Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 1, 1897, p. 2

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ill' , J J.JP^ ' I v ' r v '% I' 1^, i >, K*A- W YEAR'S EVE 80NQ. yot, my frhintlu, a mora on* etay-*, till tho good Old year, |u'v companion of our way, c0a hand* and Unvop us hero I Ob, stay, oh, a toy, i little hour and then array I ?heyoar"whoBohopon wor^jiiRhand strong Has now uo boiifrt to wuko, 1 ,y*t ono bour mor.' i*f jmt aud song ^ For hlo fainillar k^.1:,'. ^ Ob, may, oh, i.tny, '. ^Ooo jnlrthfuJ hour untl then ownyl , 3Pho.Mndly your, Mh liberal hnnda 7HUVB laylnWl ull bin Btoro, ' .And b!iui1 wo turn from whore lio stands ' f Ueetuiiio h uivrtM no mom! Oh, Htiiy, oli, Htny, * Ono (jratoful hour nnd thou awuyl Days brlRhtly camo and calmly v/<mt . While yut ho wan our uuHt, Bow ohoorfully too wook wuh ripontl 1 How Bwo*t th novmith dny'H rout I , Oh, utny, oh, iday, Ono goldon ln>w and ilKh uwnyl * Dear frlomb wpro vlth uh, Honiti "who flloop Ilnnooth thnronln lid. Vhafc pluutiuut jiHiuioi-M ,i wo Itoop Of all tliay mild mid dldl Oh, otuy, oh, Htuy, Ono ton dor huur nd then nwayl Even whllo wo uUl' ho HUilbjH hifl Iflfli And louvi-n out: Bphu'n behind. Thn uood old y>ur Ih with tho pant* Oh, bo tlio n*w iiH kind I Oli, utny, oh, uluyl 'Ono parting htrain und thnn away I -William Cullon Bryant, / AT SLUICE CITY. NEW VMAU'a H'l'OUV 1IV J. IIIKPKIIIC TUOKNJE. [Copyright, IBM, by tho Author.] |"Say, boyn, thorn two Itidnditlu't hov Ohrtatmas; bnt, by tluindor, thoy hun ji tor hov iv Now Your", Jcmt; guubo they Jlty'fe Rot no mother's no toiiRon thoy Sould bo counted out of tho dual." "Nowyot-fcalUlur "Hightyou air, Poto." "Thorn's my Houtimontn to n too.*' "ilcon so loiiff nonoo I linowfid wlmt Kew Your'H wiifl I'vo inoflb forgot thin? WnH Booh a thing." "You don't hov tor know. All you wantor do in iov cihip in. " ^Bct ycr lifo I kin do thut. Mofioy Louk tlio hat." "MincMl da" ..Tho crowd of mon linod along tho Htt tho littlo frontier town hud Hoft (0^- \bououth thoir rough oxtorioi:o( Xj v^r " OtJKD 'KJ1 A-CUVIN TtY THIS SIDIi OF TITK BED." id tho hut did not havo to wako a boo- iiid trip to bo comfortably flllnd. In- )6od as tho lunt man throw in hifi con tribution it nmdo a Hum that guaranteed "no slouch of or Now Yoar," as Vank iwkinfl oaid. Tho man at tho ond of Ltfca lino dropped in a Colt 4H, mid in ipqwo*1 to a look of 'nnrpriPd inquiry f'aVod his hand and said, "Bustod." Tho *'two lcidfl" had arrived in tho >wn a month bofovo with thoir worn- it, weary ard, uhwhr oaflily to be Boon, 'lug mother. Sho wan looking, Hho laid, for hor huBband, who had loft hor 'nearly a your before to try to oarvo put la better fortuuo tbuu was tho lot of a Cothodist minintor in a Nmall oaRtoru )WU. ^,'hothor ho had stuck to hifl oallinp >r hi\\\ tried hie hand at more soaulur Vrorkf fijao did nob know, but Hho hud beui'd ihixt ho had started forSluiooOity fiiid had ooino there to Book him. Lifo ttW.ay from him was nothing, who added. Tho dimippointmont ut not finding her husband scorned to Hap what little IroAKth who had left. Tho morning aftor tho arrival ond of Itho'donizenH of Sluico City, passing tho lumblo down cabin in which sho had in- liallod hor-Holf, lioard tho children cry ing. He Btoppod, liHtcnod, mado as if ho /oultl invcBtigato, and then, muttering "It's a ahnmol" panned on. Ho had not ^akeu ten Hteps, though, until ho Bud- <lonly turuod back, and, walking to tho Opon door of tho oabin, peered in. AVhat ho huw mado, him uncover hifi lead and Htnnd staring at tho bed. J Tt^'ro tho littlo woman lay, and it Plod no second glanco to toll Poto tt fiho had pnBHGci