p. -v ' it * W?!?.1" 1V. <i', : ft-" fc.-V it-' 'r - D. & L f Is Invaluable, If you are run; [down, as it is a food as well as: :a medicine. Tho D.&L Ennulslon : Will build you up If yoir gennral health la : Impaired. 'The D. & L. Emulsion . : to the best mid most palatable preparation of: : Cod Liver Oil, agreeing whh tlio moot doll-: , : cate itomacbs. The D. fit L- Emulsion : Uprescribed by dm loading physlcUnia of : Canada. j Tho D. 6c U. Emulsion : Is a marvellous flash product* and will i;lvu ; you an appetite. 50c. &. 61 per Bottle : Do sum yon c't I Davis & Lawrence Co., ltd. : : tho ijuimtuo 1 MONTiirtAL XUU HUi 1UUXLU U. IXUI U.1X11X11 i-UJJ XLixJ wrr Furniture. Thoao who nood Furniture, it will pay thom to oxamino.tho vory iuio arid woll iiBsortod Stoelt at tho *JFHx vmixx* re "Warerooms, Composed of Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Diningroom Suites, . BiiSy -3hairH, Of ovory Doitcriptiou, Lounges, Baby Carriages, Picture Frames Mado to ordor on short noUoo, and ovorything in tho flhiipo of Furnituro too numerous to mention. You can.^ot Fur niture lioro for Iobh monoy Unm olyowhoro, quality of goods considorod. Everything de livered free of charge. j; L HICKS & Go,, Essex, Jpip, After safferlnp for two yenw bt* IndigeBfcioD, 1 tried IK B, B- lljr threa bottles, whioh mado mo ever I. was! I highly rocom- IB. B. (jo all dyHpoptioa. [na, Joitra Wiuth, Austin, Mau. (ramble, of Bleopy Kyo, Minn., the wonderful rotary online, ) right to muuufaoturo for tho [ttttto ta^ii) Ktmlibb aymlioato for Ho had previously nold tho ri'Enulniid ftd TSuropa for &4.0OO, m atill ooutroln Mm rwhfc forOawwU ijxioo. ________ CoiiHtlpatlon Ourud. jjea, I wan in vory poor health for Stir yourH ; tho doutor Maid it wuh latiou. Dot wanting to ttpond too nmclfpaah I tfol tliruu bntlUiH of B. B, B, HiidHpk it wgularly. I nun uortify that I am p? iu tlio vory hunt of health and fool VerJKtotufuUon. B. B. ': A^viiKii Tbuoux, Montreal, Quo, fori ttot aaw< iou| invdl hna' Vnii rll ooaj and, OVOI coat 'jaruokr Pin^roti, ofMiuhl^ani in liin uddffifB at tlio oponinf! of tho Lo^iolaturo, -dytod u two-coufH-ii-^iilo railway ruto, donJpioud combina'tionn, and ur^rd utatti ootittiJ] of utoulc and bond iimuufi. D&FowIor'd Extraot of Wild Bfcmw- borcte'oumti DinrrlKca, Dynontnry, Colic OrasmB, Cholera, Cliolora Infantum, OliolBira MorbuH and all xummor com- plaiofce and fluxonof tho bowoln in childron or i&ptu. TWi following noticu1 in pUbliimod aoh HpioMpflly in tiovoral KiuumH ooantry fijiaporH, find refnrrud 10 oditorlally; "ftiu lojjal tuiulor. Wo havo a largo ifat duo on nubnoriptioun, Wo will fp20 oonto a huohol for corn on old imtl nn\ff^flubnoription. Brim! on your oorn." On^papor in nortburn KunHUfi ban boon foi-oM to build Rovomi cribn aw a rouult of Iteamington Gaffiage Ulorks. To Farmer, ami the Public Generally : Ooiapotont JudRun havo iloeiiloil onoo moro . tliat oar B UGGIES and WAGONS Ann thi; iiuoT. Thin yoar, an uhuiiI, tlmy hav nivnn mi nix flrbt prlv-oH out of a poimiblo nuvim at tho liOiiwluHton Fiiir: four Unit |jriz<jH ufc Harrow S*uir out of a poiifilhlo iivt;; and at Hullo Itivor 1'air our IJujjuioH (jot tlir'on llrut prixoii out f a posidblu flvo fjivuu by tlio micioty, tliuii milking a ulaan nwt-ji lit nil tln> Piiirit thtit our worlt van on oxhibitlcn thUfall. Our ilninh wan ox- nollout, in fn^tit wnti thu univnrmil dociuioii of uVoryhndv tbiitour vt-hloUH Hur-imhcd uny ux- bibit of iluv fornutr