'A MSJL ft- * D. ANDERSON & Go. BANKERS F;t '-Agents for The Royal, K'1 who Guardian and Ifae" Lancashire, Tho br fltliiflurnnoo Oouipanloaiu the world. fcV' Wo make Hpoolalty of TnaurluB Farm Vro- jjj?V' Money to Loan at 0 and BK per oont. ou Farm f^i Proporty. Farmers Itisut a\oio itt Good Jtehttbie Companies. ftJB NOTICE. All Accounts duo Iho Into firm of Diiri. Dkwah A McjKknzw aro paynblo to Dit. DirwAit, Wind sor. A prompt sottlomonfc in requested. Kf The Essex Free Press, BRETT A AULD, PROPRIETORS. iiilDAX .TAN TJ ABY 1, 1807. Town and Vicinity. 1807. Vol. xm, No. 1. A Happy Now Yonr. J off woollen bliinkaw at Smith'n, Look out for tlioao ood ronolutionn you have frumod. I off on Hilton* and ^ontu' nndorwoar at Hmitli'H. Unvfl your wntahen ropairocl at Ovgug' 10 now joivolor. '19 it ^Krlotihott'n boan ooutCRfc will not olono kill Jan. alnt, 1807. [. 0, Thornton and family, of Detroit, B^t< Xraaa with fnondH m town. Aa\\ M.JohuBton hna hoou viaitiuc with , J?fy*H hi Buttlo Crook, Mich. ^'jj*';ii0 Wnlkorvillo Ilorald han bcou sold oaty a joint atnok company. OuVloa Ounltor. of Dotroit, apont )v!nmTiin ft Po.itmuBtor Kufih'n. Wnj. VoHpor hurt rofcnrnod to Dotroit orri vin liny in town with bin parontn, W. H. Hiahnrdnon and wifo loft on Saturday hint for Dotroit to vim't rclativcii jr u U- v day if. Khhox nieVchfuiU aro uuanimonn in tlioir ktiHfactiou or tho Chrwtmaii trado which ; pronouuood to bo tho bout in yoarrf. J3. A. Wimnor, wifo and dauRhtorFloBHio and 0. CratiHwellor and wifo woro (juoutH of Dr. P, A. Dowar'R family in Windsor on ObriBtman. At tho Baptiflt Knnday School ontor. tainmont hint wook among tho prononta on tho troo wan a receipt for tcuoB on her property ouoloHod in au onvolcpo to Mm, QyO'j tfouuj;, ho amount, 11, having aon Btibfiorihod by friondo. Workmen havo hoon on(*n^i'd tlio pant wook nr two Hotting tho foundation ready on which to erect tho dorriok for tho ^rb well. Tho wull will bo mult on tho anhory property near C, E. Nuylor'n mill, and it id that work will bo corcmoncod GliriHtmafrvinitorfl in town wero fFrank and Goor^o Wat torn of dth their parontn; J. N. Juckoou ind wifo, of Df-troit, at K. R. Brett'B, ktarry Piorfionof Dolroit ; Culia Itcno, of io Detroit Biihinofni Colle^o, at her fathor'n. MiHh B. V. Stewart hao boon on a visit at tho Iioiqpei of tho Menurn Nuylor in town. Mihii Btowttrt ban resigned her ^Hition iui touolimj* of tlio third diviHion tho Amhornthur^ Public Scnool uutl \\nn May Botford liaii been cngutjed oh nt BUOOQHHOr. [Tlio annual-Clirihtmaa Trop otitortam- mt in Graoo Mathociiot C'hmoh on iridttnan night wan wull attondoj and ailiHt an ding that tho ohildren of tho School wero admitted free tlw En nmountod Jo ftl'X Tlio cantata Ph taken part in by a inrge number of luudiiy Hobool aoholartj, who acquitted iihem'iolvurf well. Tho Board of Management of tlio Pub lia Library have arrungod for eutuitain- lonttt ou tho follo'sVing Friday ovowugH ntl-thiHjjjjifjlj notice ih yivuu m tho hupo ihat all friomlH of tho Libraiy and th- litizoijH gonofally will da thoir boHt to plan hfioir own aooialf ohnroh or pnblio gathor- It'fl na to avoid obif-lnnj; with tliom: -Ja'i pth, Convonltuiono; Fob. ."th, Mtiflic, jading rooltiitlorja and luilf hour locturo, [ob. ilOtl), a Violorniu ovoniii^j; in commom ktion of tho oxooptionally long ioigii of |er Majouty, tho Qaoou. We havo all read or hoard about Juck |e Blppor and tho