w^? \t}' 1 -& ! <jm I: te. ?: i r 't.;:: ', '('; s1lv;;> L r ;' i.:: ," . Ay:*".: < L equal c:-r "tint re: ' k binou:'i: 1 fcriU liv 1 :, ,i;";:ir-c ) r I- ^a-' ' i. .T ;"r Hiii 1-;-' '>u will ).-> Ii;1Vl- ';;Ik!, l '." .: ) Irou o.' :: ::cu.(I:u: n: I.-jii. <jy. arc .U'd, ,i'"l SO pt;i'f'Tl!y :!i;U U - (.-..; l!:- o.:l l!-e aniK';iii}L--..' L-xperier.;^ .1 in the use of so many of Vim pills tin the nuirket.' Ask your (1 rug-gist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Aycr's is 'THE PILL THAT WILL .IN SOAP 'IT^MARTHY. --------$%;. how I jdUh thiwi'jgond ln <l*r Hfo won full <tMiono nn Murthy ISUi-li llaya_. .. wpnrldn Vilin soup. jtiwli kltUo wo tiho' to huv It tlirutt har'lw f:kur, MIh' Jlityn uti mu 'iul huvo _. r HOup jfrotitu) fir it your m to bllu it "on thu ahuor,'* vi! i iinx' door M(iublioirn no, j I. if mu mi Marlliy'd Utiur 'ji dnd (j1 bomi lliu show. J Itfclti WnH not in tint ore-hard lot d iiolmily'd ciiinii mi npy, J 1 wndcii tlin kiiL'H o' Houp- itorapiJ out >ur Htunbbut, uti MurUiy'd try l.o11 ii rldo mi ooulon'l liol on ut (,'i'ubbln jtui renin thn wulu'. udit tlmt honvmi wan Hhlnbi Upon hourt in tbut fivvnob mnbruoti. ii tint to liwbt an Iho lyo to brlnf* t drtppnd from tint wnrul nub lonnh artby to wateh an nhu'd mb nn iilnu [ttttty an a pouch. J y youriiln nmificHwa'f took by uLnrm (mob littla cmudn ti idle { no an bounty un iiw.'iyhi form din iitlrrml tho nonp 'ittt a utlok- j ior uiinbuniiit foil t'uui liur ualdon (iiirlu iibuoltid I onuldti't linrto 111 bow fair wnii that fulratfe o' plrln J ii ntirrod Hm bMHn iinuii. Ifind o' lomiiioinn a-ncttin lmrn tlilnlcin thom olo Udxim ovur. MavtbyV Hain't liunn 'or for iinvon- trt'ii yimv, icifjiihiuiuirrlud tlmt down mint drover. I, L. Lltiiituii iii "Tim tJtiilUni: Uiio." -" i A Mexican new woman. i i 4 6U That j Wonderful Chum 1 I want to add ray toHtimony to tho liHt of thojo tlmt huvo uuod tho Liulitiling Churn. lb dooH all that in olaimod for it ; yon oiiu olmru oauily in ono aiinuto uud f[e* a largo porcontugo moro buttor tbun with the common ohnrnH, I uovor took the ageuay fo* auythim; boforo, but ho mnny at my ncigubors wuuted olmriiH tln.fc I or.lntod !10 and thoy aro all #0110. I think in ayoor ovory farm.-r will havo a Li^htninijohurn, in faob tliay can't afford to be without ono nn fclioy ruako do muob morci buttor and a #aai\ littlo bit of monoy on.li be mado in ovory townnhip uotlm if !! "thtjHo churnn, By writing to J. P. Oahky St Co., St. Louia. Mo., you ouu qot airoularv and full particiibifu about thu ohurn. A 'Bxjldku. 45.000 woll poo ER FROM "FLAT FEET.1 New V*arM Ouki-w, "DolioiouB Hhortonlio may be mado from ono pound of boat flour,hifted,hulf a ponnd of buttor, quarter of a pound of ougar, qaartor of an ouuoo of rice dour," wnten Mar^artb Maoloocl Brown in the January Ladioa'Homo Journal. "Wash tho but ter and promt it betweou tho foldti of a towel to romove all momturo, tlieu pur. it with the autfac in an oartbon-waro batrn md boat it (without in any- way allowing to boooino oily) to a light cream. Thou tdd all tho flour and tho ricu flour, and work in gradually amoug tlie buttor. and untfar till yon can form thu mann into a round ball. ThiH proceaa iu tathur tiMiouu uud if hurried tho hbortcako will not bo a