yoaru. Il<:iit of all, wo nold more worlc at and dtiriia; tlio L'ttim tliun all othnroompotitora nold nil put tO({utliur. Htill, wohivoalotof different iiLyhtii oil blind and mtUddfi ovory week which will unit tlio inont JatiLldiouft. \Vt< tiro imw rMnly to talto onloru for i'ruit Wapouii, Uiifi.it'ii and CarriacoH of fvory ditfiorlpti m, Hftpidrlu^ douo in all itu branaho". Ordnrn iiolicitod. lia(lti'*n l-'u.4t{iiJ iinrt Wiifjonn and all lcindn of Farm Imploinonta ntnl. Hicvotnji Htippliml an short noticu and at a nmull iiilviaiui) on uoitt. Thanlciuft oiu putrmin for piiMt favortt i am, Youth v<:ry ronpfctfully, W. F. McKEKZIE, ^Hfjni l*n tho abovo Worlm. hox !i;i. Ijoainin^tou, 0:it Smith, T^ilnr Souths 1 dUUr, Woodslee, HAS Onouocita J)yo Works in comuiotiou witUliis Tailor EiUabliHUmunt. tbiiinotioo, tffiijFowlor'fl Exwiiot of Wild'Straw. borry.oUfOH JJiiurhoaa, ByHontory, CrampH, Colfp, Cholera MorbuH, Ohclora Infantum, ant|:Jll Ioohodohb of tlio bowolH. Novor traySel without it. Prion Bfio. BWa dooiHion of tho Unitod StatoH Cir outwlpourt of AppoulH handod down last WGepTriatural lifin i" doclarod to ho a mill' ora^for all tho pnrponon of tho iitatnteH and ouafrDniH lawH of tho United Btaton. Tho ooxvti aftirrrtu tlio dooinion of tho Unitod Bt*t6 Circuit Court of Now York, which ftfHi&iod a docinion of tho Board of Oonorul ApfitaiHorti, doolarin^ that ^an pipod from Blterkytou, Ganmia, into Buffalo wau not imbjeot to duty, uh it oomon within tho definition of o-udo materials One MSvory Nltrlit. Ono Laxa-Livor Pill takon oaah night during UQ tluyn will euro Confitipntiorj, oft roturniuji IInudachon and irragnlar action of tho howolii. Laxa-Livor PiIIh loavo no nupleasant after-effect. The New Hook Spoon Free to All. I read jo tho ChriHtian Standard that Mihh A. M. Fritz, Station A., St, Louih, Mo*f woula uivo an oli'gant platod hoolt iipoun to unyono Huhdinj; hor ton 2 cent Hturopii. I Bont for one and found it ho use ful that I ulibwed it to my friRiido, anil mado Sl'1,00 in two bourn, lukiiitf ord^rn for tho hpoon. The book opoou ifl a hoiiHti- bold nocioH'tily. It cannot olip into ,tlu dbdi or unokinu veomd, being hold in the plueo by a hook on tho bunk. Tho Hpoon i* Homothin^ that houhi-hot-putn havo noodc-d evor uiuco upoonw wvt ilrit iuvontod. Anyono oan ui't a nuniplo upoo j by Bonding t<-n 2oo t HtumpB to Miun Frit/, ' Thi iu a nplendid way to mako monoy around homo. 15 l!Jt Vory truly, Jkannkttk B. More Curnllyo Power Ifl contained in a bottln of Flood'n SarHti- ptirilla than any other nimilur proparn- tion. It oontn tho propriotor and mann- factum- moro. It oantn tlio jobber moro and it iti worth raoro lo iho eoiiHumor. It han a record of cuti-h unknown to any othfr preparation. It io iho bent to bay beofuine it m the One True Blood Purifier. IE 1 Vou Have, an p 1 d_ Suiit OF CLOTHES, And ho will mako it as good aa now. - ^-<iJ|Jg>-^- - TTJC &% YOU WANT AN OuD- V I T FABHIONEO B0IT '- KlilW, " 'BHing it to smith. ; Glothes Gleaned, Renovated and ^ Dyed at; Smith's. .At Smith's you can got a good Tweed Suit for -J 12 "Worsted 16 Marry This Girl Quick, L Haw in your paper that a l'A year old boy made ftl 2.li tbo firHt hour bo worked noIjhil' tho P-rfeetion \lntal Tip Lumpwiek. I ordered a immplc and wt;iit to work and thn liiht wt'ok I ob-iired $10, tbo m-emid week I olourud ftl5. I expect in run up lo 825.a week in tlio near future, an thu IVr ttotion Motal Tip Lumpwiek miikoa huoh n- bM.nitiful white lifjlit mid doi*H away with hniokey clnmnovH and bud odor and wive;' oil, i; io oany lo hoII. If you \vi*h to try it HMiiil l.'t two-ceuti htaiiipH to Minn A. !