oxoitomont it oietitod [roDgbout tho wholo world but we mi^h' [y riht boio that tho Town of Emjhx jHflHHeHif not lii equal it oortaiuly in >&uhO ho in too hig a coward to tauhlu Imao buiuga awl couKOfjuontly routii Inn [aerabla nature upon poor dumb biutop. class tho party in tho malo oox an we jild hardly oonooivo of a fomalo bointf no [el and hardenod. A numbor of ottizaiio ^igninotl thoir willin^noHH to proho loorablo oroaturo out. Tho dangor t onlv Ho in tho poinoning of dogs my tirao our children miglit piak kinfernal ntufY; ita*aboub||timQ noiiiu. *a done itf regard to tlua mattor, mtJomuD of our town bad a valuablo iBemard treated to poluon Baturday urifi but the poor brute happened to jo^Uaore intelligence than hia enemy hjpm homo to his mautcr who at onao [Jed tlw ' nuoeuHftry romodios thoroby Itoad Wiloox & Brown's advt. J 00 on oaon and boya' winter oapa from 8Uo. up, at Smiths, Misa May Wigle ia on a two woeka' visit ripfht. with frionda in Detroit. Read Smith's ad. for bargaina in oyer- Hons on Monday next. coatfl and ladies' oo&tfl. Mrs. B, -T. Wintor, of Walkervine' viHJting rolntiyoa In town. Miss Annio Quino, of Windsor, vifl- ) itod friondu in town last wook. Herbert Oollvor, of IKatorford, io tho Mantor Howard Garduor ib a vlaitor in guost of his oouaiu, Mark DoCow. Jjwumln^ton with relatiVoH. IClootorH, whilo you look bo happy loavo Ohristraaa from M, J. Wiglo & Oo. your faooH with KrioghoH, Pholo, Ehbox. An old provorb Hayn if loo will bear man hoforo OhrifltmaH it will not bear mouno aftorwari, Mrs. II. M. l'1nul ia sponding a ooupl o months with frionda and rolativos near Saturday Inst. Tho game of baakct ball has hoon a added to tho aporta at tho High School. Hobort Mackenzie, of Warwick, a brothor of tho late Dr. Goo. Mackenzie, f wan a vinitor in town on tfliday and Bellovillo, Out. Ohurles Wo-Horaaud wifo, of Northvlllo Mich., Hponfc Ohristmas in town at Tow Clorka Walter*)'. MIuh IIouho and W. D. Boattlo'fl throo Tho Month window of M, .7. Wiirlo A Co.'HBtoioiH illlod wiili an elofcunt ort- n Hortmont of premium goodn, which thoy aro Kivin^ away. Mjsh Mag^io Wallace hau Hovorcd children havo gone to Petrolia to Bpond uor oonnection with tho Toronto toaoh- OhrintmiiH vaoatiou, "-.............. K "' i-jiiw -.. ........---------------> ...... M*h. Jam oh A. Hiakn ontortained a 0Vor, and will oontinuo hor HtudloH at number of lady frionda at toa yeniordity t|10 Medical College thoro. (Thumday) aftoinoon. Dofceotivo Hoonan Htatou that two Tho ludioH of Kimox will bo prepared to r0Und trip tiekotH from (it. ThomiiH to "" "'"'"........"""..... '": XY..... jjJhhox, viiiM.O.It., havo boon found in St. ThomiiH. They wero pmohanod by a gentleman about HO yonrH of ago aud u younff lady coming to Ehhdx on Thurs day, Docombor 24th. Eor ovorcoulH, nlHtorfl and muta, M. J. Wiglo A- Oo. loud tho trado. A uunibor of young ladioa iu town in vited thoirgonlIonian friondiitoaHloigh- ing party on Saturday night. After a father, Goorgo jfalmor, who i very ill. ploftfumt ri(lo of abont flftoon milou thoy Minn Duiny MoEwun gavo a party to a 0(lo(1 to tho llomo of Mr. and number of hor young fr.ondo on Monday MftvV DoCow, who flhnporonort fcho roaoivo thoir goiitlomou frionda on Now Yoar'n day, a formerly, from 1 to 6. Jamou WilKnuion and family, of Detroit, and Mm. W. Dornan, of Windoor, npont ChriBtmiui ab S. J. WilkinHon'n. For ludiou and ohildron get Woiitgato