BUOOOaH. Placo thu ball of paHtu on tho tin shout you intend to bako it on, and Jluttun it with thu knuoklori lo tlio domrud bizo ; thon roll tho top out imiooth ; ptiiuli both edgon bettvoau tho tlmiubn and liugern of 'both haudn iuto a fanciful pattern. If tlie oalco if) to bo dtcoratud wii.li icing luayo thu uurfaou perfectly hiuooth ; but ;f nut, prick Jb all over wiibu fork, or Hirinv com fit h over it and a fuw (diced of peel, when pro- lerrod that way. Bake in lat.hor u mow oyou from onu to one and a half bourn.'* Marry this Girl, Somebody I I have boon reading in your p.ip<.-r about fiovoral men and women that liavo boi-n vory "ueouHsful uolling Holf-huatinu lha [ironn, and I eonolndud I wmilil hud w]iat a Kirl could tlo. I bavn work<-d 1*2 day and havii nold 151 ironH nnd lnivi: '219 dollars |loft after paying all expi-iiHtrfl. J^vuryboly IB delighted with tho iron and I bell one I tlmoiib ovory place 1 nhow it, un peoph,-j li'ijuk thoy can't afford to bo without, out: fclioy Havo ho much fuel and tirnu and ' lon'fc burn tho (dothus. I kno.v I can cleur | fivo thouoand dollurn m a yi;ar. Uow in j that for u'pirl ? j Bpkmdid, my girl, nplendid, you uro a J '/tUM Amorioan girl. Anyoio can got corn- j 10 information alinnt i.Iim mdf-heating ' by udclruHning J.-F. Cahky t Co., St. ! 3jouih, yio. It fu'otn.-i to ho a -winner, in ! everybody Helling it writes in itn praino lo 000 If an editor wore to miap u;> 11_ the in duoomontn held out he would noon bo a ^millionaire. If be published a paper te^rdjng to tho popular notion he would I bo in thd'-poor hontie. If lie publiahed all 'tho i*ma nt;t}\ him be would bo in jail half rthn.tiN>o tiTid in tho hospital tho otlior half. u as lust a$ Cioo-ii m..... m %> Ilovio ItriMililnij flown of th Arch Ii Itoiiitulk'it ny a stct^i rlti-ip. litu tho fact that tho b'.-iuifcy of n. tilled i'ocd in much upjiiLttdntod by of nn niliHtiu turn' uf mind, hnf; boejing froquontly by poof1! nnd vrurflti- muK thorn huw boon until lutoly lit tlo brent, from it Hcientiflo point; of Viojtnknn in itH direct (ipponitti Mm flutjit- "Iu u great number of inntimcoH flat^t urn tho oconfiion pf ooijnidoruble koc uft'orinfi;, ponornlly reuniting frnm the caking down of tho nroh that iM, tin Hplucomcnt of doqiq of thn many litt bonofi of tho foot ojther from ' ov< rain or Bomo dinonno of tho muHca- lar -uoturo. An tho weight of tho body cot mtly rcfttfl upon tho foot.thoro it no portunity for tho boucu to got back to ir propor plnqoH. 'i roHiilt in tlmt thouo little bono? koi rubbing again.st each other, and thtaiu RotH moro and moro Bovorn. Ooionly tho pornon aHlicted in this Wi: hinks that lm or nhe han rbouma- tifl iind lotfl- it go at that. Until re- ooir tho only romody wuh n stfel boIim! flbjthat wan chimny and heavy. The nnfaovico in iutorosfciiifl;. It.iH un "in- boi' ourvod to fit tho foot,' mado of u boHtripof ntooJ nnd aotiug iwaHpring. It covered eilhor.witli louthor or with vu uized rabbor to prevent mating, an uooding no fastening, but fdmply to 3 placed in position, it cau bo oil jod from ono Bhoo to another ut Wi , position it acta Bimply nn a mip- po: literally holding-np tho bonon and gU g them an opportunity to slip back injthoir proper plncos. Wbilo any "in- boV of tho approximate