\I.. Fritz. Station A, St. LmiiH, Mn., and fih" will Ri-nd you antnplo tint fie. thiH in a good wuv to malo- money around homo. Winn Tina W. lo 1,'lt. POMOLOGICAL ART. TRYING TO PRODUCE SEEDLESS AND THORNLESS FRUIT. Make Your Own Lantern. Your hoino in hjuompltitt' without it, and tho priors ifi vviLhin reacli of all. I ordered ono for my own nno and it xvhh ho handy tind oorivouit-nt I went to tulting oidrn for tlittm and old 51 m ono day making o^er 8S clear. It ^ivet. a Ivautifnl whito liuli'i ohiirinoyH ijuyor brettk from hoat, it \h ulwayH cloiin nnd rendy. FnineiH Cawy. Rr. Louiti, Mo., will Henri wimple for lit turn eciit BtumiKi, writ*1 for onii. I fiot my hI-i.i t from him.. -15 1JH Giionon U. Utihtariii.iiH will find a box conch very ima-.h nioi-r tliun a foldinjj; bod, the b; d oloihiofr can ho knpt mnido in the day tiioo, nud, with Homo'down ounhiouH a cozy" nornrr, confiidered ho rieidrablo now, can by firmed. UonideH a fi.ldiiig bed novcr do- QdiveH anyone, institute 6o Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Treats All Diseases of Men and Women, 'If. ordinary troatiiioiiMun fitiltia to ruliovo you, or if you uro tirod of bnlng Immbugftiul tuul loltroatud by ^inioltH and impotttuva.'COiiuult.UH. wo ha6 mado tlio troattnont. of nil oliroaiu isoaaoa tboatudy.of our lifo. If you aro lu nooil of hantmt truatmont w will ivo ib you. "Our EuffoooHlfltH of Hoviin omlnont iipiialali-ita, and tliair uombinod wiudjui n bmuuht to boar in all >aip)loaUd, diUkunlt or doubtful ohhou. Oonuultatiou froo oithor at Inntltutci or by mail, if (ttcauuot call, neiitt manip for qnciitlon blank. 1 Onrnbariio^ for troittmont vary from #5l.o tfflll por month eithor by mull or at Institute. Ily curublit auMtm iiroaoociptod, ami a euro fn [fiiaranuuxl In ovory oano uuiortalccn. 1 t.S. fiond iryt8 for ourlittlo lllnutrntua booklet on Htoam Nobulitsationi nhowiiiu tbo l(y rational uii 1 HucoohhIuV Lniatmout of Catarrb, Oatartbal doafuoun, Brouuhifcifl, Ahthma nud 'imniption,, . . Method* by Wlilcli Vrnlt HolvntM* Hun- cio<l In Improvlriff Upnn Nnttin> K- altn IIuvoHhown That Thoy Aro on tho Klfflit UixmU 8UClit. Hvc^nn With Applet. Ono of Uio juoFifc important objootH po- nu)lo^intH aro Htrlvfu^ ff in to prodtaJo tbomlaHM and yoodloHH fmitn, and from tbo roHiiltd ulroady obtujnod It in not tmlfkoly that tbo mid will soon lm roal- i'/Aid. Hvti&H aro not roliHliod by tho oou- BiimcrtJ of fruitH, nnd if they could .bo romovod wo would onjoy our (Jirapon without oxporionoin^ u droud of uppon- dioitiH and khidrod coinplaintH, , TJioniH' uro nnfc in wood Hiandinr,' ivmonf,' Imit ^rowcu-H, bor,ntmo they aro oonntantly punoluvinR tbo bt i'ruitu and, what' in orpially important, tbo nkin of tho ])iolcevH, Tlio 'thoruH and priokloH of plantH and trooH woro un- doubtodly intondod by iiutuvo to protect thorn from unimulH, hut that iw no rna- hoii why thuy Hhould bo ooatinued for gonovation after goncirntion on tho cul tivated variotioH. The pardonny bun no wood for thorn, and, for that mattnr, tlio trci:H nnd HhvuliH havo nono eitlior. Our domoHfcinatad pcurH and apple* woro all derived from tho thorny, wild vuruitiuH, and pomolof,'tHtH huvo Hucccod- od In ridding fchoni of thcsoflpilroH and prickIch by careful culture and hoIcci- tiou. OnuiyoH und