ovor-ntookingfi, warmer and noator than ovor uhooa. G. E, Smith A Go J. .7. Tnlmor has boon iu ColohcHtor bouth attondod at tho bodaido of hiH father, Goorgo Fulmar, who in very ill. young friondo on Monday ovomng at which a vor> onjoyablo time wan had. EntorpriHo Lodgo, I, O. 0. F., olootod oiuocrii lant (Tiiuraday) ovcninf,'. Inntalla. tation will talco plaoo on Thuntilay ovon- ing, January 11th* itliua Mary Iliolto, of Pvidgotowu, iu spending a fow wooltti in town with rola- tr/oH and fitondfi. Sho in accompanied by her fiiBtor, Mrs. Mltton, of Rid^otown. A. T. Lmng, of tho nohool of Practical Soionca, Toronto ; Goorco Laing, of Lorr-- don, and JameuLaing, of Grand Rapidfl, Mich., aro iu town for Now Yours. O. J. Ga'rduor rocoivod tho cow that mrayod from bio placo on Docombor 6th, on Monday laot in Gonfiold North near Cot turn. Tho notioo in tho Fiikk Pniiun did tho work, An arrangomont han boon arrived ab betwoou tho M. C. B. and tho oicy counoil of HfcrThomau by wliich tho railway com pany will pay 8-1,760 a yoar in taxes to tho city for tho next fifteen yoaru. Christmas Day, Friday lant,waj an ideal day for Gbriutmaa. Thoro wao jaHt enough snow for good sleighing, tho woatbor wan cold but not bitterly so and tho nun oarno out to lood hrightuoaa to tho boot of all days ot tho yoar. A number, of ladioa and gontlomon from town Huprised Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc- Ewau on Tuoiiday night, and (ipont tho ovomng thoro in garaon, oto. Tho ladies brought rofroHhmontH which woro nerved about midmtjhc. Richard Wightman, of Adrian, Mioh,, visited tho pant wook for a fow days with tho family of hin brothor, G. E. Wight- man. Mrs Uichiiid Wig h tin an, who has been in Huron Couuty for oorao montli/i pnht, aluo viHiiod hero. A mooting will bo hold in Diobel & Bnulior'n lliill, on Friday ovomng, Jan- onry 8th. at 8 p. m. for the purposo of tak ing ntopH to iorm an Ainatour Atb]e*ia Auiiouiatiou in town. All mtorctitod in tho mutter are requcutod to attend. R. T'lto, thin week, cut up a 6-monthn- uld heifor that weighed CoO pouudu. Tho tiiiiiial was purchased from Jaiuua Hhop- p id, of Gonfiold Noith, and wan got fur tho holiday trado, being hung up iu Mr. Tate's butcher simp for exhibition tho pant week J E. Stone went to Woodstock WodneB- day night to meet florae of the gonurul aguuta of tho MabHoy-Horna Mfg. Co., m coriflultation over tlio Kind of wagon wlnoh that tirm will awuiufacturo in that oity. The company nolecLod but two of their local UL'outH to coiiHiilt with tho gouoial agontH over tho matter. Martin Wright, WoHt MaoLood, N.'W.T., uirenuwing HubHcnptioii for 1897, writes tlntt they liavo had a month's spoil of bud wuilhpr there with two foot of snow but the chiuook winds hayo molted tho cnuow and they aro enjoying tmlojdid weather now, which raako tho ranohorn of Houth eiu Alborta rojoiao. All that in lacking there aro capital and railway faoihtioH. Her hurt D. Ward, tho uovohflt and husband of Elizabeth Stuart PhulpH Ward, has written a now novel, which will bu liotion foaturo of Tho Ladioa' IIemu Journal during 1807. It in a hummous Htory and ban the iiuiqua title of "Tho Burglar Who Moved FaradiHO." It in a Hoquol to Mm. Ward's "Au Old Maid'fl Paradinu." the hanhaud taking np iho pmi where Minn Phoipn had naturally to put it down whan oho beoamo Mru. Ward. M. Gonuoll; Itoooivnr, Win. Laing ; Ovoi floor,1vl.H.HaU!Fh.ancior Tlion Rush; v M, p|t||mn