fihapo will gi^roliof, tlio befit resuItM are renohetl on! when ouo ifl OHpcoiully mado from a Ot or iuiproflHion of tho foot. X great prjortiou of tho peoplo troubled with flaleot como from tho north of Europe, mi f of them from tho lowlundR of Qorj mjf. The inbabitantfl of tho nouth or Enpo, Btrangely enough, are fiolrtom trt )led with anything of tho nort. ~Thr iiiHtepa, CHpcoiully in tho onse of wtjen, nro nearly always highly arched nxidiiely formed. -Now York Tribune. | "norncn With \tniooll.M ft was-in tho onrly days of railroad- Ingn tho south," romarked tho gontdei- miKvith tho Rtook of vaminiKcenceH the ofclr day. "I wan located in Florida nb(;t tho time when the government haonndo vaHsala of tho Seminole Indi an tif that fitato, and in order to impreHR thoedoubtablo Billy Bowlegu, tho Te- cunoh of the SomiuoloH, it had invited^ tha'heap big ehieftain' to make a trip to to soat of tho national government. Bil; was a bit dnbioua about aeeopting thonvitatioii, fearing ponnibly that the grei father at WaHhingtnn might hnve doHiiiH upon hiw life or happiimns, bul hvi tin prevailed upon to make the trip, audio embarked on board of the train wit. a great hbow of couruge. The train of that period woro not tho flinrs of tday i" fact, on many of tho sliort line the engineer were compelled t get ut of their cubfl and walk to lighten tho ruin and permit it to proceed at an ever, rato of ppued. When Billy Bow- lega returned from his visit, he had overruno his trepidation and looked wittKCorn upon tho loconiotiveH.' I vi.s- itod-Billy it day or two lifter his return and .(deed him how he liked traveling on tl.3 iron horse. " Huh,'ho Raid, with an upward twwiof liiu prominent proboHciH, 'horse wid vheeh) no good! Big heap no good ! Mu <:i horwe better than two. Kun war all time. White man heap smart. In jun leap better. Huh!' " NewOrloana Tiin<i-Domocrnt ii & pmtifsion .,r Yott hear it in nine out of fen drug stores* It is the reluctant tes- tixnony of 40,000 druggists that ocott's Emulsion is the standard of the world* jhiid Isn't the kind all otfiewu-yto xwige up to, th kind foe you to buy} '".'. Two sixes, 50 cts* and $i.OO, , Soap of Poinjinll, Sotp hay been in use for 'J,000 yearn nnd ii twice mentioned in tho Biblo. A few yiiirs ago a aoap 'boiler's ahop wah dineo!ered in Pompeii, having boeu bnr- , icd btiieath tho terrible rain of ushes that idl upon that city 7U A. D. The soup bund in tho whop had not lout all its oflicnoy, altiiough it had been buried l.bOOyoaro. San FrauoiHuo Nowa Let- tor. i ^____________________________ IVaotloo Makea rnrfnt. Mildred Madgo'e complexion hnn im proved wondorfully of Into. Marjoric Yob. Sho ih hpginning to understand bow to put it on. New York lodger. The tiokota to tho vitiligo ball worn not transferable, and thin wan tho way they read: -"Admit thin goutloman to ball in aaaombly roomH. No gentlomun udraittod uulbafl.lib oomoH hjwfiolf," A wood pulp mill in OhriHtiania, pTorway, baa bogtm making ropftng tilea out of, wood pulp chemically treated, Thoy are light, strong and ohoap. Hh<j Itt a Thurouclily Capable nnd Careful tLallroatl Htatlou Agnut. Tliern nro many thiuga of lutoroat along Uio line of railroad betwoon Pu- I'hln and O'.uumif.Mojcico, but fow at- trant-tho northern