Fusbj PnBHa and Wodtorn AdvortlBor.........$ 1 40 ." Woekly Mall.................... 145 " " Weekly Globo.................. 1 60 ' V Weekly Star and Family Uorald............k..M.... 1 80 " " "WoeWy WltnoHH............... 1 OS. . " " DaUy WitnosH................. 3 00 " " Farmora' Sun....!............. 1 SO " ' Ilarpur'a Mu({uzine,........... \ 10 " " Weekly.........',..... i HO " ' Bunar.................. 4 HO " " Round Table...... 2 60 " " Daily Globe....'................. 3 60 41 " Daily AflvortlHor............... U 00 * " CosmopolUiiTi.................. 1 BS " '* Canadian Homo Journal 1 '5 * 1 CO Tum FiibbPhkbhoum yoar, 91.00; 0 months, 60 oonta; If montba, iiGmmtn. If you have not renewed for* 1807, now I* the time to do It. Addiooo all oommiintontionH to BKB1T & AULD, Esbcx, Ont. ' ' """ '"Av$ .'.-.a Men's All Wool Ulster Coats, Storm Collars, Reduced from $6.50 to-H $$.<* Vvft Boys' Overcoats, Reduced from $4, $5 and $6 to $2.76 Miss Milly Bobo, of Harrow, spent a low daya tho paHt wook at tho homo of hor, grandraothor, Mrs. V. Itoao. A misBionary niootiuK will behold in tho English ohuroh on Monday ovoning noxt, Jan. 25th, commonoing at 8 o'clock. Tho Oanadiau Ohuroh Miaflioa- ary Sooioty'a lantern and elidoa havo boon floourod and many Hconoa showing tho progress of miflsions and strange ouatomB of tho pooplo will bo thrown on canvas, Itov. 'J\ B. H. Wosttrato will alflo dolivor a locturo, dosoriptivo of tho sconow, A collection in aid of missions will V>o taken at tho cloao of tho mooting. All welcome. . -*_*--------- Men's Heavy Pants, Regular $2 and 2.25 line for $135 Ladies' Coats, Choice of $6, $8 and $lo Lines for -- -..- $295 ".L.*.'l Chnroh.G. A. Shorriuand W, J.Powar. ItofroahmontB woro aorvei and an on- joyablo timo is roporfcod. A. doHpatob from Chatham. to tho Toronto Mail.on Wednesday Hays:-"A yospcotablo-fookintf woman, namod Ann \VihouKl<>y..-ftPP^d this ovoniug toOhiofOf Police Young for a pass to Bofchwoll. Bhe told a pitiful atory. l^or s.ovcrttl months ho, has workod at tho Exchange hotol, Eshox, tho proprio- tovof whiohrooontly committod suioido. All tho wages BhopouUt got was $l;fi0. On thiB aum sho mado her way to Ohat- ham, walking part of tho dintaiibor oi- pooting to moot', a relative hero who would provide for hor wonts. But she was disappointed, and* it became neces sary for her to proceed to Botliwell. Chief Young," after verifying tho story, gave the luokleBB woman a pasB." ". Enterph;* Lodge, I O.O.F. On Thursday night of last wook,"\D. D. G, M. Walsh, of Windsor, iriBtallod tho oillcors of Entorpriso Lodgo, No. 218, I. O. O. F., in thoir lodgo rooms in tho Dunatan Block, aa follows: P. G.f Jamos Douglas. N, G.t Frod Gilboo. V. G., A. B, Ooopor. Por. Soc.7J08.-May, jr. Boo. Soo., G. F. Hill. Troaa., E. L. Park. B. S. N. G>, Enoa McOausland. Ij. S. N. G., ,Toaoph Mayvillb. War., EHoa Oarnahan. Con., Wm. Obattorton. R, S. V. G., GoOr Newman. Ii. S. V. G., Obaa. Boborta. B. S. S., Jos. MyorHi, 3j. 8. B.> Harry Torry."