Hol Recorder, J, F. McQueen ; I. W tv n i. ,\* nr tt i > MiHHionB. rraiuo and pray Gallaugor; JO. W., H,,;ry RhyndroHn; ulUa|l(J|1 md for ueUyr Babbmli ob- Guide, W. G. Wyman; Trustees, W. 0. h Dixon and R, Porkina; ReproHontativo to GmnU Lodge, Win. Itiddiok; Altornuto, ant. ' r Konew now for 1807. Read tho Fiibk Iiiehs olubbintrrateB. M. J. Wiglo & Oo. do the flhoo trade Municipal and Oonnty Oouncil oloo- Oet your fruita, nuta and oandiofl for ing Htaff. Sho iH Htill in Toronto, how- party, and ihorc panned tlio romaining hours* until midnight with gamoH and music. No ongfigomoutn aro announced afl yet. On Saturday morning lant, Mr. Parkhill, employed in W. H. "Richnvd- hou'b hardware Htoro, noticod that bin largo and valuablo St. Bernard dog wan Hick and suspecting poison of nomo kind at onco admiuistorod omoticH, -with good roHultfl. Ilia annpioionfi provod correct bui who tho guilty onoiB oannot ho ancortainod. Tt nppoarfi that ovory onco in a wliilo aomo canino in tho town in given a done of poifion and usually the bont dogfi aro aolocted at( tho objoot of tho fiend's wrath. M. .7. Wiglo Sr Co. tnnko a Rpoemlty of mon'R furnishinga; call and roo thorn. Hugh McSwoen, of Lonmiugton, lias taken ohargo of tho Balfonr memorial fund. Ho will nrrango for tho disposal of tho portraits of tho late Hon. IK. D. Balfour, under tho direction of tho committee. Ho will appoint agontn throughout tho county to whom 'liberal commiflflionR will bo allowed. Tho fund will bo placed to tho ciodit of Mrs. Bal four Tho eoramittoo havo nnangod for lithogrnphfl at SI.25 and crayon por traits at 3.50. Thoy have also arranged for frames at about #1.25 each. Ab Stanley Cnmpboll witR driving An- derson'R delivery rig near Naylor'B mill Tuesday morning, tho horBo beoamo frightened and began to run. Tho cut- tor was uppofc and its occupant thrown out. Tho Bha-fti snappod Ioobo and tho horHo Htartcd down the truck jumping over tho cow fenders and running like mad. Tt was not stopped until it reach ed Edgar's Mills, a distance of three miles. Tho wonder is how it ever got over all tho cow fendora. Tho cutter was smashed but no one was injured. The dceifiion of V. M. Beaman in tho case against Joseph Cave, of tho Amer ican FEouso, last wook,for soiling liquor without a license was S.'tO. and costB amounting in all to $!*, or DO days in tho County Gaol. As tho flue was not paid, tho Magistrate insuod a warrant to commit Cave to gaol and Constable Sibhou left ou Thursday morning of last wook with tho prisoner "When thoy got to .WindHor, Cavo, -who is but 10 yoars of ago, made an oxoubq to go into hifl grandmother's to got the money with which to pay his iluo and mado his escapo, no doubt, to tho other side of tho rivor. Ho has not boon captuvod yot. Xow raisins, currnntfl, figfl, dates, pools, walnuts, almonds, etc., at M. J. Wiglo & Co.'s. Tho Weukof Pinj^rV* ArrungnmoutH huvo bi'un made for union- hitmo-i tluriUL; tho wi-olc of prayer Tho fol'nwing is the progiam ; Monday, at tho MrthoilinL chinch. Ad druHHCM by the ltovr*. Mci^rn. B"Vorli-y luid Fleming. Subject : TliankKgiving, Uu mdiation and Conf-mmon 'of hiii. TiuiHiJay, Church of Eiit'laud. Addn'HH by the Row. Dr. Fasoon, Sub]ot: The Church Uiuverwal, 1'rayor (oi wholo ohm oh. Werlnoidav, Fresbvtcrian church. Ad- drofs by the H*v. M. P. Campbell. Sub- jiot:~ Nations oid Thuir Rnlern. Fruyer or all who aie m authority, ddronH by Minsioiiu. _ or for Ma- lommudann and Uouthen. ( 'riday, Motliodlst church. AddrowH by Hubjoot:' Tlorao or for homo Borvunoo. The mootlngfi oommenon at 8 o'clock. W. a Wyman ; Auditor,.. J P. M0Quu ghown w|, b(J ,tB Hnu ul) Hi tho ullton MuHflra ItoqiuBou and GosnII ontertaiurtd _-------------:------- tbo members tp oyHt'oro at Vauca'd restaur Choice etlfl&r cured huma, l3o* lb., at Smith's. Try ouo. u. iMdm&'JA'A i ,!V ., ' Hohoola ro-opon on Monday next, Brltton T. Day. of Olevolaud, O., wai in town on basirieao on Tuesday. The Poleo Island mail is takon to tho Island by way bf Ijoaniington. Mi a a Bermoo Rush roturnod home on Monday from a fow dayo' viHit with ro- IiitlvoH in Windsor. 2 cabinet Xkhoton at Kriogbofi*H gallory for 50o. and a freo guosa afc tho hoanni good until Jan. 91st, 1697. MIbh Kent, of tho High School utaff, is spending Ohr'stmas vacation at tho homo of hor parontn In Foreot. Mm, Alfred Daykhi, of Regina, N. W. T., ia vinitlng in Loamington, with her oiHtor, Mrs.'W. A. Gardner. Roy. Mr. Tm Iilyck, ICpiscopul alurfiy- ruun at Oomhor, baa moved to Loudon, and Rev. Mr. Wcstguto, of Wutford, Hiioaoods him. Oolin Maodonald, of 11}o firm of Bartlot A Maodonald, of Windsor, hailed from Now York for IBuropo on Haturday last ou his Homi-iumual rnirohiuun^ trip. Owiu^ to tho laf(( nuinbor of pnsuoniiors gointt in to AmhomLburtt on Ohimtmas ICvo it wan noooossary to put an oiitra coach on tho AmliorHtbur^ train thai overl ing. Mins Lou Green way has roturnod homo from a- month's yisil with relatives m Do. fcroit. Mrs. W. Groonwuy, who was also in Dotroit owing to tlis illnoHii and death of hor grandchild, has aluo rotururul homo. Dr. A. S. Boott, of Owohho, Mioh., pont ChriBtmiui at tho homo of John Uopyood in town and on bin rturn to Owohho, on Saturday took his daughter, who had boon VitdtinK bur (jrandparontH, hsok with him. Mm A. Wilcox, of Amhnratburg, spenti ChriHtmaH Evo in town with hor uou, Alox. .7., who with bin wifo aouompaniod hor buck to tho 'bur^ Chrintmuu morning to upend tho day thoro with rolativon. Mr. and Mrs. G-. IS, Wightman colo- biatod thoir china wedding on Monday, tho 28th inst., nud woio visitod by frionda from Huron, Blythoswood, IKalkorvillo and Adrian, Mich. Thoy rooeivod a fino china tea sot and othor articles ouitablo for tho ocoaflion from thoir frionda. Allow mo through your columns to unit an explanation ofonroounoil why thoy in thoir financial statement claim that tho a^Hotn over habihtieo aro ^10,100.89 and still keep raising tho uunal amount of taxou. Cor BBTTO. Mrs. Woldon, ur., in improving. Mrs. Wm. Trimble has hoon tlanfioroaB- ly ill. John Undorwood intonds moying to Windsor. Jafl.Crait; has boon on a vitut to hia family horo. D. Trimble ocoupiod tho pulpit horo on Sunday last. Urn. (Dr.) E. Rodtl, of Dotroit, apont Chrintmas iu Go*do. Tho Rov. Mr. Kennedy vinitod his father on Christmaa day. Minn "Riitolla AloLanghhn bus boon hired to touch tho sohool in Canaan. Minn Ea toll a Wluto ban ^ono on a vinit to her mothor at Klmstoud, W. llomo, of Windsor, spont Chrianmo day with his parents horo. Mr. and Mm. Baicor, sr., opoat Chnat- man with thoir hod at Lonmui^on, Mntti Adolla Rodd lins ^ono on a vimt to her sinter, ftlra. Auatin, at Klrantoad. Lawyor Rodd, of Windoor, dinod with his parunto in Geato on Chnatmao day. W. Blight, with bin family, spent Christmas with J. E. Btouo, of Earo'c. Mr. and Mrs. Austin, of Elmstoad, spent