lomoiiH iiavo not boon cukivatod in thiH country iih huc- cowHfully au ponrfl and upplow, and many of thom aro vory thorny. Tho wild and Hour oranp;o tmoa of Florida aro brin- tliiitf with 'thornH, i\n in ulso .tho hipfh priced king orunpo, ono of tbo hnat of tbo nnindariiiH, Tbo wild lemon trot'H of Florida aro ho. thorny that KVOwornquoH- t(on tbo udviHability of grafting tbo ilno La J?ranco lomonH on tlioni. In Floridat howovor, tho thornH of tho oruuffo and lomon troea bnvo boon greatly reduced by Holoctinp; budn from branohoH with tho fnwrwt thornH, and by continuing thiH prowiwi yoar aftei- yoar the sharp Hpikoa disapponr. In Onl- ifomia noarl}* all of tho orniifjo trooii aro tliornloHH not naturally, but m tlio ro- Hult of cultivation and nolcotion. Tho tboniH on blnokberrioa, rawpbor- rioH and roHebufibcH givo tho greatest bother to hortioulturintH iu tho north, und thoro iu a determined effort to got rid of them. Tho tbonm rivo rndlcHH trouhlo to tho /ickorfi, and tboirroniov- nl might hvo many a punnturo to doli- outo huudH. Thoro Ih an improved vario- ty of raspberry placed on tho markot to day which in ontiroly thornloHM, but tho trouhlo in that quality and quantity of fruit havo norm 4moriflcod to tbo gain inndo in dnHtroying tbo thornH. Thero is littlo doubt that porfoot thoruloHH biaclcburriOH and riiHpborriofl will Hoon bo obtained, for tbcro is a widespread movement among pardoners and Hoedsmen to accomplish this. Tho man who is fortuuato enough to produce a variety that given porfoot fruit with out tho thorns will veooivo a protty stiff price for his plants. Seeds arc also unnecessary plant prod ucts iu thoao advanced dnys of horticul ture, when gardeners propagato half their stook by cuttings, gruftH nnd slips. Nature need no longer trouble herself about the Venrof losing any of hor types. Tho modern horticulturist is auro Ib prnsorvo every ono of any value without gathering a seed. The California uavol orango1 repre sents tho bent typo of fruit grown with out KoodH. Nuuiro produced this orange an a freak at first, and man has taken advantage of it to propagato .fruit of a high order. Half tbo oranges of Cali fornia- aro grafted with tho navel, and it is the most important fruit of tho Pacific coast. Naturo tried to produoo twins in thu nuvol orange, and one sur vived only 'an a protuberance in the blossom end, while tho other expanded into a well shaped fruit without needs. Tin ho oranges aro occasionally found with.small seeds; but, ue a rulo, they aro perfectly seedless. Huvoral varitiesof seedless apples and pears have already been produced, but tho qualiiyof tbo fruit is gtmorally poor an 'nearly worthless. Thoy are called "hloomless" ipears and apples and aro exhibited more as curiosities than as the triumphs of pomologica] art. Neverthe less, they tiro tlio beginning of a new era of apple growing, and they represent tho primary stock of seedless fruits^vbicii may produce in time thu finest flavored apples and pears. Tho grape industry would bo benefit ed more th ii any other by tbo produc tion of new varieties without seeds, and toward this end scorns of fruit growers aro working, especially in California. The idea is to produce not only tulle grapoH, but grapes that will make fmo raisins. Seedless raisins would provo euoh a boon to tho whole civilized world that any other variety would bo quickly run out o(! tho murkot. .Thoro is a seedlesfl grapo of Corinth, which commonly passes