boyoud all oarthly FOWH. (ho two little tots wore atnndiiig by Jsido of the bod, crying and calling jtlioir mothor to give thorn Bomothing bat. But that cry failed to roach para ' IMipy v/ovo paot% all mortal lid. * " lump earner in Poto'a throat, ho fallowed hard two or throo times, and ltin, for want of knowing what elfio to >,,(rtvnro Hoftly to himmdf. Po("o'h oxporionco with ohildron had oon limited, and he gazed from tho two liUduon to that Hilentform and back to ie obildrou again. ^Tho contingent who were talcing thoir lorning "fyo openers" at tho bar gasp- fa in ustoniahmemt as Polo.Rtnlkod into pci room with a tear ataiuod baby on arm. ttartin a family?" 'mrcH?" . , fDidu't know you was a marriod WAWaa yon ovor a parson, Poto?" "'^Concluded fcor run up, hov you?" (t;f,to}x' fellers Hbet .up! The little roiacmy.deacL' and these yore two kidfi | left all alone. Founcl 'om a-oryin by 10 aide of the bed,' an hor a-luyin fchoro iff an,cold." \Ato^ awkward silonce foil upon the wrp At' thip, and Poto continued i liV-i-oouple ot(7on|,fellerfl go out Sin dig WW Wve^hile,, IjWfc ' theBe I kids Poto set tho (wo ohildron on the bar and-With.tho help of tbo bRrtndeT| Vit- tiol Jim, RoonTiad them eating heartily oi bxeadandJhilfc.^WlToW^orBot'al * thetr boronvemont.1 ,Afc 8 aud 5 our troubloa aro but sdmmor clouds. . Tho oemp buried the mothor with all the Bolomnlty duo th ocaiiplpn, and BOt np a rough headboard which road: "A Parson'u Wlfo. Hho Uuh Gone Boforo to Blazo thcTrftil." Thou ainico City adopted the two orphans. Pete itiniKtod thut thoy syonld fco under U\n pcrHonal HunorvUiou, and an what Pcto Huid "went" in Blniee Oity the two children frinpt on one nidn of liin cubin and ho on the other. Tho Hwoaring, drinking, Hhooting b!x footer Hhowi'il Lhotn ull tlieenro and goiitlrneHH that any one not n woman could hIiow. He noon Helved tho littlo niVHterios of their cloUum, and it whm u Hight to bring knoiHtnm to tho eyon to hoc the iin- geiH which had boon handier at a pistol trigger or a whiky gluHH fumbling at the buttonH and tttringa while tho object of hit) attentions RorioiiHly imperiled the nig':1; of hii eyes or attempted to doprivo him of a little handful of beard. Many u night ho hud nturtcd up in Win ulenp, griiHping his revolver, at a cry from ono of hiH chargoH, Howus jeulou.i of tho time ho had to bo away from them, and Vitriol Jim, to whom they were intrusted during the day, wan threatened with diro and awful venge ance should any hurm befall them. "One of you follerH, " Raid T< to, "hua got ti r ride over tor TueHonwivh mo tor git tho fixin'sun presents, Wu'iea-goin torclo tliisthing in bangupHlyh1. While wo'ro gone the rout of you kin git the troo an greens an hov 'em ready by the tinio wo git back. We'll start ovor this a'temcon an git hack tovinorrcr. I hate tor Inavn 'em thel- lnn^, but I ain't a-goin tor lot no ono else 'tend tor buyin the things tliet is, of course, onleHM you boys hov homo objection tor mo u-doin H?" No ono hud any objootionH to oft'er, or, if thoy hud, they failod to mention them. Objections, as a rule, wore not made to anything Pete choso to do un less the objector "had tho drop on him," and then it was a risky oxporimont. With tho coutents of tho hat mifoly Htowod away Poto and Indifferent Iko mounted thoir horses aud took the trail for Tucson amid a Rhowor. of parting injunction!) from tho crowd. Tho tree and greens had boon oat ac cording to Peto'B instructions, and tho usual crowd were calcining their in- toriom and discussing what could havo happonod to delay tho two deputies, "Don't think thar'ti any danger of thoir a-blowin in tbo dust anforgitten