ChriHtmai with thoir parontn in Gosto. Ilurry M^cGro^or and Ed. Finn, who havo boon employed for somo months at Sandwich, havo ruturned homo. Births, Bniynr-In Ehhok, on Christmau Friday, Ditcamber 25th, to \lv. and Mrs. It, R. Bratt, of tho Eusist "Farn; Phiih-i, a sou. Laino In Es3x, on Monday, Decombor yyth, to Mr. and MrH. John Lnin, a lion. Evkmnoiiam At Faquottu Station, on Monday, Docombor 29th, to Mr. and Mis. Wm. Evormgham, a daughter. GiutAm> - At Camp Pulmor, on Monday, Dccnmbor 2Bth, to Mr. and Mis. Putor Gorard, a son. Cox In Colohostec NorLh, on Saturday, Dt comber liCth, to Mr, and Mrs. Jus. Cox, a son, Siickt In Esnfx, on Thuniday, Bocetn- bor Illht, to Mr. aud Mrs. John Staooy, a Hon, still-horn. WiiKiirr -At iho General HoHpitu], Modi- emu llat.N, W. T., on Nnvotnhoi 10th, 181)0, to M-f. and Mib. Martin Wright, a daii^htur 'till horn. IVIiiri'tn^CH. WioiiB AtGraod K'ipidH, Mioh., on Mouday, JDooembor 2lHt. by Rov. Mr. Brady, Dolbort M. Wiglo, of Grand R ipi Ih, to Ada, duughbov of tho lato Charles Bnaht, of Tqrouto. Mmnnuoli In Kmtjnvillo, on Tikis- duy, Doo. 22nd, hy tho Kov. Dr. MoHd of Riitliven, Mi*. L^roy Middnugh, of Olovohuid, Ohio, !ct Miim Cooolia Loop, dauuhtor of Mr. Ira Loop, of ICings- villo. TwijOH At Eolith Woodaloo, on Wednesday, Doocmber UUrd, by Rov W. AyroH, Mr. Walter Taylor to Mmh Emrna Mclutocr, both of South WoodHloo, Bxi.tm:r -Manwsv At tho aroimlouoo of Himwol Baluor, North Kid^e o-n GliriutmiiH Day, Friday, DnoH^jbor 2fith, by Rov. W. IT. Shaw, Mr- Alfn-d (Balt-aar, of Oobfivh) Honth, to Misa ^Jeunio Manloy, of North Rul^o. X>tkiihom At tho Methodist ParHonago, Rnthvon, WodnoKday.Doo. 28rd, by tbo Rov. Dr. Modd, Mr. lUymor PbtorBOii to Mum Lela M. I*u*lford, both of Gosiiold South. Hiokmott On Wednesday Deo. 23rd, at tho Paraonaco, Ruthveu, by the Rev. E. Modd, Pn D Mr. Jsnon Hiokmott to MIhb Amelia Stock- woll.all ofGoatielu, Stock=Takinp; SALE <*" '",*^ In order to Reduce our Winterfe! Stock of Ladies' Coats, Men's1 and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, J we will make the following" Re ductions. Choice of Ladies' Coats AT HALF PRICE. Over-Coats for Men Rodncod from Regular Prions to about half suoh aa thi- Bogular $5.60 lino for $.(J,75 ; regular SO and $fl.C0 lint for S'J.05 ; $fl lino for 8C.25 ; $Jd for $7.23 -Thin is a apocial line, Bo>h* Hoiivy Ooatu the boat tinap in towu. Men's Suits ro^ular $5 lino, lor 9,25. Regular $7 and $8 lino for fefiO ; 10 and 12 hue lor $8.75. Men's Suits regular $5 line tor $3.26. Regular $7 and $8 line for $5.50 ; $10 and $12 line for $8.75. A Boys1 Suits Heavy Tweed line, from $1.65^ up all at special prices. Don't Let This Opportunity slip -it is the best chance^- to save money ever offered in Essex* 'j All cut prices spot cash. &c WIUTNiCY I1JLOCK, 13SSJGX. r-M Auction Sal There will be sold by Public Auction, at y CAriPxPALMER; Township of Colchester North, on Jj At 10 O'Clock, a.m., Sharp, 250,000 Feet Maple, Ash, Oak, Elm, Sycamore ^ and Cottonwood, V Also All Kinds of Bridge Plank, besides a,, .' Quantity of Good Fencing. ,$q _____________, "lS M ** < + V< Crklrl As the Proprietor is Closin*,'4 I 1USX DC rSUlU Out his Entire Stocks 7|| TERMS : All sums of' $10 ;md under, Cash ; over .^hat'^ amount Six months' Credit allowed on t'urniHhing approveplU joint notes. 8 per cent, off for cash. For furthfir particulars apply to W. MARK Oe THUS CLARK, Auctioneer. i 'i i r