aa a currant, and tho Sultana raisins of southeastern Europo aro also seedless, Bur, thono fruits aro so small that they ean never answor tho .purpose What the trade wants is a large, seedless grape, with porfoot color and flavor, and. to gut that it is necessary to 'oxporiuioufc for years. Now York Journal. President Iiaac Lewis of fiabina, Ohio, Is highly respected all through thai. cation. He liu lived in Clinton Oo- llt yean, and has been president of the Sabina Bar k SO years. He gladly teatlfioa to the merit of Hood's 6area- parilla, and what he lays Ib worthy attention. AH brain workers find Hood's tiarsapi rilla peculiarly adapted io their needs. It make* pure, rich, red blood, anc from this comes norvL>, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood's Bantapa- rllU Is n vry good medicine, specially u a blood puriilor. It ban done ma good many times. For several years I iuffwad greatly with paina of Neuralgia In one eye snd a boat my toraplei, - pcolnlly t night when I had been bavinjf a hard day of physical and mental labor. Itookmanyro>ndieu, but found help only In Hood's Banmparllla which cured m***! rheumatism, neuralgia and headache- Hood's Sarsaparlllahatfprovud lUoUstrue friend. I ilno take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the plUa very much." lilAXOldnwia, Sabina, Ohio. cod's Sarsaparilla Is the One Tmo Bluod rorlflcr. All drtiRfiliU. $1. Prepared only by C. I. l(oodACo.,I^owetl,Masa. w_w j, v^<{|)rf are prompt, n*.olnnt and ElOOCl S PlSlS eaay Inorfaot aficouta- Howfcho DIppor Savocl tho Farna, Fiitjier wan sick und tbo mort^ii^o on the farm wuh coming duo. I wuw in tho ChriH tian Advoouto whoro Mihh A. M. Fritz, of Htatiou A, St. Louih, Mo., would iiond n uiimplo combination dippor for IS two.cent iiturripR, uud I ordcrod ono. I huw tho nip- por could bo UHod hh it fruit jur filler; a plain dippor; a line struiuor ; u funnel ; u Htruinor fumiol j a nick room warming pad and a pint mcaauru. T)-osc eigiit, different linos mako tho dipper nuoh u nocoBHary artitilo tliut I wont to work with it. und it noils at vory no;irly ovory hoiiHO. And in four montliH I paid off tho mortfiago, I think I oiin oloar as muoli a1* S'idO ajnonth. If yon ncod work you can do woll by giviuij thin ii trial. Mioa A. M, Fritz, Station A, Rfc. IjouiH. MoM will send you a nampln for 18 two oont ntampH-- writu ut onoo. JonH O. N. .-15-lSt Suo for yoar divoroo iu . tho United StutoB. Albort L. Widdin, Attorney ut Law and Solicitor in Chancery, 7-OOharrrf bor of Cornrnoroi*, Detroit, Mioh. Tho nocrotn of largo honey crops aro Htrong cobnios and abundance of Htorago rooin, together with a (jond lionoy How. Don't bo no foollHh iih to nogloot to givo your boos a place to ntoro honey. Thin id dono vory frequently by placing on a Hraull iiurpluH oapaoity, und thon oomphiin at tho end of tho noanon that the boos did not storo you 200 pouiulH of honey in a ton- pound box. Roro work for nothing nnd board thomaolvcfi, ho givo thorn plenty of room. Tho Anutrlim Dyimsfcy., The proflont omporor of Austria is JFrancis Joseph, who aficouded tbo thrn'noDeo. 