what thoy wont for, do yon?" ventured one.. "You'd hotter not lot Poto know you mado that remark. You might spend ycr New Your in a warmer climate than thifl." Tho argument that threatened was averted by n yoll from Con Brunnun, who hud been gazing up tho roud. '"Hero comes one on 'em, hell bent fer oloationl" Rushing out into tho road, called by courtesy u street, they saw in the dis- tanoo a horseman bout down ovor his animal'a neck and lashing tho beast furiously. Ah thoy, running, camo up to him ho Btoppod hifl hoi'HO with a jork and away- cd iu tho saddlo. It was Independent Iko, and us ho slipped from his puuting horso into' their arms ho gufiped: "Injuns. Poto'd holdin out down at tho Bowlders. I come aftor you follers. Must save presents for the kids. Git it movo on. I'm afraid I'm for." The last word was not uttered before there was a rush for horsoH, a quick saddling aud quicker mounting and a scoroof men nwoptdown tho roud to tho returno of "tho kids' New Year'a," and, incidentally, Pete. At the font of tho immenno rocks, seemingly dropped there from tho sky and which wero known an tho Bowldern, thore lay a dead horso with bundles and packages tied to his saddle, and above, in an oponing botwoon two of tho rocks, thoro Rhone the long barrels of two six shcoteiH, at tho othor end of which was Poto. A dozen yelling redskins, hideous in war paint, circled around tho flpot, fir ing their guns and making dusbes to ward tho dead borne and his bnndlcfl. Kaoh timothat thoyneared him puffs of smoke would issuo from those two bits of steol and tho Indiana would fuvorvo off again. Three dead braves lying on tho sand wero warnings against too near an approach. "Thoy won't git them thar flxin'B of yours, kids, us long us I km pull trig- Rer," soliloquized Poto. "I wonder if Iko got through. 'Bout timo tho boys was here if he did. I wonder" HiH monologuo was cut nhort by a movement on the part of tho Indians. They had sproad out in a half oirclo, with him as a oontor point, and noW, k* cmcuin aiiound Tine hvot, , ' at a Hhout from tlioir louder, thoy dunned toward hixn, yolling and firing with all their might. " Woll, I cuosh ifc'u goodby, kids; hut I'll joat tako a few of thorn, dovila along with mo for company. Thoy'll wako protty oruinjnta for tho oabin." Ah they oamo within range Poto opened lire. Two dropped, and thoy were checked for a moment; only for u moment, though, and it would havo been goodby for.Pete, When "Whoop! Yi-yi-yi-oopl Qke the devils hell 1" an( ^^W^TCV^TK* UmJNO THE N1SW YKAR oituncfi. In anothor moment tho government pots woro scurrying for thoir livcq nn- dor a hot fusillado from tho revolvers of Sluice City. It was a triumphal procession tint ontored Slnico City with Poto und 11 "Now Yom* fiTin's" at thoir'hoad. They crowded around tiio bur and kept .lim busy supplying their domaudH. Inde pendent Ike, Htrotohed out on a benrh, raiHnrt up on his elbow nnd aimonncrd With omphasis that ho "wa'n't ho badly hurt but what ho could Rtill tako lioker." Tho "lioker" revived him ho that he took a prominent part in tho hot diseus- aion that arose as to whothor "thokids'* Hhould havo tho prosonts unfolded to thorn that night or in the morning. Tho argument ran high and troublo was browing when a noft voice broko in upon their wrangling with: "What is tho trouble, my friends? Maybe X can mako an impartial judge for you. ThiH in not tho time of year for quarrolB between brother men." ' Poto and his companions whirled around and faeed tho Bpeakor who had had tho temerity to interforo in their argument. lie was a small, thin man, with hoi low cheeks, large, blue eyes set far huH; In