traveler more than tlwi Htntion agent ut Ktla. Thin ih Con- elm IMimofi, a young woman with bou- onfc brown eyen mid a grout miwH of Wnvy hlaek liair. VOtla, her poafc of duty, ia tho piano where the Indiana (look from the mouiitaina for 100 mikm ground for their unniiul fen^tw, and 11U0 the ahipplng point for tho big haniowlafl In the fnrtlln valioyH among theao Hanio kuountidiiH. When the train Htopa at Ktla in tho dark, a young woman in white, for Henorita Conoha droaHen to match her mimamo, HtundN at the door of the oxproHM onr, luntern iu hand, oluwldng tho paokagoaon the bigreooipfc. book. Whon tho freight train HtopH, alio flita in and out of tho long fine of curu, telling the hrakomen what to take mid what to leave, Sho goon from one end of the train to tho other, wooing that no miH- takoa aro mado. Tho bareheaded girl In a white dreim Ih full of buHiiiOHM. Shn wiiHtmi no time on ompty worda. Tho trainmen renpoot hor, yho doea ovory- thing about tho Htatton hnt handlo tho baggage. There aro plenty of Htout MexiemiH of tho otherfioxhnngingabout for that work. Conohu Bianoa iu ho woll eHtoomed by tho management of the road that alio haa been twico promoted, until now fjho hua one of tho moat important ntatioiiH under her care. She doeH all tlio tele- graphing, besidoa attending to tho re ceiving and nhipping of freight. It wuh hor knowledge of telegraphing thnt got the young womim hor flrat rooognition. Her father and two brothora woro oper ators. Bho loarried to uho tho key. A Htation wan given to hor whnro thoro waa not much to do boaidea tho tolo- graphing. Her aptitudo for railroad work attracted tho attention of General Manager Morcom, and the promotion followed. Conoha Oianca liven in tho station. Hor mother krepn Iiouho for her, uud a youugor aiHtei- situ at tho telo- graph tablo loarning the vocation of tho now woman in Mexico. The conductors havo got in tho way of pointing out to travclora Sonoritii"Concha along with tho ruins of tho ancient city on tho mountain top, tho site where tho battlo of Tehuaoan waa fonghi;, the hieroglyph- lea on thu cliff at the entrance to Rio Salada canyon and otht r objeotn of in- torost.< Chieugo (.'broni'de. Clilhciio llnyulty. 1 Tho present emperor of China ia Huang Hhu, who auceeedqd to tho throno Jan. 12, 1875. He was ono of tho young- cat mouaroha who ever ascended tho throno, being at tho dato of accoasiou only a years old.. Thoro havo boon 22 dynaatioa in China, the royal hiatory of this country being better ascertained than that of any other which rouohes back to ancient tiinos. With Romo few broaka, tho Chinoao havo had a regular flucccHflion of sovereigns ainco l^uhhi, who, tho GhinoHQ say, reignod from B. C, 3853 to 27JJV. According to Chinese tradition, Fuhhi waa no loaa a peraon- ago than the Noah of tho Scriptures, who, after leaving his ark on Mount Ararat, traveled oast and founded tho Chinese enipiro. Chinoao history asserts that soveral of their early monarchs ruled for over a. century ouch ; ono reign ing over China for 115 years, another for lOi), another for 100, and soon. It in conaiderud probable by historians that these figures represent rathor dynaatioa than thoreignsof individual sovoroigns. China has had in nlmost direct deacont, with no moro