3, 1848'. He ia of tlio royal houtio of Hapsburg, whioh.has held tlio throne since 1J382. Twenty-nix sover- oigiiH of this houso have ruled over Aw tria. ' Rudolph I, tlio nobleman who founded tbia royal family, built a oastlo on tlio liabiohtHburg, or IIuwIc'h moun tain, wbenoo the nahio'of tho family. An authority on ilonf. mntos nays .that iho- ratio of doaf writes to bearing iff nbout 1 to oaoh 1,000, acoording to whioh thoro aro about 40,000 <moh por- bouh in the United BtatoH and about 1,000,000 in tho world's ontfro popula tion, Tbo Jutn Archbiwhop, of Cantorbury had a favorito collie, "Wutcb," which alwaya followed h'n~"fdolTacpH in tho park and about tho hoiiao. When Bervico wont on ia tho chapel Wat oh stretched himself in mimmor timo on th mat tu tho open door. It in uuid that on ono occasion tlio Arch- bifihop him wolf rend the hcc'qiicI loaaon, which concluded with tbo words, "Wliafcl Hiiy unto yon, I i-ay unto all, watch;'1 and thy Jog immediately Blurted up and walked to bin miihter, uh if he hud boou called, und lay at bio foot until the coir oHiHton of the service. Suvorul of a herd of hogi balontjing. to Wm Tait, of South Ekrrid, MiddluBox Co., died f'ecr;nt]y from a rnystonnnB dinoanD, and fearing that jt miiiht lio liog ohclora V ut or i nary In^peotor D, Hundcrton, of Gleiicoi', wuh notified hiBt week and en umpoothig the carciiHHCH he found that the trouble wan thodreudod uwinu plague. IIo itnrnerlnttely noiified tho Uepuiy-Miuiater .'f Agriculture, who wired IiiHpector Win. McEiiohron, of Wiminor, to uniUo an exam ination and tuko iit:ipji to provent tho Kpruadhif> of tho plnauf. WORK, SPOILED, Did Not Get the Right Kind. Why labor in vain ? Why do you try to dyo cotton or mixod goodn with oomrnou dyi.'fi tliut tho mukoiH proparud for all wodI goodit ? . Well, yau aro not altogether' to bliimo ; tho dealer who oold you tho dyo, and who told you it wa^ iioocl' for oithnr cotton ar wool, it! tho ono who 1h directly roHpoaniMo for your lotm and failure. He nold } ou worth lent) dyos bocau^e. ihoy . ga^e lu'm a largo return of pridK If you had bought tho Diamond D>6a mado hpomally for Ootton and Mixed Goods your work would havo beau woll and truly douo, Tnnnri Hpooial eotioti flotprH <.f the Diamond Dyt-n are tho latosfc diHoover- iou of tho host ohorumts of the world, and aro fur superior1 to all othor dyoi for. tho cclorinf* of cotton goolfl, tfaat .Diamond Dyes for cotton aro quite faut to ligliK und if you vjsu.. them your aarpoiauutl ruj/s will bo aw bright after yearn of woar au tho mont oxpousivii oarpota vou onii.uuy- For dyeing Ootton or Mi-xod Goode, anlt .for Ifant Diamond Dyes for Gotjfou; tuko ny othera. -' ' "'.'. ' DON'T BU^ a Stove until you se tho new stock at ^ ^4 McMURRAYS. See the-Oxford's Stoves, Best 111 the World. Manufactured by the Gurney Foundry Co., of Toronto, (both Wood and Goal), We have them in Stock, Our prices arc the lowest. General TinHrnithing and Repairing attended to. *c^ North of Railway Track, - - Essex. u 'I Are You Building* ? ,___ We can supply you with all hinds of Woodon Material, plain and ornamental. Pine, Hemlock and native. Lumber always on hand. Shingles, Cedar Posts Doors Saeh and Goal. ~*Gnt Your Storm Doors and Window ado Now.*- Laing Bros. ' 'A vl at v."/ liJ'JIMai^Wf'UBllWiucrtwOT :J B'tii^iiS^ ^i^"Ug 250.000 CURED IN SO YEARS. %VTGURE3'GUARANTEED OR A/6 PAY! /. '-" -' EASED ME! $1000 IN GOLD!^ A MUnVOUH-WUKOIC. A CASE WE __________________CANNOT CURB 'OP SELF-ABUSE, EMISSIONS, VAtilCO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT URE GLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PAWS, LOST MANHOOD, BMPOTEN- CV, NERVOUS DEBILITY, .UNNAT URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. The New Method Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of the Age F0H CURING THESE DISEASES! Tlioiirmndo at younp and mldtllo .ii'joU man nm nnmmlly nwopt to a prttmaturo (. ntftYo thronKh liAULY INt>ISCKnTl')N^( EXCHSSR5. AND UL0Ol> I>15nASU5. If v you havo uny of tho following nymplunia connwlt us* bnroro !tl too Into. Aro vo.e nor- !