his head and a clean shaven ILt: "cAy-'YoUHWi::: mi TninKsonni,nui:N"i>s 'Hi a:, .;i.u a yu,i ion?1' wai drowsed in an old, black frock coat, shiny with wear and showing its ago by the bald *-.iotq at tho elbows and along the edpe, alack trou^ets which bugged nt the kiiei'innd hung in fringes around Inn dilapidated i-hoea and a noiulesoript hat that had once been black also, but now showed \^\'(>n from the weather. "Oan you spare mo timo oneugli, friends, to answer a question or two? 1 am looking for a woman and two chil dren, my wife and babicH, whom 1 hoard had come this wny. Canyon give me any information in regard to tbcnr"" Pt'to Rtsirtod forward with an augry light iu Inn eyes as ho thought of tho woman who,hud died aud tbo two chil dren m ho had b"en left holploss on ac count of ibis man' > desertion. But the man's w :r vvi:dH diHiirinod him: "I wiiseuiiing here, but fell ill and lay two long weeks in tho hospital. The flrp.t day I Was able to eit up they hand ed me a letter from my wife, in which she Kuid that she was starting for hero to meet me. I started that vory after noou. h is a long walk from ProBColt hero." "Two hnndred miles, as I'm a fiin- nerl" ejaculated Pcto. "An through tho Injun country toot Give mo yor hand! You're a man, aftor alll" The next mowing the parson mount ed an empty whisky keg, kindly loaned for tho oQcusion by Vitriol Jim. and, turning to his congregation, Wbo/with bared hoads and respectful attention, were grouped around him iu front of tho Huleon, ho spoko, while 'the toar rolled down hia thin eheoks' and drop- Hod on to (.he shiny coat: "My friends I do not know what to say to you >Lho words ohoko mo when I attempt, to cxproan my gratitude aud imlehtiuhiOHH to you, 1^ >I A NEW YEAR'S CHY. tTnin I'lUil Itluhtrr n tlio <*.xll of Ito- ( iimrao. All old man srnnd ICaw Year'H ! niglit in the window nnd lor.kod with i di-ep despair up to tho motionless, ever i beautiful hky and arnund cm tho still, pure, white earth, when upon was there no ono KQ pi rt .;rl d und comfortless as he, for ho was near hu grave. It was covered by the snow of age and not by tho virdnro of youth, and he had brought nothing out of a long, rich life nothing wi'.li him but errors siiw and misery, body, a ruined soul, the bioast full of poison and an old ago of rcmorso. | Ilia fair youth time it turned liko a [ vision to him nnd took him back to the timo when he had htnnd with his father upon tlio branching road of life. The 1 right hand path led into the sunny land of virtue, full oi! light, good fruits and angeh, n wide, still country. To tbo I loft wlis tho underground path of vice, j lending to n black hell, tuJl'of dripping ' poisons, wvilhing Kerpents und dark, stilling steam. Oh, how tho serpents clang to his! Oh, the poison on his tongue! IIu knew well where ho was. Mindless and in inexpressible agony, ho called to heaven: "Oh, give me back my youth again, O Pather! Stand mo on the branching path of life again, thut I may live my lifo over." But his father and bin youth wore gone long ago. Ho saw flrehVfl dancing over tho swamp and exringuished'in tho churchyard, and ho K.iid, "They are as my foolish days." He saw a stur fall from tho sky, shining an it fell, and then vunish in tho earth. "That is I," fluid hiBhlcediug he;ut, and the serpents of remorse mado still largei thoir wounds. Tho flickering phantasms drew tho cuecpiiig Homunmhulifit out on the roof, and the windmill raised its arum threat eningly as if to daj-ii him to pieces, and us his lust hours approached the i-pirits of tho dead cumo from their empty tombs. In Tho midst of thejo terrors suddenly from tho tower camo