~ I. G., Frod. Brooker. O, G., Thoe. BobinHon. Chap., J. *T. iTulmor. After tho coromony was over, tables woro set and tbo mombers proHont, numberingnhont 7fi,sat down.tooyators and, it is noodloas to aay, did justice to tho aamo. Spoooboa woro mado by sovorol of the brothron and before tho mombora disporod, tho D. D, G. M. gave an oxhibition of apiritualiam. ------------- ---------------. Public School Trustees. __ Tho Ehhox Public School Board mot on Wodnoaday Ovoning at 7 o'clock in pursiianeo to tho provisions of tho Public Schools not, for organization. Present, W. D. Boninan, ,Tohn Laing, ,T. A. Francis, .Tohn Hopgood, C. M. Johnston and W. G. Wyman. Moved by KoHBra. Boamanand Fran- oia, that John Laiiig bo chairman for 1807. Carried. Moved by Messrs Boaraan and Fran- .ois, that tbo aocrotary and tho treasurer bo allowed $10 oaob for 1807. -Carried. Movpd by Mossra Boaman and Francis that W.. G. Wyman bo sooro- tary for 1807.: Carried. Moved by Messrs. Francis and Wy man that O. M. Johnston bo IVoaauror for 1807. Oarrietl. Movod by Moaava. Wyman and John ston, that Messrs. Franoia, Hopgood and Boaman bo tho Supply Committoo. Carried. Movod by Mosars. Hopgood and Johnstoii, that J. It." MaBwan bo repro- aontafcivo Trustoo on tho High School Board for 1807. Carriod. Movod by Moasra. Boamanand' Wy man that tho regular mooting nighta bo tbo iirst Monday iu oaoh month at B;15 o'olook. Carried. 'i'ho Sooi'Otary was inatruotod to sond a oopy of tho rninutoa to tho Inspector 'as required by law. On motion of Messrs. Boaman and Johnston, tho Supply Committoo was in-, utruotod to advovtiHO for 00 cords, of wood, Tho Soci'otary waH instructed to cor respond with Xjonmington school board in roforouoo to oxobaugiug i)rincipils for tli0 ontranoo oxainiuatibn;;; " r ;; Warrants woro issued to Diobol & Briokor, $l.!iO, for brooms and J. Townsond, #3. for1 tile and work on ii rains. Principal Manning presontod hia re port for DOcombor whiob was read, on motion, fllod and Meaars. Baing and Ho'pgopd appointed} to sop Mr. Man ning about said report... Tho matter of printed reports for the use of tho^ school waB referred to the Supply.Oommittoo. ; ][. Board adjourne^. . ' WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, $2 Per Pair Extra Large Size. G. E. SMITH & CO. WHITNEY JMjOOK; ESS1GX, Birth H. Karris In Kiuguvillo, on Buntlay, Juau- ary 10th, to Mr. and Mr. Theodote KoUlo, a daughtor.. Dhnis In Roohontor, on Wodnoflday, Jan. unry fith, to Mr. and Mta. Damol Douin, a son. DaNOMByv Iu Maidatono, en Thnradny, Jauuury 14tU( to Mr. and Mva. Ovril Douotaony, a aqu, Hanwu At Woodflloo, oa Taosdny, Dec ombot 20tb, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hanoi*, a daughtor. Tbo child diod auortly after birth. Giluknway. At Maidetono Orosn, on Thorflday, Dooombei; SlBfc, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Groonway, a daufilitor. Himkb In Ehhox, an Monday, January lBtbi to Mr.' and Mrs. Jnbn HUich, a - son'. Gh-ajuw In Kooboator, on Friday, Doo ooubqr 25th, to Mr. and Mra. Jowoph Oraham, a aon. St. fncnfcK Iu Majdatono, on Suudny JDeaoiribor 27th, to 'Mr. and Mrs' jonoph St. Piorro, a non. MvijKii In RoohcHtur, on Saturday, Jan uary 2ud, to Mr. and Mrci. Adam Myloa, a duuuhtor. St. Omo'w In tvlmdfttono, ou Monday, Jan- miry 2nd, to Mr. ud Mrs, Frod. St. Onuo, a dauRbtbf, WmouT^In Maidflfcrmo, on Friday, Jan- imry 8th, to Mr, and Mrs. Abraham Wright, a dmiffhtor, Unoi)Ka In Roubotiter, on Sunday, Jan- nary 10th, to Mr. and Mra. Ohaa. Khodoa, a dautibtor. Bor.niN Iu Maidstone, on Tuesday, Jan uary 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hbury ttotdiu, a ditufjhtor. heamington Carriage Uloflts, To Farmer, aud the Public Generally; Comiietout judfloa lmvo Jooldod ouoo more that bur B