>' vou a ami woalc, tlottroudunt und j-lnomy, iipocku bofoiro tho aym with djii-lc clroloii inijJor fathom, woalc luuik. Iildnnyn irrltalilo, pulpltsttton ot tlio ln'm*t,. liftHhfu!, ilrnnniH ami | oyi'rt Hiuilton, hollow ahooltH, cmrnwnni' ; (innrKy iiml ntfonrnth* tln'd nifirti- anliuod, utunttjil nrgnmi and proluu-j fathom, woalt lumk. Iildnnyn li-rltaljlo, piilplt:ttton ot j/j i->:pri!:-::i!o;i. pocr r/ioiimry, Hfulivm, dlHtniati'ul, hurl; ^ inn*, iVifitlo'tH ni^liia, cliain^^'Oo nKndii, woalc null) fc'3 Li'iro ducuy, houn palnu, liulr lootiLvuoro tliroiitotc. fy --- ' YOU HAVE SBMINAL !,,{ OUR NEW METHOD THRATMRNT nlmio a.m M\ cur" you, uiul nmlto p. inrni of you. UudcrUft Inftu- PJtitiiTO tho linilll jH'i'cnit1!! nf'tlv,.tlio blond pullllotl yv oo Ilmt all pimply, lili.ii-licii auU ul'!i' dlimpprar; WBAKNE&& I >>'-h n tlio norvuii hoconio utrom; n.-v titncl. no Uiai [U-ivniirt iionii, Imalifiihi^sid anil (\>>!vpiiiii.U>iii*v Ui^anpoar h thn ovoii Ijoconi' ,|ir|i;ht, tin.' f.'u-o fill! nnd iiloai*. vi- (1-, -.,, ,'ft:Kf sV,'^J(|t hi <mrj:y rotnrrni to tho ludy, mid thontfirul. i-hyfifcal V ;<. ',"j UK-'tVY-^P-Vi vti m JIKUKDltAllY ttLOOD BlfJIiiSB. und f.oxvuil oych ir-n r.:u liM'li.'onUiiil; nil dmlmi i!oas no moro vltul.w.'isitfj I'rom tho nyfih'rn, Tho varloiiH or;,'au:..)n-i'ini:t uaiuriil (."nl.r.iuiiiy. You riiid'yotirfjcif-Triiinii und i;nour i;i;ini.i;;o (Mii.not ho a rafluro. Wo Ins lui rill th" ftrniytol to < .n-ttdt, mi uonlhlovnlally and Tvm r <-\..ic,->\. i>i>n': ! !! and fakliM ruh you of your h.ud fcin'iiuil tl^liurrt. We wilt cura i/ojt vi' tio p'lij. HAS YOUIt UL005) iiF.EN 1)ISEAS1SI>2 5VPHILI5 hi tlio moat pi-nvatontnnd mofitanrloiui IILOOD dlmunto. ItruipM thu vary llh) hjond t)t iho vloLlm and unions eutlriilyiM'utllnatuil frnin Mi"yn- torn will attotsl tlio oiYii|irtn. hnwafO of Moi'oui-y, It only nuniiroauoft tho nyinptnniu-out' NBW AWi 1'IIOD nofiitlvoly ouroa it for ovor, . YOUNO 0 M1DDLU-Aai3b MAN You'vo lad a uivy liEo.or lndnlKOdlu tho tpllloa. of youth, flolNdhUBU or hitor uxnomtfHiliavo hrolcou down your syrttom. "Vou root the Bymptomn utuiilhief ov0*-* you. Man tally, phyiilimlly mul aoxiially you nre uot tho man you UBOrt to lm or Hliauld en. Luattul. lU'uutlaw i-oap tloh hacvoata, Will you hood tho | tlimgoirulKniilH.' ' , DCMI1CD I Arn yon a victim? Ilavnyrtulofltliopo? Aroyoiiaontomplatlnp: mnrrlnffO?! IlCRU tfl I l[riMyoiu*hliMi(lh(!niiiHiu>iuio(l? lluvayiiuany waaklioflH^ OurNowfilethod] 'ivofttmwjtwlllouroyou. What lthiui dono lot* othorH it will do tor-you. Consultation Prefe. No nnUtor who linn troatml you, wrlto for au Itonoat pploion Freo ot. CntirgoJ lOharticH roanouahlo. Uoakti I'rco "'I'hO tlohlon Monitor" (Uluntratod), on Diseases Qt| Man, Inoloau noatai;o, 2 cmUti. Honied. Tlooit on "DlsunsoH t AVoinon** Froo, tfirHO NAMES USED WITHOUT WltlTTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE, No modlclne Strnl C.0.DJ No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything oontldontlitl. Question list and cott ol Treat. MBtit, FHEC. ,', DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, No 148 SHELBY 3T, DETROlTi MICHiiS m ':-.:' ">y-WLC*jffi \ . " ,lv.',,:.\.&&-'lN^ji^