the New Year's chimes like distant cbuich manic Ho wan deeply moved, and as he looked around the hori^i and over the wide landscape ho thought of his youthful friends, that now, better nnd happier than ho, were teachers of tho world, the fathers of happy children and blessings to mankind, and he said: "Oh, could I also on this ilrst niglit of the your sleep with dry oyes as once I could! Alas, I should now lie happy if I had only fol- j lowed my parents' ti aehinuti and ful filled thoir Now Year'n wi.shes for me!" Tho vision of his lo^t opportunities Camo with fearful clearness hofore him. Ho could sep no more. Unrestrained hifl eyes. A thousand hot tears streamed into tho hiding snow. Ho moaned in despair, "Oh, youth, only come bank como bnok again!" And it came back, for ho had only on tho Now Year's night been dreaming. He was still a young man. Only hiH errors were not a droum. But ho thanked Clod that, while ho was still young, ho could turn from tho pathway of vico into the sunny way of tho pure lind of virtue. apeak thin morniug from the twenty- triul. fifth chapter of Matthew, tho fortieth j verso, 'Wrily I Hay unto yopi Inasmuch ' as ye, hiiv doneiit unto ono of tbo lemit; flf. tUesoi wy hiwireu, y'o have done ik 1 Commit tlio IMblo, It is said in Scotland that thoBO who dosiro to learn what fate or fortune tho nuw year has in store for them may do no by consulting the Bible on Now Year's morning boforo breakfast Tho uiicrod book must bo laid upon a table, mid those who wish to consult it must open it at random' and place a finger upon ono or' othor of tho ehnptorH at which it in opened. This chapter is read and in believed to desoribe in some way tlio bnppinoas or misery during tho on- I will Huing'yoar of tho person making the j>w *.. A WurnhiR, Thoro'fl ono thtmj wo doidro to Hay Without projudleo or bhw If ytm awwur off on NovVeor'B day. Pleas* rsmeuibor Anualaa. > E MARRIAGE LIOENSI^^^^ L, PABK IBSCKIl OF MAItBIAGW U- oonflOB, Blobardnob Blk,, Ebbox, Out,,, MBAltltHTT. ldBUor of Uiin.i^o tjlaon^u CommlflBlouortn 0 .J.,oUi. (lontu, ua JT I). BEAM.AN, iBnuor of Muirlauo tilcoiiBof.. limiiranou naut, NI^htofltoA ut Dwolltnu. TAWJOT BTHEKT, KHHKX UNDERTAKING. I"! 1'IiUMME .It, Uudwtulati Jd l-'urnltn-.- I * Doulcr. Ooftlns, homo und faotory iiinlo from S3 to 15110. MoOi-oKor.Oi** _ ^ARCHITECTS. YOllN A. MA-YOOOK, AUOHITKCT, &fl., Uoom.lO und 11, Vloudnu HuiliU>u;, WtndHoi-, Old Phono illt). SOCIETIES f 0. O. V.-KNTlJIU'UrHK Lodco Ho UlU mluovory Tlnnriidti.y,ovoniii({ ut 7,ne 'IddfollowH Hulf,lntlilvd Htoi-oy Dutirititii i Vtidttnifmoinbin'H if othor lodgon will voo( ' fruUrnal wolaomo. W. 01IATTKHTOJ, 1 OWNTIlAIi KHOAMPMKNT, Ko. HO, met OddfollowH'Hitll,I>uiinUiifii lllouk, on tin '. <vnd third U'tioHdiiy Inoimh month. Viidton i dlully ruQulvnd nfoinburiiof iiubordlniitoh hi thn JurlHdtotlon, tiivlttid to jolt 1IANNAN. 0. P., O.i'MnUi.Ht*. J*HHTCXnHH nHKMW'h M1SKTH KV.r I J I'Ylduy ovcuiii|{ In tlio t'li-niiinn'ii i-onr. tho Ktono buddhiK. Jan. MuMurmv. Cruoi Uobtf l'arUuy, Cnj;tatii; A. llunilmm, Lioutou- [int; P. ntlno, Boorotary; IVd.* Hyatt,Trouuuror pOUBT UOYAL, NO. 012. I. O. F. V^ Mnotii hoooikI fttul rourth Tuoinlav'n In one inonlli la I. o. O. J-1. Hull ut H o'cloolt p. n Vltdthin brothvn will lio fjtvon a friitornaf wcJ como. K. MoCauiiland. C, K W. 0. Sliaw, Hco M.J.Wlfilo.C.U.II. U.K. A' OENTB v/nutlng protltabln omploymont tbironiih tho nuinmor can llml it with uti, an wo havo nowtml Hiiiiidan variutioti o( Nurnory ntoulc und uow Hofid 1'ntatnoii. Halni-y or com mihdlon. Writu uu at onco for torrltory. 