than two or threo breaka in tho history of tho royal family, 118 sovereigns, 1)2 emperors, 2 Tartar rulers, 0 Mogul omporors and 3 orjipreasos. What Itnluii tho 'World. Many years ago John Brougham^ Loater Wallaok, Artomua Ward and oth ers used to meet after tho play at Windhm-st'H, in Park row. One night tho tpiuHtiou, "What rules tho world?" arose, and various opinions wero ox- pressed. William Hohh Wallace, who was present, retired boforo long, and Bomo time later called Thomas'.!, Leigh from the room and handed to -him a poem which ho had just written. Mr. Leigh read it aloud to the company, and Mr. Uroughum mado a happy little speech of ueknowledgmeiit. Tho thing was entitled "What Rules tho World," and the fii-nt stanza ran : Tliuy Mty that man hi inHihty, IIn yoveniH land and Hua, Ho wIuIiIh a mighty noikj)t3p O'er ltiHsc^r powora that be. But n ndf^htiur po\vf;r ami Htron-'oi1 Mini from hlH tbruuo Iuih liurk-d, And tlm hitiid that rijeltH thd oriullu Iu tliu luiiul that rules the world. Kate Louise Roberta in Critic. The Old Jlan'a I)<-cInlon. "I dnuno what to do with him, "said the old gentleman. "He won't work, he won't study, .spends half the day fishin nnd tho other half loafln, smashes tho crockery waro if tho breakfast don't suit him and walks and talks iu his sleep. I've had seven doctors to examine him, and they're all at sea about him. So I've just arrived at the conclusion that ho's one of these darned long haired geniuses that's built to writo hooka and have monuments on tho installment plan when they dio of starvation!" Atlanta Couafcitutioii. When I'v-ras -^ Wol WEiiie i was sick. And Now 1 am Well Again. 9 m "" y^iiBu^ i \; X-WELL.J0HNST Ome_of_the jBesft Ka-aowin Printers im Canada, I.--TJ s ell the story of Stiss te^r; of his Vcccmo om the Jaws of Death* a^ aocoimrtt Slie'il do Throuch It. "How I would love," said tho oldost and much tlio heaviest of tlio SnigHby girls, "to ait on yonder snowy oloud and float ucross tho ii'/uro, ompyreanl Wouldn't it bo a daring oxporionoo to rldo on n oloud?" "Yos," said young Mr. Mallow as ho looked at tho oloud in question, "but I'm auro you'd go through it ullright." -Olovelnnd Plain Doaler. Maro Klot]|U)t. "Thoy say tlioro is ehuruetor shown In tho way a man combs his hair." "Woll, I think that oftou thoro in moro oharaotor shown in tho way h* doesn't comb it"-r-Potroit Frou Preaa Probably no one in bettor kiwwn to tho printing tra-le of Canada than Max well dohnaton, of Maxwelell Johnaton <o Co., 1CJ Hay ntroot, Toronto. Uia many yeara of expurionco havo ac- t] uaintod him with almost ovory por- .-. -a in tho entire trade. To many ni hi j friondu it has boon known that ho has' initio rod during very tievoro illnosa tho past year, and in regard to tho .same Mr. Johnston wfitoa tho follow-- ing lottar : Toiionto, Vee. 5, 1896. Memhuh. T. Milruiik & Co.: Duaii Sins, For ovor ton monthn I HUlTnrud from dropay, caused by kidnoy tniuhlo which followed an attack of la grippo. Tho symptoms rapidly hocamo seriima and modical aid was callod in. Among othora who woro consulted wore Br. Wallaco, Dr. Norman Allon, Dr. Weir and Dr. Glass, all of thin city, and I can truly state that thoy mado ovory ' effort that modical Hkill could provide. Soyon oporations woro