UGGIES arid WAGONS iltM TIII3 ukbt: oar, ue URtiikl, thoy hav (jlvon \ia six cob out of' a pORHllllO hovou at tilft ifnawm Fairr'four'nwirriaoB 111 Harrow it of tv poflBlblo ftvo; and at holla lllvw IViarrlsitros. Hi-nuiB On Sauday, January lOfcii, Hbiini paraouu^o, Ki.titfBvillo, by Rov. Wra. MoDonaKh, Mr. Owon Har- riit to Miua .Edith Palmer, both of Km^Buillo, Ma.hhb A.t St. Joaohim, on '1'hnruday, January 7th, Mr. Jonoph MaHHo, of Tilbury \Voat, to Mia Annio Souliguy, of Roohofltor. Bki^iimoiib At Btonoy Poiut, ou Tuoiiduy, January 12th 1 Mr. H. Bolliuoro, of ,Rnobotflr, to Mum li. Mailloux, o( Tilbury North., .OeatliH. , HiawuoN In :Ehhqx, on ITridny, January, Myvtlo G., infant daughter 0! Mr. VVm. Htiffron, a^od 1 month, 2 dayu. RuiiNUAM At Mull. Oat., on Sunday, Jan Uiiry.l7th, Mary. Juno, bolovml wilo of- Mr. Asa Buruhana, . a^ud .20 yoars, 2 PiUKiiu on Tburnday,,, January litli Elht Wave',' infant daughter of '" '. Mr..and MrH. Andtow Parkor, a^od '1 mouth, 3 wuckbi 9'days. ' ' . FantfKH In OolcbaHtor Boiith, on" Batur- day, January Iflth, Go'onjo ITulmur, . un*d b5 yeartj, 9 inontha mid U daya. < wo havo inattlnKovory ranthliotiH. Thle yo ftvet prh. Ijoaml: Fair oiw ui i-v... .... Fair our Bunion aofc tbi-flo first prly.ou out of a ponuiblonvo hIvgo by tho BOoloty, thua making a clean iiwooti at all tho Wnlra that our worn wiiBon oxhlbltlon thlafall, Ouftlnlnh was ox- oollontrlu fact it wan tho uuivernal doolalon of uvurybodv that our vohlolnH Hm-paanod any 0*- Uiblt of any (ormor yoarrt, Bout of nil, wo Bold, moro work at and durlni; tho Faint tbun all ntVjur aorapoUtom nold ull put tottathar. Htlll, a into! dUfiiroiit Rtyl^H ou hand aaa wotik'whloh will milt tbo mort 11 aro now roadv to taku ordorfl for li'ruit Wuuoiib, Uu)ji/U>8 and Cawintiou ol nvory fluiiorlpfciuH. Ropair'tnK dono In all.itfl brauohon, Ordwa uolioltod. Kan torn UiUiilitH and Walton (t imtl all kmdn of Parm luiplowontn aud JiioyoloB Biij)pliort oa iihorb notioo aud at a umall udvmioo ou uoat, * Thankluti our patfoim for paub favora. 1 am, Youra very roHpootfutly, W. f. McKEKZIE, \Roiifoi tho uhuvo Worka^ Uox 0^1, noamlnfftou, Out- 1 HiUr, Woodslee, A"y.ui! man named Siyera wuh bilud 'ia,t^f; wood** n'ftar Thorijbury' on Taea^ay "whilo'fylhng tr.i,-yt*."/, ' ' . (' - BroWu A Wi^le, woollen mill uien ol Klngavilla.. on Tbeeday, uaei^ned to Bhuriff Iliar for tho.benefit ol, their credit' ora, UBsetu 9l6,05lt and liabiltiea 010,840. It ia to be rouretted that thd buBineno de- proGRton neoeAsitatoa this action. Order a are Rouroe, aiid the firm wore unable to meet tbeii-obhgaiionH. Tbo liabiUtiea o the firm are owing for the uiotjt part to eastern oredibora, not more tbau 8800 boinp due to local men, Horetototc n. good bu8inna8 ha^boQu douo, and tho' plant ifl ono, of tha hept tuthe proyinoo.','.'. ,\ ' ' HAS Oponod a Dye Works in connooiion with nia Tailor Katahliuhmont. IP ** Vou Haye _an_jOjd Suit OF CLOTHES, BRING IT TO SMITH And he "will make, it as 'good . aanOw.- ;.:ts (4 If? ' :'.'!i?5M :^m YOU.WAP AN OJiQ FASHIONED SOIX MADE NKW, BRING IT TO SMIXH. '\f.\:w^ Clothes Cleaned, neh6Vated-'and::^;\;-'"n^^ Dyed .at 'smith's. :. ^ ^^fm At Smith's yon can get a gooft,/^'^-'^.^;.:^^ Twefed Suit for ^iS4| ; v=t^^j ," WritH. have ;b&eu ;iBSX(^;ftfe:4ie:^p^^M ioiia .:.^^:ip^iwiS|?^|p^ 'BftBt'fllmoM.V;'^ftbrfuir^:i1iKi1.^ ;nornluat%........' " " ' - - - - MXt. )*