1'Kb I1AM NUUbKKY CO., Toronto, Out. 2(M!)t Michigan Cfegrg^ *- Xhts Madura Falls JftovU" OOINO 1UHT taltluo offoat Novombor 29^h, 1DD0. Mail Kip, Kxjj. Acconi Mixed a.m. a.m. a, m. ii.m. a. m. Dotrolt....... r,.2Q Grid O.-iO .j-10 Whulnor.... fi.30 0 &0 10.10 ft.or. n.Wi Pulton....... ooa Maiantonoc .lt) tt.iid 4 HO Ktmox........ c.:iri 7 an io.a& 5.:i7 r.2i. Wuodnluo... (i id fiwi r, ;ia Huiiooiidi ... ll fii fi ti\ fi Tiii (Jomliov. . .. 7 (7 O.Oft (1 10 Ktduutown.. H.'Jil 817 11..11 7 1(1 10.W1 Ilndiipy...... t'M) 7.J1S u.:i!i Ht. Thonmn .5l) 10.00 1.0B H.-10 23 ooino wlht. Mixed p.m. . am. a rn a.iu London......... 1210 f, \h ut, ThornuB... '2 -In fl..'J0 (J'15 C-Ufi Itodnoy..... S!JH 1M 7.10 ltitU;otown..... 1 (j7 Id 20 7.3B il CO rombor......... o.2:i li!,-l!i Huuooinb. B40 0 iKt 110 Woodidoo...... 5W) nil i us Kubox.......... (1.0J 11.31 (ia 300 MaidHtono Cr OH 10.0a 3 20 Pulton .... O'il 1012 UI17 WinilKor........ 0 IS n0ft ic.iU) 100 Untrolt......... 7.10 12.40 10 fiu AinlierHthui'u; I,o^al IViiIiih. WI1HT I-.AfiT [iu. a.m. n ui. iL.m.n.m. p.un n.iis ii.4(i i.:i Khhpx i>.:uj n in is.iin tl 11 ll.WJ 7 10 KdKarn 0 27 3"> 5 10 1121 12,eo 7 17 Ij K A I) It Xing ti.21 HUT 4.C7 ts 2J 12 is 7-sn Moo-ocor 020 ii.'jr, ibb n-iii laa-'i H.10 aordou oos ous U.'lS \i to H.ifl Ambrihtbare u.00 H.oo 4.:t(. AH truinii uro run on central (itaiidard timo, wbioh in idxty nviniiton nlowor than Kiihox time. For information and raton to oolon- iuln moving wont tipply to-John G. Lavon, I'an- Honuor A^ont, Ht. Thomaii. O. W, Itmuiloa, Gon- oral Paniioiif-or and Tiidiot Apont, ChionRO . Ill or A. O. Rtlmorti, Aaont, Knnox. L- Mn A,0. R. Ry. TIMK TAHLIO NO. 22. tablUR oCfoct Monday. Hopt 27,lh0fi. Tnilnnrun by Fatitorn Stand* itnl Timo. uaily oxcopt Sundaj -3 m:3 O 6 'A A M A M O.2.") 12 fit) O.'IJ 12:10 Kan 12 10 tt i: 12 IS o a V It 11:20 11.27 i.:ifl (I.'IO 0 R() 12 fi:i n -it 0 571 Lie (I M 10 02, l.M) (ISO 10 00, 1.110 7.1a 10.10 1 no 7.17 10 271 2.0H 7.27 I0J17 2 Hi 7.^7 10-151 2 50 7.H 10 551 '1.15 7M 11 ill i in K 0 11 2'l i yri rt 17 Btationb. Poji Wiilld'W'lo Ar Walliorvillo June. ....... IVIton..... 'A d A m,a sr r M 0 10] 5.50 7.50 H 7 CI !) I'll 8 G7l 11.2S 4 40 11 !).T 5 08 11 !!! 5 20 11 SO, r> 12 11 S51 ' .55 12 0l| 0 05 mill 6 15 12.1 !>. O.Hl v: M (1 15 11! 113 7.00 P M'.'l*. Jf .....t Oldoantlo. .... t Pit quo t to..... Meftrofior ..... ...} Now Canaau... ... t MniHlUlold ... ..... Harrow ..... .......,t Arnor........ ...... KillRHVillo...... ..... Ullttivcn ...... ... [,f>ftmli>('tmi ... .... Wli'iitliy ..... .. | IlMiwirU . ... .... t oatitwctth ... ... . t (i'-'HWOl/ll..... Mill.........Merlin ......... 8 17!.... , Hiixton....... H hi\..... HundibOii ...... 0()0i...|Ci'ilarK|>rip[!H... (M.7|h)unbHni .Tmict'n 0.12|......Hlunho'iM ...... 0 20, 0:il AT KlflRUtOWii Of-I' e M H.iia' 5 27 5.17 S. 5.0(1 4.4H 1.I1H I 2 l.t.0 :i 45 11.16 2.4(1 l.M i.:w 1 in, 5 in 7 i:o'i2:iol 6ao I'. Ci 1U.81 5 2M 0 IS 12 1 I Bill (i 10 12 (10 fi HI fllH'nilHl OUT 1121 ii.soi fi.m 0 2'l 11-15, 4.5S 0 10 10,15, 4 IS 0 00 11i.M) 1 -l.HG A.M A.M. I*.*.I. ft f:i h 47 B42 b ;io H 20 b 2i2 H 11 H (1 7 51 7 40 7 21 7 IS 7 H) 7'J7 7:s:i 7 i" 7.22 7J7 7 10 7 0:i 0 12 OHO 0.1a li (10 K51 1 Flajj Htiitionu. '1'iaiiin iitop only whoii tboro ilvo piibHruport at or fur thoBO ntntlciiui. Mixorl traiiiit aro at ul timi'fi t<iihjut to bo cuncolltid WM *V'HiT,l,A'Pa\ Oouoviil HiipoyintnnilPQ To Drlvo anywhovo,. if no, 3011 wimt a Good .........r.nd tho pltiooto i;ot it id at JOHN McDOUGALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Sfobtas GoodinoidlorH In nUonilunco Ony and ni[{ht. HORSE-SHOEING lu^tbtn bvanoh ot our buHinonn -wo b rtmt- olaatt Workman and will [min-anton Hatinfaotlon. In