porformou within sir months, during which timo I visited at different**1 poriods for tho purpoao of these oporations tho following honpitalH, viz: Tho Toronto General Hospital, St, Michael's .Hoapital and Graco Hoapital. Although all thafc could bo dono for mo waa faithfully and akUlfully performed, I rocoivod only tomporary relief, tho operations only nerving to romovo tho enormous quantities of wator which con- atantly accumulated, Aa a mattor of faet, 17 gallons of wator woro removed during tho InHt two operation*). After tlio hint operation I waa given up to dio and waa givon only six-to twelve days to livo. In addition to tho heat modical akill which money could procuro, I uaod all kinds of patent medicines which pro mised roliof, hut without offect. All the family romodioa suggested, such as Milk- wood Tea, Pumpkin Sood Tea, Mullein !. ;af Tea, Spaiiiflh Onion Tea, Sweet Nitre and Buehu, otc., wero faithfully t I'iisd but gave not tho alighteat relief, no cliat I had loat nil hope, when I waa por- ii'ilod to try -Doan'a Kidhoy Pilla, to- ;:<;tlier with Laxa Liver Pills. To my li'irpriso I rocoived almost immodiato ro- l!"i:. At this timo I waa unable to lie . .vu ,4..d fur iluee and a half raouchs "'Mii*:ly wis fc-ft'd to ph'Op ill ft elixir. dy nut uh.-.L^nvj waa then 'JO inches; it h low ?>?> inclms since the wonderful euro mado by thoaopilln. I ennrtider my^'T ji'-rf*.""! ly cured and feed Htroir.; and v.. ,i. My weight whon 1 waa attacked \v...i l'.*3 pouuda. After tho oporalionn f was reduced to ISO. I weigh now Hi;). By carefully watching the action of 1 Joan's Pilla and Laxa Liver Pilla I am pnaitivo that to them alono ia duo thu wonderful euro which hoa talcon place in my caao. I am a printer by trade and have hold poaitiona in the offices of The Glube, Mail, Methodist Hunk Room, etc., aa woll as in Ohio and -Detroit, Mich., and havo boon an employing printer ainco J877* Although it may aoom incredible, every word I havo iitated is tho truth, and I am prepared to back it by the-evidenco of hundrods of citizons and friends who know mo boforo I was sick audafterwardu, whilo I was near death's door, and who now, to tlioir surprise, seo mo restored to comploto hoalth by tlio umo of Duan'a Kid ney Pilla, nssistod by Laxa Livor Pills,* I shall bo glad to anawer iiu]uiriofl from sufferers from kidney or livor troublos at any timo, and rofor to tho following gen tlemen who havo knowledge' of tho facts, and can verify ovory word I say. Many of thoao gentlemen know mo before my flicknenit, during my terrible Bufferings, and sinco I was roatorod to hoalth. My toatimony in given voluntarily and with out any consideration of any kind, dither directly or indirectly, (I give it solely for tlio benofit of my follow boinga who may ho afflicted with Dropsy or Kidney troublos of any kind, viz. : R. J. Fleming, Esq., Mayor of Toronto. E. F. Clarke, Kaq., M.P., ex-Mayor. Rov. II. C. Dixon, of Gillospio, An- sloy <& Dixon. J. W. St. John, Eaq.,M,PP. Patrick Boyle, Esq., of tho Catholic Rogistor. Dr. Phillips. J. B. Cook, FIaq.t photographer. W. G. Murdock, Ksq., bitrrJHter^ T. 0. Robinotto, Esq., bnrristor. John McGregor, Esq., barriator. Chas. McDonald, Esq., barrister. M. J. Quinn, Esq., barriator, otc. John Kent, Eaq., of Gowana, Kont Sc Company. , Goo. Gwatkin, Enq., of Gwatkin & Son. J. Gordon Mowat, Esq. J. J. MeCaffery, Esq. R. G. McLean, Eaq. Chns. B. Dohorty, Esq, Win. Vornor, Eaq. John tStormont, Esq. J. G. Hiimaey, Khij. Geo. Verral, lOsq. Kx-Ald. W. T. Stewart. G. T. Pendrirh, Ksrp . John Inirio, Esq., of Imrio it Graham* Win, llovcnden, Esq. Win. Threlkold, E.s.p W. S. John:.ton, -Esq. .1. J. Ryan, E.