Bhooliat Hornon that lotoi-foro, Ovor- llnnoh or havo Ooriiw or Cotitraotod IVot, Womakoa Hpooialty of Hhoolh(( Xtoad aud Traoit HorflOH, ISs- Telephone Ganwtition, DROPSjCUR^D, / TpJtTC UndorfllRiiod iBproparoil tooaaa p,ll nasaa 1 ot Wator niopBy xvboihor of lowr shoyb dorjitlob, Abflohttoly no bbarf/o nnloflEho t>att- ont 1h ontlroly anil normanontly oariV J AftlEB OAMPDHLL, OotUm. Out. ,CHURCH DIRECTORY ;.ta/THopX?T. Dt. Tactic. PMtir, Benlo! flt(oryBundayat 11 a. m. and7 p.m. BabbM fioJiocl afe&30p. pii. O. K. Naylor, HUpArinttlW fiat of Bohool. Kpworth League prayer m^Sn ^D^Bilay evoniUK ntH o'clock. Oopoial piftV| taootinROnTborfldayovefting.. T 1-----------------------------------------------\-^- Ooonoa ov EwobANK Hov, com bout, Bi. Panln, ICbhox, 01yi .0 BetVtof bvory bunday at 7 o'clock, p-.ra Bua.%fl Bobool at 10 a. pi, l'rinitv Ohmrob, North BWl Hi (lay Bobool at l,4Gi>, m. Tho pnbliol are dlally iuvttod. 1'nBHiiTTMitUN. vicoBon Habbatbatllii.ui. and 7 .SO p. m, Bttb* 1 Ontb School at2;30p. m. I'rayor iniatlngand r ' Pautor'rt blblo alaR on Tuomtay at7.30 p. m ' i Hooial Uulonou Wiidiiomliiv at B.lBp, Afi HAi'Tiiir Uiiuiuni. Hov.Rf. P, Campbell, pft- tor. orvlooa oauh Habbath at 11 u. m. aud 7 P- .11. Pruyor mooting on Thumday ovonlnoi at H o'clock. BoatHfroo. Allan) cordially wqM 00)110(1. Uouam CATiloriic Vr. O. K. McQco, Paiitor. Hor/lo*j V(iry othor Hiiuduy ufcH.H0p m. Hnnday dohool at p.m. MAiDFti'nNi*. tllidi maiiH atnl Kormon at 1030 a. in,, outnuhibui itt 2 p. m., baptism at :i p. m.t voHpovlt mid rjoimdlotloi! at 7 p. in. O, fc, M6 doc, V, V. Baiwation Ahmy. Cunt, Hmltb and Idcat, rayton In oomniaud. HulvaLIoii UKMiUnwi Wo&A nouday.Tbnrmlay and Bunday nvniiinua;l'*ru6Qnd' hativ,Saturday uvanlnu and :t p.m. Hunday; toll- injHit nmotln(h /or ohrititliiuii Friday fivoiunuand 11 inn. Hunday; Ktiutt Urlll 7 a All arii woloOnif). m, ovory hunday. LEGAL. Tf A. WIBMKU, IlarrIntiirTRolIoltor,"yoTa"it IJ Piiblio Ao. Monoy to loan. Omcno, Dm htan nioiilc. up-iitahd, Kmiox. Y Ij. riOTKim UarrlHtor, HolioHor, Non tl Publio Manny to Lotwi. Ouio Htmtliorn' Hank. l-Jimox Coulvb. pLAUKK, lUimjV.T & UAUTLKT, HuJ \J torn, otc. OIllooH, aludWiry lilook, WluJ Prlyato funtlii to loan. I A. 11. CiiAiutis, L. L. 11. N. A. lliui'il A. K. llAim^cT, 11. A. HKNItY U. WAIiTKUH,L.Tj.n., Attorney, Counflrdoi? ,ut \ii\t, Boliultor iu Obancl Proctor iu Admlmity,. 1 almiL Holioitoi, Olt _ Nowlienry hulnUm/, our. Chlnwold and Xiarnet titu , Dotroifc, Mich. {Oanadian olufimi aualnst porHonn in the Unttod HtaUinoolloKiid.) Uoforonoofii Im nor hid Hank, Khhox, Out, [ .1. L. Potont, i'.Hij., Jiarrit.tor, oto., Khbox, Out 1'j.A. Wirnnor, Knq. HarriHtor, otc., Khbox, Ont 1 WtEDlCAL. "I^RR. BftIRN tt IimKN.^' ^ .ran. llrion. M. D L. H., O. P. B.. uriullllltofct Qiioon'" Univinfllty, KinRuton, moinbor pf loan of PbyulciniiH and HurooiiH,OutarIo G nato of Now York. Pout Graduato Modi al Oi loco. .1. W. Llrion, M. !)., O. M., V, T. M. 0. firaduatc of Trinity Modtoal Oollofj<i. nraiiiiatfi of Trinity Univornity. Mombt Collijfioof Pnynlolauaand BuriJ0H, Out. uato or Kow Yorlc. Pout (iradUaWMl Collojjo. Oinon ovor I-iimox \fodloal Hall drnj CoiiHiiltation roonii}. botli 011 ({round Uo, llrht llat abovo, Tolophono in both offll rcHlrltirjoo. All eallu aitondod to fromf druf; iitoro, or i-fiddonoo. Itoiddunoo. iitruot, front of fair uroundu. "p\HB McKKNKIU A JKNNEIL O McKiuikIo.'M U. L\ M , Trinity UntJ mimihor of CoIIojnj Fhy,bdanH urnl BdJ Ontario; Grnrlimto of liou Vork i'ot Gi Mmlical Co]ld{,'o; Coroner for thu C01 Rbulx. lloHidonco, Talbut Dtruot, north way, Katiox. J, Kurlo Jonnor.M. O.O, M.. Trinity 1 oity; h. O. V