-q. dan. E. Henderson, Emp, of Stock well & Honclurtinn. Frederick Divor, Esip, Central Press Agoucy, Toronto. Harry Drown, Euq., of Brown Bros. ^ Co., Toronto. NicluiIiiH Murphy, Eiiq., Q.C, Thofl. Parkiu.iou, Ksip, of Murtara. Powell '& Parkinson. dulm Brown, Msq., corner Simciu and Adelaido streets. S. T. Britten, Eatp, of Britti-n ,v/ Bradiihaw. Qhas. Field, Esq., Queen street oust. Win. Hirst, Esq., corner Church and ShutorntrootB. And hundreds of others. Your truly, Maxwkm. John: rit . Mr. Johnaton appeared before Mr. C. Ilondoroon, Commissioner in the High Court of Justice, and gavo the foil- vijjg declaration as regards thu ahsoliir.-tenth of tho statements made in hie letter : Dominion ok 'Canada, / Province of Ontario, County of York. To Wit : In tho mattor of a letter i<v Mpssra. T. Milburn A*.Co., dated 3rd De cember, 180(1, I, Ma.vwoU Juhn.'dnu ni' tho City of Toronto, in tho Conuiy York, do solemnly declare that the st:a*- monta contained in tho above letter at-- truo, and I inako thin oolomn doclani^on conscientiously believing it to ! and knowing that it'is of thu saiue f-.icc and offoct aa if mado under oath and by virtue of tho Canada evidence a !. ' y.lt declared boforo mo at Tomniu, in -rim County of York, this 3rd day of Decem ber, 181)0, by Chas. HondorBon, a t'nii- miastbnor in If. C. J. Courts. . (.Signed), Maxwmu. Johnsto.,, of Maxwoll Johnston & Co., V2 Bay street, Toronto, Ont .- ti ' . V x. r-% \-r-.i CUn:kn\VIth N'orvos, Thoro is ono disndvnntago about vory tall buildings which ia being noticed by tho ocoupwits. It ia perhaps a small disadvantage, but still is worth consid ering, as it involves some annoyance to' those who havo not mado provision for it. Tho tronblo roforrcd to is the stop ping of pendulum clocks by tho vibra tion of tho buildings. Many a pendulum olook that has kept accurate timo for years in old fushioned low atruoturea has rofuaod to run at all when moved into some ono of tho now tall Htool framed baildinga iu tho lower part of tho city. On tho lowor flp_ors_pf ths buildings tho clocks run fairly woll, but whon higher up in the buildings they booonio moro whimsical and on tho top floors will not run at all. Now York Times. ___________' Uo Ituhponded. Tho luto archbishop of Canterbury had a favorito dog named Watoh. Onco, as ho lay on the mat nt tho open door of tho ohnpol, tho arohbiahoprend impress- Ivoly this sentence of tho Scripturo lesson, "What I say unto you I say unto you till wntah." Tho dog sprnng up, oamo forward and lay down boforo tho loading desk at his mastov'H foot. Ono hearor nt loaat heedod tho lesson and responded. CongregutionaliBt. XIu Got tlio X'laoo. Groat Editor You havo your thoory, of oourso, as to how nowspnpora should bo conducted? Applicant (fresh from collego) 'Not tho Hlightofit, mr. Great Editor (nmnzod) Is it possible? yty doar air, you can huvo your piok of any department in this oDloo that Ih, if you havo not already nrrangod with a mnsoum. Buffalo Times. WM. T. SIMPSON, Manufacturer of Foa- tot'n Patont Union Artificial X.1111DS jiLiitn-l IJaton nt, Do- troit, Mich. I>enerlptivo ratalo(?iniii iiiid blanka for rordcfuK iipplicatioiiH for KOVtjriiintwit (.rtlora for JiruliH and trimuportatlon or commutation thorofor nont froe on application 2C RY FAIV1 SHOULD KNOW THAT 183 THE CULTIVATOR AND 1897 GENTLEMAN. .iV Hi. .V-J'i *-V A fctprinthitf Mutch. Governor You'vo boon running uhoad of your allowauoo, Jack. qTaok I know it, dad. 1 'vo boon hop ing for a long timo thai tho allowance would strongthen up enough to overtake mo. Household Words. la n very romailculilo remedy, bctli fnv IN- TEttHAli ai.a JJXTilliWAXi lino, and wu- dorfullultu cj.ulcltnotion to ruliovo dlntrtjiui. P ATMutYTtT-T "PTJ t** t** w^rp ClilllH, lOhti'k'lKn'ii, HkyNciitvry, Ciiiiuiih, illioldk'a, andalliioWulCoiitjiluinu. PAIN-KILLER t, sss: mcloiCHS, m*lr Ileiulnrlit*, Vntn .111 <Uo" tia*:K or K)lili' itai^i;:i;iiti.iiiuna Wcuialuiit, IP ATiM TrTT T'Pft u uHQuwninwAw.T th. jTillll"iVXJ-JUJUl\ ipuH-r IMLVflSBUvN-a1 ;HAB>Kt Hlirmir* nmniv and i'KUMANKNT tu nil i-ubcji of Br:ilKCH. utM, Hil*aiiw. K ktmuu, vtv* lrAliN'-lLlJLi-.X-JK vmuii"i i-i-ii'na'or ii nit-rluuitr. fr'm-muf, Kl,!iiMi' Krtllor. mm fmt nil nluuiirH wjjiuiuif a llHMllotllO "hvavu utlmwil, uui hArmtt \ihk ikitoitiitliy or )*.tci,iiiniy uuii etnrUliityorroMef. ',' *'I*uUiV Daviu." BolJ uvcrywiiori*) UZc llu Iwtilu. Very laiga txatlu, 6uu. KKt.li't' Ml llin fit The imparltios in the blood wbioh cauBo eotofulouB eruptions aro thoroughly eradi cated by Hood's fiaraaparilla. Try in. \-:. THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. |dkvotki> to Farm Crops and Processes, ' Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stock and Dairying, While it also iuoludos all minor depart- monts'of Rural Intorost, Baoh.ua thn Poal- try Yard, Entomology, Uoo-kooping.Groon- houso and Grapery,. Votorinarv llopliou, Farm Qucntionn and Anowers, Firesido Itoadlng, Domoatio Economy, and u aura- mary of tho Nowa of tho Wobk. Ita Mar- kot RuportH aro unimnally complete, and much attention is paid to tho Proapoofcs.of tli3 Crops, as throwing light upon ono of tho most important of all questions When to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally I!. IwitraUul, and oontumo moro reading mat- tor than ovor boforo. Tho stibsotiptlon prioo ui $2.fi0 per year, but wo offo'r a spoc- ial Hodnotiou'in our OIiUB'ATBSPOBiia07.' "' Two Subscriptions, in ono romitttiuoo 8-1.00 She do do 10.00. .,,.,^ Tou do do ; 1G,00 ,. :;<|'| tS^To all Now Subfloribors $or 18UT; '^'M payinc in advance now, wo will send the .' . &* papnr wookly, from our receipt of the ro- mittauoo, to January lut, 1897, without, charge. :-.* -.Ml <&} IS" Spooimou Oopios Fro, Address, LUTHER TUCKER & SON; " y}$k AtllANV, N.Y. l^ibhsherv WAHTSID BBVUBJltjFAl-rHFaij "-<V>>-'^:M Worn on to travel for reipomlb ,, .< .' , y.^'-tf litibod hcuBo to Ontario. Bttjftjry, ""'--"-i tlG.woekly-andexpomiea. PoHitloiip > ' Tf'-ftifi ltoforonoe, Buoloaooolf-addmesodat '. ',. :"::i4i*l velopo. Tho National Star Bnildtaf " - . . v-,i*ia ' 'v',"--i\A^i,.*w i.. 1 o- . ^ii^^^^^^^ 44 9862