and 8. Ontario; Lie. Itoyal I'nyHluiiiDu. London, Kim,; lnt Boholarel Ooltl Modaliat. Trinity Collurjo, lft3j aol Ilouflo Pliyiiioian and Surftooii, Toronto I Uo.piial und Itaflidont Accouahour 111 Lyinff in Hoapital, Toronto, lflBt. Bpoolal oaiioH ot womun aud chlldron. Hoaldouod latolv occupied by Dr. Do war, Talbot ad.1 Olllco in luiporlnl hank RJook, uroun oppordto nborno'H drn"i(-Htoro^sStffl Wh'iU" !' mH- 'I'^Phouo col with both ofilco nnd ronidonouii. Privl plunio huobutwoon Oyril Punuotto'a he Dan Konncdy'ii houiio and olllco. NiRUt oallci attondod to nt oftlco or rel DENTAL. HP. MAItTIN, D, D. B., L. D. fi < in Donthitry, Itoyal Collofle O-L gurfioonn, Ontario, aud Univondty of ffl ObnrRod.niodorato. OUloo, over Brio* &* drim (itoru, lH-lv T Wn. UICHAKDSON, VEVKBTNAJW^ . GKON. Honorary Rraduatq df Ontc Vutorinary flolltico, Toronto- monibor of tario Voturinary Modicul Boololy; DlnlomlRl Dontlatry; troatfl all dinoimoH of dowoatlct animaln; eiitflu dehorned by tho latest imwrl Loavitt clipper Guild by telephone (U-aph promptly attended to. itoaldi doom oant of i-rint mill; offioo In buildinu; Inlimiary. dhtotly opposli LAND SURVEYj TAMKB B. LAIItD, I'rovlnoij ff und County liiiifiluoor, I'J Oliloo, Dunatan Block, upntaj, AUCTIONEERS :/ HENIty HKBUICK, Auetlonoor. flj promptly nttondnd to. Addrend Woodideu, Out. PornotiH deidrliiKt" m*ouL may lonvo word at tho I'ihik Pmcr-rf llk^ tf II. Hl-IDXIIOK DBIKfLAin, LtUKJHBKD AU0TIONJBEB tor tho County of 1'Ihhox. Itiuliltof l'Jitihth Diviidon Court. All kludu of Farm and other Salon onnducted promptly. Katun roa^onable and furnihliiMl on anplioution. Kuriuirorii may', upnly at W. D. lltiamairnndico. or at the oflh of Diviidon Court Cltrli,lit. John Mlluo ICIIN OOItMLKV. if LTCl'.NBICP AUGTIONKKTI for tho Comity of ICmiox. All lcindu of luriil Htock BltloH, Oto., conducted promptly and on uliort notloo, Itatea voficoi-ublo pornoiiH dnnlrablo to arrange naloa may In bo by calHiirjac thn Fhkw PukhiJ ofiloo or by applying to ' 4 J. GOItMI/EY, P. O. Hox 161 KBHox.'Ont. I^HAKK MaCLOBKKY, MaidBtOeo.Hhirty- V mivon yoarn' oxporionco iu (iu aiiotl<*uflftrni thoOomity />f Khhox Haled conducted pr'omptlW aud on muHonublo tovma. ParUod deulrln^E W (U tho dnto Tor a Halo can Havo tbomolvof a drWo by rallinilat the 1'hkm Pumhh oflico. Wo lllivo anariftod With Mr, MeOloukoy and will fix tho datoH for Hulmhy U'loj>ruph,ontlrly froe of all oharHo 10 tlm pori.ou holding tho nalo. Ad- dvotiB Frank MofJlo(ikoViMaidBtuuocron8,Oat 10B .'?. *sA BAKER 1 Mi-1 i 1 iV'l TTTKoldout buniiK'ttit iu town. Hutablishfe 187(1. Flrnb-otaiiB broad and cafcos of at umdH. Woddin((oakiiBaapoelallty, Urooenea ^ nroviHlouH, Hour, fond, wait and pork. Ooulflo* uonorv.nrookory.rdiiBHwai.'. CannedirultBattd'a','?, vopjetabluwor all lcindu, GoodH promptly de '(V>| llvorod toall partaof tbo town. J, M. HftJKBv\&l loi-tr ., >-<m LAND AND LOAN AOENTS GFiOKGFi ,1. THOMAK, Convcyimonr, CoWflTi uilHmonor, lu flipsh Cotiri of Justice; dentttu In ttoal KHtatc and MortRtigtm. MoDoy to 10^ at the lowont rate of Interest. Parma dc aud Hold, Innuranoe takon in tbo pioetrel aouipinjiuu. Orawlnr^of deeds, uiortaogei lettBoe a uppelaltv, (Ihar^oa ttioderate andX, bUBlnoHH promptlv utterulnd to. Call Al^ibcl Oontral Tlenboll(, oftto<,' H)GBexCIaatre.',ni4yl ------------------------- ',',J,iSl Plaoo In the "world for young W*m nnd womou fco seoure a.BpBn' F.ducattnn;Hhorthaqd,eto;ii Dotroit llufdnefiii UulvorflItv;_Q Irolt.Mloh IlmBbrfttedoaWtf- Free. Koforonom; All Pf' F. JEWELL Pre*- P. B. BP13N0HB, Best |U."i^ ' - iwi^A'^^-^d n>r> . 1 1, '^

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